|~—2w—~l Domain :
In order to represent the original message signal “faithfully“
Mmm (without loss of information). it is necessary to take as many
samples of the original signal as possible.
Higher the number of samples. closer is the representation.
r—IL' -—.r%
Scanned by CamScanner
r n—-
_ .. worst“? ~ _ ' d
sltobesamled. niwion measure-WW! '
diespeetreshown l I "“"
inPigl.4(a)and(b) .
. . W‘V‘TI‘rgf‘i-‘i’grljrfir‘f
humiliate“ “We
Sampling theorem was introduced
to the angina!” a, sample! Pu second. Therefore 'T.”"'Pmm the
g pen
”I . ,-
re this theorem ts oftheoriginal signal x(t). taking ontheide Nyquistrate uzwu;
theory in l949 by Shannon. Therefo such that. _ ntity oflower N u‘st‘t
. l
“Shannon's sampling theorem".
domain. for the
T . ”Nomad mm frequency in the spectrum of the sampled signal
aliasing or fold over error.
X; (t) is called as ' yq | m . law m
The statement of sampling theorem in time 0. B All Inning elgml,
bandlirnited signals of finite energy
is as follows : _L _ ' rate. EMO"MII92
Due to aliasing some of the information contained mm
Statement : in the time P" m-
original signal it (t) is lost in the process of
ef emfl How to
0.4 What Is aliasing or toldov
l. lf a finite energy signal it (t) contains no frequencies higher 1- 0M“. "‘0 let "milling rah
bra. (l).
How to eliminate aliasing ?
than “W" Hz the. it is a band limited signal) then it rs eliminate it? 2, Determine m. m. Mm,
completely determined by specifying its values at the instants
Aliasing can be completely elinunated‘
Ana. : if we take the 3. Whit are the Mend“ In I'm
of time which are spaced (lIZW) seconds apart. . following action : in
Allaeing or Foldover Error : Use a bandlintiting low pass filter and pass the
reeuitlng diecrese time signal it (n) 1
2. if a finite energy signal it it) contains no frequency signal a (t)
d and I or if the 4. If x (II) II M through In kl“
components higher titan “W" Hz then it may be completely If the signal it (t) is not strictly bandllmitc through it before sampling as shown in Fig. 1.5(a). ”A
all-sing com. whet Ie the mine“
recovered from its samples which are spaced (lI2W) seconds sampling frequency f' is less than 2W. then an error called This filter has a cutoff frequency at rc = w. therefore it will
apart. or foldover error is observed. The adjacent spectrums overlap if Y. (t) ‘I‘ i
strictly bandlimit the signal it (t) before sampling takes
fI < 2W. This is shown in Fig. 1.4(b). place. This Ann. :
_ third statement of “nailing thedremxsykcontiltuonsr filter is also called as antialiasing filter or prealins filter.
1 The given analog signal is
‘ M’mefi! ‘. .. ‘ ‘iniu'flfipfl'félui‘ The signal it (t) is not strictly bandlimited. The spectrum of
" ' bacb'from the" assumed-form: ifthe.sarnpllng signal it (t) is shown in Fig. 1.401). x(t) - sin(480nt)+3sin(720nt) «All
" "yea 2w where “w’ is themaxirnumfrequencyofthe The spectnrm X; (f) of the discrete time signal it6 (t) is shown T'hediscretetimesignslunhsobtainedbytep
. . - z .1 . lacingtby
. mamas: (t)- '= . .52.. Ed? IL $.n '34: in Fig. l.4(b) which is nothing but the sum of X (f) and infinite n'l‘.
Proof of Sampling Theorem : number of frequency shifted replicas of it as explained earlier. Strictly
x(n) - sin(4801mT)+3sin(720nnT)._(2)
Now prove the sampling theorem in time domain. The hmd'mm Ill)
Now '1‘ a Sampling time: W
assumptions made for this proof are as follows : Mtflmlfla):Useofabandllndtingfllterto
ii I te It I“8 , . "W 8
Aeeumptione : Given sampling frequency a: 600 samples/sec .
Let x (t) be a continuous time analog signal as shown in
trnquenclee x") Spectrum oi original T a 50°
Fig. 1.3. Spectrum ofa continuous time signal
“W ”(0 Putting this value in Equation (2) we get,
o I x(n) - sin(486.&m)+3sin(7%)
-. x(n) = m4§m+3nn§5
mint?» ldenlltyot lower .;, . x(n) = sin‘gm+3sin(2n-53§)n
i '_ , l. t. e W i .43)
frontiericy due to aliasing
(it) Spectrum attire umpied Version ofrr(t) with l, < 2“! "-"w ""w' ' "'w New smart-6) . -lln9
(0-417) Fig 1.50») : Specuumor-umptedngmtrorr,>2w .. m.) a anim—3m§m
(0415) Fig. 1.4
increase the sampling frequency f. to a great extent i.e. 5' 4
Consider the rum replicas of X (t) which are f, >>> 2W. Due to this. even though at (t) is not strictly
centered about x ( n) a -2 singttn
the frequencies f‘ and — f.- "(4)
bandlimited. the spectrum will not overlap. A guard band is . .
If we use a reconstruction filter with its created between the adjacent spectrums as shown in
(e) pass-band extending S equation 0d
fiom-fi/Ztotbf‘mthenitsoutputwi Fig.1.5(b). time I
llnot be an undistorted X(ll) = Aslnzflfl'l'Atlllm “0(5)
version of the original signal it (0.
Some distortion will be present Thus aliasing can be prevented by 1
in the filter output. Comparing Equations (4') and (5) we M
l. Using an antialiasing or prealiasing filter and Frequency in 0.1: signal a m -% radians
The distortion occurs due to «AI.
Minglswampllngofacon the overlapping of the adjace 2. Using the sampling frequency f. > 2W.
tinnottstimesigmlxfl) speetmms as shown in Fig. nt 2 '
1.4(b). Due to this overlapping,
letx (t) be a signal with seen that the portions of the it is WhenxtspassedthroughDACthenthereconstructsd
finite energy and infinite frequency shifted replicas are “folded 0. 5 Define Nyqulet Rate and Nyqulet interval.
duration. over" inside the desired 3 signaly(t)isgivenby.
"at Let 'x (t) be a strictly
- . ited
bandhm . , pectrum.
Signal. That means it does Due to thi . Ana. : Nyquiet Rate and Nyqulet Interval :
contain any frequency compouents mm awn Hz. ,
8 ‘fold over", in
' w 8h Mucmi“ in X (f) arereflected The minimum sampling rate of “2W" samples per second for vii) '- xtn) “"11 ‘ ' «453
aheau‘sluuons In tol 0 fiequencresrnx5m.
- -
a signal it (0 having maximum frequency of “W" Hz is called as
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Scanned by CamScanner
gagging 1 I
......wglfi. >30." 222E303" . .
. 3.5.9.. 1%.. 8 .m m .6.a 9mg.
.1... n icruufl 2... ”Magma” HMS ... 8.2 a 3...... an 5.4%.. ..o.
. m. .....Eounafigxa
...... _ u :2"... .33.:
c.£ an§ u.§ :3 m .u
. .
8.555%... H . p
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. .
gaguoalfioafingg 339.2538 ... gg su grog
5:2 a 8 Ba 82.... 9.2 T ...... ...... .52.... 89..» 2588
I 2:. $3.98. gaggw ran-.8:
...: . fluag. a
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... .....N bagel—EE
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u ..a w a “.8... 50.. ‘8
.... wivulunuamcn.
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man: ENE-.... Ed Mun «£3853. 7.82.16..."
_ 9V giggn .9052: ..omE...o:8ucowono.u.§ 3383.9 awn... g
all flin ouogoafi .... 855... 3:88 mi... min... Ea 3:82.
angina—go ......» o. loo .
uging. 23:94. BEE..." «9.88. .... SB... 5.0.383.
>39." ....» <2...5.8.
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n g igu I...» . Wag—o . EOE—d
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:n. Refinanon. 5.3.2. o: ...< 8.8...
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a... a 8 u Egan...
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....E. s 32. .. c3058
gusggomuafiflegsz ...G.
. . 853.
2. women...” «.93. a 8 ...o 263%.. begun. 8:8. £95.. ...... 2.: ...... o. x E. :3
rwgao 3.3338 . >50. . E
3.530.. . o. .. 5...». .u
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a Air:
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.. r... .4. ,. v. . .
.I I . r 1...a ".
. . 3.... .......~..._.. h... an...
kn» 1 3* u. . h.
In I!!! fish.
. f
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3.. 02...:
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a 3.2: 82.5 <25 2. 282 5o 552...: an 2.22.. r .8
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mi. N. .n.:..o...
b— .u.<.no E. M 22.0 5.. 232.2 . on $22.. 2 .
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:3 30.32.... x.
A.. 2... x. 8 ,
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.afifiAo.maa u.
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0.5.22. n . .0 o... 262.02.... cm 5...... 8:62 .22 2&8. ..
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O. . Una..- .‘33. as...» I... .3 is...
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2...... d... 2... .6 Eamon
3. En @503... <22...
£58 . 3.38:8 5a 8325...: 0., x Ac 0.. :.
)3! u 2... . A... >2. nonvienx
... omnauaao...8€5o
A: 50 guano... 352:. 50 3.22.. was u 0...... 2...... Eu... 0...... xoana..§.
”3:. . 8.3:... no.2...» o: 2.0
5:32. 3:22.: o 5: 2.23.. w.. Ac u o... a . 0...... >.: u . U «ACHx AN.
26 . . . :2... ugngfic. 5.2
EB... . 45.3 o. 9.22... .
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.h. x A3. .
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gn go gg ofigufia . 2. So 3... 3. . «Emil—+3.
225.: 8 51225. . . Eu... 2%.... A3322... man 2.
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an an. . 2.: 368 2. 3:9... . :53...- n... ....§=82:u.s
.90 28% 2.5.2.. 828882.... 5.5:. o. :30 .328... =3. dmor
c». a 22.2.. .a 2.95. E m<m83m . 1..
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_ .. < Ac u o. A:
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a. : n I .. «$88 223
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«.263. 0: En Qua 0.. >3. .
. 003......205 D. a 9:23.... <...o=... 9. 3.62 I]
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:30 368... 2.6... n £32... a... 2.....- 2.2...
.53 2.22...
.. 29.... u 0.4.1....
AFN»: .. 4.13.313...
at... N . w:...8.:m . S. . I .o 58:92... 50 via-8.7.3.
033.22... 2.... A0... 23:223....
23.2 .. . .. 1:71....
. A76 u 0.9....
> 832.2; E... $.23 >5...
. .. 2.3. 2. .5 5.. 8.22.. 2.2.0.. 923.
@3088... u 82.2.2; 9:2. 2 Ar 6 n w A. I r... 50 $.22:
2.2... And 2.2.... 2... .. a...» Anus. a.
@898. 2.2.5. 2.252.. eAuAu..u§Au.+a.
8:32.... 2...... And 2%.. .
. 2 .8 2.6....
u. 022. . «A5 u x a... gon<§£§8§
d... O... 2.2... a. 5n .:
2.. on n... 2.22 .. .m 22.3... .3. x8 m5. u .
2... a... Q. 826:... U23 2...... 3. .r. 32...... 2... 2.6... .a
2. 5.. 22.2.. .. 252 2.2.8.. 3. u. u. A... u a. A... + a
2. 3. .3 a. 28...: A:. 5 u. x A... I .c.
.: . $2.... .9. .u 2...... 2.25... 8:2»? mo 8 .22 2...... A...
m8... N n ”02:23 : 3 : I . 98.5.5... a... 2.25:: 2
H 2.23.2. =5 25.... w A... .u 28 32.32.. .9... .. .a 285.222
983.. 2.... A0... 23.2.. ...
. 1..-... u 1.7.... 9. tanning."
> 9.88.... 5....» 3.... 2.22 m5. u . mica . A:. .c a v. A: I 5.. 9.. 3.22.. .m E..." <52... .
: .. 25:2. 2 5a 2.2
d... .8258 .< 8 on n . .
2: $.22. 12. 22... 3:32. <28 2. x As. .8 82.5 5...... .u v.5...
p.20 .23.... 3.2.... 2. ...o . mafia... .2888 2...... AU... 2.2.... o. a 0223.? a ...o 2.22... 3.2.3.. 3. 8.32.6
. 2... 32.5... 2.02.2 2.8.2.. .252... 328.. we «.3: «<22: .. «8...? .
.58 3.2.2. .838: 52: a .56 ad 2a.... 2 .8252. 02.3.0:- n3..2.c2.. 2. 3.18:8. .
. .. u. «A2711...
5.0 U... 2%... 2 so .: 2.. 2q D... 35.2. . ...._
2... 5.. D... 82.2... . .m .822. .. 1:73.13 ~.<A:.u_xA:._
. 2. a... 2.22.. E. x A... to... x AI 3 52...... 85.5 3 22.. 398:8. .55. :52... _
a 2522. 3. .< A3. u. <A:.u..A...+:xA:I.. 8.25 2.2.2. .55.. a. a A.... as... 88 2. 3.2.5 35...... 9o. ..
gm m..m<-m:..:.:=m
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.. Wigwam? _ on taking plum‘ an earth station hi. . _
In this type of communication. the communication takes space crali. The above elimition can be Written as
place between a single transmitter and a single receiver as shown Problem:
- 1-11
in Fig. 2.40).
Every communication system has to deal with the presence
of - X“) a Here A1 a ‘l 1 0
“-25. . ‘A 7-1
of the received Signal lags: ('1‘) T [PT “- WI]
Boththesidcsofthepointtopointlinkhaveatransmitteund channel noise. which degrades the quality
.nd ‘ n ‘32
Ana. : impulseapplied at any time “nT’[8(l—‘t)ish(t-'t)]. frequencies present in in: Signal. ls high compared to the WWW“) a>o
Convolution is a nuthematical operation which is used as a it indicates that if unit impulse is delayed by '1‘ then impulse properties of ConVolutio
n Integral - Ann: M
tool by communication engineers for system analysis. probability response is also delayed by the same amount.
Some of the important prop: Given: x(t)=e"u(t) Ind h(t)=
tries of convolution inner-l m
theory and transform calmlations. Convolution can be performed According to the definition of linear convolution. given below. n(t)
in time as well as frequency domain. x(t) = e“u(1)andh(1:)=
(a) Commutative prom :
xtt)‘y(t)= ix(r)~y(:—r)dr .‘.h(-1)=u(—l)
The convolution of two functions x(t) and y (t) is defined as.
If rtl may. nalax(t)andh(-t)are
mesignalsthen sho wn 'in Figs. 3.3(a) and (b)
Convolution: x(t)'y(t)= lx(t).y(t-1:)dt lnthiscasewrite. x1(l)*xq(t) = x2(t)‘x1
...(l) (l) ...(3)
(b) Distributive property : 7 713 $"' e“
functionsx(t)andy(t)whicharebeing convolved.1'heintegration Here h (t - 1:) is response of 1.11 system to input 5 (t). ...(4) ._:7 7'
Where x3 ( t ) is another signal.
isalwayspcrformedwithrespeatoadurnmyvariablesuchast [ll-16¢) Fig. 3.3(a) (ll-1m Fig. 33(5)
andtisu-eatedasaconstantsofarastheintegrationisconoemcd. ya) = norm): lx(t)-h(t-'t)d't (1:) Associative property :
According in definition of convolution integral.
The process of convolution involves following operations of y (1:) This property states that.
whilethesignalxmreminsunchangcd: Repreeentation of or. Signal In tonne of impuieee :
x,(t)![x2(i)#x3(t)]=[x1(t)ex2(1)]ax3(n "‘(5) H!) = I x(t)h(-1:+t)dr
1. Foldingor'timereversaltoobtainy(—t). Consider a signal it (t) which will be first approximated as a
setofpulseofdurationTas show-ninFig. 3.2. Thefunctioncanbe. 0. 2 The input and impulse reeponaea of continuous
2. Timeshifiingthefoldcdsignaly(—t)toobtainy(t—‘t). Case]: lft<0:
then expressed as. time system are given below. Find out output at
3. Multiplication ofx(t)andy(t—t). no the continuous time ayaterna using appropriate 'Iherowillnotbeanynveriapprn' g.
4. lntegntionoftbeproclucttennx(t)-y(t-t).
x (t) = 2 “man—m method.
iii-rifll‘l '17
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H'-AQ.L _
. . = I “ — ’ i («m—r»
convolutionareasfollows: 0. 6 Explain tabular method of convolution. Addition -.® 2 4 2 4 .10 ___o_” i e: x(n) l. multipliedhy (2)
Thu-n. a.“
nauw mu w
Ana. :
l. Foldingopentionfltindicatcsfoldingofsequencehfi). 26555 " 2 fillet: valueaareobtauicdbyadding
k) This is the simplest method of performing linear convolution. all digitaincorrecpmdingcolm
2. momma:ltindicaiectimeshiflingofh(- 0 ,h () 2
l.h ()l (no-mm 3.7
egh(-k+l). MIG!) : {x($).x(l).x(2)]andh(n) = l h (T)
x (k) and Step]: Formtl'ie . asshowninFig.3.4: This result of multiplication is same as linear convolution. 2 (2x1) (2x2) (2x1) (2x2)
3. Multiplication : It indicates multiplication of
Asrangeofy(n)isfromy(-3)toy(3).Sothefirsttermfrom 2 (2x1) (2x2) (2x1) (2x2)
h(n-k). i) L.H.S. represents the value of y ( - 3 ). Now mark the arrow at the 4 (—lxl) (-1x2) (-lxl) (-lx2)
. . .. I “T x“) x(2) position ofy(0).1'husoutputy(il)canbewrittenae.
4. Summation : it indium addition of all product terms l (l x l) (l x2) (1x1) (1x2)
, 11(0) y(n) = (]
obiainedbecauseof multiplication of x(k)andh(n—k). (1))
i(-3) lit-2) iH) i )
l " ,
1 " u[n] Verify this result using tabulation mathod shown in Fig. 3.8.
0.5 Convolvnx In1' (*)
3 I 1 wltlihln]=(-)
un 2 h(n) 11(1) xn I”
4 I/Y()1
’2’ It! 3’
Ant. : Given : x (n) = (%) u(n) and h (n) = (%) u(n) z’i’l’z,’ 1/ 2
(ti-amFIg. 3.4 : Matrix of {(n) and h (n) I I I
According to definition of convolution
Interchange the positions of x (n) and h (n).
. volntltfgd X (n) ' (1.2.1’ 21"“
Step 2 : Multiply the corresponding elements of x (n) and h (n)
HI!) = E x(K)h(n-K) as shown in Fig. 3.5 : ' HI!) fizz-#11
Ks-oc .
. . ‘A .7 l ‘ -
. Begum . 3;) mandala—19
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) ."(P -:-
:01 “E3“ (1‘
miuhnguwiuonmfiodiesu- I 2
y(n) ‘5
y(-3) - 2
k z — no
; 3- ammonium.
and delayed sennenoe
( n k ) is folded
= 2+486 In an; equation x n of 9mm:
As per the dCfinltIO
ence h ( k ) is unchanged. y 1 (n) a X(n)* Mn) “Maths! linearoonvolulion‘
yt-i) = -i+i+2=5 while sequ as. Now mu
' m
n (4) can be written armada»: y.(n)=x(n)tli I in)
l—2+2+4=5 convolution Equatio mm" i ”M“ “113B“!)‘h.(n
y(0) = “ )]+[x(n
‘ ”~11“)0h,‘(n-ll
y(3) - 2
yin) =
2', hum-Mn-k . according to Equation (8); y
( l'l ) ' obtained' Proof:
computlllg convolution of y.(n)a
y(2) = l-2=-1 k=—~ ndh,(n) l-l
input signal to the L’l'l system whose
'3 by
Considerthekns. m f "no,
-. y(n)- i2.6.5.$.5.-l.2l = h(n)*x(n) ---(5) impulse Mimi‘s??n?.
0 Elm” (10). "WWRW
The output of this system is y (
n ). mammm
' ‘ n ‘
y (n).
Thus from Equa tions (1)and(5)we get. represented asshown in Fig. 3.100)). Hit) a lx(n)‘h.(n)l+lxtnl'hgtnll
...(6) V n ‘3
WWoi‘Uno-rcimvolutlon. *X( n)
y(n) = xtn)*h(n)=h(n) .411.)
m: olution is commutative.
r conv
Hence proved that linea
'l'hepropenies oflinearconvolutionaregivenas: as shown 2'33; Omput WNMWWwWofe-wmvm union:
: Graphically it is presented vtn)=v1(n)'h2(n)
2.Associativepmperty Graphical presentatlon vi(n)=. X(n)‘h(n)
I. Conumtative property . and yd“) x(n).h;(u) "1.11)
in Fig. 3.9. (BMW's-3.10“»- Y(n)=y‘(n)ohz(n)
3. Distributivepruperty. ens)
. ‘
“I us tcimplementEquation y(n) = Yi(fl)+¥;(n) «(14)
(l)wc havetoconnect (cascade)
1. continue-mom: Outiwt
i—I—o—uw F MW ' y(n) : hin) ‘ x(n) two systems shown in Figs. 3.9 and 3.|0(a). This cascade
0M" WWW (12) and (13). n indicaea rim these up
States-ell : It states that linear convolution is commutative X0" 1' ' fin) = 1m) . Mn)
connection is shown in Fig. 3.10”
two [.11 systems whose inpulse responses IIBlIflII)Mh‘(ll).
meaning”: xin)¢h(n)=h(n)‘8(n) lniqiomntdungisdmdiesameinputsignal xtu) isappliedb
Xinlthtnl=h(n)*xtn) bothayxtema.WliileEquatim (l4)sliowatliatwehavetolddtlie
2. Aaeoclatlvo property:
Proof:Thelinearconvolutionofxtn)andh(n)isgivenby. outputsoftl'iesetwoL'l'lsystentThispi'oceatisteprueuted
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>30. . 5.0 9.8... m2... guano:
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.. .m. gnaag omgaaasaan.
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a... ymoaxfianu. u
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mafia—om. H. .m 3.88:5. a.
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32... 28.. 30...... .m 038...q 3 .5... 88.... can.
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u. 2.5.3.. a... p.552... n 7. + z :3.....£3:..i.-..+..~£.-~.+...
. “caesium?
z.§ .;
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0.3... 3:3... 9308:. .
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o. FEE... an... .. 395. ...
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wwmmmmuumup-ifl . 'd'mwispafmwl
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wfihflmmmmmum Ans. lfiowgzphisgnphmlmmmof
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Scanned by CamScanner
a \. flyirrfi: : "'
3200 Hz» intonation about the "pitch" or the Speech than and m Fig. H.303) shows the block diagram of a voice decoder.
information about whether the speech is voiced or unvoiced, m
Balanced Bandpass
Swiwh waveform moduiators litters
deterrrtined by whether
sound is voiondunvoiced
in such a way that the-
The speech model shown in Fig. ”.2 simulates the voiced The input signal is liltemd by this filter
sounds by an impulse generator whose frequency is equal to the required him“ PNW°
in Fig. 11.2 [for
fundamental frequency of the vocal cords. All the vocoders employ the scheme shown
of speech. A vctce
The noise source simulates the unvoiced sounds. The switch generation of a synthesized approximation .
position determines whether the sound is voiced or unvoiced. coder or voooder consists of voice encoder and vctce decoder.
The selected voiced or unvoiced sound is then passed through
a filter. which simulates the effect of the mouth. throat and nasal
passage of the speaker on the generated sound. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Unvoioed sounds
Voiced sounds
0.: Whatlavclcooncoderandvoicodocodnr?
'. "l' ,7 ' .
Ant. : Fig. ll.3(a) shows the block diagram of a voice encoder.
Bandpass litters
, m. “saga
Scanned by CamScanner
Signals and Systems (MU) 1 ~73
Signals and Systems (MU)
This avoids need to download the entire file before
Streaming : beginning
R - Fl interval
an audio or video file after the downloading has begun. 3. continue"! P ayo '
t. Streaming eteredaudlo/vldeo: dia content begins, it is
Once the playout of the multime
i inal timing of recording Thi
In "115 type of intemet service the audio / video files are
necessary to p ‘ 'c: Zeciam:o(r)rlstgraints on data delivery.
stored on a server in the compressed
form. A user (client) uses ,8
requirement puts mu
Internet to download these stored files. onto his machine. This y _
Streaming Live Audio lild Video ' Fig. 11.5
examples of .this service are : stored songs.
books. educational This is similar to traditional broadcast radio
lectmes. movres. TV shows. video clips etc. and TV. except The Fetal Heart Rate (HR
Streamed stoned audio for one change that transmi55l0n takes place 0"" ) is obtained from 11.n
I vrdeo service is also lmown as on ”“3 Internet. of the waveform shown in Fig. interval
demand audio / video. 11.5. BCG is having P-wave
2. Streaming live audio I video : complex wave and QRS
lntemet radio : T wave . Instantaneous heart
rate is obtairied by
measured EEG produces
an error signal. e (k).
60.000lying time interval . between R-to
In this category the audio / video
infomurtion is being After it became possible to stream audio over the Internet, -R (in nulls
‘ ‘ econds) by This signal is applie
d to PID (Proportional
streamed live on the Internet and the Derivntive) control: to genera -Integral-
user is listening I watching the commercial radio stations started broadcasting their contents over te the required control signal.
A suitable DSP algorithm The signal C (k) is applied C (it).
broadcast live. The examples of this the Internet. There are two general approaches followed. In the first is u sed succe
service are : Internet radio and ssive QRS complex to pharmacokinetic I phatam
waveform and from this. R-ro.R i dynamic model and this aco-
Internet TV (live cricket match broadcas one. the programs are prerecorded and stored on disk. Listeners can nterval is calculated model generates a signal
t). In the live streaming value of corresponding FHR. . It gives I (k) to determine
there is no need to download the The shape of QRS the rate at which. drug is
stored audio / video files from a download any of these programs for listening. injected in to the patient body.
complex The signal
server. to patient. The obtained I (k) operates infusion pump
which controls the flow rate
The other approach is to broadcast live over the lntemet. ECG of dmg.
3. Interactive audio / video : With this technique. buffering on the users side is necessary to
smooth out jitter. The Internet radio should use multicasting with on the basis of similarity.
WMW- Itu ’
This service enables the users to interactiv
ely communicate RTP/RTSP protocols. The streaming live audio/video is not stored.
with each other via Internet. The
examples of this service are a, 6 Explain DSP based
Hence a client cannot fast forward through the media.
Internet telephony and interact teleconfe
rencing. For all these
closed loop controlled
applications the audio and video informati However local stomge is always possible. which makes the anaesthesia.
on has to be in the digital
form. Hence it is necessary to first other interactive applications possible. Distribution of live Ans. :
digitize the sound and video
information and then it should be compresse audio/video to many receivers can be accomplished using the IP In case of surgery; anaesth
d to reduce the esia is injected to the patient
bandwidth required to transmit it. multicasting technique or using separate unicast streams. A proper amount of drug to induce 0. 7 Claealty modulation eyetem. Explain
anaesthesia is required to inject All.
Real Time Interactive Audio and Video: in the patient body. Extra amount
Streaming Stored Audio and Video : of drug produces side effects. as Ans. :
well as less amount of
In this class of applications. people are allowed drug can produce psychological Depending on which characteristics
This is the class of applications which allows the to use of the carrier is being
clients to consequences for a long term. changed. the modulation systems are
request for compressed audio or video files which are audio/video to communicate with each other in real time. classified as shown in '
stored on the So it is required to make necessary
servers. Stored audio files may contain educationa Real time interactive audio over the intemct is called as changes in the dose of fig. ”'7'
l lectures. songs anaesthetic drugs and to control the anaesthesia. Using DSP. a
and other recorded audio stufi'. Stored video files Internet phone. This can provide local. PBX and long Modulation SW9“
may contain distance closed loop system can be designed
movies. TV shows. documentaries. cartoons telephone service at a very low cost. to monitor the does of
or music video clips. anaesthesia and it is an automatic system.
o This class of applications has three distinguis This service also facilitates some special services Amplitude Modulation
hing factors as such as : But. this system requires an accurate measurement Annie Modulation.
follows: of the (Amplitude of the carrier is varied ,
1. Web phone integration 2. Group real time communica according to instantaneous magnitude
tion depth of anaesthesia and it requires a feedback signal
1. Stored media 1 Streaming to monitor oi modulating signal)
3. Directory services 4. Caller filtering the delivery of dose.
3. Continuous playout. ‘
Real time interactive video is also called as video EFG represents. electrical activity of the brain and it contains
t. Storedmedla: conferencing. Here the users communi
cate visual] useful information for diagnostic of neurological disorders. From osasc SSE-SC VSB FM PM
as well as (Dmble side
orally. (Single dds (Vestlgial (Frequency (Phase
The mulu'media content has been Pm’d y the EEG signals; the features like bispectral index Audiotory band band aide bard) mutton) meditation)
ed ”d 5‘0"“ 3‘ The delays should not be longer than 400 Evoked Response (AER) are extracted and then the depth of suppressed suppressed ‘
the server. So it is possible msec.
operations on the “and contents:for the user to make following anaesthesia is determined.
carrier) carrier)
0. 5 What in fetal ECG monitoring
? Basically AER signal gives information from consciousness (it-34) Fig. 11.7 : Classification of modulation system
1. Pause 3. Fast forward
2. Rewind Ant: to unconsciousness condition of the patient. But these AER signals
4_ Index through. Amplitude Modulation (AM) :
2. Streaming : Electrical activity of a heart is are usually small and they are mixed up with EEG. So a proper
called as electrocardiogram _
(ECG). Fetal ECG represents electric Definition :
al activity of the baby’s heart. system is required to extract these AER signals and then process it
In a streaming stored audio/video It is similar to the adult ECG
waveform. The Fetal ECG Amplitude modulation (AM) or Amplitude Modulation with
applications. a client starts (FECG) A bispectrai index is obtained by performing spectrum
playout of the audio/video
a few seconds after receiving
contains five peaks namely
PQRST. This waveform is Full Carrier (AM-PC) is the process of changing the amputation;
the file shown in analysis of EEG. It gives infomration about the changes in
from the server. 80 the
client plays out audio/video Fig. 11.5. high frequency sinusoidal carrier signal in proportion With-x .
from one frequency components of EEG at different consciousness levels. A
location in the file when instantaneous value of modulating signal. ,
it is receiving later parts block diagram of DSP based closed controlled anaesthesia system
of the same file
from the server. This techn
ique is called as streaming is shown in Fig. 11.6. Fig. 11.8 shows the amplitude modulated wave when the
@s— modulating signal is a sinusoidal signal.
r 7 ~— a.—
I ' r _
Scanned by CamScanner
'l'hefreqneneyo 3 'lhe time domain display of AM signal is as Shown
fthe sinusoidal carri
that of the lllDdula er is much higher than - Ft ll 8 This AM signal is transmitted by a transmmu.
ling signal.
2. lnAMtbeinatan information in the AM signal is contained in the “flip“
laneoua amplitude variations of the carrier of the envelope show by dotr
fiequency Car of the sinusoidal high
rier is damage ed line.
d in proportion
to the in Fig. l 1.8.
PincipleofAM m odulating signal. This 4 The frequency and phase of the carrier remain constant,
. is the MWEXW
AM is used in the applications such as radio transmissi Nofimlly such sys
transmission etc. on. TV tem are '
¥ Openloopryrtem mum
isgivenbelow: ;
lammrhouham Enntplu -E 0f
w Drter:
net-kenneari mhot‘homr
Innd.'l'lteprocec iewer
s geaeratea mwihdn‘:
the taunting awhirlofhotlir
0.9 ...(4)
OXIII'IMO. n?Exptolnw
Ans. : An ope
n loop system is
correct the change one which does
(tr-u) Fig. 11.8: AM in output by adju not automatically
“Velez-m for sinu definition would sting the input sign
soidal mod Mati be as follow. A al. A formal
ng aten-l action is totally inde sysrem in which
0.! Explnlnl-‘ro pendent of the outp the Control
queneyspaetmmo ut of the system is
Anew tthoAIIWava. open loop system. called as
9AM = Er: one that +
.rlgm(m c + damn + $00901 A generalized bloc
Thefiequencys »: — mm” k di agram ofaope
pecuumisa grap in Fig. “.10. n loop system is show
Yaxismfiequmc h of amplitude Carrier n
yonXuitefrequen on Upper aideband
mummahunwmd cySpwuumofA Lower aideband
ihequmey compon M
Aaeudwhaure entsarepreeentindie - (p.137)
their Intplitndes.So°on Observations :
qMw-ve sidertheequation
lr’ 7‘ —.”fi 7
.L‘JK "x\"‘ k". ,,
Scanned by CamScanner
1 ~80 signals and Systems (MU)
Signals and Systems (MU) fl
ihe an“
temperature falls bea
ified range. When the , heating rs sin
3. Noise : Noise is an undesired input si 31 1'81
temperature. The A.C. is constantly checking the temperature of the range
started and when it exceeds
- A
inflicting is system should be insensitive to go signals
so“ A”mm In the feedrorward system. the co ‘ve do“ u. . i i
the room and based on the temperature. it switches on or switches such input
off the compressor. Listed below are a few day-to-day examples of
closed loop systems.
Thus it is closed loop
control action (which initiate
depends on the output
with reSpect to terrrpe
s heating or not heatin
temper ature.
ramre as line
g the coil)
In this.- the “Emma;
u "1.. ‘ e . mmmm 22?: 2221?.2'mam “ m..r..
Stability : Stability means bounded input and bounded
. good ‘ ' ' '
significantly improve the overall performan
and feedback control can u
Cloned Loop Examples : temper ature. This is fed back to a ce as enamored to a
constantly checks the output output. In the absence of the inputs. the simple feedback control whenever there
is a major disarm that
switches OFF the heater. This is output should tend to
Example of the close loop system is given below. comparator which switches ON or “'0 as time increases A 800d control a
ystem response is can be measured before it
' affects the system.
Example 1 - Automatic Electric irons : the principle of closed loop temperature control. Refer Fig. 11'13' '_ stable for all variations.
O. 15 Explain adaptive control w. l
An Automatic Electric Iron regulates the temperature of iron 5' Bandwidth : Operating frequency range
decides the Ann. :
such that for a given cloth selection the temperature remains in a bandwidth of any
Contml system. system. For
bandwidth frequency response of a good I‘
should An misprive Control Syttem ‘ts one that
s . A 00d can" 1 '
continuously and .'-i
Desired belarge. . automatically measures the dynamic characteristics (such as
6. peedm g f 0 system should have high speed. the '
transfer function or state equation) of
Hence e output 0 system should be as first as lmsibk~ the plant. 0011mm them
with the desired characteristics and use. the difference to my
7. Oscillation : For [good control system. oscillations of output
the i
adjustable system parameters so that optimal performance can he
should be constant or sustained. -
maintained regardless of environmental changes. It can also be
a. 14 Explain feed forward systems. defined as follows. Adaptive Control Systems continuously
Fig. 11.13 : Automatic electric iron
measure its own performance index. compares it with given
Ans. :
The feedback element could be a R'l'D. a thermocouple or a thermostat
As per feedback systems (closed loop systems) perform
performance index and modify parameters such that optimal
performance is given under all possible operating conditions.
correction and adjust the output based on the reference input
servomechanisms is the position sensor. The position sensor signal. in feed forward systems the output of one stage of the The block diagram of a Adaptive Control System is shown in
measures the position of the servomotor and converts it into an Fig. [1.16.
control system is sent to a later stage to improve the overall
our: :‘3 eiecuicai signal that the control system can use.
3354‘s performance of the control system. It is used whenever there are
L-us s. 1..
A typical block diagram of position control servomechanism disturbances present.
is shown in Fig. “.14.
Shown is Fig. ”.15 are block diagrams : one of a feedback
No feedback. Hence Feedback exists. Hence
fwdback elements Reference Position system and another one with feedback as well as feedforward. in
feedback elements exists.
position output . feedback systems. the corrective action starts only after the output
has been affected.
I 2. I No error detector. I Error detector is present. Disturbance
o. 12 Explain eervomechenleme.
feedback element. Because of feedback element. system 2. Decision making based on that identification
becomes closed loop system. In closed loop control systems. Output
Ana. :
input 3'9““ 3. Modification based on such identification.
steady state error tends to zero. signal
Servomechanisms are closed loop systems where the The process of identification includes using test signals
To increase the accuracy. an error detector should be present be no
feedback signals are used to control position. speed. velocity. stochastic signal analysis. Nonmlly identification should
in control system.
acceleration etc (position or time derivatives of position). time consuming.
Sensitivity : A control system senses changes in output due will measure the -
Servo voltage stabilisers in which position of the secondary
to environmental or parametric changes, internal disturbance Decision making based on identification
tap is controlled using servo motors is an example s it will begin to initiate
of or any other parameters and corrects the same. A good present performance and if it is not optinul.
servomechanisms. Since servomechanisms are used
to control ' (b) Feedback with feed forward new changes.
position, one of the most important components control system should be insensitive to such parameter
of s bill Fig. 11.15
very sensitive to the input signals.
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