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Assignment 1

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Department of Electrical and Electronics, CoES

Basic Electronics Engineering

Academic Year: 2018-19 Assignment– I (100 Marks)

Q 1. Explain the formation of depletion layer for a PN junction diode. Draw the V-I characteristics for a
crystal diode and label various parameters. [5 marks]
Q 2. Calculate the current flowing through the 1KΩ resistance (in figure 1) assuming a practical Germanium
Diode with a forward resistance of 2Ω. [5 marks]

Fig 1 – Ques. 2

Fig 2 – Ques. 3
Q 3. For the circuit given in figure 2 calculate the current flowing through R1, R2, and R3. [5 marks]
Q 4. Determine the currents I1, I2 and ID for the circuit shown in figure 3. [5 marks]

Fig 3 – Ques. 4

Q 5. For the circuit shown in figure 4, find (i) the output voltage, (ii) the voltage drop across series resistance,
(iii) current through the Zener diode. [5 marks]

Fig 4 – Ques. 5
Q 6. A 7.2V Zener diode is used in the circuit as shown in figure 5 and the load current is to vary from 12 to
100 mA. Find the value of resistance R to maintain a voltage of 7.2V across the load. The input voltage is
considered at 12V and the minimum Zener current is 10 mA. [10 marks]

Fig 5 – Ques. 6

Q 7. Calculate the value of dynamic resistance for a diode, the forward characteristics for which are given in
table1. [10 marks]

Table 1 PN junction forward bias results

Serial No. Forward bias voltage (v) Forward current (mA)
1 0 0
2 0.2 0
3 0.4 0.5
4 0.8 2
5 1.2 5
6 1.6 10
7 2.0 20
8 2.4 30

Q 8. Derive the Vrms, Vdc, ripple factor, and efficiency for a center tapped full wave rectifier, also draw the
circuit and input output waveforms for the same? [10 marks]
Q 9. Explain the different kind of breakdown mechanism in pn junction diodes and state the applications of
Zener diodes? [10 marks]
Q 10. A half wave rectifier uses a transformer of turn ratio 4:1. If the primary voltage is 240V (rms value),
find (i) DC output voltage, and (ii) peak inverse voltage. Assume the diode to be ideal. [10 marks]
Q 11. A half wave rectifier uses a transformer of turn ratio 2:1. The load resistance is 500Ω. If the primary
voltage (Vrms) is 240 V, find (i) DC output voltage and (ii)Peak inverse voltage. [10 marks]
Q 12. For a bridge rectifier the maximum voltage across the secondary coil is 50V. Find (i) the average load
voltage, (ii) peak inverse voltage, and (iii) output frequency. Assume the diodes to be ideal and transformers
input signal frequency as 50 Hz. [15 marks]

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