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JTNews - November 12, 2010

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the voice of jewish washington

the state of the state 8 nights, 8 ways to give j-teen returns! beth el’s new cantor

6 10 Inside 17 november 12, 2010 • 5 kislev • volume 86, no. 23 • $2

t h i s d a n c e ?
ha v e
May I
Bernel Goldbert/Friends of the IDF

Fanny Wald, a resident of the Kline Galland Jewish nursing home and a Holocaust survivor, dances with Israel
Defense Forces Corporal Uri Elkayam on Nov. 4. Elkayam and a group of singing Israeli soldiers did a concert
at Kline Galland a few days before performing at the Stroum Jewish Community Center on Mercer Island. The
soldiers raise money for Friends of the IDF, which provides services that include assistance to soldiers whose
families are in dire financial straits and offers help for lone soldiers, people from around the world who come
to Israel to serve in the army.

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2 JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

Help rescue and resettle Jews worldwide at www.JewishInSeattle.org/Overseas

friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews Opinion

the rabbi’s turn letters to the editor

Adding the shalom to Shabbat Buyer’s remorse
While Robert Wilkes is entitled to his opinion, it is incumbent upon JTNews to correct
Rabbi David Fine Union for Reform Judaism the misinformation and falsehoods in his column (“Epiphanies and the search for truth,”
Questions. We love ques- are for shelter; how vulnerable Oct. 29). I looked all through that issue and could find nothing to counter the outrageous
tions, and we love asking we are without a home. claims Wilkes makes in his attempt to push the talking points of the Republican Party. I just
questions of our rabbis. How Yet I maintain that Shab- renewed my subscription and am fighting off buyer’s remorse.
many letters are in the Torah? bat is the essential Jewish hol- Carole Glickfeld
(304,805, assembled into 79,847 iday. Its very frequency is a Seattle
words). How deep is the Dead reminder of our Jewishness.
Sea? Is it the saltiest body of Its regularity adds meaning, No appeasement
water in the world? (It’s more providing a frame for each News reports indicate that the Obama administration would like Israel to cede most of
than 1,200 feet deep. Though week. It is both common and the West Bank and East Jerusalem to the Palestinians to achieve a peace agreement. Pal-
it is situated at the lowest place distinct. estinian leaders have made no secret they will not recognize Israel as a Jewish state and
on earth, it is not the saltiest). Shabbat contains all of the continue to campaign to delegitimize it. That would certainly threaten Israel’s long-term
Why does Hebrew read from right to left? key Jewish religious themes: In the kid- survival.
(The best answer I know of is that right- dush, the prayer that marks the beginning Arab leaders know that if Israel is willing to give up any of its land that means they don’t
handed chisel users tended to chisel from of Shabbat. The very rhythm, and the way believe it belongs to the Jewish people, for if we believe the land is ours, we would not be
right to left when incising on stone). What it is sung and not spoken, reflects that joy. abandoning it.
is the median letter in the Torah? (In Leviti- The big themes of our lives, the non- Policies of appeasement encouraged our enemies in the years leading up to World War
cus 11:42, the vav in the word gachon). How tangibles that we prize exist with Shabbat II. Modern policies of appeasement are encouraging radical Islamic extremists today.
many Jews live in the Puget Sound area? as well: Community, learning, reflecting After more than 60 years of statehood, Israel is a lone outpost of Western civilization
(About 35,000, based on the Jewish Federa- on what matters. and its values. It is the staunchest ally of the U.S. in that part of the world — a bulwark of
tion population survey of 2000). Let me suggest three ways of marking democracy. The Arab nations surrounding it are a swamp of terrorism, corruption, dictator-
We have a special place for those ques- Shabbat. For those already there, they will ship and human enslavement. However, the hatred of the Arabs against Israel and against
tions that seem factual but are in actually seem exceedingly familiar. For those con- all Jews is so abiding and so virulent that peace, at least for the foreseeable future, seems
opinion-based. Who really deserves to be sidering making Shabbat their own, the unattainable and most unlikely.
called the MVP of the NBA? No matter initial novelty has the potential to develop On Nov. 15, 1988, Yasser Arafat proudly read a declaration by his Palestinian Liberation
what any magazine tells us, isn’t Seat- into something much richer. Organization unilaterally proclaiming “the establishment of the State of Palestine on Israel’s
tle the most livable city in the continen- The first: Invite people to your erev Palestine territory with its capital in Jerusalem.” Shortly afterwards, the United Nations over-
tal United States? Which synagogue is the Shabbat Friday night table. It may seem whelmingly supported the declaration. The state never came into existence. That proved
warmest and most inviting to newcom- awkward at first. For many, taking this meaningless. Yet Arafat’s successor Mahmoud Abbas appears to be giving consideration to
ers? An important question, one that I fre- first step will be the biggest challenge, but repeat this maneuver rather than continue negotiations with the Israeli government.
quently discuss, is, “Which holiday is the there’s no shortage of teachers willing to The “Mandate for Palestine,” a historical League of Nations document, laid down the
most important?” Some people prefer the help in this Jewish community. Find a Jewish legal right under international law to settle anywhere in Western Palestine, the area
question to read as “What holiday is my partner to take on this Shabbat initiative between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in interna-
favorite?” with you. Call or e-mail a rabbi or cantor. tional law. Also the San Ramo Resolution of 1920 addresses Israel’s right to the land. The
A good case could be made for Pesach We are eager to match you with a Shab- U.S. and Britain signed off on it in 1924, confirming the resolution as international law.
— after all, where would we be if not for lib- bat mentor. Under Article 5 of the Mandate for Palestine,” eretz Israel, “no Palestine territory shall
eration from Egyptian bondage? In addi- Shabbat is not so daunting. Even if you be ceded or leased to, or in anyway placed under control of the goverment of any foreign
tion, our own enslavement has prompted did not grow up with the tradition, Shab- power.” Palestine is the geographical area assigned in favor of the Jews by the League of
us to work for the freedom of others. The bat is within your reach. Nations and reserved for the Jewish people for their self-determination and political develop-
seder remains the most-observed Jewish These three sites are a starting point for ment in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people on the land.
ritual. We surely feel its power. “how-to” and ways to fortify your Shab- Israel has always embraced the sacredness of human life, while the Palestinians do not.
Yom Kippur could score high in this bat table: Until there is a positive change in the culture of hatred, violence and death by Palestinians,
regard. Though not as mournful as Tisha • Union for Reform Judaism: www.urj. Israel must remain militarily strong to defend its citizens.
B’Av, which marks the destruction of the org/holidays/shabbat/celebrate/ Josh Basson
Temples, it is certainly the most serious and • United Synagogue for Conservative Seattle
introspective. After all, refraining from feed- Judaism: www.uscj.org/Shabbat5092.html
ing our appetites and afflicting the soul cer- • Orthodox Union: www.ou.org/holidays/
tainly has consequences. Rosh Hashanah, the shabbat WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We would love to hear from you! Our guide to writing a
annual meeting of the Jewish people, would For those who prefer books, I recom- letter to the editor can be found at www.jtnews.net/index.php?/letters_guidelines.html,
be a close second. This Day of Remembering mend The How-to Handbook of Jewish but please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. Deadlines may be found online.
calls to mind family and history. Living. The resources are plentiful. Take
Purim and Hanukkah have their own the time and make the effort. The rewards bat. Live out the word “oneg,” which means is a Jew?” Among his answers: “A person
merits. Each marks the triumph of the few are great. joy, delight, pleasure. Yes, we usually asso- called upon…to cultivate passion for
against the many. Hanukkah has been trum- The second: Turn off your computer ciate oneg Shabbat with sponge cake and justice and the ability to experience the
peted as the Jewish counterweight to Christ- for a full day. If you want to be really a glass of punch, but the words point to arrival of Friday night as an event.”
mas, but Hanukkah, despite the gift giving, daring, refuse to carry your cell phone as something much larger. Make the day dif- Both are possible. Both are attain-
deep frying, and early-winter attention, well. Six days a week, mobile technology ferent. Sleep in. Determine how you will able ideals. Heschel reminds us that it is
doesn’t have the depth to carry the day. enables us to stay close to everyone. The transform Saturday into Shabbat. important to engage deeply in this world,
Sukkot is a possibility. As my friend cumulative result? We are a wired popu- Anticipate Shabbat. Plan ahead. Will to develop our sense of righteousness. At
and colleague Rabbi Dan Fink likes to lation. Shabbat is designed as an antidote. it be a special meal? Double desserts? Lei- the same time, we need to celebrate ongo-
say, “any Jewish holiday that encourages Rest. Refrain from creating. Allow your- surely time with a friend? A time to learn? ing creation and the possibility of rest-
camping is a good one.” This reliving of self l’hinafash — to regain your human Time with family? Figure what you will ing. Friday night is an event to which each
the Exodus and celebrating of the fall har- soul. Look people in the eyes, talk with add to your week — and joy. of us has a standing invitation. Shabbat
vest has a lot of potential for learning. We the people in your home, synagogue and Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the shalom is more than a greeting — it is a
translate it into modern terms — noting neighborhood. great scholars and thinkers of the 20th refreshing hope for us and the world.
how fragile our lives are; how thankful we The third: Treat yourself well on Shab- century, asked his own question: “Who

“We have something very valuable and very beautiful to offer, which is not going to be forced upon you, but certainly, you should become more familiar with it.”
— Rabbi Shalom Hammer, who is speaking at several local synagogues in November. See page 7.
4 opinion JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

Fund protection of land and water

Fred Scherlinder Dobb and Terry Gips JTA World News Service
WASHINGTON (JTA) — With a tra- come from and are dependent upon the taxpayer, yet Congress has failed to use the LWCF, we at COEJL are still deeply
dition thousands of years old, Judaism land (“adamah”), and the “living waters” that money for its intended purpose (its committed to reducing our dependence
informs us on taking the long view — the (“mayim chayim,” as Jeremiah calls them). recent low in appropriated funding was on fossil fuels, increasing our economic
Divine view, as it were, since God is con- That is why we urge safeguarding our pre- just $138 million, less than one-sixth of and national security, and pursuing
cerned even to the thousandth generation cious public lands and water resources by what it could be). Over the years the fund renewable energy and green jobs. We still
in the future (Exodus 34:7). So with envi- having Congress dedicate full funding for has been shortchanged by some $17 bil- see the desperate need for comprehen-
ronmental policy, we consider not only the bipartisan-supported Land and Water lion — a huge loss for our communities sive energy and climate policy to accom-
our own immediate interests, but also pro- Conservation Fund, or LWCF. and Creation. plish all this while regulating and curbing
tecting Creation overall. The LWCF was established in 1965 to Without this financing, the program dangerous greenhouse gas emissions. In
Our organization, COEJL (the Coali- protect America’s great outdoors using cannot fulfill its enormous potential for 2010, the hottest year in recorded history,
tion on the Environment and Jewish Life), royalties paid by oil companies to the gov- us and our environment. Finally, this July, our spiritual contribution to the national
which works with numerous Jewish agen- ernment to fund the conservation of natu- the House of Representatives passed the and global conversation on environmental
cies and all major denominations, has this ral resources. As oil and gas were extracted Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic policy is more needed than ever.
notion as its mission: “Protecting Creation from federal waters, a portion of these roy- (CLEAR) Act, which includes full funding So without faltering in our efforts
from generation to generation.” alties was to be reinvested for the conser- for the LWCF. Now we wait — will it also toward comprehensive climate legislation,
This year we’ve seen frustrating setbacks vation of open space onshore through the pass in the U.S. Senate? We need to push let us take meaningful steps even now to
in our efforts to protect Creation: Needed fund. The fund has since created local parks for full funding for the Land and Water protect our natural resources and heritage.
legislation to dramatically reduce U.S. and playgrounds, and protected important Conservation Fund as legislation moves We must urge our politicians to provide
greenhouse gas emissions has failed, even wild places in every single state. forward. immediate, full and consistent funding for
as we suffered the largest oil spill in Amer- As the principal source of federal dol- President Obama declared September the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
ican history. While the immediate politi- lars for protecting national parks, forests, National Wilderness Month, saying that And we must turn up the heat in a sus-
cal focus was on midterm elections and monuments and other public landscapes, “together we must ensure that future gen- tained effort against the scourge of climate
their projected impact on many fronts, we the LWCF ensures recreational opportu- erations can experience the tranquility and change, which harms not just our land
cannot afford to lose track of our country’s nities for citizens across the United States. grandeur of America’s natural places.” and water but people here and now, our
valuable natural resources in the bargain- Chances are, we have all benefitted from We could not agree more. Our Jewish human future, and all earthly Creation.
ing process. And there is something we can the Land and Water Conservation Fund values teach us this very responsibility, as Both efforts are needed. Our descen-
and must do, even in this political climate. without even knowing it. in the Psalms, where we experience divin- dants demand no less.
As part of Creation, our land and Yet since its inception, the fund has ity most clearly through Creation. We
water have the capacity to nourish or van- never received sufficient appropriations. must preserve America’s great outdoors Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb and Terry Gips
quish each of us, regardless of how we More than enough oil revenue flows by for the benefit of future generations. are governance committee members of the
voted. We humans (“adam,” in Hebrew) the LWCF, at no cost to the American Even while pursuing full funding for Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life.

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friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews inside

Isaac Condiotty, a student in David

Menz’s class at Torah Day School of
Seattle, shows his sister Grace how
inside this issue
his catapult works for doing some
“Punkin Chuckin.” Isaac and his class J-Teen is back!
built catapults and trebuchets as This special section, at the middle of this week’s paper, is stories by and for teens. Find out what our local
exercises in woodworking, math and young Jewish population is doing.
engineering before inviting neighbors
out to watch the pumpkins fly. The state of the State of Israel
Sara Simon/Adar Images A look, from four different perspectives, about life in Israel today:
Bradley Burston 6
The columnist for the online edition of Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz thinks the Israeli government’s behavior
is causing young American Jews to walk away.
Rabbi Shalom Hammer 7
The IDF rabbi and school guidance counselor says the idea of a Jewish homeland is of utmost importance
and must be defended at all costs.
Rabbi Daniel Gordis 8
This rabbi from the Shalem Institute in Jerusalem says American Jews must pay attention and fight back
when people try to delegitimize Israel.
Yiddish Lesson Daniel Sokatch 9
Proposals and bills being put forth in the Knesset are chipping away at the fundamentals of Israel’s status
By Ruth Peiser as a democracy, says the CEO of the New Israel Fund.

A shlekhter sholem iz beser vi a guter krig. The 8 nights of Hanukkah 10

A bad peace is better than a good war. Hanukkah’s early this year, and so is this section, but we’ve got three pages of ideas about ways you can
make the holiday a charitable one, plus we give a shout out to people in our community making a difference.

Remember when
The Synagogue Chronicles: Temple Beth El 17
This weekend the Tacoma Reform temple installs its new cantor and education director, Leah Holland. The
synagogue has seen a slowdown in its growth due to the economy, but things are starting to look up.
From the Jewish Transcript, November
15, 1984, page 17 Eating disorders in the Jewish community 21
Eating disorders are diseases that have often been swept under the rug, in particular in the Jewish com-
Susan Paley Weaver is announced as munity. But there’s a growing realization that disorders must be dealt with.
the coordinator for the Stroum Jewish
Community Center’s new Northend facil- Seattle’s Jewish fashion plates 24
ity, which had just opened four months A photographic look at Chai Couture, Seattle’s first fashion shows that exclusively showcased Jewish
prior. After much discussion about designers.
whether a center in this quickly growing
area of the Jewish community should exist MORE
and deliberations over securing a site, M.O.T.: Making a difference in science education 13
programs were finally underway. Crossword 13
Community Calendar 14
A View from the U: Our sukkahs, our selves 16
t h e v o i c e o f j e w i sh w a sh i n g t o n
Lifecycles 22
The Shouk Classifieds 19
JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to
meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and
accurate coverage of local, national and international news, Kashrut alert: Effective immediately, the Teapot Restaurant is no longer certified kosher. The Teapot in
opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to Redmond still has its certification.
diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, includ- Staff
ing the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to Reach us directly at 206-441-4553 + ext.
Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267
the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we
Editor *§Joel Magalnick 233
carry out our mission.
Assistant Editor Eric Nusbaum 240
Account Executive Lynn Feldhammer 264
2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121 Account Executive David Stahl 235
206-441-4553 • editor@jtnews.net Account Executive Stacy Schill 292 Tell our advertisers you saw them in JTNews!
Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238
Art Director Susan Beardsley 239
Intern Lillian Cohen-Moore
Diane Rae Jones/Windermere Real Estate 206-406-5232
JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish
Transcript, a nonprofit corporation owned by the Jewish Federation of Board of Directors Still time to order your Haunkkah Greeting.
Greater Seattle, 2041 3rd Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Subscriptions are Peter Horvitz, Chair*; Robin Boehler; Andrew Cohen§; See page 14 for more information.
$56.50 for one year, $96.50 for two years. Periodicals postage paid
Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Nancy Greer§; Aimee Johnson; Stan Mark;
Final greeting deadline November 19!
Daniel Mayer; Cantor David Serkin-Poole*; Leland Rockoff
at Seattle, WA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to JTNews,
Richard Fruchter, CEO and President,
2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121. Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Ron Leibsohn, Federation Board Chair Look for
Nov 19
*Member, JTNews Editorial Board
The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily §Ex-Officio
reflect the views of JTNews. Holiday Giving Guide

Nov 26
Kosher Gourmet
p u b l i sh e d b y j e w i sh t r a ns c r i p t m e d i a
6 the state of israel JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

The state of the State of Israel

While most eyes outside of Israel have been focused on peace talks and set- ety the Jewish State should be. JTNews spoke with four of these experts to get
tlements, there has been a lot of controversy inside the country in the past few their take on the subject: Bradley Burston, senior editor of Israeli newspaper
years about social issues such as marriage, conversion, and who is eligible for Ha’aretz’s online edition; Rabbi Daniel Gordis of the Shalem Institute; IDF lec-
full citizens’ rights. Several experts have come through (or are en route to) the turer and school guidance counselor Rabbi Shalom Hammer; and Daniel Sokatch,
Seattle area to talk about Israel and its inner workings, and what kind of soci- CEO of the New Israel Fund.

The emotional divestment from Israel

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
Bradley Burston is concerned about country right there. number of disadvantaged citizens in Jeru-
divestment from Israel. But his imme- “But it doesn’t mean [they] can’t be salem, and the Wiesenthal center made
diate concern is not the financial divest- reapproached,” Burston said. a decision build a $250 million museum
ment and boycotts, though those he finds Yet when Burston speaks, usually while people are having trouble making
problematic as well. It’s the emotional through his column “A Special Place ends meet.”
divestment he’s seeing from the American in Hell,” he’s angry about the problems But this lot, he said, is also a meet-
Jewish community. inside his own country, and what he ing place for the city’s young secular
“They are quietly — but in terms of believes is a slide toward fundamentalist population, “which in many ways is an
impact, dramatically — withdrawing alto- hegemony, particularly in Jerusalem. endangered minority,” Burston said. “Sec-
gether,” Burston wrote in a column this When he visits the embattled city, he ular people are moving out of Jerusalem
week at the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz’s parks in a lot situated on the site of the because of the enormous political power
online publication, where Burston is senior now-scaled-back Simon Wiesenthal Cen- and the growing numbers of religious Joel Magalnick
editor. These were comments he also made ter’s Museum of Tolerance, under which people — fundamentalist Jews, but also Bradley Burston talks to a small group of Israel
to a small group of Seattleites on Oct. 29 lies an old Muslim cemetery. fundamentalist Arabs. supporters at the Jewish Federation of Greater
while in town as a guest of the pro-peace “This seemed to me tremendously “Every other community has enormous Seattle on Oct. 29.
Israel advocacy organization J Street. intolerant of the people living in Jerusa- political clout and access to city hall,” Bur-
Mostly the Jews he is concerned about lem. Not only the Muslim residents who ston said. “This group has nothing.”
are the younger Jews who see anti-Israel objected to having this Muslim cemetery Add to that more issues that have America’s annual General Assembly in
rhetoric on campuses, or have a strong become a construction site, but also the roiled the country internally but have New Orleans this week, for example,
distaste for violence, which are often the Jewish residents who are citizens of the slipped into the discourse of American hecklers were removed from Israeli Prime
only images they see when watching news most impoverished large city in Israel,” Jews as well. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address
about Israel, and they will give up on the Burston said. “There is a tremendous At the Jewish Federations of North who chanted that a loyalty oath delegiti-
mizes Israel.
Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lie-
berman and his party, Yisrael Beiteinu,
ran — and won — on a platform of pro-
posing that new citizens sign an oath of
loyalty to the Jewish State. Now the party
has put the measure forth, but even Israel’s
right-wing legislators are beginning to feel
uncomfortable with the idea.
“A healthy, life-seeking society does
not intentionally create conflict with 20
percent of its members,” wrote Knesset
member Yehuda Ben Meir of the National
Religious Party in an Op-Ed piece for
Ha’aretz. “It acts to integrate them into the
society and to increase their identification
with the state, and not to isolate them and
create among them feelings of alienation
and hatred.”
Despite the press the oath proposition
has received, “if you look at how many of
Israelis that actually voted for the party
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XXPage 9
friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews the state of israel 7

There should be no compromise on If

the Jewish homeland go:
Rabbi Shalom Hammer will
Janis Siegel JTNews Correspondent That, however, may be more difficult “Yes, the Orthodox rabbinate has a speak at Congregation Shevet
Rabbi Shalom Hammer admits right than it sounds. monopoly on religious service in Israel,” Achim, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer
up front he’s not a politician or a political Israel is no longer a collective and uni- said Hammer, “but at the end of the day, Island on Nov. 12 and 13 and at
person, and that he doesn’t pretend to be. form “melting pot,” according to models the fact is that they were given those aus- Congregation Sha’arei Tefilah–
What Hammer told the JTNews he is defined by the Israel Democracy Institute pices as representatives of the Israeli Lubavitch, 6250 43rd Ave. NE,
trying to do, as he has been speaking in in 2008. Israeli society, the report said, people. As far as conversions go, it’s run by Seattle on Sun., Nov. 14 at 10
several synagogues and schools around now reflects multiculturalism and individ- the Orthodox rabbinate. As far as kashrut a.m. He will also speak to Hebrew
Seattle between Nov. 5 and 16, is to inspire ualization due to the many ethnic groups symbols in Israel, it’s run by the Orthodox school students at Herzl-Ner Tamid
Jewish togetherness and unity. In particu- that have immigrated there since 1950. rabbinate. Conservative Congregation, 3700
lar, he wants to foster connections to the The IDI reported several factors that “Perhaps the Orthodox rabbinate E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, on
land of Israel as the Jewish home that can contributed to social divisions in Israel, could be a little more open, understand- Tues., Nov. 16.
never be compromised. including unequal governmental policies ing, and conversant with other denomi-
As a religious Zionist, this Brooklyn- of assimilation for the newly arrived Jews of nations of Judaism,” he added. “I believe
born-and-raised rabbi is a father of six Asia, North Africa, the former Soviet Union, that if the Orthodox rabbinate in Israel was lives in Israel, but she said she lives in the
who moved to Israel in 1990. He served Europe, and the United States, tension more patient, understanding, and tolerant, U.S. because, as a woman, she would not be
in the Israeli Rabbinate unit of the Israeli between Ashkenazim and Mizrachim or people would not have any objection to the allowed to be a practicing rabbi in Israel.
Defense Forces, is a frequent contributor Sephardim, and strained relations between Orthodox rabbinate running things. The Kinberg said it is important for the
to the Jerusalem Post, lectures on behalf of early immigrants and those who came later. problem is the way that Jews handle each young people at her temple to understand
the IDF, teaches at a yeshiva in Israel, and In addition to the apparent racial and other. That’s what it comes down to.” that theirs is a “big tent” approach to Juda-
is a school guidance counselor within the ethnic disparities is the ongoing tension Rabbi James Mirel, the senior rabbi at ism that accepts each denomination’s
ultra-Orthodox school system. He defends between observant and non-observant the Reform congregation Temple B’nai right to hold different views.
the religious leadership there as fiercely as Jews. Torah in Bellevue, invited Hammer to Hammer disagrees with critics of the
he helped defend his country. A 2006 YNet News poll of 40,000 people speak to the students in his Introduction Orthodox rabbinate in Israel, like the New
“We believe strongly in two things,” in Israel revealed that 71 percent of Israeli to Judaism class about religious Zionism. Israel Fund, who he said claims it’s a the-
Hammer said, “that we facilitate the Jewish citizens believe in God, however, Although Mirel had been called out of town ocracy, while they promote what he calls
redemption of the Jewish people, that it only 26 percent of Israelis want to see Israel when Hammer spoke, Assistant Rabbi anti-Zionistic rallies, support the removal
will not happen automatically, and that it become more traditional, and 27 percent Yohanna Kinberg moderated the discus- of religious texts from public schools, and
will not happen without our active interest want to see Israel become more secular, lead- sion and had some comments of her own. advocate the incorporation of Palestinian
and investment into the land of Israel… ing study authors to surmise that a majority “It is genuinely important to under- history within the texts of Israeli schools.
and that everyone should try their hardest of Israelis believe it is possible to believe in stand that there are different world views,”
to continue that.” God without observing Jewish law. Kinberg told JTNews. Kinberg’s family XXPage 9

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8 the state of israel JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

An insider’s look into Israel, If

from the outside go:

Eric Nusbaum Assistant Editor, JTNews Daniel Gordis will speak at

When StandWithUs Northwest booked For instance, the interna- StandWithUs Northwest’s annual
Daniel Gordis as the keynote speaker for tional community might community reception, Thurs., Nov.
its annual community reception, orga- see Israeli Prime Minis- 18 at 6:30 p.m. at the Theater at
nizers were making a choice: This would ter Benjamin Netanyahu’s Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE
not be a lighthearted evening. Gordis, an unwillingness to further 6th St., Bellevue. Tickets cost $54.
author, rabbi, and Ph.D., is not one to shy freeze settlement building Contact 206-548-4350, ext. 3 or
away from tough issues — he makes it a as intractable and become northwest.rsvp@standwithus.com
point to confront them. frustrated. But Gordis says for tickets and information.
In 2009, Gordis’ seventh book, Saving it’s important to have con-
Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a text to consider domestic
War That May Never End, won the National concerns — a botched or “The Israeli press is doing a very min-
Jewish Book Award. His “Dispatches from unreturned gesture would imal job focusing on the international
an Agitated State” e-mails, essays on wide- cost Netanyahu his coali- delegitimization movement,” Gordis said.
ranging topics, regularly arrive in thou- tion in the Knesset — and “BDS has gotten virtually no coverage in
sands of inboxes and appear on his Web the fact that Israel lacks a Zion Ozeri the Israeli press here at all.”
site DanielGordis.org. Gordis’s writing has strong partner in the Pales- Dr. Daniel Gordis, who will be speaking in Seattle on Nov. 17. Gordis was born and educated in the
appeared in The New York Times, The New tinian Authority, he says. United States, and moved with his family to
Republic, The Jerusalem Post, and Commen- While in Washington Israel in 1998. His roots in both major hubs
tary, among other publications. State, Gordis will talk about Israel’s stand- ton are likely familiar with one branch of the of modern Jewry, America, and Israel, inform
Gordis writes a great deal on the dynam- ing in the international community — in delegitimization movement known as BDS, his perspective of an important and powerful
ics of Israeli life. In a recent dispatch, he particular the concerted efforts to delegiti- which calls for boycotts, divestment, and connection between the two societies.
bemoaned Israel’s shortcomings in liberal mize Israel by governments, world leaders, sanctions on Israel. BDS supporters success- “I think the American obligation to Israel
arts education at the expense of science and and non-governmental groups. fully passed a boycott on Israeli products at is very simple.” Gordis said. “It is to under-
mathematics. And earlier this year, he wrote “The delegitimization issue is the most the Olympia Food Co-op earlier this year. stand first and foremost that the American
a column in the Jerusalem Post chastising potent weapon that Israel’s opposition Gordis says BDS is not pro-Palestin- Jewish life that we take for granted — the
Israel’s ultra-Orthodox who “reject the idea has,” Gordis told JTNews. “It is more pow- ian, but anti-Israel. It’s up to American sense of belonging the sense of pride the sense
of a ‘Jewish and democratic’ state.” erful than Egyptian tanks and Syrian MiGs Jews to step in on Israel’s behalf, he says, of a bright future — is because of Israel.”
These issues are internal, but his writ- — because Egyptian tanks and Syrian MiGs partly because Israelis are almost entirely But simply understanding that American
ings also ripple outward, such as into we know how to defend ourselves against.” unaware of these local issues and their far-
the state of domestic Israeli politics. Jews and Israel supporters in Washing- reaching implications. XXPage 9

QFC is Bringing
Hope to the Table
By Eric Miller, QFC Public Affairs Specialist

What’s on your menu for dinner tonight? It’s a simple These are staggering
question that you may not have the answer to just yet, but statistics from the most
for most of us it’s a question that does have an answer. recent Hunger in America
Knowing that there will be something for breakfast 2010 study. So what can
tomorrow and for lunch after that might sound trivial to you do to help? Back in
most of us, but unfortunately it is not something we all can 2002, QFC launched a
count on. In fact, many local families are at risk of hunger. food drive benefiting
Food Lifeline is Western Washington’s largest Food Lifeline and their
hunger relief agency and is dedicated to changing more than 300 member
this situation. In 2010, Food Lifeline helped feed more agencies, of neighbor-
than 685,000 hungry people in our communities by hood food banks, shelters, and hot meal
delivering more than 24 million meals to its network programs. Bringing Hope to the Table continues this
of local food banks, meal programs and shelters. Here year, and QFC is offering many ways to get involved: will donate $1 for every case of selected beer varieties
are some statistics: Customers can purchase and then donate $10 pre- sold in QFC stores during Bringing Hope to the Table.
packaged bags of groceries for neighborhood food banks Enjoying nutritious food not only feels wonderful,
n 37% of the people Food Lifeline serves are children (a savings of more than 30% off regular retail prices). it sets the proper foundation for so many other
and 12% are seniors. Cash can be donated at any QFC checkstand from important things to happen. Please join QFC and
n 47% of the people Food Lifeline serves say they October 31st, 2010 through January 1st, 2011. Food Lifeline as we bring hope to the table of families
have had to choose between food and paying for You can donate your 3¢ bag reuse credit. throughout our community. No one should go hungry,
heat or utilities. Customers can purchase and donate food bank and with your support of this program, we can take a
n 29% of the people Food Lifeline serves say they recommended items, identified by shelf tags and by a step closer to the day when everyone has an answer to
have had to choose between food and paying for special “shopping list” that will be available in your store. the “what’s for dinner” question. Thank you, and have
medicine or medical care. Also, two vendor partners are offering donations a wonderful Holiday Season!
n 42% of the people Food Lifeline serves say they to Food Lifeline: Kendall-Jackson will donate $2 for
have had to choose between paying for food and every case of selected wine sold in QFC stores during *Statistics provided by Food Lifeline
paying for rent or mortgage. Bringing Hope to the Table. Full Sail Brewing Company

Eric Miller is the Public Affairs Specialist for QFC. He can be reached at eric.miller@qfci.com or 425-990-6182.
friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews the state of israel 9

Chipping away at the fundamentals of democracy

Joel Magalnick Editor, JTNews
Not long after Daniel Sokatch left the “The human rights and civil rights eign minister Avigdor Lieberman, though democracies do. They don’t ask prospec-
relative comfort of his executive director organizations that were pilloried by the he didn’t dismiss the idea of a loyalty oath tive citizens to swear fealty to a particular
position at the Jewish Community Federa- hard right for being traitorous were in and of itself. religious identity.”
tion in San Francisco last year, a firestorm thanked over the summer by the IDF,” “When I was sworn into the bar in Sokatch also pointed to the broader
directed at his new organization erupted. Sokatch told JTNews during an October Massachusetts, I had to pledge an oath freedoms that he sees as under attack:
In January, a group called Im Tirtzu visit to Seattle. “And then it thanked the to uphold the Constitution of the United “Freedom of speech, freedom of con-
began a campaign against the progressive general Israeli human rights community States, and that’s what American elected science and freedom of religion, free-
New Israel Fund, which raises money for for its work in reporting — not in making officials have to swear, and people who dom to gather. These are all things that
civil and human rights groups in Israel, that conclusions — but in reporting what it become American citizens have to swear,” we see being challenged, and increas-
condemned several NIF grantees for pro- found, which had led the IDF to create and Sokatch said. ingly in Israel, people who voice opposi-
viding South African Justice Richard Gold- implement new operating procedures for But he did express a distrust of the con- tional opinions or dissenting opinions are
stone with information that reflected badly civilian areas.” text in which the bill was introduced. branded or labeled as traitors,” he said.
upon Israel during the 2009 Gaza War. The But it’s the source of these attacks that “There are bills there that would cir- In the past two years, Knesset ministers
Goldstone Report was heavily critical of the has Sokatch concerned, and support for cumscribe the way civil society orga- who have attempted to have Arab Israeli
Israel Defense Forces’ handling of the war, his organization has increased in the past nizations can get funding from foreign lawmakers arrested for treason. In the past
and alleged several war crimes. year because of it: entities, if those foreign entities are lib- two weeks, riots began when rabbis in the
“The results of these groups’ activities “What we see in Israel, what is extraor- eral European governments, not if they’re cities of Tzfat and B’nai Barak have told
caused significant diplomatic damage to dinarily worrying to many of us at New right wing — or for that matter, left wing their communities not to rent property to
Israel and harmed the country’s capacity Israel Fund and many of other people in — private citizens in the United States,” Arab-Israelis or African immigrants. New
to defend itself militarily,” Im Tirtzu said Israel, is an increase in the attempts by he said. Or bills that would strip Reform, Israel Fund supports NGOs that serve
in a statement at the time. many people who are currently in great Conservative or even some Orthodox both populations.
But further study showed that less than positions of power in Israel to chip away at rabbis from doing conversions that would “What’s next for the one-fifth of the
1 percent of the information included in the very fundaments that underlie Israel’s be considered kosher in Israel. population of Israel that isn’t Jewish,
the report came from these groups, and status as a liberal democracy,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons why [the loy- and what message does it send to them?”
Sokatch, New Israel Fund’s CEO, said his Sokatch pointed to the loyalty oath put alty oath is] so upsetting,” Sokatch said. Sokatch said.
organization has since been vindicated. forth by Yisrael Beiteinu, the party of for- “It’s fundamentally not something liberal

WWgordis Page 8 versation about Israel among American Jews, WWburston Page 6 ston said. “So what you have is a situation
even if the dialogue is critical and weighty. in which a society sees itself under attack
Jews are indebted to Israel is not enough, “Sovereignty is not an end to itself,” Irish Nobel peace laureate Mairead Corri- by the entire world, and the society has had
says Gordis. American Jews have an obli- Gordis said. “There are certain things gan Maguire, who in October was banned no rest and no time to recuperate.”
gation to stay informed on the delegit- you want to accomplish, there are certain from Israel for 10 years following her pres-
imization movement and its potential things you want to do.” ence on a ship that broke the blockade to WWhammer Page 7
consequences, and further, stand up for Those things aren’t up to just Israelis, deliver humanitarian supplies to Gaza.
Israel — whatever their particular politics. but Jews everywhere. Israel today is a society that between 2000 “In the religious Zionist world, we think
“There’s StandWithUs and there’s “I think that American Jews should be and 2009 suffered its worst decade in its short we’re now making a positive turn in the
CAMERA and there’s AIPAC and there’s involved in the conversation about what existence, Burston believes. The country’s right direction to be less threatening and to
even J Street,” Gordis said. “And American Israel should and should not be,” he said. election in 2009 was the will of an electorate engage in dialogue in order to demonstrate
Jews who want to counter delegitimization “Israel casts a certain light on Jews wherever that was tired and alienated after two wars, that that’s the kind of people we are,” said
should support those movements and get they are. But American Jews have to recog- suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and the Hammer. “We have something very valu-
involved.” nize that if they have this conversation they upheaval of the Gaza evacuation in 2005. able and very beautiful to offer, which is not
Gordis does not believe that the need to are having it in a period of time when Israel “And then world condemnation that going to be forced upon you, but certainly,
defend Israel’s right to exist should stifle con- is being marginalized as a rogue state.” came in waves and never stopped,” Bur- you should become more familiar with it.”


Congregation Shevet Achim

Presents ~ the Way to Pray ~

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Why is the celebration of this
centuries-old story relevant today?
Learn the meaning behind:
~ the blessings for lighting the Menorah
~ special Chanukah prayers, songs & food
Class 1 - Monday Nov. 15, 2010
Class 2 - Monday Nov. 22, 2010
Class 3 - Monday Nov. 29, 2010
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
The entire community is welcome ~ no charge
Held at: Northwest Yeshiva High School
5017 90th Avenue S.E. Mercer Island, WA 98040
website: www.shevetachim.com
email: info@shevetachim.com
(206) 275-1539
10 8 nights of hanukkah JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

8 grocery items your local food bank could really use:  

1. 18-oz. bottles of vegetable oil
(plastic containers, please)
5. Dishwashing soap
6. Bars of hand soap
8 days, 8 ways
2. Peanut butter 7. Canned soup To make this Hanukkah a holiday
3. Toothpaste 8. Pasta
4. Canned fruit
for giving tzedakah.
Thanks to Carol Mullin of Jewish Family Service for compiling this list.
8 ways you can perform service for your community and
a l l of us les, the world

fine foods
From right Sa a
JC W wish you kah!
we Hanuk
1. Make a commitment to something ongoing in your community.
2. Make a commitment to a single day of meaningful service, and take the time
to study and learn about the group and cause for which you’re working.
3. At your next birthday or your next child’s birthday, or if you give gifts on
of Hanukkah since 1947 Happ Hanukkah, instead of giving presents to each other, give those same gifts to
s p o n s o r e d b y: people who don’t have the means to get their own.
4. Advocate politically for a cause: Learn about the cause, then write a letter or
make a phone call to your elected officials to let them know how you feel.
al Food Bank
5. Support somebody who can do the work if you can’t — if a student or young
d for a Loc
Drop Off Foo
adult is going to do Jewish service somewhere in your local community or
8 Places You 227 Bellevue Way NE, Bellevue d
across the world, support that person’s aspiration, then invite him or her to
1. The UPS Stor
e, e. NE, Redmon your home to share stories with your family and friends.
hl et ic Cl ub, 8709 161st Av W ay
2. Redmond At Way S, Federal 6. Rather than walk past homeless people on the street, give them a healthy
sp er ’s Coff ee Co., 33501 1st ., St e. E1 03 , Issaquah snack and try to engage in conversation with someone you might normally
3. Ja 0 N W Gi lman Blvd
e, 70
4. The UPS Stor ., Mercer Island otherwise ignore.
PS St or e, 7683 SE 27th St Seattle 7. Become a traveler and not a tourist. Commit to doing a service trip, whether
5. Th e U
47 42 42 nd Ave. SW, West
6. The UPS Stor
e, Seattle through American Jewish World Service, the American Jewish Joint Distribution
Fo od Ba nk , 711 Cherry St.,
7. Cherry Street Seattle Committee or other Jewish organizations, or support your child if he or she
o, 50 30 Ro osevelt Way NE you can visit
8. Scarecrow Vi
e ju st eight sites, but zens more. wants to do those trips.
No rt hw es t H ar vest. Th es e ar
bl ic _D ro p_ Si te s.htm to find do 8. Split your tzedakah between your own community and global causes. Make
Via s/Pu
www.northwesth one Jewish, but make the other go beyond the Jewish community. If these can
be facilitated through Jewish organizations that support global relief, learn
alexande ative about what the Jewish community is doing in these efforts.

ve, restor
in preventi
ic dentistr Contributed by Rabbi Will Berkovitz of Repair the World. Resources for finding service
and cosmet

2n d dms
efficient & qu
ality care at a
convenient loc
ation organizations can be found at Repair the World’s Web site, www.werepair.org.

• www.eastlak
f Hanukkah
206-325-7456 Fun and Food at the

d b y: sJC Hanukkah party
saturday, december 4th

8 books that would be great for kids

By Nancy Pearl
Night 5:30 – 9:30 pM

of Hanukkah
With the help of my good friends at Seattle’s University Book Store, here are s p o n s o r e d b y:
some great choices for every child and teen on your Hanukkah list:

Picture books:
1. Simms Taback’s Joseph Had a Little Overcoat 8 gifts that kids in ne
2. Mo Willems’s Knuffle Bunny Free ed would really app
this year: reciate
Middle grade chapter books:
1. A warm hat
3. Ingrid Law’s Savvy
2. Gloves
4. M.T. Anderson’s Whales on Stilts
3. Diapers (all sizes)
High Schoolers:
4. Kids’ books
5. Robin McKinley’s Sunshine (for older teens)
5. Games for all ages
6. John Green & David Levithan’s Will Grayson, Will Grayson
6. Target gift cards
All ages:
7. Game Stop gift cards
7. David Macauley’s Built to Last
8. Movie tickets
8. Marilyn Singer’s Mirror Mirror: A Book of Reversible Verse
Thanks to Carol Mullin of
Nancy Pearl is the author, most recently, of Book Lust To Go: Recommended Reading Jewish Family Service for
compiling this list.
for Travelers, Vagabonds, and Dreamers. She will be the featured speaker at the
Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle’s Women’s Division Connections event on Jan. 30.

the gift

5 t h Tonight, give
BMW of Bellevue • 425-643-4544
join us
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as we celebrat
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s p o n s o r e d b y:
of Hanukkah
s p o n s o r e d b y:
friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews 8 nights of hanukkah 11

8 tips for sending a kosher CARE package to deployed

Jewish soldiers
1. Keep the package small. Choose a standard, flat-rate box from USPS and it 8 ways to make the mo
will be delivered anywhere overseas at the domestic flat rate. st of your Tzedakah Bo
Packed inside the last iss
ue of JTNews was the Tze ok
2. Pack nonperishable, unbreakable objects. Remember, your package needs to for helping with giving dakah Book, a resource
to many different local cha guide
travel a long way and it likely won’t be handled with kid gloves. are some ways you can use ritable organizations. He
the Tzedakah Book. re
3. Wrap delicate items inside rolls of soft toilet paper. Need we say more? 1. On one or more nights
4. Choose a theme so your soldier can share the supplies. For example, send a of Hanukkah, look throu
family and find organiza gh the Tzedakah Book as
tions that resonate with a
six-pack of body wash or toothpaste. And remember, soldiers travel light, so 2. Also included with the you.
keep the items travel-sized. Tzedakah Book was a bu
Put it together and decora ild-your-own tzedakah bo
te! Then fill it up. x.
5. Send CDs, DVDs, and entertainment magazines. 3. E-mail your friends an
6. Tasty as it is, chocolate melts. Send candies and treats that will hold up d family and tell them the
JTNews web site and ma y can download it from
ke their own opportunit the
well. 4. Take it to a non-Jewish ies to give.
7. Confirm that your package is addressed properly. neighbor who might also
give for the holidays. be looking for places to
8. Most important of all, personalize your care package. Include a handwritten 5. Use the Tzedakah Book
note, a bit of local news, a picture of your family, or a child’s drawing to as a jumping-off point.
types of organizations the Ask your children about
y might want to support, other
express your appreciation. 6. Give the Tzedakah Bo and research them togeth
ok and a roll of quarters er.
Hanukkah gift. to your best friend as a
To send a care package to local deployed Jewish soldiers, contact Karen 7. The Tzedakah Book is
Fitzgerald of the Joint Base Lewis McChord Jewish Chapel at karen.fitzgerald@ about making donations,
volunteer. On the inside but you can also use it
cover of the Tzedakah Bo to
us.army.mil and she will provide names and addresses. Or visit Project MOT, a volunteers. Contact Blair ok are organizations tha
at 206-774-2251 or blairf@ t seek
volunteer-run organization that prepares and delivers CARE packages, and gladly connected. jewishinseattle.org to get
accepts contributions. Visit Project MOT at www.rimmon.com/ProjectMOT.htm. 8. Donate!

Life, L
and P
for all
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Quorum — Laurelhurs
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Pike Place Market University District
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ttle.com they have to
ta ke yo u in.

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s p o n s o r e d b y:
Cell 206-769-7140

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communities of this region through the study of the holocaust

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The Holocaust Center reaches over 30,000 students each year with its programs
and resources. Through the study of the Holocaust young people and adults learn $20 a book for a classroom set
about human behavior, social responsibility, moral courage, the importance of $150 general program support
$300 document a survivor testimony
speaking out against intolerance and the difference just one person can make.
$500 sponsor a speaker
Teachers report that the incidence of bullying is reduced when students learn and
$800 adopt a holocaust teaching trunk
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Visit the Holocaust Center’s website at www.wsherc.org to learn more about the
programs and resources we provide.
As a small non-profit, we rely on donors like you who believe in the mission of
the Center. It is through the study of the Holocaust that young people and adults can
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WSHERC is a donor-funded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1989.

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12 8 nights of hanukkah JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

8 Extraordinary Volunteers in the Jewish Community 5. David Serkin-Poole — Anti-

Defamation League
1. Fran Hasson — Jewish Cantor David Serkin-Poole, of
Family Service’s volunteer Bellevue’s Temple B’nai Torah,
of the year accepted the Cal Anderson Civil
In the 11 years since Rights Advocacy Award from the Anti-
Fran took over the Jewish Defamation League’s Pacific Northwest
Family Service food basket chapter for his ongoing work on
centerpiece program, she civil rights and marriage equality
has volunteered more than on Nov. 5. State Sen. Ed Murray, a
1,350 hours in creating previous recipient of the award, and
hundreds upon hundreds of former state Supreme Court Justice
custom centerpieces, one Bobbe Bridge spoke about David’s
by one, for special events accomplishments at the ADL’s annual
and family celebrations. No Place for Hate luncheon.
“When they told me the
program has raised over 6. Judy Schwarz —
$140,000 to benefit JFS, Kline Galland Center
I was truly amazed,” Fran and Hospice Service
says. “It’s been so easy, so Judy Schwarz has the
effortless, so wonderful.” distinction of being
Kline Galland Hospice
2. Adam Goldblatt — AJC Seattle chapter Service’s first volunteer,
Adam is not only the AJC Seattle regional accompanying her first
president, he is also the organization’s most patient last February.
exceptional volunteer. To both raise the profile Judy has been a
of AJC in Seattle and to achieve the mission volunteer at the Kline
of the organization, Adam dedicates countless Galland Home for many
hours to working with his fellow board years, helping out with
members, and the local and national AJC staff. the enameling group
every Friday. She bring her cheerfulness, positive demeanor, and compassion
to the hospice patients. Judy is a good listener and can also share from the
3. Marci Greenberg and Dave Rapp — Seattle Jewish Community School wealth of her own experiences, when appropriate. They are lucky to have
The Rapp/Greenberg power couple are parents and volunteers extraordinaire. her, says the staff, and so do the patients she devotes her time to.
Marci encourages, motivates, and entertains volunteers with an upbeat and 7. Team Samurai — Northwest Yeshiva High School
contagious enthusiasm. Dave is her constant partner in crime. As a couple,
they complement one another, and together, they inspire parents and
students to give to and participate in the community. Marci also fortifies
everyone with her unbelievably awesome chocolate brownies.

4. Josh Gortler —
Washington State
Holocaust Education
Resource Center
Josh Gortler is a
Holocaust survivor and a
member of the Holocaust
Center’s Speakers Bureau.
He tells his story to
young people at the
Pictured above are only some of the members of Team Samurai, post-race
state’s correctional
at the Run Scared 5K to benefit the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society. Team
centers. Many of these
Samurai was formed in memory of Sam Owen, a classmate of these Northwest
people have written Josh
Yeshiva High School students, who succumbed to Burketts Lymphoma earlier
to tell him that his story
this year, a few days after his Bar Mitzvah. The Run Scared 5K was organized
gave them hope and
by NYHS alum Ilana Balint in honor of her father, David Balint, a lymphoma
turned their lives in a
survivor. This was the 4th year the race was run.
positive direction.
8. Shoshana Kaplan­— Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle
Shoshana has been a phenomenal volunteer since she started with the
Kline Galland Center Jewish Federation in August. She worked on a city-wide food drive as part of
the Focus and Fight Poverty program around Sukkot, and has spent the last

Kline Galland Foundation
month helping with marketing and logistics of the Ethnic Flavors of Israel
Kline Galland Hospice services

Night www.klinegalland.org
polack Adult day Center

The summit at First Hill

“Shoshana is our ‘Yes, of course!’ volunteer around the office — no matter
how short the notice or how frustrating the task, Shoshana is always willing
of Hanukkah 206-652-4444 • 206-725-8800 to help out,” says Blair Feehan, the Federation’s volunteer coordinator. “We
s p o n s o r e d b y:
couldn’t do it without her.”
The l i f e a n d t
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n t h e c o ver: l B u rstein-Fra
O rboris,” b
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Acrylic ea tt le W a
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10th grad

n f r ida y , no v embe r 1 2 , 2 0 1 0 n 5 kis l e v n

a jewish transcript publication

2 J-TEEN friday, november 12, 2010

e n e r a l ’s v i s i t t o
Th e c o n s u l g
i v a H i g h S c h o o l
Northw e s t Ye s h
By Raphael Kintzer and Josh Voss he served four years
as an officer. After
On November 3, the honorable Akiva the army, Tor applied
Tor, consul general of Israel for the Pacific for a job in the Israeli
Northwest, spoke to the students at Northwest Foreign Ministry. He
Yeshiva High School. With the temporary won the position and
relocation of the Israel consulate to Seattle has since served abroad
for the week, Tor spent time meeting with in countries such as
many constituent groups in the Jewish and Holland, Taiwan and now
general community. For just under an hour Tor in the U.S.
enraptured the students, speaking about his We connected
upbringing, Yitzchak Rabin (whose yahrzeit deeply with Tor. He
was the next day), current Israel affairs, and talked about issues
how teenagers can help Israel. relevant to today and to Courtesy NYHS
Tor’s relationship with Israel commenced our own life decisions Akiva Tor, Israel’s consul general to the Pacific Northwest, left, with
when he was in 10th grade and his family moving forward Northwest Yeshiva High School seniors Juliana Gamel, center, and
visited Israel on a sabbatical from the U.S. after graduating. His Sarah Varon.
After graduating from high school, Tor returned experiences as an
to Israel to study in yeshiva for two years. He American student,
described his time in Israel as one of his most studying in day schools, and choosing to make school (pun intended).
formative life experiences and encouraged all aliyah after earning a college degree resonated When asked about the favorite part about
of us to spend time in Israel before embarking with us and our peers. He talked about the his job, Tor responded: “Speaking with people
on the next phase of our education. He existential threats that face Israel today, like you.”
returned from Israel to study at Columbia including the attempts to delegitimize Israel His enjoyment and enthusiasm for his
University, where he earned his bachelor’s as a state and the danger of Iran. He was also work was easy to see as he spoke with the
degree in Psychology, and then received a very personable — many of us took advantage NYHS students.
graduate degree from Harvard University’s of the opportunity to ask him questions
Kennedy School of Government. one-on-one after the speech. NYHS student Raphael Kintzer and Josh Voss are seniors at the
Returning to Israel to make aliyah as a president and vice president Juliana Gamel Northwest Yeshiva High School.
24-year-old, Tor enlisted in the army, where and Sarah Varon took Tor on a tour around the

The Israel ambassador

By Robbie Ellenson totally great.
Not only did I get
This past summer I embarked on a to do fun programming,
National Conference of Synagogue Youth high but I also made friends
school trip called The Jewish Journey. The five- from all over the U.S.,
week-long trip of around 40 TJJ Ambassadors Canada, and Israel,
traveled all around the land of Israel. We hiked, who I still talk to every
biked, studied Judaism, learned about the land day. The kids as well as
of Israel, did community service, and much the staff were amazing.
more. The purpose of the trip was not only to Our trip leader, Rabbi
create a closer connection to Judaism, but Barry Goldfisher, was
also to the land, and learn how to advocate for a fantastic tour guide,
Israel on our high school or college campuses. full of knowledge about
From day one, TJJ was an absolutely the land of Israel.
amazing experience. From riding camels to However, my
river rafting, to seminars, the activities were experience on TJJ
so much fun. Every day was a jam-packed goes far past just a
adventure. Our exploration of the land made summer experience.
it come to life. We traveled from Eilat to the TJJ Ambassadors Courtesy Robbie Ellenson
Golan, and everywhere in between. was a chance for me Last summer’s full contingent of ambassadors for The Jewish Journey.
Some of the highlights of the trip for me to learn about the
were water sports in Eilat, hiking in the Golan, history of my people
and hearing fantastic guest speakers. However, and the beauty of my religion. I learned about has no doubt made me a better speaker, leader,
my favorite part of the trip was running a four- Israeli current events and went to seminars that and person.
day-long camp for kids from the Israeli town taught me how to advocate for Israel. I have
of Sderot. We got to set up and run our own taken what I have learned from the summer Robbie Ellenson is an 11th grader at Bellevue
summer camp. Working with the kids was and use it in my daily life. TJJ Ambassadors High School.
friday, november 12, 2010 J-TEEN 3

By Kalman Clement

The captain’s announcement

woke me from my sleep. We were
almost there. Up ahead lay the Holy
The inspiration of
Land. I grew up hearing about it,
from friends and the media, and I
had read countless books and spent
Jerusalem’s golden sunset
innumerable hours watching videos
of Israel, but I still had no idea what
I was getting into. It was still a bit of
shock that I would have the privilege
of actually going there. All my life, this
place had a special, sacred meaning to
me, and now I was here.
When the plane touched down
on Israeli soil, my heart skipped a
beat. Everyone cheered as we taxied
to our terminal. I joined in, too, my
voice barely audible among all of the
members of my five-week trip through
NCSY, called The Jerusalem Journey.
“I am here,” I thought. “I am home.”
TJJ ambassadors, as we were
called, divided onto five busses, sorted
by region. Bus 2 was mostly teens from
the West Coast. Earlier, when we had
all met at JFK Airport, I was told my bus
mates would become my best friends,
almost like family. I disregarded this as State of Israel Ministry of Tourism
typical optimistic and unrealistic banter
— probably because I was scared out of my a series of left turns, right turns, and narrow That, I believe, is what makes Israel
wits. Needless to say, when I boarded my bus passages. Then, suddenly, there we were. As so special. It’s not just the land’s beauty, or
in Israel, everyone else didn’t really seem like I approached the Western Wall for the first the culture, or the food. What makes Israel
family. Sure, I made a few acquaintances, but I time in my life, every single emotion that could so special is that it is the land of the Jews,
still felt like a complete antisocial loner. possibly be felt coursed though me like an politically and spiritually. So during the
My negative brooding thoughts were electric shock. afternoon of our last Shabbos together, I
interrupted as the sun began to set. Let me tell The next month was a blur. We went realized that I wanted my children to see the
you, they don’t call it “Jerusalem of Gold” for everywhere, from the Lebanon border to hills of Jerusalem just as I saw them. It was then
no reason. I soon discovered, however, that not the Red Sea. We visited places filled with that I realized who and what I wanted to be.
all of Israel can be captured through a camera spirituality and Judaism, such as Hebron During the month before Rosh Hashanah,
lens. That sunset seemed to vaporize any and Tzfat. We did insanely fun stuff, from when we blow the shofar to signify the coming
nervousness or uncertainty in me. Its beauty banana boating in the Red Sea to jeep riding of the New Year, the vibrations send a chill
burned through my retinas and carved itself in the Golan Heights. We shared unbelievable up your spine. I felt that same chill numerous
into my mind, sealing the memory of it forever. I memories, such as watching the sunrise over times during The Jerusalem Journey, from our
rode to Jerusalem in tranquility. the Dead Sea from Masada. And yes, we first night at the Kotel to the last night when
By the time we reached the Old City, night actually became a family. Every person on my we returned to the Kotel. And through those
had set. Walking to the Kotel, the Western bus is very close to me, someone I would look moments, I knew I could be a better person in
Wall, my heart began to pound hard. I felt out for or cheer up, because I know he or she every aspect.
unprepared for this moment. The walk became would do the very same thing for me.

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4 J-TEEN friday, november 12, 2010

Let’s take over the kitchen!

By Andrew Kranseler

Whether you are a beginning cook Andrew Kranseler and the Tex Mex Salad from
or advanced in your culinary skills Susie Susie Fishbein’s The Kosher by Design Teen and
Fishbein’s The Kosher by Design Teen and 20-Somethings Cookbook.
20-Somethings Cookbook is fabulous. Choose Courtesy Andrew Kranseler

any one of the 100 recipes and trust me, you

will not be disappointed. Author Fishbein has
now made it cool and easy to cook, rather than
go out to eat, if you are hungry.
The majority of these recipes don’t take a
long time to cook — many of them, in fact, are
relatively simplistic. However, even as a more
experienced cook, I appreciate this because
nearly all the recipes are great ideas and all are
items I would enjoy cooking and eating.
One exception is the Barbecued Potato
Kugel, which doesn’t sound all that appealing to
me, but some people might love it. One recent
weekend, I tried the recipe for the scones (page
50); with some I added raisins. The scones Spicy Carrot Sticks
came out of the oven fluffy and tasted delicious Parve
served with some jam. I also tried the Frozen 6 large carrots, peeled, ends
Banana Pops (page 34) for dessert, the Tex-Mex trimmed
Salad (page 80) and the Spicy Carrot Sticks 1 egg white from a large egg
(page 174). All received rave reviews from my 3 Tbs. olive oil
family and I would definitely make these again. 1 Tbs. water
Then there are the recipes I cannot wait 1-1/2 tsp. garlic powder
to try: Mexican Pizza Empanada (page 24), 1-1/2 tsp. ground cumin
Portabello Burgers (page 150) and the No-Bake 1-1/2 tsp. sugar
Dulce de Leche Cheesecake (page 96). The 1/2 tsp. paprika
pictures in the book make the recipes jump out 1/4 tsp. white pepper
from the page, so it is tough to pick which ones 1 tsp. coarse sea salt or kosher salt
to make next. 1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Line a
In the back of the book, there are even jelly-roll pan with parchment paper.
ideas for complete meals or themed party Set aside.
meals. Also in the back of the book are pages 2. Cut each carrot in half to make
for notes to list the recipes you have made, two 3/4-inch pieces.
which I think is a great feature. I also like the 3. Cut each carrot half in half
cooking tips provided, such as pre-measuring lengthwise. With the cut side down
all your ingredients ahead of time and placing on your cutting board, cut each half
them in muffin tins. And, of course, each recipe into 3 equal strips to make carrot
is designed to be kosher, and indicates whether 5. Add the eggs and milk, kneading to form a sticks.
it is meat, parve, or dairy, which is also helpful. crumbly but somewhat sticky dough. 4. Place the egg white into a large shallow bowl
I know I will continue using this book many 6. Turn the dough out onto your work surface or container and whip with a fork or whisk till
times over the next few years and I recommend and knead for another minute or two; the foamy.
it for everyone, even adults, as it is simple to use dough should start to become more smooth 5. In a large bowl, mix the olive oil, water, garlic
and the recipes are not too time-consuming. as the butter softens from the warmth of powder, cumin, sugar, paprika, and white
your hands. Divide the dough into two pepper.
Scones pieces. Use the heel of your palm to spread 6. Place the carrot sticks into the beaten egg,
Dairy each piece into a circle, about 3/4-1 inch turning to coat the carrots in the egg white.
4 cups all-purpose flour thick. 7. Remove the carrots from the egg white and
1/2 cup sugar 7. If adding any mix-ins, spread them over the stir into the spice mixture. Arrange in a single
2 Tbs. baking powder dough, then knead and press into a circle. layer on the prepared pan. Sprinkle with salt.
1 tsp. fine sea salt Do not over mix the scones. 8. Roast, uncovered, for 20 minutes.
11 Tbs. (1 stick plus 3 Tbs.) butter, at room 8. Using the mouth of a drinking glass or a 9. Transfer to a serving plate or bowl.
temperature for 15 minutes round 2-inch diameter cookie cutter, cut out Yield: 4-6 servings
2 eggs, plus one for additional brushing circles of the dough and place 2 inches apart
1/2 cup milk on the prepared cookie sheets. Re-roll into Andrew Kranseler is a senior at Newport High
6 Tbs. mix-ins such as chocolate chips, scraps, and cut out more scones. School. He has always loved to cook and he
blueberries, or raisins (optional) 9. With a fork, whisk the remaining egg. Using a attended the two-period culinary program at
1. Preheat oven to 375° F. pastry brush, brush generously over the tops Newport High School in his junior year. He
2. Line two cookie sheets with parchment of the scones. has spent many summers at the Blue Ribbon
paper. Set aside. 10. Bake for 15 minutes or until bottoms are Cooking School and although he does not always
3. In a large bowl, whisk the flour, sugar, baking golden brown and tops are light golden. use recipes when he cooks, he plans to use this
powder, and salt. Remove from oven and place on cooling cookbook for upcoming meals in the Kranseler
4. Cut the butter into small cubes. Add it to the rack. household.
flour mixture and use both hands to knead 11. Serve warm or at room temperature.
the dough, rubbing the butter into the flour. Yield: 20-24 scones
friday, november 12, 2010 J-TEEN 5

Yom Kippur
The synagogue doors stand tall and foreign it rustles, between dying and living
tucked away between two back alleys of Berlin which are separate only in our imagination
a city I love but do not quite understand ancestors nestle themselves beside us
it’s a pity, this poem but so close to the touch
will not capture the raw, ringing power By Joanna Wright when that microscopic distance hurts too much
of high holy days when we learn that we are not invincible
but there are ways to try, I suppose we are fully alive
because God only knows we find wholeness in bruised places
we answer questions with more questions and traces of the sacred in each other’s faces I cried for my Zayde today
doing our best to wrestle with this beautiful life and he died eight months ago
the meaning of the word Mensch tonight and my eyes know he’s gone
we wear white but the well inside me
I slip through those doors and into a bench in become nothing but soul is still full of tears and his matzoh ball soup
the back row yearning to return to the light, to an
an observer and a participant, I’m a stranger here authentic poet in an imperfect world today, though
in search of a Yom Kippur home beginning to forgive is not just about grief or regrets or missing or forgetting
far away from my own each other and it’s about letting go, letting out, letting in
and as the music starts and the voices rise ourselves to be entered and picked clean
I realize by the moon that knows no ideology
I found it entered
by that energy, divine and indefinable today, we’ve created the hope
These are my people we remember what it means to that there’s a communal safe-keeping deeper
belong to a community than well-kept secrets
it’s not a thought I’ve composed, just grasping at comfort fill a room with broken symphonies no parking meter in spirit’s sanctuary
it’s an ancient sensation, emanating and fill our bodies with those half-built melodies they call it a day of atonement
from the walls of this temple that has known brutal a mix of soil and mysticism but really
history Hebrew words we understand by blood it’s atunement
and from the faces of those around me but cannot translate today we are
glowing with a fervent desire to be bruised by God millions of prayers
the veil between worlds is simultaneously trying to summarize
wrestlers, we are tissue paper right now one-ness.
tickling our skin with tender, windless breath

Bringing everyone into the circle

By Rena Genauer increasingly careless about their heritage, Coming from an Orthodox background
anxiety over becoming lost among the nations in a community like Seattle, as I entered high
Mark Twain once wrote an article in becomes more and more realistic. school I was suddenly exposed to a wide
Harper’s Magazine in which he described the This is where NCSY comes in. Teenagers array of students. With NCSY, I was able
Jews. He depicted a nation of strength and of course like to do fun things that involve their to find teens with whom I shared common
valor that overcame the largest of obstacles friends. NCSY provides the opportunity to values. People I would never have even met
while maintaining a strong faith. Oftentimes combine social interaction with religion. Teens were suddenly, to coin a Facebook term,
it’s hard to believe we are the people Mr. Twain from across the region gather to take part in popping up on my news feed. The best
described. We are the illustrious Jews. any one of the fun activities. Last year we had a part was, they all had one common thread:
However, with society the way it is today, plethora of events, from a mock Jewish wedding, Judaism. Whether they came from a Reform,
there is much concern over our failure to to our annual Seattle Shabbaton with 215 teens,
maintain this identity. As teenagers become to Basar Fest, our meat cook-off event. XXPage 7

helps build our Jewish future by connecting young kids & teens
to Jewish experiences and community through:
~ Stipends for Israel Experiences
~ J.Team, the Jewish Youth Philanthropy Team
~ Hebrew High
~ J-Serve, the National Day of Jewish Teen Service
~ Jewish Overnight Camp Scholarships
~ Youth Mitzvah Fund
~ The PJ Library®
We hope you’ll join us at some of our innovative programs throughout the year!

More at www.JewishInSeattle.org ~ 206 774-2251 ~ BlairF@JewishInSeattle.org

6 J-TEEN friday, november 12, 2010 -

Teachings from the Top

By Uriel Cohen Originally hailing from Michigan, Jeremy
is in the midst of the gap year between high
Being the social creatures we humans are, school and college, which is required to
societal organization is mandatory for our inner fulfill the position of international president.
workings. We have leaders who work close to Jeremy spent his time meeting individuals
home, like mayors, and also ones on greater and answering the multitude of questions we
scales, like governors. We even have supreme threw at him. He also conducted a seminar on
dignitaries, like the president, that exercise Shabbat about how to take leadership in one’s
control over other luminaries. own community. It was very interesting to hear
Following suit with the rest of humanity, such powerful words from a boy not even two
B’nai B’rith Youth Organization also adheres to years my elder. After all, he was once a normal
and values a system of power checks that make member just like the rest of us.
our daily lives worthwhile and enjoyable. Being It is not often that a constituent of a large
a youth-led association, we as members must institution is privileged enough to meet the
take it upon ourselves to make BBYO our own: A most powerful leader of that establishment.
place that represents the Jewish youth of today. For many members who strive to achieve the
Boys and girls hold weekly meetings political positions Jeremy has held, his tales
separately at the Stroum Jewish Community of personal trials and tribulations are idolized.
Center, the male counterpart being called Aleph However, it must be noted that Jeremy does not
Zadik Aleph (AZA) and its female counterpart only “talk the talk.” Before his election, Jeremy
referred to as B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG). Meetings “walked the walk” significantly, contributing
are held gender separate for a variety of inspiration, ideas, and logistics for his local
reasons. One local youth, Adam Epstein, chapter. As the leader of roughly 30,000 Jewish
says the separation is to “provide a safer and teens worldwide, Jeremy still avidly fulfills his
friendlier environment for students to express role as the number one man for the organization
certain beliefs or ideas without the pressure Courtesy BBYO for which he has worked so hard. Yet he does
of thinking what a person of another gender Jeremy Sherman, the international president not come across as flamboyant in his actions or
thinks of you. Since most of our lives are of AZA, left, and local BBYOer Andrew headstrong in his manner.
surrounded by gender inclusion, BBYO enables Arbogast. There is much to be learned from one who
kids to talk more freely.” concentrates not on appearances, but on getting
Adam is the president of his chapter president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and the job done. His inherent qualities, like work
and attends the Seattle Academy of Arts and so on. These boards plan out nearly all activities ethic and taking initiative, are things all humans
Sciences. BBYO members wish to take part in, fulfilling the can learn from, not just B’nai B’rith Youth.
Many people “find it hard to make friends “for the people, by the people” approach BBYO No government is today without a
at a public school, because it tends to be really identifies itself with, an approach that makes representative, an individual who carries the
cliquey,” says Jessica Korotkin, a student at BBYO unique from other youth groups. hopes and dreams of the body’s members.
Interlake High School. “When I go to BBYO, In the spirit of acquainting ourselves with Fitting, is it not, that a youth group dedicated
I know I am going to a place where there are higher leadership, a very important affiliate of to the continuity of the Jewish tomorrow is
many girls, just like me, willing to be my friend, BBYO recently visited our area. In late October, summarized by initiative?
and willing to make a sisterly bond with me.” Jeremy Sherman, the international president
In the Seattle area, there are three AZA of BBYO, came to the Evergreen region, which Seventeen-year-old Uriel Cohen is an active
and two BBG chapters. Each individual chapter includes most of the Northwestern United member in BBYO as well as several other youth
has a board that includes, but is not limited to, a States as well as parts of Canada. groups. He lives on Mercer Island.

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friday, november 12, 2010 J-TEEN 7

Twenty-four hours
on the kibbutz
By Jacob Goren

Driving through the gates of Kibbutz Yad

Mordechai, I didn’t know what to expect. We
were about to be thrown into a completely
different culture for the next 24 hours. The kids
we met there and stayed with were our age, but
at first I wasn’t sure if we could relate because
of our different cultures.
However, as soon as we met them and
began to make our way down to the beach,
it was just like hanging out with my friends
back at home. We hung out on the beach for a
couple of hours, swam in the ocean, ate some
Bamba, and played paddle ball, Israel’s most
popular beach game.
It was great getting to know these kids
and hearing what they had to say about going
into the army, and all of the different issues Courtesy AMHSI
that face Israel — especially Gaza, as Yad From left to right, Ariel Salka, Selena Lustig, Nicole Aqua, Gabe Fruchter, AJ Ostrow, Adam
Mordechai sits only about a mile from the Epstein, Jacob Goren and Nick Alkan, all participants in last spring’s Alexander Muss High
border. What amazed me was that they didn’t School in Israel.
seemed phased, like I was, about Gaza being
so close or the danger of rockets falling on But it worked. The residents all share a seven other teens from the Seattle area spent
them at anytime. This was just part of their lives special bond with their rich history and their eight weeks in Israel on the Alexander Muss High
and they simply lived with it. communal lifestyles, which makes life on School in Israel program, studying and traveling
The next day was Lag B’Omer and we kibbutzim special. the country to learn about its history and culture.
spent the entire day with their “youth society,” For more information, contact 206-948-2030 or
which was similar to youth groups such as Jacob Goren graduated from Interlake High kyeyni@amhsi.org
BBYO here in the U.S. We joined all of the kids School in 2010. During his senior year, he and
on the kibbutz to build hammocks and beds
that they would sleep on that night. It was a
lot of fun — it allowed us to get to know all
different ages of kids on the kibbutz and gave
us a peek into what their hobbies and traditions
are. That night they had a ceremony inducting
the 6th graders into their youth society, while at
the same time celebrating the holiday.
This whole day showed me how living on
a kibbutz is a unique way of life. The people
there really do everything together, even the
Herzl-Ner Tamid’s teen programs
kids. The night before, when we ate in the create friendships that last
communal dining hall, I had thought to myself: a lifetime!
“I can’t imagine eating with everyone in my
neighborhood every night.” tt .
WWthe circle Page 5 ChanukahJDFTLBUJOHQBSUJFT 8JMMZ8POLB the country becomes
Conservative, or Orthodox background, every
TJNVMBUJPO your classroom as
one of my new friends excitedly jumped up and you plunge into
down, singing their hearts out, during Havdallah
on the Shabbatons. There truly is nothing GSJFOETIJQT living history! This
comparable. t #VJMEMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMT no ordinary trip. This
Not only was I able to enjoy the events t %FFQFOZPVSDPOOFDUJPOUP+VEBJTN
is you in ISRAEL…
myself, but I also was able to take part in an t 5SBWFMUIFXPSMEPOPOFPG64:TTVNNFS
extraordinary part of being a Jew. The concept QSPHSBNT
of bringing other Jews into the circle is known as
kiruv. NCSY provided me with the opportunity to Winner of USY’s
solidify my religious beliefs while simultaneously 3FHJPOBM$IBQUFSPGUIF:FBS"XBSE
helping others discover theirs, and for this I am
forever grateful. Although I am a senior now, and (PUPXXXIOUPSHVTZJOGPIUN
this is my seventh and final year in NCSY, I will UPTFFXIBUTIBQQFOJOH
never forget the lessons I have learned from my Kathy Yeyni E-mail: kyeyni@amhsi.org
experiences. With God’s help maybe one day
Tel: 206-948-2030 Web: www.amhsi.org
my children will attend an event, or join chapter
board, and ensure the continuation of the Jewish tJOGP!IOUPSHtXXXIOUPSH Learn It…Live It…Love It…
people Mark Twain described.
8 J-TEEN friday, november 12, 2010

Monday afternoons
By Yael Egnal meetings to everyone. At Bellevue
It’s 2:30 on a Monday some of our frequent “clubbers”
afternoon. The bell rings. Most aren’t Jewish, they just enjoy the
kids pack up and go home to do pizza and discussions.
homework or head off to sports Last year, JSU held a Seattle
practice. There is one other Jewish youth group dodgeball
option that makes Monday worth tournament. When you add Sky
waking up for: Jewish Student High and Jewish friends together, it
Union. At 2:33, about 15 kids are becomes one great event. I thought
sitting on the desks in room 503. this event was so great because it
Our advisor Ari Hoffman walks allowed USYers to meet NCSYers
in with three fresh Island Crust and BBYOers to meet JSUers.
Pizzas. This is the beginning of It really upsets me when kids
my favorite hour spent at school. think if you are in one Jewish youth
And I’m not just talking about the group you can’t be in another. And
pizzas. it seems like there is an unspoken
At the Bellevue High rule that states each youth group
School JSU some of our favorite is rivals with the others. Okay, so
discussion topics are “Glee,” they may all have to compete for
movies, current Jewish events and new members, but in reality they
Ari’s stories from his youth. Every serve the same purpose: Making
week there is something new to lifelong Jewish friends, learning and
discuss, something new to learn, Courtesy JSU exploring Judaism, and last but not
and something new to enjoy. Members of the Bellevue High School Jewish Student Union, with advisor least, having a great time.
After graduating from the Ari Hoffman on the right. JSU is a big part of my high
Jewish Day School in 2009, I have school experience and I hope
severely missed being surrounded the clubs will increasingly have a
by Judaism. I attend Camp positive effect on the schools and
Solomon Schechter and BBYO, and love them I realized there was a popcorn and a cotton the community. As I said before, JSU leaves me
with all of my heart. But having a chance to candy machine. something new to think about and to discuss,
learn and be Jewish at school is remarkable. I think that JSU is so amazing because whether it is a profound current event or the
I still remember the high school club fair not every Jewish kid is lucky enough to go to musical numbers from “Glee.”
my freshman year. At the beginning of every summer camp or youth group like I am able
school year, each club gets its own table to to. JSU gives Jewish kids — and non-Jewish Yael Egnal is the JSU city president. She’s a
promote itself. When I got to the main hallway, kids — a chance to explore Judaism cost-free, sophomore at Bellevue High School.
I was surprised that the Jewish Student Union while still having fun. I mention non-Jewish
table had a huge line. When I got to the front, kids because recently we have opened up our

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friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews m.o.t.: member of the tribe 13

The Jerusalem Post Crossword Puzzle Making a difference in science

By David Benkof education • Also, teens raise
money for hospital guild
Diana Brement JTNews Columnist

When Ellen Lettvin One organization she
took the newly cre- reached out to was the PSC.
ated post of vice presi- “I worked on several proj-
dent of science and education ects with them,” she says.
at Seattle’s Pacific Science So when the Science
Center almost two years ago, Center created this new posi-
she made what looked like tion in 2008, naturally they
a sudden departure from a approached her and she
career in academic research to accepted.
one in education. “By being involved in edu-
The truth is, she told me cation and outreach I could
recently, is that the change tribe make more of a difference,”
came gradually, an outgrowth of her previ- she says.
ous job as assistant director of the Univer- Ellen, who recently com-
sity of Washington’s applied physics lab. pleted treatment for breast cancer,
After getting her bachelors, masters described one of her best days at work
and doctorate at the University of Michi- recently at PSC’s Discover Awards meet-
gan — plus a research stint at Stanford — ing, “a big deal,” where children who come
Ellen came to the UW, doing a lot of work to the center’s summer programs are recog-
in conjunction with NOAA. Trained as nized for “curiosity, ingenuity, teamwork”
as well as inspiration or stewardship.
“There were hundreds of kids and par-
ents at this event, age 4 to 14. They were so
Across Down excited and so proud,” she says. “It was fun
1. “No other ___ before Me...” 1. Aladdin’s discovery to be there and see them all thriving.”
(Exodus 20:3) 2. Unscrews Ellen and her husband Peter are mem-
5. Fran Drescher stereotype 3. Loses weight bers of Temple Beth Am where her son
8. Righteous gentile Sendler 4. “___ 3” (Liev Schreiber film) Alexander had his Bar Mitzvah last year.
13. “Angels in America,” e.g. 5. “___ Nathan’s Jewish Holiday
Raised Conservative in Brookline, Mass.,
14. Yours and mine Cookbook”
16. Elected MKs 6. Torah ___ (Jewish texbook
and Ann Arbor, she had drifted from reli-
17. ___-do-well publishers) gious observance until her father died in
18. Gaza Strip, e.g. 7. He might be studying for his bar 2003.
19. Put in a stake mitzvah “A friend suggested I find a minyan,”
20. ___ Jewish Sports Hall of Fame 8. Bad boy Boesky she says, and the experience connected her
23. Milton Himmelfarb output 9. Gossiper Barrett with “a repository of memories and tradi-
24. Trickster 10. 19th century German Orthodox tions and things that were part of me… It
25. An end to Zion? leader Jacob was that moment I realized that I wanted
28. French prime minister Pierre 11. Chelsea Mezvinsky, ___ Clinton my son to have a Bar Mitzvah.”
33. 12 or 13, for Jewish adulthood 12. Total

Courtesy ellen letvin
36. Years on end 15. Eilat sight
Ellen Lettvin Four years ago Maddy Berkman
37. Certain drums 21. Jewish deli bread
38. Rugs 22. Quirky lost a close friend to an inopera-
41. Male and female 26. Alan Menken won an Oscar for his an oceanographer and engineer, Ellen’s ble malignant brain tumor. Sydney
42. Patron from “The Little Mermaid” expertise is in “remote viewing,” using sat- Coxon was only 11 at the time, and it left
43. Second Temple period, e.g. 27. Piglike ellite data to model ocean wave patterns. Maddy and her friends at a loss as to what
44. “Cuando El ___ Nimrod” (Ladino 29. Stinging plants While there, she decided the public to do with their grief.
song) 30. Jewfros, e.g. ought to know more about the publicly Then, Maddy remembers, “one of my
45. “Saturday Night Live” Actress, 31. Actor Liebman or Silver funded work going on at the lab. friends read an article in the newspaper
1999-2006 32. “Milk ___ Honey” “I felt there was an untapped need” about Seattle Children’s guild program.”
49. Third king of Judah 33. Capital of Ghana for the lab to reach out to the commu- The hospital was seeking new guilds, and
50. Shortly before? 34. Some synagogue fundraisers nity, she says, and to develop more “tech- so the Pink Polka Dots Guild, the brain-
51. Penne, e.g. 35. Author, “Fear of Flying”
nology transfer, finding linkages to local child of Maddy, Kelsey Josund and Sierra
55. She played Lucille Bluth on 39. Hebrew letter, literally “mouth”
“Arrested Development” 40. Compass dir.
businesses” leading to commercial appli- Ales, was born.
60. Gastroenteritis cause 41. Elijah of Vilna, for short cations, “which would be mutually advan-
62. Emulate Rembrandt making “The 43. Built tageous.” XXPage 14
Jewish Bride” 46. More like some wines
63. ___ Island Jewish Hospital 47. Common Jewish profession
p enin g!
64. Former Vermont Gov. Madeleine 48. Revere
ra n d o
65. French judge Cassin 52. Item to leave on a grave g The original from queen anne
66. Not fooled by 53. Patriarchs’ living quarters
67. Barely beats 54. Lingo
68. Bear’s lair 56. British historian Kedourie
69. ___ Bank 57. Breaks a commandment
58. Teen spots?
59. A question of timing
60. ___ out a win
61. Kosher animals chew theirs 1009 Boren avenue, Seattle
Answers on page 23
14 m.o.t.: member of the tribe JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

WWm.o.t. Page 13 Ongoing Events 7:30–10:30 p.m. – He’Ari Israeli Dancing
Event names, locations, and times are provided Danceland Ballroom
The name comes here for ongoing weekly events. Please visit 8:30 p.m. – Talmud, Yeshiva-Style
from Sydney’s pen- calendar.jtnews.net for descriptions and contact Eastside Torah Center
chant for pink. The information.
girls explained to Mondays
KING-5 television in Fridays 10 a.m.–2 p.m. – JCC Seniors Group
2009 that “she loved 12:30–3:30 p.m. – Bridge Group Stroum JCC
everything pink — Stroum Jewish Community Center 12:30 p.m. – Caffeine for the Soul
pink fuzzy sweaters 12:30–3:30 p.m. – Drop-in Mah Jongg Chabad of the Central Cascades
and pink purses… Stroum JCC 7 p.m – CSA Monday Night Classes
and pink polka dots Courtesy Maddy Berkman 9:30–10:30 a.m. – SJCC Tot Shabbat Congregation Shevet Achim (at Northwest Yeshiva
had always been From left to right: Sierra Ales, Kelsey Josund, Adora Svitak and Maddy Berkman, Stroum JCC High School)
one of her favorite at the TEDx conference in Redmond, organized and hosted by Adora. 11 a.m.–12 p.m. – Tots Welcoming Shab- 10 a.m – Jewish Mommy and Me
things.” bat West Seattle Torah Learning Center (at Hiawatha
All funds raised Temple B’nai Torah Community Center)
by Pink Polka Dots is donated through for young people. The three girls addressed 8:30 p.m. – Talmud in Hebrew
Seattle Children’s to Dr. Jim Olson at Fred a crowd of 400 of “the most amazing kids Saturdays Eastside Torah Center
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. we’ve ever [met]” while parents watched in 9–10:15.am. – Learner’s Minyan with Ron 11 a.m.–12 p.m. – Women-Only Torah
“Most of the guilds at the hospital another part of the building. Scheenweiss Study Class
raise money for uncompensated care, but Maddy is a junior at Seattle Academy Congregation Beth Shalom (2nd Saturday of Chabad of the Central Cascades
our guild is considered a junior specialty of Arts and Sciences while Kelsey and month)
guild,” Maddy explained, allowing it to Sierra are students at Shorecrest High. 10 a.m. – Morning Youth Program Tuesdays
support Olson’s “really groundbreaking An active member of Temple Beth Am’s Congregation Ezra Bessaroth 11 a.m.–12 p.m. – Mommy and Me
work” in developing scorpion venom to youth group, Maddy is also in the bee club 10:30 a.m. – Adult Torah Study Program
create a tumor marker. at SAAS where there’s a hive on the roof. “I Temple B’nai Torah Chabad of the Central Cascades. Call for
The guild was especially busy in Sep- spent my whole lunch on the roof smoking 5 p.m. – The Ramchal’s Derech Hashem, location.
tember hosting their annual memorial golf the bees out to get the honey,” she told me Portal from the Ari to Modernity 12 p.m. – Torah for Women
tournament plus a benefit concert by the the day we spoke. Congregation Beth Ha’Ari Beit Midrash Eastside Torah Center (at Starbucks Bellevue
Brian Waite band. PPD has raised over $300,000 to date. 6:30 p.m. – Avot Ubanim Galleria)
September also found them speaking Its ongoing efforts include selling cards Seattle Kollel 7 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
at a TEDx event in Redmond. (TED is an and holding dances. “Anything the guild 9:45 a.m. – BCMH Youth Services Jewish Family Service
idea-sharing organization which hosts con- thinks of that we think will make money, Bikur Cholim-Machzikay Hadath Sundays 7 p.m. – Teen Center
ferences where innovators showcase con- we will act on it.” 10:15 a.m. – Sunday Torah Study Stroum JCC
cepts and talent.) The event, broadcast live Visit their Web site at www. Congregation Beth Shalom 7–8 p.m. – Hebrew I (Alef Bet)
worldwide, was organized entirely by and pinkpolkadotsguild.net.

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friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews community calendar 15
Congregation Beth Shalom. Tullys Westlake Center 7–9 p.m. – Teen Lounge for Middle Schoolers Stroum JCC
7:30 p.m. – Weekly Round Table Kabbalah 1:30 p.m. – Book Club at the Stroum JCC NCSY (at Congregation BCMH) 6:50 p.m. – Introduction to Hebrew
Class Stroum JCC 7:30 p.m. – Parshas Hashavuah Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation
Eastside Torah Center (call for location) 7 p.m. – Beginning Israeli Eastside Torah Center 7 p.m. – Junior Teen Center
8:15–9:30 p.m. – Living Judaism-The Dancing for Adults with Rhona Feldman 8:15–9:15 p.m. – Resurrection, the Afterlife NCSY (at the Stroum JCC)
Basics with Mary Potter Congregation Beth Shalom & Reincarnation 8–10 p.m. – Teen Lounge for High Schoolers
Congregation Beth Shalom 7–8 p.m. – Beginning Modern Hebrew Congregation Beth Shalom Congregation BCMH
Congregation Beth Shalom 8–9:30 p.m. – Beth Shalom Beit Midrash
Wednesdays 7–8:30 p.m. – Modern Hebrew Literature Thursdays Congregation Beth Shalom (2nd Thursday of month)
11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Talmud Berachot Congregation Beth Shalom (1st Wednesday) 10 –2 p.m. – JCC Seniors Group

Candle Lighting Times appetizers by Matzoh Momma. Cost: “Choreographers”: Libraries group. At Temple De Hirsch Sinai, 1441 or www.jewishinseattle.org/supersunday
11/12/10................................4:19 p.m. $90/person or $180/couple (includes 2 drink coupons 16th Ave., Seattle. Once a year — just for a day — hundreds of people
11/19/10................................4:11 p.m. per person); “Dancers”: $50/person or $100/couple 4–6 p.m. – Ethnic Flavors of Israel: An come together to build community and help repair
11/26/10............................... 4:05 p.m. (includes 1 drink coupon per person). At Temple De Evening of Workshops the world simply by making calls. It’s Super Sunday,
12/3/10................................ 4:01 p.m. Hirsch Sinai, 1441 16th Ave., Seattle.

Rachel Schachter at the Jewish Federation’s community-wide phone-

9 a.m.–1 p.m. – Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi rachels@jewishinseattle.org or 206-774-2236 a-thon, and the impact is enormous. Free. At the
Shalom Hammer or www.jewishinseattle.org/ethnicflavors Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.
Friday 12 November

events@shevetachim.com or Come for a day of workshops with the women of Ethnic 2–4 p.m. – Hadassah Holiday Gift Boutique
7–10 p.m. – Bet Alef Learning Institute shevetachim.com/events.php Flavors. Explore unique and exotic spice blends, learn

Diana Brement at info@seattlehadassah.org

Presents God, Gender, and Justice Following the Shabbat service and sit-down kiddush, about the preparation and application of henna, and or 206-412-9132

Shellie Oakley at info@betalef.org or join CSA for an informative address: “Trial and more. Light snacks will be served. $10. At the Stroum Select local craftspeople and jewelers will show off
206-527-9399 or betalef.org Tribulation: Keeping the Faith.” Childcare available. JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. their wares. Presented by Tzafona Group of Hadassah
Exploring the connection between spirituality, At Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. 11 a.m.–1 p.m. – Israel: Struggle for Survival and the Summit at First Hill to benefit Hadassah
politics and sexuality. Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue SE, Mercer Island. A Vision of Continuity programs in Israel. At the Summit on First Hill, 1200
welcomes you for thought-provoking, conscious 7:30–9 p.m. – Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi

Andrea Sievert at info@chabadofseattle.org University St., Seattle.

raising presentations and dialogue. $85/Bet Alef Shalom Hammer or 206-527-1411 or www.chabadofseattle.org
members; $95/non-members. At Queen Anne

events@shevetachim.com or Join guest speaker Rabbi Shalom Hammer, who Monday 15 November
United Methodist Church, 1606 5th Ave. W, Seattle. shevetachim.com/events.php serves as a motivational speaker for the IDF 8–10 p.m. – Northwest Yeshiva High School
4:30–8 p.m. – Scholar-in–Residence Rabbi Rabbi Shalom Hammer will speak on “Armed and Rabbinate and the author of several books. Free. At Open House
Shalom Hammer Sacred: The Spiritual Role of an IDF Soldier.” At Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch, 6250 43rd

rmargolese@nyhs.net or 206-232-5272

events@shevetachim.com or Northwest Yeshiva High School, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Ave. NE, Seattle. Northwest Yeshiva High School Open House for
shevetachim.com/events.php Mercer Island. 7–8:30 p.m. – Open House for Prospective Prospective Students and Families. RSVP for more
Congregation Shevet Achim welcomes, from Israel, Students and Parents information. At NYHS, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer
Rabbi Shalom Hammer. Topics: “Israel’s Future: A Sunday 14 November

Rabbi Yona Margolese at Island.

Struggle for Survival”, “A Vision of Continuity – Israel in 10 a.m.–12 p.m. – TDHS Judaic Library Open rmargolese@nyhs.net or 206-232-5272 or 7–9 p.m. – Thanksgiving Cooking Class
the Aftermath of the War in Gaza.” Childcare available. House www.nyhs.net

Lisa Odegard at 206-232-7115 or sjcc.org

Dinner reservations required. At Northwest Yeshiva

Toby Harris at tharris@tdhs-nw.org or Learn about NYHS and the unique education offered Learn how to make treats Monday and sides
High School, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island. 206-315-7398 or www.tdhs-nw.org that blends exemplary college preparatory studies Tuesday for the upcoming holidays. Class includes
Temple De Hirsch Sinai celebrates Jewish Book with Judaic studies. NYHS is a full-time, dual- demonstration, recipes, and of course, food. $81. At
Saturday 13 November Month with a library open house. Festivities will curriculum, college preparatory Jewish high school. the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.
7–9:30 p.m. – Dance Through the Decades feature a mini-book sale, historical book display, a Free. At NYHS, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island.

Charlene Polyansky at charlene@tdhs-nw.org short reading for adults at 11:15, and light snack. Tuesday 16 November
or 206-315-7389 or www.tdhs-nw.org It is also Library Snapshot Day, sponsored by the Sunday 14 November 7–9 p.m. – Thanksgiving Cooking Class:
Whether it’s the fox trot, hand jive or electric slide, this American Library Association, an opportunity to 9–5 p.m. – Super Sunday

Lisa Odegard at 206-232-7115 or sjcc.org

music is for you. Come to the first Dance Through the showcase this Judaic library with many others

Anna Vander Munnik at

Decades. Dance to the Craig Lawrence Band, with across the nation as part of an Association of Jewish annav@jewishinseattle.org or 206-443-5400 XXPage 20

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16 a view from the u JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

Our sukkahs, our selves

Martin S. Jaffee JTNews Columnist
I don’t know about you. But — our sukkah was up. My that left our sukkah ankle deep in water. ored Christmas lights now impressed with
for me, the sukkah is a great wife (and personal electri- But — most of the time — just the the calling of a higher, yet more humble,
tutor of the meaning of life. cal engineer) Charla did her opposite happens. Usually, despite the holiness — at those moments I feel like the
The lesson starts well before usual stellar job of figuring month of anticipatory anguish, I find world “works.”
the Festival of Booths, when I out, in the tangle of wires myself sitting in repose, admiring the The sukkah has wrought its magic in
anguish for most of Elul and and bulbs, which plugs fit labors that went into the sukkah, and sigh- my life once again. And I am not “saved,”
the first half of Tishrei: “How into which sockets and, well ing in contentment: “This is the way it’s not “perfected,” and not “redeemed.” Just
will I get the plywood walls before deadline, we were up supposed to be!” embraced by the warmth of the mitzvah —
from the garage to the deck? and running. Simple! Unlike real life, the sukkah gives me wholly alive and in perfect peace.
Will I remember how to lay Reminds me of that old a chance to be shocked by a world that is
the crossbeams so the roof joke about the battle for the actually better than I expect it to be. Not a
Martin S. Jaffee currently holds the Samuel &
doesn’t descend upon our Jewish Quarter of the Old City letdown at the end of years of hope, but a Althea Stroum Chair in Jewish Studies at the
heads in a shower of sgach? And as for the in 1948. As the battle rages, a protective cloud of peace and calm in the University of Washington. His award-winning
sgach: Will I finally break down and order little old Jew runs back and midst of the storm of life’s shipwreck. columns for JTNews have recently been
bamboo mats and abandon the mess of forth, waving his arms and shouting: “Yidn! At those moments in the sukkah, shel- published in book form as The End of Jewish
pine boughs and their ever-falling needles Don’t rely on miracles! Recite Psalms!” tered by a flimsy roof, surrounded by Radar: Snapshots of a Post-Ethnic American
and sap that turn the yontif soup into tur- And the miracle came. After a week of wobbly walls, bathed in the glow of col- Judaism by iUniverse press.
pentine?” blustery weather, the first night of yontif,
I dread thinking about the sukkah. It you’ll remember, was balmy and clear.
weighs on my mind like the thousand iron Beautiful sukkah weather! After our guests
bars that fall upon the head of one so bold left, I sat alone in our cheerful little hut,
as to seek a vision of the Living God on His sipping a scotch with a nice piece of mezo-
Celestial Throne! nos (Charla’s killer chocolate-fig cake —
But then, miraculously, it all comes try it!), swelling with pleasure and pride in
together and the sukkah “happens.” Every a task well done.
year, one way or another, it gets built. And then the lesson of the sukkah
One year the visiting angels came in dawned on me.
the form of a crew of NCSYers, which Most of life is lived in anticipation of
was like hiring the Marx Brothers or the how things will be, at some suitably far-off
Three Stooges to star in a remake of Gone moment, just as we always wished them to
With the Wind. But the sukkah survived be. But how often does that happen? More
their ministrations to last through Shem- often than not, the things we wait a lifetime
ini Atzeret! for fail to happen. Or they happen in a way
For the last three years Elijah reliably that makes us regret getting our wish. Or
showed up, in the form of our neighbors’ what happens makes us abandon all hope.
teenager, to manage the heavy lifting and The sukkah is different. Every year I
engineering. I hoped he’d show up again anticipate catastrophe befalling us in the
this year, but, alas, this Elijah is now a sukkah: It won’t get built; it will get built Courtesy JDS
freshman at Wazzu. and fall over; a guest will observe some Jacob, a student at the Jewish Day School of Metropolitan Seattle, fills bags with oats to deliver
This year’s redemption, it turns out, flaw in my sgach and depart in a huff. Or to the Jewish Family Service food bank at the JDS activity station during the Global Day of Jewish
came in the form of a Righteous Gen- the inscrutable Will of God will intervene: Learning. The multi-agency event, which took place at the Stroum Jewish Community Center on
tile who appeared on my patio courtesy I remember two years ago arranging the Mercer Island, was one of two local events that accompanied the hundreds around the world in
of the Millionair Club. Two hours later sukkah for the first night and setting the celebration of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz’s completion of his 50-year Talmud translation project.
— and the day before Yom Kippur (!) table just so — just in time for a downpour

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friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews the synagogue chronicles 17

The Synagogue Chronicles: Tacoma temple welcomes

new cantor to de facto community center
Eric Nusbaum Assistant Editor, JTNews
At Temple Beth El, this is an era for If
simultaneously recognizing old traditions
and welcoming in new ones. The Tacoma
congregation celebrated its 50th anniver-
sary in 2009. Then, earlier this summer,
it hired its first full-time cantor/religious Cantor Leah Holland will be
education director. installed on Fri., Nov. 12 at 7:30
Cantor Leah Holland will be officially p.m. at Temple Beth El, 5975 S
installed in a service on Friday, Nov. 12. 12th St., Tacoma. Rabbi Steven
But she already feels right at home. Stark Lowenstein of Congrega-
“I am still quite the newby, but I am tion Am Shalom in Glencoe, Ill. will
really loving the community,” Holland speak and install Cantor Holland.
said. “I am really enjoying the opportuni-
ties to work with the community in terms
of the cantorial stuff, in terms of educa- Pierce County institutions. The temple
tion, and in terms of family program- has members associated with nearby Joint
ming.” Base Lewis-McChord. It is also heavily
Holland is excited about her dual roles involved in interfaith activities through-
at Temple Beth El. She is taking a mea- out Tacoma. Beth El cosponsors a food
sured approach to both of her duties — bank and occasional blood drives with St.
one that celebrates change but not at the Andrew’s Episcopal Church, located right
expense of the synagogue’s customs. down the street, and is an interfaith part-
“You don’t want to come in as a cantor ner of the ecumenical group Associated
and rock the boat so much,” she said. “You Courtesy Temple Beth El Ministries. The synagogue has also spon-
want to preserve the musical traditions Leah Holland, Temple Beth El’s new cantor and education director, who will be installed into her sored interfaith builds through Habitat for
and heritage of the congregation you’re position on Nov. 12. Humanity and co-sponsored an interfaith
working with, but you also want to expand youth camp.
their repertoire.” tions to the Beth El community — and that duced the PJ Library program, which lends Within the Jewish community, Beth
Temple Beth El is a perfect place for wasn’t even everybody. Considering the Jewish books and music on a monthly El is in a unique place. Tacoma is a dis-
that balance. With half a century serving overall membership at Beth El, Kadden is basis to children up to 8 years old. The tinct region, and it comes without the
Pierce County, and as the only Reform thrilled by the extent to which members program is not limited to members. broad surrounding Jewish infrastructure
synagogue in the area (there is also a participate, especially considering that “It reaches out to people in the com- of Seattle. The synagogue is not affiliated
Chabad synagogue), Temple Beth El offers in the recent economy, membership has munity,” Kadden said. “We’re pretty officially with the Jewish Federation, but
more for its members than worship. Kate dwindled slightly. pleased; we’ve only been doing it for about both Rabbi Kadden and Cantor Holland
Haas, the president of Temple Beth El’s “Right now we have 280 families,” a month or two, and it seems to be devel- are involved with certain groups and pro-
board of directors, has been a part of the Kadden said. “It’s a nice size for the size oping really nicely.” grams. Last year Beth El participated in a
congregation for 47 years. She is a witness of the city. We had slow growth over Not that Temple Beth El’s primary Jewish Family Service of Greater Seattle
to the way Temple Beth El has maintained a number of years, then because of the concern is membership. The leadership is program that reached out to Jewish fami-
its identity, but expanded its reach into the recession are down a few households. We content with the size of the community, lies in Pierce County to provide Hanukkah
community. look to return to the slow growth over the as it is large enough to breed a dynamic, gifts for needy children.
“It used to be a place of worship and next few years.” multi-faceted programming, but small Overall, however, Temple Beth El is
a place to send your kids to religious One way Temple Beth El hopes to enough to still feel welcoming. its own community with its own tradi-
school,” Haas said. “But now it has broad- combat the impact of the recession, which “There’s something about the close- tions separate from Seattle. And with Hol-
ened itself programmatically. It has started can especially hit young families with all ness of a smaller congregation where they land around as a full-time cantor/religious
being a mini Jewish community center.” the expenses associated with raising chil- really know each other and they know education director, new programs such
The foundation of that community is dren, is to boost family and youth pro- what they’re looking for and they’re just as the PJ Library underway, and a sturdy,
volunteers, says Rabbi Bruce Kadden. At gramming. welcoming,” said Holland, herself a new enthusiastic volunteer base, the congre-
last week’s Shabbat service, nearly 100 vol- For instance, with the help of a local member of the community. gation appears poised for another strong
unteers were honored for their contribu- donor, the congregation has just intro- Beth El is also welcoming to fellow half-century.


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20 the arts JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

WWcommunity calendar Page 15 10 a.m.–3 p.m. – North End Blood Drive

Carol Benedick at carolbenedick@

November 12 at 7:00 p.m. Learn how to make treats Monday and sides Tuesday for bethshalomseattle.org or 206-524-0075 or
Michael Fischman the upcoming holidays. Class includes demonstration, www.bethshalomseattle.org
Reading recipes, and of course, food. $81. At the Stroum JCC, The Puget Sound Blood Center will park their Blood
Michael Fischman, the son of a Holocaust 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island. Mobile in front of the North End Public Library across from
survivor, was born into an Orthodox Congregation Beth Shalom. To make an appointment,
Jewish home. In his spiritual memoir Saturday 20 November e-mail CBSblooddrive@gmail.com. Volunteers needed
Stumbling into Infinity: An Ordinary Man 6:30–8:30 p.m. – Pajama Havdallah Under to hand out refreshments to blood donors. Volunteers
in the Sphere of Enlightenment, Fischman the Sea needed for shifts of 1/2 hour to two hours — please
retraces his own sometimes journey to-

Irit Eliav at iriteliav@bethshalomseattle.org contact the above e-mail address. At Congregation Beth
ward a better life. Free. At the Elliott Bay or 206-524-0075 or Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.
Book Company, 1521 Tenth Ave., Seattle. www.bethshalomseattle.org 2–3:30 p.m. – Seattle Jewish Community
Come in your pajamas for a special Havdallah service, School Open House
followed by a special dive into the world of marine

Gabrielle Azose at admissions@seattlejcs.org

life. Learn more about what makes different marine or 206-522-5212, ext. 202 or www.sjcs.net
animals kosher and see how different creatures of the Meet SJCS faculty and learn about their K-5 program
sea are relevant to Jewish life. There will be arts and of general and Judaic studies, admission, and tuition
November 18 at 7:30 p.m. crafts, story time, snacks, and much more. Please assistance. Free childcare available, but reservation
Nora Ephron RSVP. Free. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 is required. At SJCS, 12351 8th Ave. NE, Seattle.
Reading 35th Ave. NE, Seattle. 5–9 p.m. – Dinner Honoring Hazzan Rabbi
Acclaimed writer and director Nora Frank Varon
Ephron — of Sleepless in Seattle fame, Sunday 21 November

Diana Black at sbholim@qwestoffice.net or

among other stories — reads from her 9 a.m.–12 p.m. – Hanukkah Kids’ Carnival 206-723-3028
new book, I Remember Nothing: and and Family Breakfast Testimonial dinner in honor of Hazzan Rabbi Frank

Other Reflections, a collection of per-

Jack DeLeon at jackdelman@hotmail.com Varon. At the Seattle Sheraton, 1400 6th Ave., Seattle.
sonal essays on the nature of woman- or 206-251-0210
hood. $15/$30 Patron. At Town Hall Scrumptious breakfast featuring bumuelos, face
Seattle, 1189 8th Ave., Seattle. painting, juggling, cookie decorating, bouncy house
and more! Featuring one-man band Michael Bilavsky.
$20/family or $7/person. At Northwest Yeshiva High
School, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island. www.jtnews.net

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friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews community news 21

Fighting eating disorders within the Jewish community

Lillian Cohen-Moore JTNews Intern
While much of the nation closely fol- be highly influenced by their perception of “The first time we worked with a pedi-
lows worries about obesity, conversation their body.” atrician and therapist, and we all educated
has begun within the Jewish community Oftentimes, patients don’t meet the ourselves together to pull a collaborative
about the opposite problem. Last year diagnostic list for other eating disorders, effort together,” Brown said. “The second
Renfrew, a well-respected eating disorder but still exhibit emotional distress or time around we worked with an FBT ther-
treatment facility on the East Coast, added unhealthy relationships with food. They apist and it didn’t work well.”
a therapeutic track geared toward Ortho- too can often benefit from therapeutic They eventually found an outpatient
dox Jewish women, the first of its kind. In treatment. program that served their needs. Still,
2010, 13 percent of Renfrew’s patients in These patients, however, are not always Brown saw firsthand how the Jewish com-
Philadelphia and Florida programs were the best judges of when they should be munity could be silent about confronting
Jewish women, up from 5 percent three treated. eating disorders.
years ago. “I have patients who say that that they “I had a cousin who ruptured her
With programs like the Orthodox don’t belong in treatment because they esophagus from bulimia,” she said. “Her
Union’s Hungry to be Heard, or Dr. Cath- don’t ‘look sick,’” Giblin said. “Most of mother to this day denies it was an eating
erine Steiner-Adair’s curriculum Bishvilli, my patients look just like a normal person disorder.”
a supplement to a prevention program who isn’t suffering from an eating disor- Shani Raviv, a program assistant at the
that addresses self-esteem and eating der, someone you’d walk by on the street. Seattle-based National Eating Disorders
disorders in the Jewish community, the Body size is not always a helpful gauge.” Association, recently released a book titled
general silence often felt around such dis- Jones said higher care options such being ana. The book tells Raviv’s story of
orders is slowly being replaced with recog- as inpatient treatment are limited in the how, as a Jewish teen in South Africa, she Courtesy Shani Raviv
nition and prevention. Seattle area, marking Seattle as an under- developed anorexia. Like Brown, she sees Shani Raviv, whose new book, being ana, is
Requests from the local community served community. Three inpatient care the potential for the Jewish community to about her history of eating disorders.
served as a basis for Marjorie Schnyder, programs currently exist in Seattle, one speak more about eating disorders. She
director of Family Life Education at Jewish of which is exclusively devoted to ado- also approaches the difficulties anorexics
Family Service, to offer “Choices, Changes lescent treatment, meaning patients must may have with religious practice — such Raviv said. “She put me on a very strict
and Challenges,” an ongoing series of often travel outside their communities to as with holidays like Yom Kippur. meal plan, and I followed that for about
workshops that runs until December. Co- receive the care they need. “I used to fast…but I don’t anymore,” six months to year, till I felt comfortable
sponsored by Congregation Beth Shalom, Harriet Brown, author of the book she said. “Having this in my history, it’s eating on my own, deciding what I felt
the series gives parents tools to support Brave Girl Eating, a memoir about her not something I want to mess with. It’s like.”
their child’s healthy development in areas own family’s fight with eating disorders, easy for me not to eat for a day.” Dedication to a meal plan is an impor-
of self-esteem, body image, and healthy is familiar with the search for adequate Raviv thinks solutions could come tant aspect of treatment, said Barbara Ski-
eating. Topics such as self-esteem and pos- treatment. from the Jewish community. bell, a dietician who specializes in eating
itive body image are interwoven through- When her daughter Kitty was diag- “I think maybe the Jewish community disorders.
out many JFS programs, Schnyder said. nosed with anorexia, Brown, a Jewish could address eating disorders from a spir- “The preferred method right now is to
However, the agency will refer the not- writer from New Jersey, tried a method itual perspective, because I really do think normalize eating,” Skibell said. “From a
uncommon requests for direct assistance known as Maudsley Family Therapy, or it’s spiritually related,” she said. diet point of view, you focus on a balanced
to medical professionals. FBT, an outpatient model where treat- Raviv’s disorder developed before diet. Balanced food includes everything
“Since these disorders can be life ment is handled primarily in the home she left home to join the Israeli Defense someone would eat.”
threatening, services should only be pro- with oversight provided by a trained ther- Forces. When she returned to South Raviv dedicated herself to her recovery
vided by specialists,” Schnyder said. apeutic professional. Success, Brown Africa, she was able to find treatment on for five years, and documented it during
Clinicians Dr. Alexia Giblin and said, was fleeting. This is not uncommon, her own, but it was a difficult and long- much of the process. That journal became
Tawney Jones of Seattle both specialize as many eating disorder patients will a term regimen.
in eating disorder treatment. They agree relapse before they fully recover. “I did a lot of work with a dietician,” XXPage 23
that eating disorders require expert care;
patients can experience health distur-
bances long before losing enough weight Seniors! Seniors! Seniors! Seniors! Seniors! Seniors!
to qualify medically for a disorder. Signs

Life begins Enjoy the view at

can include electrolyte imbalances, tooth
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The patient’s weight differentiates diag-
The Summit
nosis of the two best-known eating disor-
ders, anorexia nervosa and bulimia, Giblin
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That compensation can include laxa-
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must occur at least twice weekly for three Retirement Living Re-visioned
months, and the person’s self-worth must
22 obituary JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

Longtime community activist was devoted to the rights of
women and the Jewish community
Merrily McManus Laytner: Relations Council, during which time she additional $6.4 million for the second-line In 1999, just before her first bout with
August 27, 1942–October 24, 2010 served as chair, co-founded a statewide Operation Exodus campaign. ovarian cancer, Merrily formed her own
Merrily McManus Laytner was born in organization (the now-defunct Washing- Her proudest accomplishment during development consulting firm and counted
Seattle on August 27, 1942 and, although ton Association of Jewish Communities) this period, however, was to co-found with among her clients the Cascade Land Con-
born to Jewish parents, did not know she and helped design and implement annual the late Shirley Bridge, Michele Rosen, servancy, Museum of History and Indus-
was Jewish until she was 9 years old. In the statewide political action/Jewish cultural Janet Gray, Karen Mayers Gamoran, the try, Woodland Park Zoological Society,
4th grade, her teacher told his class how he conferences. For these accomplishments, late Babs Fisher, Lucy Pruzan and others Seattle Girl’s School, Artist Trust, Multi-
was a refugee from Europe and of the great she was awarded the Spitzer Family Young the Women’s Endowment Foundation, a faith Works, and the International Snow
suffering he had endured. When Merrily Leadership Award. supporting foundation that provided the Leopard Trust.
related this to her mother, she was told that, Moving from lay leader to professional seed money and for many years sustained But Merrily’s heart was never far from
like the teacher, she too was Jewish. That in 1984, Merrily was hired as the Jewish Jewish Family Service’s Project DVORA the Jewish community and she remained
encounter with her teacher — the late and Federation’s first Women’s Division direc- as well as other programs benefiting active both as a volunteer and a profes-
beloved Cantor Joseph Frankel of Herzl- tor. During the next five years, she brought women and children. For all this work, she sional fundraiser. Merrily provided the
Ner Tamid — sparked a lifelong involve- a new intensity to that program, adding a was awarded the Shirley Bridge Power of expertise and passion for campaigns
ment with the Jewish community, starting serious dose of feminism to its work. Con- One Award by the Women’s Endowment resulting in expanded programs and beau-
with the youth choir of Temple de Hirsch. tributions increased by 70 percent in three Foundation in 2000. tiful new spaces for Hillel Foundation at
After getting an MFA from the Otis Art years and in 1987 the program was recog- In 1993, Merrily left the Federation the University of Washington, the Union
Institute, Merrily returned to Seattle and nized for having achieved the largest Wom- to become vice president of the Wood- of Reform Judaism’s Camp Kalsman, and
started a family with her then-husband, en’s Division increase in North America. land Park Zoological Society, running the soon-to-be-constructed Jewish Family
Sam Cordova. She became active in the In 1989 Merrily was promoted to the the zoo’s external relations. For six years Service of Seattle. She also drafted a strate-
Jewish community, teaching art classes for position of campaign director, and led she worked to design and implement the gic plan for the Stroum JCC’s Early Child-
seniors at the Jewish Community Center the Federation’s overall fundraising activ- first phase of a $125 million comprehen- hood Development Center. Throughout
while her children were in daycare there. ities during a particularly exciting time sive private/public campaign to address her Jewish communal career, Mer-
Still later, she entered the Jewish Feder- when the Jewish community was absorb- the current and future capital and pro- rily mentored and inspired hundreds of
ation of Greater Seattle’s Young Lead- ing Soviet Jewish immigrants and orga- grammatic needs of Woodland Park Zoo. women professionals, volunteers and lay
ership program and, following Michael nizing the exodus of Ethiopian Jewry. In During that time, many new exhibits were leaders.
Schuffler’s lead, she became active in the 1993, her development team brought in funded and built, and zoo membership
Jewish Federation’s former Community $5 million for the annual campaign and an grew by 33 percent. XXPage 23

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friday, november 12, 2010 . www.jtnews.net . JTNews lifecycles 23

Bar Mitzvah Bat Mitzvah
Benjamin Jacob Chase Sophie Leah Davis Rittenberg
Benjamin will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on November 13, Sophie was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah, on
2010 at Temple B’nai Torah in Bellevue. October 16, 2010, parshat Lech Lecha.
Ben is the son of Judy and Brad Chase of Mercer Island Sophie is the daughter of Elizabeth Davis and Rob Jacobs
and the brother of David and Sam. His grandparents are of Seattle and Steve Rittenberg and Cam Gaffney, and the
Marcia Chase of Kirkland, and Dr. Allen and Joyce Sosin of sister of Hannah and Samuel Davis-Jacobs and Katie
Boca Raton, Fla. Rittenberg. Sophie is the granddaughter of Reena and Stuart
Ben is a 7th grader at Islander Middle School. He enjoys Davis of Portland, Ore., Phyllis and Martin Jacobs of Lake
soccer and reading. Oswego, Ore., Phyllis and Jerry Rittenberg of Camarillo,
For his mitzvah project, Ben is donating art supplies to the Calif. and Kathleen and Len Gaffney of St. Augustine, Fla.
Seattle Children’s Hospital art therapy program. A graduate of the Seattle Jewish Community School,
Sophie is a 7th grader at the Jewish Day School of
Metropolitan Seattle. She enjoys dance, spending time with friends, attending Camp Solomon
Schechter, reading and theater.
Death Notice For her mitzvah project, Sophie has been collecting school supplies to be donated to First
Jeanette R.K. Nelson Place, a school and social service organization that focuses on educating and nurturing
January 23, 1918–November 5, 2010 children who face homelessness.
Jeanette Ruth Klemptner Nelson passed away
peacefully in Seattle on November 5, 2010. She was
born at home during a snowstorm in Chicago on
January 23, 1918, and delivered by her father, Dr. Bar Mitzvah
Dietrich (David) Klemptner. She went to Chicago Samuel Judah Sherer
Teachers’ College and later got her B.A. in Science Samuel will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on November 13,
and Education at Northwestern University. She 2010 at Congregation Beth Shalom in Seattle.
taught high school science  in Chicago before relo- Sam is the son of Amee and Michael Sherer and the
cating to Seattle after marrying Sidney L. Nelson in brother of Juliana. His grandparents are Gene and Gerry
1941. She taught elementary school in both the Seat- Huppin of Kirkland and Palm Desert, Calif., and the late
tle and Highline school districts for many years, until Abe and Eunie Sherer.
her retirement in 1982.  Sam is a 7th grader at Eckstein Middle School. He enjoys
She loved to travel and visited  many places, including Israel, Colombia, Brazil, sports, technology, being with his friends and family, and
Peru, Ecuador, Europe, Turkey, India, and the Far East. She enjoyed the opera, ballet, spending summers at Camp Solomon Schechter.
and theater and was an avid bridge player. She was active in League of Women Voters, For his mitzvah project, Sam collected more than 200
a life member of Hadassah, and also served several times as president locally. When new and gently used stuffed animals to give to children of
her daughter was growing up, she was active in Herzl synagogue and ran the gift shop. the Homeless to Renter program and the Ryther Children’s Center. He is also donating a
She also volunteered at the Seattle Science Center and with VITA, as a tax preparer. portion of his Bar Mitzvah money to support a favorite organization, HAMA (Humans and
She is survived by her brother Dr. H. Edward Klemptner of Morton Grove, Illi- Animals in Mutual Assistance), in Israel.
nois, her daughter, Dina (Dale) Tanners of Seattle, her three grandchildren and their
spouses Timna (Chad Smith) of Old Greenwich, Conn., Avi (Christine) of Long
Beach, Calif., and Nadav (Leah Zallman) of Boston, Mass.; two great-grandsons
Jonah and Ezekiel (Zekey), a great-granddaughter on the way, and several nieces and
nephews, including Elaine Hartholz of Seattle. How do I submit a Lifecycle announcement?
Donations to either Hadassah or the Kline Galland Foundation would be Send lifecycle notices to: JTNews/Lifecycles, 2041 Third Ave., Seattle, WA 98121
  E-mail to: lifecycles@jtnews.net Phone 206-441-4553 for assistance.
Submissions for the November 26, 2010 issue are due by November 16
Download forms or submit online at www.jtnews.net/index.php?/lifecycle
WWeating disorders Page 21 ing about your feelings no matter how big Please submit images in jpg format, 400 KB or larger. Thank you!
the pain, and like they say in AA, take it a
the basis of her book. day at a time.”
“I think you have to make a commit-
ment to wanting to be well,” she said. “I For more information on Jewish Family
want to be well, because I know what the Service’s “Choices, Changes and 2-for-1
alternative is and it’s not going to go any- Challenges”eating disorders program, contact
where. You just keep it simple. Eat your Marjorie Schnyder at mschnyder@jfsseattle.org “ Hostess with the
three meals a day. Follow your meal plan
every single day. Go to therapy, keep talk-
or visit www.jfsseattle.org.
Mostest” Cards
Express yourself with our special
WWobituary Page 22 on October 24, 2010/17 Heshvan 5770. “Tribute Cards” and help fund
Her funeral was held at Hillel; more than JFS programs at the same time…
In addition to her professional career, 300 people came to see her off. Devoted meeting the needs of friends,
Merrily was an accomplished artist whose friend Rabbi Dan Bridge presided on that family and loved ones here at home.
paintings and sculptures grace the homes sad and rainy day. Call Irene at (206) 861-3150 or,
of many in Seattle and elsewhere. —Barbara Maduell on the web, click on “Donations”
Merrily was married to Rabbi Anson at www.jfsseattle.org. It’s a 2-for-1
Laytner for 24 wonderful years and
between them shared three daughters: the because giving feels good. that says it all.
late Amy Cordova Myers (Michael), Anna
Cordova Reichstein (Daryl) and Miryam www.jtnews.net
Laytner; four grandchildren whom she Send a link to everyone you care about,
adored: Jackson and Nico Myers, and and download extra copies of The Tzedakah
Gabriella and Jacob Reichstein.
the tzed aka h book Book for friends and family, near and far.
Ovarian cancer claimed Merrily’s life because giving feels
let it shine!
Choose your night and
one night of Hanukkah to
Bring the whole family together guide.
using this step-by-step
explore the joy of tzedakah,
24 community news JTNews . www.jtnews.net . friday, november 12, 2010

A night of
passion in
In a town dominated by polar fleece
and Gore-Tex, sometimes the gloves
must come off. The runway sparkled,
the building shook, and the flash bulbs
popped as seven different designers
and one fabulous flamenco dancer
strutted their stuff down the red carpet
at the sold-out Chai Couture fashion
The models wore the latest creations
from Seattle’s Jewish fashion designers
Butch Blum, Cameron Levin, Rita
Gruzman, Katerina Yedidim, Whitney
Heather Stern and so many others.
Eli Rosenblatt and his Afro-Cuban band
entertained when the lights came back
up, and the punch bowl from Liberty
Bar was empty by the time the evening
wound down to its inevitable end.

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