TMP 28651-Dpcpractice191599424 PDF
TMP 28651-Dpcpractice191599424 PDF
TMP 28651-Dpcpractice191599424 PDF
July 2003
Damp Proofing -
A Review of Good Practice
Damp Proofing -
A Review of Good Practice
More recently the BRE have produced the document 'Thermal DPCs in Cavity Walling
Insulation: Avoiding Risks'. This emphasises that the damp BS 8215 emphasises that DPCs in cavity walls should
proof course or membrane is the critical interface between be designed with particular care. Among the key points
building elements in terms of energy efficient detailing as mentioned are:
required under the revised Building Regulations. See also the
Approved Document, Part L 1995 Edition, 'Conservation of ● Assume that rainwater will run down the inner surface
Fuel and Power'.
of the outer leaf, so DPC design should ensure
The earlier Approved Document C, (second impression 1992), that water is deflected away from the inner leaf and
sets out requirements for "Site Preparation and Resistance to discharged through weepholes.
Moisture" and also covers ground contaminants which can be ● To form effective barriers can give rise to complex
countered by using Visqueen Building Products gas resistant
three dimensional shapes and it is recommended
(GR) products. The diagrams in section C4 highlight the need for
by the standard that prefabricated units are used.
a 50 mm cavity in all cavity walls apart from those with solid fill -
a point which requires very careful consideration when detailing ● Horizontal DPCs bridging the cavity should be stepped
cavity trays and assessing the level of weather exposure. up by not less than 150mm from outer to inner leaf and
should preferably be formed in one piece. Any necessary
However the key reference document for damp proofing above joints should be fully supported, lapped and sealed.
ground is BS 8215:1991 Design & Installation of Damp Proof
Courses in Masonry Construction. Section 5 of this standard ● Discontinuous cavity trays should be fitted with sealed
outlines the key damp proofing considerations that the designer stop-ends.
should take into account. The following points are by no means
● Vertical DPCs should be located at jambs and lap over
a comprehensive summary of the contents of the standard
(we strongly recommend that the standard is carefully studied) the sill DPC.
but are a precis of some valuable good practice guidelines
contained in the BS.
Other Standards
BS 8215 is by no means the only standard that refers to damp
Exposure Conditions proofing. We include a more comprehensive reading list at
The designer should first determine the degree of exposure, the end of this section. This includes British Standard 8102
the risk of penetration from any direction and the consequences (Protection against water from the ground) and British Standard
of water penetration. The use of a UK exposure assesses the 5628 (part 3, section 3) which has information on Movement
degree of severity of conditions that the building is likely to Joints (20) and Exclusion of Moisture (21). Some useful
encounter and helps the designer to make the appropriate form diagrams indicating the need for stop ends to lintels and
of construction to meet these conditions. weepholes are included.
The diagrams of internal and external tanking in BS 8102
demonstrate the principles clearly, but not the detail of
Primary Protection installation. Zedex basement details are intended to
Provision should be made for weathered copings, sills, assist designer and installer to produce a practical and
overhangs and projections, which will help to reduce the effective solution
likelihood of moisture penetration into a building.
Housing specialists will know that the NHBC technical standards
Integral System are essential reading. In particular, we support the view that
DPCs should be designed in conjunction with membranes and dpc's are required over all lintels. Keeping the waterproof
flashings to form a complete system of protection impervious membrane independent of the structure is an effective 'second
to moisture. line of defence' and enables a more effective stop-end solution.
Damp Proofing -
A Review of Good Practice
Summary 362 Building Mortar 380 Damp Proof Courses
Continuity is the key to successful damp proofing and perhaps
this point is not sufficiently emphasised in published standards. Defect Action Sheets
Compatibility of adjacent products is equally significant. Mastic 12 Cavity trays in external cavity walls: preventing
/ dpc adhesion, solvent based stains / dpc reaction for example. water penetration
94 Masonry chimneys: DPCs and flashings - location
Successful damp proofing depends on a combination of good 95 Masonry chimneys: DPCs and flashings - installation
design, correct installation and a quality product. 98 Windows: resisting rain penetration at perimeter joints
106 Cavity parapets - avoiding rain penetration
At the interface of so many materials, considerable technical
107 Cavity Parapets - installation of copings, DPCs, trays
knowledge is required to ensure long term effectiveness, not
and flashings
simply short term compliance.
114 Slated and tiled pitch roofs: flashings and cavity trays for
Visqueen Building Products can provide high quality compatible step and stagger layouts - specification
products and a high level of technical advice. As winners of an 129 Free-standing masonry boundary walls: stability and
'Investors in People' award, we aim to work in partnership movement (Design)
with you to achieve the best possible solution. We are also 130 Free-standing masonry boundary walls: materials and
committed to 'continuing' Professional Development (CPD) construction (Design)
and are pleased to offer 'tailor made' short seminar's for your
organisation, on request. Other Sources -
National Building Regulations (England & Wales, Scotland,
Useful References Northern Ireland) Relevant Sections
British Standards
BS 743 1970 Materials for DPCs
National Building Specifications
Relevant Sections
BS 5628 Code of Practice for the Use of Masonry
1992 Part 1: Structural Use of Unreinforced Masonry
1985 Part 3: Materials and Components, Design National Housebuilders
and Workmanship Registration Council
BS 5642 Cills and Copings Approved Standards
Part 1: Specification for window cills of stone and concrete
With increasing emphasis on Thermal Standards, cross
BS 5930 1981 Code of Practice for Site Investigations referencing may be necessary with BS 5616, BS 6232 and
BS 6515 1984 Specification for polyethylene DPC for use BS 8208.
with masonry.
BS 8000 Workmanship on Building Sites
1989 Part 3: Code of Practice for masonry Acknowledgments
1989 Part 4: Waterproofing
Visqueen Building Products would like to thank the BRE and
BS 8007 Code of Practice for concrete structures for retaining BSI for use of materials from BRE Digest 380 and BS 8215.
aqueous liquids
Damp Proofing
A Review of Good Practice
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inclusion into specifications.
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Oxfordshire, OX28 1LJ.
t: 01993 776346 f: 01993 776233
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Further product and technical information is
available from Visqueen Building Products web
site. The site includes downloadable technical
data sheets and typical installation details.
The information given in this brochure is based on data and knowledge correct at the time of printing. Statements made in this brochure are of a general nature and are not intended to apply to any
use or application outside any referred to in the literature. As conditions of usage and installation are beyond our control we do not warrant performance obtained but strongly recommend that our
installation guidelines and the relevant Codes of Practice are adhered to. Please contact us if you are in any doubt as to the suitability of application.