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Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller For Hybrid Solar and Wind Energy System

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Received June 28, 2017, accepted July 24, 2017, date of publication August 8, 2017, date of current version

August 22, 2017.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2733555

Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single

MPPT Controller for Hybrid Solar and Wind
Energy System
School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore 632014, India
Corresponding author: N. Ramesh Babu (nrameshbabu@vit.ac.in)

ABSTRACT In this paper, a radial basis function network-based single maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) control algorithm for a hybrid solar and wind energy system is designed and analyzed for standalone
and grid connected applications. The extraction of maximum power from the intermittent and erratic nature
renewable energy sources is the main target in the hybrid renewable energy system. In the literature, many
researchers developed an individual MPPT control algorithm for solar and wind energy system, which in
turn increases the number of control algorithms in a hybrid system. In this paper, a single MPPT controller is
proposed to extract maximum power from both the sources simultaneously. The performance of the proposed
MPPT control algorithm is analyzed in both standalone and grid connected modes, under different weather
conditions. The hybrid renewable energy system is designed by considering 560-W photovoltaic system
and 500-W wind system with the conventional boost converter, and it is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink
environment to analyze the performance of the proposed MPPT controller.

INDEX TERMS Boost converter, hybrid renewable energy system, MPPT, RBFN, solar energy, wind energy.

I. INTRODUCTION electronic converters to form a hybrid system and it requires

In the recent years, the usage of fossil fuels like coal, gas, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control algo-
etc., increases rapidly due to the increase in the load demand rithm to track the maximum available power from the high
on the power system and it leads to serious problems by penetrating renewable sources [10]. Fig. 1 shows the basic
creating effects on the environment [1]–[3]. The fossil fuels block diagram topology of the hybrid system. In literature
may exhaust in the next few decades, due to its non-renewable enormous number of maximum power tracking algorithms
nature. In spite of the availability of the energy sources, like perturb and observe (P&O), Incremental conductance,
demand for electricity increasing day by day due to the mod- Hill climbing, Fuzzy logic controller, Neural Network and
ernization of the society. In order to meet this load demand, hybrid based controllers are available for extracting maxi-
the best solution is the utilization of available renewable mum power from the renewable PV and wind sources. Each
energy sources [4]–[7]. From the literature solar and the wind of the maximum power tracking algorithms has its own
are the most promising renewable energy sources and its grid- advantages and limitations [11]–[13].
tied installed capacity in India is 56% of wind source and 22% Among all available MPPT methods in the literature, P&O
of the photovoltaic (PV) source as of April 30th, 2017 [8]. and Hill climbing methods are the most commonly used
The power generation from the PV and wind systems MPPT methods in PV and wind system [13], due to its simple
has been increased significantly, due to its complementary structure and easy to implement. Both the methods work on
available nature during a day and its output power genera- the principle of perturbation by sensing voltage and current
tion will depend on the availability of solar irradiation and parameters from the renewable energy sources. The voltage
wind velocity respectively [9]. Due to the high penetration and the duty cycle are the perturbation elements in P&O
of renewable sources in nature, the power developed from and in hill climbing methods respectively. By varying the
these sources leads to intermittent and uncertain voltage. perturbation element, it calculates the change in power and
Hence, to smoothen out these fluctuations different energy compares with the previous values for obtaining the maxi-
sources are to be integrated together with the help of power mum power from the source. But it has the limitation in the

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See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

In a hybrid system, as a number of control algorithms

increases, this in intern increases the system complexity and
implementation of the system. From the discussion, each of
the MPPT algorithms has its own tracking speed and charac-
teristics. As a result, if we use different MPPT control algo-
rithms in a hybrid renewable energy system it creates com-
plexity on the system. To resolve the drawbacks in traditional
individual MPPT controller, authors in [14]–[16] develops a
universal MPPT control algorithm to track maximum power
from both sources with same convergence time, speed and
tracking efficiency.
Even through the above universal controller applicable
FIGURE 1. Hybrid PV and wind system basic topology. for both PV and wind sources to extract maximum power,
it requires individually dedicated MPPT algorithms for each
effective tracking of maximum power point under variable source, which intern increases the cost, size, complexity in
weather condition. implementation of the hybrid system. In order to overcome
Incremental conductance method is another method used the above drawbacks, an ANN based single MPPT con-
in both PV and wind system [11], due to its ability in handling trol algorithm is proposed to extract maximum power from
the non-linearity characteristics to extract maximum power. the high penetrating hybrid PV and wind renewable energy
It senses voltage and current from the renewable energy system concurrently. The proposed Radial Basis Function
sources and tracks maximum power by finding the ratio Network (RBFN) based single MPPT controller is imple-
between instantaneous conductance to the incremental con- mented in a hybrid PV and wind system of rating 560 W PV
ductance. It is less complex and easy to implement compared source and 500 W of wind source with conventional Boost
to the other available MPPTs in literature. converter topology. The simulation results are presented to
The Fuzzy Logic controller is an artificial intelligent validate the simultaneous power tracking capability of the
MPPT technique for renewable energy sources [12], it is proposed MPPT control algorithm.
applicable to both PV and wind system. A prior knowl- The rest of the paper is organized as follows, in Section II,
edge of existing weather conditions is required for designing the design of hybrid PV and wind system. In Section III,
fuzzy rules, to extracting maximum power from the renew- the proposed RBFN based single MPPT algorithm and in
able energy sources. In order to extract maximum power Section IV, simulation and result discussion, followed by
from renewable energy sources through fuzzy logic con- conclusion Section V.
trollers, it undergoes three steps i) Fuzzification, to convert
real data into fuzzy data by using membership functions, II. DESIGN OF HYBRID PV AND WIND SYSTEM
ii) Fuzzy inference system, to identify the output regions and A hybrid system is designed by integrating the both PV and
iii) Defuzzification, to convert back to the real crisp values. wind energy sources with the individually dedicated Boost
It is the most suitable for rapid change in environmental converters. The PV system is fed to the DC-DC Boost con-
conditions and it effectively tracks maximum power under verter and the output of the wind system is rectified by diode
partial shading weather conditions compared to the other soft bridge rectifier and then fed to the DC-DC converter. Both
computing methods. the sources are integrated together at the common DC link
Artificial neural network (ANN) is an intelligent con- bus capacitor to make a hybrid system. The Fig. 2 shows
trol technique to track maximum power from renewable the schematic diagram of the proposed hybrid energy system
sources and it is developed by inspiring the biological human with proposed single MPPT. In this proposed MPPT control
neuron [13]. The structure of the neural network consists algorithm, the maximum power from the both the sources
of three layers, i) Input layer to take input data from the (PV and wind) are extracted by executing the tracing algo-
renewable sources like voltage, current, irradiation, temper- rithm concurrently. The modeling of PV system, wind system
ature and wind speed data. ii) Hidden layer for adjusting the and design of basic Boost converter is presented in following
weights of the network, the better performance is achieved subsections.
by adjusting the weights of the hidden neuron layer and
iii) Output layer to provide output variable like duty cycle.
It is one of the cost effective methods, as it requires fewer A. PV SYSTEM
sensors. The limitation in this method is as it requires an accu- The design of PV model for making hybrid renewable energy
rate training to track the maximum power which increases system is presented in this subsection. In this paper, a single
the computational burden and higher complexity in extracting diode model PV cell is considered as shown in Fig. 3(a)
maximum power. and its symbolic representation is shown in Fig. 3(b). The
The individual MPPT control algorithms available for mathematical modeling of the PV system is derived from the
both PV and wind system are listed in the above literature. basic IPV -VPV characteristics of PV panel.

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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

FIGURE 2. Proposed single MPPT topology for hybrid PV and wind system.

FIGURE 4. I-V and P-V characteristics of BP solar SX3190 model.

TABLE 1. Parameter specifications of BP Solar SX3190 PV module.

FIGURE 3. PV cell single diode model: (a) equivalent circuit and

(b) symbolic representation.

The basic equations for deriving the PV panel output

voltage and current are given in Eq. (1) and (2) respec-
tively [17], [18]

Vpv = ln +1 (1) Rse : Series resistance of single diode model ()
q Ipv η : Ideality factor
q(Vpv +Ipv Rs )
Vpv + Ipv Rse q : Electron charge (1.60217∗10−19 C)
Ipv = Iph − Ipvrsc e −1 − (2)
Rsh ηPVP :PV panel generation efficiency (%)
APVP : PV panel area (m2 )
The PV output power depends on the availability of solar K : Boltzman constant of PV panel (1.38 ∗10−23 J/K)
irradiations and temperature in the environment and it is T : Ambient temperature (K)
calculated by using Eq. (3) [19] G : Applied solar irradiations to the PV panel
Gn : Nominal irradiation to the PV panel
PPV = APVP Gn ηPVP (3) IPV : PV panel output current (A)
IPVRSC : Reverse saturation current (A)
The series and shunt resistances for single diode model are
calculated by using Eq. (4) and (5) [20]. A hybrid renewable energy system is designed by consid-
ering 560 W BP Solar SX3190 PV module and its design
Rse = 0.09 (4) specification of is listed in the Table. 1
Isc Fig. 4 shows the I-V and P-V characteristics for
Voc G BP SX3190 PV module based on the availability of solar irra-
Rsh = 11 (5)
Isc Gn diation. It is observed that the generated PV maximum output
power will depend on the availability of solar irradiations and
Vpv : PV panel output voltage (V)
Rsh : Shunt resistance of single diode model () B. WIND ENERGY SYSTEM
Iph : PV Cell phase current (A) The modeling of wind energy system depends on modeling of
Voc : Open circuit voltage of PV panel (V) the wind turbine and electric generator. Wind velocity is given
Isc : Short circuit current of PV panel (A) as input to the wind turbine and it produces mechanical power

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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

as an output. The total mechanical output power produced by where,

the wind turbine is derived from the Eq. (6) and it is the cube Pw : Output power (W)
of the wind velocity [17], [21]. Vd : Cut-in wind speed (m/s)
1 Pn : Nominal power (W)
Pm = ρAV3v (6) Vn : Rated wind speed (m/s)
Vv : Wind velocity (m/s)
Vs : Cut-off wind speed (m/s)
Pm : Wind output power
A : Swept area of wind blade
Vv : Velocity of the wind (m/sec) C. DC-DC BOOST CONVERTER
ρ : Air density (Kg/m3 ) The conventional DC-DC Boost converter is considered to
connect the PV source and wind system to the common
The Aeolos-H 500W wind turbine is considered for the DC link capacitor, due to its simple structure with fewer con-
design of the hybrid system and its parameter specifications verter components, higher conversion efficiency and capable
are listed in Table 2. of converting low renewable source voltage to desired value
by changing the duty cycle at a higher switching frequency
TABLE 2. Parameter specifications of Aeolos-H 500 W wind system. rate [23].
It consists of the single semiconductor switch (S1 ), a single
diode (D1 ), two energy storage elements inductor (L1 ) and
capacitor (C1 ) as shown in Fig. 6 for each source. The key
principle for the operation of Boost converter depends on the
inductor, L. Its output voltage is always much higher than
the input source voltage [24]. The output voltage, current,
and voltage transfer gain are given in Eq. (8), (9) and (10)
The output voltage, current and transfer gain of the Boost
converter [25] are expressed as,
Vo = Vpv (8)
Io = Ipv (9)
Vo 1
M= = (10)
Vpv 1−D
Vo is output voltage
Io is output current
Vpv is PV output voltage
Ipv is PV output current
D is duty cycle
M is voltage transfer gain

FIGURE 5. Wind turbine power characteristics of Aeolos-H 500W system.

The Fig. 5 shows the characteristics of the wind turbine

power generation system at different wind velocity data’s [18]
and the total power produced by the wind energy system is
derived from Eq. (7) [18], [22]. It is observed that , the output
wind power depends on the availability of the wind velocity.
FIGURE 6. Equivalent circuit of conventional boost converter.
V2 − V2d

Pn v2 ; Vd < Vv < Vn

 V − V2

n d
Pw (Vv ) = P ; Vn < Vv < Vc (7) The Boost converter simulation parameters are listed in
Table. 3 and its theoretical switching waveform are shown

0; Vv ≤ Vd and Vv ≥ Vc in Fig. 7.

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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

FIGURE 8. Architecture of RBFN.

FIGURE 7. Switching waveform of boost converter.

TABLE 3. Boost converter parameter specifications

FIGURE 9. RBFN-based single MPPT architecture for hybrid system.

single RBFN based single MPPT controller. The architecture

III. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROPOSED RBFN of the modified single RBFN MPPT controller is as shown in
BASED SINGLE MPPT Fig. 9.The orthogonal least square (OLS) learning algorithm
MPPT algorithm is necessary for both PV and wind system, to is used to train the RBFN based MPPT network. The input
yield maximum possible power from the dynamic wind speed variables to the input layer for the proposed MPPT are VPV ,
and solar irradiation conditions. Amongst all the available VW , IPV and IW .
MPPT algorithms in the literature, the most popular tracking (Step-1) The input layer consists of four input neurons to
algorithm are P&O, Hill climbing, Incremental conduction read the input data, the net input and output of the input
methods, due to its simple structure and easy to imple- neuron are given in Eq. (11) and (12).
ment [4]. These methods are having drawbacks of fixed step (I) (I)
xi (n) = neti (11)
size and cause high power oscillations in the maximum power (I) (I)
point. Fuzzy and Neural Network methods are most suitable yi (n) = fi netIi (n) = neti (n) , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 (12)
maximum power tracking methods for the hybrid renew-
(Step-2) The Gaussian membership function is considered
able energy systems, due to its ability to solve non-linear
for each neuron in hidden layer, the net input and output of
the hidden neuron is given in Eq. (13) and (14).
In this hybrid renewable energy system, RBFN based
(H) T X
netj (n) = − X − Mj

intelligent MPPT controller is considered to track maximum X − Mj (13)
power from both the PV and wind energy system. The basic j
architecture of RBFN based network is shown in Fig. 8. The (H) (H)


yj (n) = fj netj (n)
performance of the RBFN network depends on the intercon-
nection pattern, weights and activation function present in the = exp netj (n) , j = 1, 2, 3, . . . (14)
system. It requires an individual MPPT controller for each
renewable energy sources, which increases the size and com- (Step-3) The output layer consists of two neurons, to gen-
plexity in system implementation. Hence, this two MPPT’s erate two different control signals Dpv and Dw for PV and
control algorithms are integrated together in the modified wind system with a linear activation function, the net input

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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

FIGURE 10. Simulation of hybrid system with single MPPT.

and output of the output neuron are given in Eq. (15) and (16).
(O) (H)
netk (n) = wj yj (n) (15)
(O) (O) (O) (O)
yk (n) = fk netk (n) = netk (n) (16)

(I ) (I )
Where, xi is input layer, neti (n) is the sum of the input
(H ) (O)
layer, neti (n) is sum of the hidden layer, neti (n) is the
sum of the output layer,
PWj is the weights between hidden and
output layer, Mj and are the Mean and standard deviation
FIGURE 11. Considered solar irradiation pattern for PV system.
of the output layer.


To inspect the suitability of proposed single MPPT con- and gives the different duty cycles for each switch, to extract
troller feature, firstly standalone hybrid PV and wind sys- maximum power from each source concurrently. The avail-
tem with conventional Boost converter is considered and ability of solar irradiation of the proposed system are consid-
simulated in the MATLAB/Simulink environment, later it is ered as follows: G = 600 W/m2 for a period of 0 to 0.3 sec ,
integrated to the 230 V, 50 Hz AC grid as shown in Fig. 10. G = 800 W/m2 for a period of 0.3 to 0.6 and G = 1000 W/m2
To test the suitability of the proposed single MPPT controller for a period 0.6 to 0.9 by assuming 40%, 20% and 0% shading
for extracting maximum power from the renewable energy effect on the solar irradiation respectively as in Fig. 11.
sources. A hybrid system with conventional Boost converter The PV panel output voltage, current and power wave-
is implemented by using the parameters listed in Table. 3 and forms are shown in Fig. 12, as per the consideration of
the specifications of the PV panel and wind system are listed available solar irradiation. It gives 324 W for a period of 0 to
in Table 1 and 2 respectively. 0.3 sec, as the availability of solar irradiations is 600 W/m2 ,
similarly, 436.8 W and 554.4 W for a period 0.3 to 0.6 sec
A. STANDALONE SYSTEM and 0.6 to 0.9 sec respectively depends on the availability of
The Simulink model of the hybrid PV and Wind system with the solar irradiations.
individual Boost converter along with the proposed single The availability of the wind velocity data for the developed
MPPT control algorithm is shown in Fig. 10. It takes VPV , system are considered as follows for a period 0 to 0.3 sec
VW , IPV and IW as input variables for the MPPT controller as 8 m/s, 0.3 to 0.6 sec as 10 m/s and for the period

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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

FIGURE 12. PV panel output voltage, current, and power at different

irradiation levels. FIGURE 15. Output DC link capacitor voltage, current, and power.

TABLE 4. Comparative analysis of hybrid PV and wind system with

different MPPT techniques

FIGURE 13. Considered wind velocity data pattern for wind system.

consideration of available input data from each source. The

developed hybrid system with single MPPT gives the average
DC link power of 587 W for a period of 0 to 0.3 sec (with
PV 600 W/m2 and wind 8 m/s), 721 W for a period of
0.3 to 0.6 sec (with PV 800 W/m2 and wind 10 m/s) and
858.8 W for a period of 0.6 to 0.9 sec (with PV 1000 W/m2
and wind 12 m/s). The performance of the proposed RBFN
controller is compared with the modified single P&O MPPT
technique [26] as listed in Table 4. From the comparison,
we observed that the proposed single RBFN based MPPT
technique produces the higher power compared to the single
P&O MPPT technique.

FIGURE 14. Wind system output voltage, current, and power at different B. GRID CONNECTED SYSTEM
wind velocity levels.
To validate the proposed single MPPT controller, a grid con-
nected hybrid renewable energy system is implemented in
0.6 to 0.9 sec as rated wind speed 12 m/s as clearly shown Matlab/Simulink model by considering the load of 1000 W
in Fig. 13. active power and 800 VAR reactive powers, with AC grid of
The wind system output voltage, current and power wave- rating 230 V, 50 Hz. The common DC link power is fed to
forms are shown in Fig. 14, as per the consideration of the the three phase inverter and its current regulated controller is
availability of the wind speed data. It gives 318 W for a period shown in Fig. 16. The obtained Vdc and Qinv are compared
of 0 to 0.3 sec, as the availability of wind data is 8 m/s, with the reference values and the error is feed to the PI
similarly 392 W and 493 W for a period 0.3 to 0.6 sec and controller which is further used to generate the firing angle.
0.6 to 0.9 sec respectively depends on the availability of the The output voltage, current of the inverter, load and grid are
wind data. shown in Fig. 17 to 19 respectively. The active and reactive
Fig. 15 shows the hybrid PV and wind system DC link powers of load, inverter, and grid are shown in Fig. 20 to 21
output voltage, current and power waveforms as per the respectively.

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K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

FIGURE 16. Grid side current regulated controller.

FIGURE 19. Grid voltage, current.

FIGURE 20. Active power.

FIGURE 17. Inverter voltage, current.

FIGURE 21. Reactive power.

TABLE 5. Active and reactive power for the developed hybrid PV and
wind energy system.

FIGURE 18. Load voltage, current.

The Fig. 20 represents the active power profile of the load,

grid and inverter outputs. The considered active power load
demand of 1000 W is supplied by the both hybrid system
and grid depends on the availability of the renewable input
data. For a period of 0 to 0.3 sec, load demand is satisfied
by the both hybrid and grid sources with 563 W and 428 W power load demand of 800 VAR is supplied by the both hybrid
respectively, similarly for a period of 0.3 to 0.6 sec with system and grid depends on the availability of the renewable
hybrid system contribution of 697 W and from grid source input data as listed in Table 5.
contribution of 299 W and for period of 0.6 to 0.9 sec with
contribution of 822 W from hybrid system and 176 W from V. CONCLUSION
grid. The Fig. 21 represents the reactive power profile of In this paper, an RBFN based single MPPT controller was
the load, grid and inverter outputs. The considered reactive introduced for hybrid PV and wind system. The various

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[9] N. T. Pathan, S. P. Adhau, P. G. Adhau, and M. Sable, ‘‘MPPT for grid
connected hybrid wind driven PMSG-solar PV power generation system K. KUMAR received the B.Tech. degree in elec-
with single stage converter,’’ J. Elect. Power Syst. Eng., vol. 3, no. 1, trical and electronics engineering and the M.Tech.
pp. 41–59, 2017. degree in power electronics and electrical drives
[10] S. Li and J. Li, ‘‘Output predictor-based active disturbance rejection control from the SV College of Engineering, JNTU-A,
for a wind energy conversion system with PMSG,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 5, in 2011 and 2013, respectively. He is currently
pp. 5205–5214, 2017. pursuing the Ph.D. degree with VIT University,
[11] J. P. Ram, N. Rajasekar, and M. Miyatake, ‘‘Design and overview of Vellore. Research work focused in the field of
maximum power point tracking techniques in wind and solar photovoltaic power electronic applications in the renewable
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Jun. 2017.

15316 VOLUME 5, 2017

K. Kumar et al.: Design and Analysis of RBFN-Based Single MPPT Controller

N. RAMESH BABU received the B.E. degree K. R. PRABHU received the Ph.D. degree from
in electrical and electronics engineering from VIT University, Vellore, in 2013. He is currently
Bharathiyar University, the M.E. degree in applied an Associate Professor and the Head of the Depart-
electronics from Anna University, and the Ph.D. ment for Control and Automation, School of Elec-
degree from VIT University. He is an Asso- trical Engineering, VIT University. Research work
ciate Professor and the Head of the Depart- focused in the field of renewable energy sources,
ment of Electronics and Instrumentation Engi- control systems, and biomedical instrumentation.
neering, VIT University, Vellore. He has authored
or co-authored more than 40 publications in
reputed international journals and conferences.
His research area includes wind speed forecasting, optimal control of wind
energy conversion system, solar energy, power electronics, and application
of soft computing techniques in electrical engineering. He is an Associate
Editor of the IEEE ACCESS Journal and an Editorial Board Member of three
other journals.

VOLUME 5, 2017 15317

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