Simple Interest Questions
Simple Interest Questions
Simple Interest Questions| Page 1 of 3
100 x 3000 225 22.Answer: Option D
Rate = ( ) % = 6% Gain in 1 year = Rs. ( ) = Rs. 112.50
12500 x 4 2
7. Answer: Option B 15.Answer: Option C
We need to calculate the total amount to
Explanation: Explanation:
P×R×T be paid by him after 4 years, So it will be
Let the sum be Rs. 100. Then, S.I. =
100 x 10 x 1 100 Principal + simple interest.
S.I. for first 6 months = Rs. ( )= Rs. So, by putting the values in the above So,
100 x 2
5 formula, our result will be. 500×5×4
=>500+ =>Rs.600
105 x 10 x 1 100
S.I. for last 6 months = Rs. ( )= Rs. Required result = =875 23.Answer: Option B
100 x 2 3×12×100
5.25 16.Answer: Option A Explanation:
So, amount at the end of 1 year = Rs. (100 Explanation: Let sum = x then Simple Interest = x
+ 5 + 5.25) = Rs. 110.25 One thing which is tricky in this question is Rate =
(100 × x)
= 12.5
to calculate the number of days. (x × 8)
Effective rate = (110.25 - 100) = 10.25%
Always remember that the day on which 24.Answer: Option A
8.Answer: Option D
money is deposited is not counted while Explanation:
Explanation: P×R×T
Let the rate be R% p.a. the day on which money is withdrawn is S.I.=
5000 x R x 2 3000 x R x 4 counted. S.I.×100
Then, ( ) +( )= =>R=
100 100 P×T
So lets calculate the number of days now,
2200. So, S.I = 15500 - 12500 = 3000.
Time = (24+31+18) days = 73/365 years = 3000×100
100R + 120R = 2200 1/5 years =>R= =6%
R= ( ) = 10. P = 2000 25.Answer: Option B
R = 25/4% Explanation:
Rate = 10%. S.I. = =
=25 Let the present worth be Rs.x
4×5×100 Then,S.I.= Rs.(132 - x)
9.Answer: Option E 17.Answer: Option C
Explanation: =› (x×5×2/100) = 132 - x
Let the original rate be R%. Then, new rate =› 10x = 13200 - 100x
Two things need to give attention in this
= (2R)%. =› 110x = 13200
question, First we need to calculate gain
Note: x= 120
for 1 year only.
Here, original rate is for 1 year(s); the new Explanation:
Second, where we take money at some
rate is for only 4 months i.e. year(s). Let rate = R% then Time = R years.
interest and lends at other, then we use to
725 x R x 1 362.50 x 2R x 1 =>1200×R×R100=432=>R2=36=>R=6%
( )+( ) = subtract each other to get result in this
100 100 x 3 26.Answer: Option B
33.50 type of question. Lets solve this Simple
(2175 + 725) R = 33.50 x 100 x 3 Interest question now.
25 2 Let rate = R% then Time = R years.
(2175 + 725) R = 10050 Gain in 2 year = [(5000× × )−( 1200×R×R
4 100 => ( ) =432
(2900)R = 10050 5000×4×2 100
10050 )] =>R2=36
R= = 3.46
2900 =(625−400)=225 =>R=6%
Original rate = 3.46% 225
27.Answer: Option D
So gain for 1 year = =112.50
10.Answer: Option C 2
Explanation: 18.Answer: Option D
100 x 5400 Explanation: Here firstly we need to calculate the
Principal = Rs. ( ) = Rs. 15000 We need to calculate the profit of B. principal amount, then we can calculate
11.Answer: Option C It will be, the new rate.
Explanation: SI on the rate B lends - SI on the rate B gets P=
S.I. for 3 years = Rs. (12005 - 9800) = Rs. Gain of B=
=157.50 840×100
100 100 P=
2205. 5×8
2205 19. Answer: Option A P=2100
S.I. for 5 years = Rs. ( x 5) = Rs. 3675 Explanation: 840×100
3 Required Rate =
P×R×T 5×2100
S.I.= R=8%
Principal = Rs. (9800 - 3675) = Rs. 6125. S.I.×100
100 x 3675 =>P= 28.Answer: Option B
Hence, rate = ( ) % = RT
6125 x 5 By applying above formula we can easily
12% S.I.=
solve this question, as we are already 100
12. Answer: Option C
having the simple interest. =>P=
Explanation: 1230×100 R×T
Let the principal be P and rate of interest =>P= 5400×100
6×5 =>P=
=>P=4100 12×3
be R%. =Rs 15000
6PR 6
20.Answer: Option B
Required ratio = { P x100 29.Answer: Option C
Rx9} = = = 2 : 3. Explanation:
9PR 9
100 S.I.×100 Explanation:
13.Answer: Option D P= SI for 3 year = 2600-2240 = 360
Explanation: So by putting values from our question we SI for 2 year
= 240
We need to know the S.I., principal and can get the answer 3 ×2
4016.25×100 principal = 2240 - 240 = 2000
time to find the rate. P=
9×5 30.Answer: Option D
Since the principal is not given, so data is
=8925 Explanation:
inadequate. 21.Answer: Option B Let sum = x
14.Answer: Option A
Explanation: Time = 10 years.
Explanation: Let sum be x and rate be r% 2x
Gain in 2 years = Rs. S.I = , [as per question]
25 2 5000 x 4 x 2
then, (x×r×15)/100 = 3x [important to note (100 × 2x)
[(5000 x x )− ( )] here is that simple interest will be 3x not Rate = %
4 100 100 (x×5×10)
4x, beause => Rate = 4
= Rs. (625 - 400) 3x+x = 4x]
= Rs. 225. => r = 20%| Page 2 of 3| Page 3 of 3