PETplanet PDF
PETplanet PDF
PETplanet PDF
K 2013
Global leaders in machinery and equipment present their most
5/2013 IN T H E A M ER IC A S , A S IA, E UR O P E AN D ALL AR O UN D TH E P LAN E T progressive developments and world premieres: improved
manufacturing, processing and machining technologies and
Ed ito ur re po rt s
in e
M A R K E T surv
ey Ru s s ia - U k r a
Page P ar t 5 Page
Suppliers of pr
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
25 12
Postfach 10 10 06 _ 40001 Düsseldorf _ Germany
Tel. + 49 (0)2 11/45 60-01 _ Fax + 49 (0)2 11/45 60-6 68
September 16 - 20, 2013
Visit us at
Hall B3, Stand 201
Alexander Büchler, Managing Director
heidelberg business media GmbH
Häusserstr. 36
dear readers,
69115 Heidelberg, Germany
phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0
fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28
MEDIA CONSULTANTS Who still remembers the great minds that made these companies big
Ute Andrä names? Francis Olivier of Sidel, Werner Fielmann of Krupp, Dieter Klug of Netstal or the Gellert family at Mold-Masters. Robert Schad seems to be
Martina Hischmann the last surviving member of this pioneering group, with his new venture, Athena.
Roland Loch Increasingly, professional managers are heading up these companies,
not necessarily managing less well but using a distinctly different manage-
phone: +49(0)6221-65108-0 rial style. What is lacking are the rough edges that give the individual firms
fax: +49(0)6221-65108-28 their distinctive profile.
France, Italy, Spain, UK A glance at the south of Europe shows that there are still PET com-
Elisabeth Maria Köpke panies with these rough edges; the Italians, in particular, with teams of
phone: +49(0)6201-878925 mechanical engineers who are constantly changing the face of the sector.
fax: +49(0)6201-878926 We think of Sacmi with their new preform system or Sipa with their new cooperative venture with Robert Schad.
LAYOUT AND PREPRESS And if we delve further into the machinery it is here that we discover
Exprim Kommunikationsdesign the mould. It is here that we find ingenuity still flourishing amongst these
Matthias Gaumann | companies. Otto Hofstetter without whom PET moulds would not look the
way they do today or Romeo Corvaglia without whom we would not have
advanced as far as we have today with lightweight closures.
Shiraz El Goudi Where processors are concerned, there are two families that dominate
the sector: the Lehners at Alpla and the Krautkrämers at Bericap. And let
us not forget Volker Kronseder, who has successfully built up a stretch blow
Chroma Druck & Verlag GmbH
moulding and filling machine empire.
Werkstr. 25
67454 Römerberg We probably need both kinds of manager. The great minds, who have
Germany the staying power to focus intently on their vision and who drive the sector
forward technologically. And then the shrewd and dispassionate managers,
whose main objective is to ensure continuity in engineering.
At the coming drinktec/PETpoint we shall again have the opportunity to
PETplanet insider ISSN 1438-9459 is published
compare and contrast the different strategies.
10 times a year. This publication is sent to qualified
subscribers (1-year subscription 149 EUR, 2-year Yours
subscription 289 EUR, Young professionals’ sub-
scription 99 EUR. Magazines will be dispatched to
you by airmail). Not to be reproduced in any form Alexander Büchler
without permission from the publisher.
Note: The fact that product names may not be
identified as trade marks is not an indication that
such names are not registered trademarks.
14 Russia / Ukraine
Part 5
23 Suppliers of preforms
29 Reduced electricity consumption in
the preform oven
Energy saving potential in SBM
machines - Part 2/2
30 Noblesse oblige
Triangular PET water bottle for S.E.A.B,
designed by Sidel
32 Meet the Specialist
Sacmi Open Day in Imola, Italy
45 Get listed!
If you wish to produce thin-walled preforms you should trust in the technology of our injection moulds.
Sipa’s XForm preform
PET-Verpackungen GmbH Deutschland systems in SE Asia
to acquire hot fill business of PET preform production companies in South-East
Asia are adopting Sipa’s new entry into high-output, high-
LOG GmbH flexibility production systems, the XForm. Sipa launched
the 500t injection moulding system last year, and the first
With effect from 2nd January 2014, PET-Verpackungen systems are now being installed. A major multinational
GmbH Deutschland, headquartered in Grossbreitenbach, food and beverage company based in the Philippines, a
Germany, will be acquiring, under the terms of an asset deal, key converter to a Indonesian drinks supplier, and a pre-
the production of hot fill bottles from Log GmbH in Grabsle- form producer for a top green tea supplier in Thailand are
ben, a subsidiary of the LOG Plastic Products Company Ltd. among the first companies in South-East Asia - and the
As of April 2, 2013, all sales and marketing activities will be world - to order the equipment. In fact, five XForms have
handled exclusively through PET-Verpackungen. “With the either already been installed, are in the process of being
production of hot fill bottles we are opening up an interesting commissioned, or will soon be delivered to Sipa customers
niche for ourselves in the fruit juices and foods sector which in the region. The XForm 500 systems ordered all include
represents the perfect complement to our existing portfolio“ preform moulds built by Sipa. The moulds have either 96 or
says Oliver Wiegand, one of the two Directors of PET-Ver- 128 cavities. The preforms produced on the equipment will
packungen. PET Verpackungen manufacture preforms and be for carbonated soft drinks, aseptically-filled drinks and
bottles and boast many years of experience with a very wide hot-filled drinks. The XForm can handle moulds with up to
range of barrier technologies. According to Jonathan Schanin 128 cavities, made by Sipa or any other mould maker.
(CEO Log-Plastic Products Company Ltd.), Log will be con-
centrating more on the production and marketing of plastic
packaging for the pharmaceuticals industry in the future.
PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 05/13 7
Make the most of your machine – with a mold offer upgrade sets for up to 50% more preforms, 1/C35
from MHT! without refitting on the machine! Booth B3
8 PETplanet
Dr. Ruben-Rausing-Str. 7 | D-65239 insider
Hochheim/Main Vol. 14 No. 05/13
OLOGY Tel. +49(0) 6146-906-0 |
Erema reports positive 2012/13
Erema, the Austrian recycling machinery manufacturer, has reported
increased sales revenues in the year to the end of March 2013. Consolidated
group sales, including Erema North America Inc. and 3S GmbH in Roitham near
Gmunden were in the region of €117 million, an increase of approximately 10%
over the previous year. The increase has been ascribed by the company to rising
demand for plastic as a secondary raw material and the company’s growth strat-
egy, which included the launch of new products, the opening of its new customer
centre, and the installation of a new ERP (enterprise resource planning) system.
Erema has invested €4.5 million in the expansion of its headquarters building and
plans to present new products at the K 2013 trade fair.
takes Spear
Austrian company Con-
stantia Flexibles Group has
signed a deal to acquire global
label manufacturer Spear
Group. Spear has been a
leading supplier of pressure
sensitive labels to the bever-
age industry since 1982. The
company has sales of approxi-
mately US$ 195 million with
650 employees located at four
facilities in North America, one
site in Europe (Wales/UK), one
site in South Africa and a sales
office in Singapore. It also has
a growing business providing
re-sealable products primar-
ily for the food and snack
markets. Constantia Flexibles
supplies customers across the
world in the food, pet food,
pharmaceutical and beverage
industries with flexible packag-
ing. It employs more than 6500
people in 20 countries. This
acquisition, which is subject
to regulatory approval, is part
of its ongoing international
growth strategy. The compa-
nies agreed not to disclose the
price of the transaction.
Mold-Masters and the Mold-Masters logo are trademarks of Mold-Masters (2007) Limited.
© 2013 Mold-Masters (2007) Limited. All rights reserved.
Global PET
recycling data
PET recycling issues were
also raised at the Confer-
ence. David Swift noted that
the collection rate for recy-
cling in China is estimated
at 85%, in Japan it is about
50% (8.1 million tons). Almost
22% of the volume collected
is lost during processing. In
contrast, Konstantin Rzaev,
Member of the Board of
Directors of Ekotekhnologiya
Plant, spoke about the recy-
cling industry in Russia where
the average quantity of useful
material from solid municipal
waste amounts to between
5-15%. In Russia there are
about 900 official disposal
sites and fewer than 40 waste
switching stations, therefore
the price for recycled plastics
is higher than in the major-
ity of other countries. In 2012
Russian consumption of recy-
cled PET amounted to about
94,000t, whilst production
was at about 80,000t.
Statistics reveal that the PET ten times lower than the rate permit- eral Director of Etana Clean Polymers
preform market is approaching ted by Rospotrebnadzor (the Federal Factory, the goal of establishing the
saturation point. However, produc- Consumer Rights Protection Body in agro-industrial park is the develop-
ers are unanimously agreed that the Russia). In response, Khalidya Kha- ment of agriculture and the creation of
Russian market is growing. Alexan- midulina, the Expert of Rospotreb- a raw materials base and textile indus-
der Igoshin, Marketing Specialist nadzor, who had been appointed to try production in Kabardino-Balkar
of Europlast Holding considers that respond to this appeal, spoke in detail Republic with a capacity estimated at
the growth in Moscow and Saint- about the dangers of dibutyl phthalate 580,000t. The structure of the Special
Petersburg is about 4-5%, but that and promised to follow up the matter Economic Zone will include a textile
it is impossible to monitor market thoroughly, taking into consideration cluster, clusters of plastic packing
figures in the regions for a number of the data revealed at the Conference. (including recycling), food processing,
reasons. Vera Zaryanova, Market- power generation, and also infra-
ing Director of the Retal Company, Danil Polyakov, Head of Sales structure projects. In particular, the
by contrast, has seen growth in in Russia & CIS at Buhler AG, spoke technologies of producing regener-
the regions for several years now. In about the strategy of PET producers ated polyester fibres from recycled
2012 Retal noted growth in milk and and the development of technologies PET raw material will be implemented
mineral drinking water consumption. in Russia and the CIS. As part of the within the Plana project. All interested
The share of the beer segment was process of equipment production, manufacturers of packaging and agri-
25-30%, so the controversial ban the following factors are considered: cultural production are welcome to the
on PET-packing in this sector would minimising raw materials consump- new industrial park. The PET plant
lead to a strong oversupply which the tion, reducing capital expenditure and with Renaissance Heavy Industries as
PET-market will have to overcome in operating costs. SSP technology: contractor is already under construc-
about ten years, assuming the aver- detailed features of this technology tion. The production capacity will be
age annual growth rate estimated were presented by the speaker. at 486,000t/a; 30% of production will
by Retal at 3-4%. According to Olga be fibre grades. The Uhde Inventa-
Rykova, Commercial Director of the Many experts at the conference Fischer AG company is the General
Alpla Company, the two largest suppli- noted the lopsided development of the EPC contractor for plant construction
ers in the PET preform market - Retal PET industry in Russia and called for and the supplier of the «liquid» phase
and Europlast - have a market share diversification. Emil Aizenstein, Head of the technological process, while the
of about 50%. Alpla supplies relatively of the Polymer and Textile Department Buhler company is the supplier of the
small volumes of PET-preforms, and at Koltech International, underlined «solid» phase.
expects some growth in 2013. that 70% of PET globally is processed
into fibre and yarns. In 2011 the world The main idea of ChemTerra
Andrey Erin, Corporate Affairs market for textile fibres of all types industrial park, also under construc-
Director at Sun InBev commented on increased by 6% and reached 84.2 tion in the Republic of Bashkorto-
the situation concerning the possible million tons in which the share of poly- stan, is to create new segments
ban on PET packaging for alcoholic ester was 38.7 million tons. Leading in PET applications. The Develop-
beverages. The share of PET packag- positions are held by China (68%) and ment Corporation of the Republic
ing that is consumed at breweries is India (8%). In 2011 the volume of Rus- of Bashkortostan is engaged in the
about 30% of the entire PET packag- sian polyester fibres market grew by organisation and management of this
ing market. In Russia 50% of beer is 18.4% and amounted to 2.114 million industrial park. The park is planned
sold in PET bottles, in Belarus – about tons; of which artificial wool amounted to be launched by the end of 2013.
80%. In Kazakhstan, where plastics to 1,675 million tons, technical yarns Svetlana Kochkayeva, Deputy Gen-
packaging for alcohol beverages is 1,23 million tons, textile yarns was eral Director for Development and
already banned, a novel solution has 3,16 million tons. The launch of new Administrative Support to Business at
been found. Beer and bottles are sold production capacities in Russia is not Sibur-PET, spoke about residents and
in different corners of the shop. Thus, expected before 2016. infrastructure in detail.
in Kazakhstan the share of beer in
PET packaging is no less than 25%. Sergey Nikolaev, Deputy Gen- Fares Kilzie, Head of Creon
The vested interests of glass and eral Director and Project Manager of Group considers that the slow pace
metal bottle and can producers, as Ivregionsintez Cluster Textile Corpora- of the major Russian oil companies
well as vodka producers are possibly tion, said that the Federal Program for in taking investment decisions on
behind the regular attacks on PET Industrial Development and Raising PET opens up a gap in the market for
packaging. Reports of alleged dibutyl Competiveness was complemented independent players, who can act as
phthalate content in PET-packed beer by a draft Project of PET-fibre produc- accelerators. «This is a complicated
are not supported in the scientific tion plant in the Ivanovo Region in task, but it paves the way for creating
data. Besides, Andrey Erin consid- December 2012. workplaces in those regions where
ers that the results of laboratory tests they are desperately needed. Etana is
were obtained in violation of the regu- Another large-scale project is one of such projects», - summarised
lations governing the use of PET in the launch of the Special Economic Mr Kilzie.
packaging. And even in this case, the Zone «Agro-industrial Park PLANA».
concentration of dibutyl phthalate was According to Sergey Ashinov, Gen-
WinPET, Genesys, PETChiller and Lybra LGR Customers. The core of our innovation
are part of the High Efficiency Line
for PET Preform production by Piovan
Saint Petersburg
Ufa Chelyabinsk
Warsaw Chernihiv Lipetsk
Saratov Kamenka
g g
Zaporishsha Rostov-on-Don
Alexander Büchler
Part 5 Michael Maruschke
Waldemar Schmitke
After many weeks full of interesting impressions and interviews, in this issue we now take our leave
of Russia and head for Ukraine. We would like to thank all our interview partners for their construc-
tive support which has helped us better understand the PET market in this vast country and enabled
us to obtain a perspective of where our journey may take us. Our last two interviews were con-
ducted in Rostov-na-Donu. Here we interviewed the water bottler Aqua Don, and finally the Baltika
brewery, before moving on to the Ukraine, where Team 3, consisting of Alexander Büchler and Wal-
demar Schmitke took over the reins of the Editourmobil. The excitement continues.
July 30, 2012 springs. That for its premium brand, “Drop of Living Water”,
is extracted from the deepest spring, about 60m down. We
Aqua Don were invited to a “water testing” to sample the different tastes
We met: of the bottled mineral waters. We discovered that there were
Sergey Zaichenko, General Direktor remarkable differences between the different waters, which
Oleg Bondarenko, Production Manager all come from the same underground springs but from differ-
Marina Dementjewa, Head of Quality Control ent depths. As well as still and carbonated mineral water, the
company also produces so-called “Enhanced Waters”, which
Water is life – but it must be high quality are made up of to 10% other ingredients, such as natural
flavourings, probiotics and selenium (Se). The consumer can
On October 1, 1996, the first 1.5l PET bottle left the easily recognize these enhanced water as the bottles, caps
production line of the newly-formed Aqua Don company. and labels are more colourful than the standard range.
This was the start of its journey to become the leading bot-
tled water supplier in the region, with a total annual output The company purchases preforms from external sup-
of 100 million litres in 15 million bottles. Bottle sizes today pliers and processes them on the its three blow-moulding
include 0.2, 0.33, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 5.0 and 19l, the 1.5l bottle machines: a SIG Blomax 6 (about 10,800bph); one Sipa
remains the most popular size. Aqua Don employs about 320 machine for the 0.5l bottles (about 7,000bph); and a second
people and its water comes from three different underground Sipa for 5l bottles (1,000bph). The bottles are filled on a
widely-known trademarks of that time, such as Zhigulevs- nezh, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk,
koye, Rizhskoye, Admiralteiskoye and Prazdnichnoye. Khabarovsk and Novosibirsk. It also operates a brewery in
Times change and Baltika now has a market of 37% of the Azerbaijan. More than 30 brands of beer, including Tuborg,
Russian beer market. Carlsberg, Kronenbourg 1664, and a number of regional
brands, as well non-beer brands are distributed all over
The company can look back on an illustrious history. Russia.
It embarked on the process of privatisation in 1992 and it
was at about that time that the idea to create a proprietary We met Dmitry Mitskevich from the Public Relation
“Baltika” brand emerged. The company began its regional Department in the Baltika-Rostov factory. It employs 650
expansion in 1997 when it purchased a controlling interest people and has an annual capacity of 4.5 million hectoli-
in the Donskoye Pivo factory in Rostov-on-Don, where it tres, bottled in two PET lines, two glass lines, one filling
installed a production line for non-alcoholic beer and equip- cans and another charging 30l kegs. Preforms, which are
ment to produce 1l PET bottles. also distributed to two other Baltika factories, are produced
in-house on Husky machines. Ingredients for the brewing
process are both imported and locally sourced; the malt
comes from Baltika’s own agriculture division in Russia.
Ukraine: Saturated
market, weak demand
In early September 2012, the Editourmobil “Go to Brau Beviale” Tour reached the Ukraine, from
where it would head back to Germany via Poland. Our travels coincided with the European Football
Championship which of course was held jointly in Poland and the Ukraine and from which Spain had
just emerged as winners. To prepare for the Euro 2012, both countries had invested heavily in infra-
structure projects. For us, the inestimable advantage of this investment was the luxury of travelling
on decent roads, something seriously lacking in previous visits.
Surprisingly, and very much contrary to expectations, PET usage in the Ukraine will only develop when the eco-
Euro 2012 had little or no effect on the PET market. Since nomic situation improves. Ukrainians’ natural optimism is
the financial crisis struck, per capita consumption has tempered by the realisation that the upturn may be some
stagnated at a low level, and the Euro Championship did time in coming. The revelation for us was to see how the
nothing to stimulate demand. With the benefit of hindsight, major players in the market were coping with the situation, a
as Yuriy Khmara of Retal ruefully acknowledged, it was stark contrast with the explosive growth of just a few years
blindingly obvious. Spectators did indeed consume signifi- ago. Sandorra, a 100% subsidiary of Pepsi, is now run-
cant quantities of drink, mainly beer, but overwhelmingly in ning iced tea on its aseptic line, after the juice market failed
the stadiums themselves out of cups, or later in the restau- to live up to expectations. Slavutich, part of the Carlsberg
rants. Thus, there was no additional business in PET. group, is concentrating on cost savings, in particular the
P.E.T. Engineering: the one-stop shop
for beverage packaging.
Technology excellence, captivating
design, ergonomic shapes: a product
developed by P.E.T. Engineering
is easily recognizable. Its technical
know-how and experience
have made of it a leader brand
in the sector of PET containers. Yuriy Khmara and Alexandr Grynko conducting an appraisal
Design, prototyping, of the caps
laboratory tests
and the production But Yuriy has already discovered a new business
of blow moulds: sector which could become a growth market. The person
P.E.T. Engineering responsible for this is Alexandre Grynko. Three foil plants
is the perfect partner, have been part of the company for quite some time. One
holding itself all the of these is the A-PET foil plant with 6kt/a capacity for deep
possible solutions. drawn foils in Klaipeda. An HDPP plant in Dnep for shrink
film for the multipacks and a plant in Russia for biaxially
stretched PP with 32kt/a for packaging foils. This plant
delivers foils up to a thickness of 12μm. It is precisely in
this area of BOPP foils that Retal sees major potential.
The perfect shape
for an easy handling.
Bottles available just a few hours
PRODUCTION AND CUSTOMISING At the moment they are supplying Russia and making
OF THE MOULDS a few trial deliveries to Scandinavia and Germany. The
western companies have decided that the quality is good
High quality blow moulds for every
and, if deliveries are reliable, they would be happy to call
kind of container and any type
of blowing machine. off quantities on a continuous basis. For this reason Retal
is currently investing in a second BOPP plant. Soon the
acorn might turn into a mature oak. Then it will be time to
find a new name for the business sector.
Supporting the client during
the whole project.
20 PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 05/13
the plastic
closure company
Ukraine Tour Blog committed to
The summer break is now over and the Editour- your success
mobil is waiting expectantly for us in in the
Ukraine, or more precisely at the Retal plant.
For Team 3, led by Alexander Büchler and Walde-
mar Schmitke, the last leg of the tour, through
the Ukraine and Poland, lies before us. Imme-
diately after slipping into the driving seat,
our first concern is to make sure the Editourmo-
bil’s fresh water tank is topped up. Contrary to
expectations, this turns out well - with engine
cooling water! But no worries, because the water
comes from bottlers Biola. It’s probably the
best water we have ever had in the tank!
by Alexander Büchler
MAY 20-24
HALL 1/I90
Starlinger & Co. Gesellschaft m.b.H. - viscotec - T: +43 7232 3817-0 - -
MARKETsurvey Caps and closures
Bottle-to-bottle recycling plants
Preform and single stage machinery
05/2013 Preforms
Preform / Stretch blow moulds
Two-stage SBM machinery
Suppliers of preforms Filling equipment
Resins / Additives
This year’s Market Survey for preform producers features a plethora of
suppliers,20 = in total from 11 countries. These include global suppliers
as well as local producers. In each case we have simply indicated the Closure systems
location of the head office excluding any branch offices.
The companies appear in the order in which their details were received
by the editors.
Although the publishers have made every effort to ensure that the information in this survey is up to date, no claims
are made regarding completeness or accuracy.
Company name IntraPac Canada - O/S West- AMD Industries LTD . Société Générale des Techniques (SGT) Pramia Plastic Oy
bridge PET Containers
Postal address 3838E - 80 Avenue SE 18, Pusa Road, 1st Floor, Karol Bagh, 3 Rue de l’Île Macé Juustotie 25
Calgary, Alberta T2C 2J7, Canada New Delhi - 110005, India 44412 Rezé, France 69300 Toholampi, Finlanddorisf
Telephone number +1 403-248-1513 +91 11 46830202 (30 line ) +33 2 40 05 09 37
Web site address
Contact name Sharon Pokolm N.K. Kumar Martine Le Claire Marko Mäkinen
Function Sales Manager GM Exports Sales Administration Managing Director
Direct telephone number +1 403-207-7720 +91 9871199322 +33 2 40 05 02 88 +358 400 187 826
Fax +1 403-248-1199 +91 11 28753591 +33 2 51 70 01 55
Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) No No No No
PEN prefoms (Yes/No) No No No No
Preforms in alternative materi- No No No
als (PP/PLA/PEF) Which?
Preforms incorporating rPET 20 % No Yes, from 0% to 100% 20 - 100%
(rPET content in %)
List of additives available Bio-degradable, UV, oxygen scaven- AA reducer, slip agents, UV stabilisation All colours, UV blockers, AA reducers, O2 scavengers, According to customer requirements
ger, colours CO2 scavengers, reheat additive, white colour for UHT
milk, gliding agents
Preform range 24mm 410 - 20, 23; Water : 23, 22( neck size 30/25 ) 30/25 High neck and low neck:13 - 44g/ 21,2 - 85 g
28mm 100 - 34, 40, 47;g 20.3g (neck size 29/25 ; 29/25: 10,5 - 33g;
28mm 400, 410, 415 - 36, 42, 47, 49; CSD: 25 - 54g (1810 neck size ) ; PCO 1810: 16 - 52g;
28mm 400 - 46g short taper; CSD: 23.7 - 52.7g (1881 neck size ) ; PCO 1881: 21g
33mm 400 - 19, 30, 36, 54; Juices: 25 - 54g (PCO 1810) for warm BPF: 20,5 - 52g
33mm 400 CRC - 46, 56; fill application; 38mm: 14 - 25g
38mm 400 - 66g, 120g; Juices: 27 , 30 and 48g ( Thick neck ) 28/410: 19,5- 54g
29 mm Rical - 36, 41; for hot application CRC63: 445g
32mm Rical - 48; Size: 125ml to 20l
28mm Kerr - 39, 45, 86; Weight: 1 - 450g
33mm Kerr - 83, 90; Neck: more than a dozen types
33mm Kerr - 97g Long Kerr;
38 mmPortola SCIII - 59, 75, 83;
30mm Stelvin - 65, 70;
38mm Alcoa - 87;
28mm PCO 1880 - 19, 24, 34, 36,
42, 47, 55, 76;
28mm PCO 1881 - 19, 24, 34, 46
MARKETsurvey 05/2013
Company name Plastipak Europe Pearl Drinks Limited Alpla-Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & NovaPET, S.A. Su
Co. KG
Postal address Viale Azari 110, Verbania-Pallanza, 28922 702-Ansal Bhawan, 16-K.G.Marg, Mockenstrasse 34 Zaragoza 50001 - Spain PL
Italy, New Delhi-110001, India 6971 Hard, Austria Office: Paseo Independencia, 21, 3rd floor. Ro
Telephone number +39-3235-18111 +91 11 46470200 +43 5574 6020 + 34 976 216129 +9
Web site address ww
Contact name Marc Jacobs Vijay Walia Hermann Riedlsperger Mr Miguel A. Arto / Mr Antonio Lázaro Sa
Function Vice President Sales & Marketing Europe Marketing Head of Corporate Sales - PET Business Development Dir. / Preforms Sales Manager Di
Direct telephone number +352 35 87 19 202 +91 99811020870 +43 5574 602 515 +34 976 216129 +9
Fax +352 35 87 19 208 +91 1123327747 +43 5574 62017 515 +34 901 021138 +9
E-mail / su
Multilayer preforms (Yes/No) No No Yes No No
PEN prefoms (Yes/No) Possible conicle preform/eco base No In project No
Preforms in alternative materi- Possible No Yes No
als (PP/PLA/PEF) Which?
Preforms incorporating rPET up to 100% for any application 100% Yes 10.0-25.0% No
(rPET content in %)
List of additives available Colours, oxygen scavengers, light barri- Emerald green colour All customary additives Colours, lubricants, nucleants .
ers, AA scavengers
Preform range Up to 500g for water / CSD / food / beer / 20.66g; 3-start Alaska; For softdrinks: from 0.25 to 2.5l.; for water; Ø 29/25 W (short neck) from 330 - 2,000ml/ 10 - 32g Ne
alcohol / edible oil / personal care / home 21.5g; 30/25 neck; various neck versions from 0.25 to 5l; Ø 30/25 W (std neck) from 330 - 2,500ml/ 12.5 - 35g 19
care / industrial / hotfill / cold aseptic / 25.5g; 30/25neck; for edible oil: from 0.5 to 10l; for milk: various Ø 48mm W from 5.000ml to 6.500ml/ 77.0 + 82.0g 25
specialties; 21.4g; 1881 neck PCO; neck versions (2-start, 3-start); Ø PCO 1810 (std neck) 500 -3,000ml/ 18.5g - 54.0g 28
25.5g; 1810 neck PCO; for personal care, home care, lubricants: Any other shape and weight required by customers 28
25.5g hotfill; 1810neck PCO; various neck versions 53
52g: 1810 neck PCO 63
PLOT No.1 & 2 Khokhani Industrial Complex No.2, Vasai Kaman Polígono Industrial Gaserans. Ctra. C-35 Km. 66,147 Sector 2 630526 Russia, Novosibirsk region,
Road, Sativali, Opp.Saibaba Temple, Vasai,(East) 401208, India Parcela 5, 17451 Sant Feliu de Buixalleu (Girona), Spain Novosibirsk district, Proezd Avtomobilistov - 12
+91-250-3208849, +91 9320724217, +91 9028012342 +34972865730 73833347155
Sanjay Kothari Pedro Plademunt Mateu Ermolaev Oleg
ger Director General Manager Director
+91 9820036748 +34 972865732 +73.832.105.690
+91 22 23687771 +34 972865731 +73.832.105.691
No No No
No No No
No No Polishield
No Yes, 25% No
g Neck size / weight: Neck: weight (g); 29/21 Preform (mm); Content (l) Bericap-38 :18 - 27g;
g 19mm / 7 -13 g; oil: 22 -27g; 29/25: 10,0 100,6; 1; PCO Short 1881: 20,7 - 45,7g;
25mm / 9.8 - 19g; - 29,5; 30/25: 11,5 - 39; 66 - 115,1; 0,33 - 2; PCO : 20,5 - 52g;
g 28mm PCO / 11.2 - 53g; 48/40: 79 - 100; 69,84 - 142; 0,33 - 2; BPF 22 - 51,5g;
28mm Alaska / 10.6 - 36g; BPF: 26 -51,5; 142 - 158; 5 - 8.; Bericap-48: 89g
53mm/ 9g -18g Obrist: 23; 99 /148; 0,5 - 2;
63mm / 18 - 30g PCO 1810: 20,5 -51; 95,2; 0,5;
73mm /30 - 36g; PCO 1881: 23,7 - 45,7; 97,77 - 148; 0,5 - 2;
83mm / 30 - 50g; Bericap 38: 64,0 93,7 - 144; 141 0,33 - 2; 5
96mm/ 64 - 70g
120mm /106 - 515g;
55mm / 20l, 700g, 485g
Manjushree Technopack Limited Gulf Packaging System Co PDG Plastiques Terrachim 97 AD Parle Agro Pvt. Ltd
60E, Bommasandra Indl. Area, Hosur Post Box 20266, Jeddah 21455 ZI secteur 2, 6 Kupenite str., Sofia 1618, off Western Express Highway, Sahar Chakala Road,
Road, Bangalore 560 099., INDIA Industrial City, phase 5, Saudi Arabia 45330 Malesherbes, France Bulgaria Parsiwada, Andheri East Mumbai India 400099
+91 80 43436200 +966 2 636 00 99 +33 2 38 34 61 95 +359 2 955 63 22 91 22 67348421, 91 22 67348241
Rajat Kedia Mr. Bader Abdullah Francois Desfretier Michail Kostov Shailesh Singhal
Director General Manager General Manager General Manager GM (Sales & Marketing)
+91 80 43436299 +966 2 6360099 ext 101 +33 2 38 34 61 95 +359 2 955 63 22 +91 22 67348241
+966 2 6082170 +33 2 38 34 63 82 +359 2 955 63 25 +91 22 66935050
No No Yes No No
No No Yes No No
No PP, PE, BioPET No
2 Colourants, UV blockers, anti-yellow Nylon Prelactia 100% light barrier for UHT sterilized milk long Amosorb
additive, quick-reheat additive, shelf-life,
oxygen scavenger, Amosorb Oxygen, UV, CO2 barriers;
1. PCO 1810: 14.6 -48.0g ; 10.4g - 200g 29/25 shorty : 8 - 28g; PCO: 10 - 52g 28mm PCO1810: 13.5 - 48g
e PCO 1881: 16.0 - 52.7g ; 30/25 high: 17,5 - 39g; 29/21: 22 -25.6g ML 27 2-start short neck: 10.2 to 42g
PCO 1810 Hotfill: 18.5 - 47.0g ; 30/25 low: 7,5 - 39g; 30/25: 14.5 - 32g CTC preforms
s Alaska (28mm 3-start): 10.6 - 35.6g ; 38mm 3 start: 26 - 50g; Crown cork: 27.4g 83 mm wide mouth preforms
30/25 neck: 22.0g 38mm 3 start: 24/28g Prelactia 38mm: 21 - 130g
g 48/40: 55 - 62g;
27/32: 6,5g dairy and smoothies;
25/20: 6,5 - 8g dairy;
Ø28 BPF: 42 - 60g;
29/23: 24 - 33g chemical;
BVS 30H60: 50g wine (high oxygen barrier); ultra-light-
weighting 2,4g preform; standard and specific preforms for
mineral water, dairy, juice, CSD etc; overmoulding technology
for 2-layer preforms; Preblow technology for lightweigthing
bottles; coloured preforms.
Energy saving potential with stretch blow moulding machines Part 2/2
Reduced electricity
consumption of the preform oven
*by Gerrit-Mathias Spalteholz, Sales Manager, Technoplan Engineering SA
The relentless rise in energy costs over the years makes it essential for every company to seek
out opportunities to reduce its consumption wherever possible. One example of a major con-
sumer of energy is the stretch blow moulding machine. In issue 1+2/13 of PETplanet insider, we
discussed the possibility of economising on the high compressed air of the blower. In this article
we look at the possibility of reducing the power consumption of the preform oven.
Technoplan Engineering SA offers Further advantages of the system
the optimisation facility TOEO (Techno- are that the cost of maintenance Technoplan Engineering SA
plan Oven Energy Optimisation) which does not increase and the lifetime of Technoplan Engineering SA has
saves at least 25% of the electricity the lamps is extended. Technoplan been in existence since 1989 and
consumption used to heat the preform. Engineering SA measures the electric- has been operating in the energy
Practical experience shows that sav- ity consumption before and after the saving sector since 1998 with
ings can reach up to 35%. installation to prove the efficiency of the special reference to stretch blow
system. moulding machines. The com-
How has this result been achieved? Example of a machine with pany’s employees have already
High performance ceramic reflec- 20 cavities: equipped 1,000 machines with
tors with a special treated surface are Electricity consumption: ARS, ARS+ and TOEO. The Devel-
installed. These reflectors optimise without TOEO: 158kW opment Department is constantly
the infrared short waves allowing the with TOEO: 108kW searching for and identifying pos-
centre of the preform to be heated up Energy savings: 50kW sible ways of reducing the energy
more efficiently. Therefore the intensity Worktime per year 6,000h consumption of the machines. In
of the lamps is reduced and as a result Electricity costs for 1kW: €0,12 addition to compressed air saving
the energy consumption of the oven is Savings per year €36,000 systems, Technoplan Engineer-
reduced. ing SA also offers self-developed
In this real-life example, the sav- products, spare parts and an
According to Gerrit-Mathias Spalte- ings amounts to 32%. This optimisation independent consultancy service
holz, Sales Manager at Technoplan, this can be installed in any preform oven. with comprehensive coverage of
not only delivers a cost saving in energy There is only one task remaining: the topic of energy consumption of
consumption, but also provides a bigger to monitor the systems. The energy stretch blow moulding machines.
process window which makes the consumption of the blower (see PET-
profiling easier. In addition the company planet insider issue 1+2/13) and the
integrates specially designed metal preform oven can be checked either
heat shields to obtain a better insula- at the machine itself or remotely from
tion. More importantly, the heat shields an office. Should energy consumption
optimise the ventilation and achieve the increase, the information is immedi-
right balance of air flow in the preform ately displayed and the appropriate
oven. action can be taken.
Noblesse oblige
Working with the Société des Eaux d’Aix-les-Bains (SEAB) ager at SEAB. “Turnover dropped by
in France, Sidel designed and produced a new triangu- 15% and it is at this point that we had
the idea of developing our own water
lar bottle in PET for SEAB’s still water product for the pre- source. We obtained approval in July
mium catering sector. The bottle is without a conventional 2009 and we distributed the first bot-
label: the product statutory information is engraved by laser, tles in September of that year.” Since
then, bottled spring water has been
directly into the surface of the bottle. The whole develop- distributed under the name “Source
ment was managed in nine months. des Fées” (“The Fairies’ Spring ”).
“The source of the spring water is
A market traditionally mune in the Savoy department in the 15m deep. However, the natural min-
dominated by glass Rhône-Alpes region, SEAB collects eral water is taken from the ground at
water drawn from the natural environ- a depth of 520m,” explained Mr Ger-
In France, 12% of all mineral ment of two springs, deep in the rocks maneau. The natural mineral water,
water is sold through hospitality out- of Aix-les-Bains, at the foot of the Alps which is distributed under the name
lets (cafes, restaurants and hotels): in south-eastern France, where pre- “Aix-les-Bains”, is available along with
47% of which is still water and 53% mium spring and natural mineral water the spring water in the supermarket
sparkling water. Also, 9% of custom- are produced. The balanced waters chains of SEAB’s parent company Les
ers eating in French restaurants drink contain weakly mineralised versions Mousquetaires (The Musketeers) a
water - with two out of every three of essential calcium and magnesium - French retail group.
orders for drinks including a request and no nitrates.
for water. In response to these Design challenges
requests, water is traditionally served The mineral water was used for
either in a glass bottle or a glass the first time as early as 1848. It The design brief for the new, 75cl
carafe. When SEAB decided it wanted gained official recognition as a natural bottle in PET was that it should be
to gain a share of this significant mineral water in 1906 and industrial triangular in shape to differentiate it
market within the French hospitality production eventually started only in from other established brands and
sector, the company again turned to 1986 when the Société des Eaux d’Aix simple in appearance to convey the
Sidel. Its plan was to supply its pre- les Bains was officially founded, fol- concepts of quality and purity. Also
mium water in a uniquely stylish PET lowing an agreement with the mayor included in the brief was the require-
bottle, designed to rival the aesthetics of the town of Aix-les-Bains, which ment for minimalist aesthetics to be
of the glass water bottles and carafes owns the rights to the water. The applied to the new bottle, designed
normally used, to hold 75cl of water. source of the spring water was further entirely by the Sidel team, particularly
developed in 2009. “During the heat in light of the need to overcome the
Alpine water sources wave in 2003, consumers naturally custom within restaurants and hotels
turned towards cheaper water,” said of using only glass containers. Indeed,
Located in Gresy-sur-Aix, a com- Philippe Germaneau, General Man- in Hotel Schools it is common practice
to educate students as to the benefit machine. Discussions began between new 75cl triangular format for the pre-
of perceived quality, by serving only the two parties, with Sidel entrusted mium catering sector.
glass bottles at the table. Even many with the management of the entire pro-
hotel and restaurant professionals only ject, including the design and creation Despite being part of the hyper-
realize the SEAB bottle is made from of the new packaging for the premium market sector of Les Mousquetaires,
PET when handling it for the first time. still mineral water and conversion of the new SEAB water will not be sold
With its individual shape and its exclu- the existing line. Sidel converted the in supermarkets. Instead, in order to
sive appearance showing only the whole existing production line without retain its perceived exclusivity, it will be
engraved logo of Aix-les-Bains and the having to modify any of the installed supplied only to hotels and restaurants
legally required data, the bottle fulfilled equipment, adapting certain customer- - initially in establishments such as
all requirements. specific parts to accommodate the new Poivre Rouge, the French network of
shapes and sizes instead. Three main hotels and coffee bars. The new size,
The triangular shape was not elements of the line were converted: shape and design of the PET bottle are
the easiest to produce, although the The Combi machine (personalisa- the first step towards an increase in
proportion of the height of the bottle tion of parts), the accumulation table output from Aix-les-Bains.
to the area of the base turned out to (because the customer had invested
be the main technical challenge of in a new labeler) and the end-of-line In future, SEAB, which generates
the whole project. “The bottom of the programming (semi-automatic). a turnover of 11 million Euros, intends
bottle is extremely small compared to to expand its activities, concentrating
its body. So we needed to stabilise the The line is able to blow-mould on the catering sector and focusing on
bottle on this confined area,” explained the bottles, fill and cap them in an overseas business in Asia and South
Sébastien Sergues, Packaging & Tool- integrated system that now handles America. On the production facility,
ing Sales Manager at Sidel. The PET two distinctly different products: the around 25,000bph can be filled and the
bottle has a screw cap, the new design previous commercial mineral water in company is well prepared to meet the
is reclosable and break-proof. The 50cl,1l,1.5l and 2l sizes as well as the demand.
design of the new bottle was already
nominated for its distinctive packaging
at the Sial Innovation Awards in Paris. SEAB- Part of “Les Mousquetaires”
Promotional activity and consumer
advertising began in January 2013. SEAB: produces premium spring and natural mineral water. The com-
pany also provides the cosmetics industry with the waters in spray bottles
Line conversion and atomisers as skin care products. The overall volume of sales currently
amounts to 50 million bpa. The company generates a turnover of 11 million
For production and filling of the Euros/a. SEAB is part of parent company Les Mousquetaires (The Musket-
new bottle, SEAB had the choice of eers). This is a group of French retail companies and supermarket chains
installing a completely new, high-output including Intermarché, Ecomarché, Poivre Rouge, Netto, Bricomarché, Brico
line or modifying its existing bottling Cash, and Roady, which constitute the hypermarket sector. The Pole Indus-
line. After careful consideration of the triel du Groupement des Mousquetaires, a key player in the French agrifood
financial implications, the company industry, is the industrial division. Founded on the basis of a private initiative
determined to produce the new bottle in 1969, the group today accounts for more than 3,000 independent entre-
in relatively low numbers at first, on the preneurs and a total of 130,000 employees. It comprises more than 3,500
existing equipment. The line, already points of sale throughout Europe including Portugal, Belgium, Poland and the
capable of filling up to 25,000 1l or 1.5l Balkans as well, of course, as France.
bph, was equipped with a Sidel Combi
was scheduled for presentation and it attracting the attention of the markets
On the Sacmi Open Day is hard to think of anything further that to itself, but also and in particular with
Event in Imola, Italy, the could be added to this portfolio. Up to innovative products – as will become
company presented itself 2000 the Sacmi CMMs (Compression clear at the Open Day. ”The trend is
as a complete solution Moulding Machines for the manufac- away from individual machines to the
ture of caps and closures) were not supply of complete lines – machine
supplier for the beverage only highly successful but they were makers today must cover the range
industy, from the pellet to the only products for the beverages - such as blowing/filling/capping/label-
the pallet. Sacmi reinforced industry. Today the product portfolio ling, all fully integrated and emanat-
extends from the preparation of the ing from a single source - as indeed
this view with the compre- beverage to container production, and already happens today. We are partic-
hensive range of machinery from filling to closing and labelling all ularly proud of having developed over
on display at the Open Day the way to final packaging operations. the past few years a new technology
– one exhibit each for the embracing the compression moulding,
“Everything is linked in our mar- filling and capping of containers in one
Formsleeve+, IPS, CCM, kets. All equipment under one roof integrated unit all under one roof.”
SBF as well as CBF. supplied, serviced and guaranteed by
a single supplier. Sacmi has become Some 200 people travelled to
The invitation was addressed such a supplier.“ Vezio Bernardi, Gen- Imola, a small industrial town in
to a global clientele and there was eral Manager Beverage, explained Emilia Romagna. (Its most celebrated
definitely no doubt about the tone of the whys and the wherefores as well residents were Enzo & Dino Ferrari,
resolve and determination of Sacmi as the corporate strategy employed who built their famous Formula 1
that emanated from it: It was early by Sacmi in relation to compression race track here in Imola and whose
on at the start of the 2013 season moulding, injection moulding, blow presence is almost everywhere in the
– the year of the strategically signifi- moulding, filling, labelling and, finally, town.) And they came from all over
cant drinktec and K Fairs – that the packaging and how all this is going on the PET world, including the USA
portfolio of machines and “turn key“ in a hive of activity. And it is not only (Pepsi), China (Cofco), from Russia
systems for the beverages industries with its new machines that Sacmi is (Europlast), France (Danone) and
Portugal (Logoplaste), from Venezuela (Pepsi),
Germany (Optipack) and – of course – in large
numbers from Sacmi’s home market of Italy
(San Benedetto, Guizza, etc.)
Essential highlights
Vezio Bernardi, General Manager Beverage, Sacmi
Andrea Farina – Technical Product Manager
PET Power flips its lid
Bottling of still water
under ultraclean conditions
KHS has launched a new mini hygiene housing for the
ultraclean filling of water in PET bottles. The base of the mini
hygiene housing is closed. The filling area is completely sealed
and thus protected from any outside influences. The system
takes up 30% less space compared to standard systems. The
mini hygiene housing is designed for equipment where the
stretch blow moulder is monoblocked with a filling machine.
If required, it can also be used where bottles are fed in by an
air conveyor. When using the mini hygiene housing sterile air PET Power is expanding its standard range of closures
is permanently applied to the transfer stars leading to the filler to include a flip-top closure for its 82mm PET jars. This
section. Here, HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters are special closure, whose dispensing hole is covered with
integrated into the system to provide a constant supply of ster- a lid, can be supplied with or without an Induction Heat
ile air. In the filler and capper area the flow of sterile air, which Seal (IHS liner), which provides tamper-evident protection.
is kept at a slight overpressure, is conducted parallel to the Tamper Evidence can also be created by a sleeve over the
bottle flow up to the point where the bottles leave the system. entire pack. The 82mm neck finish is generally used for
Pressure control and pressure monitoring equipment can be 500 ml and larger jars. The flip-top lid, in combination with
included as options. The air in the system is removed through the IHS liner, makes the jar suitable for a range of foods,
openings in the upper and lower area of the machine. After the including herbs and other powdered products. The closure
capping process the sterile air can be optionally extracted and is supplied in a range of standard colours, but any colour
discharged. The setup includes an Innofill NV filling system variant can be supplied, subject to minimum order quantity.
which processes various sizes of bottle holding from 0.1 to 3l Samples of the cap (with or without a matching jar) can be
at rates of between 15,000 to 72,000bph. Systems for different requested by email from PET Power.
types of bottle necks are available. The Innofill NV non-contact
filling process features a free-flow filling valve. The closure
system is an Innofill SV-ACF, a computer-controlled screw
capper. Capping movements are separated into rotational and
vertical motions. Cleaning nozzles for automatic sanitising of
the system have been installed. The system is fitted with glass
Dispensing valve
doors. The transfer stars and filler and capper have separate Bericap has
servo drives. The filler/capper monoblock encased in the mini announced that it has
hygiene housing and stretch blow moulder are controlled by the acquired the assets and
KHS operator panel with an integrated RFID system. technology to manufac- ture a dispensing valve,
which it has named
BeriValve. It is manufac-
Thermoscan spins up tured from TPE mate-
rial, which means that it
According to Blow Moulding Technologies (BMT), tempera- will not contaminate the
ture is the most important variable in the blow-moulding pro- PET recycling stream.
cess but industry has had no means of determining an accu- BeriValve has been on
rate measurement of it – until now. BMT’s recently-launched the market for several
THERMOscan device is claimed to enable PET convertors to years prior to the acqui-
measure the temperature of the preform post-heating, enabling sition by Bericap and is
better understanding of the process. THERMOscan is the only to be found in applica-
instrument currently available that scans both the inside and tions such as ketchups,
outside surface of the preform. A plot of profiles of both surfaces chocolate sauces and bodycare products, as well as
enables the operator to make more informed decisions about being used in the pharmaceutical industry. The company
oven setup. The company says that its technology can help to says it can be used with all viscous products, including
improve process set-up, product design and resource manage- some containing solid pieces. Bericap offers a range of
ment resources, among other opportunities. BMT was formed in hinge closures for insertion of the BeriValve and also has
2012 as a spin-out from Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern the capacity to develop customised closures.
Ireland, and has already secured sales to leading companies in
the field, including converters and machine manufacturers. The
research group that developed it has a strong track record in
the field of research of the stretch blow moulding process. and
is responsible for a number of innovations and improvements in
the knowledge of the process.
Easier material
Conair says that its two
new TrueBlend blender solu-
tions enable users to achieve
more profitable use of bottle
flake and other difficult to
handle regrind, without repel-
letising. The two blenders
take different approaches to
handling these materials in the
case of small quantities. The
blenders can be fitted with side
feeders with steeply angled
sides that help prevent the
regrind from hanging up and
bridging. The material flows
easily through an oversized
opening at the bottom to a
horizontal auger that con-
veys granules positively into
the mixing chamber. When it
comes to pipe extrusions or
other applications that require
the blending of high volumes
of regrind, the Conair blend-
ers use ‘lift augers’ to eliminate
bridging problems and pro-
mote free flow. The lift augers
are positioned at an angle in
a corner of the regrind bin and
move granules up and away
from the bottom of the bin,
rather than forcing material out,
as is the case with most con-
ventional systems. This helps
to keep material loose and
enable easier flow. Through-
puts can range from less than -*5RTGHQTOUVGTKNK\CVKQPKPVJG+PPQ2'6$NQ(KNN
to 12,000 lb/hr (5,455kg/h) on
model TB3500. Units with up to
twelve ingredient bins can be
PETplanet insider Vol. 14 No. 05/13 39
Beverages & Liquid Food
The Hermann Pfanner Beverages
GmbH from Lauterach in Austria is market-
ing, under its own name, a drink known
as “Green Apple“ with a 10% fruit content
and vitamins B,C, E. This naturally cloudy
drink is packaged in a slightly yellowish
Smoothie in limited edition format tinted, 1.5l content PET bottle shaped in a
way that is typical of the brand. The bottle
Alongside their other incorporates reinforcement grooves and
consistently available vari- is decorated with a sleeve label. A yellow
eties, Schwartauer Werke screw cap complete with tamper-proof strip
of Bad Schwartau are completes the packaging which has a strik-
selling their fruit smoothie ing effect in terms of its colouring.
“Pur Pur“ - advertised as
“fruit to drink“ – to include
a new composition which is
time-limited in terms of its
availability. The raspberry
cassis variant contains,
in addition to raspberries
Orangeade with
and cassis, banana, apple grenadine flavour
and red fruits as well. The
drink is bottled in a handy Under the brand name “Aqua Mia“,
PET bottle with a content Rewe Markt GmbH of Cologne are mar-
of 250ml, an all-round foil keting 500ml Blood Orangeade with a
label and a screw cap. flavour of grenadine in an easy to grip,
Underneath the screw cap there is a tear-off freshness mem- waisted PET bottle. This bottle incor-
brane. porates peripheral grooves and, in the area of the base, features embossed
Rewe brand name logos. A peripheral
foil label in the waisted area conveys
the necessary retail data. A red screw
cap complete with tamper-proof guar-
antee strip acts as a seal.
Closure molds
Haircare with argan ail
Schwarzkopf & Henkel have recently been featuring a styl-
ing oil for unmanageable hair in their range under the brand
name of “Schwarzkopf got2b“. A small, handy PET bottle with
a content of 50ml serves as packaging. This small bottle also
includes a manually operated screw-on pump dispenser in a
matching colour which incorporates a removable protective cap
and two self-adhesive labels.
at the K in Düsseldorf
Body spray Liquid soap in green (Oct. 16-23), booth 1/1A40
Tamper-evident band
Irregular plastic bottle
Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 136417 A1
Applicant: Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart (D) Intern. Patent No. WO 2012 / 131198 A1
Date of Application: 29.2.2012 Applicant: Sidel Participations,
Octeville-sur-Mer (FR)
The international applica- Date of Application: 3.1.2012
tion describes a screw clo-
sure complete with tamper- Plastic bottle made from PET, on which
evident band where the the peripheral reinforcement grooves and
band is modified in such a compensation fields run irregularly so
way as to enable it to read- as to ensure optimum absorption of any
ily ”absorb“ any forces that forces that may be released.
may be released when it is
placed on a container ori-
fice for the first time. Any potential damage at the point when
it is placed in position is avoided.
colorplasticchemie Future Plast Industries L.L.C
Albert Schleberger GmbH P.O. Box 341034
Schlosserstrasse 5 Dubai, UAE
42899 Remscheid, Germany Tel: +971 4 607 0280
Tel: +49-2191-5619-0 Fax: +971 4 607 0220
Fax: +49-2191-54075 SIPA S.p.A via Caduti del Lavoro,3
31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy
Tel. +390438911511
Fax +390438912273
F-45330 Malesherbes - France
Tel. 00 33 2 38 34 61 95 Europe: +34 93 891 62 49 Global Headquarters:
Nissei ASB Machine Co., Ltd. via Caduti del Lavoro,3
4586-3 Koo, Komoro-shi, 31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy ARIZAGA BASTARRICA Y CIA, S.A.
Nagano-ken 384-8585, Japan Tel. +390438911511
Tel. 0081-267-23-1565 Fax +390438912273
Fax 0081-267-23-1564
SMI S.p.A.
Tel: +886-49-2258335 I-24015 S. Giovanni Bianco (BG) , Tel. +39 0345-40111 Fax +39 0345-40209 SIAPI S.r.l. Via Ferrovia Nord, 45 Oil free compressors for 31020 San Vendemiano (TV), Italy PET bottle blowing
Tel: +39 0438 4096
Fax: +39 0438 401016 Gardner Denver Ltd. Claybrook Drive, Redditch,
2.2.1 Single stage stretch Worcestershire, B98 0DS, England
blow moulding Tel: +44 (0) 1527 838600
equipment Fax: +44 (0) 1527 838630
KHS Corpoplast GmbH
Meiendorfer Str. 203
22145 Hamburg
Deutschland 2.2.2 Two stage stretch blow UROLA S.C.
T +49 40 67907-0 moulding equipment 20230 Legaz pi, Spain
F +49 40 67907-100 Tel. + 34 943 737003
E-Mail: Fax + 34 943 730926 Reciprocating Oil free Compressor
for PET bottle blowing
Moulds & Robotics PET Preform and Blow Molds
PET-related Services for Different Application Otto Hofstetter AG
& Technologies Zürcherstrasse 73
C. Houtmanstraat 42 Guang Dong Xing Lian Precise 8730 Uznach, Switzerland
Emmen, The Netherlands Machinery Co., Ltd. Tel. +41 55 285 22 11
Tel +31 (0) 591 679768 Baoshi Rd, Xiabei, Pingzhou, Fax +41 55 285 22 44
Fax +31 (0) 591 630616 Nanhai, Foshan, Guangdong, China · Tel: (86-757) 8677 7168
Fax:(86-757) 8623 3168
Scheibenstr. 6
29614 Soltau, Germany
Tel. 0049-5191-603-53
Fax 0049-5191-603-36
No.1517, Sec.8, Huanjhong Rd, Wurih
Stretch Blow & Injection molds Township, Taichung 414, Taiwan
Mobile: 00359- 888-518782 Tel: +886-4-2335-9689
PET Packaging design and Via Europa 25
development, blow molding 46047 Porto Mantovano (MN), Italy Herbold Meckesheim GmbH
equipment and molds Tel.: +39 0376 389311 PET Granulators, Agglomerators, Shredders, Complete PET
Blow molding, filling, packaging
North America washing and recycling lines
+1 678 221 3000 Via Fedolfi, 29 Industriestrasse 33
Central America 43038 Sala Baganza (Parma) - Italy 74909 Meckesheim
+52 33 3952 0324 Phone +39 0521 839411 Tel.: 06226 - 932 – 0
Latin America 4.5 Downstream equipment Fax: 06226 - 932 – 495
+55 11 4668 7000
Western Europe,
Northern Europe, Africa
+33 232 858 798
Eastern Europe, CIS, Middle East
+43 1 370 1661 105 ZECCHETTI S.R.L.
Asia Via Galileo Galilei, 1-1A
+86 21 5048 4088 42027 Montecchio Emilia RE,
Italy PET Chemical treatments: Tel. 0039-0522-867-411 Cleaners, flotation compounds
Fax 0039-0522-866-034 and additives
3.3 Cap moulds Via Vigevano 61
28069 - San Martino di Trecate
Novara - Italy
Tel. 0039-0321789770
SIPA S.p.A 5.0 RECYCLING Fax 0039-0321789765
via Caduti del Lavoro,3
31029 Vittorio Veneto, Italy Tel. +390438911511
Fax +390438912273 5.8 Complete recycling plants
Example: PTI-US: +1 419 867-5400 INSPECTION SYSTEM
PTI-Europe: +41 24 423-9530 P&S technology Co. Ltd
1,824.– EUR/year #326-1, Taejeon-dong Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do
464-805, Korea
Tel.: 0082-31-763-5621
Fax: 0082-31-763-5623
6.1 Laboratory equipment
PETplanet Insider
32 mm
Häusserstr. 36
69115 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel. 0049-6221-65108-0
Fax 0049-6221-65108-28 Tel: +86-758-2788469 SACMI IMOLA
1 Line = 3,2 mm
Ask for your
individual offer –
call +49-6221-65108-0
THE WORLD S FASTEST PLASTIC PackSys Global’s slitting machine easily meets
CLOSURE FOLDING AND SLITTING the performance demands of the beverage industry.
MACHINE, CAPABLE OF Slitting tamper evident bands is more efficient
MORE THAN 60 PARTS/SECOND, and accurate than molding bridges in the mold.
DESIGNED AND BUILT USING With the option to process output of multiple
ECISION TECHNOLOGY. injection molds on one folding/slitting machine,
closure manufacturers have higher efficiency, faster
cycle times, lower energy consumption, and use less
floor space. PackSys Global – a cut above the rest.
PackSys Global (Switzerland) Ltd. | Joweid Zentrum 1 | CH-8630 Rueti | Switzerland | T: +41 55 253 3831 |
Working with Husky to reduce variability improves your bottom line
Variability costs you money. For the highest volume applications like preforms and closures, the injection molding equipment
you invest in will make a big contribution to your bottom line. Investing in a complete Husky system ensures tighter process
control, reduced resin consumption, lower scrap rates and increased production predictability—allowing you to consistently
produce and ship higher quality parts.
When compared to competitors, Husky preform systems are capable of delivering the highest rate of return, making them one of
the best investments to grow your business.
Husky helps you reduce variability in your injection molding process, so you can focus on what matters most—satisfied
customers and a healthy bottom line.