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Grade: Grade 11 Quarters: 1st to 2nd Quarter

Subject Title: Media Information Technology No. of Hours: 40 hours/10 Weeks per Quarter

Subject Description: The course introduces the learners to basic understanding of media and information as channels of communication and tools for the development of
individuals and societies. It also aims to develop students to be creative and critical thinkers as well as responsible users and competent producers of media and information.
Introduction to Media The learner The learner organizes The learners... INTRODUCTION: EVALUATION:
and Information demonstrates a creative and Communicate Learning Small Group Discussions
Literacy (PART 1A) understanding of interactive symposium 1. describes how Objectives Engage the learners in a
media and for the community communication is Introduce the following by stating class discussion by asking
The learner demonstrates information focusing on being a affected by media and that at the end of the lesson, the the following questions:
an understanding of literacy (MIL) and media and information information learners shall be able to: • In your opinion, what
media and information MIL related literate individual.  Describe how media and makes an individual
sources, and values concepts. 2. identifies the information affect literate in media and
them as part of similarities and communication. information?
communication tools. differences of media  Editorialize the value of being • What activities/habits
literacy, information a media and information do you practice which
Discussion of the literacy, and literate individual. illustrate media and
different communication technology literacy  Share to class their media information literacy?
models. lifestyle, habits, and Give at least three
3. editorializes the preferences. examples.
a. Media Literacy value of being a
media and MOTIVATION:
information Media Use Log
b. Information literate individual 1. Inform the learners that today’s
Literacy topic embodies essential knowledge
c. Technology 4. identifies that should allow users to engage
Literacy characteristics with media and information
/describes a channels in a meaningful manner.
responsible uses 2. Instruct the learners to bring out
and competent a sheet of paper.
producers of 3. Direct the learners to think of the
media and past week, and record their use and
information. interaction with media and
information providers (such as
5. shares to class internet, social media, TV, radio,
media habits, newspaper, etc.). Have them
lifestyles and indicate how many hours were
preferences spent engaged with each one.
Remind them that these do not
have to be exact, and they can
estimate the number of hours they
spend each week. Allot 5 minutes
for this activity.
4. Instruct the learners to prepare a
report by answering the following
• Which media provider did they
spend the most time?
• What roles does media play in
their lives? (Leisure, learning,
communication, etc.)
5. Call earners to present to class
their report.

The Low-tech Future
1. Remind the learners that they
are living in the 21at Century,
where people are dependent on
2. As the learners to imagine
waking up one day to find no
Internet, libraries, and cell phones.
Newspapers, magazines, radio
stations and TV channels have also
3. Call on learners to answer the
following questions:
• How would you be informed of
anything now?
• What ways would you have to
communicate with one
• How would you share
information and communicate
news and events?
• What would happen with the
decisions you usually make?
• How would it affect the way
you live?
• What would you personally
miss most in such a situation?
• What would society lose in this
The Evolution of 1. identifies traditional INTRODUCTION: EVALUATION:
Traditional to New Media media and new media Communicate Learning After reporting, discuss with
and their relationships Objectives the learners the roles and
a. Prehistoric Age 1. Review the key points of functions of media in
b. Industrial Age 2. editorializes the roles Introduction to Media and democratic society.
c. Electronic Age and functions of Information Literacy from the Discuss with the learners
d. New (Information) media in democratic previous lesson. the following questions:
Age society 2. State the objectives of today’s • Given the available
lesson: media that we now
3. searches latest theory • Examine the technology or have in the world,
on information and resources available during the what are its roles and
media prehistoric age, the industrial functions in a
age, the electronic age, and democratic society?
the new or digital age. • In what way does
• Identify the devices used by media affect your life
people to communicate with (personal,
each other, store information, professional,
and broadcast information academic, social,
across the different ages. others)?

Media Then
1. Show a picture of the maiden
voyage or sinking of the RMS
(Royal Mail Ship) Titanic. Talk
about this famous world event of
April 14, 1912.
2. Pose this question to the
learners: “If the Titanic sank
somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean,
how do you think the news reached
people in England and New York at
that time?” (Sample answers:
telephone, letter, newspaper, etc.)
3. Discuss how people used the
telegraph and telegrams for faster
means of communication during
that time.
4. Pose this question to the
learners: “If the Titanic sank today,
in what format would people
receive or read the news?”
Evolution of Media
Engage the learners in a discussion
on how media and information has
evolved throughout history.
Describe the four ages to the class.

Knowing You Media at Different
Have the learners form groups of six
(6) members. Using Manila paper
and markers, each group should
provide answers to a table containing
the following questions basing on the
four generations of media:
• What format/ equipment did
people use to communicate with
each other?
• What format/ equipment did
people use to store information?
• What format/ equipment did
people use to share or
broadcast information?
Give the learners 20 minutes to
perform the group activity. After
filling-out the table, tell the learners
to share their responses to the rest
of the class. Groups can assign
reporters that can go around and
simultaneously present to the other
Types of Media 1. classifies contents of INTRODUCTION: ENRICHMENT:
a. Print (books, different media types Communicate Learning Synthesis
newsletter, Objectives Ask the learners to start
magazines, 2. defines media State the learning objectives: self-directed learning :
journals, and convergence through • Classify contents of different • Describe how new
other printed current examples media types. technologies have led
materials) • Define media convergence to the convergence of
b. Broadcast 3. discusses to class on through current examples. traditional and new
(radio, how a particular • Discuss to class on how a media.
television, and individual/ or society particular individual is • Explain how media
film) is portrayed in public convergence creates
c. New Media using different type of portrayed in public using new opportunities for
(internet) media different type of media. interaction.
• Describe the use of
MOTIVATION: one or two forms of
Type of Media new media to share
1. Write the following media knowledge and
formats on the board: books, information on a
newspaper, television, Youtube, current issue in
magazines, social network, radio, society.
memeography, newsletter, • • Explain how a
cellphone, journals, film/movie person could be
2. Present a matrix and ask the portrayed in public in
learners to classify the terms the age of media
above. Call on learners and have convergence.
them write the terms in their
corresponding columns.
3. Check the learners’ work and

Print, Broadcast, and Digital
(New) Media
Provide and discuss the following
• Print Media - media consisting
of paper and ink, reproduced in
a printing process that is
traditionally mechanical.
• Broadcast Media - media such
as radio and television that
reach target audiences using
airwaves as the transmission
• New Media - content organized
and distributed on digital
Media Literacy 1. define media INTRODUCTION: EVALUATION:
Communicate Learning Small Group Discussions
2. discuss and value the Objectives Engage the learners in a
importance of media State the learning objectives: class discussion by asking
literacy • Define media literacy the following questions:
• Enumerate the fundamental • Why is critical thinking
elements of media literacy very important to
media literacy?
3. explain the • Enumerate key concepts in • Why is it important for
fundamental elements media analysis students to develop
of media literacy their critical thinking
4. identify and explain Deconstructing Media
the key concepts in Message: News Article
media analysis 1. Form a group of 3 students.
2. Read the given news article
5. identify and discuss entitled “Mining – The Good and
the key questions to The Bad” by Fr. Shay Cullen.
ask when analyzing 3. Analyze the news article by
media messages answering the key questions in
media messages.
6. explain deconstruction 4. Write your answer on a yellow
of media messages pad. Time limit is 45 minutes.

7. apply strategies in
analyzing and
deconstructing media

8. apply strategies in
analyzing and
deconstructing media
Information Literacy 1. defines information INTRODUCTION: ENRICHMENT:
needs, locates, Communicate Learning • Instruct the learners
accesses, assesses, Objectives to write an essay (of
organizes, and State the learning objectives: at most 100 hundred
communicates • Define information needs; can words) about an
information locate, access, assess, information literate
organize, and communicate individual.
2. demonstrates ethical information. • Tell the learners to
use of information • Demonstrate ethical use of submit their outputs
information. (field trip plan and
essay) at the MIL
Type of Media
1. Write the following media
formats on the board: books,
newspaper, television, Youtube,
magazines, social network, radio,
memeography, newsletter,
cellphone, journals, film/movie
2. Present a matrix and ask the
learners to classify the terms
above. Call on learners and have
them write the terms in their
corresponding columns.
3. Check the learners’ work and

Group Discussion
1. Lead a discussion using the
following guide questions and
• Why do you need information?
• Where do you search for
• How do you acquire and store
• How will you determine the
quality and accuracy of the
information that you have?
• How do you use the information
that you have?
• How will you communicate
2. Inform the learners that the
questions that they have just
answered are the Stages/Elements of
Information Literacy.
3. Show the meaning of Information
Literacy to the learners and explain.
4. Discuss the stages / elements of
information literacy and explain each
in connection with the previous

Disaster Scenario
Explain the scenario to the learners,
and have them answer a matrix with
rows on information needs, sources
of information, access to the
information, evaluate information,
organize information, and
communication information:
“According to the weather forecast,
there is no typhoon. However, your
locality is experiencing heavy rainfall,
while some parts in your province
/region are already flooded. There
are reported incidents of landslide,
evacuation, stranded vehicles and
drowning. As a student, what are you
going to do?”
Ask learners to present their
responses to the class. Use their
responses to synthesize their
understanding of information literacy.
Media and 1. compares potential INTRODUCTION: ENRICHMENT:
Information Sources sources of media and 1. Choose a recent piece of Synthesize the lesson by
a. Indigenous information controversial news and discuss it going back on the example
b. Library with the learners. used at the start of the
c. Internet 2. interviews an elder 2. Ask the learners where they got lesson. Have the learners
d. Others from the community the news and what they know look at various pieces of
regarding indigenous about it. news handed out to them
media and 3. Provide news about the topic regarding the topic.
information resource coming from different sources – Conclude by reminding the
newspaper, magazine, social media, learners that while it may
TV, Internet. be difficult to fully
4. Distribute each material to a determine the reliability,
different group of learners. Have accuracy, value, and
each group describe the type of timeliness of any
information their source delivers. information, as well as the
5. Ask them to note the differences authority of the source,
and similarities between the literacy in media and
information gathered in each information benefits from
source. the development of these
1. Bring the class to a focus by ASSIGNMENT
stating the specific learning 1. Ask the learners to
objectives. At the end of the lesson, identify information about
the learner should be able to: their local community.
• Demonstrate an ability to 2. Tell them to identify the
examine and compare possible source of this
information from various information and to write
sources in order to evaluate its their answers down in their
reliability, accuracy, authority, notebook.
timeliness, and bias
• Determine the accuracy, 3. Inform the learners that
reliability and value of they will be meeting guests
information by questioning the from the local community in
source of data, limitations of the the next meeting. The class
information gathering tools or will interview the guests on
strategies, and the rationale of indigenous media and
the conclusions. information.
2. Define keywords in the objectives 4. Tell the learners to
as an overview of the lesson. prepare for next week by
3. Discuss the following topics on writing questions that they
libraries: would like to ask the
• Types of libraries guests. Tell them that they
• Skills in accessing information will be called at random to
from libraries ask the guest their
• Characteristics of libraries in questions, and that
terms of reliability, accuracy and questions may not be
value repeated.
4. Discuss the following topics about
the Internet:
• Information found on the
• Characteristics of Internet
information in terms of
reliability, accuracy, value,
timeliness, and authority of the
• Realities of the Internet
• Information found on the
Internet may be quite varied in
form and content. Thus, it is
more difficult to determine its
reliability and accuracy.
5. Discuss the skills in determining
the reliability of information.
• Check the author.
• Check the date of publication or
of update.
• Check for citations.
• Check the domain or owner of
the site or page.
• Check the site design and the
writing style.
6. Discuss the skills in determining
accurate information.
• Look for facts.
• Cross-reference with other
sources to check for
• Determine the reason for
writing and publishing the
• Check if the author is objective
or leaning heavily on a certain
point of view.
• Check for advertising.
7. Discuss the following topics on the
alternative media:
• Current popular alternative
• Rise of alternative media and
• Other alternative forms of
communication and distribution
have become popular.
Media and 1. evaluates everyday INTRODUCTION: ENRICHMENT
Information media and  Review key points of previous Instruct the learners to
Languages information with lesson (Media and Information write a reflection paper
a. Codes, regard to with codes, Sources) about the previous activity
Conventions, convention, and • State learning objectives. using the following guide
and Messages, messages; in regards questions:
b. Audience, with audience, MOTIVATION: • What information
Producers, and producers, and other 1. Read his sentence after writing it codes, conventions
Other stakeholders on the board “Language may be a and messages about
stakeholders source of misunderstandings by our country is
2. produces and Marshall McLuhan, 1964” communicated
assesses the codes, 2. Ask learners to analyze the quote, enthuse postcards?
convention, and then, let them share what they think • If you are to create a
messages of a group to the class. postcard for a place or
presentation 3. Does the user’s/audience’s own organization of your
background or experience affect the choice, what technical
interpretation of messages? and symbolic codes
How? would you use to
4. Is it possible that a different convey important
individual derives a different meaning information and create
from the message? Explain. the desired
Sample Response: Yes, it is possible. impression? Why?
It is probably because he or she is • How is understanding
coming from a different point of view of the technical and
and/or different background. symbolic codes
contribute to media
INSTRUCTION: and information
1. Discuss with the learners the literacy?
following: • Others reflection that
• Language they may want to
• Media Languages share.
2. Instruct learners to form groups of
5 to 10 members. Provide each
group with a permanent marker and
a sheet of manila paper.
3. Direct learners to identify five (5)
signs and symbols in their community
that are used to convey information
(ex. for directions, locations of
attractions, others).
4. Cold call groups to present their
work. Direct presenter to answer
how these signs and symbols are
used to make people in the
community understand the message
being conveyed.
5. Discuss with the learners the
• How are symbols usually being
• What is the importance of using
symbols to convey a message or
• How these symbols are
presented in terms of fonts,
images, colors, design and
6. Discuss with the learning the
• Technical codes include sound,
camera angles, types of shots
and lighting.
• Symbolic codes include the
language, dress or actions of
characters, or iconic symbols
that are easily understood.
• Convention
• Messages
• Audience
• Producers
• Other stakeholders
Legal, Ethical, and 1. puts into practice their INTRODUCTION: ENRICHMENT:
Societal Issues in understanding of the • Review key points of previous Instruct the learners to
Media and intellectual property, lesson (Media and Information write a reflection paper
Information copy right, and fair Sources) about the previous activity
a. Copy use guidelines • State learning objectives. using the following guide
Right/Fair questions:
Use/ 2. demonstrates proper MOTIVATION: • What information
Plagiarism conduct and behavior 1. Read his sentence after writing it codes, conventions
b. Netiquette online (netiquette, on the board “Language may be a and messages about
c. Digital Divide, virtual self) source of misunderstandings by our country is
Addiction, and Marshall McLuhan, 1964” communicated
Bullying 3. puts into action their 2. Ask learners to analyze the quote, enthuse postcards?
d. Virtual Self personal resolve to then, let them share what they think • If you are to create a
e. Others combat digital divide, to the class. postcard for a place or
addiction, and bullying Sample Response: I strongly agree organization of your
that language is a medium where choice, what technical
4. Explains copyright, one conveys his or her message and and symbolic codes
fair use, etc. vis-a-vis the kind of language to be used in would you use to
human rights communication could greatly affect convey important
how the message is understood. information and create
5. Discusses current 3. Does the user’s/audience’s own the desired
issues related to background or experience affect the impression? Why?
copyright vis-à-vis interpretation of messages? • How is understanding
gov’t./provide sectors How? of the technical and
actions Sample Response: Yes. The user’s or symbolic codes
audience’s own background or contribute to media
6. Explains actions to experience may be considered as and information
promote ethical use of stock knowledge where his or her literacy?
media and impression about a particular piece of • • Others reflection that
information. information or message was derived they may want to
or anchored on. share.
7. Enumerates 4. Is it possible that a different
opportunities and individual derives a different meaning
challenges in media from the message? Explain.
and information. Sample Response: Yes, it is possible.
It is probably because he or she is
coming from a different point of view
and/or different background.

1. Discuss with the learners the
following definitions:
• Language - pertains to the
technical and symbolic
ingredients or codes and
conventions that media and
information professionals may
select and use in an effort to
communicate ideas,
information and knowledge.
• Media Languages - codes,
conventions, formats, symbols
and narrative structures that
indicate the meaning of media
messages to an audience.
2. Instruct learners to form groups of
5 to 10 members. Provide each
group with a permanent marker and
a sheet of manila paper.
3. Direct learners to identify five (5)
signs and symbols in their community
that are used to convey information
(ex. for directions, locations of
attractions, others).
4. Cold call groups to present their
work. Direct presenter to answer
how these signs and symbols are
used to make people in the
community understand the message
being conveyed.
5. Discuss with the learners the
• How are symbols usually being
• What is the importance of using
symbols to convey a message or
• How these symbols are
presented in terms of fonts,
images, colors, design and
• Discuss with the learning the
following definitions:
• Technical codes include sound,
camera angles, types of shots
and lighting. They may include,
for example, ominous music to
communicate danger in a
feature film, or high-angle
camera shots to create a feeling
of power in a photograph.
• Symbolic codes include the
language, dress or actions of
characters, or iconic symbols
that are easily understood. For
example, a red rose may be
used symbolically to convey
romance, or a clenched fist may
be used to communicate anger
• Convention - In the media
context, refers to a standard or
norm that acts as a rule
governing behaviour.
• Messages - the information sent
from a source to a receiver.
• Audience - the group of
consumers for whom a media
message was constructed as
well as anyone else who is
exposed to the message.
• Producers - People engaged in
the process of creating and
putting together media content
to make a finished media
• Other stakeholders - Libraries,
archives, museums, internet
and other relevant information
Opportunities, 1. realizes opportunities MOTIVATION EVALUTION
Challenges, and Power and challenges in Mind Mapping • Let the reporter from
of Media and media and 1. Begin by asking the learners if each group present a
Information information they or anyone they know has 1 minute update about
a. Economic, experience with online shopping. Ask their mind map.
Educational, 2. researches and cites them to share about items they • Inform them that the
Social, and recent examples of bought and how successful they mind map will be
Political the power of media were at using online shopping presented next
b. Threats, Risks, and information to systems. Present a mind map of meeting in which each
Abuse, and Misuse affect change online shopping. group will be given 2-3
2. Ask the following questions: minutes. During the
presentation each
• What forms of payment are group shall answer the
accepted in online shopping? pertinent questions
• If customers have concerns or and present the
inquiries about the product, process and content of
what support mechanisms are the mind map.
• How will the customers receive
the purchased product?
3. Ask the learners how the mind
map helped them to understand the
concept of online shopping.
Encourage the learners to define a
map. After they give their definitions,
present this definition to the class:
“A Mind map is a graphical technique
for visualizing connections between
several ideas or pieces of
information. Each idea or fact is
written down and then linked by lines
or curves to its major or minor (or
following or previous) idea or fact,
thus creating a web of relationships.”

1. Have the learners divide into four
groups (depending on the number of
learners and number of issues you
want to address). The following are
suggested issues of using unguarded
internet for the grouping (Citizen
Journalism, The Internet as a
Tourism Support, Phishing and
2. Let each group choose the topic
under your supervision, and then
inform them of each group’s task.
The groups are to present a mind
map on a specific MIL opportunity or
threat. Each group should elect the
following: leader, secretary,
reporters, and mind map designers.
Give them the time limit and hand
out each group’s task.
Current and Future 1. evaluates current MOTIVATION EVALUATION
Trends of Media and trends in media and Watch Your Day in 2020 MOOC Enrolment
Information information and how 1. Have the learners watch the Give the following activity
a. Massive open it will affect/how they “Watch Your Day in 2020” video, to the learners. They will
online content affect individuals and • Source: Youtube from pretend that they will enroll
b. Wearable the society as a whole GetManiatech from in a MOOC by searching for
technology (i.e. https://www.youtube.com/watc available MOOCs. Guide the
Google glass, 2. describes massive h?v=zJUQENC-SVQ learners in their selection
iPhone watch, open on-line 2. Pose the following guide and research. Provide these
etc.) questions: instructions:
c. 3D • According to the video, what Situation: Your school
Environment 3. predicts future media information will you be able to supports MOOCs. Your
(i.e. 3D printer, innovation see in the bathroom mirror? principal or head of the
3D films, • What will be the features of the school encourages you to
holograms, 4. synthesizes the appliances in the kitchen and enroll in one of the
etc.) overall knowledge bedroom? following courses. This
d. Ubiquitous about media and • Do you think these features can course will be credited to
Learning information with skills make the world better, as the your Senior High School
e. Others for producing a video states? Curriculum which can be
prototype of what the helpful in your college or
learners think is a INSTRUCTION university education.
future media Key Points of the Article Task: Fill out a Registration
innovation 1. The learners read the article Form (name, grade, email
“Technology in the 20th Century,” address, preferred MOOC,
2. Many of the technological brief description about the
advances we are seeing today will MOOC, course objectives,
shape our daily life in the future – name of
the way we relax, interact, professors/instructors and
communicate and conduct business. their academic
ICT will continue to advance, qualifications, reasons for
empower and transform every aspect enrolling, signature, and
of our life. Check out some of these date) and submit your
emerging technologies and trends. output with brief description
• Haptics technology at the MIL Portal.
• Contextual awareness
 Voice and tone recognition
• Intelligent routing to devices
• Eye tracking technology
 Internet glasses!
Media and 1. synthesizes the MOTIVATION EVALUATION
Information Literate overall implication of Lola Techie Examining Social Media
Individual media and
a. Improved information to an 1. Have the learners watch the 3- 1. Group the students into
quality of life individual (personal, minute video clip about senior 3-4 to answer the graphic
b. Greater professional, citizens who are technology savvy. organizers.
political educational, and • Source: GMA News and Public 2. Have each group choose
participation others) and the Affairs (2013, June 28). SONA: a social media network such
c. Better society as a whole Lola Techie, hinikayat ang bang as Facebook, Twitter,
economic (economic, social, may edad na tulad niya na Instagram, etc.
opportunities political, educational, maging tech savvy. Retrieved 3. Have each group choose
d. Improved and others) from any of the following
learning https://www.youtube.com/watc sectors/communities as
environment h?v=e7iUOIiB3Zo discussed in the previous
e. More cohesive 2. Ask the learners to answer the lessons: education, tourism,
social units following questions: business, fisherfolk,
f. Others • How did the senior citizens in farmers, barangay level,
the video use technology and student council, news
the Internet in their daily lives? company, etc.
• How did the government help 4. Inform the learners that
the senior citizens become more they need to use key words
media and information literate? only. Have them limit their
• What makes senior citizens, or answers to 3 for the
people in general, media and benefits and 3 for the
information literate? issues/challenges as well as
3. Ask the learners about their others, allowing media
grandparents, or any senior citizens content to flow across
they personally know, and whether various platforms.
they are as “techie” as Lola Techie.
Have them explain how.

1. Relate the learners’ answers to the
characteristics of a media literate
2. Emphasize to the learners that
there are many technologies that
people use for their businesses,
commerce, and communications.
3. Have the learners read the article
“Social Media in the Philippines is
Widespread, but what is its Impact?”
It can be accessed here:
is-its-impact/ Give the following
guide questions:
• How did social networking help
in the Philippine elections?
• How did the Asia Foundation
help the advocacies of some
human rights-based
• How did USAID and the authors
help non-government
organizations help in their
advocacies and objectives?
• How did Ardan Sali of the
Bangsamoro Center for Just
Peace in the Philippines use
social networking in its
• What was the purpose of
hashtag #WeWantPnoyTo? Do
you think it was an effective
tool for awareness and change?
People Media The learner The learner produces 1. Cites studies showing INTRODUCTION EVALUATION
a. People as demonstrates a living museum or proofs of positive and 1. Present the topic titles on different Presentations
Media and understanding of electronic portfolio or negative effects of resources of media and information: 1. Have each group report
People in different resources of any other creative media, information on a. People Media what they have learned to
Media media and information, forms of multimedia individual and society. b. Text the class.
1. Definitio their design principle showcasing their / c. Visual 2. Highlight the key ideas
n and elements, and his/her understanding, 2. describes the different d. Audio from each group.
2. Charact selection criteria. insights, and dimensions of people e. Motion 3. Allow each group to
eristics perceptions of the media f. Manipulatives / Interactive answer 1 to 2 questions
3. different resources of g. Multimedia from the class.
Format media and 2. Highlight that People Media and
and information. 3. categorizes different Information as the topic for today’s
Types examples of people session.
3. Advanta and state reasons for 3. Show to the learners prepared ads
ges and such categorization (cutouts of ads from newspapers
Limitati and/or printouts from the
ons Internet) on media-related jobs.
4. Value 4. Distribute the materials to groups
5. Others and ask them to identify the different
jobs found in the ads.
5. Ask the learners to identify the
following from each ad: Job title;
Function or job description;
6. Explain to the learners that
careers in media have changed
throughout the history of the

Analyzing Media Jobs
1. Form the learners into groups.
Using the materials from the
introduction, have the learners
evaluate the advertisements.
2. Have the learners suggest groups
in which they will categorize the jobs
from the advertisements.
Write their answers on the board.
3. Ask each group to classify the jobs
based on at least 2 categories written
on the board. Assign the
categorization scheme to the groups.
Inform them that they must use the
qualifications and job
descriptions/functions when
classifying the jobs.
4. Have each group briefly share the
basis of their categorization to the
rest of the learners.
5. End the activity by discussing how
the standards of the media and
information industries may be
gleaned from the functions of each
job and the qualifications required by
the industry for that job.
Text Information and 1. describes the different INTRODUCTION EVALUATION
Media dimensions of text Communicate Learning Presentations
a. Definition, information and Objectives 1. Have the learners do a
characteristics, media 1. Review the key points in the “gallery walk.” Give each
format and discussion of People Media from the learner three star stickers.
types, sources, 2. comprehends how previous lesson. Have them go around the
advantages text information and 2. Present the topic titles on the different computer stations
and limitations, media is/are formally different resources of media and and vote for their three
and value and informally information: favorite campaign posters
b. Text as Visual a. People Media using the stickers. Group
c. Selection produced, organized, b. Text members may not vote for
Criteria and disseminated c. Visual their own group’s work. A
d. Design d. Audio prize may be given to the
principle and 3. evaluates the e. Motion group with the most
Elements reliability and validity f. Manipulatives / Interactive number of stickers.
of text information g. Multimedia 2. Have the learners answer
and media and its/ 3. Emphasize that Text Media and the following questions for
their sources using Information as the topic for today’s reflection:
selection criteria session. a. Why did you choose
this advocacy or issue
4. produces and MOTIVATION for this campaign
evaluates a creative Show to the learners an example of a poster?
text-based fraudulent text message: b. How effective do you
presentation using I am Attorney Robert Limco of Happy think is your message
design principle and Cola Company. Congratulations! Your to your target
elements SIM card number has been chosen in audience?
our raffle draw. You have won 3. All outputs including
500,000 pesos. Please give me your reflections should be
bank account number so we can submitted to the MIL Portal
deposit your reward. For more and licensed under CC.
details, please contact me.
Pose the following questions to the
learners and discuss:
• What is the tone of this
fraudulent message? (Enticing,
scary, informative, formal,
encouraging, etc.)
• Why do you think Filipinos fall
for this kind of fraudulent or
scam text message?
• Do you think that text-based
messages are powerful?

Making Typography Posters
1. Have the learners form groups of
3 members each. Tell the learners to
identify an advocacy or issue that
they would like to campaign about
through a typography poster design.
The campaign poster will have a
statement consisting of 10-20 words.
a. Poster statement example: “Let
our children learn and play. Keep
them in schools. Stop child labor.”
2. Remind the learners of the
principles of design. Bearing in mind
the principle of contrast, have them
make some text elements large or
bold while other text elements are
thin or small to create visual interest.
The learners may also use basic
shapes, lines, and some symbols in
this design activity.
3. Give the MIL Design Framework to
give focus and guidance in the
planning phase.
4. In the bottom part of a poster,
include an explanation (150-200
words) about the campaign.
5. Have the learners perform the
activity using a desktop publishing
software. Give the rubrics to the
learners at the start of the activity.
Visual Information 1. describes the different INTRODUCTION ENRICHMENT
and Media dimensions of visual Communicate Learning 1. Choose and prepare a
a. Definition, information and Objectives visual image that
characteristics, media 1. Present the topic titles on the incorporates at least 3
format and different resources of media and design elements and 3
types, sources, 2. comprehends how information: design principles.
advantages visual information and a. People Media 2. In class, show the visual
and limitations, media is/are formally b. Text to the learners and have
and value and informally c. Visual them identify and describe
b. Visual Message produced, organized, d. Audio at least 3 design elements
Design and disseminated e. Motion and 3 design principles
c. Selection f. Manipulatives / Interactive employed.
Criteria 3. evaluates the g. Multimedia
d. Design reliability and validity 2. Highlight Visual Information and
principle and of visual information Media as the topic for today’s
Elements and media and session.
its/their sources using 3. Discuss the following survey
selection criteria results about “The Power of Visual
4. produces and by DemandGen Report (2014):
evaluates a creative a. Forty percent of people will
visual-based respond better to visual
information than plain text.
b. Publishers who use infographics
grow in traffic an average of
5. presentation using 12% more than those who
design principle and don’t.
elements c. Eighty percent of what is seen is
d. Conversions increase by 86
percent when videos are used in
a landing page.
e. Twenty percent of words on a
web page is read by the
average user.
f. Landing pages with videos are
40 times more shareable.
4. Ask the learners what can be
concluded about the importance of
visual content based on the survey
5. Present this infographic to the
6. Ask learners whether they thought
the infographic was a better way of
presenting the results of the survey.
The learners must be able to explain
why they think so.
7. Ask the learners if there are other
ways of presenting the same

Making infographics
1. Ask learners to form teams of 3-5
members each and research facts
and figures about a social or ethical
issue on media and information
2. Using any desktop publishing
software, the group must create an
infographic to show the facts and
figures visually. (Alternatively, if
research takes a long time or is not
practical, the learners can present
facts and figures about themselves or
topics they are familiar with instead).
3. At the end of 90 minutes, the
learners must post their completed
work in their MIL Portal.
Audio Information and 1. describes the different INTRODUCTION EVALUATION
Media dimensions of audio Communicate Learning Group Listening
a. Definition, information and Objectives 1. Have each group play
characteristics, media 1. Present the following resources of their podcast to the class.
format and media and information: 2. Give other learners the
types, sources, 2. comprehends how a. People Media opportunity to comment or
advantages audio information and b. Text critique the presentation
and limitations, media is/are formally c. Visual using the rubrics below to
and value and informally d. Audio assess the group’s output.
b. Hearing vs. produced, organized, e. Motion 3. Ask the learners to write
Listening, and disseminated f. Manipulatives / Interactive a short paragraph
Learning Out g. Multimedia evaluating the activity and
Loud 2. Highlight Audio Media and have them post their
c. Selection Information as the topic for today’s paragraphs on their
Criteria session. State the objectives of the ePortfolio.
d. Design lesson. 4. All outputs including
principle and 3. Review prerequisite knowledge reflections should be
Elements and understanding of text and visual submitted at the MIL Portal
by asking questions about their use and licensed under CC.
and limitations.
4. Ask the learners what the purpose
of using text is.
5. Ask the learners to name one
design element or principle employed
in creating visual media.

1. Show the learners a video clip of a
Charlie Chaplin movie (silent movie)
without audio.
2. Start a quick discussion about how
they found the experience of
watching something without audio.
3. Write down key words/ideas on
the board. Use those words to
highlight the value of audio
information and media to the
learners. Some sample responses:
a. “I was more focused on the film
without the audio” - Perhaps we
are so used to media that use
multiple forms and channels.
Audio, if not used well, can be
distracting. That is why it’s
important to ensure that the
key message and intention are
consistent across the different
media that you will use.
1. b. “It was boring” - We are not
used to singular media
anymore, and that can be a
good example of convergence
of media and how it is prevalent
in our daily lives. Audio is a
powerful tool to set the mood
and convey emotions that
visuals can’t.

Producing Podcasts
1. Divide the learners into small
groups. Have the learners plan to
design a podcast about their school,
class subject, or a class or school
activity or advocacy.
2. Inform each group that they are to
create a 5-minute podcast on their
topic using any recording device and
computer software.
Motion Information 1. describes the different INTRODUCTION ENRICHMENT
and Media dimensions of motion Communicate Learning Have learners write
a. Definition, information and Objectives reflection essay in their
characteristics, media 1. Present the following resources of ePortfolio (or at the MIL
format and media and information: Portal) by answering the
types, sources, 2. comprehends how a. People Media following questions:
advantages and motion information b. Text • What are the best
limitations, and and media is/are c. Visual three motion media
value formally and d. Audio that they have seen?
b. Selection informally produced, e. Motion • What makes these
Criteria organized, and f. Manipulatives / Interactive motion media
c. Design disseminated g. Multimedia memorable?
principle and 2. Highlight Motion Media and • Other reflections on
Elements 3. evaluates the Information as the topic for today’s motion media and
reliability and validity session. Discuss the following information that they
of motion information points: may want to share.
and media and • There is no universally adopted
its/their sources using definition for motion media.
selection criteria
4. produces and • Motion media in essence is
evaluates a creative visual media that gives the
motion-based appearance of movement.
presentation using • Motion media can be a
design principle and collection of graphics, footage,
elements videos. It is combined with
audio, text
• and/or interactive content to
create multimedia
3. Review prerequisite knowledge
and understanding of text, visual and
audio media by asking questions
about their uses, limitations and
when it is best to utilize them.
4. State the objectives of today’s

1. Show learners a few samples of
motion media and information that
they are already familiar with.
(Limit to three)
2. Have learners work within groups
of three members for each group.
3. Let each group think of three more
examples of motion media and
4. They should write each example
on a 1/8th sheet of paper/cardboard
and post it on the board. It may be
helpful to ask where they can see
motion media and information.

• Discuss with the learners the
basic methods on determining
the credibility of motion media:
• Validity of information
• Source
• Relationship of the author to
the event
• Technical methods of
detecting tampering/fake
• Discuss with the learners the
advantages of motion media
and information:
 It captures motion in a
manner that can be viewed
 It can show processes in
detail and in sequence
 Simulations allow for safe
 It can cut across different
cultures and groups
 It allows scenes, history,
events and phenomenon to
be recreated
 It enables learning with
• Discuss with the learners the
limitations of motion media and
• Compared to other forms of
visual media the viewer
cannot always interrupt the
• It is often times more costly
than other forms of visual
• Other data may be
presented best using still
images. Examples are
graphs, diagrams, maps.
 It is subject to
Manipulative 1. describes the different INTRODUCTION EVALUATION
Information and dimensions of Communicate Learning Have the learners take a
Media manipulative Objectives short quiz on media and
a. Definition, information and 1. Present the topic titles on different interactivity.
characteristics, media resources of media and information:
format and a. People Media
types, sources, 2. comprehends how b. Text
advantages and manipulative c. Visual
limitations, and information and d. Audio
value media is /are formally e. Motion
b. Selection and informally f. Manipulatives / Interactive
c. Design produced, organized, g. Multimedia
principle and and disseminated 2. Highlight Manipulatives /
Elements Interactive Media as the topic for
3. evaluates the today’s session.
reliability and validity
of manipulative MOTIVATION
information and Interacting with Social Media
media and its/their 1. Have the learners think about their
sources using experiences using their social media
selection criteria accounts (e.g.
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.).
4. produces and 2. Ask the learners why they think
evaluates a creative Facebook is very popular. Ask them
manipulative-based the ways in which they interact with
presentation using their social media accounts.
design principle and 3. Present the following infographic
elements on the “Top Ten Most Popular
Actions on Facebook:”
4. Ask the learners which of the
actions they have done on Facebook.
5. Start a discussion: “Which of the
following actions are interactive?” All
of these are, by definition,
interactive, since all actions require
the user to click a button on
Facebook, which itself is an
6. Ask the learners what content a
user is providing to Facebook every
time they do that action. Guide
a. Clicked the “like” button
(clicking the like button adds
the number of likes to the post.
New features such as reacting
with an emotion such as “love”,
“wow”, etc. can also be
b. Commented on a friend’s photo
or video (commenting adds text
content—the actual comment—
to the photo or video)

1. Discuss the definition of interactive
media and interactivity.
2. Have the learners relate their
experiences in using interactive
media by identifying the software or
media used and how they interacted.
3. Briefly describe to the learners the
different platforms of interactive
a. Mobile apps
b. 3D TV
c. Video games (multi-player)
d. Role-playing games (RPG)
Multimedia 1. describes the different INTRODUCTION EVALUATION
Information and dimension of Review and Learning Objectives 1. Have the learners answer
Media multimedia 1. Review the key points in the the following questions:
information and discussion of Manipulative/Interactive a. What are the
a. Definition, media Information and Media in the advantages and
characteristics, previous lesson. limitations/disadvanta
format and 2. comprehends how 2. Present the topic titles on different ges of multimedia
types, sources, multimedia resources of media and information: products?
advantages and information and a. People Media 2. Answer key/sample
limitations, and media is /are formally b. Text answers
value and informally c. Visual b. Advantages - multi-
b. Selection produced, organized, d. Audio sensorial (sight,
Criteria and disseminated e. Motion hearing, etc.), it can
c. Design f. Manipulatives / Interactive be interactive, caters
principle and 3. evaluates the g. Multimedia to a wide audience.
Elements reliability and validity 3. Highlight Multimedia Information c. Disadvantages - can
of motion information and Media as the topic for today’s take up a lot of digital
and media and session. State the objectives of the storage, some
its/their sources using lesson. products may cater to
selection criteria the larger population
MOTIVATION but neglect some
4. synthesizes overall Classifying Media groups (i.e. persons
knowledge about 1. Show to the learners a 3-minute with disability, non-
different information multimedia video that explains an native language
and media sources by advocacy, lesson, or concept. speakers).
producing and 2. After they have viewed the video,
subsequently ask the learners the following
evaluating a creative questions:
multimedia form a. What is the video all about?
(living museum, b. Did the video effectively convey
the information to you?
electronic portfolio, c. What are the components of the
others) video?
a. d. How did the components
contribute to conveying of the

1. Discuss with the learners how, in
the past, people used a single,
unique medium when presenting
information: As discussed in the first
part of the course, people used the
human voice as a type of medium
until writing was discovered.
2. Over the years, it has been
established that information can be
expressed through text, speech,
sound, graphics or images,
animation, and video. A combination
of these media sources is considered

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