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The Slayer

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Standing tall before a powerful mage, a Half-Orc clad in

platemail feels the great wizard's magic pass through him
with no effect. Unphased by the dark curse invoked by his
adversary, the Half-Orc rushes forward to rend him with his
greataxe to disrupt his next spell.
Camouflaged amidst the treeline a sly wood-elf eyes his
target in the distance, carefully taking aim with a silver tipped
arrow in his grip before loosing certain death on his
unsuspecting foe.
Striding confidently towards the vampire lord, an
unassuming blonde human girl shrugs off the effects of his
charms and dispatches the vampire's spawn using only her
bare hands. She rushes forward soon after and plants a stake
straoght into the creature’s heart.

As a slayer, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: ld10 per slayer level
Hit Points at 1st LeveI: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: ld10 (or 6) + your Constitution
modifier per slayer leveI after 1st
Armor: Light armor, medium armor (not shields)
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Thieves’ Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of
Hand, Stealth, and Survival
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) scale mail or (b) leather, longbow, and 20 arrows
(a) a martial weapon and a hand crossbow with 20 bolts
or (b) two martial weapons
(a) a Iight crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Fighting Style
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. The Slayer
Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting Proficiency Slayer Vulnerable
Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose Level Bonus Features Dice Foe
1st +2 Fighting Style, Slayer 3d6 -
Archery Dice
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged 2nd +2 Vulnerable Foe 3d6 +1d6
weapons. 3rd +2 Slayer Archetype 4d6 +1d6
Great Weapon Fighting 4th +2 Ability Score 4d6 +1d6
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a weapon damage die for an attack Improvement
you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with 5th +3 Extra Attack 4d6 +1d6
two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, 6th +3 Rapid Recovery 5d6 +2d6
even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the
two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. 7th +3 Archetype Feature 5d6 +2d6
8th +3 Ability Score 5d6 +2d6
Two-Weapon Fighting Improvement
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your
ability modifier to the damage of the second attack. 9th +4 Stillness of Mind 6d8 +2d6
10th +4 Imrpoved Fighting 6d8 +3d6
Slayer Dice Style, Evasion
As a slayer, your training in combat allows you to draw on 11th +4 Archetype Feature 6d8 +3d6
untapped reserves of stamina and focus to perform feats of 12th +4 Ability Score 7d8 +3d6
daring agility and strength. Once per turn, you may spend a Improvement
slayer die by rolling it and using it to do any of the following: 13th +5 Surprising Agility 7d8 +3d6
• Dash or Dodge as a bonus action on your turn adding the
rolled Slayer Die to your AC against the next attack you 14th +5 Hardened Soul 7d8 +4d6
receive before the start of your next turn. 15th +5 Archetype Feature 8d8 +4d6
• Add it to a Strength or Dexterity check you perform that
you are proficient in. 16th +5 Ability Score
8d8 +4d6
• Add the Slayer Die to your survival checks made to track
for 8 hours. 17th +6 Penetrating Strike 8d8 +4d6
You start with 3 slayer dice that are a d6 to use throughout 18th +6 Truesilver Slayer 9d10 +5d6
the day, once a slayer die has been rolled it cannot be used
again until you finishing a long rest. Every three slayer levels 19th +6 Ability Score
9d10 +5d6
you receive +1 to your maximum Slayer Dice. The size of
your Slayer Dice becomes a d8 at level 9 and a d10 at level 20th +6 Critical Focus 9d10 +5d6
18. Using this feature not only puts a strain on the body but
also the mind; using Slayer Dice requires your concentration
and as such is not usable without breaking spellcasting
concentration nor can it be used while raging. You cannot use
Slayer Dice when you have a shield equipped. Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th leveI, you can attack twice, instead of once,
Vulnerable Foe whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Upon reaching level 2 you are keenly aware of the openings
in a foe’s defense. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 Rapid Recovery
damage to one creature you hit with a weapon attack if you Starting at level 6, you regain expended Slayer Dice after
have advantage on the attack roll. Unlike Sneak Attack, it finishing a short rest.
does not require a finesse weapon but also does not trigger
from just having an ally adjacent to your target; you must
have advantage on the attack roll in order to trigger Stillness of Mind
Vulnerable Foe. The amount of the extra damage increases Starting at 9th leveI, you can use your action to end one effect
as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Vulnerable on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.
Foe column of the Slayer table.
Hardened Soul
Starting at level 14 you gain proficiency in all saving throws
and your maximum hitpoints cannot be reduced.
Penetrating Strike
At level 17 your strikes become so precise that you can
bypass the armor of your more sluggish adversaries. You gain
another way to spend your Slayer Dice: When making a
weapon attack you may spend a Slayer Die to have the target
of your attack make a dexterity saving throw instead of
attacking their AC. The DC of the saving throw is 8 + your
proficiency bonus + the ability modifier of the attack roll. If
the target fails it takes damage as though you had hit it with
the attack. If they succeed they take only half damage and you
may not add your Vulnerable Foe damage dice. If you make
the attack at advantage while hidden from the target, they
Improved Fighting Style must make this save at disadvantage. If you are using two-
After reaching level 10 your skill and expertise in weapons weapon fighting you may make your offhand attack in this
combat has improved even more. Your fighting style selection way using the same Slayer Dice but are still limited to using
from level 1 begets further benefits: Vulnerable Foe’s additional damage only once per turn.
Any modifiers to the attack which negatively impact the hit
Archery roll also affect the saving throw DC by the same amount; a
Attacking prone targets from further than 5ft now confers feature like Great Weapon Master for instance, which can
advantage to your ranged weapon attack rolls instead of impart -5 to hit for +10 damage would also reduce the DC of
disadvantage. the save by 5. This feature cannot be used on attacks made at
Great Weapon Fighting
Your ability to re-roll 1’s and 2’s now include damage dice Truesilver Slayer
from Vulnerable Foe. At 18th level you have refined a weapon coating that allows
Two-Weapon Fighting for piercing and slashing weapon attacks to inhibit the
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you no longer need healing abilities and bypass the resistances of their targets.
to spend a bonus action to make your first offhand attack. If This concoction requires 50gp worth of materials along with
you make a second mainhand attack on the same turn you 1 hour to prepare and apply to one weapon or 20 pieces of
may spend your bonus action to make a second offhand ammunition. Weapons and munitions coated this way count
attack. as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and
prevent all healing and regeneration of any creature they
The bonus applies only to the fighting style you have selected damage until they finish a short or long rest.
at your first Slayer level and does not improve fighting styles The Slayer is adept at treating wounds affected by
gained from other classes. Truesilver and may spend 1 minute with a healing kit to allow
a creature to recover hitpoints as normal after it has been
damaged by a Truesilver coated weapon attack.
Beginning at 10th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way Critical Focus
of certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or By 20th level your acumen with weaponry is unparalleled.
an ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that You capitalize on openings in your opponents defense with
allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half lethal precision. Whenever you make a weapon attack against
damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the a foe at advantage you may spend a Slayer Die after seeing
saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. the roll but before knowing the outcome, adding the result to
your attack roll. If both rolls would hit, you automatically
Surprising Agility critical hit.
After reaching 13th level, you may add your proficiency bonus
to your initiative rolls. If you choose to spend a Slayer Die to
improve your initiative roll treat it as though you had spent it
on your first turn in the combat.
Whenever you have already spent a Slayer Die on a turn,
the next attack you successfully land on the same turn can
deal Vulnerable Foe's bonus damage without the need for
advantage on the attack roll. This feature does not allow you
to deal Vulnerable Foe's damage more than once per turn.
Slayer Archetypes Crippling Strike
Slayers, while consistent in their fervor and determination, By level 11, whenever you deal Vulnerable Foe damage, you
have been known to adopt different methods for hunting their may force the target of your attack to make a Strength saving
foes. Your archetype reflects not only a particular fighting throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + the
style but also new ways to exploit your enemies' weaknesses. ability modifier of the attack. If the target succeeds, nothing
Your Slayer Archetype heavily defines your combat style and happens. If the target fails the save, its speed is halved. At the
will dictate much about your strengths. end of each of its turns the creature re-attempts the save. On
All three archetypes require a baseline of expertise and as a success, the effect ends and it's speed is returned to normal.
such the archetype only becomes available upon reaching If a creature's speed is already halved by this feature and it
level 3. fails the initial save from a new attack that triggers Crippling
Strike, it immediately falls prone and has its speed set to 0.
Only one save against this effect is made per turn to remove
Stalker all Crippling Strike effects.
Prowling the shadows of forests and urban streets alike, Hide in Plain Sight
stalker’s embody the pinnacle of finesse and swift strikes
from the darkness. They make perfect scouts and bounty Starting at 15th level, you can remain perfectly still for long
hunters often patiently tracking their prey waiting for a periods of time to set up ambushes. When you attempt to
moment of weakness to pounce. hide on your turn, you can opt to not move on that turn. If you
avoid moving, creatures that attempt to detect you take a −10
Bonus Proficiencies penalty to their Wisdom (Perception) checks until the start of
Starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency in Dexterity(Stealth) your next turn. You lose this benefit if you move or fall prone,
checks, if you are already proficient in the skill you double either voluntarily or because of some external effect. You are
your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. still automatically detected if any effect or action causes you
to no longer be hidden. If you are still hidden on your next
turn, you can continue to remain motionless and gain this
Stealthy benefit until you are detected.
Upon selecting this Archetype you can now Hide as a bonus
action. If you are travelling alone you can move stealthily at a
normal pace.
Eyes of the Eagle
At 7th level you gain the eyesight of an eagle. You can see up
to 1 mile away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine
details as though looking at something no more than 100 feet
away from you. Additionally, dim light doesn't impose
disadvantage on your Wisdom (Perception) checks.
You also gain proficiency in Wisdom(Perception) checks, if
you are already proficient in the skill you double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
Inquisitor Flawless Form
Known as Anti-mages, sorcerer slayers, hex-hunters or just Beginning at 15th level, your body has strengthened allowing
wizard slayers. These zealous warriors go by many you to to attack thrice, instead of twice, whenever you take
nicknames but all of them share a disdain for magic and view the Attack action on your turn.
manipulation of the weave with great suspicion. Often their Additionally, you can choose to ignore curses and
history is scarred by magical tragedy, as either those close to polymorph effects.
them fell victim to magic in some way or view it as a tool
which is not only dangerous but acts as a crutch for the weak.
Whatever the cause, Inquisitors have sworn a pledge to
absolve themselves of witchcraft and sorcery and use this
abstention to fuel strong anti-magical abilities. Any features
gained via the Inquisitor archetype, except bonus
proficiencies, are no longer usable after casting a spell. If any
Inquisitor casts a spell they must complete a short or long
rest before they regain their Archetype features.
Bonus Proficiencies
Upon selecting this archetype at 3rd level you gain
proficiency with Heavy Armor and Intelligence(Investigation)
checks, if you are already proficient in the skill you double
your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
Sense Magic
Starting at 3rd level, you can innately tune your senses to pick
up on magic. You can use your action to mimic the effects of
the Detect Magic spell without having to cast it. It still
requires your concentration to maintain. At level 11 you can
use this feature as a bonus action instead of an action.
Clever Combatant
By 7th level you may use Intelligence instead of Dexterity for
your attack and damage rolls with crossbows. Brawler
Additionally, if you can see a creature casting a spell within
60ft, you can spend a Slayer Die and your reaction to move The clarity of focus afforded to some Slayers goes beyond the
up to half of your speed then either attack them once with a limitations of clumsy weaponry and armor. Those who
melee weapon or draw and fire a loaded hand-crossbow at dedicate themselves to unarmed combat bring humility to
them. If the attack hits, the creature must make a their foes as they literally beat them into submission with raw
concentration saving throw or the spell fails. The DC of the strength and brutal precision using nothing but their body.
concentration save is increased by the rolled Slayer Die.
Bonus Proficiencies
Void Arcana Upon selecting this archetype you gain proficiency in
After reaching 11th level your very being repels Strength(Athletics) checks, if you are already proficient in the
manipulations to the weave. You have resistance to damage skill you double your proficiency bonus to check you make
from spells. with it.
Your weapon attacks can act as an extension of this
phenomenon, allowing you to dispel any magic affecting the Brawler's Guile
targets you hit. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, Starting at 3rd level, while you are wearing no armor and not
you may expend a Slayer Die as a bonus action to mimic the wielding a shield your Armor Class equals 10 + your Strength
effects of a Dispel Magic targeting either the creature or a modifier + your Constitution modifier.
magical effect on the creature. If an ability check is required, You can rolI a d4 in place of the normal damage of your
use Intelligence as your “spellcasting ability" and add the unarmed strike and engage in two-weapon fighting with
rolled Slayer Die to the roll. You may also perform this on unarmed strikes. This allows you to engage in two-weapon
willing targets without attacking them, but instead by fighting when attempting to grapple or shove with a freehand.
touching them as an action and spending a Slayer Die in the
same way.
Unarmed Inertia
At level 7 you can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of
your unarmed strikes. Once per turn, you may deal the
damage of your unarmed strike to a creature you have
successfully grappled or shoved.
Whenever you make a thrown weapon attack using
strength, attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage
on your roll and you may double the range of the weapon.
Dominant Positioning
When you reach level 11 you have advantage on any grapple
or shove attempt that is replacing an attack roll that would
have been made at advantage. You can rolI a d8 in place of
the normal damage of your unarmed strike.
Grapple Master
By level 15 you've learned to create fierce arm locks and
painful holds to restrain foes you successfully grapple and
can manipulate them without having to carry them. If you use
both hands to make a grapple attempt you may restrain your
target as part of your grapple condition and ignore their
weight for the purposes of moving them so long as they are
not incapacitated and no more than 1 size category larger
than you are. You can rolI a d10 in place of the normal
damage of your unarmed strike.

Art Sources:

Ailson Kindler by Jorge Fares

Dark Ages by Jonasdero

Hooded Archer by Unknown Artist

Crossbows by E.Cox
Darius by Yama:

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