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Submitted by:

Amit Pokhriyal



Carbon nanotubes are hexagonally
shaped arrangements
of carbon atoms that have been
rolled into tubes. These tiny straw-
like cylinders of pure carbon have
useful electrical properties. They
have already been used to make
tiny transistors and one-dimensional
copper wire.

They were developed by using

nanotechnology, a relatively new
field that involves building electronic
circuits and devices from single
atoms and molecules. Nano means
one thousand millionth of a unit.
A nanometer is therefore one
thousand millionth of a meter. The
first nanofabrication experiments
occurred in 1990 when
individual xenon atoms were placed
on a nickel substrate and used to
spell out a company logo. One
primary goal of nanotechnology is to
build computer chips and other
devices that are thousands of times
smaller than they are now.

Carbon nanotubes have enormous

theoretical possibilities but have not
lived up to the hype surrounding their
development. Researchers have
continued to look for ways to use
them, however, as successful
applications have the potential to be
highly lucrative.
Scientists have recently succeeded
in altering carbon nanotubes so that
they supply electrons when exposed
to light.

This was done by having two flat

rings of carbon molecules sandwich a
ferrocene (iron) molecule. Ferrocene
is known for its tendency to
relinquish electrons. When exposed
to visible light, the carbon atoms
accepted the ferrocene molecule.

This is the first time

that carbon nanotubes have been
hybridized to undergo light-
induced electron transfer.
Researchers say that these
modified carbon nanotubes are the
first step in building solar cells using
this technology.
The newly-discovered ability
of carbon nanotubes to serve as
electron sources has great
potential. Carbon nanotubes may one
day replace the metal filaments in X-
ray machines, which tend to burn out
quickly. Scientists hope to use them
to develop portable X-ray machines
for use in airport security,
ambulances, and customs work.

Carbon nanotubes also have great

significance for use in flat-panel
displays, microwave generators,
devices for electric surge protection,
and high intensity lamps.

We can also explain carbon nano

tubes as these are allotropes of
carbon with a cylindrical
nanostructure. Nanotubes have been
constructed with length-to-diameter
ratio of up to 132,000,000:1, which is
significantly larger than any other
material. These
cylindrical carbon molecules have
novel properties which make them
potentially useful in many
applications in
nanotechnology, electronics, optics,
and other fields of materials science,
as well as potential uses
in architectural fields. They may also
have applications in the construction
of body armor. They exhibit
extraordinary strength and
unique electricalproperties, and are
efficient thermal conductors.
Nanotubes are members of
the fullerene structural family, which
also includes the
spherical buckyballs. The ends of a
nanotube may be capped with a
hemisphere of the buckyball
structure. Their name is derived from
their size, since the diameter of a
nanotube is on the order of a few
nanometers (approximately
1/50,000th of the width of a human
hair), while they can be up to 18
centimeters in length (as of 2010).
Nanotubes are categorized as single-
walled nanotubes (SWNTs) and multi-
walled nanotubes (MWNTs).
Applied quantum chemistry,
specifically, orbital
hybridization best describes chemical
bonding in nanotubes. The chemical
bonding of nanotubes is composed
entirely of sp2 bonds , similar to
those of graphite. These bonds,
which are stronger than
thesp3 bonds found in diamonds,
provide nanotubules with their unique
strength. Moreover, nanotubes
naturally align themselves into
"ropes" held together by van der
Waals forces.

Types of CNTs:-
1.single walled
Most single-walled nanotubes
(SWNT) have a diameter of close to
1 nanometer, with a tube length that
can be many millions of times longer.
The structure of a SWNT can be
conceptualized by wrapping a one-
atom-thick layer of graphite called
graphene into a seamless cylinder.
The way the graphene sheet is
wrapped is represented by a pair of
indices (n,m) called the chiral vector.
The integers n and m denote the
number of unit vectors along two
directions in the honeycomb crystal
lattice of graphene. If m = 0, the
nanotubes are called "zigzag".
If n = m, the nanotubes are called
"armchair". Otherwise, they are
called "chiral". The diameter of a
nanotube can be calculated from its
(n,m) indices as follows

where a = 0.246 nm.

Single-walled nanotubes are an
important variety of carbon
nanotube because they exhibit
electric properties that are not
shared by the multi-walled carbon
nanotube (MWNT) variants. In
particular, their band gap can vary
from zero to about 2 eV and their
electrical conductivity can show
metallic or semiconducting
behavior, whereas MWNTs are zero-
gap metals. Single-walled
nanotubes are the most likely
candidate for miniaturizing
electronics beyond the micro
electromechanical scale currently
used in electronics. The most basic
building block of these systems is
the electric wire, and SWNTs can
be excellent conductors. One
useful application of SWNTs is in
the development of the first
intramolecularfield effect
transistors (FET). Production of the
first intramolecular logic
gate using SWNT FETs has recently
become possible as well.To create
a logic gate you must have both a
p-FET and an n-FET. Because
SWNTs are p-FETs when exposed to
oxygen and n-FETs otherwise, it is
possible to protect half of an SWNT
from oxygen exposure, while
exposing the other half to oxygen.
This results in a single SWNT that
acts as a NOT logic gate with both
p and n-type FETs within the same
Single-walled nanotubes are
dropping precipitously in price,
from around $1500 per gram as of
2000 to retail prices of around $50
per gram of as-produced 40–60% by
weight SWNTs as of March 2010
2. Multi walled:-
Multi-walled nanotubes (MWNT)
consist of multiple rolled layers
(concentric tubes) of graphite. There
are two models which can be used to
describe the structures of multi-
walled nanotubes. In the Russian
Doll model, sheets of graphite are
arranged in concentric cylinders, e.g.
a (0,8) single-walled nanotube
(SWNT) within a larger (0,17) single-
walled nanotube. In
the Parchment model, a single sheet
of graphite is rolled in around itself,
resembling a scroll of parchment or a
rolled newspaper. The interlayer
distance in multi-walled nanotubes is
close to the distance between
graphene layers in graphite,
approximately 3.4 Å.
The special place of double-walled
carbon nanotubes (DWNT) must be
emphasized here because their
morphology and properties are
similar to SWNT but their resistance
to chemicals is significantly
improved. This is especially
important when functionalization is
required (this means grafting of
chemical functions at the surface of
the nanotubes) to add new properties
to the CNT. In the case of SWNT,
covalent functionalization will break
some C=C double bonds, leaving
"holes" in the structure on the
nanotube and thus modifying both its
mechanical and electrical properties.
In the case of DWNT, only the outer
wall is modified. DWNT synthesis on
the gram-scale was first proposed in
2003 by the CCVD technique, from
the selective reduction of oxide
solutions in methane and hydrogen.

3. Torus
A nanotorus is theoretically
described as carbon nanotube bent
into a torus (doughnut shape).
Nanotori are predicted to have many
unique properties, such as magnetic
moments 1000 times larger than
previously expected for certain
specific radii. Properties such
as magnetic moment, thermal
stability, etc. vary widely depending
on radius of the torus and radius of
the tube.

4. Nanobud
Carbon nanobuds are a newly created
material combining two previously
discovered allotropes of carbon:
carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. In
this new material, fullerene-like
"buds" are covalently bonded to the
outer sidewalls of the underlying
carbon nanotube. This hybrid
material has useful properties of both
fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. In
particular, they have been found to
be exceptionally good field emitters.
In composite materials, the attached
fullerene molecules may function as
molecular anchors preventing
slipping of the nanotubes, thus
improving the composite’s
mechanical properties
5. Cup stacked carbon nanotubes
Cup-stacked carbon nanotubes
(CSCNTs) differ from other quasi-1D
carbon structures that normally
behave as a metallic conductor of
electrons. CSCNTs exhibit
semiconducting behaviors due to the
stacking microstructure of graphene
6. Extreme carbon nanotubes
The observation of
the longest carbon nanotubes
(18.5 cm long) was reported in 2009.
They were grown on Si substrates
using an improved chemical vapor
deposition (CVD) method and
represent electrically uniform arrays
of single-walled carbon nanotubes.
The shortest carbon nanotube is the
organic compound
cycloparaphenylene which was
synthesized in early 2009.
The thinnest carbon nanotube is
armchair (2,2) CNT with a diameter of
3 Å. This nanotube was grown inside
a multi-walled carbon nanotube.
Assigning of carbon nanotube type
was done by combination of high-
resolution transmission electron
microscopy(HRTEM), Raman
spectroscopy and density functional
theory (DFT) calculations.
The thinnest freestanding single-
walled carbon nanotube is about 4.3
Å in diameter. Researchers
suggested that it can be either (5,1)
or (4,2) SWCNT, but exact type of
carbon nanotube remains
questionable. (3,3), (4,3) and (5,1)
carbon nanotubes (all about 4 Å in
diameter) were unambiguously
identified using more precise
aberration-corrected high-resolution
transmission electron microscopy.
However, they were found inside of
double-walled carbon nanotubes

1. Strength:-

Carbon nanotubes are the strongest

and stiffest materials yet discovered
in terms of tensile
strength and elastic
modulus respectively. This strength
results from the covalent sp² bonds
formed between the individual carbon
atoms. In 2000, a multi-walled carbon
nanotube was tested to have a
tensile strength of
63 gigapascals (GPa). (This, for
illustration, translates into the ability
to endure tension of a weight
equivalent to 6422 kg on a cable with
cross-section of 1mm2.) Since carbon
nanotubes have a low density for a
solid of 1.3 to 1.4 g·cm−3 its specific
strength of up to 48,000 kN·m·kg−1 is
the best of known materials,
compared to high-carbon steel's
154 kN·m·kg−1.
Under excessive tensile strain, the
tubes will undergo plastic
deformation, which means the
deformation is permanent. This
deformation begins at strains of
approximately 5% and can increase
the maximum strain the tubes
undergo before fracture by releasing
strain energy.
CNTs are not nearly as strong under
compression. Because of their hollow
structure and high aspect ratio, they
tend to undergo buckling when
placed under compressive, torsional
or bending stress.
2. Hardness:-
Diamond is considered to be the
hardest material. Under conditions of
high temperature and high pressure,
graphite transforms into diamond.
One study succeeded in the synthesis
of a super-hard material by
compressing SWNTs to above 24 GPa
at room temperature. The hardness of
this material was measured with
a nanoindenter as 62–152 GPa. The
hardness of reference diamond
and boron nitride samples was 150
and 62 GPa, respectively. The bulk
modulus of compressed SWNTs was
462–546 GPA, surpassing the value of
420 GPa for diamond.
3. Kinetic:-
Multi-walled nanotubes are multiple
concentric nanotubes precisely
nested within one another. These
exhibit a striking telescoping
property whereby an inner nanotube
core may slide, almost without
friction, within its outer nanotube
shell, thus creating an atomically
perfect linear or rotational bearing.
This is one of the first true examples
of molecular nanotechnology, the
precise positioning of atoms to
create useful machines. Already, this
property has been utilized to create
the world's smallest
rotational motor. Future applications
such as a gigahertz mechanical
oscillator are also envisaged.
4. Electrical
Because of the symmetry and unique
electronic structure of graphene, the
structure of a nanotube strongly
affects its electrical properties. For a
given (n,m) nanotube, if n = m, the
nanotube is metallic; if n − m is a
multiple of 3, then the nanotube is
semiconducting with a very small
band gap, otherwise the nanotube is
a moderate semiconductor. Thus all
armchair (n = m) nanotubes are
metallic, and nanotubes (6,4), (9,1),
etc. are semi conducting.
However, this rule has exceptions,
because curvature effects in small
diameter carbon nanotubes can
influence strongly electrical
properties. Thus, a (5,0) SWCNT that
should be semi conducting in fact is
metallic according to the
calculations. Likewise, vice versa--
zigzag and chiral SWCNTs with small
diameters that should be metallic
have finite gap (armchair nanotubes
remain metallic). In theory, metallic
nanotubes can carry an electric
current density of 4 ×
109A/cm2 which is more than 1,000
times greater than metals such
as copper.
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes with
interconnected inner shells
show superconductivity with a
relatively high transition temperature
Tc = 12 K. In contrast, the Tcvalue is
an order of magnitude lower for ropes
of single-walled carbon nanotubes or
for MWNTs with usual, non-
interconnected shells.[35]

5. Thermal
All nanotubes are expected to be
very good thermal conductors along
the tube, exhibiting a property known
as "ballistic conduction", but good
insulators laterally to the tube axis.
Measurements show that a SWNT has
a room-temperature thermal
conductivity along its axis of about
3500 W·m−1·K−1; compare this to
copper, a metal well-known for its
good thermal conductivity, which
transmits 385 W·m−1·K−1. A SWNT
has a room-temperature thermal
conductivity across its axis (in the
radial direction) of about 1.52
W·m−1·K−1,] which is about as
thermally conductive as soil. The
temperature stability of carbon
nanotubes is estimated to be up to
2800 °C in vacuum and about 750 °C
in air

As with any material, the existence
of a crystallographic defect affects
the material properties. Defects can
occur in the form of
atomic vacancies. High levels of such
defects can lower the tensile
strength by up to 85%. Another form
of carbon nanotube defect is
the Stone Wales defect, which
creates a pentagon and heptagon pair
by rearrangement of the bonds.
Because of the very small structure
of CNTs, the tensile strength of the
tube is dependent on its weakest
segment in a similar manner to a
chain, where the strength of the
weakest link becomes the maximum
strength of the chain.
Crystallographic defects also affect
the tube's electrical properties. A
common result is lowered
conductivity through the defective
region of the tube. A defect in
armchair-type tubes (which can
conduct electricity) can cause the
surrounding region to become
semiconducting, and single
monoatomic vacancies induce
magnetic properties.[39]
Crystallographic defects strongly
affect the tube's thermal properties.
Such defects lead
to phonon scattering, which in turn
increases the relaxation rate of the
phonons. This reduces the mean free
path and reduces the thermal
conductivity of nanotube structures.
Phonon transport simulations
indicate that substitutional defects
such as nitrogen or boron will
primarily lead to scattering of high-
frequency optical phonons. However,
larger-scale defects such as Stone
Wales defects cause phonon
scattering over a wide range of
frequencies, leading to a greater
reduction in thermal conductivity.

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