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8c. Sump Slab - Top Steel

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Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in Zone - II at

Project: Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-Gas including Operation
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


Number: ABI SVK/JTP 0

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu


Grade of Concrete = M35 Grade of Steel = Fe500

Cover to Main reinforcement = 50 mm

Sizes of the panel L1 = 1.50 m

L2 = 1.5 m

Sizes of the panel L1 = 1.645 m

L2 = 1.645 m

Ratio ly/lx = 1.00

Thickness of the slab = 200 mm

Thickness of the slab = 200 mm

Height of water = 2.5

Ground Water Pressure = 23.23 KN/m2 2.5x 10.1

Live Load = 0.00 KN/m2

Total Load = 28.23 KN/m2

Boundary condition = Four Edges discontinuous

Shorter direction

Moment coefficients

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

Moment Values

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

% of Reinforcement (pt)

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

Area of Reinforcement (Ast)

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

Design Results along short span

Detailing for Bar dia (mm) Spacing (mm)

Positive Steel 10 #VALUE!

Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in Zone - II at
Project: Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-Gas including Operation
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


Number: ABI SVK/JTP 0

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu

Negative Steel 10 #VALUE!

Longer direction

Moment coefficients

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

Moment Values

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

% of Reinforcement (pt)

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

Area of Reinforcement (Ast)

Positive = #VALUE!

Negative = #VALUE!

Design Results along long span

Detailing for Bar dia (mm) Spacing (mm)

Positive Steel 10 #VALUE!

Negative Steel 10 #VALUE!

Maximum allowable spacing = 435 mm

Distribution Reinforcement = T10 at 327 c/c (Minimum steel)

Check for Deflection

Ast provided = 10 @ 200 c/c

Ultimate Moment M = ### KNm

Effective depth d = 145 mm

Mu/bd2 = ###

Modification factor = 0.55+(477-fs)/(120*(0.9+M/bd2)) <=2

fs = (2*fy*As req)/(3* As prov)

= ###
Allowable Deflection = ###

= ###

Actual DeflectionL/d = 11.345

### ### mm ###

Check for Shear

Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in Zone - II at
Project: Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-Gas including Operation
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


Number: ABI SVK/JTP 0

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu

Shear Vu = 34.829 kN

Tau v= Vu/bd = 0.24 N/mm^2

pt provided = 0.2707
Tau c = 0.39 N/mm^2
K = 1
Tau c' = 0.39 N/mm^2

0.24 < 0.39

Hence safe

Summary reinforcement
Provide Y10@200 mm Top reinforcement
Provide Y8@300 mm Bottom reinforcement (As per IS3370 part 2)
Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in Zone - II at
Project: Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-Gas including Operation
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


Number: ABI SVK/JTP 0

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyu
Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Pla
Project: Zone - II at Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from
Gas including Operation and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.

Prepared Checked Approved

Document Number:

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur

Check for Crack width

Characteristic cube strength of concrete, fck = M35 N/mm2

Yield Strength of steel, fy = 500 N/mm2
Modulus Elasticity of concrete Ec= 5000xSQRT(fck) = 29580.39892 N/mm2
Modulus Elasticity of Steel Es = 200000 N/mm2
Modulur Ratio, m, Es/Ec = 13.52

Breadth of Section, 'b' = 1000 mm

Depth of section, 'h' = 200 mm

Area of tension reinforcement, 'Ast' = 392.700 mm2
Bar diameter, 'db' = 10 mm

Maximum bar spacing, 'S' = 200 mm

Cover to tension reinforcement = 50.00 mm

Applied Moment at service condition, 'M' = #VALUE! kN-m

Effective depth, 'd' = 145 mm

Percentage of Reinforcement( Pt =Ast/bd) = 0.27 %

Neutral axis depth, 'X' bX2/2 = mAst(d-X) = 34.29 mm

Effective Cover, 'dc' = 55 mm
acr (SQRT((s/2)2+dc2)-(db/2) = 109.13 mm
Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Pla
Project: Zone - II at Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from
Gas including Operation and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.

Prepared Checked Approved

Document Number:

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur

Lever arm 'Z' = 133.57 mm

Steel Stress, 'fs' = #VALUE! N/mm2

Concrete stress 'fc' = #VALUE! N/mm2

Distance 'a' = 200 mm
Strain Es in steel for the stress of = #VALUE! mm

Strain at the level considered ε 1 = (h-x)/(d-x)*εs
Strain at the level considered ε 1 = #VALUE! mm

Strain due to stiffening effect of concrete ε2

For a limiting design surface crack width of 0.2mm

a' distance = 200 mm

Strain due to stiffening effect of concrete ε2 = 0.0010527 mm
Average strain at the level Considered εm = #VALUE! mm
Crack Width

Crack width, 'w' = #VALUE! mm

Design, Engineering, Build and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Pla
Project: Zone - II at Kodungaiyur with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from
Gas including Operation and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.

Prepared Checked Approved

Document Number:

Title: Structural Design Calculation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur
ild and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in
r with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


ation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur

ild and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in
r with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


ation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur

ild and Commissioning of 120 MLD Capacity Sewage Treatment Plant in
r with Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) with Power Generation from Bio-
and Maintenance for ten years at Chennai.


ation of Primary sludge thickener I for 120MLD STP at kodungaiyur

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