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Two Way Slab Design: Panal Size 6.50 3.70 25 500 30 MM Lg. Span (L) Sh. Span (L) N/MM N/MM

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Project: N School, DLF

Slab Type: Slab_

Subject: Design of Slab


Lg. Span (Ly) Sh. Span (Lx)

Panal size = 6.50 3.70
fck = 25 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2
Clear cover = 30 mm
Ly/Lx = 1.76 TWO-WAY
Assume D = 225 mm
Dead load of the slab = D*25 = 5.63 Kn/m2
Floor finishes= 100 mm 2.40 Kn/m2
Sunk= 400 mm 7.20 Kn/m2
Live load 20.00 Kn/m2
. Total load (w) = 35.23 Kn/m2

ax(-ve) = 0.0602
ax(+ve) = 0.0452
ay(-ve) = 0.0320
ay(+ve) = 0.0240

The Factored Moments are Moment At 8 tor 10 tor 12 tor

in KNm in mm^2/m mm c/c mm c/c mm c/c
Mx(-ve) = ax(-ve) *w*lx *1.5
= 43.55 564 89 139 201
Mx(+ve) = ax(+ve) *w*lx *1.5
= 32.67 416 121 189 272
My(-ve) = ay(-ve) *w*lx *1.5
= 23.15 312 161 252 300
My(+ve) = ay(+ve) *w*lx *1.5
= 17.36 270 186 291 300

d req = SQRT( (Mu*10^6)/(0.1339*fck*b) = 114.05 mm

D prov = 225 mm
dx prov = 189 mm
dy prov = 177 mm Ast in mm^2/m
Provide 225 Ast for Mx (-ve) 12 tor @ 150 754 OK
S Def mm thk Ast for Mx (+ve) 12 tor @ 150 754 OK
Ast for My (-ve) 12 tor @ 150 754 OK
S Ast for My (+ve) 12 tor @ 150 754 OK
Check for Deflection :
Percentage of Tension renforcement = 0.399

Area of c/s of steel required

fs =0.58*fy* 160 N/mm2
Area of c/s of steel provided

Basic span/eff depth ratio = 26

Modification factor = 2.00

Coefficient for max ratio of span/eff depth = 52

Effective Depth (d) required = 71 < 189 mm SAFE

Overall Depth (D) required = 107 < 225 mm SAFE

Check for Shear :

At Short direction:
Vu (Short_dir) = Wu*Lx/3 = 65.2 kN

tv = Vu/bd = 0.34 N/mm^2

pt% = 0.426
b= 6.81 [As per SP_16, b=0.8*fck/(6.89*pt)], but not less than 1
tc _max (Table_19) = 0.46 N/mm2 [As per SP_16, tc=[0.85*root(0.8*fck)*root(1+5b)-1]/(6*b)

k= 1.15 (As per IS:456:2000:

k*tc = 0.53 SAFE

At Long direction:
Vu (Long_dir) = Wu*Lx*(R/(2+R) = 91.4 kN

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(Where R=Ly/Lx) = 1.76
tv = Vu/bd = 0.48 N/mm2

pt% = 0.399
b= 7.28 [As per SP_16, b=0.8*fck/(6.89*pt)], but not less than 1
tc _max (Table_19) = 0.45 N/mm2 [As per SP_16, tc=[0.85*root(0.8*fck)*root(1+5b)-1]/(6*b)

k= 1.15 (As per IS:456:2000:

k*tc = 0.51 SAFE

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