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Permutation Senior High Demo Edited

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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Evaluate permutation of n objects;
2. Solve problems involving permutation of n objects;
3. Develop the value of cooperation in performing activities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Permutation of n Objects
Instructional Materials: Slide Presentation, Flashcards
Canlapan, Raymond B. Diwa Senior High School Series: Statistics and
Probability Module. Diwa Learning System Inc. Makati City. 2016.
Value Focus: Cooperation
Strategy: Deductive Strategy, Guided Discovery Strategy
NCBTS: Diversity of Learners
Multiple Intelligences: Logical-Mathematical, Verbal-Linguistic,
Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

1. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance
c. Submission of assignment
d. Review of the past lesson

Good morning Ma’am!

Good morning class!

Yes Ma’am.
Our lesson yesterday was all about Counting
Principle and Factorial Notation. Do you still
remember it?

Multiplication rule states that if there are

m ways of performing the first step and n
Alright. We have a multiplication rule in
ways in performing the second step, then
counting principle, anybody who can read the
there are m x n ways of performing the
steps in the given order.
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)
A woman has 8 skirts and 8 blouses. In
how many different types of attire may she
Very good. Consider this example, everybody

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please read? The given are 8 skirts and 8 blouses.

No. of attires = no. of blouses x no. of

Based on the problem, what are the given? No. of attires = 8 x 8
No. of attires = 64
The woman can wear 64 attires.
Precisely. Everybody solve it in your notebook.
(Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)
n! read as “n factorial” is used to
How many types of attire the woman can
represent the product of the first n natural
numbers. In symbols, n! = n × (n - 1) ×
(n - 2) × (n - 3) × ... × 3 × 2 × 1.

Absolutely. Let’s review factorial notation. It means 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.

What does n! mean? Everybody please read.
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence) 4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
= 24

7! = 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x1
= 5040
Good. Suppose we have 4!, what does it
None Ma’am.

Very good. What is the value of 4! now?

That’s right. What about 7!, anyone who can

solve it?
Yes Ma’am.
(Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)

It’s good that you still remember our lesson

Yes Ma’am.
about Counting Principle and Factorial
Notation. Any question class?

1. The teacher will give the students
e. Motivation
four cards with letters M, A, T, and
(Bodily-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Logical-
H written in each card.
Mathematical, Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)

2. Arrange the cards using the four

Before we proceed to our next lesson, let us
letters and list all the possible
first have an activity named “Shuffle and
arrangements in a cartolina that will
Arrange”. Are you excited to do this?
be given to you.

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Yes Ma’am.
You will do it by group and that will be based
on your seating arrangement by row. Row 1 is
group 1; row 2 is group 2, and row 3 is group
3. Did you get it? Yes Ma’am.

Let us now proceed with the directions.

Everybody please read the first one.
(The students do the shuffling and
arranging of cards.)

Alright. Now, I will give you 4 cards with the Yes Ma’am. (The students exchanged
letters M, A, T and H written on each card. their works.)
Hold first your cards and everybody read the
second direction.
Thank you. In the second direction, you will MTAH ATMH TAMH HAMT
shuffle the cards and arrange them. For
example, one arrangement is ATMH. Did you MHTA AHTM THAM HTAM
get it?
We worked by helping each other and
dividing the tasks.
Good. You will do it in five minutes. The group
who got all the arrangements or with the
We call that value cooperation.
highest listed arrangements will be the winner.
It is very important for a group to have
Do you understand?
cooperation to finish the task easier on
Since you have now your cards and everything
is set. You can start shuffling and arranging the None Ma’am.

Time is up! Let us now check your works.

At the end of the lesson, the students are
Exchange it with your adjacent row. I will show
expected to:
to you all the possible arrangements. Have 1. Evaluate permutation of n objects;
2. Solve problems involving permutation
you exchange your works now?
of n objects;
3. Develop the value of cooperation in
Here are the possible arrangements of the
performing activities.
letters M, A, T, and H. Let us all read the
We have listed all the possible

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arrangements and check it right away. arrangements.
Yes Ma’am.

Permutation refers to all possible

Congratulations to the winning group. How did
arrangements of elements in a given set
you finish the activity in a short span of time?
with respect to order.
Let’s hear from the winning group, anyone?
It has 24 permutations.
What do you call that value?

It’s because there are 24 possible ways of

Very good. How important is the value of
arranging the letters.
(Intrapersonal Intelligence) No Ma’am.

Nice reflection. Any question with the activity Yes Ma’am.


2. Presentation and Development of We have three letters a, b, and c. How

the Lesson many possible arrangements can we form
if all of them will be used?
Let us now proceed with our lesson for today
abc bca cab
about Permutation of n Objects. Before that,
acb bac cba
here are the objectives of our lesson.
We have 6 possible arrangements.

Yes Ma’am.

We have three choices of letters in the first

In your activity, what have you done to come
up with all those arrangements of 4 letters?
Instead of listing all the possible 3

arrangements, mathematics has an easy way

to solve such problems. We call that as
We have 2 choices of letters in the second
permutation which would be our lesson for
today. Are you excited to learn about it?
3 2
We have one letter left in the last box.
Let us start by defining what permutation is.
3 2 1
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Everybody please read the definition.
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)
We have 6 possible arrangements.

Alright. In our activity a while ago, how many

Yes Ma’am.
permutations do the letters M, A, T, and H
Yes Ma’am.

Good. Why 24 permutations?

Rule on Permutation of n Objects
The number of permutations of n distinct
objects arranged at the same time is given
Great. What if we have 8 or more letters, is it
by n! In symbols nPn = n!
also practical to list all the arrangements?
Yes Ma’am.
Precisely. Now, we will derive a formula on
how to solve permutation of n objects with
large number of elements. Are you ready?
Pn = 3P3
= 3!
=3x2x1 =6
Let’s have a problem. Can I request somebody
nPn = 6P6
to read? = 6!
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)
= 720

Yes Ma’am.
Alright. Who can give me the possible
permutations or arrangements of a, b, and c?

Teacher Che has 7 books in her shelf. In

Awesome! Thus, how many possible
how many ways can she arrange all the
arrangements do we have?
nPn = 7P7
= 7!
Very Good. Let us try to solve it using another
method to generate a formula. Are you excited = 5040
to create a formula?
Yes Ma’am.

To solve that, let us make three empty boxes:

Teacher Che has 5040 ways of arranging
her books.
If we have three letters, how many possible
choices of letters do we have in the first box?
(Logical-Mathematical, Verbal-Linguistic,
A father, mother, 2 boys, and 3 girls are
Spatial Intelligence)
asked to line up for a photograph.
Determine the number of ways they can

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Good. If the first letter is in the first box already, line up if:
how many choices of letters are left in the  there are no restrictions
second box?  the parents stand together

Alright. Lastly, how many letters are left in the We have two cases Ma’am.
last box? Yes Ma’am.

Now, by using the multiplication rule of

counting principle, how many possible
arrangements do we have? All of them can participate in the
Amazing! Is it the same with the answer using
listing method?

Okay. We knew in our past lesson that the

quantity 3 x 2 x 1 has a shorthand notation of
3! right?
We can only consider 6 persons to be

Very good. Therefore we have this rule on arranged since the parents are counted as
permutation of n objects. Everybody please one.
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)

Take note that nPn is read as “permutation of

n objects taken n at a time”. If we are going Yes Ma’am.
to use the rule in solving the arrangements of
a, b, and c, we’ll have 3P3 right?
They can arrange in 2 ways.

Who can solve it on the board?

Group 1 – with no restrictions
nPn = 7P7
= 7!
Great! Based on the rule, if we have six =7x6x5x4x3x2x1
= 5040
objects, how many possible permutations do The family can line up in 5040 ways
we have taken all objects? without restrictions.

Group 2 – the parents stand together

nPn = 6P6

Very good. Instead of listing all the possible = 6!

arrangements, let us just use nPn = n! Do you = 720

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understand class? Parents can arrange in 2 ways.
The final number of arrangements is 720 x
2 = 1440.
Let’s have another problem. Can I request a
The family can line up in 1440 ways with
volunteer to read?
the parents standing together.
(Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence)
No Ma’am.

Try to solve it on your notebook.

(Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)
It refers to permutation of objects.

Permutation refers to all possible

Is your answer the same?
arrangements of elements in a given set
with respect to order.

That’s great! Thus, in how many ways can The number of permutations of n distinct
Teacher Che arrange all the books? objects arranged at the same time is given
by n! In symbols nPn = n!
3. Application
None Ma’am.
Let’s solve this problem with a twist. Anyone
who can read the problem on the board?
(Verbal Linguistic Intelligence, Logical-
Mathematical Intelligence)
1. nPn = 8P8
= 8!
= 40,320
How many cases do we have in the problem?
2. nPn = 10P10
= 10!
= 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
For you to share ideas on how to solve this
= 3,628,800
problem, you’ll do it by group. Group 1 or the Problem Solving:
students in my right side will solve the first
case and group 2 or the students in my left
1. nPn = 9P9
side will solve the second case. Is that clear?
= 9!
= 362,880
I’ll give you a hint. In the first case, there are
Therefore, there are 362,880 ways can
no restrictions means all of them can line up
her students arrange their selves in a row.
at the same time. How many members of the
2. Arrangements of the 3 types of books =
family can participate in the arrangement?
= 3!

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Arrangements of math books = 3P3 = 3!
Arrangements of 4 science books = 4P4
= 4!
= 24
Arrangements of 5 history books = 5P5 =
Great. In the second case, the parents stand
together means they are counted as one. =5x4x3x2x1
Thus, how many persons are we going to = 120
Total Arrangements of books = 6 x 6 x 24 x
consider in the arrangement?
120 = 103, 680
There are 103,680 different ways can
these books be arranged on a shelf if
books of the same subject must be kept

Very good. The problem doesn’t end here yet.

Since the parents stand together, they can still
1. nPn = 6P6
interchange their selves, right?
= 6!
= 720
Therefore, how many arrangements can the
parents do? 2. nPn = 7P7
= 7!
You have now the hints to solve the problem. = 5040
Work with your group and solve the problem in
Problem Solving:
3 minutes.

1. nPn = 5P5
= 5!
= 120
Therefore, there are 120 different
permutations of these letters can be made
if no letter is used more than once.

2. Arrangements of the books since math

books are counted as one = 6P6
= 6!
= 720

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Arrangements of math books = 4P4
= 4!
= 24
720 x 24 = 17, 280 ways
There are 17, 280 ways to arrange the
Excellent! Any question class? books on a shelf if the math books are
kept together.
4. Generalization
(Verbal Linguistic Intelligence)

To sum up our lesson for today, when we

speak of arrangements, what mathematical
concept does it refer?

Very good. What does permutation mean?

That’s great. What does the rule on

permutation of n objects states?

Alright. Do you have some clarifications?

IV. Evaluation
(Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)

Direction: In a 1 whole sheet of paper,

evaluate the following permutation of n
objects. (2 pts. each)
1. 8P8
2. 10P10

Problem solving:
Solve the following problems. Show your

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solution. (3 pts. each)

1. Teacher Ana wants her 9 students arrange

their selves in a row. In how many ways can
they sit in a row?

2. Aaron has 3 math books, 4 science books,

and 5 history books. How many different ways
can these books be arranged on a shelf if
books of the same subject must be kept

V. Assignment
(Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)

Direction: In a 1 whole sheet of paper,

evaluate the following permutation of n
objects. (2 pts. each)
1. 6P6

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2. 7P7

Problem solving:
Solve the following problems. Show your
solution. (3 pts. each)

1. A license plate has five letters. If the

possible letters are A, B, C, D, and E, how
many different permutations of these letters
can be made if no letter is used more than

2. How many different ways can 4 math books

and 5 other books be arranged on a shelf if the
math books are kept together?



Teacher Applicant

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