The Effect of Music Genre On A Memory Task.
The Effect of Music Genre On A Memory Task.
The Effect of Music Genre On A Memory Task.
Volume 17 | Number 2
Randy Carden
Trevecca Nazarene University
Recommended Citation
Bugter, Darragh and Carden, Randy (2012) "The effect of music genre on a memory task," Modern Psychological Studies: Vol. 17 : No. 2
, Article 14.
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MPS I The Effect of Music Genre I Bugter & Carden I pgs. 87 - 90
This study examined the effects of two different music genres and silence on a memory task Sixty participants were randomly
assigned to three groups which were exposed to rap music, classical music or silence while playing the Concentration game. The
number of flips needed to complete the Concentration game was measured and served as the memory score. Results of a one-way
analysis of variance detected a significant difference between the groups. A planned post hoc analysis found that the classical
music group completed the Concentration game in significantly fewer flips than the rap group.
Keywords: music, genre, memory
MPS I The Effect of Music Genre I Bugter & Carden I pgs. 87 - 90
Method the middle of the room. On each table there was a deck
of Concentration cards faced upside down in the same
Participants starting formation and a short demographics
questionnaire inquiring about participant age and
A total of 60 college undergraduates (24 men gender. Participants completed the experiment while
and 36 women) served as participants in this listening to either classical or rap music, or they
experiment. The participants had an average age of participated in silence. Once the Concentration game
20.25 (S.D. = 2.58). All participants were students from had been completed participants responded to the
a small, private, liberal arts university in the south. demographics questionnaire.
Participants were recruited from an upper level
psychology class, a general education biology class, The participants were observed through a two-
and a general education sociology class. All students way mirror without their awareness. The observer on
were given extra credit to participate in the experiment. the other side of the mirror counted the number of flips
The participants were randomly assigned to one of needed to finish the memory game.
three experimental groups; all groups had 20
participants. The music for the classical and rap conditions
was played at the same volume (Spintge and Droh,
Materials 1987), was instrumental to reduce distraction (Furnham
and Stephenson, 2007), and was thoughtfully selected.
The dependent variable in this study was the The classical piece selected was consistent with the
number of cards "flipped" to complete a game called research of Freeburne & Fleischer (1952). It was
Concentration (Milton Bradley, 1979). In the Symphony No. 5 Piano Concerto in E-flat Major by
Concentration game there are 40 cards. Each card has Beethoven (London Festival Orchestra, 1991) which is
an identical match; this means that each deck of slow with 48 beats per minute (BPM). For the rap
Concentration cards consists of 20 matches. Eskritt & music condition a Dutch piece was selected called Coke
Lee (2005) described the process: moet gepushed worden, by Kempi (2007) which has
about 120 BPM.
In Concentration, cards are placed face down
in an array randomly. A player turns over any After the participants finished the memory
card and then turns over a second card to look task, the experimenter entered the room, collected the
for the first card's match. If the cards match, demographics questionnaire and thanked the students
the player removes these cards from the array for participating in the study.
and then repeats the procedure. If the cards do
not match, they are turned back over. When Results
all matches are collected, the experiment is
completed (p. 255) The first hypothesis predicted that there would
be a difference between the three groups (classical, rap,
Design and silence) on a memory task score. The first
hypothesis was supported. The data were analyzed
An independent groups design was used in this with a one-way analysis of variance which showed a
experiment. Sixty participants were randomly assigned significant difference between the groups [F (2, 57) =
to 3 groups. One group was exposed to classical music 3.97, p = .02] (Table 1). The second hypothesis
and one to rap music while playing Concentration. The predicted the classical music condition would produce
3rd group played Concentration in silence. The the best performance on a memory task. This
dependent variable was the number of flips required to hypothesis was also supported with the group exposed
complete the game and was the operational definition to classical music completing the memory task in fewer
of memory. flips than the other groups. However, there was only
one significant difference between the groups. A
Procedure planned post hoc analysis (Scheffe) found that the
classical music group completed the Concentration
Sixty participants were randomly assigned to game in significantly fewer flips than the rap group
one of three groups which resulted in twenty (Table 2).
participants in each group. All participants were told
how to play the Concentration game, and were asked to The results supported the hypothesis with the
perform to their highest ability. Participants in each classical music group scoring the best on the memory
group were led into a room, approximately three at a
time. There were three tables and three chairs placed in
MPS I The Effect of Music Genre I Bugter & Carden I pgs. 87 - 90
task with a significantly better memory task score than why. Dibben and Williamson (2007) suggested that
the rap group. participants performed worse in a rap condition due to
distraction. Was performance improved in the classical
Discussion condition, in the current study, due to a lack of
distraction? Or was the superiority of the classical
It was hypothesized that there would be a group related to relaxation that was associated with
difference between the three conditions (classical, rap, more soothing music? This theory may relate to the
and silence) on memory scores that resulted from findings of Smith and Morris (1977) that found that
playing the Concentration game. The results indicated poorer performance seemed to be related to heightened
that there was a difference between the three groups on emotionality. A second limitation relates to the limited
the scores of the memory task. Participants in the music genres that were tested (only classical and rap).
classical group scored significantly better on the
memory task than those in the rap group. No other In light of the current findings and limitations,
differences between groups were found. three recommendations for future research are in order.
First, more research should be done exploring these
These findings are consistent with the work of issues in an attempt to determine whether relaxing
Hallam, Price and Katsarou (2002) that found that music, like classical, has beneficial effects or
participants performed better on memory and cognitive aggressive music, like rap, has a distracting effect. Or
tasks when exposed to calming music as opposed to could it be that both are possible? Secondly, the effect
aggressive music. of other genres of music on memory should be
evaluated. Other types of music, both soothing and
Secondly, the current results support the aggressive, should be tested on a memory task. This
existing research suggesting that working in silence might shed light on the issue as to whether something
neither increases nor decreases performance (Anderson unique is occurring with classical and rap music or
and Fuller, 2010). whether it is a more general effect of soothing and
aggressive music. Thirdly, the effect of music on other
One major limitation is that while the current cognitive tasks should be evaluated. Is there a
study demonstrated that participants exposed to difference in performance between classical and rap
classical music outperformed those exposed to rap participants exposed to non-memory cognitive tasks?
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Table 1