Advt E II382018 Appform
Advt E II382018 Appform
Advt E II382018 Appform
(for office use)
I. Name of the post applied for Senior Assistant (Secy. to Dean (SA))
5. Are you a Govt. Servant at present? If so, state whether your appointment is
Temporary or Permanent. Give full address of your employer Yes/ No
6. Are you IIT Delhi employee? If Yes, clearly mention under which Yes/ No
establishment are your services governed Emp. Code__________________
(i.e. Estt.-1/2/Works Orgn./IRD/Canteen/SAS etc.)
(ii) Experience
Name of the Designation Dates Length Nature of duties / area of Pay & Pay
employer / specialization etc. Scale/
Organisation Grade Pay
From To Years Months
(reverse (Rs.)
chronological order)
Signature of Candidate
Encls:____________________(Enclose the list)
Candidates already employed should get the application forwarded through proper channel. In case of IIT Delhi
employees, the candidate should get the following endorsement signed by his/ her Section Head/ Head of the
Department (whose service are not governed by Estt.-1/2 Section, the application should be forwarded by In-Charge,
IRD/SAS/Works Orgn./Canteen etc. as the case may be).
Office Stamp____________________