8c. Sump Slab - Top Steel
8c. Sump Slab - Top Steel
8c. Sump Slab - Top Steel
Project: Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-Gas including Operation
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu
L2 = 1.5 m
L2 = 1.645 m
Shorter direction
Moment coefficients
Positive = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
Moment Values
Positive = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
% of Reinforcement (pt)
Positive = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu
Longer direction
Moment coefficients
Positive = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
Moment Values
Positive = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
% of Reinforcement (pt)
Positive = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
Negative = #VALUE!
Mu/bd2 = ###
= ###
Allowable Deflection = ###
= ###
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu
Shear Vu = 34.829 kN
Summary reinforcement
Provide Y10@200 mm Top reinforcement
Provide Y8@300 mm Bottom reinforcement (As per IS3370 part 2)
Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in Zone - II at
Project: Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-Gas including Operation
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu
Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Pla
Project: Zone - II at Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from
Gas including Operation and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur
Steel Stress, 'fs' = #VALUE! N/mm2
Concrete stress 'fc' = #VALUE! N/mm2
Distance 'a' = 200 mm
Strain Es in steel for the stress of = #VALUE! mm
Strain at the level considered ε 1 = (h-x)/(d-x)*εs
Strain at the level considered ε 1 = #VALUE! mm
Strain due to stiffening effect of concrete ε2
Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur
ild and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in
r with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.