Preservice Teachers' Creation of Dynamic Geometry Sketches To Understand Trigonometric Relationships
Preservice Teachers' Creation of Dynamic Geometry Sketches To Understand Trigonometric Relationships
Preservice Teachers' Creation of Dynamic Geometry Sketches To Understand Trigonometric Relationships
Aaron Brakoniecki
Boston University
Julie M. Amador
University of Idaho
David Glassmeyer
Kennesaw State University
Dynamic geometry software is a powerful tool that can be used to explore geometric
relationships, conjecture, and test hypotheses (Sinclair, Skelin, & Pimm, 2012). However,
the potential of this tool for enhancing the mathematics classroom is mediated by the
ability of teachers to select tasks that take advantage of the unique features present in
dynamic geometry environments and build sketches that make salient, specific
mathematical properties for students. While this tool has great potential to enhance
mathematics classrooms, it is reliant on teachers’ ability to build sketches that can
efficiently and effectively highlight mathematical relationships.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
Teacher educators have a unique opportunity to build experiences into teacher preparation
programs that allow beginning and preservice teachers to think critically about the benefits
and challenges afforded by technology to enhance students’ learning of mathematics
(Brakoniecki, Glassmeyer, & Amador, 2016). Using dynamic geometry software in the
classroom requires teachers to draw upon their knowledge of content, pedagogy, and
technology in new ways.
In looking at the ways teachers build their own sketches and examining how their
constructions highlight certain relationships, teacher educators can support teachers to
further develop their knowledge of the teaching and learning of mathematics with
technology. Thus, the study described in this paper explored the range of dynamic
geometry sketches produced by preservice teachers in a mathematics content course for
secondary teachers. We highlight here the challenges beginning teachers face as they seek
to build mathematically accurate and illustrative sketches.
The complex interactions between mathematical subject matter, technological tools, and
instructional approaches require thoughtful and purposeful consideration in
implementation. Strategic knowledge is required to operationalize the interaction of these
domains. Mishra and Koehler (2006) advanced a framework to describe these interactions
with their TPACK framework. They argued, much as Shulman (1986) did when proposing
pedagogical content knowledge, that the effective teaching of content with technology
requires not just an interaction of disparate domains of knowledge, but instead a
specialized knowledge pertinent to how the teaching and learning of a subject can be
affected by technology.
They argued that in teaching content with technology, teachers draw upon their knowledge
of content, pedagogy, and technology. However, they argued for a unique knowledge in the
combination of these domains that is distinct from having knowledge of any individual
domain. Building upon the work of Shulman, these domains are pedagogical content
knowledge (e.g., knowing common misconceptions of students when learning multidigit
multiplication), technological content knowledge (e.g., knowing that a particular graphing
calculator does not show holes in the visual display of a discontinuous function),
technological pedagogical knowledge (e.g., knowing that a piece of classroom software
features teacher controls that can capture student work simultaneously, which can then be
shared out for the class to examine), and technological pedagogical content knowledge
(e.g., knowing how that a geometry software allows for a function to be simultaneously
represented in graph, table, and equation form, so that patterns of change can be observed
with changing a coefficient of a function). When using dynamic geometry software in the
classroom, teachers are often required to draw upon many or all of these different domains
of knowledge to think about how the software can make visible mathematical relationships
and the observations and generalizations that students might make when interacting with
the sketch.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
interpret and read these constructions. The creation of these diagrams highlights certain
mathematical relationships.
Although static diagrams often present a figure in one arrangement, dynamic diagrams can
be thought of as a presentation of a figure in many arrangements (Sinclair, Healy, & Sales,
2009). By dragging objects in dynamic diagrams, students create numerous diagrams in
rapid succession. Through this use of dynamic movement, students can become
emphatically convinced of mathematical relationships based on the appearance of a
diagram and use that visual certainty in their reasoning about mathematical phenomena.
One limitation of physical diagrams is that usually only see the finished product can be
viewed, not its construction; however, geometry software allows users to highlight or
uncover how sketches came to be produced. These sketches are often designed in parent-
child relationships (e.g., a line being constructed through two existing points or a ray
constructed to bisect an existing angle). Users can trace through the lineage of sketches to
uncover how a sketch operates, learning what parts of these diagrams are dependent on
other parts and learning what a sketch attempts to represent. This technological
pedagogical understanding can be an important tool for learning about a diagram beyond
just how it looks, but what it represents.
In addition to the importance of working with diagrams, the study of geometry also
includes heavy emphasis on the focus of variance and invariance (Sinclair et al., 2012).
Geometric theorems and properties often highlight what changes with each other (e.g.,
interior angle measures as the number of sides of regular polygons increase) and what stays
the same as other dimensions vary (e.g., diagonals of a rhombus remain perpendicular
bisectors of each other, no matter the rhombus).
Known relationships can be used to explore and explain new relationships. These variant
and invariant relationships become highlighted in dynamic geometry environments, as the
dynamic movement of figures, lines, and points allows certain variance while maintaining
other invariance. For example, drawing a rectangle requires the content knowledge that
opposite sides are parallel and all interior angles are at 90º. When building a dynamic
sketch of a rectangle, it must be constructed in such a way that the movement of points
maintains these features, which incorporates a technological content knowledge. The four
vertices of the rectangle cannot all be independent points; otherwise, the movement of one
point could make opposite sides no longer parallel or interior angles no longer 90º.
When interacting with static diagrams or dynamic geometry sketches, students are often
asked to use the figures to explore a mathematical phenomenon. Some activities are
possible with figures whether they are static or dynamic, such as drawing, measuring, or
constructing within a given sketch. The tools to perform these actions vary and have
different degrees of accuracy, but similar observations and outcomes are possible.
However, dynamic geometry sketches have the ability to have objects dragged,
transformed, and animated, allowing students to consider multiple examples, notice
variant and invariant relationships, and even be surprised by emerging patterns (Trocki,
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
These types of activities are challenging, time consuming, and maybe even impossible to
do with hand-drawn figures. The power of dynamic geometry sketches lies in the ability to
manipulate and consider the different relationships of figures and requires teachers to
draw upon their technological pedagogical content knowledge when designing these
experiences for students.
To this end, we sought to explore the ways in which preservice teachers built dynamic
geometry sketches and to describe the variations of their constructions for how they
highlighted or obscured certain variant and invariant mathematical relationships. We next
describe an activity in which preservice mathematics teachers were asked to create
dynamic geometry sketches and present some examples of their sketches. Our intent is to
illustrate some common difficulties that occur when trying to create dynamic geometry
sketches so that we can help teachers expand their knowledge and understanding of how
their constructions may or may not make visible intended mathematical relationships.
The preservice teachers from which we draw our examples came from two sections of a
mathematics content course for preservice secondary teachers at a large university in the
United States (31 preservice teachers across 2 years). This content course focused on
algebra, geometry, and trigonometry.
During one series of activities in this class, the preservice teachers investigated the
relationship between the slopes of lines on the coordinate plane and the angles these lines
made with respect to the x- and y- directions (the tangent relationship). What was unique
for this activity was that the preservice teachers were not told that this was the tangent
relationship when they began the task.
The activity has the preservice teachers investigate this relationship for lines through the
exploration of slope triangles (right triangles with their hypotenuse on the line). The
preservice teachers initially explored with paper and pencil, using the grid lines of graph
paper to approximate slope ratio of the lines with the triangles and a protractor to measure
angles to the nearest degree of the triangles. Early in the activity, the preservice teachers
conjectured that all of the slope triangles of a line are similar to each other, meaning that
corresponding angles of the triangles are congruent and the lengths of triangles remain
proportional to each other.
Near the beginning of the activity, the preservice teachers were asked to investigate a line
that made an 11º angle with the x-axis and a different line that had a slope of 2/5. The
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preservice teachers noticed that lines with an 11º angle (when rounded to the nearest
degree) had a slope of approximately 1/5 and that lines with a slope of 2/5 had slope
triangles with base angles of 22º (when rounded to the nearest degree).
The preservice teachers conjectured that this apparent linear pattern between the slope
and the angle would continue. That is, they suspected that when the angle is doubled, the
slope also doubles. However, after some thinking, some of the preservice teachers
identified a potential problem with this apparent linear relationship, noting that if it were
true, a line with a slope of 5/5 should correspond to 55º angle right triangles, but some
knew a line with the slope of 5/5 should have 45º angle right triangles.
Although they understood that their conjecture broke down when they thought about
larger angles, they did not understand why it broke down. To help them explore why their
initial hypothesized relationship might not hold, the instructor (the third author of this
paper) assigned the preservice teachers the following instructions to create dynamic
geometry sketches that allow for the exploration of the angle and slope relationship for
The instructor had several goals with this assignment. First, it was an opportunity for the
preservice teachers to utilize the dynamic aspect of the software, where they could draw
and manipulate a slope triangle with dynamic angles and side lengths to help show that no
matter the size or location of the slope triangle, the side lengths remained proportional
and, thus, the slope ratio remained unchanged.
Second, the preservice teachers could take advantage of the greater precision of the
technology seeing that for an 11º triangle, the slope ratio is not exactly 1/5, and for a line
with a slope of 2/5, the angle it makes with the axis is not exactly 22º. Last, while this
activity was focused on the creation and use of a tool to help each individual preservice
teacher develop their own understanding of the mathematical relationships, we also
recognized the potential for the preservice teachers to draw upon their TPACK and
construct sketches that could help any user, not just themselves, develop mathematical
understanding. The preservice teachers had used dynamic geometry software previously in
the course and in other courses as part of their degree program. These sketches were
submitted online and used in subsequent class meetings for further explorations and
From these submitted sketches, we looked at (a) the accuracy with which the sketches were
built, (b) which aspects of their sketches that the preservice teachers chose to make variant
and invariant, and (c) when a sketch was manipulated, whether it still represented the
situation in the homework prompt that could be reasoned with.
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Sketches of 11º
To investigate a potential relationship between the 11º angle and a slope of 1/5, the
preservice teachers were asked to create a sketch of an 11º angled line (see Figure 1).
From this sketch, it was expected that preservice teachers might notice what the slope of
this line was by drawing in right triangles similar to the way they had been exploring during
the in-class activity. However, when analyzing the sketches produced by the preservice
teachers only 12 of the 31 sketches were constructed to specifically be (and remain) an 11º
angle. (All names used in this paper are pseudonyms.)
For five of the preservice teachers, there appeared to be some confusion with the directions,
as they instead created lines with a slope of 1/5. However, it was more common (in 14 of
the 31 sketches), for lines not to be constructed to be 11º. Most frequently, the line was
constructed through two points, a point through the origin, and an independent point (See
Figure 2).
The independent point was placed so that the angle was approximately 11º, but upon
moving the point, the line could change to have any angle. Because of this inexact angle
measure, the slope of the line (and the right triangles off of the line) do not accurately
represent the slope made when an exact 11º angle is used. This finding seemed to indicate
an absence of technological content knowledge.
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Additionally, only 15 of the 31 sketches actually displayed the 11º measure of the line
produced in the sketch, letting them know what line was being investigated without having
to search through other displays to find that information. Here, the preservice teachers did
not take advantage of the labeling available in the dynamic geometry software
environment, which can help display information about patterns of change or consistency.
This point illuminates an opportunity to expand the preservice teachers’ technological
pedagogical knowledge and how the display of information could affect what they, or other
users, are able to glean from the sketches.
Through the activity in class, the preservice teachers had constructed right triangles off of
the different lines they were investigating, comparing the ratio of the vertical and
horizontal leg lengths of different triangles to determine the slope of the line. When
constructing the 11º line sketches, right triangles were also produced in the sketches to
compare the ratio of leg lengths. However, for eight of the 31 sketches, when the points of
the sketch were dragged, these triangles did not remain right triangles (see Figure 3).
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Some of the preservice teachers did not take advantage of the dynamic nature of the
software. Four of the preservice teachers created sketches in which slope triangles could
not be manipulated. By fixing the points, the created slope triangles remained permanent
and static and displayed lengths remained constant. For these sketches, the digital
environment presented a medium for which more accurate lengths could be measured as
compared to the ruler measurements obtained via pencil and paper in class. It is not clear
whether this technological choice was done for any particular reason.
Although not explicitly required in the directions for creating the sketch, two additional
observations were made when analyzing the sketches for the 11º angled line. The purpose
of the in-class activity was to compare the angle measure of lines to their slopes using the
ratio of leg lengths of right triangles to provide that ratio. In their created sketches, the
majority of the preservice teachers had the side lengths of their triangles dynamically
labeled (27 of 31), while only 10 of the 31 displayed the ratio of the leg lengths as either a
ratio or as a decimal (which can make comparisons among different slopes easier).
It is not clear why this ratio was left off of so many sketches. Also, while not explicitly
mentioned in the directions, it is interesting to note that for the 11º angle line, 22 of the
preservice teachers created one triangle in their sketch, while eight of the preservice
teachers created multiple triangles (one preservice teacher used no triangles).
One dynamically constructed triangle can be manipulated into numerous similar triangles,
instead of including a separately constructed triangle for each new measurement. Here
again, the activity affords opportunities to engage the preservice teachers in conversations
to further develop their technological pedagogical content knowledge. Opportunities arise
to discuss why the display of a dynamic slope ratio or decimal could be important for the
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
To investigate the angle measure made by a slope triangle with a ratio of 2/5, preservice
teachers were first instructed to create sketches that contained the line y = (2/5)x, and
create slope triangles off of these lines which would help them investigate the angle made,
similar to investigations they had done in class (see Figure 4).
Twenty-six of 31 sketches contained a line of slope 2/5. For the seven sketches where this
line was not created, similar to the 11º construction, two points were placed in the sketch
(one at the origin and one independent) through which a line passed that approximated
the line y = (2/5)x. The line was not exact, however, nor would it remain at a slope of 2/5
when points were dragged and manipulated. Again, there seemed to be some technological
content knowledge that was not utilized in the creation of these sketches to help more
accurately display these relationships.
Also, only 16 of the 31 sketches were labeled on the sketch that a line of slope 2/5 had been
created. Nine sketches contained this information in a side display of all points and lines
in the sketch, while this information was not displayed in eight of the sketches, providing
opportunities to talk about technological pedagogical knowledge and how the display of
information can help to provide an understanding of what is going on in a sketch.
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Similar to the results of the 11º sketch, the right triangles produced in these diagrams did
not often remain right triangles when manipulated. For eight of the 31 sketches, the legs of
the triangles were not fixed to remain right triangles (see Figure 5). This error was
problematic when the leg of the right triangle parallel to the x-axis did not remain parallel
to the x-axis, affecting the angle measure of the line when measured. Technological
pedagogical content knowledge may be further developed by discussing the difficulty in
using an interactive sketch to investigate right triangles, but it does not feature triangles
that always contain a right angle when manipulated.
Perhaps because the goal of this sketch was to investigate the angle measure of the line
through slope triangles, the side lengths of the right triangles were only displayed in 19 of
the 31 triangles. The angle was dynamically displayed in 27 of the 31 sketches, which
showed how the manipulation of the slope triangles always featured a constant angle.
Last, while the majority of the preservice teachers created sketches that took advantage of
the dynamic geometry software, four sketches produced did not allow points to be
manipulated. Instead a static sketch was produced that displayed the given line, slope
triangles, and angle. Like the static sketches for the 11º angle, this approach took advantage
of the precision offered by the digital environment but not the dynamic opportunities.
Throughout the sequence of activities, the preservice teachers explored the relationship
between the angles of lines on the Cartesian plane and the slopes of those lines. For small
angles, there appeared to be a linear relationship between the angle and the slope of the
line, leading many preservice teachers to initially conjecture that the 11º and 22º angle and
1/5 slope and 2/5 slope pattern would continue linearly. However, these measures are not
exact (the angles are measured to the nearest degree), and the slopes were the best
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
In order to notice these patterns, the lines must be fixed at 11º or with a slope of 2/5.
Without each feature being held constant, it becomes much more difficult to observe how
the related measurements change or remain constant. In order to build sketches that follow
these rules, the preservice teachers needed to understand not only how to create lines, but
to create them so that they remain fixed based upon a desirable measure (angle or slope).
Preservice teachers appeared to be better able to create a fixed line of slope 2/5 than a line
of 11º.
Perhaps this comfort is due to familiarity with other standard graphing technologies that
ask users to plot relationships as functions of x, as opposed to the graphing based on angles.
This approach may be a feature that beginning teachers need further support in as they
incorporate these kinds of features into their sketches.
A second challenge that occurred in multiple sketches was the way in which the right
triangles were created from the given lines, which would not remain right angles if they
were moved. The preservice teachers needed to think through what point or points they
wanted to interact with and how to ensure that a right triangle would always result from
manipulating the available points. If the point to be manipulated was located at the right
angle, then two lines perpendicular to each other and parallel to the x and y axes can be
constructed based on that single point.
However, if a point on the line where one of the legs of the triangle meets the hypotenuse
is constructed first, this point does not determine the other two vertices of the right
triangle. A second point (either on the line or at the right angle) must be created to
determine the slope triangle. In this construction, two points determine the triangle and
can be interacted with, instead of one in the previous construction.
Both of these issues can be addressed by giving the preservice teachers a chance to further
develop their TPACK. These beginning teachers need additional experiences to think
critically about how to use technology and build sketches and activities with technology in
specific ways that are mathematically accurate and allow patterns to be noticed, explored,
and even generalized based on experiences with the technology. They must more than
expand their knowledge of mathematics content, learning, or technological familiarity
separately. This knowledge is a unique kind that emerges when considering how to
incorporate technology into the teaching and learning of mathematics effectively.
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
In some ways, dynamic geometry sketches are similar to static diagrams, in that they are
visual representations of figures and relationships, seeming to be a replacement (Hughes
et al., 2006). When produced in pencil and paper, or when a sketch is initially opened, the
figures are static and unchanging. However, the dynamic nature of the software adds a
layer of planning for preservice teachers beyond what they would think about when
creating static sketches, that transforms their opportunities for learning.
With the software, the preservice teachers must consider what aspects of their diagram
should be moveable and which ones should remain fixed. This consideration is unique
when using dynamic technology environments and can be addressed by developing
beginning teachers’ TPACK. Once the desired variant and invariant aspects are identified,
the preservice teachers also have to think through how to make the remainder of their
sketch and how the placement of points and lines might make subsequent figures dynamic
or fixed and independent or dependent on other constructed pieces. Unique to dynamic
geometric environments is that sketch creators must consider which mathematical
relationships they want their sketch to help illustrate through manipulation.
The dynamic geometry environment can allow for the emphasis of several mathematical
practices (National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, & Council of Chief
State School Officers, 2010). Software of this kind can be used to help preservice teachers
make conjectures and notice patterns. Multiple examples of a sketch (in this case, slope
triangles of a line) can be redrawn in rapid succession, allowing users to see what changes
and what is constant as points are moved and different triangles are considered.
Preservice teachers do not always take advantage of these benefits, however. Sketches are
not always able to be manipulated, and teachers can rely on single fixed figures and their
corresponding measurements. Additionally, although a single figure can be dragged to
represent multiple figures, some preservice teachers included multiple triangles in their
sketches that were not asked for in the directions. These fixed sketches and multiple
examples are a common feature of paper-and-pencil diagrams, which are static by their
very nature, and must have several iterations of a figure to notice what is constant in a
figure and what can vary. Again, teachers need to have experiences where they can think
about how aspects of dynamic geometry software can alter the demands of the diagram and
how users interact with the sketch to notice mathematical relationships.
These sketches can be compared for the different parent-child relationships used in the
creation of the sketch, highlighting why certain features of the sketch vary, while others
remain invariant. Two sketches that might appear to behave similarly can be constructed
via different methods, highlighting the use of different pedagogical properties and allowing
preservice teachers to see the logic used to build these sketches to highlight specific
mathematical relationships.
Mathematics teacher educators who support beginning and preservice teachers’ learning
about teaching mathematics with technology need to be aware of common issues and
mistakes like those described here. The conversations we have with these teachers must
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
include not only how to use particular pieces of technology, but also the strengths and
limitations to using that technology to teach specific content, including how sketches
should be constructed to highlight particular mathematical phenomena. Additionally, we
can make explicit with these beginning teachers common errors or issues with using the
technology that can prevent the recognition of patterns and relationships.
As these preservice teachers go out into the field and use technological tools with their own
students, they need to be mindful that the ways in which they construct sketches to develop
their own understanding of mathematics may need to be adapted for the diverse learners
in their classrooms. Although they, as sketch creators, may understand the mechanics
about how their sketch behaves, the students in their classrooms are not privy to that
information. Thus, care needs to be taken when designing sketches so the mathematical
patterns that users can see are accurate, relationships are variable or constant in intended
ways, relevant information is displayed, and the sketch minimizes difficulties that could
prevent exploration.
The knowledge to use technology effectively in the teaching and learning of mathematics
involves the interactions of multiple domains (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Teachers need to
know what mathematical content to highlight, how to build sketches to illustrate the
mathematics content, and how student interaction with the sketches might hide or
highlight the mathematical content.
The question is then raised regarding when and where preservice teachers will learn about
teaching mathematics with technology and who is responsible for teaching it. Is this
learning the role of content courses for teachers, where the focus can be on the mathematics
and how technology can be used with different content areas? Perhaps this learning occurs
in methods courses, where the focus can center on how preservice teachers think about and
make sense of mathematics and how they can investigate patterns with high-level tasks
that include technology in transformational ways (Hughes et al., 2006).
Maybe some teacher preparation programs have specific courses in teaching and learning
with technology, during which preservice teachers learn about multiple technological tools
that can be used across different subject areas. A complex interaction occurs between
mathematics, technology, and pedagogy as teachers attempt to use dynamic geometry
software to help preservice teachers come to a rich understanding of mathematics content.
In some ways, the knowledge required to use tools such as these is different than the
knowledge as part of a regular content or methods course (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). If
teachers are to take full advantage of the affordances that technology tools offer, then
teacher preparation programs must specifically devote time to helping preservice and
beginning teachers learn how to effectively design and implement technological
Brakoniecki, A., Glassmeyer, D., & Amador, J. (2016). Examining preservice teacher
thinking about technology-based trigonometric explorations through a replacing,
amplifying, and transforming framework. In M. B. Wood, E. E. Turner, M. Civil, & J. A. Eli
(Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1463–1470).
Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona.
Hughes, J., Thomas, R., & Scharber, C. (2006). Assessing technology integration: The RAT
– Replacement, amplification, and transformation – framework (Vol. 2006, pp. 1616–
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3)
1620). Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education
International Conference. Retrieved from
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School
Officers. (2010). Common core state standards for mathematics. Washington, DC:
Sinclair, N., Healy, L., & Sales, C. O. R. (2009). Time for telling stories: narrative thinking
with dynamic geometry. ZDM, 41(4), 441–452.
Sinclair, N., Skelin, M., & Pimm, D. (2012). Developing essential understanding of
geometry for teaching mathematics in grades 9-12. Reston, VA: National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics.
Trocki, A. (2014). Evaluating and writing dynamic geometry tasks. The Mathematics
Teacher, 107(9), 701–705.
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