A Study On Online Shopping Behavior Among The Students: Ms. Neha Gupta/Dr. Deepali Bhatnagar
A Study On Online Shopping Behavior Among The Students: Ms. Neha Gupta/Dr. Deepali Bhatnagar
A Study On Online Shopping Behavior Among The Students: Ms. Neha Gupta/Dr. Deepali Bhatnagar
e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 6. Ver. V (June 2017), PP 01-07
Abstract: On-line shopping is a recent era that has hiked in the domain of E-Business and is definitely going to
be the future of shopping in the world. Everyone has entered to the smartphone world so it is easy to access
apps according to their comfort and make their life better. At present there are millions of mobile apps likewise
there apps for health, games, booking tickets, music, social networking, travel, banking, news, fitness, calendars
and many more. The app stores add on 20,000 apps every month. Consumer’s shop when and where they want,
where they are comfortable with the products and the choice of shopping. The increase in technology provides
good opportunities to the seller to reach the customer in much faster, easier and in economic way. India is
penetrated by 204.1 million smartphone users as of 2016. The paper indicates that there is a difference between
shopping by smartphone and traditional shopping. Thus this paper chats on upcoming trends, consumer
behavior as well as its contribution to Digital India.
Keywords: Online-Shopping, Market Penetration, Trends, Consumer Behavior
I. Introduction
Currently the retail industry in India is accelerating. India is excited to grow to be a most important
player in the retail market. By 2015, the total market size is estimated to be around US$ 600 billion, thereby
registering a CAGR of 7.45 per cent since 2000.The E-Commerce market is thriving and poised for robust
growth in Asia. The e-Commerce market in India has enjoyed phenomenal growth of almost 50% in the last five
years. Although the trend of e-commerce has been making rounds in India for 15 years, the appropriate
ecosystem has now started to fall in place. On the other hand the purchasing of product from traditional market
is continuing since years. Many customers go for purchasing offline so as to examine the product and hold the
possession of the product just after the payment for the product. With the increase of E-Commerce, the mobile-
makers have made their way by introducing Mobile shopping by launching apps. The apps get more convenient
as it’s handy or portable and can be accessed from anywhere and anytime provided with the internet connection.
India is one of the fastest growing retail e-commerce markets in 2015, growing at the rate of 129.5 per cent Y-o-
Y. The growing number of Internet users in the country helped web merchants in steadily whittling away
consumers’ skepticism about buying goods and services online. As many as 106,086 websites are registered
daily and more than 25% are for niche businesses.
The size of the total e-Commerce business is expected to rise by $101.9 bn by 2020 according to the source of
IMAI, Deloitte Analysis.
Primary Data: Primary data are those data, which are being collected by the researcher for the first time. They
are the information received directly from general public, to whom the study was conducted. In this study,
primary data was collected with the help of questionnaire given to students.
Secondary Data: The secondary data is collected through published sources like magazines, journals, articles
Options Respondents
Once in week 10
Once in 15 days 55
Only during Offers or Sale 30
Very Rarely 5
Interpretation: Of the 100 students questioned, 55 responded they shop once in 15 months, while 30 nodded
for shopping during Offers and sales and 10 students said they shop once in a week with 5 others stating, they
shop online very rarely.
DOI: 10.9790/487X-1906050107 www.iosrjournals.org 2 | Page
A study on Online Shopping Behavior among the students
Interpretation: Being respondents the hostel-students, spending is always a vital part for them. The above chart
shows that 53% of students shop in a range of 500-1000 rupees, followed by 29% in a range of 1001-1500
rupees, followed by 12 students and 6 students for the range of 1501-2500 and Above 2500 rupees respectively.
Interpretation: Out of the leading e-commerce websites, Flipkart ranks first taking 34% of respondents,
followed by international rival Amazon with 29% and Snapdeal with 25%. Jabong settles with 12% of the total
Interpretation: The above chart clearly mentions that price (43%) is the first stimuli that influence them while
buying the product online. Second is the Variety of brand (26%), while Timely Delivery (12%) takes 3rd Place.
12% of the respondents feel all the three act as stimuli for them.
Interpretation: The above charts shows that 69% of the following respondents said the product were the same
as shown in website. 22% said they were delivered fake products. 9% said they experienced sometimes
7. Do you compare prices with other shopping apps or sites before buying?
Options Respondents
Always 89
Sometimes 7
Never 4
Interpretation: It comes as a surprise that out of all the 100 respondents, majority of the respondents (89%)
said they do check and compare prices with other online mobile apps. 7% said they don’t compare prices while
4% said they do but sometimes.
Interpretation: 36% of the students said that they shop clothing, 24% said they buy gadget (Computer,
peripherals, Mobile and Accessories). 26% said they shop footwear the most, while 14% prefer buying books
the more.
Interpretation: Majority with 77% said they never experienced any fraud, while 10 said they experienced it
once. 8% said they had twice the experiences. While with 5% respondents, the fraud has occurred more than
10. Are you satisfied with the after sale service of the e-tailers?
Options Respondents
Highly Satisfied 56
Satisfied 24
Not-Satisfied 14
Extremely Not-Satisfied 6
Interpretation: E-tailers do promise of many after sale services like guarantee, warranty, easy EMI, Easy return
policy etc. The above chart shows that 56% respondents are high satisfied with the after sale service. While 24%
said they were satisfied, 14% said they were not-satisfied and 6% said extremely not satisfied.
VI. Conclusion
In conclusion, having access to online shopping has truly revolutionized and influenced our society as a
whole. Factor analysis results reveal that Experimental Uniqueness, Customer Service and Convenience tend to
be three significant dimensions as to why customers prefer internet shopping. Today there is radical change in
the entire scenario. Everything in today’s world is E prefixed like Electronic Data Interchange, E-Mail, E-
Business and E-Commerce. A key outcome of the technology revolution in India has been connectivity, which
has fuelled unprecedented access to information. This use of technology has opened new doors and
opportunities that enable for a more convenient lifestyle today. Online shopping is a vast growing technology. If
it is properly utilized with assured safety and security for the transactions, it will thrive into a highly competitive
and dynamic environment. Thus, a consumer being the king of the market needs a treatment like king. Even
though the internet is often referred to as a borderless market, there are still some barriers to overcome.
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