Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller For Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy System
Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller For Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy System
Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller For Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy System
ABSTRACT In this paper, a radial basis function network-based single maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) control algorithm for a hybrid solar and wind energy system is designed and analyzed for standalone
and grid connected applications. The extraction of maximum power from the intermittent and erratic nature
renewable energy sources is the main target in the hybrid renewable energy system. In the literature, many
researchers developed an individual MPPT control algorithm for solar and wind energy system, which in
turn increases the number of control algorithms in a hybrid system. In this paper, a single MPPT controller is
proposed to extract maximum power from both the sources simultaneously. The performance of the proposed
MPPT control algorithm is analyzed in both standalone and grid connected modes, under different weather
conditions. The hybrid renewable energy system is designed by considering 560-W photovoltaic system
and 500-W wind system with the conventional boost converter, and it is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink
environment to analyze the performance of the proposed MPPT controller.
INDEX TERMS Boost converter, hybrid renewable energy system, MPPT, RBFN, solar energy, wind energy.
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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller
FIGURE 2. Proposed single MPPT topology for hybrid PV and wind system.
Vpv = ln +1 (1) Rse : Series resistance of single diode model ()
q Ipv η : Ideality factor
q(Vpv +Ipv Rs )
Vpv + Ipv Rse q : Electron charge (1.60217∗10−19 C)
Ipv = Iph − Ipvrsc e −1 − (2)
Rsh ηPVP :PV panel generation efficiency (%)
APVP : PV panel area (m2 )
The PV output power depends on the availability of solar K : Boltzman constant of PV panel (1.38 ∗10−23 J/K)
irradiations and temperature in the environment and it is T : Ambient temperature (K)
calculated by using Eq. (3) [19] G : Applied solar irradiations to the PV panel
Gn : Nominal irradiation to the PV panel
PPV = APVP Gn ηPVP (3) IPV : PV panel output current (A)
IPVRSC : Reverse saturation current (A)
The series and shunt resistances for single diode model are
calculated by using Eq. (4) and (5) [20]. A hybrid renewable energy system is designed by consid-
ering 560 W BP Solar SX3190 PV module and its design
Rse = 0.09 (4) specification of is listed in the Table. 1
Isc Fig. 4 shows the I-V and P-V characteristics for
Voc G BP SX3190 PV module based on the availability of solar irra-
Rsh = 11 (5)
Isc Gn diation. It is observed that the generated PV maximum output
power will depend on the availability of solar irradiations and
Vpv : PV panel output voltage (V)
Rsh : Shunt resistance of single diode model () B. WIND ENERGY SYSTEM
Iph : PV Cell phase current (A) The modeling of wind energy system depends on modeling of
Voc : Open circuit voltage of PV panel (V) the wind turbine and electric generator. Wind velocity is given
Isc : Short circuit current of PV panel (A) as input to the wind turbine and it produces mechanical power
and output of the output neuron are given in Eq. (15) and (16).
(O) (H)
netk (n) = wj yj (n) (15)
(O) (O) (O) (O)
yk (n) = fk netk (n) = netk (n) (16)
(I ) (I )
Where, xi is input layer, neti (n) is the sum of the input
(H ) (O)
layer, neti (n) is sum of the hidden layer, neti (n) is the
sum of the output layer,
PWj is the weights between hidden and
output layer, Mj and are the Mean and standard deviation
FIGURE 11. Considered solar irradiation pattern for PV system.
of the output layer.
FIGURE 13. Considered wind velocity data pattern for wind system.
FIGURE 14. Wind system output voltage, current, and power at different B. GRID CONNECTED SYSTEM
wind velocity levels.
To validate the proposed single MPPT controller, a grid con-
nected hybrid renewable energy system is implemented in
0.6 to 0.9 sec as rated wind speed 12 m/s as clearly shown Matlab/Simulink model by considering the load of 1000 W
in Fig. 13. active power and 800 VAR reactive powers, with AC grid of
The wind system output voltage, current and power wave- rating 230 V, 50 Hz. The common DC link power is fed to
forms are shown in Fig. 14, as per the consideration of the the three phase inverter and its current regulated controller is
availability of the wind speed data. It gives 318 W for a period shown in Fig. 16. The obtained Vdc and Qinv are compared
of 0 to 0.3 sec, as the availability of wind data is 8 m/s, with the reference values and the error is feed to the PI
similarly 392 W and 493 W for a period 0.3 to 0.6 sec and controller which is further used to generate the firing angle.
0.6 to 0.9 sec respectively depends on the availability of the The output voltage, current of the inverter, load and grid are
wind data. shown in Fig. 17 to 19 respectively. The active and reactive
Fig. 15 shows the hybrid PV and wind system DC link powers of load, inverter, and grid are shown in Fig. 20 to 21
output voltage, current and power waveforms as per the respectively.
TABLE 5. Active and reactive power for the developed hybrid PV and
wind energy system.
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N. RAMESH BABU received the B.E. degree K. R. PRABHU received the Ph.D. degree from
in electrical and electronics engineering from VIT University, Vellore, in 2013. He is currently
Bharathiyar University, the M.E. degree in applied an Associate Professor and the Head of the Depart-
electronics from Anna University, and the Ph.D. ment for Control and Automation, School of Elec-
degree from VIT University. He is an Asso- trical Engineering, VIT University. Research work
ciate Professor and the Head of the Depart- focused in the field of renewable energy sources,
ment of Electronics and Instrumentation Engi- control systems, and biomedical instrumentation.
neering, VIT University, Vellore. He has authored
or co-authored more than 40 publications in
reputed international journals and conferences.
His research area includes wind speed forecasting, optimal control of wind
energy conversion system, solar energy, power electronics, and application
of soft computing techniques in electrical engineering. He is an Associate
Editor of the IEEE ACCESS Journal and an Editorial Board Member of three
other journals.