CSR 2012
CSR 2012
CSR 2012
Chapter # 01 CARRIAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
01-01-a Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or 50 Meter 0.00 71.39 50 m 0.00 71.39 a) Cement carried in
other means : 1st 50 meter containers other than
bags will be paid
according to this item
01-01-b Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or 50 Meter 0.00 11.15 50 m 0.00 11.15 b) Word, pipes and
other means : 2nd 50 meter specials, covers GI ,
PVC and steel pipes
and specials.
01-01-c Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or 50 Meter 0.00 7.76 50 m 0.00 7.76 c) Reduce the rate in
other means : 3rd to 5th 50 meter case of carriage of
1000 NO. Tiles by:-
01-01-d Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or 250 Meter 0.00 34.56 250 m 0.00 34.56 33% for 12"x6"x1"
other means : 250 to 1000 meter size
01-01-e Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or km 0.00 123.88 km 0.00 123.88 25% for 12"x6"x1.5"
other means : 1st kilometer size
01-01-f Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or km 0.00 28.31 km 0.00 28.31 20% for
other means : 2nd - 5th kilometer 12"x6"x1.25" size
01-01-g Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or km 0.00 24.20 km 0.00 24.20
other means : 6th to 10th kilometer
01-01-h Carriage of 100 cft / 5 tonne of all materials by truck or km 0.00 19.97 km 0.00 19.97
other means : 11th & subsequent kilometer
01-02-a Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck 50 Meter 0.00 44.98 50 m 0.00 44.98 Reduce the rate by
etc : 1st 50 meter 33% for tile size
01-02-b Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck 50 Meter 0.00 7.03 50 m 0.00 7.03
etc : 2nd 50 meter
01-02-c Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck 50 Meter 0.00 4.89 50 m 0.00 4.89
etc : 3rd to 5th 50 meter
01-02-d Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck 50 Meter 0.00 21.77 250 m 0.00 21.77
etc : 250 - 1000 meter
01-02-e Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck km 0.00 78.04 km 0.00 78.04
etc : 1st kilometer
01-02-f Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck km 0.00 17.84 km 0.00 17.84
etc : 2nd - 5th kilometer
01-02-g Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck km 0.00 15.25 km 0.00 15.25
etc : 6th - 10th kilometer
01-02-h Carriage of 1000 Nos. bricks or load upto 3 tonne by truck km 0.00 12.58 km 0.00 12.58
etc : 11th & subsequent kilometer
01-03-a Carriage of cement(bag), bitumen/lubricants (drum) by Tonne/50 M 0.00 14.28 tonne/50 0.00 14.28
truck or other means : 1st 50 meter
01-03-b Carriage of cement (bag) bitumen/lubricant (drum) by truck Tonne/50 M 0.00 2.23 tonne/50 0.00 2.23
or other means : 2nd 50 meter
Chapter # 01 CARRIAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
01-03-c Carriage of cement (bag), bitumen/lubricant (drum) by Tonne/50 M 0.00 1.55 tonne/50 0.00 1.55
truck or other means : 3rd to 5th 50 meter
01-03-d Carriage of cement(bag), bitumen/lubricant (drum) by truck Tonne/250 M 0.00 6.91 t/250m 0.00 6.91
or other means : 250 to 1000 meter
01-03-e Carriage of cement(bags), bitumen/lubricant (drum) by Tonne/1 K 0.00 24.78 tonne/km 0.00 24.78
truck or other means : 1st kilometer
01-03-f Carriage of cement(bag), bitumen/lubricant (drum) by truck Tonne/1 K 0.00 5.66 tonne/km 0.00 5.66
or other means : 2nd - 5th kilometer
01-03-g Carriage of cement(bag), bitumen/lubricant (drum) by truck Tonne/1 K 0.00 4.84 tonne/km 0.00 4.84
or other means : 6th - 10th kilometer
01-03-h Carriage of cement(bag), bitumen/lubricant (drum) by truck Tonne/1 K 0.00 3.99 tonne/km 0.00 3.99
or other means : 11th & subsequent km
01-04-a Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or 50 Meter 0.00 42.83 50 m 0.00 42.83
boat : 1st 50 meter
01-04-b Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or 50 Meter 0.00 6.69 50 m 0.00 6.69
boat : 2nd 50 meter
01-04-c Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pichi, frash etc by road or 50 Meter 0.00 4.65 50 m 0.00 4.65
boat : 3rd to 5th kilometer
01-04-d Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or 250 Meter 0.00 20.73 250 m 0.00 20.73
boat : 250 to 1000 meter
01-04-e Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pichi, frash etc by road or km 0.00 74.33 km 0.00 74.33
boat : 1st kilometer
01-04-f Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or km 0.00 16.99 km 0.00 16.99
boat : 2nd - 5th kilometer
01-04-g Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or km 0.00 14.52 km 0.00 14.52
boat : 6th - 10th kilometer
01-04-h Carriage of 100cft of sarkanda, pilchi, frash etc by road or km 0.00 11.98 km 0.00 11.98
boat : 11th & subsequent kilometer
01-05-a Carriage of small consignments upto 250kg 1st 50 meter 50 Meter 0.00 3.57 50 m 0.00 3.57 For consignment
weighing over 250
kg, the rate shall be
increased on pro-rate
01-05-b Carriage of small consigmnments upto 250 kg 2nd 50 50 Meter 0.00 0.56 50 m 0.00 0.56
01-05-c Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 3rd to 5th 50 50 Meter 0.00 0.39 50 m 0.00 0.39
01-05-d Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 250 - 1000 250 Meter 0.00 1.73 250 m 0.00 1.73
01-05-e Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 1st kilometer km 0.00 6.19 km 0.00 6.19
01-05-f Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 2nd to 5th km 0.00 1.42 km 0.00 1.42
Chapter # 01 CARRIAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
01-05-g Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 6th to 10th km 0.00 1.21 km 0.00 1.21
01-05-h Carriage of small consignments upto 250 kg 11th & km 0.00 1.00 km 0.00 1.00
subsequent kilometer
01-06-a Carriage of consignments (odd job) Coolie load km 37.20 37.20 km 37.20 37.20
01-06-b Carriage of consignments (odd job) Donkey load km 0.00 36.30 km 0.00 36.30
01-06-c Carriage of consignments (odd job) Cart Load km 0.00 31.76 km 0.00 31.76
01-06-d Carriage of consignments (odd job) Camel load km 0.00 54.45 km 0.00 54.45
01-07-a Hire Charges of Truck Day 0.00 8,417.39 Day 0.00 8,417.39 a) This item shall be
allowed with prior
concurrence of
Engineer b) The rate
includes pay of driver
and cleaner only. The
cost of repairs shall
be borne by the owner
and the cost of POL,
shall be paid by the
borrower .
01-07-b Hire charges of Tractor with trolley Day 0.00 7,014.98 Day 0.00 7,014.98
01-07-c Hire charges of Tractor without trolley Day 0.00 5,260.60 Day 0.00 5,260.60
01-08-a Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 500 meter Each 558.00 558.00 Each 558.00 558.00
01-08-b Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 1 kilometer Each 837.00 837.00 Each 837.00 837.00
01-08-c Hand shunting loaded railway wagons Upto 2 kilometer Each 1,023.00 1,023.00 Each 1,023.00 1,023.00
01-08-d Hand shunting loaded railway wagons 3rd & subsequent Each 465.00 465.00 Each 465.00 465.00
01-09-a Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 500 meter Each 279.00 279.00 Each 279.00 279.00
01-09-b Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 1 kilometer Each 418.50 418.50 Each 418.50 418.50
01-09-c Hand shunting empty railway wagons Upto 2 kilometer Each 511.50 511.50 Each 511.50 511.50
01-09-d Hand shunting empty railway wagons 3rd & subsequent Each 232.50 232.50 Each 232.50 232.50
Chapter # 05 MORTAR
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
05-01 Lime Sand Mortar 1 : 2 (one Lime: 2 Sand) 100 Cft 1,395.00 9,288.52 m3 492.64 3,280.21
05-02 Lime Sand Mortar 1 : 3 (one Lime: 3 Sand) 100 Cft 1,395.00 8,109.08 m3 492.64 2,863.70
05-03 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 1-1/2 (one Lime: 1-1/2 Surkhi) 100 Cft 1,395.00 7,465.13 m3 492.64 2,636.29
05-04 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 2 (one Lime: 2 Surkhi) 100 Cft 1,395.00 6,491.89 m3 492.64 2,292.59
05-05 Lime Surkhi Mortar 1 : 3 (one Lime: 3 Surkhi) 100 Cft 1,395.00 5,274.17 m3 492.64 1,862.56
05-06 Lime Sand And Surkhi Mortar 1 : 1 : 1 (one Lime: 1 Sand 100 Cft 1,395.00 7,252.17 m3 492.64 2,561.08
And : 1 Surkhi)
05-07 Lime Sand And Surkhi Mortar 1 : 2 : 1 (one Lime: 2 Sand 100 Cft 1,395.00 6,420.32 m3 492.64 2,267.32
And : 1 Surkhi)
05-08 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 3 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 18,732.80 m3 492.64 6,615.43
Cement And : 3 Sand)
05-09 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 4 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 16,340.76 m3 492.64 5,770.69
Cement And : 4 Sand)
05-10 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 5 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 14,643.57 m3 492.64 5,171.33
Cement And : 5 Sand)
05-11 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 6 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 13,373.83 m3 492.64 4,722.93
Cement And : 6 Sand)
05-12 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 7 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 12,450.82 m3 492.64 4,396.97
Cement And : 7sand)
05-13 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 8 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 11,440.71 m3 492.64 4,040.25
Cement And : 8 Sand)
05-14 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 9 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 10,966.08 m3 492.64 3,872.64
Cement And : 9 Sand)
05-15 Lime, Cement And Sand Mortar 1 : 1 : 10 (one Lime: One 100 Cft 1,395.00 10,474.91 m3 492.64 3,699.18
Cement And : 10 Sand)
05-16 Cement, Lime And Sand Mortar 1 : 2 : 6 (one Cement: 2 100 Cft 1,395.00 12,617.52 m3 492.64 4,455.84
Lime And : 6 Sand)
05-17 Cement, Lime And Sand Mortar 1 : 2 : 9 (one Cement: 2 100 Cft 1,395.00 11,345.74 m3 492.64 4,006.71
Lime And : 9 Sand)
05-18 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 1 (one Cement: One Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 32,961.17 m3 394.11 11,640.14
05-19 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 1-1/2 (one Cement: 1-1/2 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 27,533.93 m3 394.11 9,723.52
05-20 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 2 (one Cement: 2 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 24,060.11 m3 394.11 8,496.76
05-21 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 2-1/2 (one Cement: 2-1/2 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 21,075.96 m3 394.11 7,442.91
05-22 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 3 (one Cement: 3 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 18,646.39 m3 394.11 6,584.92
05-23 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 4 (one Cement: 4 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 15,583.83 m3 394.11 5,503.38
05-24 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 5 (one Cement: 5 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 13,858.24 m3 394.11 4,894.00
05-25 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 6 (one Cement: 6 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 12,329.14 m3 394.11 4,354.00
05-26 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 7 (one Cement: 7 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 11,348.95 m3 394.11 4,007.85
05-27 Cement Sand Mortar 1 : 8 (one Cement: 8 Sand) 100 Cft 1,116.00 10,505.11 m3 394.11 3,709.85
05-28 Clay Mortar. 100 Cft 1,953.00 2,354.32 m3 689.70 831.42
05-29 Clay Mortar Mixed With Chipped Bhoosa Or Straw. 100 Cft 1,953.00 2,386.84 m3 689.70 842.90
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Chapter # 05 MORTAR
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
05-30 Clay Mortar Mixed With Cow-dung 1 : 1 (1 Clay: 1 Cow 200 Cft 2,046.00 6,513.17 m3 361.27 1,150.05
05-31 White Cement And Sand Mortar1 : 3 (1 White Cement 3 100 Cft 1,116.00 27,446.11 m3 394.11 9,692.51
05-32 Coloured Cement Mortar Made By Mixing White Cement 100 Cft 1,116.00 97,589.56 m3 394.11 34,463.46
And Pigment Of Approved Shade (1 White Cement Mixed
With Pigment Of Approved Shade: 2 Sand)
05-33 White Cement And Sand Mortar1 : 2 (1 White Cement 2 100 Cft 1,116.00 36,129.86 m3 394.11 12,759.15
05-34 Coloured Cement Mortar Made By Mixing Grey Cement 100 Cft 1,116.00 97,589.56 m3 394.11 34,463.46
And Pigment Of Approved Shade (1 Grey Cement Mixed
With Pigment Of Approved Shade: 2 Sand)
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-01 Mud concrete in foundation using brick ballast or stone 100 Cft 1,677.72 3,610.70 m3 592.48 1,275.11 The stone ballast,
ballast 1.5" gauge to 2" guage crushed bajri, round
shingle from nallah,
or brick ballast may
be used according to
their comparative
cheaper rates in
various areas of the
06-02 Dry rammed shingle brick ballast or stone ballast 1.5" to 2" 100 Cft 1,116.00 2,793.06 m3 394.11 986.36 ditto
06-03-a Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah 100 Cft 2,232.00 11,467.20 m3 788.22 4,049.61
shingle well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth
(Ratio 1:3:6)
06-03-b Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah 100 Cft 2,232.00 9,423.76 m3 788.22 3,327.97
shingle well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth
(Ratio 1:4:8)
06-03-c Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah 100 Cft 2,232.00 8,829.89 m3 788.22 3,118.25
shingle well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth
(Ratio 1:5:10)
06-03-d Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah 100 Cft 2,232.00 8,227.31 m3 788.22 2,905.45
shingle well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth
(Ratio 1:6:12)
06-03-e Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah 100 Cft 2,232.00 7,346.91 m3 788.22 2,594.54
shingle well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth
(Ratio 1:6:18)
06-03-f Cement Concrete (brick/stone ballast, 1.5" to 2"/nullah 100 Cft 2,232.00 7,115.08 m3 788.22 2,512.67
shingle well graded and cleaned) in foundation & plinth
(Ratio 1:7:20)
06-04-a Extra on Item 3 above, for sedimentation tank or filter beds 100 Cft 1,116.00 1,116.00 m3 394.11 394.11 The stone ballast,
in PHE works (in bed) crushed bajri, round
shingle from nallah,
or brick ballast may
be used according to
their comparative
cheaper rates in
various areas of the
06-04-b Extra on Item 3 above, for sedimentation tank or filter beds 100 Cft 1,674.00 1,674.00 m3 591.17 591.17
in PHE works (On slope)
06-05-a Plain Cement Conrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 23,505.74 m3 726.48 8,300.98
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:1:2)
06-05-b Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 23,266.16 m3 726.48 8,216.38
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:1.5:1.5)
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-05-c Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 19,084.40 m3 726.48 6,739.60
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:1.5:3)
06-05-d Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 18,325.73 m3 726.48 6,471.68
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:2:3)
06-05-e Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 16,469.59 m3 726.48 5,816.19
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:3:3)
06-05-f Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 16,709.17 m3 726.48 5,900.79
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:2:4)
06-05-g Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 14,919.58 m3 726.48 5,268.80
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:2:6)
06-05-h Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 14,490.03 m3 726.48 5,117.11
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:3:6)
06-05-i Plain Cement Concrete including placing, compacting, 100 Cft 2,057.16 12,583.07 m3 726.48 4,443.67
finishing & curing (Ratio 1:4:8)
06-06-a-01 RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural 100 Cft 4,166.40 27,110.98 m3 1,471.35 9,574.16 1) The rate include
members, insitu or precast. Type A (1:1:2) rendering floor
surface smooth, and
the plastering done
for making up all
surfaces after
removing centering.
06-06-a-02 RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural 100 Cft 4,166.40 23,557.21 m3 1,471.35 8,319.16 2) Plastering done
members, insitu or precast. Type B (1:1.5:3) after soffit of R.C.C
roof slab meant for
human habitaion
buildings shall be
paid extra
06-06-a-03 RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural 100 Cft 4,166.40 21,181.98 m3 1,471.35 7,480.35 3) This item shall not
members, insitu or precast. Type C (1:2:4) be applicable to
factory made units.
06-06-b-01 RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. 100 Cft 4,092.00 25,439.18 m3 1,445.08 8,983.77
wall etc, not including in 06-06. Type A (1:1:2)
06-06-b-02 RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. 100 Cft 4,092.00 21,986.81 m3 1,445.08 7,764.58
wall etc, not including in 06-06 Type B (1:1.5:3)
06-06-b-03 RCC in raft foundation slab, base slab of column & ret. 100 Cft 4,092.00 18,746.67 m3 1,445.08 6,620.33
wall etc, not including in 06-06. Type C(1:2:4)
06-06-c-01 RCC including Precast/Prestressed in slab, beam, column, 100 Cft 4,836.00 30,745.08 m3 1,707.82 10,857.53
lintel, girder, etc. Type A (1:1:2)
06-06-c-02 RCC including Precast/Prestressed in slab, beam. column, 100 Cft 4,836.00 27,191.31 m3 1,707.82 9,602.53
lintels, girder, etc. Type B (1:1.5:3)
06-06-c-03 RCC including Precast/Prestressed slab, column, beam, 100 Cft 4,836.00 23,948.52 m3 1,707.82 8,457.35
lintel, girder etc. Type C (1:2:4).
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-06-d-01 Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, 100 Cft 7,068.00 29,923.14 m3 2,496.04 10,567.27
weirs, barrages, cross drainage works and other hydrolic
structures using crushed stone aggregate(screening &
washing) and coarse sand i/c costof all labour and material
and all kinds of form works, moulds, shuttering
lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the
exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of
steel reinforcement and labour for bending binding also
excludig cost of additives which have to be paid separately.
Type A (1:1:2)
06-06-d-02 Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, 100 Cft 7,068.00 26,146.74 m3 2,496.04 9,233.64
weirs, barrages, cross drainage works and other hydrolic
structures using crushed stone aggregate(screening &
washing) and coarse sand i/c costof all labour and material
and all kinds of form works, moulds, shuttering
lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the
exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of
steel reinforcement and labour for bending binding also
excludig cost of additives which have to be paid separately.
Type B (1:1.5:3)
06-06-d-03 Reinforced cement concrete work as in dams, spillways, 100 Cft 7,068.00 23,771.51 m3 2,496.04 8,394.84
weirs, barrages, cross drainage works and other hydrolic
structures using crushed stone aggregate(screening &
washing) and coarse sand i/c costof all labour and material
and all kinds of form works, moulds, shuttering
lifting/pumping, curing, rendering and finishing the
exposed surface, cast in situ/precast excluding the cost of
steel reinforcement and labour for bending binding also
excludig cost of additives which have to be paid separately.
Type C (1:2:4)
06-06-e Add extra labour for RCC in 2nd & subsequent storeys 100 Cft 1,581.00 1,581.00 m3 558.33 558.33
06-07-a Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete Cwt 279.00 4,847.11 Tonne 5,491.89 95,411.55 The rate includes
(Plain bars) wastage, overlap and
chairs, etc
06-07-b Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete Cwt 279.00 6,014.84 Tonne 5,491.89 118,397.38
(Hot rolled deformed bars Grade 60)
06-07-c Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete Cwt 279.00 5,556.33 Tonne 5,491.89 109,371.99
(Hot rolled deformed bars Grade 40)
06-08 Supplying & fixing high tensile steel wire in prestressing Cwt 558.00 10,330.08 Tonne 10,983.78 203,339.36 The rate includes
cables in precast girders wastage & allowance
for stressing of
06-09 Precast cement concrete solid or face blocks 1:2:4, 100 Cft 3,348.00 16,858.86 m3 1,182.34 5,953.66
including cost of templates.
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-10 Precast cem. concrete hollow blocks 1:2:4, including cost 100 Cft 7,254.00 15,034.30 m3 2,561.73 5,309.32
of templates & constructing wall thereof
06-11 Provide & fix ornamental cement jali 1:2:4 2" thick without 100 Sft 2,976.00 5,268.95 m2 320.22 566.94
06-12-a Extra labour for laying concrete (plain or reinforced) From 100 Cft 1,488.00 1,488.00 m3 525.48 525.48
20' upto 40' height
06-12-b Extra labour for laying concrete (plain or reinforced) For 100 Cft 744.00 744.00 m3 262.74 262.74
every extra10' height
06-13 Extra labour for work of weirs, rails or bridges, syphons & 100 Cft 372.00 372.00 m3 131.37 131.37
concreting in superstructure
06-14 RCC spout, 2.5'x6"x5", including fixing in position Each 279.00 696.59 Each 279.00 696.59
06-15 Making holes upto 3" dia, 18" depth in cement concrete or Each 781.20 781.20 Each 781.20 781.20
stone masonry walls and repairing
06-16 Extra labour for skipping concrete in wells 100 Cft 5,394.00 5,394.00 m3 1,904.87 1,904.87
06-17-a Nicking cement concrete surface. 100 Sft 372.00 372.00 m2 40.03 40.03
06-17-b Nicking lime concrete surface. 100 Sft 122.76 122.76 m2 13.21 13.21
06-18-a Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for 100 Sft 279.00 279.00 m2 30.02 30.02
Headworks only) Horizontal floor
06-18-b Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for 100 Sft 465.00 465.00 m2 50.03 50.03
Headworks only) Glacis and crest
06-18-c Prepare, water and ramming surface for laying concrete (for 100 Sft 139.50 139.50 m2 15.01 15.01
Headworks only) inverted filters
06-19 Providing and fixing 6" wide GI sheet 18 SWG. stopper to Rft 5.81 83.10 m 19.07 272.64
expansion joint.
06-20 Fill expansion joints with bitumen, sand & saw dust in Rft 3.72 20.08 m 12.20 65.89
Ratio 1:2:2
06-21-a Filling expansion joints with bitumen Rft 37.20 58.98 m 122.05 193.50
06-21-b Laying Asphaltic Mixture in Expansion Joints Rft 37.20 37.20 m 122.05 122.05
06-22-a-01 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen 100 Sft 1,320.60 3,678.39 m2 142.10 395.79
coat, 1 layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (1.5" thick)
06-22-a-02 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen 100 Sft 1,320.60 4,206.43 m2 142.10 452.61
coat, 1 layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (2" thick)
06-22-a-03 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen 100 Sft 1,395.00 5,402.62 m2 150.10 581.32
coat, 1 layer polythene & 1 coat bitumen (3" thick)
06-22-b-01 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen 100 Sft 1,060.20 3,853.59 m2 114.08 414.65
coat, 1 layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (1.5" thick)
06-22-b-02 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen 100 Sft 1,320.60 4,642.03 m2 142.10 499.48
coat, 1 layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (2" thick)
06-22-b-03 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including bitumen 100 Sft 1,313.16 5,756.38 m2 141.30 619.39
coat, 1 layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen (3" thick)
06-23-a-01 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,381.71 m2 130.09 256.27
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick)
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-23-a-02 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,609.07 m2 130.09 280.74
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
06-23-a-03 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,471.86 m2 130.09 265.97
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick)
06-23-a-04 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,743.86 m2 130.09 295.24
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
06-23-a-05 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,606.65 m2 130.09 280.48
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)
06-23-a-06 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,972.31 m2 130.09 319.82
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick)
06-23-b-01 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,819.49 m2 130.09 303.38
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick)
06-23-b-02 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,044.67 m2 130.09 327.61
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
06-23-b-03 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,907.46 m2 130.09 312.84
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick)
06-23-b-04 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,179.46 m2 130.09 342.11
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
06-23-b-05 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,042.25 m2 130.09 327.35
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)
06-23-b-06 Damp proof course in c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene, 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,407.91 m2 130.09 366.69
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick)
06-24-a-01 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,394.30 m2 130.09 257.63
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick)
06-24-a-02 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,609.07 m2 130.09 280.74
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
06-24-a-03 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,487.47 m2 130.09 267.65
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick)
06-24-a-04 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,743.86 m2 130.09 295.24
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
06-24-a-05 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,606.65 m2 130.09 280.48
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)
06-24-a-06 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 1 coat 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,972.31 m2 130.09 319.82
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick)
06-24-b-01 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,829.90 m2 130.09 304.50
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.5" thick)
06-24-b-02 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,044.67 m2 130.09 327.61
bitumen Ratio 1:4 (0.75" thick)
06-24-b-03 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 2,928.27 m2 130.09 315.08
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.5" thick)
06-24-b-04 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,179.46 m2 130.09 342.11
bitumen Ratio 1:3 (0.75" thick)
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-24-b-05 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,042.25 m2 130.09 327.35
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.5" thick)
06-24-b-06 V. Damp proof c/s plaster, 1 layer polythene 2 coats 100 Sft 1,209.00 3,407.91 m2 130.09 366.69
bitumen Ratio 1:2 (0.75" thick)
06-25 Grouting concrete between the grooves of gates including 100 Cft 4,836.00 4,836.00 m3 1,707.82 1,707.82
06-26 Chisel dressing concrete surface on sides of grooves 1000 Sft 1,860.00 1,860.00 m2 20.01 20.01
06-27 Laying and ramming dry ballast or kankar 100 Sft 4,497.48 4,497.48 m2 483.93 483.93
06-28 Hoisting & placing in position RCC shelves 100 No 5,825.52 5,825.52 No 58.26 58.26
06-29-a Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 2" ring 100 Cft 1,116.00 1,116.00 m3 394.11 394.11
06-29-b Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 1.5" ring 100 Cft 1,302.00 1,302.00 m3 459.80 459.80
06-29-c Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking 1" ring 100 Cft 1,488.00 1,488.00 m3 525.48 525.48
06-29-d Breaking brick ballast, screening & stacking. Jhama ballast 100 Cft 1,674.00 1,674.00 m3 591.17 591.17
3/4" ring
06-30 Supply & fix broken glasses on court yard walls, including 100 Rft 1,183.33 8,443.33 m 38.82 277.01
1:3:6 cement concrete coping
06-31 Crushing stone ballast by machine 100 Cft 1,052.76 1,052.76 m3 371.78 371.78 This does not include
the chages for
working of crushers ,
but manual labour
for charges of stone to
crusher within 100 m
and also stacking the
product after crushing
within 100 m.
06-32-a Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 2" ring 100 Cft 1,302.00 1,302.00 m3 459.80 459.80
06-32-b Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1.5" ring 100 Cft 1,488.00 1,488.00 m3 525.48 525.48
06-32-c Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1" ring 100 Cft 1,674.00 1,674.00 m3 591.17 591.17
06-32-d Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 0.5" ring 100 Cft 2,232.00 2,232.00 m3 788.22 788.22
06-32-e Breaking stone ballast screened & stacked 1/8" to 1/4" ring 100 Cft 3,720.00 3,720.00 m3 1,313.71 1,313.71
06-33 Screening and stacking stone ballast, shingle or bajri etc 100 Cft 372.00 372.00 m3 131.37 131.37
06-34 Washing ballast, bajri or shingle 100 Cft 372.00 372.00 m3 131.37 131.37
06-35 Erecting and carting sun shades of precast RCC (upto 5"x Each 260.40 260.40 Each 260.40 260.40
06-36-a PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 50% 100 Cft 2,328.72 8,963.37 m3 822.38 3,165.39
06-36-b PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 40% 100 Cft 2,325.00 9,883.29 m3 821.07 3,490.25
06-36-c PCC 1:3:6 in mass concrete less formwork using 30% 100 Cft 2,325.00 10,818.64 m3 821.07 3,820.57
06-37-a PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 50% 100 Cft 2,325.00 7,842.60 m3 821.07 2,769.59
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-37-b PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 40% 100 Cft 2,325.00 8,546.82 m3 821.07 3,018.28
06-37-c PCC 1:4:8 in mass concrete less formwork using 30% 100 Cft 2,325.00 9,251.04 m3 821.07 3,266.98
06-38-a Erecting & removing formwork to concrete in any shape / 100 Sft 2,976.00 3,366.83 m2 320.22 362.27
position (Horizontal)
06-38-b Erecting & removing formwork to concrete in any shape / 100 Sft 3,348.00 3,779.97 m2 360.24 406.72
position (Vertical)
06-39-a Erection and removal of steel Form work for RCC or Plain 100 Sft 372.00 7,307.84 m2 40.03 786.32
Concrete horizontal
06-39-b Erection and removal of steel Form work for RCC or Plain 100 Sft 297.60 7,197.14 m2 32.02 774.41
Concrete vertical
06-40-a Class A1 concrete in reinforcement/non reinforcement 100 Cft 3,162.00 17,504.49 m3 1,116.65 6,181.66
concrete structure with minimum cylinder compressive
strength 3000 psi on 28 days other than concrete in water
and piles with consistency range in slump 25-75 mm with
water cement ratio 0.58
06-40-b Class A2 cement concrete for concrete place under water 100 Cft 3,162.00 18,259.17 m3 1,116.65 6,448.17
with minimum cylinder compressive strength 3500 psi on
28 days with consistency range in slump 100-150 mm with
water cement ratio 0.58
06-40-c Class A3 cement concrete for concrete in pile with 100 Cft 3,162.00 20,452.05 m3 1,116.65 7,222.58
minimum cylinder compressive strenght 4000 psi on 28
days other than concrete in water and piles with
consistency range in slump 100-150 mm with water cement
ratio 0.58
06-40-d Class B concrete for concrete in pile specified works only 100 Cft 3,162.00 16,117.83 m3 1,116.65 5,691.96
with minimum cylinder compressive strenght 2418 psi on
28 days and consistency range in slump 25-75 mm with
water cement ratio 0.65
06-40-e Class C concrete for concrete for cribbing or otherwise 100 Cft 3,162.00 17,071.31 m3 1,116.65 6,028.68
specified in special provision with minimum cylinder
compressive strength 3000 psi on 28 days and consistency
range in slump 25-75 mm with water cement ratio 0.58
06-40-f Class D1 concrete for concrete in pre-stressed & post 100 Cft 3,162.00 21,405.53 m3 1,116.65 7,559.30
tensioned with minimum cylinder compressive strength
4978.12 psi on 28 days and consistency range in slump
50-100 mm with water cement ratio 0.40
06-40-g Class D2 concrete for concrete in pre-stressed & post 100 Cft 3,162.00 22,879.31 m3 1,116.65 8,079.76
tensioned with minimum cylinder compressive strength
6045 psi on 28 days and consistency range in slump
50-100 mm with water cement ratio 0.40
Chapter # 06 CONCRETE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
06-40-h Class D3 concrete for concrete in pre-stressed & post 100 Cft 3,162.00 24,302.56 m3 1,116.65 8,582.38
tensioned with minimum cylinder compressive strength
7112 psi on 28 days and consistency range in slump
50-100 mm with water cement ratio 0.40
06-40-i Class Y concrete for concrete use as filler in steel grid, 100 Cft 3,162.00 19,732.95 m3 1,116.65 6,968.63
Bridge floor, in then reinforced section etc with minimum
cylinder compressive strength 2575 psi on 28 days and
consistency range in slump 50-100 mm with water cement
ratio 0.58
06-40-j Lean concrete for use as thin layer under neath footings 100 Cft 3,162.00 13,143.29 m3 1,116.65 4,641.51
with cylinder compressive strength of 1423 psi on 28 days.
Chapter # 09 ROOFING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
09-01 First class tile roofing including earth, mud plaster, gobri 100 Sft 5,412.60 14,590.35 m2 582.40 1,569.92 Add extra 13%, 32%
leeping, cement plaster etc complete and 51% on labour
rates only are 6%,
15% and 23% on
composite rates for
2nd, 3rd, 4th and
subsequent floors
09-02 Second class tile roofing consisting of 4" earth and 1" mud 100 Sft 4,092.00 9,019.79 m2 440.30 970.53 ditto
plaster with gobri leeping etc
09-03 Covering mud roof with coal tar and fine sand 100 Sft 182.28 954.68 m2 19.61 102.72 ditto
09-04-a Filling spaces in between wooden battens over beams, 100 Sft 558.00 2,538.77 m2 60.04 273.17 ditto
filled with deodar wood pieces
09-04-b Filling spaces in between RCC battens, filled with PCC 100 Sft 792.36 1,200.73 m2 85.26 129.20
block 1:3:6
09-04-c Filling spaces in between spacers filled with bricks 100 Sft 226.92 679.46 m2 24.42 73.11
09-05 Single layer of tiles 10"x5"x1.25" laid over 4" earth and 1" 100 Sft 1,674.00 9,041.43 m2 180.12 972.86 Add extra 13%, 32%
mud plaster on top of RC roof slab and 51% on labour
rates only are 6%,
15% and 23% on
composite rates for
2nd, 3rd, 4th and
subsequent floors
09-06-a Jack arch roof 4.5" thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar a) cement 100 Sft 5,952.00 16,269.13 m2 640.44 1,750.56 a) For steel part and
concrete in haunches 1:6:12 its erection etc. Item
No 25-10 and 25-14
be reffered b) Add
extra 13%, 32% and
51% on labour rates
only or 6%, 15% and
23% on composite
rates for 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and subsequent floors
09-06-b Jack arch roof 4.5" thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar b) cement 100 Sft 5,952.00 17,437.26 m2 640.44 1,876.25
concrete in haunches 1:3:6
Chapter # 09 ROOFING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
09-07-a Jack arch roofing 4.5"thick laid in 1:5 c/s mortar complete. 100 Sft 4,836.00 14,980.28 m2 520.35 1,611.88 a) For steel part and
Cement concrete in haunches 1:6:12 its erection etc. Item
No 25-10 and 25-14
be reffered b) Add
extra 13%, 32% and
51% on labour rates
only or 6%, 15% and
23% on composite
rates for 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and subsequent floors
09-07-b Jack arch roofing 4.5"thick laid in 1:5 cement mortar, 100 Sft 4,836.00 16,039.27 m2 520.35 1,725.83
including complete. Cement concrete in haunches 1:3:6
09-08 Extra for vaulted jack arch roofing 100 Sft 1,488.00 1,488.00 m2 160.11 160.11 ditto
09-09 Jack arch roofing of shingle & cement concrete 1:3:6, 4.5" 100 Sft 4,836.00 9,389.71 m2 520.35 1,010.33
at crown & 1/2" cem. plaster complete
09-10-a Earth filling over roof including watering, ramming etc 3" 100 Sft 505.92 1,063.91 m2 54.44 114.48 Add extra 13%, 32%
thick earth filling and 1" mud plaster and 51% on labour
rates only are 6%,
15% and 23% on
composite rates for
2nd, 3rd, 4th and
subsequent floors
09-10-b Earth filling over roof including watering, ramming etc 4" 100 Sft 528.24 1,167.91 m2 56.84 125.67
thick earth filling and 1" mud plaster
09-11 1/8" thick gobri leeping on roofs or floors 100 Sft 111.60 149.26 m2 12.01 16.06 ditto
09-12 2 coats of bitumen laid hot using 34 lbs. for %sft over roof 100 Sft 372.00 1,793.15 m2 40.03 192.94
& blinded with sand at 1 cft per % sft
09-13-a Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, 100 Sft 1,116.00 15,993.19 m2 120.08 1,720.87 Add extra 13%, 32%
limpet etc. complete : 20 BWG and 51% on labour
rates only are 6%,
15% and 23% on
composite rates for
2nd, 3rd, 4th and
subsequent floors
09-13-b Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, 100 Sft 1,116.00 13,873.27 m2 120.08 1,492.76
limpet etc. complete : 22 BWG
09-13-c Supply & fix corrugated GI sheet with GI bolts, nuts, 100 Sft 1,116.00 11,488.36 m2 120.08 1,236.15
limpet etc. complete : 24 BWG
09-14 Khassi parnalas in c/s mortar 1:2, 12" outside width Rft 65.10 89.03 m 213.58 292.09 ditto
finished smooth with a floating coat
09-15 Khuras on roof 2'x2'x6" Each 241.80 485.01 Each 241.80 485.01 ditto
Chapter # 09 ROOFING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
09-16 Bottom khuras of brick masonry in c/s mortar Each 241.80 813.28 Each 241.80 813.28 ditto
1:6,4'x2'x4.5" over 3" cem. concrete 1:4:8
09-17-a Plain GI sheets 22 SWG rain water down pipe a) 4" Rft 56.71 169.38 m 186.05 555.72 ditto
diameter down pipe
09-17-b Plain GI sheets 22 SWG rain water down pipe b) 5" Rft 56.71 193.22 m 186.05 633.91
diameter down pipe
09-18 Plain galvanized iron sheet flashing, 22 guage 100 Sft 7,052.79 13,406.24 m2 758.88 1,442.51 ditto
09-19-a Cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in position excluding Rft 37.83 600.49 m 124.12 1,970.10 ditto
heads & shoes : 4" dia
09-19-b Cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in position excluding Rft 37.83 490.37 m 124.12 1,608.82
heads & shoes : 3" dia
09-20 Heads for cast iron rain water down pipe fixed in place Each 167.40 1,584.53 Each 167.40 1,584.53 ditto
including cost of clamp holdfast and painting
09-21 Shoes, bends or offsets for cast iron ran water down pipe, Each 93.00 1,510.13 Each 93.00 1,510.13 ditto
including fixing & painting
09-22 Plain GI sheet spouts fixed in position, including paint Each 186.00 387.32 Each 186.00 387.32 ditto
09-23 Laying 1/2" thick deodar ceiling complete, including 100 Sft 4,092.00 19,608.23 m2 440.30 2,109.85 ditto
sawing, planing & fixing
09-24-a Flat sheet roof with GI plain sheets, including batten rolls, 100 Sft 2,883.00 15,900.03 m2 310.21 1,710.84
screws, clips etc : 22 BWG
09-24-b Flat sheet roof with GI plain sheets, including batten rolls, 100 Sft 2,883.00 14,403.43 m2 310.21 1,549.81
screws, clips etc : 24 BWG
09-25 Asbestos cement corrugated sheet roofing including 100 Sft 1,488.00 12,587.18 m2 160.11 1,354.38
overlaps, GI hooks, bolts, nuts etc
09-26 Extra labour for erection of GI sheets, flat sheet or asbestos 100 Sft 260.40 260.40 m2 28.02 28.02
sheet roofing above 20' height
09-27 Fixing asbestos cement sheet ridges and valleys 1/4" thick 100 RFT 1,860.00 6,915.77 m 61.02 226.90
09-28-a Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 6" lap & Rft 68.05 461.17 m 223.26 1,513.01
18" overall of 22 gauge GI sheet ridging
09-28-b Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 9" lap & Rft 68.05 457.74 m 223.26 1,501.76
24" overall, of 24 gauge GI sheet ridging
09-28-c Plain GI sheet ridging including fixture complete 12" lap & Rft 68.05 523.98 m 223.26 1,719.10
30 overall, of 22 gauge GI sheet ridging
09-29 Plain 22 gauge GI sheet gutter semi circular 8" diameter Rft 34.02 215.70 m 111.63 707.67
09-30 Fixing water spouse or parnala. Each 279.00 279.00 Each 279.00 279.00
09-31 Making masonry ventilators in c/s mortar 1:4 Each 1,116.00 1,597.56 Each 1,116.00 1,597.56
09-32 Making drip course 2"x1/2" under RCC slab edges in outer Rft 8.05 9.30 m 26.42 30.50
opening, in c/s mortar 1:2
09-33 Supply and laying of twin GI sheet 20 SWG painted with 100 Sft 2,205.96 22,577.41 m2 237.36 2,429.33
bitumen & polythene fim complete
09-34-a Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore Sft 16.80 78.80 m2 180.79 847.91
sheet 1/2" thick
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Chapter # 09 ROOFING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
09-34-b Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore Sft 16.80 85.89 m2 180.79 924.19
sheet 3/4" thick
09-34-c Provide & lay roof insulation complete with Thermopore Sft 16.80 94.36 m2 180.79 1,015.33
sheet 1" thick
09-35 Providing and fixing AC rain water down pipe 4" dia, with Rft 37.20 626.93 m 122.05 2,056.86
shoe, tee, bend & clamp etc
09-36-a Making jharries in existing brick masonry For slabs upto 6" Rft 19.51 45.33 m 64.00 148.73 Rate shall be
thick increased by 1.5
times for stone
masonry or PCC and
2 times for RCC
09-36-b Making jharries in existing brick masonry For slabs Rft 53.13 56.77 m 174.30 186.24
exceeding 6" to 12" thick
09-37-a Making recess in existing brick masonry a) upto 1.0' height Each 204.60 231.05 Each 204.60 231.05 ditto
of girder or beam
09-37-b Making recess in existing brick masonry b) for every 6" Each 83.70 98.89 Each 83.70 98.89
additional height or part thereof
09-38 Hoisting RS Beams & wooden beams and placing in Each 219.48 219.48 Each 219.48 219.48
09-39 Hoisting and placing in position sahl ballies, over roof Each 36.83 36.83 Each 36.83 36.83
09-40-a Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens a) From 5' to Each 31.25 31.25 Each 31.25 31.25
6' long
09-40-b Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens b) Over 6' to Each 46.50 46.50 Each 46.50 46.50
7' long
09-40-c Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens c) Over 7' to Each 61.75 61.75 Each 61.75 61.75
8' long
09-40-d Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens d) Over 8' to Each 74.40 74.40 Each 74.40 74.40
9' long
09-40-e Hoist precast RCC/pre-stressed conc. battens e) Exceeding Each 93.00 93.00 Each 93.00 93.00
9' length
09-41-a Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 10' in Each 93.00 93.00 Each 93.00 93.00 Applicable only to
length roof troughs (inverted
tees and trough) for
heights of first storey
09-41-b Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 11' in Each 124.25 124.25 Each 124.25 124.25
09-41-c Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 12' in Each 154.75 154.75 Each 154.75 154.75
09-41-d Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 13' in Each 168.14 168.14 Each 168.14 168.14
09-41-e Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 14' in Each 186.00 186.00 Each 186.00 186.00
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Chapter # 09 ROOFING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
09-41-f Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 15' in Each 204.60 204.60 Each 204.60 204.60
09-41-g Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 16' in Each 232.50 232.50 Each 232.50 232.50
09-41-h Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 17' in Each 264.86 264.86 Each 264.86 264.86
09-41-i Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 18' in Each 310.25 310.25 Each 310.25 310.25
09-41-j Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 19' in Each 372.00 372.00 Each 372.00 372.00
09-41-k Hoisting and placing in position RCC troughs Upto 20' in Each 465.00 465.00 Each 465.00 465.00
09-42-a Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 10' Each 74.03 74.03 Each 74.03 74.03
09-42-b Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 12' Each 148.06 148.06 Each 148.06 148.06
09-42-c Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 13' Each 185.63 185.63 Each 185.63 185.63
09-42-d Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 14' Each 223.20 223.20 Each 223.20 223.20
09-42-e Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 15' Each 245.52 245.52 Each 245.52 245.52
09-42-f Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 16' Each 279.00 279.00 Each 279.00 279.00
09-42-g Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 18' Each 372.74 372.74 Each 372.74 372.74
09-42-h Hoist & place in position RCC inverted battens Upto 20' Each 558.00 558.00 Each 558.00 558.00
09-43 RCC spout including fixing in position, with top and Each 390.60 613.54 Each 390.60 613.54
bottom khuras
09-44 P/F Burnt Brick Tile Roofing over Tee Iron and Steel 100 Sft 3,598.17 32,684.56 m2 387.16 3,516.86
Girder, in 1:6 c/s mortar (12' max span)
09-45 Providing and Laying Prestressed Roof of Slab/Girder, 2" Sft 31.81 178.58 m2 342.24 1,921.53
thick PCC 1:2:4 with chicken mesh, polythene, mud, tar
Chapter # 10 FLOORING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
10-01 Laying murum flooring complete as per specs 100 Sft 1,674.00 5,216.88 m2 180.12 561.34
10-02 Earth flooring 6" thick consolidated layer of moistened 100 Sft 558.00 1,320.30 m2 60.04 142.06
earth, including ramming
10-03-a Provide, lay, water & ram clean coarse sand under floor / 100 Cft 2,200.75 2,970.68 m3 777.19 1,049.08
brick paving, complete
10-03-b Provide, lay, water & ram brick ballast 1.5" to 2" guage 100 Cft 4,403.36 8,857.74 m3 1,555.03 3,128.08
mixed with 25% sand for floor foundations
10-04 Mud floor of 6" thick consolidated layer of moist earth & 100 Sft 1,023.00 2,106.44 m2 110.07 226.65
finished off with 1" mud plaster
10-05 Dry brick paving laid flat,sand grouted, including prep. of 100 Sft 762.60 3,461.50 m2 82.06 372.46
bed, by 1/2" thick mud plaster
10-06 Dry brick on edge paving, sand grouted, including prep. of 100 Sft 1,078.80 5,069.98 m2 116.08 545.53
bed, by 1/2" thick mud plaster
10-07 Grouting 4.5" dry brick work with cement sand mortar 1:5 100 Sft 744.00 1,211.42 m2 80.05 130.35
10-08 Flat brick flooring laid in 1:6 c/s mortar over a bed of 3/4" 100 Sft 1,302.00 4,747.60 m2 140.10 510.84
thick cement mortar 1:6
10-09 Brick on edge flooring, laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 100 Sft 1,674.00 6,637.54 m2 180.12 714.20
3/4" thick cement mortar 1:6
10-10 Brick tiles (12"x6"x2") laid in 1:6 c/s mortar, over a bed of 100 Sft 1,302.00 5,150.53 m2 140.10 554.20
3/4" thick c/s mortar 1:6
10-11 Brick tiles (9"x4.5"x1.5") laid flat in 1:3 c/s mortar over a 100 Sft 1,488.00 5,452.69 m2 160.11 586.71
bed of 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:6
10-12 Cement tiles (8"x8"x3/4") laid flat in 1:2 c/s mortar, over - - - - - - DELETED
3/4" thick bed of c/s mortar 1:2
10-13-a Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick - - - - - - DELETED
bed of c/s mortar 1:2 : 12" x 12" x 1"
10-13-b Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick - - - - - - DELETED
bed of c/s mortar 1:2 : 9" x 9" x 3/4"
10-13-c Cement concrete tiles laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick - - - - - - DELETED
bed of c/s mortar 1:2 : 6" x 6" x 3/4"
10-14 Coloured cement tile (8"x8"x3/4") of dark shade laid flat in 100 Sft 1,982.76 8,736.01 m2 213.34 939.99
1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" mortar bed
10-15-a Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 1,153.20 2,589.07 m2 124.08 278.58 If glass strips are used
finishing & dividing in panels : 1" thick for paneling, it shall
be paid extra as per
item No. 10-43
10-15-b Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 1,357.80 3,237.33 m2 146.10 348.34
finishing & dividing in panels: 1.5" thick
10-15-c Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 1,357.80 3,486.43 m2 146.10 375.14
finishing & dividing in panels: 1.5" thick
10-15-d Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 1,357.80 4,000.24 m2 146.10 430.43
finishing & dividing in panels : 1.75" thick
Chapter # 10 FLOORING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
10-15-e Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 1,543.80 4,417.47 m2 166.11 475.32
finishing & dividing in panels : 2" thick
10-15-f Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 2,232.00 5,519.57 m2 240.16 593.91
finishing & dividing in panels: 2.25" thick
10-15-g Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 2,325.00 5,926.35 m2 250.17 637.67
finishing & dividing in panels: 2.5" thick
10-15-h Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 2,790.00 6,705.56 m2 300.20 721.52
finishing & dividing in panels: 2.75" thick
10-15-i Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface 100 Sft 2,604.00 6,856.06 m2 280.19 737.71
finishing & dividing in panels : 3" thick
10-16-a Provide & laying conglomerate floor (two coat work) with 100 Sft 2,418.00 4,086.54 m2 260.18 439.71 ditto
top layer of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of
cement 2 parts of stone chips passing 3/16" sieve over
bottom layer of cement concrete (1:3:6) including surface
finishing & dividing in panels: 1.5" thick
10-16-b Provide & laying conglomerate floor (two coat work) with 100 Sft 1,674.00 3,509.33 m2 180.12 377.60
top layer of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of
cement 2 parts of stone chips passing 3/16" sieve over
bottom layer of cement concrete (1:3:6) including surface
finishing & dividing in panels: 1.75" thick
10-16-c Provide & laying conglomerate floor (two coat work) with 100 Sft 1,860.00 3,868.21 m2 200.14 416.22
top layer of 1/2" thick wearing surface of one part of
cement 2 parts of stone chips passing 3/16" sieve over
bottom layer of cement concrete (1:3:6) including surface
finishing & dividing in panels : 2" thick
10-17 Add extra in cement concrete floor topping if finished with 100 Sft 558.00 1,186.35 m2 60.04 127.65
pigment and polishing
10-18 Extra labour for each storey above ground for mosaic, 100 Sft 279.00 279.00 m2 30.02 30.02 Applicable to item No
conglomerate, tiles, stone & wood floor 10-08 to 10-16, 10-19
to 10-25 and 10-30 to
10-19-a Flag stone flooring in lime mortar 1:2, over 3/4" bedding : 100 Sft 3,366.60 5,060.52 m2 362.25 544.51
2" thick
10-19-b Flag stone flooring in lime mortar 1:2, over 3/4" bedding : 100 Sft 3,132.24 5,047.79 m2 337.03 543.14
3" thick
10-20-a Asphalt floor, including base preparation, remelting, setting 100 Sft 1,116.00 13,380.08 m2 120.08 1,439.70
out & finish : 1" thick topping
10-20-b Asphalt floor, including base preparation, remelting, setting 100 Sft 967.20 7,099.24 m2 104.07 763.88
out & finish : 1/2" thick topping
10-20-c Asphalt floor, including base preparation, remelting, setting 100 Sft 677.04 3,747.42 m2 72.85 403.22
out & finish : 1/4" thick topping
Chapter # 10 FLOORING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
10-21-a 1.375" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing and 100 Sft 4,464.00 8,063.31 m2 480.33 867.61 If glass strips are used
polishing complete : Using grey cement for paneling, it shall
be paid extra as per
item No. 10-43
10-21-b 1.375" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing and 100 Sft 4,464.00 7,792.63 m2 480.33 838.49
polishing complete : Using white cement
10-22-a 1.5" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing & polishing 100 Sft 4,575.60 7,751.29 m2 492.33 834.04 ditto
complete : Using grey cement
10-22-b 1.5" thick mosaic flooring, including rubbing & polishing 100 Sft 4,575.60 8,279.33 m2 492.33 890.86
complete : Using white cement
10-23 Laying floor of mosaic marble chips tiles of approved 100 Sft 2,473.80 9,553.83 m2 266.18 1,027.99
shade including finishing complete
10-24 Lay floor of white glazed tile 1/4" thick in white cement 100 Sft 3,162.00 8,771.08 m2 340.23 943.77
1:2 over 3/4" thick cement mortar 1:2
10-25 Lay floor of approved coloured glazed tiles 1/4" thick laid 100 Sft 3,162.00 8,812.82 m2 340.23 948.26
in white cement & pigment complete
10-26-a Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface 100 Sft 6,324.00 13,797.81 m2 680.46 1,484.64
in white cement complete: 3/4" thick (Badel, Silky black,
Sunny white, Sunny Grey or eq)
10-26-b Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface 100 Sft 6,324.00 17,228.16 m2 680.46 1,853.75
in white cement complete: 1" thick (Badel, Silky black,
Sunny white, Sunny Grey or eq)
10-26-c Provide & lay marble fine dressed stone flooring on surface 100 Sft 6,324.00 13,416.66 m2 680.46 1,443.63
in white cement complete: 1/2" thick (Badel, Silky black,
Sunny white, Sunny Grey or eq)
10-26-d Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone 4-5 feet 100 Sft 6,324.00 16,379.10 m2 680.46 1,762.39
and 12" wide 1" thick for stairs steps.
10-26-e Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone 7x1.5 feet 100 Sft 6,324.00 16,379.10 m2 680.46 1,762.39
1" thick for stairs steps.
10-26-f Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 2" 100 Rft 595.20 15,775.26 m 19.53 517.56
10-26-g Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 3" 100 Rft 595.20 15,775.26 m 19.53 517.56
10-26-h Providing and fixing glazed tile colour printed border 4" 100 Rft 595.20 15,775.26 m 19.53 517.56
10-27 Rubbing and polishing old grit/mosaic floor, including 100 Sft 3,162.00 3,223.91 m2 340.23 346.89 Reduce the rate by 35
repairing voids, uneven surface, complete % and 40 % for
labour and composite
rate respectively if
polishing is not done.
Chapter # 10 FLOORING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
10-28 Rubbing & polishing grit floor, including repairing voids, 100 Sft 1,052.76 1,253.42 m2 113.28 134.87 Reduce the rate by 35
uneen surface, complete % and 40 % for
labour and composite
rate respectively if
polishing is not done.
10-29 Cleaning and washing mosaic or marble floor with caustic 100 Sft 130.20 242.04 m2 14.01 26.04
soda mixture
10-30 Shisham wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick 100 Sft 9,300.00 41,761.32 m2 1,000.68 4,493.52
including 2 coats of bitumen laid hot complete
10-31 Deodar wood boarding or strip flooring 3/4" thick 100 Sft 6,696.00 48,604.45 m2 720.49 5,229.84
including 2 coats of bitumen laid hot complete
10-32 Teak wood boarding or strip flooring 1/2" thick including 2 100 Sft 9,300.00 50,466.32 m2 1,000.68 5,430.18
coats of bitumen laid hot complete
10-33 Shisham wood block flooring 1" thick out to required size, 100 Sft 6,696.00 39,693.89 m2 720.49 4,271.06
fixed on a layer of bitumen base
10-34 Teak wood block 1" thick cut to required size, fixed on a 100 Sft 9,300.00 76,556.63 m2 1,000.68 8,237.49
layer of asphalt bitumen laid on base
10-35-a Laying wooden paving of hard wood on edge in coal tar & 100 Sft 2,604.00 23,006.43 m2 280.19 2,475.49
asphalt : Shisham wood
10-35-b Laying wooden paving of hard wood on edge in coal tar & 100 Sft 2,604.00 14,586.65 m2 280.19 1,569.52
asphalt : Kikar wood
10-36-a Tile skirting laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick cement 100 Sft 2,168.76 10,018.88 m2 233.36 1,078.03
mortar 1:2 complete : Cement tiles
10-36-b Tile skirting laid in 1:2 c/s mortar over 3/4" thick cement 100 Sft 2,511.00 24,482.30 m2 270.18 2,634.30
mortar 1:2 complete : Mosaic tiles
10-37-a Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete 1:2 100 Sft 2,540.76 3,266.88 m2 273.39 351.52
cement, sand mortar
10-37-b Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete 1:3 100 Sft 2,540.76 3,147.70 m2 273.39 338.69
cement, sand mortar
10-37-c Provide grey cement skirting 3/8" thick complete Extra if 100 Sft 186.00 1,018.78 m2 20.01 109.62
skirting or dado is finished with pigment
10-38-a Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement 100 Sft 3,534.00 9,143.08 m2 380.26 983.79
complete : White Plain tiles
10-38-b Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement 100 Sft 3,534.00 9,039.02 m2 380.26 972.60
complete : Coloured Plain tiles
10-38-c Glazed tile 1/4" thick dado jointed in white cement 100 Sft 3,534.00 9,143.08 m2 380.26 983.79
complete : Printed tiles
10-39 Glazed tile dado 1/4" thick in pigment over 1:2 c/s mortar 100 Sft 3,534.00 9,294.33 m2 380.26 1,000.07
3/4" thick including finishing complete
10-40-a-01 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using grey 100 Sft 4,464.00 6,718.27 m2 480.33 722.89
cement : 3/8" thick
10-40-a-02 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using grey 100 Sft 4,464.00 7,233.25 m2 480.33 778.30
cement : 1/2" thick
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Chapter # 10 FLOORING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
10-40-b-01 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using white 100 Sft 4,464.00 6,912.88 m2 480.33 743.83
cement : 3/8" thick including grinding and polishing
10-40-b-02 Mosaic dado or skirting complete as per specs Using white 100 Sft 4,464.00 7,635.01 m2 480.33 821.53
cement : 1/2" thick including grinding and polishing
10-41-a Provide & lay marble fine dressed and polished stone dado 100 Sft 2,046.00 5,045.59 m2 220.15 542.91
or skirting in white cement complete : 3/8" thick (Badel,
Silky black, Sunny white, Sunny Grey or eq)
10-41-b Provide & lay marble fine dressed and polished stone dado 100 Sft 2,046.00 8,353.13 m2 220.15 898.80
or skirting in white cement complete : 1/2" thick (Badel,
Silky black, Sunny white, Sunny Grey or eq)
10-42 Rubber flooring, consisting of 12"x12"x1/8" rubber tiles 100 Sft 1,484.28 19,285.92 m2 159.71 2,075.17 The cost of base for
laid on firm foundation rubber floor is not
included in the rate
and is payable
10-43-a Provide & fix glass strip 1.5" wide for dividing the floors 100 Rft 49.48 557.68 m 1.62 18.30
into panels : 5mm thick
10-43-b Provide & fix glass strip 1.5" wide for dividing the floors 100 Rft 49.48 557.68 m 1.62 18.30
into panels : 3mm thick
10-43-c Providing and Fixing marble strip 1.5 inch wide 3/8 inch 100 Rft 49.48 557.68 m 1.62 18.30
thick for dividing the floor into panels
10-43-d Providing and Fixing marble strip 2" wide and 3/8" thick 100 Rft 49.48 811.78 m 1.62 26.63
for dividing the floor into panels
10-44 P/F Vinyl Tiles or Vinyl Sheet flooring over firm 100 Sft 1,488.00 20,025.20 m2 160.11 2,154.71
10-45 P/F Precast Concrete 7000 psi TUFF Tiles over bed of 2" 100 Sft 1,488.00 6,204.99 m2 160.11 667.66
thick sand & 4" thick brick ballast comp
10-46-a P/F Ceramic Floor Tiles (Emco, National or eq) Size : 12" 100 Sft 2,976.00 10,566.57 m2 320.22 1,136.96
x 12"
10-46-b P/F Ceramic Floor Tiles (Emco, National or eq) Size 20" x 100 Sft 2,976.00 14,373.23 m2 320.22 1,546.56
10-47 Burnt brick (1st class) pavement on edge grouted with sand 100 Sft 1,674.00 5,817.65 m2 180.12 625.98
including preparation of bed
10-48-a Porceline tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick 100 Sft 3,162.00 10,064.57 m2 340.23 1,082.95
cement mortar 1:2 (Local Master Tiles)
10-48-b Porceline tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 over 3/4" 100 Sft 3,162.00 12,678.17 m2 340.23 1,364.17
thick cement mortar 1:2 (Imported Tiles)
10-48-c Granitto tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick 100 Sft 3,162.00 24,148.97 m2 340.23 2,598.43
cement mortar 1:2 (Imported Tiles UAE) 24"x24"
10-48-d Granitto tile floor 1/4" thick laid cement 1:2 or 3/4" thick 100 Sft 3,162.00 20,934.24 m2 340.23 2,252.52
cement mortar 1:2 (Imported Tiles UAE) 16"x16"
Chapter # 10 FLOORING
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
10-49-a Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring 100 Sft 3,720.00 35,726.56 m2 400.27 3,844.18
on surface in white cement complete using indian green
marble 12"x12"x3/4" thick
10-49-b Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring 100 Sft 3,720.00 11,526.56 m2 400.27 1,240.26
on surface in white cement complete using Trevera marble
12"x12"x3/4" thick
10-49-c Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring 100 Sft 3,720.00 17,576.56 m2 400.27 1,891.24
on surface in white cement complete using Botocina
marble 12"x12"x3/4" thick
10-49-d Providing and Laying marble fine dressed stone flooring 100 Sft 3,720.00 13,946.56 m2 400.27 1,500.65
on surface in white cement complete using
Veroona/Lasbela marble 12"x12"x3/4" thick
10-50 Chemical polishing of marble floor/Dado 100 Sft 744.00 2,182.89 m2 80.05 234.88
10-51 Replaced coloured glass panes of sizes upto 4 mm Sft 31.25 143.17 m2 336.23 1,540.54
thickness with iron, nails and putty including removing
broken ones if required in all floors.
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Chapter # 20 OUTLETS
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
20-01-a Earthwork for Outlets : Exc/Refill/Ram/Puddle Upto 50 Job 930.00 930.00 Job 930.00 930.00 Includes
cusecs channel discharge consolidation of earth
after refilling
20-01-b Earthwork for outlets : Exc/Refill/Ram/Puddle 51-100 Job 1,227.60 1,227.60 Job 1,227.60 1,227.60
cusecs channel discharge
20-01-c Earthwork for outlets : Exc/Refill/Ram/Puddle 101-200 Job 1,860.00 1,860.00 Job 1,860.00 1,860.00
cusecs channel discharge
20-01-d Earthwork for outlets : Exc/Refill/Ram/Puddle 201-350 Job 2,511.00 2,511.00 Job 2,511.00 2,511.00
cusecs channel discharge
20-01-e Earthwork for Outlets : Ex/Refill/Ram/Puddle Over 350 Job 3,720.00 3,720.00 Job 3,720.00 3,720.00
cusecs channel discharge
20-02-a Dismantling outlets: Old types such as KGO's orfices, etc Each 930.00 930.00 Each 930.00 930.00 The rates are for total
dismantlement and
remaoval of material.
The rates do not
include earthwork for
which rates are given
in item No 20-01
20-02-b Dismantling outlets: APM or OF, 'H' upto 2.0 ft. Each 1,395.00 1,395.00 Each 1,395.00 1,395.00
20-02-c Dismantling outlets: APM or OF, 'H' from 2.1-3.0ft Each 1,860.00 1,860.00 Each 1,860.00 1,860.00
20-02-d Dismantling outlets: APM or OF, 'H' above 3.0 ft Each 2,325.00 2,325.00 Each 2,325.00 2,325.00
20-02-e Dismantling outlets: Tail cluster bifurcation Each 1,395.00 1,395.00 Each 1,395.00 1,395.00
20-02-f Dismantling outlets: Tail cluster trifurcation Each 1,860.00 1,860.00 Each 1,860.00 1,860.00
20-02-g Dismantling outlets: Tail cluster quardification Each 2,325.00 2,325.00 Each 2,325.00 2,325.00
20-03 Making temporary APM brick block & fixing at site Each 368.28 665.34 Each 368.28 665.34
20-04 Dismantling walls, taking out temporary APM brick block, Job 930.00 930.00 Job 930.00 930.00
fixing iron block & rebuilding walls
20-05 Dismantling walls & fitting iron block of OF outlet Each 930.00 930.00 Each 930.00 930.00
20-06-a Constructing, watching & removing bund for outlet built in Each 1,860.00 1,860.00 Each 1,860.00 1,860.00
running water : Upto 3' depth
20-06-b Constructing, watching & removing bund for outlet built in Each 2,511.00 2,511.00 Each 2,511.00 2,511.00
running water : Over 3' depth
20-07 Adjusting "B" of tail cluster by dismantling and rebuilding Each 576.60 994.05 Each 576.60 994.05
throat walls
20-08 Adjusting "Y" of an APM outlet, including dismantling and Each 1,116.00 1,782.71 Each 1,116.00 1,782.71
20-09-a Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth Each 1,116.00 1,241.84 Each 1,116.00 1,241.84
exceeding 5.0'
20-09-b Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth Each 837.00 962.84 Each 837.00 962.84
more than 4.0' to 5.0'
20-09-c Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth Each 669.60 795.44 Each 669.60 795.44
more than 3.0' to 4.0'
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Chapter # 20 OUTLETS
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
20-09-d Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth Each 558.00 657.83 Each 558.00 657.83
more than 2.0' to 3.0'
20-09-e Extra labour in fixing APM and OF outlet blocks Depth Each 446.40 520.21 Each 446.40 520.21
upto 2.0'
20-10 Repairing damaged reducing collar of hume pipe outlets Each 368.28 532.24 Each 368.28 532.23
20-11 Laying iron pipes for outlets. Rft 29.85 29.85 m 97.94 97.94
20-12 Water allowance for constructing outlets or culverts, when Each 465.00 465.00 Each 465.00 465.00 At the discretion of
canal water not flowing the
depending upon the
distance and the
source of supply.
20-13 Hoisting and placing RC slab or stone in position on Each 390.60 390.60 Each 390.60 390.60
outlets or WC culverts
20-14-a Fixing pipe outlet, including backfilling of earth & Rft 77.46 87.98 m 254.14 288.65
puddling : Portion under bank
20-14-b Fixing pipe outlet, including backfilling of earth & Rft 35.73 46.24 m 117.21 151.72
puddling : Portion under road, beyond bank
20-15-a Removing pipe outlet,refilling earth & puddling Portion Rft 62.04 62.04 m 203.54 203.54
under bank
20-15-b Removing pipe outlet,refilling earth & puddling Portion Rft 23.25 23.25 m 76.28 76.28
under road, beyond
20-16-a Changing pipe outlets by removing one pipe & replacing : Rft 90.05 100.57 m 295.44 329.95
Portion under bank
20-16-b Changing pipe outlets by removing one pipe & replacing : Rft 44.91 55.43 m 147.35 181.86
Portion under road, beyond
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Chapter # 23 SEWERAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
23-01-a Providing and Laying RCC pipe, moulded with cement Rft 65.21 170.83 m 213.95 560.48
concrete 1:1.5:3, including cost of reinforcement, testing
etc : 4" dia:
23-01-b Providing and Laying RCC pipe, moulded with cement Rft 73.72 190.96 m 241.86 626.50
concrete 1:1.5:3, including cost of reinforcement, testing
etc : 6" dia:
23-01-c Providing and Laying RCC pipe, moulded with cement Rft 82.23 241.29 m 269.77 791.64
concrete 1:1.5:3, including cost of reinforcement, testing
etc : 9" dia:
23-02-a Providing and Laying non-reinforced concrete pipe, Rft 56.71 117.21 m 186.05 384.54
moulded with cement concrete 1:1.5:3 complete : 4"
internal diameter
23-02-b Providing and Laying non-reinforced concrete pipe, Rft 73.72 174.15 m 241.86 571.36
moulded with cement concrete 1:1.5:3 complete : 6" i/d
23-02-c Providing and Laying non-reinforced concrete pipe, Rft 107.74 228.74 m 353.49 750.47
moulded with cement concrete : 9" i/d wall thickness 1".
23-03-a-01 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 184.30 490.17 m 604.65 1,608.18
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 12" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-02 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 226.83 575.15 m 744.19 1,886.96
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 15" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-03 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 276.45 712.66 m 906.99 2,338.12
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 18" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-04 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 336.42 897.86 m 1,103.73 2,945.72
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 21" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-05 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 368.60 1,057.54 m 1,209.31 3,469.60
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 24" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-06 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 496.08 1,703.05 m 1,627.55 5,587.44
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 27" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-07 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 552.90 1,593.79 m 1,813.96 5,228.98
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 30" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-08 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 602.52 1,820.99 m 1,976.76 5,974.36
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 33" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-09 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 658.77 2,056.23 m 2,161.32 6,746.16
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 36" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-10 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 850.61 2,987.72 m 2,790.71 9,802.24
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 42" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-11 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 978.21 3,585.98 m 3,209.34 11,765.03
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 48" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-12 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 1,275.91 4,697.19 m 4,186.07 15,410.73
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 54" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-13 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 1,757.93 5,630.46 m 5,767.48 18,472.63
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 60" i/d, Wall B
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Chapter # 23 SEWERAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
23-03-a-14 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 2,413.18 8,100.18 m 7,917.26 26,575.40
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 66" i/d, Wall B
23-03-a-15 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 3,281.94 10,826.29 m 10,767.51 35,519.32
ASTM C-76-79, Class II : 72" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-01 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 184.30 486.07 m 604.65 1,594.73
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 12" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-02 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 226.83 570.71 m 744.19 1,872.41
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 15" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-03 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 276.45 711.57 m 906.99 2,334.53
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 18" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-04 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 335.99 932.52 m 1,102.34 3,059.46
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 21" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-05 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 368.60 1,042.33 m 1,209.31 3,419.70
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 24" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-06 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 496.25 1,534.91 m 1,628.10 5,035.79
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 27" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-07 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 552.90 1,754.38 m 1,813.96 5,755.83
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 30" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-08 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 602.52 1,963.77 m 1,976.76 6,442.80
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 33" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-09 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 659.17 2,273.31 m 2,162.62 7,458.35
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 36" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-10 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 850.61 3,363.05 m 2,790.71 11,033.64
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 42" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-11 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 978.66 4,101.67 m 3,210.83 13,456.93
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 48" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-12 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 1,275.91 5,154.93 m 4,186.07 16,912.51
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 54" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-13 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 1,757.93 7,051.68 m 5,767.48 23,135.42
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 60" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-14 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 2,402.97 9,299.97 m 7,883.77 30,511.73
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 66" i/d, Wall B
23-03-b-15 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 3,281.94 12,001.10 m 10,767.51 39,373.69
ASTM C-76-79, Class III : 72" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-01 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 184.30 562.70 m 604.65 1,846.14
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 12" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-02 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 226.83 708.49 m 744.19 2,324.46
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 15" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-03 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 276.45 884.99 m 906.99 2,903.53
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 18" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-04 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 335.99 1,117.80 m 1,102.34 3,667.31
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 21" i/d, Wall B
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Chapter # 23 SEWERAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
23-03-c-05 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 368.60 1,253.75 m 1,209.31 4,113.35
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 24" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-06 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 496.02 1,822.42 m 1,627.36 5,979.07
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 27" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-07 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 552.90 1,958.07 m 1,813.96 6,424.11
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 30" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-08 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 602.52 2,493.14 m 1,976.76 8,179.60
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 33" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-09 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 658.49 2,805.34 m 2,160.39 9,203.87
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 36" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-10 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 850.61 3,840.21 m 2,790.71 12,599.10
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 42" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-11 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 978.66 4,113.57 m 3,210.83 13,495.95
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 48" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-12 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 1,275.91 6,349.93 m 4,186.07 20,833.10
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 54" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-13 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 1,757.93 7,013.50 m 5,767.48 23,010.17
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 60" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-14 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 2,402.97 11,114.97 m 7,883.77 36,466.44
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 66" i/d, Wall B
23-03-c-15 Providing and Laying RCC pipe sewers complete As per Rft 3,281.94 14,251.07 m 10,767.51 46,755.48
ASTM C-76-79, Class IV : 72" i/d, Wall B
23-04-a Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells Upto 1 ft Rft 0.00 147.56 m 0.00 484.12 a) This rate shall be
below SSWL payable, in addition
to the item of
excavation below
SSWL for sewer and
manholes under
chapter 3 earthwork
23-04-b Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 2 ft Rft 0.00 313.57 m 0.00 1,028.76 b) The grant of these
below SSWL rates shall be subject
to Superintending
Engineer's approval.
23-04-c Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewell 0 - 3 ft below Rft 0.00 494.33 m 0.00 1,621.82 c) The rate includes
SSWL cost of providing
pumps, POL and all
operation charges at
the site of work, etc
23-04-d Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 4 ft Rft 0.00 686.16 m 0.00 2,251.18
below SSWL
23-04-e Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 5 ft Rft 0.00 900.12 m 0.00 2,953.16
below SSWL
23-04-f Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 6 ft Rft 0.00 1,121.46 m 0.00 3,679.34
below SSWL
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Chapter # 23 SEWERAGE
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
23-04-g Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 7 ft Rft 0.00 1,328.05 m 0.00 4,357.12
below SSWL
23-04-h Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 8 ft Rft 0.00 1,519.88 m 0.00 4,986.48
below SSWL
23-04-i Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 9 ft Rft 0.00 1,726.46 m 0.00 5,664.25
below SSWL
23-04-j Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 10 ft Rft 0.00 2,036.34 m 0.00 6,680.91
below SSWL
23-04-k Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 11 ft Rft 0.00 2,154.39 m 0.00 7,068.21
below SSWL
23-04-l Lowering of sub-soil water table by tubewells 0 - 12 ft Rft 0.00 2,360.98 m 0.00 7,745.98
below SSWL
23-05-a Constructing gully grating chamber complete With CI Each 1,053.13 5,315.13 Each 1,053.13 5,315.13 Pipe connection to be
gully trap,weighing 81 lbs. frame hinged paid separately.
23-05-b Constructing gully grating chamber complete Concrete Each 1,053.13 3,766.55 Each 1,053.13 3,766.55
gully trap
23-06 Fixing manhole frame and cover in RCC slab, including Set 781.20 781.20 Set 781.20 781.20
carriage to site
23-07 Providing and Fixing 3" thick RCC manhole cover, 22" dia Set 1,754.24 4,891.25 Set 1,754.24 4,891.25
with tee shaped CI frame of 20" clear i/d complete
23-08-a RCC manhole cover 22" dia with: Tee shaped CI frame, Set 2,439.20 15,497.54 Set 2,439.20 15,497.54
22" i/d complete
23-08-b RCC manhole cover 22" dia with: 3"x3"x1/4" angle iron Set 2,437.34 14,040.32 Set 2,437.34 14,040.32
frame, 22" i/d complete
23-09-a Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted 100 Kg 223.20 12,952.40 100 Kg 223.20 12,952.40
with bitumenous paint complete : 18 ft. long
23-09-b Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted 100 Kg 297.60 13,026.80 100 Kg 297.60 13,026.80
with bitumenous paint complete : 24 ft. long
23-09-c Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted 100 Kg 372.00 13,101.20 100 Kg 372.00 13,101.20
with bitumenous paint complete : 30 ft. long
23-09-d Providing and Fixing CI ventilating shaft of 9" i/d, painted 100 Kg 446.40 13,175.60 100 Kg 446.40 13,175.60
with bitumenous paint complete : 36 ft. long
23-10 Septic Tank (int.Size: 7'x2'x5') complete Each 1,860.00 14,024.00 Each 1,860.00 14,024.00
23-11 Soakage Pit (6'dia x 15' deep) complete Each 1,860.00 14,332.24 Each 1,860.00 14,332.24
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As on Jul-Sep (QTR-3) 2012
Rate (British System) Rate (Metric System)
Item Code Description Spec. Remarks
Unit Labour Composite Unit Labour Composite No
26-01 Supplying bamboo jhandies 10' to 12' with iron shoes and Each 55.80 389.96 Each 55.80 389.96
flags 15" square
26-02 Supplying wooden pegs for levelling 1.5" square 6" long 100 No. 232.50 940.35 100 No. 232.50 940.35
26-03 Supplying wooden pegs for alignment, 2" to 3" square, 9" 100 No. 837.00 2,234.55 100 No. 837.00 2,234.55
26-04 Fixing enamelled iron gauges flush with masonry including Each 1,116.00 1,195.86 Each 1,116.00 1,195.86
cost of hooks
26-05 Supply & fix boundry pillars in position, including digging Each 186.00 580.34 Each 186.00 580.34
26-06 Fixing main line type distance mark in position including Each 111.60 388.91 Each 111.60 388.91 Composite rate does
making 1:3:6 cement concrete base block not include cost of
iron distance marks.
26-07-a Boring and fixing 1.5" dia pressure pipe in ordinary soil Rft 62.38 62.38 m 204.65 204.65
26-07-b Boring and fixing 1.5 dia pressure pipe in clay Rft 113.41 113.41 m 372.10 372.10
26-07-c Boring and fixing 1.5" dia pressure pipe in shingle Rft 164.45 164.45 m 539.54 539.54
26-08 Repairs to hand pump, pulling out & refitting Rft 41.66 41.66 m 136.69 136.69
26-09 Fixing hand pump (machine only) Each 297.60 297.60 Each 297.60 297.60
26-10-a Washing of Durries / Synthetic Matting 100 Sft 1,296.68 1,296.68 m2 139.52 139.52 Capacity of cart, 20
cubic feet
26-10-b Washing of Bed Sheets Each 28.01 28.01 Each 28.01 28.01
26-10-c Washing of Table Cloth / Napkins / Dusters etc Each 13.99 13.99 Each 13.99 13.99
26-11-a Recaning of chairs/stools : With plastic cane. kg 124.00 408.35 kg 124.00 408.35
26-11-b Recaning of chairs/stools : With willow cane. kg 173.60 899.60 kg 173.60 899.60
26-12 Sweeping chimneys Each 93.00 140.63 Each 93.00 140.63
26-13 Cleaning of water tanks upto 400 gallons capacity Each 93.74 93.74 Each 93.74 93.74 For capacity other
than 400 gallons, the
rate shall be work out
on proper rate basis.
26-14 Supplying manure Cart load 148.80 35,045.61 Cart load 148.80 35,045.61 Capacity of cart, 20
cubic feet
26-15 Spraying anti-termite liquid mixed with water in the ratio 100 Sft/spr 9.30 355.84 m2 1.00 38.29
of 1:40
26-16-a Providing and Fixing barbed wire fencing with 4 horizontal Rft 5.88 166.73 m 19.29 547.02
& 2 cross wires : Without PCC base
26-16-b Providing and Fixing barbed wire fencing with 4 horizontal Rft 5.88 170.60 m 19.29 559.71
& 2 cross wires : With PCC 1:4:8 base 12"x12"x21"
26-17 Making notice board 1/2" thick of c/s mortar 1:3 with 100 Sft 6,483.38 7,205.56 m2 697.61 775.32
2"x1/2" beading
26-18 Binding office books/registers. Each 24.80 82.72 Each 24.80 82.72
26-19 Cutting of Pipes upto 2" Dia Per Cut 81.84 81.84 Per Cut 81.84 81.84
26-20 Cutting of Pipes above 2" Dia upto 4" dia Per Cut 148.80 148.80 Per Cut 148.80 148.80
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