Model-Based Control Design For Flexible Rotors Supported by Active Gas Bearings - Theory & Experiment
Model-Based Control Design For Flexible Rotors Supported by Active Gas Bearings - Theory & Experiment
Model-Based Control Design For Flexible Rotors Supported by Active Gas Bearings - Theory & Experiment
PhD student:
Fabián Gonzalo Pierart Vásquez
Main supervisor:
Professor Ilmar Ferreira Santos
Technical University of Denmark
c 2016 Fabián Gonzalo Pierart Vásquez
ISBN 978-87-7475-442-8
DCAMM Special Report No. S196, ISSN 0903-1685
to this study: Andreas Voigt, Sergio de Almeida, Jorge Gonzalez, Jon Steen
Larsen, Søren Enemark, Suguang Dou, Bo Bjerregaard, Konstantinos Poulios,
Shravan Janakiraman, Marco Túlio Santana, Troy Snyder, Jonas Lauridsen,
Cesar Fonseca and Geraldo Roboucas, I want to thank all of them for their
valuable contribution.
I would also like to thank to my parents: Lidia Vasquez and Armando Pierart
and my sisters Tamara Pierart and Valentina Pierart. Thanks to their support
and love, I have become the person who I am today. I know that for you it has
been as dicult to be so far from me.
And nally and most importantly, thanks to my wife Norma Melgarejo and my
future daughter Julieta, who are the reason I wake up every morning feeling like
the luckiest man in the world, you are the love of my life and for you I want to
be a better person every day. Thanks for being with me, trusting me and for
joining me on this adventure. Without you I probably would not be here.
Lyngby, 31-January-2016
The below papers, written during the project, form part of the thesis. The
listing is based on submission date.
J1: Pierart F.G. and Santos I.F., Steady state characteristics of an adjustable
hybrid gas bearing Computational uid dynamics , modied Reynolds
equation and experimental validation. Proceedings of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 229(7)
(2015), 807822.
J2: Pierart F.G. and Santos I.F., Adjustable Hybrid Gas Bearing Inuence
of Piezoelectrically Adjusted Injection on Damping Factors and Natural
Frequencies of a Flexible Rotor Operating Under Critical Speeds. Pro-
ceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of
Engineering Tribology, 2016, (published online).
J3: Pierart F.G. and Santos I.F., Active lubrication applied to radial gas jour-
nal bearings. Part 2: Modelling improvement and experimental validation.
Journal of Tribology International, 96 (2016), 237246.
J4: Pierart F.G. and Santos I.F., Lateral vibration control of a exible over-
critical rotor via an active gas bearing theoretical and experimental
comparisons. Journal of Sound and Vibrations, 2016, (Accepted with
of journal and thrust bearings, 2013. Presented at: 12th EDF - Pprime
C2 : Pierart F.G. and Santos I.F., Lateral Dynamics of Flexible Rotors Sup-
Summary i
Resumé (Dansk) iii
Preface v
List of papers vii
Nomenclature xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Externally pressurized bearing studies . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.2 Active gas bearings studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Originality of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Structure of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2 Experimental facilities 9
2.1 Test rig description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.1 Flexible rotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1.2 Bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1.3 Gas turbine and exible coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Sensors and actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.1 Displacement sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.2 Incremental encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.3 Air injection pressure and ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.4 Piezoelectric actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3 Mathematical modelling 23
3.1 Fluid lm and injection model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.1 CFD analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Global system nite element model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.1 State space formulation for the system and actuator model 30
3.2.2 Main assumptions summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.3 Control design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Greek symbols
λ Eigenvalues [-]
μ Air viscosity [Pa s]
Ω Rotor angular velocity [rad/s]
ω Excitation frequency [rad/s]
ωni Natural frequencies [rad/s]
ρ Air density [kg/m3 ]
θ Absolute circumferential coordinates [rad]
ζi Damping ratio [-]
Latin symbols
ṁ Air mass ow rate [m3 /s]
A System matrix [-]
B Control matrix [-]
C Output matrix [-]
CF D Computational uid dynamics
FE Finite element
M RE Modied Reynolds equation
P ID Proportional integral derivative
Chapter 1
Rotating machines are a crucial part of most of the industrial production process,
with bearings considered essential components. These elements constrain the
relative motion to only the desired motion and separate the moving parts by
reducing friction.
Higher and more ecient production demand has pushed engineers to look for
machines capable of operating at higher angular velocities and, at the same
time, be as light as possible [1]. In order to full both of these requirements at
the same time, machines have become more exible.
When clean environments and low levels of noise and temperature are also
sought, gas bearings are a very good option. These bearings have also the ad-
vantage that the working uid, normally air, is ample, cheap and non ammable.
These characteristics make gas bearings suitable for many industry applications,
for example in medical, aeronautical or food industries.
Nevertheless, gas bearings present very low damping properties that lead to high
amplitude vibrations while crossing the critical speeds, even higher for exible
rotating machines. Furthermore, the low damping properties often lead to whirl
instabilities which limit the maximum angular velocity of a rotor supported by
2 Introduction
In this context, new machine components for dissipating vibration energy are
needed, in order to keep safe vibration levels. Because bearings are usually the
main source of damping and stiness of the system, it is natural to focus on
these elements to improve the dynamic characteristics of machinery.
Dierent solutions have been proposed in order to overcome the main limitations
of gas lubricated bearings, among the passive solutions, we can cite:
a) Foil gas bearings use bump foils to provide structural compliance and dry
friction damping to increase rotor dynamic stability [3, 4, 5].
b) Tilting pad gas bearings have a number of pads, typically four or ve. Each
pad in the bearing is free to rotate about a pivot. They are used to avoid rotor
dynamic instabilities, reducing the cross-coupled force coecients. [6, 7].
All these proposals help to solve some of the gas bearing limitations, but not
all of them at the same time. In this work an externally pressurized bearing is
studied due to the improvement of the static properties and due to the possibility
of controlling the externally pressurized uid injection.
[10] produced design charts for the variation of the load carrying capacity with
journal speed for various supply pressures and feeding parameters, concluding
that when the journal angular velocity increases, the load-carrying capacity is
also increased. He also studied [8] the instability threshold for hybrid gas bear-
[11] employed the formulation presented by Lund [10], but they proposed to
include the external pressurization in terms of the radial injection ow. Sti-
method. From their results, the authors argued that hybrid gas bearings are
thors have proposed dierent solutions to obtain the dynamic coecients in gas
bearings, e.g. Belforte [12, 13] used the time-dependent solution of Reynolds
For incompressible ows it has been demonstrated that the external injection
can be simulated assuming a simple parabolic prole [14, 15]. However, for
compressible ow it has been found that the external injection inclusion has
important eects on the results. Mori and Miyamatsu [16] compared dierent
that it is necessary to include ow patterns and pressure changes in the radial
to incorporate the pressure drop eects in the air ow. They also provide a
CFD model in comparison with the experiments [18], showing good agreement.
Horvat and Braun [19] also presented a CFD model for the injection system of
hybrid gas bearings with shallow and deep pockets. They investigated the inlet
ow and pressure, and a good correlation with experiments was found. With
the help of dierent mathematical models, many authors have investigated the
sign parameters. Chen et al. [20] studied the inuence of the number and type
of injector on the stability range of a rigid rotor supported by two hybrid gas
bearings. They found that the system threshold stability using inherent restric-
tion is higher than using an orice restriction despite the number of orices.
Zhang and Chang [21] studied the use of annular shallow pockets in order to
improve the stability of rigid rotor-bearing systems. Pal and Ma judmar stud-
ied the inuence of porous surfaces on the rigid rotor-bearing system stability
San Andres [23], taking into account inertia eects and turbulence when large
levels of external pressurization were used. The results showed good accuracy
4 Introduction
when compared to the experimental results. Morosi and Santos [24] presented
an adjustable hybrid gas bearing where the air ow through the external injec-
tors is modied using piezoactuators. They developed a theoretical model to
predict the bearing dynamic behaviour, but no correction of the external ow
was included and no experimental validation was performed.
A standard method to identify damping and stiness force coecients is aided
by transient excitation applied directly to the rotating shaft. Using the shaft re-
sponse, the excitation signal and a known structure of the mathematical model
for describing its dynamic behaviour, the coecients can be estimated. Methods
using this basic approach have been used by many researchers since presented
by Morton[25] in 1975 and used by Nordmann[26] in 1986 to identify bearing
dynamic coecients of a exible rotor supported by oil lm bearings. More
recently the methodology has been applied to gas lm bearings by Arghir and
collaborators [27, 28, 29] with the aim of identifying the dynamic force coe-
cients of aerodynamic and hybrid gas bearings. They identied the inuence
of the excitation frequency, where the main experimental limitation that they
found was the large signal noise obtained at high frequencies, when a hammer is
used as an excitation source. Critical speed and damping ratios have also been
experimentally identied for gas bearings [30, 31]. The authors found that an
increase in the pressure supply in hybrid gas bearings leads to an increase in
the critical speed and a decrease in the damping ratio of the system.
The rst active gas bearing was introduced by Horikawa and Shimokohbe [32] in
1992. In their prototype, the rotor radial vibrations are controlled by varying the
position of four pads using piezoelectric actuators. Their experimental results
show how eectively the uid lm thickness prole is modied and thereby how
the rotor position is controlled.
Qiu et al. [33] presented an experimental study where a PID controller is imple-
mented. The active gas bearing is a tilting-pad type with embedded piezoelec-
tric actuators. The results show how the self-excited vibration can be eectively
suppressed if the gains of the controller are properly tuned.
In 1996, Mizumoto et al. [34] presented an experimental study, where three
small piezoactuators are embedded in a thrust bearing and four in a radial
bearing. These actuators work as inherent restrictors controlling the injected
1.2 Originality of the thesis 5
pressure jet. Their results show that the vibration levels are eectively reduced.
Al Bender and collaborators [35, 36] presented an active thrust bearing where
two actuators operate locally around the bearing plate, modifying the plate
with conicity and thereby the uid forces. In the present work, the lateral
vibrations are controlled using hybrid lubrication where the aero-static external
radial injection is controlled using piezoactuators.
Regarding this type of active gas bearing, most of the investigations have been
focused on experimental results and model-free controllers. Morosi and Santos
[37] implemented a PD controller on a rotor-gas bearing system that was empiri-
cally tuned based on experimental waterfall diagrams. Using two piezoactuators,
the authors demonstrated that the controller was able to eectively reduce the
lateral vibrations. In 2014, Theisen et al. [38, 39] identied a reduced model for
the same system studied by Morosi and Santos [37], using the well-known grey
box identication tools. The equivalent reduced model was used as a control
design tool, bypassing the necessity of obtaining more sophisticated mathemat-
ical models based on the principles and axioms of mechanics. Results show a
signicant increase in the damping ratio of the rotor-bearing system. In 2015
the authors [40] designed a H∞ control. They used the experimentally identied
model [38] as a design tool. By using this control, the rst two critical speeds
of the system were crossed.
In contrast to the previous works presented in [37, 38, 40], the main contribution
of this work is to obtain a design tool based on a mathematical model anchored
to physical laws instead of experimental identication procedures.
It is worth to mention, that active gas bearings are a relatively new technology,
where most of the works can be found only in the last 20 years and there is still
plenty of research work to be carried out, before such a concept nds industrial
This thesis proposes to show how active gas bearings can be the solution to
many of the common problems of gas lubricated bearings, which prevent the
widespread use of them. In order to do that, a mathematical model is developed
and used as design tool for controllers applied to a piezoelectrically actuated gas
lubricated bearing. Experimental results are used to validate the model and the
6 Introduction
This thesis is paper-based, where its main body is composed of published articles
written in this PhD work [[J1-J4]. In the following paragraphs the original
contribution of each paper is highlighted.
- Comparison between the model presented by Morosi and Santos [24] and a
CFD model developed in this work.
- Improvement of the theoretical model by adding a correction factor or discharge
coecients to the simplied jet prole model to keep under 5% the dierences
between MRE and CFD in terms of mass ow rate in the injection zone.
- Experimental validation of the improved model in terms of the static force and
static equilibrium position of the journal.
This manuscript is divided into six chapters and an appendix. In the rst
chapter an introduction, a brief state-of-the-art, the originality of the thesis and
the structure of the following chapters are presented.
Chapter 2 is devoted to the description of the test-rig used in this work with
the goal of validating a mathematical model developed to predict the dynamic
behaviour of the exible rotor-bearing system. Moreover, the test rig is used
to verify the feasibility of controlling the dynamic and static properties of the
In chapter 5 the main ndings are addressed and future aspects of the research
activities are outlined.
Experimental facilities
In this chapter a detailed description of the test rig is presented. The main
structure of this test rig was previously presented by Morosi and Santos [41].
In the rst section of this chapter the components of the test rig are presented
with special attention to the gas bearing and its subcomponents. In the second
chapter a description of the sensors and actuators included in the test rig is given.
In the third and nal section the data acquisition system and the necessary signal
processing are described.
In Fig. 2.1 the test set-up designed for the investigation of active gas bearings is
presented. This consists of a exible shaft (iv) with a rigid disc (i) mounted to
one end. The shaft is supported by a ball bearing (v) and an active gas bearing
(iii). The system is driven by a gas turbine (viii) which is coupled to the system
via a exible coupling (vi). The gas bearing works with external pressurization,
which can be opened and closed using a valve (ix) for each of the four injectors.
These components are described in the following subsections.
10 Experimental facilities
vi viii
Figure 2.1: Picture of the test rig. (i) - disc; (ii) - eddy current displacement
sensors (iii) - active gas bearing; (iv) - exible shaft; (v) - ball
Fig. 2.2 shows the exible rotor, which consists of a shaft with a disc mounted
to one end. Figs. 2.2a and 2.2b present two photos of the exible rotor taken
from dierent angles. In Fig. 2.2c a schematic drawing of the rotor, with the
The exible shaft material is austenitic stainless steel type 314. A special shrink-
tted sleeve is located in the shaft section where the active gas bearing is placed.
carbon steel, with a total weight of 1.5 kg and as can be seen from Fig. 2.2b,
the disc has 16 threaded holes where small screws can be inserted, adding mass
Figure 2.2: Flexible rotor set-up. a) Picture of the exible rotor, b) picture of
the exible rotor, highlighting the shrink-tted sleeve, c) schematic
drawing of the rotor, with the main dimensions of the shaft and
12 Experimental facilities
2.1.2 Bearings
The shaft is supported by a ball bearing and a active gas bearing. These two
bearings are shown in Figs. 2.3a and 2.3b, respectively.
The ball bearing is a SKF self aligning ball bearing type 1200ETN9. The ball
bearing is supported by a solid and rigid housing as shown in Fig. 2.3a.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.3: Bearings in the system. a) Ball bearing b) active gas bearing.
The active gas bearing is the main component of the test rig and it is also the
component with the highest inuence in the system dynamics. The bearing can
be separated into ve subcomponents, as shown in Fig. 2.4: 1) an aluminium
housing, 2) a bronze alloy sleeve, 3) four injection systems, 4) two aluminium
adjustable mounts and 5) an aluminium sub-plate.
The aluminium housing holds the bronze sleeve and the four injection systems.
The bronze sleeve is designed to be easily deformable and absorb most of the
2.1 Test rig description 13
2 2
3 4
(c) (d)
Figure 2.4: Gas bearing system - aluminium housing (1), bronze sleeve (2),
adjustable injectors (3), adjustable mounts (4) and sub-plate (5).
a) Schematic view of the active gas bearing, b) Picture of the alu-
minium housing with the bronze sleeve, c) Picture of one injector
system and d) Picture of the bearing as part of the test rig.
14 Experimental facilities
6 d
9 8
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2.5: Gas bearing injection system - (a) photo of the main parts of the
adjustable gas bearing injection system ; (b) schematic view of
the the main parts assembly of the active gas bearing injection
system. Piezoactuator (7), plastic pin (8), Belleville spring (9),
and aluminium support (6); (c) Detailed view of the plastic pin
interaction with the rotor.
The rotor lateral displacement is one of the most important parameters needing
to be measured in order to evaluate the dynamic and static properties of the
system and also to be used as input in the control design. The rotor lateral
position is monitored by using two Eddy current displacement probes mounted
circumferentially around the disc (see Fig. 2.1), orthogonally to each other in
vertical and horizontal directions. This type of sensor presents better measure-
ment results when the surface is ferromagnetic than when it is not. For that
reason the sensors are placed around the disc, the only ferromagnetic compo-
nent of the test rig. The gap between the sensor and the disc is approximately
1 mm (see Fig. 2.7a). The proximity transducers are of the type TQ102 with a
IQS603 signal conditioner.
16 Experimental facilities
Figure 2.6: Driving system - exible coupling (10), ywheel (11) and gas tur-
bine (12).
The rotor angular velocity and angular position are measured by means of an
incremental encoder mounted at the end of the shaft, as can be seen in Fig.
2.7b. The angular velocity is obtained indirectly from the encoder signal. The
encoder is a three channel optical incremental encoder Agilen AEDB-9140 Series.
It consists of an encoder wheel with 500 CPR and an optical sensor.
Figure 2.7: Sensors installed in the test rig - a) Proximity probe, b) incremen-
tal encoder, c) pressure transducer, d) ow transducer.
lateral vibrations. The main properties of these actuators are presented in Table
One crucial parameter of the injection system is the initial distance of the piezo-
actuator head relative to the orice wall. This distance has to be set to 45 μm
(maximum elongation of the piezo-actuator used) to allow a fully closing of the
air ow, when the maximum voltage is applied to the piezo-actuator. To achieve
the accuracy needed for the initial positioning of the actuator head, a mounting
device with a micrometer installed on it is used. The device is illustrated in Fig.
2.8. In Fig. 2.8a a photo of the device installed in the horizontal injector of the
18 Experimental facilities
Pulling Force 50 N
Unloaded resonant frequency 10 kHz ± 10 %
Length 68 mm
gas bearing is shown. The main components of the device are presented in Fig.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.8: Device to set the initial distance of the piezo-actuator; (a) photo
of the device installed in the test rig; (b) Schematic view of the
device, where (14) is the structure to support the micrometer and
(13) it is the micrometer.
The piezoactuator vertical position using this PD controller is also shown in Fig.
2.9, where it is easily seen that the hysteresis eect has been eliminated. For
more detail of this procedure refer to [38].
No control
9 With PD control
Valve position [μm]
voltage [V]
2 5
1 00 5 10 15 20 25
0 Time [s]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Input voltage [V]
Figure 2.9: Piezoactuators position as a function of input voltage. Response in
open-loop showing the piezoactuator hysteresis and in close-loop
using a PD controller and eliminating hysteresis eect.
For data acquisition, a dSPACE DS1104 R&D controller board with CP1104
connector panel was used. A schematic illustration of the panel is shown in
Fig. 2.10, where the dierent connector channel names are indicated. The mea-
surement and control instrumentation was connected to the CP1104 connector
panel, as follows:
20 Experimental facilities
• Two proximity probes are connected to the channels ADCH1 and ADCH2.
• The ow and pressure transducers are connected to the ports ADCH3 and
• The four piezoactuators are connected to the channels ADCH5, ADCH6,
ADCH7 and ADCH8 to monitor the piezoactuator position.
• The piezoactuator feedback is connected to the channels DACH1, DACH2,
DACH3 and DACH4.
• The incremental encoder is connected to the connectors: Digital I/O and
For management and control purposes, ControlDesk software is used. This soft-
ware allows experimental data to be monitored and modied in real-time. The
controller board dSPACE allows a Matlab/Simulink environment to be used. By
using Matlab tools, dierent mathematical operations can be performed. e.g.,
the run-out subtraction and the control implementation. These results can then
be loaded on the board after having been compiled in C++ and the processed
signal is sent back to the actuators.
2.3 Data acquisition and signal processing 21
Amplitud (μm)
0 0
-10 -10
-204.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 -204.2 4.4 4.6 4.8
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) (b)
Figure 2.11: Time response to an impulsive force - (a) without run-out sub-
traction, (b) with run-out subtraction.
22 Experimental facilities
Chapter 3
Mathematical modelling
One of the main goals of this thesis is to obtain a precise mathematical model.
Such a model has to enable the accurate prediction of the dynamic behaviour
of the exible rotor-active gas bearing systems in order to use it as a controller
design tool. For this, a previously proposed model [24] is improved and experi-
mentally validated. This chapter is divided into three sections. The rst section
is focused on the description of the previously proposed model of the uid lm
and injection system and the improvements made to this formulation using a
CFD model. In the second part, a nite element model of the rotor-bearing
system is presented. This global model is written in state space form, where
the inuence of sensors and actuators is included. Finally, an example of how
a controller is designed, using the improved global model, is given. For more
details on the mathematical model formulation, the reader is advised to refer to
the collection of papers presented in the appendix of this thesis.
24 Mathematical modelling
x z
Figure 3.1: Coordinate system. Inertial reference frame in Cartesian coordi-
nates X , Y and Z . Moving reference frame in curvilinear coordi-
nates x, y and z .
∂ ρh3 ∂p ∂ ρh3 ∂p ∂ ∂(ρh)
∂y μ ∂y
∂z μ ∂z
= 6U (ρh) + 12
∂y ∂t
If the gas is also considered ideal and isothermal, Eq. (3.1) can be rewritten
as shown in Eq. (3.2),
∂ ph3 ∂p ∂ ph3 ∂p ∂ ∂(ph)
∂y μ ∂y
∂z μ ∂z
= 6U (ph) + 12
∂y ∂t
where ρ is the air density.
In order to include the external injection, the standard compressible form of the
3.1 Fluid lm and injection model 25
∂ ph3 ∂p ∂ ph3 ∂p ∂ ∂(ph) p
∂y μ ∂y
∂z μ ∂z
= 6U (ph) + 12
∂y ∂t
+ 12 Vinj
1 ∂p(y, z, t)
Vinj (y, z, t) = −Cd
4μ ∂x
Fi (3.4)
d0 2
Fi =
− (y − yi )2 − (z − zi )2 (3.5)
(y − yi )2 − (z − zi )2 ≤
This formula formally applies to incompressible uids in a laminar ow ow-
ing through a cylindrical pipe of constant cross section. However, this thesis
concerns cases where the uid is compressible, the ow is not always laminar
and as can be seen in Fig. 2.5c, the geometry is more complex than a cylinder.
To compensate these dierences and other eects that are not incorporated in
Eq. (3.3) named as the modied Reynolds equation or MRE, i.e. inertia ef-
fects, a correction factor or discharge coecient Cd is added. This coecient
is obtained from the comparison between the mass ow rate calculated using
the MRE and the CFD model presented by Pierart and Santos [J1]. The CFD
model is considered closer to the reality and allows for an easy comparison to
be made without the need for experimental tests. The Cd coecient is dened
as shown in Eq. (3.7),
Cd =
where ṁ is the ow rate and the subscripts refer to the method used to calculate
The boundary conditions are illustrated in Fig. 3.2, where the inlet boundary
condition is set as a constant pressure equal to the injection pressure and the
outlet as atmospheric pressure. The temperature is also xed at the inlet and
outlet equal to 300 K (27◦ C) . The bearing wall is represented as a xed wall
boundary condition and the rotor surface as a moving wall. To simplify the
Inlet pressure
Figure 3.2: Isometric view of the CFD model, with main boundary conditions.
3.1 Fluid lm and injection model 27
meshing process, the curvature of the bearing and rotor is unwrapped consid-
ering a linear geometry and imposing a cyclic boundary condition on the edges.
The geometry is meshed using a decomposition of the domain geometry into
a set of three-dimensional hexahedral blocks. The unwrapped circle contains
200 grid points in the circumferential y-direction, with a higher density close to
the injector, where the changes in the uid properties are more important, and
there are 6 grid points in the radial x-direction of the clearance; this number
was chosen after conducting a grid convergence analysis.
Based on the CFD results, it is found that the coecient Cd is dependent
on two main parameters, the position of the shaft relative to the position of
the bearing surface and the injection pressure ( pinj ). The reason for these
dependencies is mainly due to the inertia eect that becomes more signicant
for higher injection pressure and less important when the shaft is closer to the
bearing surface, because viscous eects become predominant. However, it is also
important to highlight that the MRE formulation does not take directly into
account the piezoactuator position, d, (see Fig. 2.5c) and this eect is indirectly
incorporated using the coecient Cd . When the piezoactuator input voltage is
increased, the air passage is reduced, reducing the inlet mass ow rate. The
mathematical model is initially implemented using a fully open position of the
injector (piezoactuator input voltage equal to u=0 volt); when the input voltage
is higher, Cd has to be smaller to create this air ow reduction.
In order to nd an unique expression for the Cd coecient, a curve is tted
onto a set of calculated Cd values while the shaft vertical position and the input
voltage are varied, keeping a constant level of injection pressure. The results
from this analysis are shown in Fig. 3.3.
A weighted least-squares regression is employed to t the set of data into a
unique mathematical expression. A third-order polynomial weighting for the
shaft eccentricity (eX ) and a linear weighting for the input voltage ( u) are
assumed. The general equation for Cd (eX , u) is presented in Eq. (3.8),
28 Mathematical modelling
6 5V
Correction factor Cd
-0.5 0 0.5
ex / h
The exible shaft is modelled using the nite element method with 17 shaft
elements and 18 nodes (see Fig. 3.4), the amount of elements was chosen after
a convergence analysis. Only lateral and tilting motions are modelled yielding 4
degrees of freedom (dof) per node. The disc is considered as rigid and its mass
is incorporated into the model by adding inertia to the second node, where it is
placed. The ball bearing is located at node 15 and the adjustable gas bearing
at node 6. The dynamics of both bearings are included as linear damper and
3.2 Global system nite element model 29
16 15
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21
BBall BGas
Figure 3.4: FEM model discretization. The position of the two bearings is
stated as BBall for the ball bearing and BGas for the gas bearing.
The interaction between the rotor and the bearings is included in the model
through linear damping and stiness force coecients. To solve the MRE, a
perturbation method is employed. This linearized approach was introduced by
Lund [43]. The solution of the rst order perturbation equations for the per-
turbed pressures (pX , pY ) is straightforward, as these are linear PDEs. Given
a zeroth order eld p0 , they are solved via a nite dierence scheme and subse-
quently integrated over the bearing surface to determine the force represented
by the stiness KH and damping DH matrices, as shown in Eq. (3.9),
L 2π
H H pX cos θ pX sin θ
K + iωD = RdθdZ (3.9)
0 0 pY cos θ pY sin θ
where the superscript G refers to the global system, M is the mass matrix,
D is the damping and gyroscopic matrix, K is the stiness matrix and q is
the generalized coordinate vector. Solving Eq. (3.10) using eigenvalue problem
( λi = λRi + λIi ), nally natural frequencies ( ωni ) and damping ratio ( ζi ) are
obtained, where:
ωni = λIi (3.11)
ζi = −λRi / λ2Ri + λ2Ii (3.12)
30 Mathematical modelling
Eq. (3.10) can be written in state space form [44], leading to the following
q̇(t) 0 I q(t) 0
=− +
q̈(t) M−1 K −M−1 ΩG q̇(t) M−1 F(q, q̇, u)
ż(t) R z(t) Q(z(t),u(t))
where A and B matrices are named the system and the control matrix respec-
tively. Combining Eqs. (3.13), (3.14) and (3.17) A and B can be written as
shown in Eqs. (3.18) and (3.19).
∂(−Rz(t)) ∂(Q(z(t), u(t)))
A= + (3.18)
∂z ∂z
3.2 Global system nite element model 31
The rst term in Eq. (3.18) is related to the rotordynamics and the second
with the bearing dynamics. The same is done with the matrix B, where the
rst term related to the rotordynamics is not dependent on the input voltage,
so the derivative term is equal to zero and the second term denes the actuator
∂(−Rz(t)) ∂(Q(z(t), u(t)))
Solving Eq. (3.20) and considering that the vector u(t) is dened by two ele-
ments: the input voltage in horizontal direction ( uY ) and the input voltage in
vertical direction (uX ), it is possible to describe the matrix B as shown in Eqs.
(3.20) and (3.21).
M−1 B∗
⎡ ⎤
0((i−1)∗4)×1 0((i−1)∗4)×1
⎢ ⎥
B∗ = ⎢
⎦ (3.21)
0(N ∗4−(i−1)∗4−s)×1 0(N ∗4−(i−1)∗4−s)×1 N ∗4×s
The B matrix size is N ∗ 4 × 2 where N is the total number of nodes and s the
number of outputs, in this case two: the displacement in vertical and horizontal
directions. This formulation leads to the linearized system of equations:
Δż(t) = AΔz(t) + BΔu(t) (3.22)
In the same manner, the system of equations which denes the outputs is
dened by Eq. (3.23).
Δy(t) = CΔz(t) (3.23)
Where C is dened as:
0 0 0
1 0 0
2×N ∗4∗2
Where the two non-zero terms are related to the two measured outputs: the
vertical and horizontal positions, as shown in Fig. 2.1.
• Laminar ow.
• Newtonian ow.
• Inertia-less.
• Thin lm ow.
• Ideal gas.
• Isothermal gas.
• No-slip boundary condition
In order to increase the damping of the system and allow the rotor to cross
safely over the critical speeds three dierent controllers have been proposed
and designed based on the theoretical model presented in this work. As a rst
approach a simple proportional control is design, followed by a more complete
but still simple proportional integral derivative (PID) control and nally a state
feedback control with integral action and observer was selected. The election of
this controller was made because it is an optimal controller, but it presents an
easy implementation. The theoretical design of the PID control will be shown
in this section as an example of the model-based control design.
3.3 Control design 33
Where KpX and KpY are the vertical and horizontal proportional gain, KdX
and KdY are the vertical and horizontal derivative gain, KiX and KiY are the
vertical and horizontal integral gain and e is the error between the measured
displacement and a reference. The choice of the controller gains depends on the
goal of the controller. In this case, the goal is to increase the damping of the
system. The eect of varying the PID-gains in the eigenvalues of the system
is investigated by using a root locus. The root locus is presented in Fig. 3.4
for the rst two roots of the system. In Fig. 3.5, the poles related to the rst
mode (backward) and second mode (forward) are highlighted using a triangle
and square respectively. The eect of both control gains has a dierent eect
on each pole. In the bottom part of the plot, the eect of the gains in the rst
pole is illustrated more clearly, using blue arrows. In the top part of the plot
the same is done for the second pole. The proportional gain Kp = KpX = KpY
is varied in the range Kp =[0 to −4 × 106 ] [V/m] and the derivative gain Kd =
KdX = KdY in the range Kd =[0 to 250] [Vs/m]. Damping lines are added to
the plot to illustrate how the gains aect this parameter. Results show how
an increase in the proportional gain ( Kp ) makes the system in general softer
(smaller imaginary part) and more stable (higher damping ratio). Nevertheless,
when the proportional gain is too high, the rst root of the system becomes less
stable (smaller damping ratio). The derivative gain ( Kd ) produce a more stable
system for the two roots. The combination of values for Kd and Kp is tuned to
obtain a more stable response, taking into account the saturation limit of the
actuators. The chosen values are: KdX = 10 [Vs/m], KpX = −0.18 × 106 [V/m],
KdY = 20 [Vs/m] and KpY = −0.34 × 106 [V/m]. The integral gain is manually
tuned, based on the model. Dierent values were tested to nd which produce
the faster restore of the signal to a given reference. The selected integral gains
are KiX = KiY = −7 × 102 [V/ms].
34 Mathematical modelling
Initial (Backward) 0.085
0.13 0.04
Initial (Forward) 0.26
1000 Kp increase
Kd increase
0.8 Kp increase
Kd increase
-1000 0.26
0.13 0.085 0.04
-450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0
Figure 3.5: Real and imaginary part of the rst four eigenvalues of the system.
Chapter 4
Theoretical and
experimental results
worth mentioning that the angular velocity is not further increased because for
higher angular velocities the hydrodynamic eect is dominant and the Reynolds
equation is able to accurately predict the journal static equilibrium position.
6 4 bar Experim.
Vertical equilibrium position (μm)
6 bar Experim.
8 bar Experim.
4 4 bar Theor.
6 bar Theor.
2 8 bar Theor.
1000 2000 3000 04000 5000
Rotational velocity (rev/min)
Figure 4.1: Vertical equilibrium position (μm) for angular velocity from 50 to
4000 rpm and injection pressure equal to 4, 6 and 8 bar.
It can be clearly seen that in the analysed speed range, the predicted equilibrium
position values are very close to the experimental values (with dierences under
2 μm).
In Figs. 4.2a and 4.2b the natural frequencies and damping ratios, in rotor
angular velocity range of 2000-5000 rpm, are shown. The injection pressure
used for the four injectors is equal to 7 bar and the piezoactuators voltage is
kept to 5 bar. The results are illustrated for the rst two vibration modes
(backward and forward).
A comparison between theoretical and experimental models shows: 1) A very
good accuracy for natural frequencies with discrepancies below 5 % and 2) Ac-
ceptable discrepancies for damping ratios with dierences below 50 %. This is
considered acceptable due to the diculty to obtained an accurate determina-
tion of damping ratios for a low damped system.
4.1 Theoretical model validation 37
Natural frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.2: Theoretical versus experimental results for dierent rotor angular
velocities - (a) Natural frequencies, (b) Damping ratios.
Natural frequencies and damping ratios of the rotor-bearing system are also
calculated in terms of the input voltage applied to the piezoactuators. This is
done for two dierent conditions: (A) the air is injected from a single orice
positioned at the bottom of the bearing and (B) the air is injected through four
radial injectors equally pressurized.
The theoretical and experimental behaviour of natural frequencies and damping
ratios associated with the rst backward mode are illustrated in Fig. 4.3 for cases
A and B.
Fig. 4.3d shows that the higher the value of the piezoactuator input voltage, the
lower the natural frequencies associated with the forward mode. This behaviour
is also found for the natural frequencies associated with the forward mode in
case B. The reason for the natural frequencies reduction when the piezoactuator
input voltage increases can be found in the reduction of the uid lm stiness.
Higher input voltages mean strangulation of the air passage reducing the air
ow rate; this produces a reduction in the external radial uid forces, leading
to a more exible system. For the backward mode in case A (Fig. 4.3c), there
is not a clear tendency of how the natural frequencies as a function of input
voltage change. In this case the natural frequencies are almost constant, not
being aected by the injection.
The comparison between the theoretical and experimental natural frequencies
4.2 Control design results 39
system is more damped for case A than for case B, as can be seen in Figs. 4.3a
and 4.3b. By using one single injector positioned at the bearing bottom, the
damping ratio associated with the rst mode shape can be increased ten-fold
when compared to 4 injectors equally pressurized.
The input voltage of the piezoactuator and the journal angular velocity in case
B have a higher inuence on the damping ratio than in case A, where the
damping ratio is barely aected by these parameters. In case B, the higher the
piezoactuator input voltage, the higher the damping ratio of the system. The
reason for the increase in the damping ratio when the input voltage increases,
can be found in the reduction of the injection air ow. When the injection
air ow is reduced the journal squeeze eect is increased, which is the main
source of damping in gas journal bearings, leading to an increase in the system
damping ratio. The same argument can explain why in case A (one injector)
the system presents higher damping ratios than case B (four injectors). The
comparison between experimental and theoretical damping ratios shows that
the higher discrepancies (65 %) are found for the more damped cases.
These discrepancies are attributed to the fact that the theoretical formulation
based on the Reynolds equation considers that the radial injection ow incor-
porated into the modied Reynolds equation is assumed to have a laminar and
parabolic prole or a parabolic pattern. Nevertheless, such a ow pattern, when
calculated based on the CFD model, shows some deviations from the parabolic
pattern. The damping ratios of the rotor-bearing system are highly dependent
on these ow patterns. Nevertheless the general behaviour of the damping ra-
tios obtained experimentally can be caught by the theoretical model and the
results are very satisfactory considering all typical and well-known diculties
in identifying damping in mechanical systems.
To improve the dynamic properties of the system, diverse control techniques can
be implemented using the theoretical model as a design tool. This work presents
3 simple model based control designs. A proportional control, a proportional-
40 Theoretical and experimental results
integral-derivative control and a state feedback control with integral action and
observer. The experimental and theoretical results using these three controllers
Figs. 4.4 and 4.5. The response is evaluated for dierent values of proportional
gain in the range [0.5 ×105 -2.0×105 ] V/m. The journal angular velocity is kept
No control
Control Kp = 0.5e5 V/m
Control Kp = 1.0e5 V/m
= 1.5e5 V/m
Amplitude (mm/N)
Control Kp
Control Kp = 2.0e5 V/m
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Frequency (Hz)
These gures illustrate the accuracy of the theoretical model when compared
with the experimental results. Results also show how the system response be-
comes more damped for higher values of proportional gain. This increase in
damping is produced because proportional gain create a softening of the gas lm
(changes in the mass ow rate that allow a softer response), allowing higher dis-
sipation of energy due to the gas lm squeeze eect. When the system becomes
softer, the stiness of the system is reduced, as well as the natural frequencies.
4.2 Control design results 41
No control
0.035 Control Kp = 0.5e5 V/m
Control Kp = 1.0e5 V/m
0.03 Control Kp = 1.5e5 V/m
Amplitude (mm/N)
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Frequency (Hz)
In Figs. 4.6a and 4.6b the theoretical and experimental unbalanced response in
time domain is shown for rotor angular velocities from 1000 rpm to 11000. The
response without the controller is depicted with a black colour and in dark and
light grey the response using the SF and PID control are shown respectively.
For a better visualization of the results shown in Fig. 4.6a, the oscillation lines
due to the unbalance are omitted and only the maximum and minimum values
of such oscillations are seen. Moreover, a horizontal line is included to show
the vibration level of the rotor necessary to hit the bearings wall (displacement
limit). In Fig. 4.6a the critical speed range (between 7000 and 8000 rpm) is
clearly seen and also how the amplitude is drastically increased in this range,
exceeding the displacement limit and hence predicting a touchdown of the rotor
and bearing wall. For that reason in Fig. 4.6b the experimental response is
replaced by the theoretical one in that range. From the theoretical results, it
can be seen that both controllers predict a signicant and similar decrease in the
vibration level in the critical velocity range and a slight increase at low angular
42 Theoretical and experimental results
Results from Fig. 4.6b show that both controllers achieve their goals, and the
critical speed can be safely crossed. The controllers are able to add damping to
the system and the vibration levels are lower than the response without control
in the entire velocity range studied. However, some discrepancies can be found,
especially for the optimal controller. One important source of error is the fact
that a linearisation is made around one operational condition (angular velocity
equal to 8000 rpm) and the controllers are not able to perform as modelled,
when this condition has changed. Another discrepancy derives from the lack
of model accuracy related to the damping ratio as mentioned before. This fact
explains why the optimal controller behaves worse than the PID controller. The
SF controller requires a precise prediction of the model, while the PID is not so
dependent on the model accuracy.
In Figs. 4.7 and 4.8 the frequency response to the unbalanced forces is shown.
Results are calculated using the system without controller in the range of ve-
locities 1000 to 7000 rpm (before the critical speed) and with a PID controller
in the range 7000 to 11000 rpm (during and after the critical speed). Fig. 4.7
shows the theoretical response and Fig. 4.8 the experimental results.
Results from Figs. 4.7 and 4.8 show good agreement. The main dierence
between the two results is that in the experimental response the second multiple
of the synchronous vibration is visible. This is due to the misalignment in the
system, which is not incorporated in the theoretical model. Theoretical and
experimental results show the advantage of using control techniques to extend
the operational range of the system, up to double in this case.
μ μ
44 Theoretical and experimental results
Amplitude [μm]
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Frequency [Hz]
Amplitude [μm]
With control
Time [s] Without control
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Frequency [Hz]
The purpose of the current study has been to improve a previously proposed
theoretical model and use it as a design tool to elaborate controllers applied to
the exible rotor-active gas bearing system. The most signicant ndings to
emerge from this study are described in the published papers that composed
the main part of this thesis and are summarized in this chapter as follows:
In the light of the nding gathered through this PhD work, it is recommended:
To include the effect of external pressurization in hybrid gas bearings an extra term is added to Reynolds Equation to
accommodate the gas jet. Two cases are considered: cylindrical and annular flow profiles. Validation of theoretical results
obtained using the modified version of Reynolds equation for compressible fluid against computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) model is presented in terms of pressure and flow rate considering pressurization levels, journal eccentricities and
angular velocities. Correction factors for the jet discharge coefficients are necessary and calculated added by CFD
model. By introducing such coefficients into the modified Reynolds equation, good agreement with experiments is
achieved in terms of journal equilibrium position and resulting aerodynamic forces.
Gas bearings, computational fluid dynamics analysis, steady state response, controllable lubrication, modified Reynolds
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808 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
the stability of a rotor-aerostatic bearing system empha- to simulate a controllable gas jet system.24 Using a
sizing the effects of the design changes. Considering rigid simple Proportional derivative (PD) controller, they
bearing surfaces and pockets, i.e. hybrid gas bearings theoretically demonstrated the feasibility of create an
which combine the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic active gas journal bearing which responds to the feed-
effects, significant improvements in start-up and shut- back of displacement sensors installed to measure the
down can be achieved. Moreover, substantial increase lateral movements of the journal. When dealing with
in the threshold speed of rotor instabilities has been multi-physic modelling, i.e. linking the dynamics of
shown.8 Lund11 analysed a three-lobe and a four shoe flexible rotors, interacting with fluid film and piezoelec-
pad air journal bearing, and obtained, using a theoret- tric actuators, the complexity of models has to be kept
ical method based on first order perturbation method, as simple as possible without missing the capability of
load capacities as well as the stiffness and damping coef- accurately predicting the dynamics of the global
ficients that were used to verify the instability threshold. coupled system. In this framework the MRE with an
Zhang and Chang12 studied the use of annular shallow additional term accommodating the pressurized jet has
pockets in order to improve the stability of hybrid gas proven to be very useful for incompressible fluids.25
bearings. The use of pockets was theoretically as well as For compressible flow and the different geometry of
experimentally studied by Kim and San Andres,13 the injector head attached to the piezoelectric actu-
taking into account inertia effects and turbulence when ator,22,23,24 jet model refinements and validation seem
large levels of external pressurization were used. The to be required. Thus, the main objective of the present
results showed good accuracy with respect to experi- work is to validate the theoretical model based on the
mental results. More recently, Amine Hassini et al.14 MRE22 against CFD and develop a theoretical proced-
presented a theoretical model to predict the dynamic ure for correcting the jet discharge coefficients, when
characteristics of the hybrid gas bearing with shallow and if necessary, depending on the journal eccentricity
pockets based in bulk-flow equations. This solution and velocity, and of course, on the jet supply pressure.
was improved using a computational fluid dynamics To validate the theoretical procedure, experiments are
(CFD) model for accommodating the injection of gas. carried out in a test rig with the main objective of
The results were compared with experimental results,15 accurately predicting the journal eccentricity under
showing satisfactory agreement. Considering compliant several state-state conditions.
bearing surfaces, Vleugels et al.1 presented a model to
predict the steady behaviour of a foil bearing, showing
Test facilities
that a foil gas bearing is more stable than a rigid aero-
dynamic journal bearing with similar geometry. The test rig used in this paper was firstly presented by
Authors16–18 studied the effects on the performance of Morosi and Santos23 and it is illustrated in Figure 1.
gas foil bearings including: external side pressurization, The system consists of a rotor supported by two types
misalignment and other effect. Other authors propose of bearings, a ball bearing 3 and a gas bearing 5. The
other design solutions in order to improve the perform- rotor is driven by a gas turbine 1 and the torque from
ance of gas bearings, for example the usage of flexure the turbine is transmitted to the shaft 4 with the aid of
pivot-tilting pad gas bearings19 and pressure-dam bear- flexible couplings 2. A rigid disc 6 is attached to the
ings.20 Another design solution to improve the charac- end of the shaft. Two inductive proximity sensors are
teristics of gas bearings considers the implementation fixed to the holder around the disc 8, and four piezo-
of control systems. A hybrid flexure pivot gas bearing actuators 7 are installed to create a controllable gas
with controllable supply pressure is investigated by San bearing.
Andres.21 Their strategy is to employ electro-pneumatic
air regulators combined with simple open and closed
loop control rules in order to modify the supply pressure
Rotor and disc
level in relation with the rotational speed of the machine. The main dimensions of the flexible shaft and the disc
Theoretical and experimental tests are in good agree- of the rotor-bearing test rig are shown in Figure 2.
ment. The use of feedback control in hybrid bearings The total length of the shaft is 500 mm, with the main
is theoretically as well as experimentally demonstrated diameters of 40, 30 and 22 mm. The shaft is made of
by Morosi and Santos.22,23,24 The theoretical model for stainless steel type 314, with a total weight of 2.04 kg.
hybrid gas journal bearing is presented based on the The disc is made of steel, its outer diameter is 140 mm
modified Reynolds equation (MRE) for compressible and the total weight is 1.5 kg.
flow. An extra term is added to the Reynolds equation
to accommodate the gas injection, considering the fully
Hybrid gas bearing
developed cylindrical Hagen–Poiseuille flow in the injec-
tion pipeline. Using the simplified model, the authors The rotor is supported by a gas journal bearing which
investigated how different geometries can improve the consists of three main parts, as it is shown in
dynamic characteristics of the bearing. Using the theor- Figure 3(a): an aluminium housing 1, a bronze
etical model presented by Morosi and Santos,22 the sleeve 2 and four adjustable injectors 3, equally dis-
authors included the dynamics of four piezo-actuators tributed around the bronze sleeve.
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Pierart and Santos 809
Figure 1. Test rig and its components. 1 – gas turbine; 2 – flexible coupling; 3 – ball bearing; 4 – flexible shaft; 5 – actively controlled
gas bearing; 6 – disc; 7 – piezo-actuators; 8 – eddy current displacement sensors.
Theoretical model
To obtain the aerodynamic forces and the steady state
equilibrium position of the rotor-bearing system, it is
Figure 2. Schematic view of the mechanical system and necessary to calculate the pressure profile over the
principal dimensions in mm. bearing surface. This is achieved by solving the
Reynolds equation according to the procedure
described by Morosi and Santos.24 The compressible
Reynolds equation is shown in equation (1).
Gas journal bearing injection system. The gas journal
bearing injection system consists of four independent @ h3 @p @ h3 @p
subsystems. These subsystems have a piezo-actuator @y @y @z @z
which controls the injection of externally pressurized ð1Þ
@ @h
air jet. One of these injection subsystems is presented ¼ 6U ðhÞ þ 12
@y @t
in detail in Figure 3(c) and (d). The piezo-actuator 5
pushes the plastic pin 6 in the direction of the gas To relate the density with the other state variables,
bearing centre. The piezo-actuator is not capable of the ideal gas law is used,
pulling the pin back, therefore a Belleville washer 7 is
used. An O-ring seal is used to ensure that the pres- pM
¼ ð2Þ
surized air escapes only through the orifice, and a RT
metallic structure 4 is used to support the whole actu-
ation system. The orifices have a diameter of 2 mm where M is the molar mass, R the universal gas con-
and each of the injection orifices is fed by pressurized stant and T the gas temperature. Considering also the
air from a compressed air network, the maximum assumption that gas bearing works in near-isothermal
supply pressure is 8 bar. The supply pressure is mea- conditions, and using equation (2) in equation (1), it
sured by a pressure indicator and can be adjusted by can be written in a general form:
manually closing/opening a ball valve. One crucial
parameter of the injection system is the initial distance @ ph3 @p @ ph3 @p
of the piezo-actuator head relative to the orifice wall. @y @y @z @z
This distance has to be set to 45 mm (maximum elong- ð3Þ
@ @ph
ation of the piezo-actuator used) to allow a fully clos- ¼ 6U ð phÞ þ 12
@y @t
ing of the air flow, when the maximum voltage is
applied to the piezo-actuator. To achieve the accuracy In order to include the externally-pressurized
need for the initial positioning of the actuator head, gas injection, the Reynolds equation is modified.
a mounting device with a micrometer installed on it The injection flow is considered to be laminar, incom-
is used. The device is illustrated in Figure 4. In pressible and fully developed and as such is described
Figure 4(a) a photo of the device installed in the by the parabolic Hagen–Poiseuille formula
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810 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3. Gas bearing system – (a) scheme illustrating the hybrid gas bearing and its main components: aluminium housing 1, bronze
sleeve 2, and adjustable injectors 3; (b) photo of the hybrid gas bearing; (c) schematic view of the assembling of the main parts of the
adjustable gas bearing injection system, piezo-actuator 5, plastic pin 6, Belleville washer 7, and aluminium support 4; (d) photo of the
main components of the adjustable gas bearing injection system.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Device to set the initial distance of the piezo-actuator; (a) photo of the device installed in the test rig; (b) schematic view of
the device, where 8 is the structure to support the micrometer and 9 it is the micrometer.
(see Figure 5a). The resulting equation of the injection Density changes along the injector are considered to
flow is given by equation (4). be negligible. This assumption allows a further simpli-
fication, namely that the variation of injection pressure
Vinj ð y, z, tÞ along the injector length is linear and proportional to
the difference between supply and journal pressures:
1 @p d20 ð4Þ
¼ ð y yi Þ2 ðz zi Þ2
4 @x 4 @p Pinj pð y, z, tÞ
@x l0
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Pierart and Santos 811
p0 ð y, 0Þ ¼ p0 ð y, LÞ ¼ Patm
p0 ð0, zÞ ¼ p0 ð2Rb , zÞ
@p0 ð0, zÞ @p0 ð2Rb , zÞ
@y @y
Figure 5. Injector scheme – (a) injection assumption used in For a given operation condition and initial eccen-
MRE initially; (b) real injection geometry. tricity, the nonlinear PDE (8) is solved using a finite
difference approximation on the discretized domain.
The pressure field is integrated over the bearing sur-
This assumed parabolic profile (equation (4)) leads face, which in turn imposes vertical and horizontal
to good results for incompressible flow.25 In this lubrication reaction forces:
paper such profile must be corrected because the
Z L Z 2
geometry chosen for the injector is closer to an annu-
lus than a cylinder, as it is shown in Figure 5. The new Fx ¼ ð p0 Patm ÞcosðÞRb ddz ð11Þ
0 0
injection flow described by the annular Hagen–
Poiseuille formula is presented in equation (6), Z L Z 2
Fy ¼ ð p0 Patm Þ sinðÞRb ddz ð12Þ
0 0
1 @p d20
d 2
Vann ð y, z, tÞ ¼
4 @x 4 4 To achieve the static equilibrium position of the
2 ð6Þ rotor inside the gas bearing, the Newton Raphson
d0 d2int lnðd0 =d Þ
method is used, considering that the weight of the
4 4 lnðd0 =dint Þ
rotor-disc system acts in x-direction. It is assumed
that the rotor moves like a rigid body. This claim is
where dint is the internal diameter of the annulus. In based on the fact that the first bending natural fre-
this case, dint is 1.7 mm, which is the diameter of the quency of the shaft-disc is 759 Hz.24
final section of the plastic pin shown in Figure 3(c).
The diameter d is the radial distance in cylindrical
CFD analysis
Adding an extra term into Reynolds equation (3), In order to study the assumption regarding the exter-
to accommodate the pressurized gas jet, one obtains nally-pressurized gas injection, a CFD model is
the following partial differential equation (PDE): developed.
@ ph3 @p @ ph3 @p
þ Solution procedure
@y @y @z @z
ð7Þ The governing equations (compressible Navier–
@ @ph p
¼ 6U ð phÞ þ 12 þ 12 Vann Stokes) have been solved for steady-state conditions
@y @t
using the open source CFD code OpenFOAM-2.0.1.
Considering the steady-state condition 12@ph
@t ¼ 0, For pressure calculations in the compressible case, the
the equation to be solved becomes: rhoSimplecFoam solver is used. This solver is based in
the SIMPLEC pressure correction scheme, which is
@ ph3 @p @ ph3 @p an enhancement of the Semi-Implicit Method for
@y @y @z @z Pressure Linked Equations (SIMPLE) algorithm.
ð8Þ Regarding convergence criteria, for all cases the resi-
@ p
¼ 6U ð phÞ þ 12 Vann dual of the continuity and momentum equation has to
fall below 104. To improve convergence, the under-
The film thickness function h depends on the pos- relaxation factors are selected between 0.1 and 0.3 for
ition of the centre of the journal according to equa- the density and pressure, and between 0.3 and 0.7 for
tion (9): velocity and enthalpy.
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812 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
Figure 6. Isometric view of the CFD model, with main boundary conditions.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. CFD model – (a) schematic CFD unwrapped model; (b) position of the rotor in the gas bearing.
The inlet boundary condition is set as a constant pres- circumferential y-direction, with a higher density close
sure equal to the injection pressure and the outlet as to the injector, where the changes in the fluid proper-
atmospheric pressure. The temperature is also fixed at ties are more important, and six grid points in the
the inlet and outlet equal to 300 K (27 C). The bear- radial x-direction of the clearance, this number is
ing wall is represented as a fixed wall boundary con- chosen after conducting a grid convergence analysis.
dition and the rotor surface as a moving wall. To For the purpose of this validation, the journal is set in
simplify the meshing process, the curvature of the three different positions in relation with the bearing
bearing and rotor is unwrapped considering a linear housing; with an eccentricity ex of 5 mm, 10 mm and
geometry as shown in Figure 7(a), and imposing a 15 mm in x-direction. No eccentricity is considered in
cyclic boundary condition on the edges. The geometry the y-direction, as is shown in Figure 7(b). Using these
is meshed using a decomposition of the domain geom- three positions it is possible to get 20%, 40% and
etry into a set of three-dimensional hexahedral blocks. 60% of eccentricity levels. The injector is positioned
The unwrapped circle contains 200 grid points in the in the bottom of the bearing.
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Pierart and Santos 813
Figure 8. Pressure distribution with CFD model for journal angular velocities of 2, 6 and 10 krpm, injection pressures of 3, 5 and
7 bar, and eccentricity of 40%.
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814 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
Figure 9. Pressure distribution with CFD model for eccentricity of 20%, 40%, 60%, injection pressure of 3, 5 and 7 bar, and angular
velocity equal to 2 krpm.
Figure 10. Velocity distribution with CFD model for angular velocity of 2, 6 and 10 krpm, injection pressures of 3, 5 and 7 bar, and
eccentricity of 40%.
Figure 11(a) (left hand side), immediately before both significant recirculation zone can be seen, once the
flows find the tight path into the bearing clearance jet pressure is increased from 3 to 7 bars. A relative
downstream. The flow velocity in y-direction, i.e. in smooth transition pattern between the two flows can
the same direction as the induced Couette flow, be seen in Figure 11(b) (left hand side), immediately
increases from 20 m/s in front of the channel wall to before both flows find the tight path into the bearing
40 m/s in the bearing clearance. In x-direction, i.e. in clearance downstream. The flow velocity in y-direc-
the same direction of the jet, recirculation inside the tion increases from 15 m/s in front of the channel
channel can also be seen, as illustrated in Figure 11(a) wall to 40 m/s in the bearing clearance. Figure 11(b)
(right hand side). In the case (b), the Couette flow (right hand side) shows in x-direction that recircula-
does not hit the edge of channel wall and no tion inside the channel disappears.
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Pierart and Santos 815
Figure 12. Pressure distribution in the circumferential direction from /2 to 3/2, for journal angular velocity of 10 krpm, 40% of
journal eccentricity, and injection pressures of 3, 5 and 7 bar. Comparison between CFD and MRE model using a cylindrical geometry
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816 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
Table 1. Vertical aerodynamic force (N) comparison using CFD and MRE with cylindrical injector for pressure of
3, 5 and 7 bar, angular velocity of 10 krpm, and eccentricity of 20%, 40% and 60%.
Ecc. 3 bar 3 bar Diff 5 bar 5 bar Diff 7 bar 7 bar Diff
Figure 13. Air velocity in radial direction, for journal angular velocity of 10 krpm, 40% of journal eccentricity, and injection pressures
of 3, 5 and 7 bar. Comparison between CFD and MRE model using a cylindrical geometry assumption.
Table 2. Mass flow rate (105 m3/s) comparison using CFD and MRE for pressure of 3, 5 and 7 bar, and velocity
of 10 krpm.
Ecc. 3 bar 3 bar Diff 5 bar 5 bar Diff 7 bar 7 bar Diff
not take into account the recirculation and also the effects and considering cylindrical fully-developed
error in the prediction of the pressure affects the vel- injection velocity profile in the injector zone.
ocity. In Table 2, the mass flow rate comparison
between CFD and MRE is presented, for injection Annular profile. The geometry of the injector is close to
pressures of 3, 5 and 7 bar, and eccentricity levels of an annulus, as is possible to see in Figure 7(a), in this
20%, 40% and 60%. Table 2 shows that the lower the section CFD results are compared with MRE using an
journal eccentricity, the higher the discrepancies; the annular profile according to equation (6). Figure 14
same behaviour is shown for higher levels of injection illustrates the pressure distributions over the bearing
pressure, in the same manner than the vertical aero- surface from /2 to 3/2, calculated by means of CFD
dynamic force presented in Table 1. The differences in model and MRE, using both cylindrical and annular
mass flow rate between the two models are a combin- profile. As it can be seen, the differences in pressure
ation between the error produced by neglecting inertia between MRE with cylindrical and annular profile are
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Pierart and Santos 817
Figure 14. Pressure distribution in the circumferential direction from /2 to 3/2, for journal angular velocity of 10 krpm, 40% of
journal eccentricity, and injection pressures of 3, 5 and 7 bar. Comparison between CFD and MRE model using cylindrical and annular
Table 3. Vertical aerodynamic force (N): comparison using CFD and MRE with annular injector, for pressure of
3, 5 and 7 bar, angular velocity of 10 krpm, and eccentricity of 20%, 40% and 60%.
Ecc. 3 bar 3 bar Diff 5 bar 5 bar Diff 7 bar 7 bar Diff
very small (under 1%). From this result, it is possible when using MRE. Recirculation can also be seen
to conclude that both annular and cylindrical profiles using the CFD model, for low injection pressure
behave equally in terms of pressure distribution. As it (3 bar). In Table 4, the comparison of mass flow
is expected, the vertical aerodynamic force is also very rate, in case of CFD and MRE for annular injection
similar between the annular and cylindrical injector, is presented. Injection pressure of 3, 5 and 7 bar, and
as it can be seen in Table 3. In Figure 15, the velocity eccentricity levels of 20%, 40% and 60% are investi-
profile comparison between CFD and MRE is gated. As it can be seen in Table 4, the differences in
presented for injection pressures of 3, 5 and 7 bar, mass flow are also very close to the values when a
journal angular velocity of 10 krpm and eccentricity cylindrical injector is used. Because the use of annular
level of 40%. Using the fully-developed annular vel- injector produce better results than the cylindrical one
ocity profile a small improvement in the prediction of and the real geometry is also closer to an annulus, the
the velocity behaviour is achieved, see Figure 15. rest of the analysis presented in this paper is using the
Using the annular geometry, as it is expected, the annular profile.
air flows from the extremities of the injector head
into the bearing gap, in the same manner that the
Discharge coefficients–correction factor
CFD model predicts. In relation with the case with
cylindrical injection the only differences are that for To correct the remaining differences between CFD
the annular case the flow is more developed in the and MRE using an annulus profile, a discharge coef-
extremes of the injector. The differences that remain ficient function Cd is included in equation (6). To esti-
are due to the more complex nature of the velocity mate the discharge coefficient, the differences in mass
profile, deviating from the parabolic profile assumed flow rate using CFD and MRE with an annular
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818 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
Figure 15. Air velocity in radial direction, for journal angular velocity of 10 krpm, 40% of journal eccentricity, and injection pressures
of 3, 5 and 7 bar. Comparison between CFD and MRE model using an annular geometry.
Table 4. Mass flow rate (105 m3/s): comparison using CFD and MRE with annular injector, for pressure of 3, 5
and 7 bar, angular velocity of 10 krpm, and eccentricity of 20%, 40% and 60%.
Ecc. 3 bar 3 bar Diff 5 bar 5 bar Diff 7 bar 7 bar Diff
Figure 16. Correction factor Cd – difference in aerodynamic force (%), using injection pressure of 3, 5 and 7 bar, angular velocity
constant equal to 10 krpm and eccentricity of 20%, 40% and 60%.
injector are calculated while varying Cd. The results 2 krpm. In the operational range presented in
are shown in Figure 16 and covers different levels of Figure 16, it is clear to see that difference in mass
eccentricity (20%, 40% and 60%), injection pressure flow rate is less dependent on the journal eccentricity
(3, 5 and 7 bar) and constant angular velocity of and significantly dependent on the injection pressure.
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Pierart and Santos 819
An increase in injection pressure leads to a larger used together with MRE, correcting for the mass flow
differences in mass flow rate. Setting the injection rate. These results are shown in Table 5.
pressure constant, two values of Cd can be found for
the case of zero mass flow rate difference. Calculating 1 @p d0 d2
Vann ð y, z, tÞ ¼ Cd
a mean value for the case of 3 bar one obtains 4 @x 4 4
Cd ¼ 0.0145. For the injection pressures 7 bar, one 2 ð14Þ
d d 2
lnðd0 =d Þ
obtains Cd ¼ 0.007. Although not illustrated in 0 int
4 4 lnðd0 =dint Þ
Figure 16, for the case of 5 bar one obtains
Cd ¼ 0.009. Based on these three mean coefficients
a function Cd(Pinj) can be derived as shown in
equation (13): From Table 5 it is possible to see that the difference
in mass flow rate can be significantly reduced, almost
Cd ¼ 4:8 1014 P2inj 6:3 108 Pinj þ 2:9 102 under 5%. Using an annular profile and correction
factors for the flow, it is possible to improve the pre-
dictions of mass flow rate. Nevertheless, MRE does
not include the inertia effects and due to the more
Introducing the discharge coefficient Cd into equa- complex nature of the velocity profile, deviating
tion (14), the annular velocity profile is corrected and from the parabolic profile assumed, the differences
cannot be completely eliminated.
Experimental validation
Table 5. Mass flow rate difference (%) between CFD and
MRE with annular injector and correction factor Cd, for With the aim of validating the MRE with the dis-
pressure of 3, 5 and 7 bar, eccentricity of 20%, 40% and 60%, charge coefficients for the annular injector, steady-
and angular velocity of 10 krpm. state conditions are used, namely the journal
Ecc. 3 bar 5 bar 7 bar equilibrium position. Figure 17 depicts the vertical
% Diff. % Diff. % Diff. % equilibrium position of the journal in case of zero
angular velocity. In such a condition the effect of
20 1.11 0.85 0.22 the injection can be isolated and carefully evaluated,
40 3.37 1.12 2.50 without the influence of the flow induced by the jour-
60 0.73 4.23 1.16 nal angular velocity. The experimental results with
Figure 17. Vertical equilibrium position (mm) for no angular velocity and injection pressure 3–8 bar.
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820 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 229(7)
Figure 18. Vertical equilibrium position (mm) for angular velocity from 50 to 4000 r/min and injection pressure 4, 6 and 8 bar.
uncertainty bounds are presented in blue. The bounds can be seen in Figure 17, red curve compared to
take into account only the uncertainty due to the blue curve. The effect of the jet together with the jour-
proximity probe. For the theoretical results two nal angular velocity together is analysed in Figure 18.
approaches are used: in red, the variable discharge The vertical equilibrium position is measured for three
coefficient is given by equation (13) and in green, a different levels of injection pressure (4 bar, 6 bar and
constant value Cd ¼ 0.0097 is chosen, a simple average 8 bar), from a few r/min to 4 krpm. It is shown that
coming from the cases of 3, 5 and 7 bar. Theoretical the vertical equilibrium position of the journal can be
model with both discharge coefficients approximate accurately predicted by the MRE with annular injec-
the experimental results reasonably well. Unexpected tor and the discharge coefficients. It is worthy to men-
is the fact that the MRE with constant discharge coef- tion that the angular velocity is not further increased
ficient Cd ¼ 0.0097 leads to a better description of the because for higher angular velocities the hydro-
journal equilibrium than with the variable discharge dynamic effect is dominant and Reynolds equation
coefficient. In this framework it is important to high- is able to accurately predict the journal static equilib-
light that the bearing housing is built with four injec- rium position. The vertical equilibrium position
tors, as mentioned in the section ‘Test facilities’. The obtained using the corrected MRE with annular injec-
injection pressure value is measured upstream the four tor and constant correction factor presents results in
injectors, not separately and independently from each the range of uncertainty of the experiments for this
other. During the experimental tests with the vertical range of rotational velocity.
injector in the bottom of the housing, small leakage
flow is observed in the three additional injectors.
Pressure and flow are strongly dependent. For high
injection pressure (over 5 bar) the amount of leakage In the present study, the accuracy of the model pre-
flow through the three injectors is negligible in com- sented in Morosi and Santos22 for adjustable hybrid
parison with the main flow through the injector in the gas bearing under steady-state conditions is carefully
bottom of the housing. It means that pressure mea- investigated. Special attention is paid to the assump-
sured upstream the four injectors is the correct pres- tions made to accommodate the gas jet into the MRE.
sure used as input data for equations (14) and The analysis is supported by CFD calculations and
equation (13). Nevertheless, for low values of pressure experiments.
(under 5 bar) the leakage flow through the three injec- The model presented in Morosi and Santos22
tors becomes a more significant part of the total flow. describes with accuracy the behaviour of journal bear-
It means that the injection pressure in the bottom of ings with cylindrical capillary injectors. Once the
the bearing might be lower than the pressure mea- injector dimensions deviate from capillary tubes, cor-
sured. Using higher values of injection pressure as rections for describing the jet flow are needed.
input data for equation (14) and equation (13) will Although the equation, as presented in Morosi and
lead to higher vertical position of the journal, as it Santos,22 (MRE with cylindrical injector assumption)
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Pierart and Santos 821
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Steady state characteristics of an adjustable hybrid gas bearing -
Computational uid dynamics, modied Reynolds equation and
66 experimental validation
Appendix B
Adjustable Hybrid Gas
Bearing - Inuence of
Piezoelectrically Adjusted
Injection on Damping
Factors and Natural
Frequencies of a Flexible
Rotor Operating Under
Critical Speeds
Original Article
Damping factors and natural frequencies of a flexible rotor supported by a gas bearing with piezoelectrically adjusted
flow, are theoretically determined using a rotor finite element model coupled with the modified Reynolds equation.
An extra term is added to the standard formulation of Reynolds equation aiming at incorporating the effect of the
adjustable external pressurized inlet flow. Two different configurations are theoretically as well as experimentally studied:
(a) the air is injected from a single orifice positioned at the bottom of the bearing and (b) the air is injected through four
radial injectors equally pressurized. For the two configurations, the theoretical results are experimentally validated as a
function of the piezoactuators input voltage and the journal angular velocity. Results show a good agreement for natural
frequencies and damping factors. Theoretical and experimental results show qualitatively as well as quantitatively that the
injectors position and the injection flow (dependent on the piezoactuator input voltage) have an important influence on
the dynamic characteristics of the rotor-bearing system. By using one single injector positioned at the bearing bottom,
the damping factor associated with the first mode shape can be increased by 10 times when compared to four injectors
equally pressurized.
Hybrid gas bearings, natural frequencies, damping factors, modified Reynolds equation, experimental validation, adjust-
able external pressurization
conditions and increase of load-carrying capacity.9
Gas journal bearings are a good option when high The correct determination and enhancement of bear-
speed applications and clean environment conditions ings dynamic characteristics of hybrid gas bearings
are required. However, the low viscosity of the lubri- have been extensively investigated in the literature.
cant results in a low load-carrying capacity, even more Lund10,11 was one of the first authors to investigate
pronounced at low angular velocities. Gas journal the static and dynamic characteristics of hybrid gas
bearings are also characterized by low damping prop- bearings. He proposed a theoretical model based on
erties, which enable self-excited instabilities (whirl the Reynolds equation, where the discrete feeding
instability) to be easily initiated limiting the maximum holes are represented by continuous feeding lines
angular velocity and making dangerous running close around the bearing in the circumferential direction.
to, or across the critical speeds.1,2 Different solutions Lund10 produced design charts for the variation of
have been adopted in order to overcome such limita- the load-carrying capacity with journal speed for
tions, among the most commons we can cite: foil gas
bearings,3,4 tilting pad gas bearings,5,6 controllable
gas bearings,7,8 and externally pressurized gas bear- Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of
ings. The present study is focused on this last type Denmark, Denmark
of solution, where the external injection can be
Corresponding author:
adjusted using piezoelectric actuators. Externally Ilmar F Santos, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical
pressurized or hybrid gas bearings present good fea- University of Denmark, Nils Koppels Alle, Lyngby 2800, Denmark.
tures as reduction of friction and wear at startup Email:
2 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 0(0)
various supply pressures and feeding parameters, con- showed good accuracy compared to experimental
cluding that when the journal angular velocity results. Morosi and Santos24 presented an adjustable
increases, the load-carrying capacity also increases. hybrid gas bearing, where the air flow through the
He also studied11 the instability threshold for hybrid external injectors is modified using piezoactuators.
gas bearings as a function of the bearing geometrical They developed a theoretical model to predict the
parameters. He showed that for some particular geo- bearing dynamic behavior, but no correction of the
metrical characteristics, the instability threshold is external flow was included and no experimental val-
higher for hybrid bearings than self-acting or hydro- idation was performed.
dynamic bearings. Wadhwa et al.12 employed the for- Experimental validation of these theoretical models
mulation presented by Lund,10 but they proposed to is necessary. Experimental identification of damping
include the external pressurization in terms of the and stiffness force coefficients in gas bearing was
radial injection flow. Stiffness and damping bearing extensively studied. A standard method to identify
coefficients were determined using a perturbation these coefficients is aided by transient excitation
method. From their results, the authors argued that applied directly to the rotating shaft. Using the shaft
the hybrid gas bearing is dynamically more stable response, the excitation signal and a known structure
than hydrodynamic gas bearings. Later, authors of the mathematical model for describing its dynamic
have proposed different solutions to obtain the behavior, the coefficients can be estimated. Methods
dynamic coefficients in gas bearings, e.g. Belforte using this basic approach have been used by many
et al.13,14 used the time-dependent solution of researchers for years since presented by Morton25 in
Reynolds equation to predict these coefficients. Mori 1975 and used by Nordmann26 in 1986 to identify
and Miyamatsu15 compared different theoretical flow- bearing dynamic coefficients of a flexible rotor sup-
models for externally pressurized gas bearings and ported by oil film bearings. More recently, the meth-
suggested that it is necessary to include flow patterns odology is applied to gas film bearings by Arghir and
and pressure changes in the radial flow to compensate collaborators27–29 with the aim of identifying the
pressure drops experimentally found. Belforte et al.16 dynamic force coefficients of aerodynamic and
presented an experimental study where correction fac- hybrid gas bearings. They identified the influence of
tors are proposed in order to incorporate the pressure the excitation frequency, where the main experimental
drop effects in the air flow. They also provide a limitation that they found was the large signal noise
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to obtained at high frequencies, when a hammer is used
compare with the experiments,17 showing good agree- as excitation source. Critical speed and damping fac-
ment. Horvat and Braun18 also presented a CFD tors have also been experimentally identified for gas
model for the injection system of hybrid gas bearings bearings.30,9 The authors found that an increase in
with shallow and deep pockets. They investigated the the pressure supply in hybrid gas bearings leads to
inlet flow and pressure, and a good correlation with an increase in the critical speed and a decrease
experiments was found. Pierart and Santos19 pre- in the damping factor of the system.
sented a CFD model to study the adjustable hybrid In such a framework, the main contribution of the
gas bearing injection. Discharge coefficients were present paper is related to study the natural frequen-
included into the modified Reynolds equation cies and damping factors of the flexible rotor-bearing
(MRE) to compensate the geometry effects and pres- system, as a function of the piezoelectric input volt-
sure drops. A successful experimental validation was age. This effect is studied for two configurations: (a)
performed in term of the static properties of the rotor- the air is injected from a single orifice positioned at
bearing system. With the help of different mathemat- the bottom of the bearing and (b) the air is injected
ical models, many authors have investigated the static through four radial injectors equally pressurized. The
and dynamic characteristics of hybrid gas bearings as theoretical model used in this work is based on
a function of design parameters. Chen et al.20 studied the model presented by Morosi and Santos24 using
the influence of the number and type of injector on the the corrections proposed by Pierart and Santos.19
stability range of a rigid rotor supported by two This work is presented as one fundamental step,
hybrid gas bearings. They found that the system before using feedback control laws which will dynam-
threshold stability using inherent restriction is higher ically control the injection flow into the bearing gap.
than using an orifice restriction despite the number of
orifices. Zhang and Chang21 studied the use of annu-
lar shallow pockets in order to improve the stability of
Test facilities
rigid rotor-bearing system. Figure 1 depicts a schematic view of the experimental
Pal and Majudmar22 studied the influence of test rig. It consists of a flexible shaft supported by a
porous surfaces on the rigid rotor-bearing system sta- ball bearing and an adjustable gas bearing. A rigid
bility. The use of pockets was theoretically as well as disc is attached to the end of the shaft and two dis-
experimentally studied by San Andres,23 taking into placement sensors are mounted circumferentially
account inertia effects and turbulence when large around the disc, orthogonally to each other in vertical
levels of external pressurization were used. The results (x) and horizontal (y) directions. The rotor is driven
Pierart and Santos 3
Gas bearing Ball bearing
Coupling 1716 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 32 1
Properties Values
Table 2. Main properties of piezoactuator type P-841.3B.
Properties Values
Figure 2. Adjustable hybrid gas bearing using piezoactuators Open/close loop travel @ 0-100 V 45m
– (a) Schematic view of the bearing and main components:
Pushing force up to 1000 N
aluminium housing (1), bronze sleeve (2) and adjustable injec-
tors (3); (b) Injection system components: aluminium support Pulling force 50 N
(4), piezoactuator (5), plastic pin (6) and Belleville washer (7). Unloaded resonant frequency 10 kHz 10 %
Pierart and Santos 19. Length 68 mm
1 @pð y, z, tÞ
Vinj ð y, z, tÞ ¼ Cd ð ÞFi ð2Þ
4 @x
Figure 4. Schematic view of the parameters studied in the
CFD model. Vertical eccentricity ratio eY =db and gap between
plastic pin and injector wall hp.
Fi ¼ ð y yi Þ2 ðz zi Þ2 ð3Þ
for 7
0 volt
6 5volt
ð y yi Þ2 ðz zi Þ2 4 ð4Þ 9 volt
4 5
Correction factor (
This formula formally applies to incompressible
fluids in a laminar flow flowing through a cylindrical
pipe of constant cross section. In this case, not all 2
these requirements are fulfilled and in order to com- 1
pensate these differences and other effects that are not
directly incorporated in the MRE (inertia effects), a -0.5 0 0.5
correction factor or discharge coefficient Cd is added.
This coefficient is obtained from the comparison
between the mass flow rate calculated using the Figure 5. Correction factor or discharge coefficient Cd for
MRE and the CFD model presented by Pierart and different values of eccentricity ratio (eY =h0 ) and input voltage.
Santos,19 where the CFD model was validated against
experiments. Using the CFD model to obtain the Cd
coefficient allows to have a design tool without the inlet mass flow rate. Because the mathematical
need of experimental tests. The Cd coefficient is model is initially implemented using a fully open pos-
defined as shown in equation (5) ition of the injector (piezoactuator input voltage equal
to v ¼ 0 V) when the input voltage is higher, Cd has to
m_ CFD be smaller to generate this air flow reduction.
Cd ¼ ð5Þ
m_ MRE The value of Cd ðeY , vÞ is theoretically obtained for
different values of vertical eccentricity eY =h0 (see
where m_ is the flow rate, and the subscripts refer to the Figure 4(a)) and different input piezoactuator voltage
method used to calculate it. Based on the CFD v (0 V, 5 V, and 9 V), as shown in Figure 5.
results,19 it is found that the coefficient Cd is depend- Figure 5 shows that the higher the voltage, the
ent on two main parameters, the position of the shaft smaller the Cd coefficients and when the shaft is
relative to the position of the bearing surface (This closer to the bearing surface (higher eccentricity) Cd
position can be characterized by eY =h0 ) and the injec- is higher as it is expected. In order to find an unique
tion pressure, which for this analysis is remained con- expression for the Cd ðeY , vÞ, a curve is fitted onto a set
stant and equal to 7 bar. The reason of these of calculated Cd values. To do this, a weighted least-
dependencies is mainly due to the inertia effect square regression is used, assuming a third-order
which becomes more significant for higher injection polynomial weighting for the shaft eccentricity (eY)
pressure and less important when the shaft is closer and a linear weighting for the voltage (v). The general
to the bearing surface, because viscous effects become equation for Cd ðeY , vÞ is presented in equation (6)
predominant. However, it is also important to high-
light that the MRE formulation does not take directly
Cd ðeY , vÞ ¼ p00 þ p10 ðeY =h0 Þ þ p01 ðv=vT Þ
into account the position of the piezoactuator (hp) and
this effect is indirectly incorporated using the coeffi- þ p20 ðeY =h0 Þ2 þ p11 ðeY =h0 Þðv=vT Þ ð6Þ
cient Cd. When the piezoactuator input voltage is þ p30 ðeY =h0 Þ3 þ p21 ðeY =h0 Þ2 ðv=vT Þ
increased, the air passage is reduced, reducing the
Pierart and Santos 5
5 9
p00 ¼ 4:5 10 p21 ¼ 2:1 10
p10 ¼ 1:8 107 p11 ¼ 1:6 107 A B
p01 ¼ 4:5 105 p30 ¼ 4:4 1012
p20 ¼ 2:0 109
Amplitude (mm)
Amplitude (mm)
20 Prediction 20 Prediction
Horizontal 0 0
-20 -20
-40 -40
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Time (s) Time (s)
40 40
Experiments Experiments
Amplitude (mm)
Amplitude (mm)
20 Prediction 20 Prediction
excitation 0 0
-20 -20
-40 -40
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Time (s) Time (s)
Figure 7. Horizontal and vertical time response to a horizontal and vertical impact.
8 8
Experiments Experiments
Amplitude (mm)
Amplitude (mm)
6 Prediction 6 Prediction
Horizontal 4 4
2 2
0 0
100 150 200 100 150 200
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
8 8
Amplitude (mm)
Amplitude (mm)
6 Prediction 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
100 150 200 100 150 200
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8. Horizontal and vertical response in frequency domain (FFT of Figure 7) to a horizontal and vertical impact.
while the other three injectors remain closed and (b) For each configuration, four different journal angular
the air is injected through four radial injectors equally velocities in the interval [2;5] krpm and four different
pressurized. The two configurations are illustrated in levels of input voltage [3;7] volts are studied. The injec-
Figure 6. tion pressure, as mention, is kept constant at 7 bar.
Pierart and Santos 7
125 118
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Angular velocity (rpm) Angular velocity (rpm)
(b) 120 75
Theor. 4 volt
65 Theor.7volt
115 Exp.5volt
105 35
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Angular velocity (rpm) Angular velocity (rpm)
Figure 9. Damped natural frequencies as a function of piezoactuator input voltage and journal angular velocity – (a) Forward mode
of case A (left); backward mode of case A (right) (b); forward mode of case B (left); backward mode of case B (right).
Theor. 7 volt
0.04 Exp. 0 volt
0.025 Exp. 2 volt
0.03 Exp. 5 volt
Exp. 7 volt
0.005 0.01
2000 3000 4000 5000 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Angular velocity (rpm) Angular velocity (rpm)
(b) 0.25 1
Theor. 4 volt
Damping Factor (-)
Damping Factor (-)
0.9 Theor.5volt
0.2 Theor.7volt
0.8 Exp.4volt
0.7 Exp.7volt
0.1 0.5
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Angular velocity (rpm) Angular velocity (rpm)
Figure 10. Damping factors as a function of piezoactuator input voltage and journal angular velocity – (a) Forward mode of case A
(left); backward mode of case A (right) (b); forward mode of case B (left); backward mode of case B (right).
9 113.2 Hz
8 Bottom injector
Left injector 8
7 Measurement position
Rigth injector 6
Input voltage (V)
Top injector 4
5 2 Excitation position
4 0
3 -2
2 -4
1 -6
0 4
10 0 10 20 30 40 50 2
Injector displacement, ( m) 0
15 20
-2 10
-4 0 5
Figure 11. Input voltage versus injector displacement hp – Node nr.
experimental results for the four injectors. 293.8 Hz
Measurement position
Excitation position
(a) (b) 0.5
Amplitude (N)
0 20
Frequency (Hz) -0.5 10 15
-1 0 5
Node nr.
Figure 12. Impact hammer – (a) Picture of the impact
hammer with plastic head, (b) signal from the piezoelectric
Figure 13. Illustration of the first two theoretical forward
force transducer in frequency domain.
mode shapes and the excitation and measurement positions.
Initial guess
6. Update
7. Cost function
Figure 14. Flow chart with the step to explain the model identification procedure.
Higher input voltages mean strangulation of the air It is important to highlight that the dynamic
passage reducing the air flow rate, this produce a response of the rotor-bearing system is more damped
reduction in the external radial fluid forces, leading for case A than case B, as can be seen in Figure 10(a)
to a less stiff system. For the backward mode in and (b). In such figures, it is also shown that damping
case A (Figure 9(a) right), there is though not a factors associated with backward modes are higher
clear tendency of how the natural frequencies as a than damping factors associated with forward modes.
function of input voltage changes. In this case, the The input voltage of the piezoactuator and the journal
natural frequencies are almost constant, not being angular velocity in case B have a higher influence on
affected by the injection. The comparison between the damping factor than in case A, where damping
the theoretical and experimental frequencies shows a factor is almost not affected by these parameters. In
very good accuracy with discrepancies under 5% case B, the higher piezoactuator input voltage, the
for all cases illustrated in Figure 9(a) and (b). higher the damping factor of the system is. The
Larger discrepancies than 5% are only found for the reason of the increase in the damping factor when
particular case of very low angular velocities in case A the input voltage increases, can be found in the reduc-
(Figure 9(a) right). Such discrepancies might be linked tion of the injection air flow. When the injection air
to the characteristic of the identification procedure on flow is reduced the journal squeeze effect is increased,
time domain and the short time response of a highly which is the main source of damping in gas journal
damped mode. The natural frequencies associated bearings, leading to an increase in the system damping
with the backward and forward modes in case B are factor. The same argument can explain why in case A
not significantly affected by the journal angular vel- (one injector) the system presents higher damping fac-
ocity, as it is illustrated in Figure9(b). tors than case B (four injectors). The comparison
The theoretical and experimental behavior of between experimental and theoretical damping factors
damping factors associated with the first backward shows that the higher discrepancies (65 %) are found
and forward modes are illustrated in Figure10 for for the more damped cases. These discrepancies could
cases A and B. The standard deviation for the high be attributed to the fact that the theoretical formula-
damped cases is presented. The deviation is significant tion based on Reynolds equation consider that the
only for these cases. For damping factor smaller than radial injection flow incorporated into the MRE is
0.1, the standard deviation is less than 6% of the assumed to have a laminar and parabolic profile or a
damping value. parabolic pattern. Nevertheless, such flow pattern,
10 Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 0(0)
(a) 12 (b) 7
10 6
Displacement [ m]
8 5
Force [N]
6 4
4 3
2 2
0 1
-2 0
-4 -1
-6 -2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Time [s] Time [s]
(c) 8 (d) 8
6 7
Displacement [ m]
4 6
Force [N]
-4 1
-6 0
-8 -1
-10 -2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Time [s] Time [s]
(e) 4 (f) 10
Displacement [ m]
Force [N]
-2 6
-8 2
-14 -2
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Time [s] Time [s]
Figure 15. Impact signal and system response in time domain – (a) system response in time domain for 33 different impacts for a low
damped case, (b) impact signal in time domain for 33 different impacts for a low damped case, (c) system response in time domain for
48 different impacts for a medium damped case, (d) impact signal in time domain for 48 different impacts for a medium damped case,
(e) system response in time domain for 52 different impacts for a high damped case, (f) impact signal in time domain for 52 different
impacts for a high damped case.
when calculated based on the CFD model, shows some theoretically and experimentally determined. Two dif-
deviations from the parabolic pattern. The damping ferent configurations are studied and the main conclu-
factors of the rotor-bearing system are highly depend- sions are summarized below:
ent on these flow patterns. Nevertheless, the general
behavior of the damping factors obtained experimen- 1. The comparison between theoretical and experi-
tally can be caught by the theoretical model, and the mental natural frequencies show a very good agree-
results are very satisfactory taking into account all typ- ment with discrepancies under 5% for 80% of the
ical and well-known difficulties in identifying damping cases investigated in the ranges of [2–5] krpm and
in mechanical systems, when noisy measurement signal [2–7] volts of piezoactuator input voltage.
(vibration amplitudes of a few microns) further con- 2. Higher discrepancies can be found comparing the-
taminated by run-out imperfections of rotating sur- oretical and experimental damping factors, these
faces is considered. discrepancies are clearer for higher levels of damp-
ing factor. Such cases are normally linked to high
journal eccentricities. Such discrepancies can be
Conclusion explained by the fact that the theoretical formula-
Damping factors and natural frequencies of a flexible tion based on the MRE combined with the
rotor supported by an adjustable gas bearing are discharge coefficient Cd does not accurately
Pierart and Santos 11
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Appendix equations (8) and (10).
Figure 11 illustrates the experimental displacement of
the four piezoactuators as a function of the input
voltage applied.
Experimental reproducibility
The hammer and the signal from the piezoelectric In order to study the reproducibility of the experimen-
force transducer in frequency domain are shown in tal results, in Figure 15, several impacts and the time
Figure12(a) and (b). In Figure 12(b), it is possible to response to them are shown. Three different conditions
see the frequency range in which the rotor-bearing are studied: a low damped response where 33 impacts
system can be excited by the impulse excitation, i.e. are used, a medium damped case where 48 impacts are
up to 600 Hz. The natural frequencies associated with used, and a high damped case with 52 impacts. It can
the first four modes (two backward and two forward) be clearly seen that the experiments can be reproduced.
are inside of this frequency range. The two first for- For the high damped case, the damping factor estima-
ward mode shapes are presented in Figure 13. The tion is very sensitive and these small differences, seen in
measurement and excitation position are highlighted. Figure 15(e) can lead to differences in the damping
factor prediction, as shown in Figure 10(a). All this
impacts are performed using the impact hammer with
Experimental parameters identification plastic head. The impacts were performed in the excita-
To obtain natural frequencies and damping factors tion position shown in Figure 13 and for this analysis is
experimentally, system identification is performed only shown the vertical response.
Adjustable Hybrid Gas Bearing - Inuence of Piezoelectrically Adjusted
Injection on Damping Factors and Natural Frequencies of a Flexible Rotor
80 Operating Under Critical Speeds
Appendix C
Active lubrication applied to
radial gas journal bearings.
Part 2: Modelling
improvement and
experimental validation
Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246
Tribology International
journal homepage:
a r t ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Actively-controlled lubrication techniques are applied to radial gas bearings aiming at enhancing one of
Received 31 July 2015 their most critical drawbacks, their lack of damping. A model-based control design approach is presented
Received in revised form using simple feedback control laws, i.e. proportional controllers. The design approach combines three
29 October 2015
main domains: tribology, dynamics and control. The Reynolds equation with radial injection, including
Accepted 2 December 2015
Available online 17 December 2015
piezoelectrically controlled jet, describes the non-linear interaction between bearing surface and rotating
shaft. Dynamics of the flexible shaft and rotating parts are modelled aid by finite element method and
Keywords: the global model is used as control design tool. Active lubrication allows for significant increase in
Active bearing damping factor of the rotor-bearing system. Very good agreement between theory and experiment is
Gas lubricated bearing
obtained, supporting the multi-physic design tool developed.
Finite-element method
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hybrid lubrication
1. Introduction how effectively the fluid film thickness profile is modified, thereby
the rotor position is controlled. Qiu et al. [10] presented an
Due to the increasing demand of high performance rotating experimental study, where a PID control is implemented, the active
machine, growing attention has been paid to the design of relatively gas bearing is a tilting-pad type with embedded piezoelectric
new active devices able to control vibrations and improve the actuators. The results show how the self-excited vibration can be
dynamic behavior of machinery. Several authors have proposed effectively suppressed if the gains of the controller are properly
different types of active devices, e.g. magnetic bearings [1], piezo- tuned. In 1996, Mizumoto et al. [12] presented an experimental
electric bearing pushers [2], hydraulic actuator journal bearings [3], study, where three small piezoactuators are embedded in a thrust
variable impedance bearings [4], active journal bearings with flex- bearing and four in a radial bearing. These actuators work as
ible sleeves [5], active lubricated bearings [6,7], among others. inherent restrictors controlling the injected pressure jet. Their
Active lubrication applied to gas bearings is presented as a solution results show that the vibration levels are effectively reduced. Al
for modern turbo-machinery applications where high speeds and bender [11] and Aguirre et al. [13] presented an active thrust
clean environments are required. By using active lubrication, it is bearing where two actuators operate locally around the bearing
possible to avoid common drawbacks associated with gas bearings, plate, modifying the plate conicity and thereby the fluid forces. In
namely poor carrying capacity and low damping properties, which the present work the fluid film thickness is controlled using hybrid
often lead to a reduced stability range [8]. To control the rotor lubrication. The external air flow applied using radial injectors is
dynamic properties, active gas bearings work modifying the fluid controlled using piezoactuators mounted on the back of the bear-
film thickness. In order to do that different methods have been ing. The piezoactuators action modifies the inlet area of the injector,
proposed, some of the most commons are mentioned next. Hor- modifying the injection flow and the inlet pressure. In this manner
ikawa and Shimokohbe [9] introduced for the first time in 1992 the the rotor equilibrium position is modified. Regarding this type of
concept of active gas bearing. In their prototype, the rotor radial active gas bearing, Morosi and Santos [8] in part 1 of the present
vibrations are controlled by means of varying the position of four paper, proposed a theoretical model based on the compressible
pads using piezoelectric actuators. Their experimental results show form of Reynolds equation with radial injection (REWRI), coupled
with a dynamic model of the piezoelectric injection system.
Corresponding author. Through this novel technique a hybrid gas bearing with four con-
E-mail addresses: (F.G. Pierart), (I.F. Santos). trollable radial injectors was represented. Using the above
0301-679X/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
238 F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246
mentioned model, the authors theoretically designed a PD control and it is experimentally demonstrated how the rotor-bearing
for a two degrees of freedom system, showing that it is possible to damping is effectively improved.
reduce the synchronous vibration components and also increase the
stability range of the bearing. The same authors [14] implemented
of a PD controller on a rotor-gas bearing system that was tuned 2. Experimental set-up
based on experimental waterfall diagrams. Using two piezo-
actuators they demonstrated that the controller is able to effectively Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) depict a schematic view and a picture of the
reduce the lateral vibrations in the horizontal direction. In 2014 [15] test rig respectively. The test rig is comprise of a flexible shaft (4),
Theisen et al. identified a reduced model for the same system stu- which is supported by a ball bearing (5) and an actively lubricated
died in [14], using grey box identification tools. The equivalent gas bearing (3). A rigid disc (1) is overhung at the non-driven
extremity of the shaft and two displacement sensors (2) are
reduced model identified was used as a control design tool
mounted circumferentially around the disc, orthogonally to each
bypassing the necessity of obtaining more sophisticated mathe-
other in vertical and horizontal directions. The rotor is driven by a
matical models based on the principle and axioms of mechanics.
gas turbine (8) and the shaft angular velocity is obtained by using
Results show a significant increase of the rotor-bearing system
an incremental encoder (7) mounted at the end of the shaft before
damping factor. In contrast to [15], the main contribution of this
the flexible coupling (6) as shown in Fig. 1(b). The test rig has been
paper is to obtain a design tool based on a mathematical model
previously shown [14,16].
anchored to physical laws instead of experimental identification
procedures. Using this general tool a simple controller is designed 2.1. Gas journal bearing
Fig. 1. Test rig – (a) Flexible shaft and disc dimensions in mm, with the position of 3. Multiphysics modelling–linking tribology, dynamics and
the two bearings and displacement sensors and nodes used for the FEM modelling:
node o – ball bearing, node i – gas bearing and node n – rigid disc. (b) Picture of the
test rig. 1 – disc; 2 – eddy current displacement sensors 3 – active gas bearing; 4 –
flexible shaft; 5 - ball bearing; 6 – flexible coupling; 7 – incremental encoder; 8 – For the mathematical model of the rotor-bearing system, a
gas turbine; 9 - supply flow valve. finite element method (FEM) approach is followed [17]. The rotor
Fig. 2. Gas bearing system – (a) photo of the hybrid gas bearing; (b) scheme illustrating the hybrid gas bearing and its main components: aluminium housing 1, bronze
sleeve 2, and adjustable injectors 3.
F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246 239
Table 1 where i indicates the node where the active gas bearing is placed
Main properties of the adjustable and n the node where the rigid disc is placed (see Fig. 1(a)). u is the
gas bearing.
input voltage applied to the piezoelectric actuator. Eq. (1) can be
Properties Values written in a general form as presented in
€ ΩGqðtÞ
MqðtÞ _ þ KqðtÞ ¼ Fðq; q;
_ uÞ ð2Þ
Bearing diameter (D) 40 mm
Bearing length (L) 40 mm where the vertical (fx) and horizontal (fy) fluid forces are defined
Nominal clearance (h0) 25 μm as:
Orifices radius (r0) 1 mm
f x ðqi ; q_ i ; qi þ 1 ; q_ i þ 1 ; uÞ ¼ ∬A p cos θ dA ð3Þ
Santos [16]. The coefficient C d is strongly dependent on two strangulation produced by piezoactuator movements. The dis-
main parameters: (i) the bearing gap expressed as a function of charge coefficient can be represented as
the journal position described by q i and qi þ 1 , and (ii) the air C d ¼ Fðqi ; qi þ 1 ; uÞ ð7Þ
passage dimension (d) which is directly affected by the input
voltage of the piezoactuator (u). It is important to highlight For the piezoelectrically controlled injection system and the
that Cd is also used to define the losses due to the flow geometries used in this manuscript, C d can be expressed as
C d ¼ Fðqi ; qi þ 1 ; uÞ ¼ p00 þ p10 ðδ=DÞ þ p01 ðu=uT Þ þp20 ðδ=DÞ2
þ p11 ðδ=DÞðu=uT Þ þ p30 ðδ=DÞ3 þ p21 ðδ=DÞ2 ðu=uT Þ ð8Þ
p00 ¼ 4:5 10 5 p21 ¼ 2:1 10 9 p01 ¼ 4:5 10 5
p30 ¼ 4:4 10 12 p10 ¼ 1:8 10 7 p11 ¼ 1:6 10 7
p20 ¼ 2:0 10 9
and δ ¼ q2i þ q2i þ 1 . To solve Eq. (5), it is necessary firstly to
obtain the C d coefficient using Eq. (8), for an initial position of
the rotor (q i, qi þ 1 ) and a constant value of the input voltage
from the piezoelectric actuator (u). Using that initial coeffi-
cient, Eq. (5) is solved and the pressure distribution (p) is
Fig. 3. Gas bearing injection system – (a) photo of the main parts of the adjustable
calculated. The fluid forces are obtained by solving Eqs. (3) and
gas bearing injection system ; (b) schematic view of the assembling of the main (4) and the initial equilibrium position is found. Using this
parts of the adjustable gas bearing injection system, piezoactuator 5, plastic pin 6, initial equilibrium position, the C d coefficient is recalculated
Belleville washer 7, and aluminium support 4; (c) Detailed view of the plastic pin numerically using Newton–Raphson iterations, until converge
interaction with the rotor.
is reached. Eq. (1) can be written in state space form, leading to
the following equation:
" # " #
qðtÞ 0 I qðtÞ
¼ _
qðtÞ M K M ΩG
1 1
|fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflffl}
zðtÞ R zðtÞ
" #
þ 1 _ uÞ
M Fðq; q;
Q ðzðtÞ;uðtÞÞ
_ ¼ RzðtÞ þ Q ðzðtÞ; uðtÞÞ
zðtÞ ð9Þ
where the matrix R describes the dynamics of the rotating
flexible elements (shaft, disc) and Q ðzðtÞ; uðtÞÞ the bearing
dynamics. It is important to highlight that for passive conven-
tional gas bearing Q ðzðtÞ; uðtÞÞ becomes simply Q ðzðtÞÞ. For
controllable gas bearings the dependency of Q on the input
signals u cannot be neglected. In general equation (9) can be
written as a non-linear function f, as shown in Eq. (10).
_ ¼ f ðzðtÞ; uðtÞÞ
zðtÞ ð10Þ
In the present work a linearized solution of the non-linear
equation (10) is employed. The linearization is made, upon the
understanding of the limitations imposed by the underlying
Fig. 4. Velocity profile assumption for the inlet air injection [8].
Fig. 5. Time response to an impulsive force – (a) Without runout subtraction. (b) With runout subtraction.
F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246 241
Fig. 6. Theoretical versus experimental results for different rotor angular velocities – (a) natural frequencies, (b) damping factors.
Fig. 7. Force versus voltage of the piezoactuator – experimental results shown for rotor angular velocity equal to 0 rpm; theoretical results shown for rotor angular velocity
from 2 to 5 krpm.
Fig. 8. Damping factor for different values of proportional gain for a constant angular velocity equal to 2000 rpm, theoretical and experimental results – (a) Backward mode.
(b) Forward mode.
242 F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246
Fig. 9. Natural frequencies for different values of proportional gain for a constant angular velocity equal to 2000 rpm, theoretical and experimental results – (a) Backward
mode. (b) Forward mode.
assumptions. It is assumed that the state variables zðtÞ and the In the same manner, the system of equations which defines the
input function uðtÞ are close to stationary variables z0 and u0 : outputs is
zðtÞ ¼ z0 þ ΔzðtÞ ð11Þ ΔyðtÞ ¼ CΔzðtÞ ð19Þ
4. Results
Solving Eq. (15) and considering that the vector uðtÞ is defined
In order to experimentally validate the results, it is necessary to
by two elements: the input voltage in horizontal direction (u y)
analyze the accuracy of the rotor-bearing model, the actuators
and the input voltage in vertical direction (uz ), it is possible to
model and the controlled system model. These validations are
describe the matrix B
done in terms of the natural frequencies and damping factors of
0 the rotor-bearing system.
B¼ ð16Þ
M 1 Bn
where: 4.1. Description of the experiments
2 3
0ðði 1Þn4Þ1 0ðði 1Þn4Þ1 The natural frequencies and damping factors of the rotor-
6 7
6 Bxx Bxy 7 bearing system associated with the first two mode shapes (for-
Bn ¼ 6
7 ð17Þ
4 Byx Byy 5 ward and backward) are identified using a grey-box modelling.
0ðNn4 ði 1Þn4 sÞ1 0ðNn4 ði 1Þn4 sÞ1 This method consists in propose a model with known structure
N n4s
(mass-spring-damper model), but unknown parameters (four
The Bn matrix size is N n4 2 where N is the total amount of mass coefficients, four damping coefficients and four stiffness
nodes and s the number of outputs in this case two: the coefficients). Identification of these parameters is found using a
displacement in vertical and horizontal directions. This formu- prediction error method (PEM). A complete description of this
lation leads to the linearized system of equations: method can be found in the literature [15,20,21]. Vertical and
_ ¼ AΔzðtÞ þ BΔuðtÞ ð18Þ horizontal impact excitations (impulses) are used as input to the
grey box model and the lateral vibrations of the rotor measured in
F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246 243
Fig. 10. Impulsive response of the rotor measured in the rotating disc, in time domain – (a) Theoretical results; (b) Experimental results. Gray: passive lubrication, black:
active lubrication.
the disc position in vertical and horizontal direction as output. The forward) are illustrated in Fig. 6(a) and (b) respectively. The nat-
lateral vibration signals need to be pre-processed to eliminate the ural frequencies and damping factors are theoretically and
influence of the disc surface run-out imperfections and unbalance. experimentally obtained for different values of the rotor angular
An initial signal data set is collected at the same angular velocity of velocity (2, 3, 4 and 5 krpm) and for a constant external injection
the respective experiment, but without any external excitation. pressure equal to 7 bar. The position of the piezoactuator is set in
Such a signal data set is subtracted from the signal with impacts the middle of their range (5 V of input voltage). Due to the
using a trigger based on the encoder angle. The signals without asymmetry of the system, forward and backward modes can be
and with run-out compensation are presented in Fig. 5(a) and excited using impacts in vertical and horizontal directions (sepa-
(b) respectively. rately) as can be seen later in Fig. 11. Comparison between theo-
retical and experimental models shows: – A very good accuracy for
4.2. Validation of the rotor-bearing system theoretical model natural frequencies with discrepancies below 5% and – Acceptable
discrepancies for damping factors with differences below 50% (this
Natural frequencies and damping factors of the rotor-bearing is considered acceptable due to the difficulty to obtained an
system associated with the first two modes shapes (backward and accurate determination of damping factors for a low damped
244 F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246
Fig. 11. Impulsive response of the rotor measured in the rotating disc, in frequency domain – (a) Theoretical results; (b) Experimental results. Gray: passive lubrication,
black: active lubrication.
system). The validation of these parameters for other operational measured. External static loads on the rotor are applied by means
conditions are studied by Pierart and Santos [16]. of passive magnets, leading to changes in the journal equilibrium
position. By varying the input signal uðtÞ in the actuators, active
4.3. Validation of the actuator model forces are generated repositioning the rotor into the original
equilibrium position Δy0 . The static test is repeated with several
According to Eq. (13) the actuator response is modelled as values of static loads and the input voltage is recorded. In this way
linear and it is defined by the components of matrix Bn . To study the four coefficients of Bn matrix (Bxx ; Bxy ; Byx ; Byy ) can be experi-
the accuracy of the actuator theoretical model, the matrix Bn is mentally obtained. These results are compared with the theore-
obtained experimentally using a quasi-static test. For a given tical results for cases of 2–5 krpm as it is illustrated in Fig. 7.
condition (P sup ¼ 7 bar, angular velocity Ω ¼ 0 Hz and input vol- Results show a good agreement and is easily seen that the direct
tage ux ¼ uy ¼ 5 V), the disc position (ΔyðtÞ ¼ ½qn þ 1 ; qn þ 2 ) is terms are significantly higher than the cross terms. The slope of
F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246 245
Fig. 12. Experimental system response in time domain for K p ¼ 2 105 V=m, Case A – left hand side: displacement of the disc, right hand side: zoomed view.
Fig. 13. Theoretical frequency response in horizontal direction for Fig. 14. Experimental frequency response in horizontal direction for
K p ¼ 0 105 V=m, K p ¼ 0:5 105 V=m, K p ¼ 1:0 105 V=m, K p ¼ 1:5 105 V=m K p ¼ 0 105 V=m, K p ¼ 0:5 105 V=m, K p ¼ 1:0 105 V=m, K p ¼ 1:5 105 V=m
and K p ¼ 2:0 105 V=m. and K p ¼ 2:0 105 V=m.
each curve represent the different coefficients of Bn matrix, as it is time response, is theoretically as well as experimentally shown,
illustrated in Fig. 5, the angular velocity does not affect sig- with and without controller. For all the illustrated cases the jour-
nificantly the slope and consequently the Bn matrix is considered nal angular velocity is kept equal to 2000 rpm. From the com-
independent of this parameter. The coefficient values of the matrix parison of Fig. 10(a) and (b) in the passive case (no control), it can
are: Bxx ¼ 17 N=m, Bxy ¼ 1:5 N=m, Byx ¼ 0:39 N=m, Byy ¼ 13 N=m. be seen that theoretical results are slightly less damped than
experimental ones. Both results show modulations in the transient
4.4. Control design validation vibration responses due to the presence of two natural frequencies
close to each other, as can be more clearly seen in the frequency
The goal of the controller is to increase the damping factor of domain in Fig. 11(a) and (b). In the theoretical results the mod-
the rotor-bearing system. For this reason, the damping factor ulations are more clear to see than in the experimental results for
associated to the first two mode shapes is evaluated in terms of two main reasons: – The noise present in the experiments and –
the proportional gain used in the controller. This is depicted in The system obtained experimentally is more damped and the
Fig. 8. The influence of the proportional gain in the first two nat- response amplitude is smaller (see zoomed view in Fig. 10(b)). For
ural frequencies of the system is also assessed, see Fig. 9. Fig. 8 the active case (Control K p ¼ 1:5 105 V=m) it can be seen in
(a) and (b) shows how the system modes become more damped experimental and theoretical results a clear and strong reduction
for higher values of proportional gain. On the other hand if the of the vibration compare with the passive case. Although there are
proportional gain is reduced, the system becomes unstable. These differences in the prediction of the damping factor, the model is
figures show also the accuracy of the theoretical model when able to mimic the dynamic behavior of the system quite well and
compared with the experimental results. This increase in damping the model-based controller correctly increases the damping factor
is produced by using a proportional gain which produces a soft- of the system as designed. In Fig. 8, it is shown that the theoretical
ening of the gas film (changes in the mass flow rate that allow a model predicts an unstable system when the proportional gain is
softer response), allowing higher dissipation of energy due to gas negative. In order to validate this case, the experimental response
film squeeze effect. When the system becomes softer, the stiffness of the system in time domain is obtained as shown in Fig. 12,
of the system is reduced and as well as the natural frequency, as where K p ¼ 2 105 V=m. As expected, with this value of pro-
can be seen in Fig. 9. This figure also shows a very good agreement portional gain, the system becomes unstable. In Fig. 12 it is pos-
between the results coming from the theoretical model and the sible to see that the response shows and exponential increase in
results experimentally obtained. In Fig. 10(a) and (b), the time the level of vibrations until the actuator saturation is reached. In
response to an impulsive force is theoretically and experimentally order to see the controller action in a more detailed manner, the
presented, respectively. In these figures the time response is system frequency response is obtained via an impulsive force
shown for the system without controller (open loop) and with theoretically as well as experimentally for four different propor-
controller (K p ¼ 1:5 105 V=m). In Fig. 11(a) and (b) the frequency tional gains (K p ¼ 0:5 105 V=m, K p ¼ 1:0 105 V=m, K p ¼ 1:5
response, for the same impulse force as the one applied for the 105 V=m and K p ¼ 2:0 105 V=m). The theoretical and
246 F.G. Pierart, I.F. Santos / Tribology International 96 (2016) 237–246
The lack of damping of radial gas bearings leads to high vibration levels of a rotor supported by this type
of bearing when crossing resonant areas. This is even more relevant for flexible rotors, as studied in this
work. In order to reduce these high vibration levels, an active gas bearing is proposed. The control action
of this active bearing is selected based on two different strategies: a simple proportional integral derivative
controller and an optimal controller. Both controllers are designed based on a theoretical model previously
presented [1]. The dynamics of the flexible rotor are modelled aided by the finite element method and the
rotor-fluid interaction in the gas bearing is included using the solution of a modified version of the Reynolds
equation for compressible fluids, taking into account the piezoelectrically-controlled jet action. Performance
and accuracy of both model-based controllers are compared against experimental results, showing good
agreement. Theoretical and experimental results show a significant increase in the damping ratio of the
system, enabling the flexible rotor to run safely across the critical speeds and up to 12,000 rpm, i.e. 50 %
over the second critical speed without any instability problems.
Keywords: Active gas bearing, control design, over-critical speed, hybrid lubrication
1. Introduction
The unique characteristics of gas lubricated bearings such as high precision and low friction make them
a good solution for high-speed applications. However, it is not always possible to take advantage of such
good characteristics. The low damping common to this type of bearing makes it dangerous to run the rotor,
supported by these bearings, close to and across the critical speeds and often leads to a reduced stability
range [2, 3, 4]. Externally pressurized or hybrid gas bearings have been presented as a configuration able
to improve some of the most common problems of gas bearings. Using this type of bearing helps to avoid
wear for low angular velocities, a desirable property for start-up and shut-down operations [4]. It has also
been demonstrated that hybrid gas bearings with high external injection pressure increase both the stable
operational range and the carrying capacity [5, 6]. Nevertheless, external pressurization does not compensate
the lack of damping of the system and in some cases even decreases it [7, 8]. For this reason, hybrid gas
bearings with a constant level of injection pressure cannot guarantee a safe crossing of the critical speed.
This is especially relevant for flexible rotors, where one or more critical speeds have to be crossed to reach
operational conditions. A combination of gas bearing and mechatronic devices is presented as an efficient
and smart way to improve damping characteristics and stabilize the system. As a result of the mentioned
combination, the concept of active gas bearing emerged.
Most of the investigations regarding active gas bearing have been focused on experimental results and
model-free controllers. The idea of an active gas bearing was originally presented in 1992 by Horikawa and
Shimokohbe [9]. They presented a tilting pad bearing actively controlled by using piezoelectric actuators.
∗ Correspondingauthor
Email addresses: (Fabian G. Pierart), (Ilmar F. Santos)
2. Test facility
An experimental test set-up is specially designed and built for investigating the features of active gas
bearings. This test rig has been presented in previous works [17, 18, 1]. Figure 1 shows a photograph of
the test rig. The test rig is composed of a rigid disc (D) mounted at the free extreme of a flexible shaft.
To drive the rotor, a gas turbine is used (A). The turbine torque is transmitted to the rotor with the help
of a flexible coupling (E). The flexible coupling allows angular misalignment, parallel offset and even axial
motion. The shaft is supported by a SKF self-aligning ball bearing (B) and an active gas bearing (C).
2 D
Figure 1: Experimental test rig - A: Gas turbine, B: ball bearing, C: active gas bearing, D: disc, E: flexible
Figure 2: Gas bearing system - (a) scheme illustrating the hybrid gas bearing and its main components:
aluminium housing 1, bronze sleeve 2, and adjustable injectors 3; (b) schematic view of the assembling
of the main parts of the adjustable gas bearing injection system, piezoactuator 5, plastic pin 6, Belleville
washer 7, and aluminium support 4; (c) Detailed view of the plastic pin interaction with the rotor. [1].
diameter of the injectors is 2 mm, the nominal clearance between rotor and bearing is h0 = 25μm and the
maximum injection pressure is Psup = 8 bar. A detailed view of the injection zone is presented in Figure
2c. The vertical movement of the plastic pin is capable of modify the distance d and close the air injection.
The initial distance d is set to 45 μm for the four injectors.
Sensors. The disc lateral position is measured by two eddy current displacement probes mounted
circumferentially around the disc orthogonally to each other in vertical and horizontal direction, as shown
in Fig. 1. The rotor angular position is measured by means of an incremental encoder mounted at the end
of the shaft. The angular velocity is obtained indirectly from the encoder signal. Additionally, an impact
hammer coupled with a force transducer is used to excite and measure the external load applied to the rotor.
The external pressure is measured with a pressure transducer positioned in the inlet pressure pipeline; the
inlet mass flow rate is measured at the same location.
Actuators. Four piezoactuators are used to control the air injection into the hybrid gas bearing and
indirectly the rotor lateral vibrations. The main properties of the piezoactuators are shown in Table 1.
Properties Values
Open/close loop travel 45μm
Maximum voltage applied (uT ) 10 V
Pushing force up to 1, 000 N
Pulling Force 50 N
Unloaded resonant frequency 10 kHz ± 10 %
Length 68 mm
3. Mathematical model
The mathematical model has been previously presented in [1]. The most relevant definitions related to
this model are repeated in this manuscript with the aim of making it as self-contained as possible. The
finite element method (FEM) is adopted to describe the flexible rotor dynamics. The seventeen elements
discretization and the main dimensions of the rotor are depicted in Fig. 3. Each node has four degrees of
freedom (dof); the first and second dof are associated to the horizontal and the vertical movements and the
third and the fourth dof to the lateral tilting movements. The disc is considered as rigid and is included in
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 3: Finite element model.
the model by adding mass and inertia to the node where it is placed (node 2). The ball bearing is a SKF
self-aligning ball bearing type 1200ETN9 placed in node 15; and it is included in the model as a linear spring
with constant stiffness k = 109 N/m. This value is adopted based on the assumption of that the ball bearing
is significantly stiffer than the gas bearing [20]. The gas bearing is placed in node 6 and is incorporated to
the model as a linear forcing element. A global system of equations of the rotor is found by superimposing
the mass M, stiffness K and gyroscopic G matrices of each element of the shaft, as seen in Eq. (1),
q̈25 −Ω q̇25
q̈26 q̇26
M72×72 q̈72 G72×72 q̇72
M q̈(t) G q̇(t)
K1×1 q1 0
where funb is the unbalance force and ux and uy are the input voltage applied to the piezoelectric actuator.
The four piezoactuators are pairwise using a differential principle. When the signal ux is sent to the actuators
both vertical piezoactuators move at the same time, while one is opened, the other is closed. Eq. (1) can
be rewritten as presented in Eq. (2).
where the vertical (fz ) and horizontal (fy ) components of the fluid forces are defined as:
fx (q25 , q̇25 , q26 , q̇26 , ux ) = p cos θ dA (3)
fy (q25 , q̇25 , q26 , q̇26 , uy ) = p sin θ dA (4)
In Eqs. (3) and (4) the pressure p is obtained by solving the modified version of Reynolds equation presented
in Eq. (5),
∂ ph3 ∂p ∂ ph3 ∂p ∂ ∂(ph)
+ = 6U (ph) + 12 + 12pVinj (y, z, t) (5)
∂y μ ∂y ∂z μ ∂z ∂y ∂t
where μ is the air viscosity, h the fluid film thickness and U the shaft linear velocity. In order to include the
effect of the active gas lubrication, the term 12pVinj (y, z, t) is added. For simplicity, the injection is defined
by a perfectly developed air flow described according to Hagen-Poeiseuille formula as depicted in Eq. (6).
This formulation is chosen among several types of models which can describe the injection flow [21].
1 Δp(y, z, t)
Vinj (y, z, t) = −Cd r 0 2 − rj 2 (6)
4μ Δx
Where, r0 is the injector orifice radius and rj is the radial position inside the injector orifice. In order
to compensate the differences between the real and the ideal parabolic flow a discharge coefficient Cd is
included. Determination of this coefficient using CFD analysis and an experimental validation in terms of
static and dynamic properties is presented by Pierart and Santos [22, 23]. In these studies it has been found
that the coefficient Cd is strongly dependent on: i) the journal position described by q25 and q26 , ii) the
input voltage of the piezoactuator (ux and uy ) and the supply pressure Psup which in this study is kept
constant. In general terms, the discharge coefficient can be represented as shown in Eq. (7).
For an easier control implementation, Eq. (1) can be written in state space form, as shown in Eq. 8:
q̇(t) 0 I q(t) 0
=− +
q̈(t) M−1 K −M−1 ΩG q̇(t) M−1 F(q, q̇, u)
ż(t) R z(t) Q(z(t),u(t))
In the present work, a linearized approach is employed in order to solve Eq. (9). It is assumed that the
state variables z(t) and the input function u(t) are close to stationary variables z0 and u0 , as shown in Eq.
It is also assumed that the function f is differentiable to the first order in time, thus it is reasonable to expand
f into a Taylor series about the nominal values, where all terms of order higher than one are discarded; the
series expansion is defined as:
∂f (z0 , u0 ) ∂f (z0 , u0 )
ż(t) = ż0 + Δż(t) ∼
= f (z0 , u0 ) + Δz(t) + Δu(t) (12)
where A and B matrices are named the system and the control matrix, respectively. Combining Eqs. (8),
(9) and (12) A and B can be written as shown in Eqs. (13) and (14).
∂(−Rz(t)) ∂(Q(z(t), u(t)))
B= + (14)
∂u ∂u
Solving Eq. (14) and considering that the vector u(t) is defined by two elements, i.e. the input voltage in
the horizontal direction (uy ) and the input voltage in the vertical direction (ux ), it is possible to describe
the matrix B as shown in Eqs. (15) and (16):
B= −1 ∗ (15)
⎡ ⎤
024×1 024×1
⎢ Bxx Bxy ⎥
B =⎢
⎣ Byx
⎥ (16)
Byy ⎦
046×1 046×1 72×2
This formulation leads to the linearised system of equations:
In the same manner, the system of equations which provides the outputs is defined by Eq. (18)
where Kpx and Kpy are the vertical and horizontal proportional gains, Kdx and Kdy are the vertical and
horizontal derivative gains, Kix and Kiy are the vertical and horizontal integral gains and e the error between
the measured displacement and a reference. The choice of the controller gains depends on the goal of the
controller. In this case, the goal is to increase the damping of the system.
The effect of varying the PID-gains on the eigenvalues of the system is investigated by using a root
locus. The root locus is presented in Figure 4 for the first two roots of the system. In Figure 4, the poles
related to the first mode (backward) and second mode (forward) are highlighted using a triangle and square
respectively. In the bottom part of the plot, the effect of the gains in the first pole is illustrated more clearly,
using blue arrows. In the top part of the plot the same is done for the second pole. The proportional gain
Kp = Kpx = Kpy is varied in the range Kp =[0 to −4 × 106 ] [V/m] and the derivative gain Kd = Kdx = Kdy
in the range Kd =[0 to 250] [Vs/m]. Damping ratio lines are added to the plot to illustrate how the gains
affect this parameter.
Results show how an increase in the proportional gain (Kp ) makes the system in general softer (smaller
imaginary part) and more stable (higher damping ratio). Nevertheless, when the proportional gain is too
high, the first root of the system becomes less stable (smaller damping ratio). The derivative gain (Kd )
produces a more stable system for the two roots. The combination of values for Kd and Kp is tuned to
obtain a more stable response, taking into account the saturation limit of the actuators. The chosen values
Initial (Backward) 0.085 0.04
0.19 0.13
Initial (Forward) 0.26
1000 Kp increase Kd increase
0.8 Kp increase
Kd increase
-1000 0.26
0.13 0.085 0.04
-450 -400 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0
Figure 4: Real and imaginary part of the first four eigenvalues of the system.
are: Kdx = 10 [Vs/m], Kpx = −0.18 × 106 [V/m], Kdy = 20 [Vs/m] and Kpy = −0.34 × 106 [V/m]. The
integral gain is tuned aided by the model. Different values were tested to find which one produces the faster
restore of the signal to a given reference. The selected integral gains are Ki x = Kiy = −7 × 102 [V/ms].
Finally, for experimental implementation the controller action u(t) is transformed to discrete form using
zero order hold transformation with a sampling time Ts = 0.2 [ms], leading to the discrete voltage u(k) .
ee(k) zi(k)
r u(k) y(k)
+ Z Ki
- - Plant
Observer -+
Figure 5: Block diagram of the discrete state feedback with integral controller and observer.
any real case, the model is only an approximation of the system, thus the observer and controller eigenvalues
are not completely independent.
No control
0.08 SF control
PID control
50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency [Hz]
Amplitude [μm/N]
No control
SF control
PID control
50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency [Hz]
No control
0.08 SF control
PID control
50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency [Hz]
Amplitude [μm/N]
No control
SF control
PID control
50 100 150 200 250 300
Frequency [Hz]
Displacement [μm]
No control
10 PID control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
Displacement [μm]
No control
10 SF control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
No control
10 PID control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
Displacement [μm]
No control
10 SF control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
(b) Input voltage applied to the actuators for the cases shown in figure 7a.
Figure 7: Theoretical comparison of two different control strategies Displacement and voltage at 7,000 rpm
in time domain.
Input voltage [V]
No control
PID control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
Input voltage [V]
No control
SF control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
No control
PID control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
Input voltage [V]
No control
SF control
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Time [s]
(b) Input voltage applied to the actuators for the cases shown in figure 8a.
Figure 8: Experimental comparison of two different control strategies - a) Displacement and b) voltage at
7,000 rpm in time domain.
amplitude is drastically increased, exceeding the displacement limit and hence predicting a touchdown of
the rotor and bearing wall. For that reason in figure 9b the experimental response in that range is replaced
by the theoretical one.
From the theoretical results, it can be seen that both controllers predict a significant and similar decrease
in the vibrations level in the critical velocity range and a slight increase at low angular velocities. Experi-
mental results from figure 9b show that both controllers achieve their goals, and the critical speed can be
safely crossed. The controllers are able to add damping to the system and the vibration levels are lower in the
entire range of study in comparison to the case without control. However, some discrepancies can be found,
especially for the optimal controller. One important source of error is the fact that a linearisation is made
around one operational condition (angular velocity equal to 8,000 rpm) and the controllers are not able to
performance optimally as designed, when this operational condition change. Another source of discrepancy
derives from small model inaccuracies. This fact explains why the optimal controller behaves worse than
the PID controller. The SF controller requires a precise prediction of the model, while the PID is not so
dependent on the model accuracy. In figures 10 and 11 theoretical and experimental waterfall diagrams are
shown, illustrating the rotor unbalance response. Results are calculated using the system without controller
in the range of velocities 1,000 to 7,000 rpm (before the critical speed) and with a PID controller in the
range 7,000 to 11,000 rpm (during and after the critical speed). Results from figures 10 and 11 show good
agreement. The main difference between the two results is that in the experimental response the second
multiple of the synchronous vibration is visible. This is due to the misalignment in the system, which is not
incorporated in the theoretical model. Theoretical and experimental results show the advantage of using
control techniques to extend the operational range of the system, up to double in this case.
After crossing the critical speed the controller can be turned off and the response to that level of unbalance
can be evaluated. In figure 12 the experimental frequency response is shown at 11,000 rpm with and without
the controller. From the figure 12, the low damping of the system without the controller is seen. The natural
frequencies at 130 and 150 Hz are easily excited, while when the controller is activated these vibration
components disappear. This is due to the damping added to the system.
5. Conclusions
In the present study two different controllers are designed based on a theoretical model: a simple PID
controller and a more complex optimal controller that consist of a state feedback control with observer
and integral action. In spite of using a theoretical model linearized for critical conditions, both controllers
show good behaviour under the critical speeds. For these cases, a significant increase in the damping ratio
(more than 6 times) and a significant reduction of the vibration level are shown. Moreover, results show
that using both controllers it is possible to cross safely the first two critical speeds, something that is
not possible to do without using a controller. The PID controller presents a better performance in the
complete range of study than the optimal controller. The optimal controller presents an increase in the
vibration level after crossing the first two critical speeds. The theoretical predictions fit well with the
experimental results. Nevertheless, some discrepancies are found. Due to the model-based design approach
used, the inaccuracies in the theoretical model influences the optimal performance of the SF controller which
uses the theoretical model as base for building the state observer. Despite inaccuracies, the theoretical and
experimental results clearly show the efficiency of having a well-tuned multiphysics theoretical model linking
rotordynamics, aerodynamics and control as a design tool for electro-mechanical machine elements. The
advantage of applying active lubrication techniques to compensate one of the most fundamental drawbacks
of gas lubricated bearings, i.e. the lack of damping, is theoretically as well as experimentally demonstrated.
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ISBN: 978-87-7475-442-8