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Bridging The GAP: Literary Survey: Discovery-Deals With Realizing The Concepts Advocacy - Focuses On Understanding The

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Bridging the GAP: Literary Survey Unstructured interviews:

According to Linus Paul, “The best way to have The interviewer has no specific
a good idea is to have a lot of ideas”. guidelines, restrictions, predetermined
questions, or list of options. The interviewer asks
Discovery- deals with realizing the concepts a few broad questions to engage the respondent
already found by other researcher in the field. in an open, informal, and spontaneous
Advocacy- focuses on understanding the discussion.
limitations of past studies. Unstructured interviews are particularly
A researcher takes responsibility for: useful for getting the stories behind respondents’
a. digging deeper into the extent of the experiences or when there is little information
knowledge that was reported about a topic.
b. checking the accuracy of that
knowledge disseminated to the public d. Survey research is one of the most important
c. linking it to your proposed study areas of measurement in applied social
research. A "survey" can be anything form a
Sources of Information can be classified for: short paper-and-pencil feedback form to an
intensive one-on-one in-depth interview.
a. Primary Sources are those containing
firsthand information or those that have not been e. Peer reviewing reviewers evaluate the
edited such as transcript and translations. scientific merit of the study, the reliability and
appropriateness of the methods employed, the
Example: Texts of laws and other correctness of the interpretation of data, and the
original documents. Newspaper reports, overall impact on the contribution of the study to
Speeches, diaries, letters and interviews. existing knowledge.
Original research. Datasets, survey data, such
as census or economic statistics. Photographs,
video, or audio that capture an event.
“Macromolecules publishes original
b. Secondary Sources are those that have research on all fundamental aspects of
checked for accuracy and proofread by other macromolecular science including synthesis,
parties. polymerization mechanisms and kinetics,
Example: books, web sites, lecture and chemical modification, solution/ melts/solid-
presentation, journal articles, newspaper article, waste”.
indexes, databases, bibliographies, and abstract
(Hocks, 2009) f. Journal articles. Contain an abstract or a
section that summarizes the content of the
c. Interview is a conversation for gathering paper including significant findings.
A research interview involves an g. Databases are online repositories of various
interviewer, who coordinates the process of the sources of information.
conversation and asks questions, and an
interviewee, who responds to those questions. Example: PubChem, ProQuest,
Interviews can be conducted face-to-face or Medline, Web of Science, Wikipedia, PubMed
over the telephone. Central, MSDSonline, Google and Directory of
Open Access Journals.
Types of Interview
Structured interviews:
Credibility of the sources maybe evaluated
using the following criteria:
The interviewer asks a set of standard,
predetermined questions about particular topics, a. Clear statement of objectives
in a specific order. The respondents need to b. Relevance and scope of study
select their answers from a list of options. The c. Integrity and expertise of the authors
interviewer may provide clarification on some d. Suitability and reliability of the methodology
questions. e. Accuracy of results
f. Appropriateness and specificity of the
Semi-structured interviews: interpretation
The interviewer uses a set of Bibliography is a list of works on a subject or
predetermined questions and the respondents by an author that were used or consulted to
answer in their own words. Some interviewers write a research paper, book or article. It can
use a topic guide that serves as a checklist to also be referred to as a list of works cited. It is
ensure that all respondents provide information usually found at the end of a book, article or
on the same topics. The interviewer can probe research paper.
areas based on the respondent’s answers or ask
supplementary questions for clarification.
Research Strategies: Gantt Chart or timeline contains an
Planning Your Own Research itemized list of activities, planned in
accordance with the expected outcomes
Tips in preparing a research proposal and research objectives.
(Guyatt, 2006)
Flowcharts and schematic diagrams are
 Pose a well-founded research useful features of any research proposal or
question. representations are included to present the
 Identify appropriate proposed stages of research project.
supporting/funding agencies.
 Demonstrate a multidisciplinary and
Symbol Name Utility
collaborative approach.
Oval/oblong Signifies
 Prepare a high-quality well-written
proposal. start or end
 Establish your credentials, of process
qualifications, and expertise, and Arrow Denotes
create an excellent research track connection
record. between
 Draft a solid and an effective review steps
of related literature to demonstrate represented
that your proposed study is feasible. by symbols
 Be accountable for every aspect of Diamond Signifies
your work. that
decision has
Introduction contains the background of to be made
the study, its potential significance or Parallelogram Indicates
contribution to existing knowledge, and its data (input
scope and limitation. or output)
Rectangle Suggest a
Variables are factors that can be
manipulated and measured. process

Independent Variables are to be Flowcharts perform the role of

manipulated and subjected to experiments. simplicity the various stages of the research
Dependent Variables are those observed or study.
upon the subjects after they have been
influenced by independent variables. Schematic Diagrams illustrate specific
procedures or methodologies that may be
References it will strengthen your argument
quite difficult to visualize mentally.
by demonstrating traceability.
Proposal Title

-12 to 15 words
- suggestive of the purpose of the planned
study and the overall goal of the inquiry
-be specific and self-explanatory
-it denote novelty, innovation, or

Budget Proposal
A budget proposal accompanies a
strong research proposal.
The extent of the activities of a
research shall determine the approximate
financial support that is being requested.
Unearthing the Unknown Ethical Consideration in the Conduct of
via  When conducting an experiment, beware
that ethical considerations must be strictly
Experimentation observed.
 Never plagiarize experimental procedures.
Questionnaire and survey forms must contain  Secure necessary permits or licenses with
questions or queries raised in a straightforward regard to the use of test animals and ensure
manner and are as concise as possible such that the that the policies are enforced in every step of
target information would easily be obtained. the experiment.
 Most important of all, never fabricate and
Survey/Interview calls for a description of people’s never falsify experimental data.
attitudes, perceptions, or feelings about a certain  Refers to past studies. So that, money, time,
issue. and effort will not be wasted.
 Make sure you document your results
Data gathering entails two techniques: thoroughly and appropriately.
 Observation- an act or instance of
noticing or perceiving. Common Research Errors
 Experimentation- the act, process,  Experimental Errors
practice, or an instance of Gross error it will render the
making experiments. whole inquiry process invalid and
Repeatability and Reproducibility of experimental Systematic error a type of error can
Data be detected and corrected.
 Reproducible data arise from within sample Random error is an error obtained
measurements from uncontrolled variables in the
 Repeatable data are those obtained from experiment such as those parallax
between sample runs. errors when reading the weight
Reproducibility can be using a pan balance or reading the
volume of the liquid contained in a
Accuracy and Precision of Experiments graduated cylinder.

Precision refers to the closeness of your experiment
data with one another.

a. Accuracy b. Precision
*shows highly accurate * demonstrate
and highly precise inaccuracies and poor
experimental data as precision in the
those black circles are experimental data.
very close to the target
value and are consistently
the same.

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