Networker 9.1.X Recommendations, Training and Downloads For Customers and Partners
Networker 9.1.X Recommendations, Training and Downloads For Customers and Partners
Networker 9.1.X Recommendations, Training and Downloads For Customers and Partners
The current cumulative hotfix is Build 384. The cumulative hotfix was released June 18, 2018.
See NW section below for important information relating to this release.
NetWorker declared TARGET CODE. Evaluation of later NetWorker releases is underway.
Customers should consider the additional fixes available in later cumulatives when determining the most
appropriate release for their environment.
Customers who have been successful with installing, upgrading, and configuring NetWorker 9.x have engaged DELL EMC
Professional Services and/or used the available free training. If unprepared, you might encounter issues including
backup failures during and after upgrading from earlier NetWorker releases.
To request DELL EMC Professional Services, contact a DELL EMC Sales representative. (1-866-GET-EMC2) For more
information about available services, go to the DELL EMC Service Offering Index and search for NetWorker (select Filter > N
> NetWorker).
NetWorker 9.x Technical Differences eLearning courses. NetWorker 9.1.x Documentation Portfolio
(Additional Instructor led training with hands-on lab NetWorker 9.1 Virtual Edition (NVE) Deployment Guide
experience is also available) NetWorker 9.1.x VMware Integration Guide and other
NEW NetWorker Upgrade Learning Center. Training and integration guides
labs on upgrading from NetWorker 8.2.x to NetWorker 9.1.x. NetWorker 9.1.x Performance Optimization Planning Guide
Bundling discounts are available.
Differences between NetWorker 9.1 and previous releases NetWorker and Modules 9.1.x Release Notes Portfolio
Technical Note
NetWorker 9.1 Updating from a Previous Release Guide NetWorker VIDEO’S: DELL EMC Community Network,
NetWorker YouTube
KEY NEW FEATURES and CHANGES from NetWorker 8.x to NetWorker 9.1.x
Refer to the NetWorker documentation and training for a complete list of changes and more information on how these
changes affect NetWorker operations and functionality.
IMPORTANT changes with NetWorker 9.x releases
‘savepnpc’ command is no longer available starting NetWorker Server no longer supported on Unix. Customers with
in NetWorker 9.x. Savepnpc has been replaced with NW Servers running on Unix will need to migrate their NW Servers
pre and post commands. For detailed steps see the to supported versions of Windows or Linux. Professional Services
‘Customizing backups with the pre and post are mandatory to assist with a NW Server migration. Please speak
commands’ within the ‘Backup command to your DELL EMC sales representative for details
customization’ section in the NetWorker 9.1 Java Heap for NMC: Java Heap is very much required for NMC. For
Administration Guide. See also the NetWorker 9.1 more details and best practices see the Performance Optimization
Upgrade Document for more details. and Planning Guide
Reconfiguring AD and LDAP Directory: While SQL log backups are now done using log only option and not
upgrading from NW 8.X to NW 9.X. If the 8.X NMC incremental backups anymore. For more details refer to the
had AD or LDAP authentication configured, the NMM User Guide for NetWorker 9.2
authentication could break during the upgrade and
must be reconfigured post upgrade. Save sets expiration process changes: Save set expiration with
Refer to page ‘Reconfiguring LDAP or AD NetWorker 9.x does not occur as it did with NetWorker 8.x. For
authentication’ in the NetWorker 9.1 Upgrade more details, please refer to the ‘Changes to the save set expiration
Document process’ section in the NetWorker 9.1 Upgrade Document
No separate Browsing and Browse Retention Exchange backups directly to tape are no longer available: NMM
policies: Prior to NW 9.x customers could have uses Block Based Backup (BBB) technology to back up Exchange
different browse and retention policies. For more Server and Hyper-V Server data. For more details, please refer to the
details please refer to Technical Note: Differences Networker 9.1 Administration guide
between NetWorker 9.0 and Previous Releases
Client Packaging changes: The NW Client package NMM 9.X Module: NMM supports federated backups for Exchange
has been split into two packages (Client and Server DAGs and IP-less DAGs. NMM does not support backup
Extended Client. For more details, please refer to operations for individual mailbox servers within a DAG. For more
the NetWorker 9.0 Upgrade Document details, please refer to the NMM 9.2 Exchange VSS Release User
Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) Backups: After Cloning: The capability to do scheduled cloning changes while
upgrade of NMM the backup levels for VSS backups upgrading from NW 8.X to 9.X. For more details, please refer to the
are always at level FULL as seen in the media DB. For following KB How to separate backup and cloning in NetWorker 9.x
more details, please refer to the NMM 9.0.1
Administration Guide
Some New items with NW 9.0.x, 9.1.x
NMC enhancements to improve reliability, NetWorker VMware Protection (NVP) has been architecturally
performance and serviceability. improved to provide better performance and scale to meet large
virtual environments. Feature highlights:
Various changes to improve handling of clones o Native NetWorker vProxy without Virtual Backup Appliance.
Multiple customer enhancement requests and Note: No new policies can be created with VMware
various fixes to improve stability and usability. Backup appliance. See the NetWorker 9.1.x VMware
Integration Guide for more information.
o Multiple-VM instant restore
Dell EMC Page 2
June 18th, 2018
New Policy Engine — supports end-to-end life o Scale to 5000 concurrent VM backup
cycle data management with “action” oriented o VMware data protection management from centralized
service plans for all existing and new workflows. NetWorker Management Console
Workflows can include the following: Backup Block Based Backup (BBB) — supports Microsoft Exchange,
Operations, Snapshot Operations, ProtectPoint Hyper-V, and Linux. BBB provides 5x performance improvement
Operations, Server Maintenance, and from previous NetWorker versions.
Configuration Management. Media Catalog Improvements — the new SQLite database is fast
Block Based Backup (BBB) — supports Microsoft and provides up to 6x improvement on control operations and
Exchange, Hyper-V, and Linux. BBB provides 5x increased scaling from previous NetWorker versions.
performance improvement from previous o Support long term retention to the cloud with Data Domain
NetWorker versions. o Support Power Linux for DB2, SAP HANA
ItemPoint is required for NMM Granular Level
Recoveries (GLR). ItemPoint is a separate
package available at **No additional Charge
(available for Win 2016 Databases ( SQL,
Exchange and SharePoint))
DOWNLOADS: Note: DELL EMC encourages customers to move to NetWorker (Target Code) or later.
See NetWorker, NVE, NVP and Modules 9.1.1 Cumulative Hotfixes
NetWorker Virtual Edition OVA
Linux SLES11 SP3 (64-bit) NetWorker
NetWorker version Linux x64 and x86 Windows x64
Virtual Edition (NVE) is a NetWorker
Client, Server and Storage Node Client, Server and Storage Node
server that runs as a virtual machine in
a VMware environment.
Recommended Recommended Recommended
NetWorker NetWorker for Linux for NetWorker for Windows NetWorker Virtual Edition
Latest Release- x64 x86 x64 OVA
See NetWorker, NVE, NVP June 18, 2018 | 1011 MB June 18, 2018 | 735 MB June 18, 2018 | 2.66 GB
and Modules 9.1.1 SHA-256 checksum: SHA-256 checksum: SHA-256 checksum:
Cumulative Hotfixes 25ffa81fe3acb480200889e75c3cc91929e 0e2666dca0677a3efe91dbdb0f8b7e39 d1db77bcc6ae07875d589c7eec0bde0b4
ab59fce742113aa32875e95136774 84e28f9c94dcc4d185a6af9803e98f5f d6a4de79db82935f5ec3d2d728b2af9
Target Code Target Code Target Code
NetWorker NetWorker for Linux for NetWorker for Windows NetWorker Virtual Edition
Target Code x64 x86 x64 OVA
See NetWorker, NVE, NVP April 6, 2018 | 1016 MB April 6, 2018 | 735 MB April 6, 2018 | 2.7 GB
and Modules 9.1.1 SHA-256 checksum: SHA-256 checksum: SHA-256 checksum:
Cumulative Hotfixes a0d91241a4afed4b31a1d9601a6e9b8752 ec80707f7c48b8f2b6a02d7867c0df6d4 5d7f3e9e45c0d8a31ebb3922e1764ca619
0bedc7304df5e0b51c64fa09134d40 ff24e42a6ea00c96bb506cd529e7d28 f0078ff6f39ec0e44df7c1d35c0be2
NetWorker for Linux for NetWorker for Windows NetWorker Virtual Edition
NetWorker x64 x86 x64 OVA
See NetWorker, NVE, NVP November 14, 2017 | 1051MB November 14, 2017 | 771MB November 14, 2017 | 2.5GB
and Modules 9.1.1 SHA-256 checksum: SHA-256 checksum: SHA-256 checksum:
Cumulative Hotfixes eb2e55af67752dbc366dbe5200916a06d3 499e4d55af3b70a6c7bcd5c8d6ffe73bd 31b8e4f95146d5373d20f0c37614e15166
e34fad0efb93c2351e2688ed283a66 aa2dceac54f73342d6d34ed192da3d1 0140a0ac54849bad8f38e99586b30a