Govt. Degree College (W) Zahir Peer Rahim Yar Khan
Govt. Degree College (W) Zahir Peer Rahim Yar Khan
Govt. Degree College (W) Zahir Peer Rahim Yar Khan
Q.No.4: Write short answers of any 06 parts from the following. (6*2=12)
i. Who is a hacker?
ii. d/f b/w authentication and authorization.
iii. What is data security?
iv. What is RedLof?
v. How Undo & Redo commands are used?
vi. d/f b/w Save & Save as options.
vii. What is text alignment in word?
viii. What is column?
Note: Attempt only one question. (10)
Q.No.5: What is normalization? Explain first three Normal Forms.
Q.No.6: What is View? How do we create it?
Note: Attempt any two questions. (20)
Q.No.7: Define Errors. Explain different types of errors.
Q.No.8: How would you create, edit, compile, link and execute a program.
Q.No.9: Define Constant. Explain its types.
Q.No.10: Write a program that input height and width and calculate area (area=height*width)