6.2.1 Unit Testing: University of 40
6.2.1 Unit Testing: University of 40
6.2.1 Unit Testing: University of 40
6.1 Introduction
System testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the system
works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital to the
success of the system. Testing is the process of executing a program with the explicit
intention of finding errors that is making the program fail. The tester may analysts,
programmer or a specialist trained for software testing, is actually trying to make the
program fail. Analysts know that an effective testing program does not guarantee system
reliability. Therefore reliability must be designed into the system.
In unit testing we have to test the programs making up the system. For this reason unit
testing is sometimes called as the Program testing. The software units in a system are
modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to perform a specific function.
Unit testing focuses first on modules, independently of one another, to locate errors. This
enables, to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained within the module alone.
Unit testing can be performed from the bottom up, starting with the lowest level modules
and proceeding one at a time. Unit testing is done for each module in online Self-Testing
System. This ensures that the value we enter match with the data type and within the
specified limits.
University of Education 40
Online Rent A Car
Data can be lost across any interface, one module can have an adverse effect on another,
sub functions when combined, may not produce the desired major functions. Integration
testing is a systematic testing for conducting tests to uncover errors associated within the
Interface. The objective is to take unit tested modules and build a program structure. All the
modules are combined and tested as a whole. Here correction is difficult because the vast
expenses of the entire program complicate the isolation of causes. Thus in the integration
testing step, all the errors are corrected for the next testing steps. In Online Self-Testing
each module is integrated and tested. This testing provides the assurance that the
application is well integrated functional unit with smooth transition of data.
In validation testing if user wants to enter the numeric value he can only enter the numeric
value not the text value. For e.g.: in phone number field user can only enter numeric value
to it. The system is user friendly with user guide and messages to explain further
procedures. An attempt has been made to perfect the process by incorporating validation at
each level.
Acceptance testing or user testing is the final testing procedure in Information System.
Users will be actively involved in testing of Management System to ensure that it meets
their requirements.
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A test case in software engineering is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester
will determine whether an application or software system is working correctly or not. The
mechanism for determining whether a software program or system has passed or failed
such a test is known as a test oracle. In some settings, an oracle could be a requirement or
use case, while in others it could be a heuristic. It may take many test cases to determine
that a software program or system is considered sufficiently scrutinized to be released. Test
cases are often referred to as test scripts, particularly when written. Written test cases are
usually collected into test suites. After Deployment there is an important phase to test some
of the important use cases these are known as test cases these all are given from next page
In which test Admin add new Cars with Image and Name and all details. The test
description is as follows:
Test Description: “User click on Manu bar add button to open the form, and then enters
the required details, program contacts with the database, database updates and sends
result to the user”.
Test Environment: Microsoft SQL Server must be in running state, Database Should
contain appropriate table
Test Setup/Pre-Conditions: Microsoft SQL server should be in running state. The user
must have to select one of the options
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The admin will add the records to the Displays “add Cars Successfully”.
In which test Admin update Cars with Image and Name and all details. The test description
is as follows:
Test Objective: For Update Cars with Name and Other details
Test Description: “User click on Manu bar add button to open the form, and then enters
the required details, program contacts with the database, database updates and sends
result to the user”.
Test Environment: Microsoft SQL server must be in running state, Database Should
contain appropriate table
Test Setup/Pre-Conditions: Microsoft SQL server should be in running state. The user
must have to select one of the options.
The admin will add the records to the Displays “Cars Updated”.
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In which test Admin delete Cars with all details. The test description is as follows:
Test Description: “User click on Manu bar add button to open the form, and then enters
the required details, program contacts with the database, database updates and sends result to the
Test Environment: Microsoft SQL server must be in running state, Database Should
contain appropriate table.
Test Setup/Pre-Conditions: Microsoft SQL server should be in running state. The user
must have to select one of the options.
The admin will add the records to the Displays “Cars Deleted Successfully”.
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In which test Admin, User View all Cars with details. The test description is as follows:
Test Description: “User click on Manu bar add button to open the form, and then enters
the required details, program contacts with the database, database updates and sends result to the
Test Environment: Microsoft SQL server must be in running state, Database Should
contain appropriate table.
Test Setup/Pre-Conditions: Microsoft SQL server should be in running state. The user
must have to select one of the options.
The admin will add the records to the Displays “Cars List”.
University of Education 45
Online Rent A Car
In which test Admin, User View and approved shipment with details. The test description is
as follows:
Test Description: “User click on Manu bar add button to open the form, and then
enters the required details, program contacts with the database, database updates and sends
result to the user”.
Test Environment: Microsoft SQL server must be in running state, Database Should
contain appropriate table.
Test Setup/Pre-Conditions: Microsoft SQL server should be in running state. The user
must have to select one of the options.
The admin will add the records to the Displays “Booking List”.
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6.4 Results
After testing all modules of my final year project. The result is that now there is no such
type of error like logical error and syntax error in my system.
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