Six Sigma Implementation and Integration Within Project Management
Six Sigma Implementation and Integration Within Project Management
Six Sigma Implementation and Integration Within Project Management
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Gothenburg, Sweden 2017
This thesis was carried out in a Southeast Asian EPC company based in Indonesia,
as a mandatory requirement for Master’s degree in Chalmers University of Technology.
The thesis was conducted from January 2017 until June 2017 by a student from M.Sc.
International Project Management course.
In 2015, a survey from PMI found that there were only 64% of projects which met their
goals. The projects included ones conducted in Engineering, Procurement, and Construc-
tion (EPC) companies. The bigger projects were more likely to encounter bigger problems,
which results in poor performance which ultimately affected the quality of projects. As
a result, more companies are seeking quality improvement methodologies like Six Sigma
and merging it within the project management framework. This provided an excellent
opportunity for a thesis study, which was to investigate how an EPC company works with
quality management and what leads to successful integration of Six Sigma methodology
in EPC project management framework. The aim of the study was to identify the success
factors, benefits and constraints of Six Sigma implementation in project management, so
as to successfully merge it to the knowledge areas within project management framework.
A qualitative approach was used to perform this study. The study included state
of the art literature review and a case study. Data for the study was gathered through
semi-structured interviews with employees from the case company. In addition to the
interviews, data was also obtained from internal documentation. There were three main
theoretical frameworks used in this study: the Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology, Six Sigma
Project Management, and Six Sigma Implementation Success Factors. The foundation for
the findings and discussions in this study are generated through these theories.
The study disclosed that quality has not been the main concern in EPC projects.
Albeit there has been sets of standardisation to achieve a certain level of quality, the EPC
company has not really felt the necessity in enforcing it rigorously. Also, there are several
challenges connected to the project management practices such as poor communication,
inefficient project processes, disintegrated and complicated workflows, and limited access
to project information. After challenges were identified, the existing framework within Six
Sigma DMAIC was updated based upon the expected success factors for ideal vision of
project lifecycle from the empirical findings, to accommodate solutions for the identified
challenges. This thesis resulted in providing an updated framework for Six Sigma project
management in EPC context. The identification of success factors for Six Sigma imple-
mentation in EPC projects and its benefits are seemed to outweigh the constraints. It is
recommended for future research to further investigate the real cause of the low awareness
of quality management in EPC projects, formulate a better standardised workflow for EPC
industry, and investigate the suitable type of organisation structure for EPC projects.
Keywords: quality, Six Sigma, Six Sigma implementation, Six Sigma in EPC,
project management, engineering procurement construction, EPC, Southeast Asian
EPC industry
I would like to thank my supervisor, Christian Koch, for his guidance, valuable
feedback, and the time he has devoted throughout this research.
I would also like to thank my case company supervisor Andhika for his patience,
guidance and support regarding the case company resources. A grateful thank you is
also directed to all the knowledgeable engineers at the case company, the Six Sigma
consultant, Asrizal, and the Construction Management researcher, Kajsa, for their
supports, insights or advices in the making of this thesis.
Lastly, I would also like to dedicate this thesis to my friends and family for
their endless love, support, and encouragement.
List of Tables xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Purpose of the Study and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Research Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.5 Limitation and Delimitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.6 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Methodology 7
2.1 Research Methodological Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Research Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Research Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3.1 Literature Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3.2 Empirical Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Data Collection Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.1 Primary Data: Interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4.2 Secondary Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.5 Data Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 Data Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3 Literature Review 15
3.1 Introduction to the review of the literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.1 The Basic Principles of Project and Project Management . . . 16
3.2.2 Project Success Measures and Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2.3 Project Management Core Competencies and Knowledge Areas 17
3.2.4 Project Management Methodologies and Lifecycles . . . . . . 17
3.3 Six Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.1 Six Sigma Framework and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.2 Six Sigma Techniques and Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.4 Six Sigma Project Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4 Contextual Review 27
4.1 Energy, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Firms and Projects . 27
4.2 Quality Management in EPC Firms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3 Six Sigma in EPC Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.4 Case Company Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5 Empirical Findings 33
5.1 Quality Management and Quality Improvement in EPC Projects . . . 33
5.1.1 Driving Factor for Quality Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.1.2 Management Support and Projects’ Quality Improvement . . . 35
5.2 EPC Project Management Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2.1 Engineering Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
5.2.2 Procurement Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.2.3 Construction Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3 Views from Professional Practitioners on Six Sigma Implementation
in EPC Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3.1 Current Condition of Quality Management in EPC Projects
and Construction Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3.2 Critical Success Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.3.3 Considerations, Benefits, and Obstacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.4 Summary of Empirical Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Bibliography 69
References 69
A Appendix A I
A.1 Relevant Terms and Concepts within Project Management . . . . . . I
A.2 Examples of Six Sigma Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II
B Appendix B V
B.1 Table of key activities, products, key players, and success factors for
ideal vision in EPC projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
C Appendix C VII
C.1 List of Interview Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
C.1.1 Views on Quality Management in Projects . . . . . . . . . . . VII
C.1.2 Define – Initiating and Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
C.1.3 Measure and Analyse – Executing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
C.1.4 Improve – Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII
C.1.5 Control – Controlling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII
C.1.6 Six Sigma in General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VIII
List of Figures
List of Figures
List of Tables
6.1 Summary of key activities and success factors for ideal vision in EPC
projects (on elaboration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
6.2 Success factors and scale items (Sharma and Chetiya, 2012) found in
EPC projects (on elaboration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
List of Tables
This chapter begins with the background of the thesis. The background is then fol-
lowed by purpose of the study, statement of the problem along with the research
questions, demarcations, and thesis outline.
1.1 Background
Many large infrastructure projects have strikingly poor performance records,
where it is mostly caused by cost overruns (Flyvbjerg, Bruzelius, & Rothengatter,
2003). In 2015, there was only 64% of projects which met their goals (PMI, 2015),
including the construction projects conducted in Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction (EPC) companies. Big projects usually encounter big trouble in their
projects, which affect the performance and quality of projects. These poor perfor-
mance might have been caused by ineffective project management methods under
the classic project management framework, as they are unable to quantify the value
added activities within those projects (Harrington, 1991). Therefore, more com-
panies are seeking for quality improvement methodologies to be implemented in
the projects, in order to avoid project failure and to enhance the project success
(Dahlgaard & Mi Dahlgaard-Park, 2006), where Six Sigma is one of them.
Tenera and Pinto (2014) suggest that a great potential for integration between
project management practices and Six Sigma is available, where solutions to prob-
lems and opportunities will be found by Six Sigma, whilst the formal procedure for
the implementation of the solutions will be provided by project management stan-
dards. With Six Sigma tools, project managers will also be able to perform more
effectively and achieve innovative results (Rever, 2010), thus will enhance project
success through the reduction of completion cost and time throughout the entire
project life-cycle; from design in engineering, supplying and allocating resources
in procurement, to the construction phase itself. Applications of the Six Sigma
method will allow integration of the knowledge of the process with statistics, en-
gineering, and project management, thus will enhance the competitive advantage
of an organisation (Anbari, 2002). The benefit of applying Six Sigma method to
technology-driven, project-driven organisations are great, despite of the challenges
that the organisations have to undergo in the initial phase (Kwak & Anbari, 2006).
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Initially, Six Sigma was designed as a pure quality management method for
production and manufacturing processes (Brue and Howes, 2004). However, with
the heavy pressure from globalisation, more organisations and companies have dis-
covered the advantages of Six Sigma in management as they have to maintain their
competitive advantages. Therefore, more projects executed in organisations have
become Six Sigma projects, as those projects were integrated with the principles of
Six Sigma management which can lead to the improvement of quality and reduction
of cost (Bertels, 2003). A lot of companies have benefited from implementing Six
Sigma in their projects; namely Ford Motor Co. who saved $300 million (Paton,
2000), Kodak who increased its productivity by 85% and Vertek who generated $6.8
million for its annual savings (Kwak & Anbari, 2006), and many other companies
in various industries.
There have not been many literatures which show how Six Sigma can be in-
tegrated within Project Management framework then enhance the EPC projects.
Therefore, there is a need for a structured framework that can meet the gap that
exists between Six Sigma and its use in EPC projects. The statement of problem
for this research would thereby revolve around how Six Sigma can be implemented
and integrated within Project Management framework in EPC projects.
1. Introduction
1. Introduction
the sixth chapter. The seventh chapter concludes the research by providing conclu-
sions, presenting the outcome based on the methodology, and suggestion for further
research in the future.
1. Introduction
This chapter begins with the introduction of this research methodology, which follows
abduction approach. The research strategy is then presented by justifying the nature
of the study, which is exploratory by building upon the existing knowledge with a
case study. Literature study and empirical study are used as the research method,
followed by data collection method which consists of interviews and secondary data
collection. Lastly, the method of data analysis and data validation is presented.
With the current theory in research methodology, this study research choice
lies on the qualitative research. Procedures and techniques from a research orien-
tation wer be used, which was interview. Generally, qualitative research is linked
to interpretivism, where the underlying meaning of events and activities need to be
interpreted (Bryman, 2015). Qualitative data analysis is associated with inductive
approach, where it is mostly concerned with the generation of theory. However,
Bryman (2015) states that there are some studies which employ qualitative research
as a test or explorative study instead of generation of theory. Björklund and Pauls-
son (2003) argued that an explorative study is suitable when there is little existing
knowledge in the field of study. Based on the aforementioned backgrounds in the
first chapter, an exploratory research based upon the existing knowledge is chosen
for this study.
As an exploratory research, this study adopts an abduction approach. Accord-
ing to Dubois and Gadde (2002, p. 559), this approach is “a refinement of existing
theories than on inventing new ones”, a combination of an induction and deduction
approach which switches between theory and reality. Dubois and Gadde (2002)
argued that a study will have a deeper understanding from both literature and em-
pirical sides if it is done back and forward between literature and empirical part. In
deduction approach, many variables are varied and the effect afterwards are anal-
ysed in order to investigate the relations. On the other hand, in induction approach,
there is little possibility of varying the factors as the effect is known already, where
the factors will then be analysed.
2. Methodology
2. Methodology
2. Methodology
Interviews were conducted with seven engineers from the case company. These
engineers were from Quality Assurance and Quality Control Division, Project Con-
trol Division, Engineering Department, Procurement Department, and Construction
Department in order to gain in-depth qualitative material. The information was
specifically obtained from the aforementioned divisions and departments on their
levels within the company’s organisation. Engineers were chosen as the interviewee
as they possessed not only specific competencies correlated with engineering deci-
sions which interlinks with quality, but also relevant experiences and insights which
were valuable for the study. However, the interviewees were also selected based upon
the given and available resources from the company itself. The interviewees were
asked about how the company views, works with, then develops quality, the level
of implementation of quality management tools within their projects, the way they
conduct their projects within project management framework in their company, then
to identify in which way Six Sigma attributes could be utilised within the company’s
projects, where the responses contributed to the exact ways of development of the
In additions to engineers from the case company, other interviews were con-
ducted with two professional practitioners, who were a Master Black Belt and has
been working as a Six Sigma consultant for 8 years and a Construction Management
researcher from a prominent Swedish construction company. A Master Black Belt
is an expert in Six Sigma tools and methods and has managed several Six Sigma
projects by utilising these tools, and will be described further in the next chapter.
The purpose of these second cycle interviews was to gain their insights of the possibil-
ity of Six Sigma implementation and integration within traditional PM framework in
EPC firms from the professional practitioner’s perspectives. Similar questions with
the interview questions for the case company’s interviewees were asked. This was
to compare the state of the art of the quality management according to an expert,
and the one which was exercised in the company.
Set of questions for the interview were designed to enquire the possibility of
implementation of Six Sigma and their related components. The list of interview
questions for both the case company and the professional practitioner was developed
under the framework of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC). The
framework of DMAIC will be presented further in the next chapter, in regards to
Project Management life cycle. The questions which were used are semi-structured
questions in order to provide both the interviewees and the interviewer with some
format, to help direct the responses, and to gauge the interviewees’ perceptions
of how they think Six Sigma could be integrated within traditional project man-
agement framework and practices in order to enhance the project success. With
semi-structured questions, the interviewees would be able to clarify questions and
vice versa, where the interviewer would be able to clarify responses as well. The list
of interview questions is presented in Appendix C.
2. Methodology
Skype Interview
Access to global research participants could be facilitated by online methods
such as Skype, which enable the online interview. As the case company is based
in Indonesia, the interviews were conducted through Skype. Face to face inter-
views with potential respondents who domicile in different geographical areas are
possible to be conducted, as Skype has made communication over large distances
more feasible (Deakin & Wakefield, 2014). Moreover, Skype interviews allow the re-
searcher and respondents to create an artificial and virtual space and time in order
to construct the research result for the researcher (Bertrand1 & Bourdeau1 , 2010).
According to Bertrand1 and Bourdeau1 (2010), Skype interview protocol has
the advantage by enabling the interviewer to record video as well as voice calls, as
long as the interviewees have given their consents. Skype interview with video let
both the interviewee and researcher participate in an exchange of relationship that
is visible to each other such as gestures, facial expression and verbal cues, which
can be considered as a successful interaction (Sullivan, 2012). With the voice calls,
verbatim can be produced in the same way as traditional interviews. However,
albeit research interview by Skype offers what it seems like freedom space to the
interviewees to end the network session, this provides a challenge for the interviewer
to gain a higher degree collaboration from the interviewees.
The Skype interviews were carried out on a one-to-one bases instead of a small
group. In order to select the appropriate interviewees, several discussions were done
with the supervisor from the case company to clearly address the purpose of the
study and the need of the data that was expected to be obtained. Afterwards,
the supervisor was able to connect and arrange several interviews with the relevant
and potential persons who work closely with quality and projects, which were the
case company’s engineers. According to the supervisor, these engineers already
possessed adequate knowledge and experience. Moreover, they worked closely and
directly with the quality in the projects. Therefore, the supervisor considered these
engineers as the suitable respondents for the interviews with their capacities. Along
with the recommendation from the supervisor, an email with the attachment of
the abstract of the study was sent to the prospective interviewees, requesting their
willingness to be interviewed. Afterwards, the list of interview questions was sent
beforehand when the schedules were already fixed, in order for the interviewee to
fully understand and reflect upon the questions before the interviews.
Ethical Consideration
This study involves interaction with the research participants who were in-
terviewed as the source to obtain the required information. Therefore, this study
incorporates ethical considerations throughout its lifecycle. The level of confidential-
ity of the data was clarified, where the information obtained from the interview was
used solely for the research purpose only. The interviews were proceeded after the
research participants’ willingness to participate were confirmed and were recorded
with the given participant’s consents to avoid missing any essential data which can
alter the result of the interviews. Participants were notified about their rights to
keep confidential information regarding how the company runs the projects off the
2. Methodology
record before the interview. Afterwards, the obtained information was clarified to
the research participants along with the presentation of analysed information to
prevent the misunderstanding and the faulty data.
2. Methodology
2. Methodology
Literature Review
This chapter provides the framework of understanding for the study, which presents
brief and relevant literatures in regards to Project Management, Six Sigma, and Six
Sigma Project Management.
3. Literature Review
3. Literature Review
Table 3.1: Project management knowledge areas and their objectives, based on
PMO Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (1998)
3. Literature Review
for development and stresses the importance of requirements (Hass, 2007). However,
this approach also has limitations, where projects rarely follow the sequential flow,
and clients usually find it difficult to completely state all requirements early in the
3. Literature Review
provement and recognised in Six Sigma is the DMAIC methodology. DMAIC phases
stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control as shown in Figure 3.2,
which are the key processes of a standard framework for a Six Sigma project. In
order to succeed while conducting a Six Sigma program within this framework, it is
necessary to finalise each phase before starting the next phase (Dirgo, 2005). Gen-
erally, each phase is connected to a set of specific tools which will provide a solid
base for the program.
The focus of the Define phase is to determine the magnitude of the project,
along with the project’s scope, problem statement, goals, stakeholders, milestones,
schedule, budget, resources, and expected project output (Gupta, 2006). In this
phase, tools which will be used during the upcoming phases start to be considered.
The Measure phase follows the Define phase, with focus on identifying the inputs to
the process which will affect the outputs. Identifying these inputs are done through
planning and developing data collection plans, gathering the necessary data and
selecting the proper Six Sigma tools (Magnusson, Kroslid, Bergman, Häyhänen, &
Mills, 2003). In the Analyse phase, various methods are used to gain a deeper
understanding of the outputs as well as the effect of the identified inputs to the
outputs based on the examination from the gathered data in the Measure phase.
The main cause in the problem statement is analysed in this phase, and the problems
is prioritised based on each of its impact to the quality (Dirgo, 2005; Gupta, 2006).
The fourth phase, Improve, focuses on selecting the best design solutions to the
problems then subsequently implement it to achieve the goals (Park, 2003). Lastly,
the selected solutions which have been implemented should be monitored to ensure
the achievement of the improvement targets in the Control phase (Magnusson et
al., 2003). This last phase of DMAIC framework is vital, as the goal is to keep the
continuous improvement while preventing the backwards at the same time (Park,
Another popular framework which is associated with Six Sigma follows DMADV
phases, which stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Design and Verify as shown in
Figure 3.3. DMADV is used to develop new products or services, whereas DMAIC
is primarily utilised to eliminate waste and improve existing process (Jones, Parast,
& Adams, 2010).
3. Literature Review
Figure 3.4: The Six Sigma Toolbox, adapted from Magnusson et al. (2003)
Several tools which have been widely used include Cause-and-Effect Diagram,
Pareto Chart, Process Mapping, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Design
of Experiments (DoE), Statistical Process Control (SPC), and other prominent tools.
Several most common tools which are usually utilised for Six Sigma program are
described in Appendix A.2.
3. Literature Review
3. Literature Review
Financial terms are usually the expected form of the outcomes of Six Sigma
projects, as they lead to a direct measure of achievement which provide a distinct
calibration of progress as well as a better measure of the impact of improvements
(Goh, 2002). However, Jones et al. (2010) stated that there have not been many lit-
eratures of the design and structure of Six Sigma projects, despite of many reference
to Six Sigma implementation as a systematic and structured process improvement
3. Literature Review
In addition to the aforementioned main factors, Kwak and Anbari (2006) also
identified four key elements of successful Six Sigma applications: 1) management
involvement and organisational commitment; 2) project selection, management, and
control skills; 3) encouraging and accepting cultural change; and 4) continuous ed-
ucation and training.
The lowest hierarchical level of the roles in Six Sigma project is White Belts
3. Literature Review
then followed by Yellow Belts, which are commonly not used. However, White Belts
refer to frontline staff, operators, and clerks in improvement projects. Yellow Belts
then followed by Green Belts, which are mainly project leaders for small projects,
or member of the improvement project itself. Green Belts are mainly responsi-
ble in applying Six Sigma tools in improvement projects (Magnusson et al., 2003),
familiarizing Six Sigma to local teams, and identifying as well as recommending
improvement projects (Pyzdek, 2003).
The next higher level in the hierarchy is Black Belts, which mostly a team
leader of Six Sigma projects or large cross-functional projects and a full time profes-
sional. Black Belts are responsible for coaching Green Belts with local and smaller
projects, as they are considered as the specialists within Six Sigma and thereby have
the most important role for the daily execution activities of improvement projects
(Magnusson et al., 2003; Sörqvist & Höglund, 2007). The highly experienced Black
Belts are then called Master Black Belts, whose responsibilities are being a support-
ing function for Black Belts and Green Belts by mentoring and coaching them, as
well as helping the Champions and Six Sigma leader to keep the project on track.
Master Black Belts are experts in Six Sigma tools and methods and have managed
several projects by utilising these tools. The highest level of Six Sigma hierarchical
roles is Champions, who are members of the senior management team and lead the
Six Sigma steering committee in general. Champions are responsible to ensure the
availability of resources, the resolution of cross-functional issues, and the start and
execution of the chosen improvement projects (Magnusson et al., 2003).
Figure 3.7: Project Management Phases and DMAIC Steps, source: Rever
The Six Sigma define step includes extensive scoping and planning by develop-
ing the project charter, ensuring proper sponsorship, and acquiring suitable cross-
functional team members. In this phase, project manager agrees upon key measures
which sustains improvement and link to the project success. Afterwards, a data-
collection plan is developed in measure step as a basis for process decisions based
3. Literature Review
upon accurate measurement system to provide clues and key metrics for building
up improvement path in the analyze step. In the improve step, recommendations
are validated, verified and demonstrated before the final implementation of final
process. Lastly, a new process is implemented in control step to hand off the final
recommendations of the verified improvements (Rever, 2010).
In addition, Kulkarni et al. (2007) also evaluate a set of the tools within
DMAIC phases which has been proven to have been integrated within Project Man-
agement areas as depicted in Figure 3.8 below.
However, there are still room for improvement for the Project Management
knowledge areas which have not been integrated and missing in DMAIC phases,
such as Project Management Plan, Risk Identification, Human Resource and Com-
munication Planning in define phase, Stakeholder Management, Cost Control and
Risk Monitoring and Control in measure phase, Scope Control and Verification,
Cost Control and Quality Assurance in analyse phase, and Schedule Control and
Information Distribution in each phase (Kulkarni et al., 2007).
3. Literature Review
Contextual Review
This chapter serves as the bridge of the framework of understanding for the study
in the previous section with the empirical materials which is presented in the next
chapter. In this section, characteristics and attributes of EPC firms in general will
be discussed, as well as the current practice of quality management in EPC firms
nowadays and several examples of Six Sigma implementation in EPC firms’ projects.
4. Contextual Review
ical plant, an offshore drilling platform, or a power plant. Many resources including
material, people, and other financial support are required to execute these types of
projects, as various discrete activities are required to construct plants (Villanueva
& Kovach, 2013; Choi et al., 2008). EPC projects are in general highly schedule
driven, as its mechanical completion date based upon the project deliverables, spec-
ifications, and client’s requirements. In the projects, the Instrument and Controls
Engineering/Design Department plays a critical role in project design, as designing
or building a facility typically account for relatively 20 to 30 percent of project cost
(Sinnott & Towler, 2009). During the project execution, the client or project owner
is customarily present to ensure that the project is carried out in accordance to the
predetermined scope (Spencer-Ogden, 2014).
Yeo and Ning (2002) state that an EPC project can be a complex product
development which depends upon financial commitment and considerable human
efforts, as its activities are time-phase in accordance to resource requirements and
constraints as well as specified precedence activities. The fact that EPC project
has to manage phase overlaps, interdependence of activities, complex organizational
structure, and uncertainty of desired outcomes has made conducting EPC projects
is challenging to some extent (Yeo & Ning, 2002), thus there is a necessity to have
a well-established project management system in order to run the EPC projects
without significant issues, especially due to frequent project changes and variations
(Ogunlana, Promkuntong, & Jearkjirm, 1996; Chan & Kumaraswamy, 1997).
4. Contextual Review
4. Contextual Review
industry greatly, as the methodology aims to increase the perceived quality by the
Engineering and construction industry can utilise Six Sigma methodology as an
additional approach to analyse firm’s current work-processes. Overall EPC projects
from planning phase to delivery phase can benefit from Six Sigma, as it is suitable for
not only higher organisational level as strategic quality tools, but also for lower level
as quality measurement and improvement system (Tchidi et al., 2012). Furthermore,
Stewart and Spencer (2006), Kashiwagi et al. (2004), and Tchidi et al. (2012) believe
that overall design, procurement, and construction process time can be lowered by
incorporating Six Sigma within projects, in addition to costs reduction and the
fulfilment of predetermined quality and requirements, as well as waste and energy
Several EPC firms—albeit still not as many as manufacturing firms—have im-
plemented and benefited from Six Sigma, such as Kelogg Brown and Root (KBR), a
world-wide EPC firm, who achieved world class results through its improved project
delivery process. In a case study which was conducted by Tchidi et al. (2012), it
was found that shifting to Six Sigma based prefabrication from traditional on site
construction led to company saving by 26% of the project duration and almost 85%
of material waste. Another firm who has successfully benefited from this approach
is Saudi Aramco, who has been implementing work-process improvements by adopt-
ing several principles of this approach (Villanueva & Kovach, 2013; Patty & Denton,
In addition, Kwak and Anbari (2006) and Eckhouse (2003) also reported the
success of Bechtel Corporation, one of the largest global EPC companies in the
United States, in implementing Six Sigma program. Bechtel has been working with
Six Sigma since 2000 and was among the first EPC firm to do so. It utilises Six
Sigma to minimise project risks, hence it is able to deliver project within a higer
certainty of budgets and schedules. In one of its prominent successful project, The
Ivanpah Solar Facility, Six Sigma was used to analyse design, procurement and
construction challenges, thereafter to develop new processes to execute the project
successfully and thus reach performance goals (Gillespie, 2013). This approach
resulted in savings of $200 million with an investment merely of $30 million by
identifying and preventing rework and defects from design to construction as well
as on-time delivery of employee payroll. Another example is the utilisation of Six
Sigma to help optimising the management of cost and schedules, and to streamline
the operational process in a chemical plant (Kwak & Anbari, 2006; Moreton, 2003).
4. Contextual Review
This directorate performs high level of complexity projects that are core to the
company and familiar, with project budget over 15 million USD. Projects commonly
take more than 18 months to complete due to its large scale, where the core project
teams have 11-20 team members including the project manager. As the company
primarily executes large scale projects, the company limits itself to only handle
between one to ten projects at the same time.
The company is certified under several certifications in regards to quality man-
agement, environmental management, and occupational safety and health manage-
ment system. To ensure that it complies with all the quality management standard,
the company is ISO 9001:2008 certified, which was issued by PT Lloyd’s Register.
The Quality Management emphasises that the company operates in compliance with
all relevant domestic and international safety and environmental standards.
4. Contextual Review
Empirical Findings
This chapter presents empirical material gathered from interviews, company’s inter-
nal documents and secondary data, which are divided into three major sections. The
first section covers quality management and improvement in the case company. The
second section covers project management practices in EPC projects in its three main
phases, which are Engineering, Procurement, and Construction. The last section
provides the views from professional practitioners in regards to the implementation
of Six Sigma in EPC projects.
5. Empirical Findings
for their qualified works. The bidding process could be challenging when having
too many participating vendors, as the Procurement Department has to assess each
vendor which takes some amount of time. After the bidding stage, it is important
to have a well-defined proposal which is agreed by the project owner in planning
stage. A well-defined proposal serves as the guidelines to define project budget
and project schedule. “We have to be able to negotiate with the project owner to
ensure we have adequate resources in terms of budget and time to deliver a qual-
ified project deliverables in accordance to the agreed project requirements,” stated
QA/QCE. Moreover, “Quality management and assurance is necessary to execute a
project more efficiently without reducing its quality by doing the right thing, right in
the first time,” said the PCE.
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
to ensure the quality of materials when they are shipped to project site. In addition
to a detailed Inquiry Plan, the PE also emphasised the importance of minimalizing
error in material take off to avoid repurchase which ultimately will lead to delay.
Therefore, it is important that every PE are familiar with every required material
as well as their delivery lead times, whether it has long or short lead time. EE2
also highlighted the importance of knowing the delivery time of each instruments,
equipment, and tools.
Having adequate knowledge of each of the required resources and their deliv-
ery time aims to prioritise their certification for delivery. This to ensure all the
procured materials comply with the specifications and quality, where the prioritisa-
tion is made based on the length lead time per items. Moreover, this is necessary to
maximise preparation of project budget and schedule after ensuring it complies with
the expected quality from project owner. The PE mentioned that there were some
cases where projects were delayed due to inadequate knowledge of lead times and
incomplete purchase. This resulted to the Procurement Department had to make
another request for the required equipment, which created more delay—especially
for equipment with long lead times.
Procurement Department has to be selective and has to do preliminary surveys
as well in deciding qualified vendors as their main supplier, as the main supplier will
affect the quality of project. To ensure that the prospective main suppliers will be
able to supply qualified materials, they have to prove their financial capability by
providing their bank statements to show they possess the required available fund
resource. “Lastly, it is also important to plan ahead the methods of transportation
and material transfers based upon the availability of transportation and the location
of project site,” said the PE. PE explained that it would be helpful to have a real
time supplier database management which will help expediting procurement process
in planning phase. This kind of database management is expected to be able to assist
engineers to distinguish materials lead times to plan procurement activities ahead.
The PCE also supported this statement by mentioning that having tools, system
and progress measurement procedure will enable the procurement phase to expedite
procurement stages from inquiry, technical feasibility study, award, and purchase
When the execution phase has started or when construction phase has begun,
it is necessary for Procurement Department to proactively follow up all suppliers to
deliver project materials based on Inquiry Plan and according to schedule. Besides
cost, time of negotiation in procurement activities has to be suppressed as well, as
most of suppliers tend to have delay when delivering materials. Therefore, Pro-
curement Department has to be able to mitigate this tendency by providing time
allowance for material deliveries. In addition to that, PE argued that it is impor-
tant to have a logical payment scheme for main suppliers. Therefore, they will be
able to purchase the required materials for project succeeding activities without any
financial obstacles.
The PE also mentioned that in execution phase, another challenge is a project
always tends to be delayed due to the complicated administration and bureaucratic
mechanism. Most of the administrative and bureaucratic activities are still done
manually with paper works and has not been digitalised using an integrated system
5. Empirical Findings
in a software such as Systems, Applications and Products (SAP), which will improve
all the procurement processes and activities to be more effective and efficient. An-
other thing which was highlighted by the PE is about decision making process and
role delegation. “In this complicated administration and bureaucratic system, the
lack of proper role delegation also leads to project delay, as nobody wants to make
a decision for urgent matters,” said the PE. The PE predicted that having a more
simplified administrative system will help speeding up most of project activities in
Conclusively, the PE emphasised on the needs of a standardisation where ev-
ery project team members who are involved in procurement activities has to have a
solid product knowledge for required materials and their lead times, current market
price, and networks for material acquisition. Moreover, from the Procurement De-
partment’s perspective, the integration of quality improvement methodology such as
Six Sigma will always be welcome in spite of consideration of company’s assets and
capital, especially if it helps simplifying the slow and complicated administrative
processes in procurement activities.
5. Empirical Findings
of its cruciality. This might be caused due to the intangible deliverables in project
planning in construction phase.
Similar with project planning, the CE1 highlighted that communication is one
the most important factor which needs to be taken into account seriously in project
execution. He admitted that in most of projects, most of the project team members
are confused to whom they should report or from whom they should obtain informa-
tion and clarification. Supporting the opinion from CE1, CE2 also mentioned the
importance of following the Project Execution Plan (PEP) rigorously, where a com-
munication and coordination plan within Construction Execution Plan (CEP) has
been defined well. “Within PEP, coordination plan, clear tasks of each departments,
and the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) are already covered in detail. Following
PEP and its detailed plans helps project to run smoothly,” said the CE2. The im-
portance of communication in project execution—especially in construction phase
was also highlighted by the PCE, who argued that a project will not be able to
run smoothly without excellent coordination between interdisciplinary divisions in
project site. Both CE1 and CE2 also highlighted the importance of effective and ef-
ficient project meetings as the most crucial tool of communication and the accuracy
of project forecasting. “We have to be able to forecast the unseen, and not only rely
on the historical data. Otherwise there will be a lot of reworks due to the inaccuracy
of forecasting,” stated the CE2. In addition to that, CE2 also believed that work
flow management amongst the three different departments could be improved to be
more aligned and integrated.
Another important thing which should be taken into account in project execu-
tion according to the PCE is the resources in terms of management, man, money,
market and machine. These resources should work hand in hand in collaboration
to understand the requirements from project owner, thus will be able to deliver a
project output which meets project owner’s requirements.
5. Empirical Findings
obstacles of measured work items. The analysed data is utilised for the basis of
decision making, technical comparison and improvement; especially when the data
shows concerning progress of project, i.e. intolerable over budget and delayed, where
management will put considerably more focus and concern on a particular area to
allocate more resources to speed up the progress of project or to shift to another
construction methods, and other decisions. For the long run, the recorded data is
utilised for project performance forecast in the future and lessons learned to avoid
any similar issues to occur again in the rest of a project.
According to the QA/QCE, QA/QC Division utilises non-conformance reports
from the overall project, which is the comparison between the initial targets defined
in QA/QC Execution Plan within PEP and the actual implementation on project
site and project owner’s satisfactory. Based on this, mostly project managers will
be advised by Project Control Team to take action if there is any deviation based
upon the recorded data. However, The PCE also pointed out the inefficiency of
project data gathering, where the Project Control Team has to meet every person in
charge (PIC) from each sub-divisions to have the update for their works due to the
collection of data progress is still done manually. The PCE stated this inefficiency in
data recording could be improved by having an integrated data system where every
PIC can update their work progress through this system, thus the Project Control
Team will be able to monitor the progress through this server. In addition to that,
a project needs to be monitored and scrutinised on a continual basis whether it
has followed the initial design from the engineering drawing throughout the entire
construction phase. “The Inspection Test Plan and Site Acceptance Procedure which
have been defined and agreed at the beginning of the project should be utilised as the
main guidelines to monitor and to detect any deviation,” stated the QA/QCE. When
it has reached its mechanical completion, the focus of project monitoring is slightly
shifted to the safety of the project output and its operational ability.
Project Improvement
In CE1’s opinion, the project organisation which is mostly matrix based in-
hibits efficiency of project. As most of the project members work on many projects
in parallel at the same time, they tend to be less focused on one project due to
the multiple assignments that they need to complete. Project human resource is
also lacking of training to develop personnel competence. Most of the project team
members relies on independent self-development and self-taught learning due to the
inadequate human resources training. According to CE1, introduction of a new
improvement quality methodology such as Six Sigma theoretically will always be
welcome especially by management level, as this kind of methodology is foretoken
for more competent project team members and increased project productivity, which
will enhance the company’s profitability and competitive advantage. The PCE also
stated that this may of course bring improvement of quality if it is executed success-
fully, which will ultimately lead to not only the efficient use in budget and resource,
but also effectivity in the context of project execution duration.
However, the cost of the trainings should be considered, as well as the resistance
to change. “Not everybody in a project team is open to change, especially those who
think that they are already experienced. Therefore, high level management needs
5. Empirical Findings
to be highly involved in order to enforce the middle and lower level to accept the
change,” stated the PCE. According to both CE1 and CE2, apparently there are
some numbers of project team members who tend to be sceptical and pessimistic as
well with project management knowledges and framework; and perceive it as merely
a theory albeit the fact that the company is mainly project based. This might be
caused due to the lack of awareness of quality management and quality improvement
by project team members, as they have not really engaged and felt the necessity in
implementing nor improving quality.
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
been put in the beginning will not account for more than 10% of the gain in terms
of cost saving.
In the defining phase, it is highly important that the Champion or Project
Manager identifies and creates a statement of opportunity for improvement for the
project. A solid project charter is also mentioned to be one of the most important
factor that needs to be defined carefully, as all of the project objectives, scopes,
and specific requirements are stated in the project charter on an official paper.
An adequate knowledge for the project deliverables, the existing business process,
and a robust communication plan is also one of the key of successful project, as the
communication channel for the information flow has been made clear. This supports
the statement from The Construction Management researcher which mentioned the
importance of “sharing knowledge and information to ensure that not only every
successful actions, but also abnormality is captured in each of the project process.”
Other important aspect that needs to be taken into account seriously is the
awareness of every project team member of the project schedule, which has been
mapped at the beginning in the planning phase. The project schedule has to be so-
cialised to the project team and attached to their outlook agenda for daily reminder.
By having the project schedule in their mind, project team will have tendency of
performing in a quick pace to meet project milestones, as they are more aware with
critical things in regards to the project milestones. To ensure the information flow,
both The Six Sigma consultant and The Construction Management researcher em-
phasise the importance of daily face to face meeting for reviewing, updating daily
plan, addressing results and issues, and reporting progress based on the S-curve for
monitoring. Again, this will ensure the stable information flow, which plays one
of the most critical role in Six Sigma implementation and in project execution in
Another thing which is still relevant to project schedule is gate review, which
is an activity for every project milestones to discuss, review, and revise project
progress. Gate review is necessary to be conducted in every project phase with the
top management involvement. In gate review, the project manager has the oppor-
tunity to address project’s obstacles, then requesting supports from project owner
and project sponsor. Gate review also helps the project team to monitor whether
the project is on track based on the schedule. However, there is a need of estab-
lishing a ‘quick win implementation’ in each phase of DMAIC, which is a quick, yet
practical and feasible to do list to be implemented with a bold result. Quick win
has to have several factors to be eligible as quick win implementation, such as easy
to be implemented in regards of cost and time without deep and intensive analysis,
quick and has bold result, easy to be monitored, and has the approvals from the
impacted process owner. “This quick win is very handy for a project which is likely
to have changes in its scope, which mostly happens due to immature planning and
lack of commitment from project stakeholders especially from the top management
or Champion, project sponsor, and the project leader itself,” said The Six Sigma
consultant. Having quick win implementation will enhance project manager’s op-
portunity to obtain more support for the project. Therefore, it is important that
the gate review meeting is attended by the top management which possesses power
decision to agree upon the quick win implementation.
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
amongst managers in each different department, if Six Sigma is not initiated from
the top management.”, as they will not really feel fully-integrated to support the Six
Sigma, and thus will lack of the sense of belonging of the Six Sigma implementation
in the project. Other obstacle that may arise is the low interest of the project team
towards Six Sigma implementation, due to the resistance towards change that they
need to face when incorporating Six Sigma. Some people will feel under pressure
with targets that Six Sigma project strives for, and thus will be reluctant to support
it in the first place.
No. Challenges E P C
1 Conflicted intra-divisions engineering designs/incom-
patible specifications
2 Unfit drawings & designs with the existing project site
3 Time consuming bidding process
4 Inadequate knowledge of equipment lead time
5 Incomplete purchase
6 Complicated administrative & bureaucratic process in
project activities
7 Encouraging on time delivery to suppliers
8 Unclear command line
9 Disintegrated inter-departments work flow
10 Additional and overlapping works, re-works
11 Less focused on tasks
12 Access to update, share, and retrieve project data and
project information
13 Inefficiency: project data gathering, meetings
The following Table 5.2 summarises the most important factors and highlighted
5. Empirical Findings
concerns that needs to be taken into account in conducting EPC projects according
to the interviewed engineers, who deal directly with EPC projects every day. These
factors contribute to the ideal vision of project lifecycle to deliver a smooth project
according to the interview results. The factors are divided for each phase of project
lifecycle based on Engineering, Procurement, and Construction phases.
Table 5.2: Summary of important factors for ideal vision of project lifecycle
based on EPC phase
5. Empirical Findings
5. Empirical Findings
Analysis and Discussion
This chapter presents an analysis of the findings from the empirical material in
previous chapter, which is contrasted against the theory presented in the Literature
Review chapter. The analysis is mostly done based on DMAIC structure of Six
Sigma to draw a line for affinity. Furthermore, a discussion for the outcome of the
analysis is presented for the reader to have a better perspective and understanding
of the analysis.
6. Analysis and Discussion
company in Measure phase deals more with designs and documents. Thus, the
summarised critical main activities in Measure phase are producing engineering
designs according to the requirement and specifications, verifying and validating the
alignment of designs, then managing all the produced documents to be accessible
by the project team.
Analyse phase in EPC projects continues with verifying designs to be con-
verted into requisition for purchase and most of evaluation activities for suppliers
and subcontractors performance, and also for project materials, fabrication, and
manufacture. Verifying all the designs including engineering drawings, data sheets,
fabrication drawings, and other documents, will allow the project team to decide
whether they can proceed to the construction phase with the qualified designs as
the basis of their work. Moreover, evaluating suppliers, subcontractors, material,
fabrication and the manufacture process will provide the project team with the idea
of the status of their project. The project team will have an image whether all the
required materials and equipment needed to start the construction of the facility are
available, and what required actions should be taken to proceed the project.
In the Improve phase, the EPC projects mainly deal with construction works ac-
tivities which have to adhere to the predetermined detailed project plans and project
Work Breakdown Structure. This also includes mechanical completion, where con-
struction data is recorded for immediate improvement actions for the ongoing project
if needed, or for future lessons learned. In the last phase, the Control phase, the
main activities mainly cover recording, registering and reporting project data, as
well as evaluating and analysing variance and deviation for resource allocation and
taking necessary corrective actions.
Table 6.1: Summary of key activities and success factors for ideal vision in EPC
projects (on elaboration)
Success Factors
(Rever, 2010) Stage Key Activities
(Sharma and Chetiya, 2012)
PM 6s
Design, preparation, de- • Ensuring adequate design input to start • Cross-functional organisation
sign requirements confir- design execution
• Verifying input • Right tools
• Availability of resources
Design execution, verifica- • Ensuring alignment of designs • Management commitment
Management and control • Managing all the required documents • Cross-functional organisation
of document
• Ensuring access to and retrievability of • Workflow management systems
Verification of requisition, • Ensuring Request for Quotation (RFQ) • Supplier collaboration
T&C, cost, schedule meets contract requirements
• Ensuring term & condition for purcase
order and clauses are aligned
6. Analysis and Discussion
Field document and field • Ensuring field documents and designs are • Workflow management systems
design control well-distributed
Construction work • Ensruing project activities follow proce- • Workflow management system
dures, WBS, and schedules
• Work and organizational work-
• Availability of resources
Field inspection and non- • Storing calibration and testing notes • Right tools
conformance monitoring
• Evaluating conformance to requirements • Metrics and measurement
Recording and document • Recording and checking data operation • Right tools
control plant
• Registering non-conformance • Metrics and measurement
Project quality audit and • Ensuring and evaluating quality confor- • Right tools
Cost and schedule control • Recording data and progress controlling • Right tools
• Analysing variance and deviation • Metrics and Measurement
• Re-allocating resource, taking corrective • Resource availability
• Management commitment
Albeit the success factors are divided into seven groups, they still correlate
and support one another instead of abiding independently. One example is how
choice of project champion is interlinked with both quality of project leadership
and management commitment. This statement is drawn from the case that project
champion is chosen by the management and possess the authority to use resources
for completion of a certain project, which is related with the capacity and capability
of a project leader. The following Figure 6.1 illustrates success factors which are
found to be similar and slightly overlap one another.
Figure 6.1: Interconnected and interlinked success factors of Six Sigma projects
(on elaboration)
The results from the study also support that these groups of success factors cor-
6. Analysis and Discussion
relate and support one another. In one of the interviews, one of The CE mentioned
that resources allocation may be increased by the top management when a project
is found to be behind schedule, after it is identified by the predetermined measure-
ment. Another interviewee also mentioned that management commitment plays an
important role in choosing the project for the team, besides choosing the competent
project champion and project leader. Moreover, management commitment also set
the basis of education, training, and proper staffing to ensure an excellent workflow
between different departments and subdivisions. Cross-functional organisation is
also highly related with the work and organisational culture, as mentioned by one of
The EE. She stated that having the same common ground of work ethic and similar
organisational culture will enable a better-performing team, which can be perceived
as an excellent coordination of workflow between cross-functional organisation.
Table 6.2: Success factors and scale items (Sharma and Chetiya, 2012) found in EPC projects (on elaboration)
No. Factor Scale items Engineering Procurement Construction QC/QA Project Professional
1 Capability assessment and enhancement of
the supplier
2 Right tools, measurement Innovation management and desing capabil-
innovation and supplier ity
3 collaboration Long-term supplier collaboration
4 A good measurement assurance system
5 Application of right tool mix
6 A creative problem solving approach
7 Formation of cross-functional teams
8 Cross-functional organisa- Linking Six Sigma to corporate business
tion strategy and goals
9 Process mapping and reegineering
10 Intensive education and training of work-
Education, metrics, mea- force
11 surement and workflow Linking to customers
12 management system Linking to employees
13 Identifying and developing appropriate met-
rics and deliverables
14 An integrated process flow and management
15 Work and organisation Development of right work culture
16 culture Motivating the workforce
17 Project choice and leader- Quality of project leadership
18 ship Selection of the right project
19 Project championship and Choice of project champion
20 Management commitment, Availability of infrastructure and resources
21 availability of resources Level of management commitment
Not mentioned
Briefly mentioned
Mentioned and discussed
6. Analysis and Discussion
6. Analysis and Discussion
6. Analysis and Discussion
by having good measurement assurance system, several challenges that they often
encounter may be addressed as mentioned in previous paragraph, as they have had
a structured and systematic process to ensure the achievement of implementation of
project activities. Availability of infrastructure and resources may solve the challenge
of: 1) inadequate knowledge of equipment, 2) less focused on tasks, 3) re-works, 4)
access to project data and information, and 5) inefficiency in project data gathering.
With adequate infrastructure and resources—supported by management, project
team will have more resource to scrutinise the need of equipment to comply with
the requirements, to expedite and deal with the administrative and bureaucratic
project activities, and to ensure that the project is done effectively and efficiently
with sufficient access to project data and information to prevent re-works.
EPC projects have to link its business to customer and take their expectations
into account, as the company puts a considerable emphasis on its customer and its
main business deliverables lie heavily on customer’s requirements. As suppliers can
be considered as external customers as well, linking business to customer may also
address the challenge of time consuming bidding process. Moreover, encouraging
on time delivery to suppliers and conflicted engineering designs due to incompatible
specifications might be solved as well by putting customer’s needs and requirements
into high priority. Linking to customer means having decent relationships with the
customers, including project owners. Therefore, unclear specifications or project
requirements can be prevented by working closely with the project owners to ensure
the expected and aligned specifications to prevent incompatible specifications, unfit
drawings and designs, and re-works. The following Figure 6.2 illustrates how the top
six scale items which are considered to be the most important items may address
most of the encountered challenges in EPC projects.
Figure 6.2: The six most emphasised scale items and challanges it may resolve
(on elaboration)
6. Analysis and Discussion
Albeit the illustration merely pictures how one major scale item might resolve
several most often encountered challenges in EPC projects, this does not mean
that other challenges which are put under different scale item cannot be resolved
by the others. Like seven groups of success factors which are discussed in the
previous section, six of the most emphasised scale items support one another. These
scale items are not independent, and one is interconnected and interlinked with
each other. Therefore, several particular challenges may be resolved by other scale
items as well. However, management commitment as still serves as one of the
most important scale items, as highlighted by The Six Sigma consultant as well.
Without the management support, it might not be tough to promote other scale
items. Management support enables smooth access for linking to customer, enforcing
the establishment of an integrated process workflow with management system along
with a good measurement system and appropriate metrics and deliverables, and for
providing suf infrastructure and resources.
Another interesting finding arises from this finding of similarities. Despite all
the success factors seem to be similar and overlapping one another in a certain de-
gree, different perspectives are found within the same department. Not all the scale
items are found or mentioned in the interview, nor emphasised on the same level
by every department and professional practitioners. One example is how quality of
project leadership was not mentioned as one of the most important factor in project
execution, whereas choice of project champion was discussed by The Construction
Department; albeit these two scale items can be considered to be similar and in-
terlinked. Another example is the scale item of intensive education and training of
workforce and motivating the workforce, which can also be considered to be inter-
linked. Intensive education and training of workforce was not mentioned by The
Engineering Department whereas motivating the workforce was mentioned briefly.
Different way of perceiving the scale items might be the cause of the different level of
depth of discussion within the same department. The interviewed engineers might
found one scale item has covered another one as they perceived them to be similar
to each other, thus did not mention nor discuss another similar scale item further.
In addition to the different level of depth of discussion for the similar scale
items within the same department, different findings are also found for the exact
same scale items within different departments. A couple of examples are intensive
education and training of workforce and selection of the right project. These two
scale items were considered to be important by The Construction Department as
both of them were deeply discussed; where on the contrary, they were not mentioned
by The Engineering Department. This different level of depth of discussion might be
caused due to the different priorities and focus on each department, where they have
different perspective on which things matter most for their endeavour. For The Con-
struction Department, it is necessary to have a skilful and highly functioned team
who works on a suitable project which fits their expertise. Therefore, education
and training of workforce as well as selection of the right project are considered to
be important and were discussed during the interview. On the other hand, The
Engineering Department might have had adequately knowledgeable engineers for
their subdivisions, who mostly have possessed their own specialised knowledge for
their corresponding subdivisions. Therefore, the engineers from The Engineering
6. Analysis and Discussion
Department does not find intensive education and training of workforce as highly
important as The Construction Department does. The way each department per-
ceives the scale items might be disparate from another one as well as they work
in different phases in a project, which makes them have different focus in different
In the new proposed framework, formulate team has been added to the Define
phase, as it has been found to be an important element in empirical result. Several
interviewees also highlighted the importance of having a solid team, which is started
by formulating a favourable project team. McKenna (2005) argued that gather re-
quirements and define requirements are necessary in the Define phase. These are
aligned to the findings emerged from the empirical material as well, where most of
the interviewees emphasised the necessity of understanding customer requirements.
In EPC projects, the requirements from the customer is then translated into spec-
ifications. Therefore, define requirement is updated into define specifications in
the new proposed framework. The defined specifications from the customer’s re-
quirements will set the foundation for all engineering designs which are going to be
produced afterwards. Lastly, establish project plans is added into the Define phase,
as establishing detailed and thorough project plans also one of the most substantial
key activities in the for EPC projects.
In the Measure phase, defect and opportunity are changed into deliverables in
the define point. The underlying principal of Six Sigma indeed appertain to defect
and opportunity for improvements. However, EPC industry differs with manufactur-
6. Analysis and Discussion
ing industry where Six Sigma methodology was born, where EPC projects deal more
with unit, metrics and have more concern in deliverables. EPC projects also tend to
deal with different project as every project is unique, and therefore opportunity for
improvements can be divergent for different projects. In addition to measurement
system, designs is added to be validated after it is produced. Then, manage project
document is also included to complement collect the additional required data which
has been proposed by the initial framework. However, the additional required data
that is indicated in the Measure phase for EPC projects is the additional required
data that may be found in the project site.
Adding validation of designs which are produced in the previous phase in the
Analyse phase is essential. In the Analyse phase, all the engineering drawings and
designs need to be validated to ensure their alignment with the project specifications,
as these documents are going to be the fundamental guidelines for construction
works. Identifying project process steps are required in the Analyse phase as well
to ensure the smooth execution in the Construction phase. Lastly, bridging the
Engineering phase with the Construction phase, evaluation of Procurement activities
is added. Evaluation of Procurement activities is crucial to ensure the smooth
execution of project in the Construction phase as well.
In the Improve phase, develop potential solutions is substituted with executing
the project itself by starting the Construction phase, as defect and opportunity are
not defined in EPC projects as explained earlier. In the Improve phase, project
data during the Construction is recorded to ensure every activities are executed
according to the identified project processes which have been analysed before by
using predetermined unit and metrics to accomplish deliverables. As proposed in
the initial framework, risk is assessed. Furthermore, the new proposed framework
adds develop potential solution for risks for the follow up actions for the identified
There is not many new proposed elements for the Control phase in the new
updated framework. Most of the findings found in the empirical results are already
aligned with the initial framework. However, the new proposed framework also in-
cludes record, register and report results, which is mostly aimed in the Construction
phase. This is necessary thus the project can be monitored and controlled based
upon predetermined unit, metrics, and deliverables to evaluate its performance and
the outcome. Develop and deploy plan to take actions is proposed already in the
initial framework, as well as capture key learning for lessons learned in the future.
These items are aligned with the crucial key activities found in the empirical mate-
rial, and thus are not changed nor modified.
6. Analysis and Discussion
6. Analysis and Discussion
6.5 Discussions
The results of the study show that quality has not been the main concern
in EPC projects. Quality-related practices in EPC projects is highly driven by
project owner and alliance team instead of by company’s internal organisation it-
self. Another interesting finding shows that profitability does not appear in one
of the priority in EPC projects amongst safety, quality, schedule and cost. Only
one amongst the seven interviewees mentioned profitability briefly. However, an
assumption could be made that the interviewees might refer indirectly that prof-
itability can be achieved by prioritising on schedule and cost. Moreover, as the
interviewees from the case company are all engineers, there is a suspicion that this
is due to the tendency that engineers most likely merely do the best of the technical
solutions without really focus on the business goals itself—which is profit. Generally,
quality is a competition with cost, where EPC project aims to produce sufficiently
good quality of project deliverables which have been compromised with cost.
Besides focusing on sticking to schedule and predetermined budget, avoiding
behind schedule and over budget can be achieved through obtaining sufficiently-
defined specifications. In reality in EPC projects, ambiguous and unclear interpre-
tation of project specification is recurrently a problem. However, since having clear
specifications is unlikely possible, sufficiently defined and well understood specifica-
tions from the project owner are therefore unquestionably important. All the data
produced in Engineering phase have to ensure the achievability of project specifica-
tions which are agreed on the project charter. Thus, Engineering Department plays
a critical role in EPC projects as the one who is responsible of producing all the
engineering designs and drawings.
A good quality of engineering designs will be able to accommodate customer
wants. In some of EPC projects, the Engineering teams are more knowledgeable
than the project owner itself due to their experience. Therefore, there is a ten-
dency for the Engineering teams to produce more than the defined specifications
or what the project owner demands. However, quality should be perceived as the
specifications that the project owner expects, rather than the technical specifications
that the engineers feel is suitable. Nonetheless, engineers still of course are able to
give recommendations of better technical specifications based on their experiences.
This creates the need for engineering and design of project items to be followed by
favourable procurement executions from hundreds of suppliers.
Based upon the empirical material obtained from the interviews, Six Sigma
DMAIC methodology in regards to EPC projects puts a considerable emphasis on
data, integration and standardisation. This aims to be able to measure, then analyse
6. Analysis and Discussion
project activities that can be improved. There were some discussions regarding data
in the interviews, where some of the engineers requested to have a database system.
According to the engineers, data recording, analysis, management, and storage sys-
tem in EPC projects is still meager, where most of data in EPC projects is still
managed through Excel spreadsheets. The meagreness of project data management
is due to: 1) lack of sense of necessity, 2) low awareness of quality management
where most of the project team members have not realised the correlation between
quality management and project data, and how data can be utilised for lessons
learned to manage and enhance the quality of forthcoming projects, 3) inadequate
communication, and 4) poor planning and contractual misunderstandings between
Therefore, one of the challenge faced in every EPC project is having overloaded
information and confusion regarding who has access to which data, and retrieval
mechanism of a particular data. EPC project documents which are poorly managed
create lack of visibility and control of growing data. This leads to inefficiency to
integrate, and ultimately leads to over schedule and over budget projects, which de-
crease project profitability. According to interviewed engineers, a robust database
system is envisaged to be an ideal solution to accommodate enormous amount of
paperwork produced in EPC projects. This includes engineering drawing, data
sheet, and other fundamental documents from the Engineering phase, registration
of procurement activities from numerous numbers of suppliers which are scattered
geographically in the Procurement phase, and recording project construction pro-
ductivity in the Construction phase itself. A real-time project data report could
be the solution to encourage efficient real-time knowledge sharing across company’s
multi-projects by utilising intranet.
Having a real-time database system will promote data integration. In Pro-
curement phase for example, integrated database system could reduce paperwork,
processing time, and cost of follow up and floating the enquiry. This will enable
real-time analysis from data source to enhance the accessibility of having real-time
project information for all project stakeholders. Practically, having detailed project
analysis during project execution provides the ability to isolate problems and fore-
cast trends. The stored project data in database system then can be utilised to
identify problems, what worked well, and areas for future improvements. Therefore,
there is an urgent need of standardisation then establishment of robust measurement
to collect and manage data, then to be able to implement Six Sigma properly within
EPC projects.
Nonetheless, the level of standardisation needs to be examined deliberately
first. EPC projects tend to deal with requirements from the customers. Albeit most
of the projects are not completely novel projects, each of the project is still unique as
they have their own requirements and specifications. Standardisation mostly begins
and deals with engineering designs, as the most likely source of variation which takes
the project specifications into the foundation of the project plan. Therefore, a rigid
standardisation in every detailed aspect of EPC projects would not be a prudent
action. This restricts freedom of producing engineering designs which incorporate
project specifications. Every project needs to have its own flexibility to some ex-
tent to fulfil the project owner’s requirement, despite of the necessity of having a
6. Analysis and Discussion
Conclusion & Recommendation
In this chapter, conclusions based on the empirical findings, analysis and discussion
are presented. The conclusions aim to answer the research questions presented at the
beginning of the study in the first chapter. Furthermore, this chapter also identifies
the contribution of developed and updated framework of Six Sigma implementation
plan in Project Management framework to general project management theory, Six
Sigma theory, and the practice of EPC projects theory.
7.1 Conclusions
EPC projects are becoming more complex with large contract values and be-
ing implemented on a larger scale. Consequently, most of large EPC companies
face common issues which hinder their projects, which results in poor performance
records and ultimately affect the quality of projects. Therefore, more companies are
seeking for quality improvement methodologies, where there have been attempts to
incorporate Six Sigma methodology within the project management framework. The
purpose of this thesis is to investigate and explore how Six Sigma can be integrated
into the project management framework in EPC projects, and how the existing Six
Sigma project management framework could be developed and updated to be more
apt in EPC projects’ context.
The first sub-research question revolves around the understanding of Six Sigma
and its relation to quality improvement. This aims to provide a foundation for
frameworks that are used for this study and the discussion of the main subject
of this study. In this study, Six Sigma is seen as a structured and disciplined
methodology for quality improvement projects. Attempts of achieving specific goals
are achieved through defining quantifiable measures by focusing on customer needs.
There are many Six Sigma tools which can be utilised for improving the quality
of processes, reducing waste, and increasing customer satisfaction through its data-
driven philosophy. The most prominent approach of Six Sigma methodology is
through DMAIC framework, which stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve
and Control. Finding solutions to problems and opportunities could be provided
through DMAIC, whereas the implementation of the solutions through the formal
procedure could be achieved through project management standards. The DMAIC
framework is also used as the main framework which is studied deeper in this study
to establish an integrated and systematic flow in EPC firms’ project management
7. Conclusion & Recommendation
As this study is conducted within an EPC industry context, an adequate under-
standing of EPC firms and projects is therefore necessary. EPC firms are companies
in the construction industry who run their projects in a certain form of contract-
ing agreement. Following the contracting agreement, they are obliged to execute
a project within a predetermined budget and time, and to deliver satisfying out-
puts according to the project owner’s requirements. Within the projects, detailed
engineering designs of the project, all the necessary equipment and materials, and
construction of a functioning facility are carried out by the engineering and construc-
tion contractor. As the size of EPC projects tend to be big, a quality management
system ought to be robust in their project management practices. However, the
results from literature review and empirical findings show that quality management
has not been well incorporated in most of EPC firms’ applied strategy. Two of the
most probable causes are insufficient quality requirements from the project owners
themselves and low awareness of the necessity of having a robust quality manage-
ment. There has even been a suspicion that some companies which are certified
under quality standardisation obtained the standardisation process merely for hav-
ing a credible image on the market. This is beneficial to ensure the clients about
the quality of their services. Another challenge that the case company of this study
as one of the prominent players in EPC industry encounters the most is the amount
of rework due to the substandard quality of the deliverables.
There are several success factors of Six Sigma implementation plan in South-
east Asian market which were suggested by Sharma and Chetiya (2012). These
are: 1) right tools, measurement innovation, and supplier collaboration; 2) cross-
functional organisation, process re-engineering and the “strategic fit or Six Sigma”;
3) education to customers, metrics and measurement, and workflow management
systems; 4) work and organisational culture; 5) project choice and leadership; 6)
project championship and staffing; and 7) management commitment, organisation,
and availability of resources. These success factors were then broken down into
their scale items and combined with the results obtained from the empirical find-
ings. This produced the most related success factors for Six Sigma implementation
in EPC projects for the case company, which include: 1) availability of right tools,
measurement, innovation, and workflow management system management; 2) man-
agement commitment and support; 3) availability of infrastructure and resources;
4) availability of a well-established system for project information and knowledge
sharing; and 5) establishment of a solid project charter with well-understood and
sufficiently defined requirements and specifications. These success factors from the
case company are mostly aligned with the success factors identified in the literature
Six Sigma project management implementation and integration within EPC
project management frameworks comes with benefits and constraints. For the case
company, the benefits widely span from enhancing competitive advantage, increas-
ing project productivity through acceleration of project duration and efficiency in
the usage of resource and budget, and increasing customer satisfaction by deliver-
ing expected project outcomes. Moreover, Six Sigma DMAIC methodology is also
expected to facilitate project team members to develop more structured mind sets
7. Conclusion & Recommendation
to identify and solve problems with satisfactory work attitudes. However, several
constraints are also need to be taken into considerations. The constraints which
may arise are the low awareness of the importance of quality management, the lack
of sense of necessity in implementing and improving quality and resistance based on
routines. In addition, matrix organisation may also cause confusion in responsibili-
ties, due to its ambiguity of command line for project progress reports and general
communication in the case company.
7. Conclusion & Recommendation
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Appendix A
Project Gates
Project gate is a follow-up process of a project, where the project’s result up
to a certain point is evaluated by the project sponsor. Based on the performed
evaluation, the project sponsor has the opportunity to reflect upon the achievability
of project goals in both short and long term, and thereby make a decision whether
the project should be proceeded or closed at a project gate (Ericsson et al., 2009).
A project is possible to be terminated when neither enough resources are available
nor project goals are no longer reachable. According to Nilson (2010), project gates
can be classified into rigid project gate and flexible project gate based on the com-
A. Appendix A
pletion of deliverables. Rigid gate obliges all the deliverables to be completed before
proceeding to the next phase, whereas flexible gate allows project to be continued
without completion of all the deliverables, as long as there is a limited time for
completion and authorisation for starting the next tasks (Nilson, 2010).
A. Appendix A
4. Assigning the rate of Severity: the severity of the impact of the results
5. Assigning the rate of Occurrence: the frequency of the event of failure mode
6. Assigning the rate of Detection: the probability of the failure being detected
before it happens
7. Calculating the Risk Priority Number (RPN) for each effect by multiplying
Severity, Occurrence, and Detection; then prioritising the failure modes
8. Taking action to reduce or eliminate failure modes with high risk
The priority for focus of the improvement can be determined by utilising this
tools, as well as the decision for the priority of the risk and failure response plans.
According to Friberg and Afanasyev (2011), FMEA enables documentation and
standardisation of information as it gives good traceability of actions as well as
systematic and brief communication tool for the actions which are going to be taken
to prevent failure modes to happen.
Pareto Chart
The purpose of Pareto Chart is to provide the Six Sigma team with a general
outlook of the most inherent defects and variation in order to focus on the area which
has the biggest impact (Keller, 2011). As a tool to identify problems and its impact,
Pareto Chart is mostly used within the Define and Analyse phases in DMAIC frame-
work. In Pareto Chart, categories of interest are represented in vertical bar graph
in a decreasing order based on each of its contribution against the measurement,
where the measurement are mostly either quantity or cost. The quantity or cost as
the measurement is presented along with the percentages, which are connected to a
cumulative line of the addition of each vertical bars. Keller (2011) suggests that in
order to present a distinctive problems to pinpoint on which problem the Six Sigma
team is ought to put its focus on, it is necessary to aggregate the problems into few
major categories instead of dividing them into too many categories.
A. Appendix A
Appendix B
B.1 Table of key activities, products, key players, and success factors for ideal
vision in EPC projects
The table below is the complete version of Table 6.1 presented in Chapter 6, Analysis and Discussion. The table comprises of
key activities, products, key players, and success factors for ideal vision in EPC projects based on empirical materials, both from
the interviews and from the filtered case company’s internal documents.
Success Factors
(Rever, 2010) Stage Key Activities Products Key Players
(Sharma and Chetiya, 2012)
PM 6s
• Feasibility study • Post bid Evaluation • Proposal manager • Cross-functional organisation
Project acquisition • Project organisation formation • Project award proposal • Direction/management • Project choice and leadership
• Project launching • Project championship, staffing
Project contract review • Ensuring technical requirements are well • Final acceptance criteria • Lead project engineer • Workflow management systems
defined and understood
• Understanding acceptance criteria • Contract management • Metrics and measurement
Requirements documenta- • Defining scope of work, deliverables list, • Work Breakdown Struc- • Project manager • Richt tools
tion and management requirement management, Work Breakdown ture (WBS)
Structure (WBS)
• Identifying requirement gap analysis • Require Traceability • Quality manager • Workflow management systems
Compling Project Execu- • Producing detailed execution plan (EP) • Engineering EP • Interdisciplinary man- • Cross-functional organisation
tion Plan (PEP) for each division agers
• Identifying schedule and cost management • Procurement EP • Project manager • Availability of resources
• Construction EP, etc.
Design, preparation, de- • Ensuring adequate design input to start • Engineering drawing • Engineering manager • Cross-functional organisation
sign requirements confir- design execution
• Verifying input • Schedule detail engi- • Lead project manager • Right tools
• Control manager • Availability of resources
Design execution, verifica- • Ensuring alignment of designs • Engineering drawings • Scheduler • Management commitment
tion, review, validation
• Interdisciplinary checking (review, verify) • Data sheets • Principal engineer • Metrics and measurement
of desgin output documents
• Functional testing for all equipment Bill of material Project owner
• Requisition, etc.
Management and control • Managing all the required documents • Document control pro- • Engineering manager • Cross-functional organisation
of document cedure
• Ensuring access to and retrievability of • Document control man- • Workflow management systems
documents ager
B. Appendix B
Verification of requisition, • Ensuring Request for Quotation (RFQ) • Request for quotation & • Lead project engineer • Supplier collaboration
T&C, cost, schedule meets contract requirements purcase
• Ensuring term & condition for purcase • Purchase order • Engineering manager
order and clauses are aligned
• Procurement manager
Expediting • Ensuring and managing fabrication pro- • Material receiving re- • Expediting engineer • Supplier collaboration
cess and in time delivery materials transport port
• Inspecting and testing equipment • Quality control inspec-
Evaluation of suppli- • Evaluating technical and commercial ca- • Suppliers evaluation re- • Procurement manager • Supplier collaboration
ers and subcontractors pability of suppliers port
Material, fabrication, • Ensuring adequateness of material han- • Fabrication procedures • Procurement manager • Supplier collaboration
manufacture evaluation dling procedures
• Assessing fabrication environment and • Quality control manager • Availability resources
• Expediting engineer
Field document and field • Ensuring field documents and designs are • Documents distribution • Document control officer • Workflow management systems
design control well-distributed procedures
• Engineering manager
Construction work • Ensruing project activities follow proce- • Project deliverables • Project manager • Workflow management system
dures, WBS, and schedules
• Work and organizational work-
• Availability of resources
Field inspection and non- • Storing calibration and testing notes • Calibration and testing • Quality control/assur- • Right tools
conformance monitoring notes ance manager
• Evaluating conformance to requirements • Inspection reports • Chief field inspector • Metrics and measurement
• Inspecting and reviewing construction • Management commitment
Mechanical completion • Collecting construction data record for • Design revision docu- • Chief field engineer • Right tools
each design documents ments
• Registering non-conformance • Construction and instal- • Document control officer • Metrics and measurement
lation reports
• Engineering manager
Recording and document • Recording and checking data operation • Non-conformance and • Process engineer • Right tools
control plant corrective action proce-
• Registering non-conformance • Engineering manager • Metrics and measurement
Project quality audit and • Ensuring and evaluating quality confor- • Project quality report • Internal audit team • Right tools
operation control mance activities from QMS
• Reporting project progress report • Daily, weekly, mothly • Quality assurance man- • Metrics and measurement
progress repots ager
• Project review report • Project control manager
Cost and schedule control • Recording data and progress controlling • Engineering progress • Project control manager • Right tools
• Analysing variance and deviation • Procurement progress • Project control engineer • Metrics and Measurement
• Re-allocating resource, taking corrective • Earned value analysis • Resource availability
• Management commitment
Appendix C
C. Appendix C