Simulation of 1.25 GB/S Downstream Transmission Performance of Gpon-Fttx
Simulation of 1.25 GB/S Downstream Transmission Performance of Gpon-Fttx
Simulation of 1.25 GB/S Downstream Transmission Performance of Gpon-Fttx
passive optical network (PON) technology is based on
star fiber network and offers a cost effective
optical access solution with point-to-multipoint (P2MP)
nature. With rapidly growing customer bandwidth
requirements and proliferation of bandwidth in metro
networks, broadband passive optical networks (BPONs) [1],
[2] and the emerging gigabit-capable passive optical networks
(GPONs) are expected to prevail as the leading optical access
technology eliminating the bandwidth bottleneck in the last
mile. The full-services access networks (FSAN) GPON can Fig. 1. GPON network architecture for FTTx scenarios.
provide high bandwidth services to customers following
different fiber-to-the premises/ cabinet/building/home/user
(FTTx) scenarios [3]. II. GPON ACCESS NETWORK
Recently, the FSAN initiated GPON network
standardization via recommendations for the GPON physical- Due to the limitation of the ADSL (asymmetric digital
media-dependent (PMD) layer and the transmission subscriber line) service, which suffers from limited
convergence (TC) layer [4], [5]. Figure 1 illustrates a transmission speed and distance, because it uses conventional
symmetric 1.25 Gb/s GPON access system. metallic cables, optical access is expected to become the
A continuous downlink in the wavelength band of 1480– default broadband access system in the future. For this reason,
1500 nm carries 1.25 Gb/s time-division-multiplexed (TDM) ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union—
Telecommunication Standardization Sector) has discussed a
Hesham A. Bakarman is with the Photonics Technology Laboratory (PTL), standard for optical access systems called G-PON (Gigabit
Institute of Micro Engineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN) Universiti passive optical network), which is an optical access system
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600 UKM Bangi Malaysia (phone: 03-8736- with gigabit per second-class transmission capability; it is
0705; e-mail: hesham@
Sahbudin Shaari , was with Photonics Technology Laboratory (PTL), suitable as the next-generation optical access system.
Institute of Micro Engineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN) Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600 UKM Bangi Malaysia (e-mail: A. Previous Optical Access System Standards ITU-T has created several standards for optical access
Mahamod Ismail is with the Electrical, Electronics and Systems
Engineering Department, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, 43600
systems. One of the most important is the BPON (Broadband
UKM Bangi Malaysia (e-mail: PON) standard. PON is a network topology that shares a
optical network design such as power budget and margin Simulation schematic in Optisystem software. In the left side,
calculations. where the OLT transmitter part is located, an external
To ensure that the fiber system has sufficient power for modulated transmitter is used. It consists of continuous wave
correct operation, network designer needs to calculate the laser source, Mach-Zehender modulator, NRZ pulse generator
span’s power budget, which is the maximum amount of power and pseudo random sequence generator. The right hand side
it can transmit [7]. From a design perspective, worst-case an ONT receiver should have photodiode, low pass filter and
analysis calls for assuming minimum transmitter power and clock and data recovery. The link, sometimes called channel,
minimum receiver sensitivity. This provides for a margin that is consists of 20 km of single mode fiber SMF28 and optical
compensates for variations of transmitter power and receiver attenuator so as to add the loss for all the ODN classes.
sensitivity levels
Input power ( P ) = Maximum transmitte r powre ( PT ) − Span loss (4) where, I 1 is the value of the 1-bit current, I 0 is the value
in max
The design equation: of the 0-bit current, σ 1 is the standard deviation of the 1-bit
Input power ( P Iin ) <= Maximum receiver sensitivity current, and σ 0 is the standard deviation of the 0-bit current.
( PR max ) must be satisfied to prevent receiver saturation and The relationship of Q-factor to BER is defined as:
ensure system viability. If the input power ( P Iin ) is greater
erfc (
) (6)
than the maximum receiver sensitivity ( PR max ), passive 2 2
-30 -29 -28 -27 -26 -25 -24 -23 -22 -21 -20 every 1012 bits can be corrupted during transmission.
0.01 Figure 7 shows the minimum BER for class A, B and C
with transmitted power of –4, 1 and 5 dBm respectively.
1E-14 Typical requirements for optical receivers used in this
1E-22 simulation are optimized to be BER < 10 −10 (less than one
error in 1010 bits).
1E-38 The receiver sensitivity is the minimum averaged received
1E-46 optical power required to achieve BER = 10 −10 . From this
explanation, it becomes evident why optical system design
Reveived input optical power
considers power budget and power margins (safety margins
Fig. 6. BER as a function of the received input optical power for a direct for good design) so important.
detection system
1 Q 1 e 2 (7)
BER = [1 − erfc ( )] ≈
2 2 2π Q
1E-06 Class A
1E-10 Class B
1E-14 Class C
-32 -31 -30 -29 -28 -27 -26 -25 -24 -23 -22
Receiver sensitivity (dBm)
A. Minimum BER and Receiver Resistivity Figure 9 shows the BER behavior as a function of the span
An optical link is designed by taking into account a figure loss, keeping the fiber length constant 20 Km and the
of merit, which is generally the bit error rate (BER) of the transmitter power constant (minimum values) for each class.
system. The signal entering the decision circuit fluctuates due BER of 10 −10 is obtained with over all span losses of 22.5 dB,
to the various noise mechanisms. It is the probability of 27.5 dB and 32.5 dB for class A, B and C respectively. Figure
incorrect bit identification by the decision circuit. For most 9 can be expressed in terms of number of users (ONTs). It is
practical optical networks, this requirement of BER is 10 −12 clear from figure 10 that GPON with 1.25 Gbit/s can provide
communication service from at least 18 up to 128 ONTs users
(~ 10 −9 to 10 −12 ), which means that a maximum one out of
with BER = 10 −10 .
Dependent Prototypes,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2004, Vol.
1E-32 22.
1E-36 [4] ITU-T Recommendation G.984.1, “General characteristics for Gigabit-
1E-40 Class A capable Passive Optical Networks” 2003.
1E-44 Class B [5] ITU-T Recommendation G.984.2, “Gigabit-Capable Passive Optical
Class C Networks (GPON): Physical Media Dependent (PMD) Layer
1E-50 Specification ITU-T Recommendation G.984.3 “Transmission
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144
Convergence Layer for Gigabit Passive Optical Networks”, 2004.
Number of ONTs users [6] F. J. Effenberger and E. Shraga. “Status of GPON and B-PON
standards”, Flexlight-networks, (2004).
Fig. 10. BER as a function of number of ONTs users
[7] V. Alwayn, Optical Network Design and Implementation: Cisco Press,
[8] J. H. Franze and V. K. Jain , Optical Communications: Components and
V. CONCLUSIONS Systems, Narosa Publishing House, (2000).
[9] T. Antony and A. Gumaste, WDM Network Design, Cisco Press, ch. 4,
Due to its unprecedented offered bandwidth, GPON is the (2003).
ideal technology for large-scale FTTH applications where
multiple end-users are requiring an ever-growing bandwidth.
Moreover, in areas populated by both business and residential