Adverse Selection in The Sharing Economy:: Understanding The Impact of Digital Work Intermediation
Adverse Selection in The Sharing Economy:: Understanding The Impact of Digital Work Intermediation
Adverse Selection in The Sharing Economy:: Understanding The Impact of Digital Work Intermediation
June 7, 2019
Managerial Accounting Final Report
I. Background Research
1.1 What is the Sharing Economy?
1.2 Sharing Economy as a Solution to the Lemon Market
1.3 Phishing Equilibrium in the World of Sharing Economy
III. Implications
3.1 Reputational Feedback Mechanism as a Performance Indicator
3.2 Power Imbalance and Exploitation
IV. Solutions
4.1 Portable Ratings and Dual Reputation
4.2 Making the Platform More Transparent
4.3 Employment Contract and Fixed Remuneration
The free market does not always operate perfectly due to market frictions such as information
asymmetry. People possess different information, and when buying goods, the buyer may not have the
same depth of information as the seller. Consequently, in transactions, market agents face the difficulty
of distinguishing high quality products from low quality products. Such disparity in information
between producers and consumers may result in moral hazard problems, where the better-informed
agent could distort other’s judgement, either by intentionally making up information to mislead the
buyers or by nudging people through emotional and cognitive biases. Akerlof and Shiller (2015) point
out that such deception and trickery are inherent in all transactions of modern economy because there
is a phishing equilibrium where the better-informed would always outperform the uninformed. Their
idea is supported by anecdotes of informational imbalance from various fields: high finance, tobacco,
medication, liquor and even politics.
As society develops and experiences technological breakthroughs, the general public is exposed to
new types of markets. This text will expand the scope to a new area of economy – the sharing economy,
also referred as gig economy. A number of scholars highlighted the sharing economy as a solution to
the information asymmetry in the market. They argued that an Internet-based service and its reputational
feedback mechanisms would reconcile the discrepancy in information availability among market
participants.(Thrierer et al. 2016) Nevertheless, there too is an unnoticed phishing equilibrium in the
realm of sharing economy and it may bring a greater range and complexity of dangers. Such adverse
consequences of the information asymmetry are especially observable in one form of sharing economy:
ride-hailing. The paper will focus on the case of Uber Technologies Inc., to see how the company uses
its digital platform as a market intermediary to monitor and nudge its users. As one of the pioneers and
the most successful players of the sharing economy, the ride-hailing company became the highest valued
tech unicorn since Facebook and Alibaba. Unfortunately, on the other side of the coin remain groaning
Uber drivers who are constantly manipulated by the cognitive biases created by the firm.
This paper is composed of four parts. Part I will define the concept of sharing economy and refer to
an existing literature to see how sharing economy platforms can overcome information asymmetry.
Later, the information asymmetry inherent in a platform economy will be presented. Part II will
elaborate the information asymmetry problems from which both Uber drivers and riders are suffering.
Part III will present the caveats of the Uber example and finally, part IV will discuss possible solutions
to tackle the adverse selection in the sharing economy.
I. Background Research
III. Implications
Despite the growing acceptance of sharing economy firms, the example of Uber shows that the digital
platform intermediaries take advantage of both requestors and workers. Both parties made inefficient
decisions because of adverse selection. However, the platform’s exclusive ownership of information
has more important caveats.
IV. Solutions
In May 2019, Uber and Lyft drivers went on strike in New York and LA to fight against the low
wages and lack of job security. Unfortunately, collective action did not seem to be the best solution.
Strikers did not get full support from fellow drivers, meaning that the strike was not powerful enough
to disturb the match-making system of the algorithm. Collective action did not increase the laborer’s
negotiation power.
Information asymmetry can be reduced by controlling the information dominance of the sharing
economy firms. Both drivers and riders may expect improvements when the platform diffuses its
exclusive ownership of data.(Choudary, 2018:34) Thus, platforms should share their information with
third parties, make available more information to the workers.
4.1 Portable Ratings and Dual Reputation
In the ride sharing industry, the algorithmic rating system itself is a source of power imbalance. The
rating systems of the platforms bind the worker to stay and continue working for the particular platform
(Prassl, 2018:111) Drivers are simply deprived of the opportunities to negotiate for better conditions or
to settle in other ride-hailing services. The overall scores and ratings that the worker has accumulated
in one platform would become worthless when moving to another platform.
Multiple literatures suggest that reputation ratings of the drivers must be transferable across
numerous platforms. (OECD, 2019:158, Prassl, 2018:108, Choudary, 2018: 40-44) With portable
ratings or reputation portability, drivers will have stronger bargaining power because the rating system
is no longer used internally in the platform but diffused through the market. Workers would no longer
be dependent on the original platform as they could negotiate with other ride-hailing platforms for better
working conditions. The independence and the choice to move to other firms could pressure the original
platform as ride-hailing platforms need a large pool of workers to meet the demand and losing a worker
to a competitor is not the best news.
Still, the platform which originally owned the rating information of the driver should not perceive
giving out ratings as losing a property. Portable ratings would also benefit the original platform because
rating information of the same driver would be gathered by different platforms and would be disclosed
to all ride-hailing companies. By providing an individual’s reputation to other platform firms, the
platform will also collect much information.
Furthermore, Choudary (2018:40) adds that portable ratings would enable dual reputation. As
reputation feedbacks are shared by multiple platforms, there may be two rating scores given to an
individual driver. One would be a platform-level reputation score which would measure the
performance of the driver within one platform. This information could be used by the platform to reward
the driver’s high performance. Another score would be a base-level reputation score which would
incorporate ratings from all platforms. The base-level ratings would become a reliable information to
customers as it would show whether the driver is credible or not. Platforms may also consider the base-
level score when making recruit decisions of new applicants.
5. Conclusion
The advent of the internet has certainly contributed to the decrease in information asymmetry, and it
is true that the rise of sharing economy firms based on online platforms played an important role in
reducing the information gap between buyers and sellers. However, the internet gave an overwhelming
power to the platforms who accommodate both parties and also their information. With the surplus of
information, the platforms, as digital market intermediaries, started to exercise power over its users.
That is why a phishing equilibrium persists in the sharing economy.
By observing the examples of adverse selection in Uber’s ride-hailing services and how the platform
firm hurts its users, it was clarified that the ride-hailing business is not a level playing field. The
reputational feedback mechanism in the sharing economy platforms did not work as an efficient
performance indicator. It contrarily became a source of power imbalance and a tool of worker
exploitation. The consequences were grave, but they can be overcome with portable rating, increased
transparency in the platforms and a guaranteed fixed-term driver contracts.
Nevertheless, there are some questions left unanswered. Even though there are possible solutions, it
is unclear who will be actually paying to reduce the information asymmetry. It is difficult for the
regulators to rebalance the information gap by imposing certain policies, because sharing economy
firms have cunningly sidestepped regulations by shaping narratives and using ambiguous jargons,
which made it difficult to classify the firms in the legal area. (Prassl, 2018:18-22) The only players who
can change the situation at this point seems to be the platform firms themselves and their shareholders.
The problems of sharing economy also has ramifications in the Korean context because a ride-sharing
platform named Tada became a recent fad. Currently, more focus is on the firm’s conflict with the
traditional taxi business, but some issues of Uber are also observable in the Korean counterpart: drivers
do not get passenger information until they accept the ride. There is also power imbalance. Workers
take all the risks of the firm, customers threaten drivers by using reputation scores as a leverage and
request drivers to run irrelevant errands. Most importantly, the platform firm monitors the driver all the
time. Tada even measures drivers’ restroom break time. Uber and Tada are sharing economy firms.
Unfortunately, even though they are labeled as ‘sharing’, it is hard to figure out what they are actually
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