Train-Ground Communication in CBTC Based On 802.11b Design and Performance Research
Train-Ground Communication in CBTC Based On 802.11b Design and Performance Research
Train-Ground Communication in CBTC Based On 802.11b Design and Performance Research
Figure 1 depicts a simplified view of the Train-
This paper is sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of Ground communication system architecture, which
P. R. China under grant No.60634010, with the title "The Theory and
Key Technology Research of Train Control System", and is also
consists of the Backbone Network, zone centers (ZC),
supported by Urban Rail Transit Automation and Control Beijing Access points (AP1... AP3), wireless channel and the
Municipal Government Key Laboratory.
Figure 2. FER-SNR under AWGN channel for We randomly generate 10000 random numbers for ξ
1024 Bytes PSDU and γ , submit all the parameters into (2), then get the
probability that the received power is less than -76dBm
From Figure 2, we can see: in order to get an 8%
under different train-ground distances, as shown in
FER, The receiver SNR needs to be more than 7dB. At
table 2. We can see From Table 2 that when train-
a room temperature, thermal noise power density N0 =
ground distance is less than 200m, the probability that
-174dbm/HZ; Signal bandwidth BW= 22MHz, so we
the received power less than -76dbm is acceptable.
can get the thermal noise power:
As shown in Figure 1, the antenna on the train head
Pn =N 0 +10lg(BW) = -100dBm (1) and the antenna for the ground AP are installed face to
When the received signal power reaches the face. The wireless equipment on the train usually
minimum receive power specified by 802.11b, the associates with the closest AP whose antenna is face to
itself. When the train passes one associated AP, it The Ack-Timer-out period, which is not specified in
switches to associates with a new AP because its the IEEE standards, is usually chosen to be a value
antenna and the antenna for the old AP are already much larger than 10us by equipment manufacturers
back-to-back. From the above analysis, we can see that [1], but when DCF is used in CBTC, it should be
the AP deployment distance is roughly equal to the redesigned to get a small delay.
maximum train-ground distances. Figure 3 shows that as long as the ACK arrives at
In engineering design, we usually set the AP the sending station within the Ack-Timer-out period,
distance to be 200m around, the reasons are: the DCF can work normally. The Ack-Timer-out
When train-ground distance is less than 200m, the period should be greater than the sum of data
probability that the received power less than -76dbm is propagation time, SIFS, and ACK propagation time.
very small. If we set the AP distance to be much less When the train-ground distance is less than 300m, the
than 200m, more APs need to be installed on the same data and ACK propagation time are less than 1us. The
line, which cost too much. On the contrary, AP SIFS in 802.11b is set to be 10us.So Ack-Timer-out
distance much more than 200m cannot fully meets the period should be greater than 12us.We set Ack-Timer-
minimum received power. out to be 20us to give an adequate margin.
The maximum packet retransmission is also
Table 2. The probability that the received power is changeable in the standard. More packet
less than -76dBm under different train-ground retransmissions will reduce the packet loss rate. The
distances equipment manufacturers usually set the packet
retransmission at a large number, because when the
wireless link is established, FER<<1, the probability of
n times transmission (FER)n is almost zero;
802.11 series standards share the same Mac protocol. Figure 3.Data Transmission Process in DCF Basic
It supports two operation modes: the point access method
coordination function (PCF) and the distributed
function (DCF). The PCF has not been implemented, 3. Train-Ground Communication System
but only the DCF is available in commercial products. Performance Analysis
This paper studies the DCF performance applied in
train-ground communication system. 3.1 The Impact of Train Speed on FER
The DCF is based on CSMA/CA and it consists of
both a basic and an optional channel access method When 802.11b is used in CBTC system, we need to
using RTS/CTS exchanges. The basic access method is think about the impact of the train speed on physical
studied in this paper. Firstly a station (including the transmission. After AP deployment in section 2.2, we
AP) with a new packet ready for transmission senses have a SNR more than 20dB along the railway. This
whether the channel is busy. After finding the channel paper simulate the FER of Train-Ground
idle for a DIFS interval, the station starts packet communication system which works in 11Mbits/s
transmission. Otherwise the station continues to sense operation mode, under Rayleigh channel with different
the channel. After finding the channel idle for a DIFS Doppler shifts, according to 802.11b and 802.11
interval, the station waits for a random bakeoff interval standard. The frame size is 400Bytes (including high-
to send the packet. When the packet is transmitted, the level overhead) which is also the typical frame size in
ACK is expected to be received within a Ack-Timer- CBTC. The simulation result is shown in Figure 4:
out period. If the ACK is not received in the period, the
station will continue to sense the channel. After finding
the channel idle for a DIFS interval, the station waits
for a random bakeoff interval to send the packet, and
the backoff window is twice of the last backoff widow.
The data transmission process is shown in Figure 3.
The 128 synchronization bits in the packet preamble
are used to estimate the channel response in 802.11b.
Table 2 shows that the coherence time is closer to the
frame duration 483us when the train speed increases,
which means the channel response fluctuate widely in
the duration of the frame and the channel response
estimated by the preamble is not correct. This leads to
an increased FER.
From Figure 4, we can see that the frame with a
PSDU of 400 Bytes has a FER less than 8% when the
trains speed is less than 120km/h.
Figure 4:FER under Rayleigh Channel
As shown in Figure 4, the FER increases when the 3.2 Packet loss rate and Packet Delay
train speed increases. The reasons are: the 802.11b Performance
standard is designed for indoor wireless LAN, Figure 5
illustrates the frame structure of IEEE 802.11b: Packet loss rate and Packet delay are two important
parameters for train-ground system. The control
information cannot be sent to train due to packet loss
which has a great impact on the efficiency of the traffic.
The packet delay must be strictly less than CBTC train
Figure 5. Frame structure of IEEE 802.11b communication cycle, otherwise the information
received by the train is not real-time information,
From the figure it can be seen that each data frame which has a bad impact on control accuracy.
consists of a 144 bit preamble, 48 bit header and a We simulate the packet loss rate for different
MAC frame. The first 192 bits, i.e. the preamble and retransmissions, given an 8% FER. The result is shown
the header, are always transmitted using a bit rate of 1 in Table 3:
Mbit/s, while the MAC frame is transmitted with the The result in Table 3 shows that the packet loss rate
selected data rates. So we can get the frame duration (when the physical FER is 8%) decreases to 10-8 when
for 400 Bytes PSDU at 11Mbits/s data rates is we have 6 retransmissions. Retransmissions more than
192+400*8/11 = 483us. 6 are negligible because it has a very small probability.
The Doppler shift which is caused by train
movement will lead to a smaller coherence time. When Table 3. Packet loss rate with different
the normalized coherence function value is above 0.5, retransmissions
the coherence time is approximately [7]:
Tc = (4)
16π f m
Where Tc is coherence time, fm is the maximum
Doppler shift in frequency from carrier frequency:
fm = * fc (5)
c According to the DCF basic access method, as
Where fc is carrier frequency (for 802.11b it is 2.4G), shown in Figure 3, when the packet is transmitted for n
v is train speed, we calculate the coherence time times, we calculated the maximum packet delay as
coherence time for different train speed, and the result follow:
is shown in table 2:
Tdelay =Tdata +Tack _timerout + DIFS +Tbackoff (1)
Table 2. Coherence time Vs Train speed
+Tdata +Tack_timerout + DIFS +Tbackoff (2) +
...+Tdata +Tack_timerout + DIFS +Tbackoff (n−1) (6)
+Tdata +Ttransfer
Where Tdata is the time needed to transmit a data 4. Conclusion
frame. Tack_timerout is the Ack-Timer-out period, as
analyzed in section 2.3, we assume Tack_timerout = This paper introduces the CBTC train-ground
20us.Tbackoff(i) is the backoff time of the communication architecture. By simulation, we set the
retransmission at i times. Ttransfer is the propagation AP distance to be 200m around in order to meet the
time of the data,in this paper, the train-ground distance minimum received power. The FER increases as the
is less than 300m,so we have Ttransfer=1us. train speed increases due to the channel estimation
We calculate the maximum packet delay under error. The packet delay increases rapidly when more
different retransmissions and at different data rates retransmissions are needed .Given an 8% FER, typical
when transmitting the typical 400Bytes frame in CBTC CBTC frame with six retransmissions lead to a packet
(we set Tbackoff(i) to be the backoff window size to get delay of 90ms,when the data rates is 1Mbits/s.We need
the maximum packet delay). The result is shown in to improve the received signal power to reduce the
Figure 6: retransmissions as far as possible.
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