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Case Studies of Expanding Cement To Prevent Microannular Formation

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SPE 56535

Case Studies of Expanding Cement To Prevent Microannular Formation

Baumgarte, C., Thiercelin, M., SPE, & Klaus, D., Schlumberger Dowell

Copyright 1999, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

It is also known 3, 4, 5 from the literature that an outer
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and microannulus can be generated by cement bulk shrinkage. For
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, 3–6 October 1999.
example, in a previous work 5 we presented a new
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of experimental set up (“annulus experiment”) and demonstrated
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to the consequences of cement shrinkage. In these experiments
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at shrinkage had been forced by exposing the cement to water
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
desaturation. It was shown that bulk shrinkage can lead in the
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is worst case to the debonding of the cement from the bore hole
wall. An outer microannulus of 300µm ± 100µm had been
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. generated, and tensile cracks, which destroy the cement
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
integrity, had been observed through the whole cement sheath.
Expanding cements have been proposed to prevent the
Abstract formation of a microannulus 6. The concept is that the
To improve our understanding of cement debonding linked to expanding cement will fill any gap and ensure good bonding
microannulus formation and, in particular, to develop better either between the formation and the cement or between the
non-shrinking cements to ensure zonal isolation, a well casing and the cement.
simulating annulus experiment has been developed and tests Some authors 7, however, have claimed that the expansion
with expanding cements have been performed. The expansion of these cements always moves towards the formation and not
experiments demonstrate that expanding cements can prevent in the direction of the casing. Therefore expanding cements
the formation of a microannulus if the cement properties are could only be used to prevent outer microannular formation.
designed with respect to the rock properties. A good Also, the generation of tensile cracks due to tensions in the
application for expanding cements is the isolation of gas cement sheath could be prevented.
storage reservoirs. Two examples are shown to demonstrate In this study we will focus on the behavior of the cement
the efficiency of expanding cements. sheath with the recently developed annulus experiment to
determine whether expanding cements provide a viable
Introduction approach to microannulus prevention, and whether one could
Cement in oil and gas wells is placed in the annular gap define the optimum conditions for the successful use of such
between the drilled formation and the steel casing. The main cements.
function of the cement is to prevent any fluid communication We will first review the mechanisms associated with
between these drilled formations to provide zonal isolation. shrinkage and expansion, present our experimental set-up and
Zonal isolation has to be achieved during the life of the well experiments, which will lead to a better understanding of the
and after its abandonment. Even when cement is correctly mechanisms of expansion. Recommendation on the use of
placed in the well and provides initially a good hydraulic seal, expanding cements will be provided. Finally we will present
zonal isolation often disappears over time, which is in most some case studies which demonstrate the use of such cement
cases caused by microannular formation 1, 2. systems.
Microannuli can either be formed between the casing and
the cement (inner microannulus) or between the cement and Shrinkage and Expansion Mechanisms
the formation (outer microannulus). They can for example be Shrinkage and Expansion in cement result from the formation
detected by the loss of cement bond log response (CBL) or by of hydration products having different volumes compared to
observations of gas migration problems. An inner the hydrating components. The changes in external cement
microannulus can be created for instance by the radial sample dimensions are referred to as bulk shrinkage and bulk
displacement of the casing resulting from wellbore expansion 8.
temperature or/and pressure changes; especially when the
wellbore pressure is decreased (change in mud weight for
example) once the cement has set.

Cement Chemical Shrinkage. Cement chemical shrinkage or cement slurry with salt would reach 6. Other expanding
cement chemical contraction is a basic mechanism during the cements are known which contain calcium and magnesium
hydration of Portland cement. The volume of the hydrating oxides.
components such as water and cement powder is larger than The expansion of the cements is related to chemical and
the volume of the hydration products. This volume contraction mineralogical changes, which results from the hydration and
is referred to as the inner shrinkage or total chemical shrinkage crystallization of the agents. The magnitude of expansion
of the cement. Total chemical shrinkage can be measured by depends on the amount of expanding agent, cement powder,
placing cement slurry in a reservoir under free access to water. slurry design and curing conditions (pressure, temperature).
The amount of water absorbed by the cement during the Although the cement expands, it still sustains total chemical
hydration corresponds to the amount of the total chemical shrinkage, but the bulk shrinkage will be superposed by bulk
shrinkage. These experiments often lead to an underestimation expansion.
of the total chemical shrinkage due to the continuously It was initially believed 6 that cement expansion would
decreasing permeability of the cement during hydration, which always move towards the casing, but measurements of the
hinders the water from penetrating completely through the degree of acoustic coupling between the cement and the casing
developing network of hydrates. The total chemical shrinkage indicated the fallacy of this idea. Beirute et. al. (1988)
has been estimated on approximately 6.25ml/100g of cement assumed that expanding cement could improve the coupling of
by assuming a 100% hydration 9. the cement-formation interface by expanding outwards. As a
The total chemical shrinkage resulting in external volume result the microannular formation could be prevented.
changes of a cement specimen, is called bulk shrinkage. Bulk However, two drawbacks can be encountered using expanding
shrinkage can be measured for example by placing cement cement: one is the damage to the formation due to excessive
slurry in an impermeable rubber membrane, which is then expansion, and the other is the risk of creating an inner
sealed. The volume variations of the sample during the annulus in case of an unconsolidated formation 14.
hydration correspond to the bulk shrinkage 4. Several
authors 3, 4, 10 using different methods (at different conditions) Expanding Cement
have measured volumes varying between 0.5 and 5%. The Linear Expansion. The expanding cements used in this study
results show that the magnitude of bulk shrinkage depends were generated by adding 10% BWOC of a calcium oxide-
strongly on the environmental conditions 7. Free access to based expanding agent to a conventional Class G Portland
additional water might for instance compensate for the bulk cement.
shrinkage, so that no visible volume reduction of the cement
sample occurs. In contrast, no access to free water in addition Slurry Rheology. The slurry rheology is calculated from the
to pressure applied on the cement slurry from the surrounding rheological parameters at test conditions measured with a Fann
medium may lead to excessive bulk shrinkage. 35 viscometer applying the Bingham plastic model. The
Bulk shrinkage occurs mainly in the first period of the parameters are shown in Table 1.
hydration of Portland cement. In this period no rigid network
of hydrates has been built and the bulk shrinkage follows the Table 1-Rheology Parameters
total chemical shrinkage 11. At the stage where the skeleton or Plastic viscosity after mixing 69 [cp]
network of hydrates is strong enough to resist contracting Yield point after mixing 7 [lb/100ft2]
forces, the bulk shrinkage levels out and stops, whereas the Plastic viscosity after conditioning 79 [cp]
total chemical shrinkage still continues. Yield point after conditioning 7 [lb/100ft2]
Chemical shrinkage is a linear function of the percentage
of the four major clinker minerals 12 and consequently Mechanical Properties. Crush test measurements give values
dependent on the cement class. A slight increase of the of about 41 MPa for the compressive strength of the
chemical shrinkage with increasing water/cement-ratio has expanding cements used in this study. The Young’s modulus,
been observed by Geiker & Knudsen (1982) 13. The determined from the best fitting curve of the linear part of the
water/cement- ratio influences the magnitude and the rate of stress strain plot, reaches values of about 6688 MPa.
the chemical shrinkage. The shrinkage rate rises also with an
increase of the curing temperature. Annular Expansion Mold
Experimental Set Up. The linear expansion of the cement
Cement Expansion. Cement expansion is an increase in bulk slurries has been measured with annular expansion molds. The
volume of the initial cement volume, which can be achieved mold consists of a bottom plate, a split expandable ring with
by the addition of cement expanding agents to Portland two attached pins and a top plate. The expandable ring is
cement. Different types of expansion agents have existed for placed between the two plates, and a screw fixes the two plates
several years. Some agents are based on calcium sulfate, together.
calcium sulfate hemihydrate (Plaster of Paris) or sodium
sulfate to form Ettringite 14. These expanding cements exhibit
more than ten times the expansion than that which a Portland

Carrying Out A Test. The molds were cured in a water bath slurries are covered with an approximately 10 mm thick water
at a specific temperature before being filled with slurry. After layer to have free access to water. An additional oil layer was
pouring the slurry into the mold, the initial distance (D1) added to avoid water evaporation (drying shrinkage). All the
between the two pins on the split expandable ring is measured tests have been performed at 170°F.
with a micrometer as a zero-reading, then the molds are placed
in the preheated water bath at a specific temperature. The Slurry Preparation. 16.4 ppg cement slurries of Class G
slurry is in contact with water during the entire test. When the cement were mixed with fresh water at room temperature and
cement sets and expands, the outside diameter of the conditioned at 170°F according to API specifications. The
expandable ring will grow and the distance between the expanding agent was dryblended with the cement.
attached pins will increase. After curing the mold the distance
(D2) between the two pins is measured in the same manner Performed Tests. The expansion tests were mainly focused
again as the zero-reading. The linear expansion of the slurry is on demonstrating the influence of the formation strength on
calculated from the difference of the readings by multiplying the expansion behavior of the cement sheath. Two different
this value times a constant corresponding to the circumference test set-ups have been used:
of the mold. Set up A: 1 mm outer cylinder thickness
Set up B: 10 mm outer cylinder thickness
Slurry Preparation. The investigated cement slurries had a
density of 16.4 ppg and were generated with Class G cement, Results: Annular Expansion Mold
mixed with fresh water at room temperature according to API The development of linear expansion of the investigated
specifications. The expanding agent was dryblended with the expanding cement versus time is shown in Fig. 2. In this
cement. example, all tests have been performed at 170°C with a
concentration of 10% BWOC of the expanding agent. Values
Annulus Experiment of linear expansion of almost 3% were reached at test
Experimental Set Up. To measure the bulk expansion of conditions after two weeks. The expansion starts after the
expanding cements and to investigate their cement sheath cement setting.
behavior, annulus expansion experiments have been
performed. The experimental set up (Fig. 1) consists of two Results: Annulus Experiment
concentric steel cylinders of different diameters (inner Set Up A. The results of the test with set up A are shown in
cylinder: ∅i=111 mm, ∅o=113 mm; outer cylinder: ∅i=196 Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. In set up A the outer casing represents a soft
mm, ∅o=198 mm), 80 mm in height. The smaller cylinder formation, for instance an unconsolidated sandstone. The
represents the casing (although very thin to allow for strain radial strain measured on the inner cylinder stayed constant at
measurement) and the larger one represents the formation. about zero during the entire test. This means that the cement
Strain gages are mounted on the cylinders to monitor their sheath did not apply much stress on the inner cylinder, the
tangential deformation, and the consequent radial deformation bonding between the cement and the casing was poor.
and displacement of the cylinders. Three gages are mounted In contrary the gage signals of the outer cylinder increased
on the inner surface of the inner cylinder and three on the with time and reached maximum values of about 500 µstrain
outer surface of the outer cylinder, at 120° to each other. after 7000 mn. The cement expanded and applied a pressure
The cylinders are fixed to a steel plate placed in an oven. on the outer cylinder, expressed in strain. The expansion of the
The cement slurry is then poured into the annular space. A cement started after the setting of the cement.
temperature sensor is also attached to the inside of the set-up The result of this experiment supports and proves the
to measure the temperature in the cement and to detect when theory of several authors 6, 13 that cement expands towards the
the hydration process of the cement is completed. The strain formation. The test results lead to the conclusion that the use
gages are connected via a Wheatstone bridge to a data of expanding cement against soft formations, which cannot
acquisition unit. resist surface-applied stress, bears the risk of creating an inner
To simulate different geological formations, the thickness microannulus.
of the outer cylinder has been varied during the tests between
1 mm and 10 mm (∅i=196 mm, ∅o=216 mm). The 1 mm Set Up B. The results of the experiment with Set up B, in
cylinder thickness corresponds to an unconsolidated sandstone which the outer casing represents a hard formation, are
and the 10 mm to a harder Sandstone, as it will be demonstrated in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. Although the same
demonstrated in the discussion section. expanding cement has been used in the same test conditions as
in set up A, the results are significantly different. On the outer
Carrying Out A Test. The oven is preheated to the test cylinder a maximum strain of about 80 µstrain was measured,
temperature until the signals of the gages are constant. At this whereas the signals of the inner gages increased to maximum
point the gages are reset to zero to avoid any influence of the values of about 270 µstrain.
steel expansion on the gage readings. The prepared slurry is
poured into the annular gap between the two cylinders. The

The expansion still applies a pressure on the outer cylinder, 1

but as the cylinder is too rigid to be displaced and resists the ur = − P1 r1 ……………………………………..….5
expansion forces of the expanding cement, the expansion is
forced to move towards the inner cylinder. Under these Equating these two solutions gives:
conditions the expanding cement is pre-stressed and tightened
against the formation and the casing. Expanding cement is Gr =
G r22 − r12 ) ……………………………………6
therefore a good solution to get a good tight hydraulic seal, if (1 − 2ν )r12 + r22
used against hard rock formations.
Therefore, using G = 77 000 MPa and ν = 0.3 for steel, one
Discussion gets for the 1 mm thick cylinder a shear modulus value of Gr =
The elastic hollow cylinder solution (Fig. 7), which gives the 1112 MPa, the shear modulus of a very soft sandstone, and for
state of stress and displacement in the cylinder from the the 10 mm thick cylinder a shear modulus value of Gr= 10230
knowledge of the radial stresses at the inner and outer MPa. This is typical for the shear modulus of a medium to
boundaries, is used to interpret the results of the annulus hard rock.
experiment. As shown in Fig. 7, r1 and r2 are respectively the Note that the shear modulus of the expanding cement
inner and outer radius of the hollow cylinder, and P1 and P2 cured after three days is of the order of 2800 MPa, i.e.
are respectively the value of the radial stress at r1 and r2 . This between that of the equivalent rock for a 1mm thick cylinder
solution can be applied to both steel cylinders. The solution and that of the equivalent rock for a 10 mm cylinder.
cannot be applied to the cement during the hydration process, Qualitatively one could say that in order to have the expanding
when the cement behaves more like a compacting soil, with cement moving toward the inner casing, it needs to have a
changing properties over time, than an elastic material. The shear modulus value less than that of the surrounding rock.
inner cylinder and outer cylinder have respectively a zero The above equations allow us to estimate the radial stress
imposed radial stress condition on the inner surface and a zero at the cement steel interfaces from the strain measurements
imposed radial stress condition on the outer surface. obtained on the outer radius of the outer cylinder and on the
Continuity of radial stress and radial displacement between the inner radius of the inner cylinders. From the outer cylinder one
cylinders and the cement applied unless a microannulus is finds:
εθ (r = r ) = σ r (r = r
(1 − ν ) (r22 − r12 ) .…..……...………….7
The two dimensional plane strain solution is used to 2 )
1 G r12
estimate the state of stress and displacement in each ring of
material. The radial stress as a function of radius in a hollow and for the inner cylinder:
cylinder is:
(1 − ν ) (r22 − r12 )
σr =
(P r 2
− Pr 2
) (P − P )r r 2 2
1 εθ ( r = r ) = σ r ( r = r ..………………..…….8
) − (r − r )
1 )
2 2 11 2 1 2 1 2 G
−r 1
which gives for the case where the outer cylinder thickness is
The tangential stress is: 1 mm, a radial stress on the outer boundary of the cement of

(P r )
− P1r12 (P2 − P1 ) r22 r12 1
σθ = +
(r ) ( )
2 2
− r12 r22 − r12 r2 σ r ≈ −1.1 MPa

and the radial displacement is: and no stress on the inner boundary. For the case where the

1 − 2ν P r − P r r2
1 (P2 − P )r r 1 2 2 outer cylinder thickness is 10 mm, a radial stress on the outer
( ) ( )
2 2 11 1 2 1
.………….....3 boundary of the cement of about:
2G r −r 2
2G r22 − r
r 1

This set of equations can first be used to estimate what rock σ r ≈ −1.9 MPa
elastic properties the outer cylinder simulates. To carry out
this estimation, one has to compare the displacement of the and a radial stress on the inner boundary of about:
cylinder at its inner boundary with that of a semi-infinite rock,
under a pressure P1. For the steel one has: σ r ≈ −1.0 MPa

us =
1 − 2ν − P1 r1(
1 (− P1 ) r2 r1
( ) ( )
…………..…….4 Note that a compressive radial stress on the outer cylinder
2G r22 − r12 2G r22 − r12 will increase the tangential stress of about the same amount. In
For the rock, with r2 being infinite: this case the outer material is a semi-infinite material instead
of the outer steel cylinder. This increase of the tensile stress
creates concern of tensile failure of the rock while using
expanding cement. 1 MPa tensile stress on a 1000 MPa shear

modulus rock is actually sufficient to cause concern, the rock This area provides an attractive application for expanding
would have been under no confining pressure. However, in cements, as they generate a good bonding to the casing and the
downhole conditions, the compressive state of stress imposed formation (salt is stiffer than cement), and salt can be used in
by the far-field condition and the near wellbore stress high concentrations in the cement slurry. The second main
concentration removes any concern of rock failure. Another objective is therefore to ensure that the cap rock is also
advantageous behavior is that, in the case of a hard rock, the perfectly isolated.
cement tends towards a compressive state of stress. Therefore, In the following examples an expanding cement, which
since cements, like rocks, are pressure sensitive materials with was generated with the same expanding agent as in the
an increase of compressive strength with increase of confining experiments described above, has been used to set production
pressure, and a compressive strength about ten times higher casings across salt formations in order to obtain access to
than the tensile strength, an expanding cement will also underground gas storages.
become much more resistant than a non-expanding cement to
any pressure or temperature increase in the wellbore. Example 1: Wingas underground storage Rehden. The
Finally it should be noticed that the amount of expansion is underground gas storage Rehden operated by Wintershall for
a strong function of the boundary conditions. Linear expansion Wingas is located in a Dolomite formation. On top of the
of the expanding cements is one order of magnitude higher storage formation a massive Zechstein salt formation is found.
than that of the cement when placed in the annulus The drilled wells are extended reach wells with a long
experiment. The chemical process of mineral growth is horizontal section. The 12 ¼ ” open hole section of the wells
strongly controlled by the state of stress, and mineral growth are highly deviated up to 85 °. They are completed with an
will tend to occur where the stress value is the lowest, i.e. in open perforated 7” liner. Attaining a gastight cementation for
the pores or empty spaces. Expanding cements will therefore the production casing was a key point for these wells.
be more efficient at filling gaps (dehydrated mud cakes, mud The 13 3/8” casing was run as a liner and cemented with a
layers, channels, already formed microannulus) than low density slurry, because of total losses occurring in a
compensating for a microannulus formed once the expansion Sandstone formation (Bundsandstein).
is completed. On the other hand, expansion lasts for days, The 9 5/8” production casing was set at around 3000-
even weeks, which enables the cement to compensate for 3400 m (TVD 2000 m) with a BHST of around 85-95°C. Two
change of mud weight during the drilling of the subsequent different cement systems were used: a light weight slurry with
section. a density of 1.45 kg/l was pumped as a lead slurry and an
expanding cement as a tail slurry. The expanding cement
Case Studies system was salt saturated with a density of 1.94 kg/l. The
Application. One of the main applications of expanding slurries were batchmixed prior to the job. The top of the
cements is their use in the cementation of gas wells. In cement was 100 m above the 13 3/8” liner. A saltwater spacer
particular, various gas producers are now involved in the was pumped ahead. The cement job ran as planned. The
storage of gas in downhole depleted reservoirs or in cavities. displacement rate was 3000 l/min. USIT and CBL logs
Good zonal isolation of these reservoirs is required since the showed excellent bonds with lead slurries for the wells.
gas flows easily towards the surface as soon as a microannulus
is present. Cement treatments which fail to provide adequate Example 2: EWE Underground Gasstorage Huntorf. EWE
zonal isolation may require expensive workover to stop this has a underground storage Huntorf in the area of Oldenburg in
unacceptable gas flow. The first main objective for gas storage north-western Germany. These storage wells were built as
wells is to cement a production casing perfectly gastight. caverns which were created by dissolving salt pumping
Moreover, reservoirs for gas storage often have a salt freshwater through a massive salt formation. EWE
formation as a cap rock. An artificial reservoir could have recommended a gastight cementation of the 13 3/8”
been made in the salt itself by creating cavities. Cementing in production casing.
salt zones often causes problems due to the fact that salt often For this section the cementation had to be cemented up to
needs to be drilled with a high mud weight. The depleted surface. Therefore the job was done as a stab-in cementation.
reservoir, however, needs to be drilled with a low mud weight. The casing was set at 1050 m, around 500 m deep into the salt
If the casing has been set and cemented in the salt zone with a formation (BHST 55°C). Expanding cement was used as a tail
high density fluid, then the subsequent drilling of the reservoir slurry for the 13 3/8” production casing and a Portland cement
will be made with a much lower mud weight. A decrease of as a lead slurry. Both slurries were salt-saturated. The
wellbore pressure can lead to the creation of a microannulus displacement rate was 1500 l/min. CBL log have not been
between the casing and the cement. done yet, but no gas migration problems in the annulus have
Another risk of creating a microannulus in salt zones is been observed after one year to date.
related to the dilution of the slurry by the salt. Experiments
demonstrated that cement slurries which were pumped across
a salt section and returned to the surface, gained more than 4%
salt 6.

Conclusion 4. Justnes, H., van Loo, D., Reynier, B., Skalle, P., Sveen, J. and
It was shown by annulus expansion experiments that the use of Sellevold, E.J.: “Chemical Shrinkage of Oil Well Cement
expanding cement systems in soft formations (e. g. Slurries,” Advances in Cement Research (Apr. 1995), 7, No. 26,
unconsolidated sandstone) may run the risk of creating an 85-90.
5. Thiercelin, M., Baumgarte, C. and Guillot, D.: “A soil
inner annulus between the cement and the casing string, as the mechanics approach to predict cement sheath behavior,” SPE
expansion moves radial outwards in the direction of the least 47375 presented at the SPE/ISRM Eurock held in Trondheim,
resistance, in this case towards the simulated unconsolidated Norway, Jul. 8-10, 1998.
sandstone. 6. Seidel, F. A. and Greene, T. G.: “Use of Expanding Cement
Expanding cement systems will therefore work best in hard improves Bonding and Aids in Eliminating Annular Gas
rock formations, which are able to resist the expansion forces Migration in Hobbs Grayburg-San Andres Wells,” SPE 14434
of the expanding cement. As a result the cement is pre-stressed presented at the 60th Annual Technical Conference and
and a good hydraulic seal is achieved. Exhibition held in Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 22-25, 1985.
Expanding cement only begins to expand after the cement 7. Beirute, R. M., Wilson, M. A. and Sabins, F. L.: “Attenuation
of Casing Cemented with Conventional and Expanding
has set, which can take days. The quality of the bonding
Cements across Heavy-Oil and Sandstone Formations,” SPE
between the cement/formation and cement/casing will 18027 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
therefore increase with time. Exhibition held in Houston, Oct. 2-5, 1988.
The shear moduli of the rock and the cement are important 8. De Rozieres, J.: “Shrinkage and Expansion of Oil Well
parameters determining whether the cement will expand only Cements,” Report of the API work group on shrinkage,
towards the formation or towards both the formation and the February 1995.
casing. 9. Powers, T. C.: “Structure and Physical Properties of Hardened
Case studies demonstrated the efficiency of expanding Cement Paste, “ J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (1958), 41, No 1, 1-6.
cements used in salt formations 10. Parcevaux, P. A. and Sault, P. H.: “Cement Shrinkage and
Elasticity: A New Approach for a Good Zonal Isolation,” SPE
13176 presented at the 59th Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, Sept. 16-19, 1984.
11. Setter, N. & Roy, D. M.: Mechanical Features of Chemical
Shrinkage of Cement Paste. Cement and Concrete Research,
(1978), 8, No. 5, 603-610.
Acknowledgments 12. Powers, T. C.: Ind & Eng. Chem. (1935), 790.
The authors wish to thank Schlumberger Dowell, Wingas and 13. Geiker, M. and Knudsen, T.: “Chemical Shrinkage of Portland
EWE for permission to publish this paper. Cement,” Cement and Concrete Research (1982), 12, No 5,
14. Moran, L. K., Murray, T. R. and Moyer, W. R.: “Cement
Nomenclature Expansion: A Laboratory Investigation,” SPE 21685 presented
r1 =inner radius of hollow cylinder at the Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma
r2 =outer radius of hollow cylinder City, Oklahoma, April 7-9, 1991.
P1 =radial stress at r1
P2 =radial stress at r2
σr =radial stress in a hollow cylinder
σθ =tangential stress in a hollow cylinder
Gr =shear modulus of the rock
G =shear modulus
us =radial displacement of steel SI Metric Conversion Factors
ur =radial displacement of rock in. × 2.54* E−02 = m
v =Poisson’s ratio (oF-32) / 1.8* E+00 = oC
BHST =Bottomhole Static Temperature psi × 6.894 757 E+00 = kPa
BWOC =By Weight Of Cement ft ×3.048* E-01 = m
ppg 1.198264* E+02 = kg/m3
1. Goodwin, K.J. and Crook, R.J.: “Cement Sheath Stress *Conversion factor is exact.
Failure,” SPEDE (Dec. 1992) 291-296.
2. Jackson, P.B. and Murphey, C.E.: “Effect of Casing Pressure
on Gas Flow Through a Sheath of Set Cement,” SPE 25698
presented at the 1993 SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
Amsterdam, Feb. 23-25.
3. Justnes, H., Reynier, B., van Loo, D. and Sellevold, E.J.: “An
Evaluation Of Methods for Measuring Chemical Shrinkage of
Cementitious Pastes,” Nordic Concrete Research, Publication
No. 14, 1994, 45-61.




Strain [mstrain]



strain gage 0

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time [mn]

113 mm Fig. 3.—Results of test with Set up A, 1mm outer casing.

198 mm Strain as a function of time. () : outer gages, (---) : inner
Fig. 1.—Set up A of the annulus experiment. The outer cylinder
has a thickness of 1mm.



3.5 Temperature [C] 82

2.5 79
Linear Expansion [%]


1 75
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time [mn]

0 Fig. 4.—Results of test with Set up A, 1mm outer casing.

0 5 10 15 20
Slurry and oven temperature as a function of time. () :
Time [day]
oven temperature, (---) : slurry temperature.
Fig. 2.—Development of linear expansion versus time
measured with annular expansion mold.


Strain [mstrain]

−0.1 P1 r1 r2 r



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

Time [mn]

Fig. 5.—Results of test with Set up B, 10mm outer casing.

Fig. 7.—The hollow cylinder geometry.
Strain as a function of time. () : outer gages, (---) : inner




Temperature [C]







0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time [mn]

Fig. 6.—Results of test with Set up B, 10mm outer casing.

Slurry and oven temperature as a function of time. () :
oven temperature, (---) : slurry temperature.

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