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Aircraft Instruments Systems

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Aircraft Instruments Systems

 Prior to World War II, only few pilots could fly by instruments, and very few
airplanes were equipped for flight with out reference to the ground.
 On September 24, 1929, the famous engineering pilot Jimmy Doolittle made a
flight in which he had absolutely no outside visual reference.

Classification of Instruments

 The instruments carried in an aircraft are classified into three groups:

1. Flight Instruments: Allows the pilot to visualize the attitude, location and
vertical and horizontal speeds of the aircraft.

2. Engine Instruments: Allow monitoring of the performance and condition of the


3. Auxiliary Instruments: Provide information on the status of the hydraulic,

pneumatic and fuel systems, as well as on the positions of the various components
such as the landing gear and flaps.


Pitot-static System

 In order for the pitot-static system instruments to function properly, they must be
connected into a system that senses dynamic air pressure and ambient static air
 Includes three basic pressure-operated instruments:

a) Sensitive altimeter
b) Airspeed indicator (ASI)
c) Vertical speed indicator (VSI)

 All three pressure-operated instruments depend on accurate sampling of static

(ambient) pressure at two or more locations outside the aircraft .
Static pressure is pressure of the air that is still, or not moving, measured
perpendicular to the surface of the aircraft.

 Static ports may be on the side of an electrically heated pitot-static head

 Static pressure may be measured through flush ports on the side of the fuselage
 Ports are normally paired, one on each side of the aircraft
 Area around ports may be heated to help prevent ice blockage
 If static ports block, pilot may open the static system alternate source to provide
static pressure from a source inside the aircraft

Pitot pressure (impact or ram air pressure) is used to measure airspeed

 Measured through an open-eyed pitot tube pointed directly into the relative wind
 Pitot tube connects only to ASI

Position error

 Under some flight conditions, especially at higher angles of attack in landing

configuration, disturbances in the air around the static port(s) may cause errors in
pressure-operated instrument indications
 The POH contains any position error corrections to apply to airspeed indications
under specified conditions

 The sensitive altimeter is an aneroid barometer that measures absolute pressure of

ambient air and displays it in terms of height above a selected pressure level

Principle of operation

 Sensitive element is a stack of evacuated, corrugated bronze aneroid capsules the

thickness of which changes with air pressure
 An adjustable barometric scale, visible in the Kollsman window, allows the pilot
to set reference pressure from which altitude is measured (from 28.00 to 31.00
inches Hg)
 A change in scale of 1 inch Hg changes altimeter reading by 1,000 feet
 To read pressure altitude, set scale to 29.92 inches Hg
 Set scale to local altimeter setting to indicate existing height above sea level

Altimeter errors

 Preflight check for mechanical error: with barometric scale set to local altimeter
setting, altimeter should indicate within 75 feet (maximum error) of airport
 Nonstandard temperature effects
1. Warmer than standard air: pressure levels are farther apart; altimeter
indicates lower; aircraft will be higher (than in standard air)
2. Colder than standard air: pressure levels closer together; altimeter reads
higher; aircraft is lower ("flying from high to low, look out below!")
3. Very cold air: altimeter error may be significant; increase minimum
terrain clearance altitudes; notify ATC if flying higher than assigned
 Nonstandard pressure effects
1. When flying into lower pressure, altimeter reads higher than true altitude
and aircraft is lower than indicated ("flying from high to low, look out
2. When flying into higher pressure, altimeter reads lower than true altitude
and aircraft is higher than indicated.
Types of Altitudes

Indicated Altitude: Is the altitude read off the face of the instrument.

Pressure Altitude: Is the altitude displayed on the altimeter when it is set to the standard
sea level pressure of 29.92 Hg

Density Altitude: It is the pressure altitude corrected for non standard temperature.

True Altitude: It is the height of the airplane above mean sea level.

Absolute Altitude: It is the actual height of the aircraft above the ground.
Pitot-Static Instruments

Pitot tube

 ASI is a differential pressure gauge that measures dynamic pressure, the

difference between static and total, or ram, pressure caused by movement of the
aircraft through the air
 Corrugated phosphor-bronze aneroid, or diaphragm, receives ram pressure from
the pitot tube, while the sealed instrument case receives static pressure
 As the pitot pressure increases, or static pressure decrease, the diaphragm
expands, and this dimensional change is measured by a rocking shaft and a set of
gears that drives a pointer across the instrument dial
 Types of Airspeed:
 a) Indicated airspeed (IAS) is the uncorrected airspeed shown on the ASI dial
b) Calibrated airspeed (CAS) is IAS corrected for instrument and position errors;
POH provides CAS for IAS with various flap and landing gear configurations
c) Equivalent air speed (EAS) is CAS corrected for compression of air in the pitot
tube (same as CAS in standard atmosphere at sea level; less than CAS at higher
altitudes and faster airspeeds)
d) True airspeed (TAS) is CAS corrected for nonstandard temperature and

TAS = CAS in standard atmosphere at sea level

Some true airspeed indicators have temperature-compensated aneroid bellow, Others
have a knob requiring pilot input to align outside air temperature with pressure altitude so
that TAS is then indicated

 e) Ground Speed is (TAS) Corrected for wind, it is the speed across the ground

 e) Mach number is the ratio of TAS to the speed of sound in the same
atmospheric conditions; it may be indicated by a Machmeter
h) Maximum allowable airspeed indicator has a additional pointer indicating
never-exceed speed which changes with altitude
 Airspeed color codes:

White arc: flap-operating range (from flaps-down stall speed to maximum airspeed with
flaps down)

Green arc: Normal operating range (from flaps-up stall speed to maximum airspeed in
rough air)

Blue radial line: Best single-engine rate of climb speed

Yellow arc: Structural warning area (from maximum rough air speed to never-exceed

Red radial line: Never-exceed speed

 Airspeed Indicator Errors
1. Position error: Caused by the static ports sensing erroneous static
pressure; slipstream flow causes disturbances at the static port preventing
actual atmospheric pressure measurement
2. Density error: Changes in altitude and temperature are not compensated by
the instrument
3. Compressibility error: Caused by the packing of air into the pitot tube at
high airspeeds, resulting in higher than normal indications. It usually
occurs above 180KIAS
4. Pitot blockage: If the ram air inlet clogs while the drain hole remains
open, the pressure in the line to the airspeed indicator will vent out the
drain hole, causing the airspeed indicator to drop to zero.

When both the ram air inlet and the drain hole become clogged , trapping
the air pressure in the line will cause the ASI to remain at its present
indication, but no longer indicates changes in airspped.

If the static port remains open the airspeed will react as an altimeter.

5. Static Blockage: If the static system becomes clogged, the airspeed

indicator will continue to react to changes in airspeed but the reading will not
be correct.

When you are operating above the altitude where the static port became
clogged, the airspeed will read lower than it should.

Conversely, when you operate at a lower altitude, a faster than actual airspeed
will be displayed.

 Rate-of-pressure-change instrument indicates deviation from a constant pressure

level; indicates rate of climb or descent
 Aneroid and instrument case both receive static pressure, but case is vented
through a calibrated orifice (a hole of specific diameter used to delay pressure
 VSI pointer lags a few seconds behind actual pressure change, but is more
sensitive than an altimeter
 An instantaneous VSI (IVSI) has two aircraft pitch-sensitive accelerometers that
eliminate the lag time of the VSI Rate-of-pressure-change instrument indicates
deviation from a constant pressure level; indicates rate of climb or descent
 Aneroid and instrument case both receive static pressure, but case is vented
through a calibrated orifice (a hole of specific diameter used to delay pressure
 VSI pointer lags a few seconds behind actual pressure change, but is more
sensitive than an altimeter
 An instantaneous VSI (IVSI) has two aircraft pitch-sensitive accelerometers that
eliminate the lag time of the VSI
Gyroscopic Systems

 The three gyroscopic instruments in the aircraft are the attitude indicator, heading
indicator, and turn coordinator.
 On must small airplanes, the vacuum systems power the attitude indicator and the
heading indicator.
 The vacuum system draws air in through a filter assembly. The air then moves
through turbines in the attitude and heading indicators where it causes the gyros to
spin up to 18.000 rpm. The airflow continues on to the engine-driven vacuum
pump where it is expelled.
 A relief valve prevents the vacuum pressure from exceeding prescribed limits.
 Rigidity in Space: Rigidity in space refers to the principle that when a heavy
wheel is spun at high speed, it becomes rigid and resists any attempt to tilt it
or turn it in any direction other than the axis in which it is spinning.
 Precessions: precessions refers to the principle that when an outside force tries
to tilt a spinning gyro, the gyro responds as if the force had been applied at a
point 90 degrees further around in the direction of rotation.


 Takes advantage of one of the principle properties of the gyroscope: rigidity in

 Operating mechanism: small brass wheel (gyroscope) with a horizontal spin
 Spun at high speed by either Stream of air (via vacuum system), or Electric
 Mounted in a double gimbal with axes perpendicular to gyro spin axis
allowing free motion in two planes around the gyro (pitch and roll)
 Horizon disk fixed to gimbals remains in same plane as gyro

a) Blue top half and brown bottom half represent sky and ground, respectively
b) Pitch marks indicate degree of up or down pitch
c) Bank index indicates bank angle

 Symbolic aircraft is mounted on instrument case over horizon disk

 Knob allows pilot to raise or lower aircraft symbol to compensate for pitch, trim
 Width of wings and center dot represent approximately 2 degrees of pitch
 Erection mechanism inside case applies a corrective force any time gyro tilts
from the vertical (pendulous vanes)
 Older gyros tumbled at extremes of pitch (60 degrees) or roll (100 degrees), and
so had a caging mechanism to lock gyro in vertical plane during such
 After engine start-up, it takes two or three to as long as five minutes for gyro
self-erecting mechanism to be fully effective
 Errors:

a) Slight nose up or down during rapid acceleration or deceleration respectively

b) possible small bank and pitch errors after 180 degree turn
c) Errors are small and correct themselves within a minute or so in SLF

 Double gimbals mounted

a)Horizontal spin axis, so senses rotation about aircraft vertical axis
b)Rigidity in space causes HI to maintain heading indication without the
oscillation and other errors inherent in the magnetic compass
 Not north-seeking (except slaved gyro indicator) so must be periodically set to
the heading indicated by the magnetic compass
 DGs usually air-driven by vacuum system; filtered air blows against buckets
cut in periphery of gyro wheel
 Bearing friction causes gyro precession, so check and reset HI to agree with
magnetic compass about every 15 minutes
 HI precession should be less than 3° in 15 minutes
 HI gyro drives a vertical compass card dial (azimuth card)
 Heading is indicated by nose of symbolic aircraft and lubber line on instrument
 Spring-loaded knob on front may be pushed in and turned to rotate gyro and
azimuth card to reset HI, then released to disengage from gimbals
 Check and if necessary reset HI to agree with magnetic compass about every 15

 These rate instruments operate on the principle of gyroscopic precession

Turn-and-slip indicator (needle and ball, turn-and-bank indicator)

Inclinometer (slip-skid indicator)

 Black glass ball sealed inside glass tube partially filled with clear liquid
 Indicates quality of turns: relationship between bank angle and rate of turn

Turn indicator

 Gyro spin axis parallel to aircraft lateral axis and mounted in a single gimbal
with rotation axis parallel to aircraft longitudinal axis
 Needle pointing to doghouse indicates standard rate turn (3° per sec)
Turn coordinator

Inclinometer (slip-skid indicator, coordination ball)

Similar to that in the turn-and-slip indicator

Centered ball indicates coordinated turn

Turn indicator

Gyro gimbal frame angled upward about 30° allowing it to sense both roll and yaw
Wing of symbolic airplane pointing to mark indicates standard rate turn

Operating principle

 Earth is magnet whose lines of flux leave its surface at magnetic north pole and
reenter at magnetic south pole
 Most direction indicators make use of one of two important magnetic principles

Free magnets align with lines of flux (magnetic compass)

Electrical current is induced in conductor that cuts across lines of flux(flux compass)

 Magnetic compass is required by 14 CFR part 91 for both VFR and IFR flight

 Components
 Two small magnets attached to a
 Metal float that is sealed inside a
 Bowl of clear fluid similar to kerosene
 Graduated scale, the card, marked with cardinal direction letters, numbers every
30° between letters, and long and short marks representing 10° and 5°
 Lubber line reference indicating magnetic direction
 Jewel-and-pivot type mounting of float and card assembly allows free rotation
and tilting to about 18° bank
 Compensator assembly allows aviation maintenance technician (AMT) to correct
deviation error
 Variation : Difference between true and magnetic directions is called variation
 Isogonic lines connect points with the same variation and are numbered to
indicate degrees of variation along each one
 Along the agonic line, passing near Chicago, the variation is zero
 East of agonic line is the west variation area (magnetic north pole is west of
geographic north pole) where west variation is added to true course (TC) to
obtain magnetic course (MC) to be flown: MC = TC + West Variation

 West of agonic line is the east variation area (magnetic north pole is east of
geographic north pole) where east variation is subtracted from true course to
obtain magnetic course: MC = TC - East Variation
 Deviation : Caused by local magnetic fields within the aircraft
 Deviation is different on each heading
 AMT minimizes by "swinging the compass" - adjusting compensating magnets
as needed every 30° while aircraft is aligned with magnetic directions indicated
on a compass rose on the surface
 Deviation errors that cannot be eliminated by AMT are recorded on a compass
correction card placed near the magnetic compass for use by pilot in flight

 Compass course (CC)

Course to be maintained under the magnetic compass lubber line during cross
country flight leg in order to fly appropriate true course over the ground
True course (TC) corrected for variation (V) and deviation (D) errors:

TC +/- V = MC
MC +/- D = CC

 Dip errors

Magnetic dip is responsible for the most significant compass errors. Magnetic dip
exist because the magnet in the compass tries to pint and dip toward the earth’s
magnetic north pole, which is a point deep inside the earth. Magnetic dip is
responsible for compass errors during turns and during acceleration.

 Northerly turning error

As you roll into a standard rate turn to the right or to the left from a northerly
heading in the northern hemisphere, the compass will initially indicate a turn to
the opposite direction.

As you roll into a standard rate turn to the right or left from a south heading in
the northern hemisphere, the compass will indicate a turn in the same direction,
but at a faster rate then is actually occurring.

As you roll into a standard rate turn to the left or right from an east or west
heading in the northern hemisphere, the compass will indicate the approximate
correct heading if the roll into the turn is smooth.

NOSE ("North Opposite, South Exaggerates")

UNOS (“Undershoot North, Overshoot South”)

 Acceleration error

Acceleration in SLF on a heading of east or west causes magnetic compass to

indicate a turn to the north

Deceleration in SLF on a heading of east or west causes magnetic compass to

indicate a turn to the south

ANDS (Accelerate North, Decelerate South)

 Oscillation error

It is the erratic movement of the compass card caused by turbulence or rough

control technique.
Set gyroscopic HI to average compass heading between swings
Horizontal situation indicator (HSI)

 HSI is a direction indicator that uses output from a flux valve to drive an azimuth
 Combines magnetic compass with navigation signals and glide slope to indicate
location relative to a chosen course
 Heading indicated by lubber line
 Desired course (VOR/LOC/RNAV) selected by rotating course select pointer
(arrowhead) using course select knob
 Aircraft symbol and course deviation bar display location relative to selected
 TO/FROM indicator is triangular-shaped pointer
 Glide slope deviation pointers below aircraft symbol indicate aircraft above glide
 If, as in some HSIs, azimuth card is not a remote indicating compass, then it
must be periodically checked and reset to agree with magnetic compass
Remote magnetic indicator

 Remotely mounted magnetic slaving transmitter

 Usually in wingtip to eliminate magnetic interference
 Remote flux valve is the system direction-sensing device
 Remote heading indicator unit torque motor is operated by amplified flux valve
signal and processes gyro to align it with signal
 Connected electrically to panel-mounted pictorial navigation indicator (HSI)

Panel-mounted components in a typical system


 Slaving control and compensator unit

Slaving meter indicates left (counterclockwise) or right compass card error

Push button selects slaved or free gyro modes

In free gyro mode, adjust compass card by depressing appropriate heading drive

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