COM101 3+1 Introduction To Computer Science & Programming
COM101 3+1 Introduction To Computer Science & Programming
COM101 3+1 Introduction To Computer Science & Programming
Learning Outcomes:
Having successfully completed the course, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of:
Marks Distribution:
Assignments + Class Quizzes + Project(s) + Presentation(s) 25%
Midterm Examination 25%
Final Examination 50%
Assignments would be assigned at least one week before the due date and must be
submitted on or before due date. No late assignment will be accepted. Total of 4
assignments would be assigned during the semester. You have to be very careful
while you are solving your assignment. Please do not try copy from someone else
in order to avoid any problem at the end of the semester.
Class Quizzes:
To check the class performance, sudden death test or class quizzes would be taken
in class throughout the semester. At least 5 quizzes would be taken during the
semester. These quizzes have to be solved in the class and they would be of short
duration. There would be no LATE submission or MAKEUP for these quizzes.
Recommended Books:
1. C++ A Beginner’s Guide, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGraw Hill Edition.
2. Programming with C++, Second Edition, Dr. John R. Hubbard. Schaum’s Outline.
Weekly Course Break up
Course Title: Computer Programming