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Introductory Concepts: Error

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In this chapter we examine the concept of chemical process control and introduce several
examples to illustrate the necessity for process modeling as we begin our study of process
dynamics and control.
As competition becomes stiffer in the chemical marketplace and processes become more
complicated to operate, it is advantageous to make use of some form of automatic control.
Automatic control of a process offers many advantages, including
• Enhanced process safety
• Satisfying environmental constraints
• Meeting ever-stricter product quality specifications
• More efficient use of raw materials and energy
• Increased profitability
Considering all the benefits that can be realized through process control, it is well worth the
time and effort required to become familiar with the concepts and practices used in the field.
Control systems are used to maintain process conditions at their desired values by manipulating
certain process variables to adjust the variables of interest. A common example of a control
system from everyday life is the cruise control on an automobile. The purpose of a cruise control
is to maintain the speed of the vehicle (the controlled variable) at the desired value (the set point)
despite variations in terrain, hills, etc. (disturbances) by adjusting the throttle, or the fuel flow to
the engine (the manipulated variable). Another common example is the home hot water heater.
The control system on the hot water heater attempts to maintain the temperature in the tank at the
desired value by manipulating the fuel flow to the burner (for a gas heater) or the electrical input
to the heater in the face of disturbances such as the varying demand on the heater early in the
morning, as it is called upon to provide water for the daily showers. A third example is the home
thermostat. This control system is designed to maintain the temperature in the home at a
comfortable value by manipulating the fuel flow or electrical input to the furnace. The furnace
control system must deal with a variety of disturbances to maintain temperature in the house,
such as heat losses, doors being opened and hopefully closed, and leaky inefficient windows.
The furnace must also be able to respond to a request to raise the desired temperature if
necessary. For example, we might desire to raise the temperature by 5°, and we’d like the system
to respond smoothly and efficiently. From these examples, we can deduce that there are several
common attributes of control systems:
• The ablity to maintain the process variable at its desired value in spite of disturbances that
might be experienced (this is termed disturbance rejection)
• The ability to move the process variable from one setting to a new desired setting (this is
termed set point tracking)
Conceptually we can view the control systems we’ve discussed in the following general
manner (Fig. 1–1).
The controller compares the measurement signal of the controlled variable to the set point
(the desired value of the controlled variable). The difference between the two values is called the
Error = (Set point value) - (Measurement signal of controlled variable)
Depending upon the magnitude and sign of the error, the controller takes appropriate action by
sending a signal to the final control element, which provides an input to the process to return the
controlled variable to the set point. The concept of using information about the deviation of the
system from its desired state to control the system is called feedback control. Information about
the state of the system is “fed back” to a controller, which utilizes this information to change the
system in some way.
The type of control system shown in Fig. 1–1 is termed a closed-loop feedback control system.
Closed-loop refers to the fact that the controller automatically acts to return the controlled
variable to its desired value. In contrast, an open-loop system would have the measurement
signal disconnected from the controller, and the controller output would have to be manually
adjusted to change the value of the controlled variable. An open-loop system is sometimes said
to be in manual mode as opposed to automatic mode (closed-loop). Negative feedback is the
most common type of signal feedback. Negative refers to the fact that the error signal is
computed from the difference between the set point and the measured signal. The negative value
of the measured signal is “fed back” to the controller and added to the set point to compute the
Example 1.1. Hot water tank control system
As a specific example, let us consider a hot water heater for a home (Fig. 1–2) and examine its
control system, using the same type of diagram (Fig. 1–3).
The desired hot water temperature is selected by the homeowner, and typically it is in the
neighborhood of 120 to 140°F. Let us assume that the set point is 130°F. The thermocouple
measures the temperature of the water in the tank and sends a signal to the thermostat indicating
the temperature. The thermostat (controller)
determines the error as
Error = Tset point - Tmeasured
If the error is positive (>0), the measured temperature is lower than desired and the thermostat
opens the fuel valve to the burner which adds heat to the tank. If the error is zero or negative
(<0), the thermostat closes the fuel valve and no heat is added to the tank. Disturbances to the
system, which decrease the temperature of the water in the tank, include ambient heat losses and
hot water demand by the household which is replaced with a cold water feed.
Types of Controllers
The thermostat on the hot water heater is called an “on/off” type of controller. Depending on the
value of the error signal, the output from the controller is either “full on” or “full off” and the
fuel valve is full open or full closed; there are no intermediate values of the output. Many other
types of controllers that we will study can modulate their output based on the magnitude of the
error signal, how long the error signal has persisted, and even how rapidly the error appears to be

Clearly, the larger the error, the less we are satisfied with the present state of affairs and vice
versa. In fact, we are completely satisfied only when the error is exactly zero. Based on these
considerations, it is natural to suggest that the controller should change the heat input by an
amount proportional to the error. This is called proportional control. In effect, the controller is
instructed to maintain the heat input at the steady-state design value as long as the error is zero.
If the tank temperature deviates from the set point, causing an error, the controller is to use the
magnitude of the error to change the heat input proportionally. We shall reserve the right to vary
the proportionality constant to suit our needs. This degree of freedom forms a part of our
instructions to the controller. As we will see shortly during the course of our studies, the larger
we make the proportionality constant for the proportional controller (called the controller gain),
the smaller the steady-state error will become. We will also see that it is impossible to
completely eliminate the error through the use of a proportional controller. For example, if the
set point is 130°F and a disturbance occurs that drops the temperature to 120°F, if we use only a
proportional controller, then we will never be able to get the tank temperature to exactly 130°F.
Once the sytem stabilizes again, the temperature will not be exactly 130°F, but perhaps 127°F or
133°F. There will always be some residual steady-state error (called offset). For a home water
heater, this is probably good enough; the exact temperature is not that critical. In an industrial
process, this may not be adequate, and we have to resort to a bit more complicated controller to
drive the error to zero.
Considerable improvement may be obtained over proportional control by adding integral
control. The controller is now instructed to change the heat input by an additional amount
proportional to the time integral of the error. This type of control system has two adjustable
parameters: a multiplier for the error and a multiplier for the integral of the error. If this type of
controller is used, the steady-state error will be zero. From this standpoint, the response is clearly
superior to that of the system with proportional control only. One price we pay for this
improvement is the tendency for the system to be more oscillatory. The system will tend to
overshoot its final steady-state value before slowly settling out at the desired set point. So what is
the best control system to use for a particular application? This and related questions will be
addressed in subsequent chapters.
Some Further Complications
At this point, it would appear that the problem has been solved in some sense. A little further
probing will shatter this illusion.
It has been assumed that the controller receives instantaneous information about the tank
temperature. From a physical standpoint, some measuring device such as a thermocouple will be
required to measure this temperature. The temperature of a thermocouple inserted in the tank
may or may not be the same as the temperature of the fluid in the tank. This can be demonstrated
by placing a mercury thermometer in a beaker of hot water. The thermometer does not
instantaneously rise to the water temperature. Rather, it takes a bit of time to respond. Since the
controller will receive measured values of the temperature, rather than the actual values, it will
be acting upon the apparent error, rather than the actual error. The effect of the thermocouple
delay in transmission of the temperature to the controller is primarily to make the response of the
system somewhat more oscillatory than if the response were instantaneous. If we increase the
controller gain (the proportionality constants), the tank temperature will eventually oscillate with
increasing amplitude and will continue to do so until the physical limitations of the heating
system are reached. In this case, the control system has actually caused a deterioration in
performance, and this type of reponse is referred to as an unstable response.
This problem of stability of response will be a major concern for obvious reasons. At
present, it is sufficient to note that extreme care must be exercised in specifying control systems.
In the case considered, the proportional and integral controllers described above will perform
satisfactorily if the gain is kept lower than some particular value. However, it is not difficult to
construct examples of systems for which the addition of any amount of integral control will
cause an unstable response. Since integral control usually has the desirable feature of eliminating
steady-state error, it is extremely important that we develop means for predicting the occurrence
of unstable response in the design of any control system.
Block Diagram
A good overall picture of the relationships among variables in the heated-tank control system
may be obtained by preparing a block diagram as shown in Fig. 1–1 . It indicates the flow of
information around the control system and the function of each part of the system. Much more
will be said about block diagrams later, but the reader can undoubtedly form a good intuitive
notion about them by comparing Fig. 1–1 with the physical description of the process.
Particularly significant is the fact that each component of the system is represented by a block,
with little regard for the actual physical characteristics of the represented component (e.g., the
tank or controller). The major interest is in (1) the relationship between the signals entering and
leaving the block and (2) the manner in which information flows around the system.
We have taken an overall look at a typical control problem and some of its ramifications. At
present, the reader has been asked to accept the results on faith and to concentrate on obtaining a
physical understanding of the transient behavior of the heated tank. In the forthcoming chapters
we develop tools for determining the response of such systems. As this new material is
presented, the reader may find it helpful to refer to this chapter to place the material in proper
perspective to the overall control problem.
Block diagram —Diagram that indicates the flow of information around the control system and
the function of each part of the system.
Closed loop —In closed loop, the measured value of the controlled variable is fed back to the
Controlled variable —The process variable that we want to maintain at a particular value.
Controller —A device that outputs a signal to the process based on the magnitude of the error
signal. A proportional controller outputs a signal proportional to the error.
Disturbance rejection —One goal of a control system, which is to enable the system to “reject”
the effect of disturbance changes and maintain the controlled variable at the set point.
Disturbances —Any process variables that can cause the controlled variable to change. In
general, disturbances are variables that we have no control over.
Error —The difference between the values of the set point and the measured variable.
Manipulated variable —Process variable that is adjusted to bring the controlled variable back
to the set point.
Negative feedback —In negative feedback, the error is the difference between the set point and
the measured variable (this is usually the desired configuration).
Offset —The steady-state value of the error.
Open loop —In open loop, the measured value of the controlled variable is not fed back to the
Positive feedback —In positive feedback, the measured temperature is added to the set point.
(This is usually an undesirable situation and frequently leads to instability.)
Set point —The desired value of the controlled variable.
Set point tracking —One goal of a control system, which is to force the system to follow or
“track” requested set point changes.

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