OSP Data
OSP Data
OSP Data
To create Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) network for NLD, MAN and POI within timelines, as per TCL
specifications. To implement OSP works as per design and quality guidelines laid down for these
a. Survey
b. Planning
c. Procurement
d. Acquring RoW / PRoW permissions from authorities
e. Recovery of SD/BG previously paid during receipt of RoW / PRoW from authorites
f. Execution / Implementation of works
g. Handover
h. Closure
Ensure that the trench is within RoW limits
Mark the limits with lime powder before commencing digging
Make cross-trench to ensure there are no underground utilities
Trench depth should be 1.55m. In case of any deviation, it needs to be approved by as per
below mentioned authorization table
From (m) To (m) Authorized by
1.55 1.35 PM
1.35 0.9 Regional Head
Less than 0.9m HQ-PMO
Duct alignment should be as per plan. All ducts should be laid parallel. Jointing of ducts to
be done properly using couplers provided
Railway / Road crossings
GI / DWC pipes should be extended for 2m on both sides from end of the road
GI / DWC pipes should be joined by using GI collars
Bridge / Culvert crossings
In case duct is laid on surface of bridge / culvert then GI / DWC pipes to be extended upto
2m length from both edge of the bridge / culvert
In case duct is laid along bed of the bridge trench then GI / DWC pipes to be extended upto
2m length from edge of the bridge / culvert
In case duct is placed in GI / DWC pipe, which is clamped outside the railings, then the
clamps used should be made of GI strip with 6mm thickness and 50mm width. The nut-bolts
used should be of minimum 12mm diameter. All clamps should be tightened properly and
placed at an interval of 2m between consecutive clamps
When the duct is laid on the surface of the bridge / culvert though GI / DWC pipe, then the
complete assembly has to be encased with M20 concrete with 1:2:4 mix all over the GI /
DWC pipe, covering completely with thickness of 100mm on all sides
Route Markers (only for NLD routes)
Provide route markers at an interval of every 250m (C/C) along the route
In case route marker cannot be placed at specified distance, it has to be placed at an
appropriate place immediately before or after the specified location
In case of road crossing route marker needs to be placed at both ends of crossing
Route markers should be placed erect and facing the road with a height of 0.55m above
ground level
Route markers should be placed exactly above the trench
Cement concrete foundation of 0.45mx0.45mx0.3m to be made before placing the route
marker in pit
Route markers shall be fixed 0.9m depth below ground level, other than 0.3m embedded in
the cement concrete foundation, for the route marker
Route Marker for Splice chambers will be coloured in Orange colour, with text OFC-TCL in
white colour clearly visible from a distance of minimum 5m
Pull through chambers will be coloured in Yellow colour with text OFC-TCL in white colour
clearly visible from a distance of minimum 5m
Route markers should be installed on both sides of bridge / culvert, irrespective of the 250m
criteria mentioned above, along the route length
Splice and Pull through Chambers
Splice chambers should be placed at an interval of approximately 4kms for NLD routes
Pull through chamber should be placed in between two splice chambers to facilitate blowing
of fiber optical cable through HDPE ducts
Splice & Pull through chamber is fabricated with circular concrete ring of 1.2m diameter,
with depth of 0.6m and thickness of chamber wall of minimum 50mm
Splice & Pull through chamber shall be pre-fabricated at off-site location and transferred to
the site and placed in the pit dugout, with cuts so as to enable duct entry at 1.5m depth
The entry hole for the duct should be sealed with mortar mix of 1:2 to avoid entry of water,
mud etc. into the chamber after laying of ducts, fibre, JC & other accessories
The lid / cover of the chamber should be placed at least 5-10cm at the top of the chamber,
in the collar fabricated while chamber construction. And in manner that the lid will not fall
into the chamber itself, while opening.
Refer to chamber specifications details mentioned in the document, for further details.
Ensure that backfilling and compaction of trench is satisfactory, before start of DIT
Blow compressed air at 8kg/sq.cm in the laid duct to clean away sand, MUD, small stones
/ pebbles, other garbage items which may have creeped during ducting / coupling
After blowing of compressed air, insert a medium density sponge into the duct and push it
with compressed air of 8kg/sq.cm. If the duct is clean, then the sponge will eject from
other end of the duct with great force. Else it implies that the duct needs cleaning
before fibre cable can be blown into it.
In case of blockage in the duct is identified during blowing of compressed air, then as part
of cleaning the duct a mandrill made of hard rubber or polished wood in the shape of
cylinder is inserted in the duct. The dimension with diameter of 0.75xD, where D is the
duct of the HDPE duct diameter
On completing the tests, seal the ends of the ducts with end plugs, until put to use
Blowing/Pulling of OFC through HDPE duct
Ensure that the DIT (Duct Integrity Test) is completed, before start of activity
Drum should be kept at approximate center of two consecutive chambers, i.e. if the drum
length is 4kms, then at a distance of 2kms from first chamber out of the 2 consecutive
chambers being considered. The drum needs to be mounted on a jack, kept on plain
Cable blowing to be done with help of a compressor, hydraulic power pack and blowing
machine, anti-twist tool which is used to avoid any twist in the cable during the blowing is in
If pulling of cable is the technique to be applied due to ground conditions (has to be pre-
approved by Project Manager, before start of work), then the drum has to be unwound in
shape of figure 8 (without any twist) placed near the trench through which it is being pulled
The rope being used for pulling / blowing has to be fixed properly before start of the activity,
to avoid any loss of proper use of the rope during or after the exercise
Splicing of Optical fibre cable
Necessary road traffic signal, barriers etc. shall be put up at the site during before and
Power meter reading - Power loss in link dB/Km for 1550nm (average power loss of the
link)=no. of connector lossesx0.5+no. of splicesx0.1+distance in Kmx0.22=losses in dB/Km.
Power loss in link dB/Km for 1310nm (avg. power loss of link)=no. of connector
lossesx0.5+no. of splicesx0.1+distance in Kmx0.35=losses in dB/Km
OTDR / LSPM reports
As built diagrams of route constructed
Updation of GIS
Action by Project Manager
Upon physical completion of works, Project Manager needs to carry out internal
testing and identify short falls, if any. Prepare an action items list and prepare an
action items list
Issue the action items list for rectification (pre-AT)
Term Definition
u Telecom industry standardized unit for height, where 1unit=44.45mm/1.75inches
Backbone Pathway or cable between POPs.
Last Mile Pathway or cable between backbones to customers.
Earth material used specifically for filling and grading excavations back to a finished state.
Backfill is placed on
top of the bedding surrounding encased duct banks and direct-buried conduits.
Earth materials used specifically to level and grade an excavations sub grade for the
subsequent placement of
encased duct banks, direct-buried conduit. Base material is placed on top of the sub grade
Base and beneath the
bedding surrounding encased duct banks, conduits, or UCVs.
Earth material used specifically for filling excavations. Bedding is placed around encased
duct bank, conduits, or
Underground Cable Vaults (UCV). Bedding is placed on top of the Base (if a Base exists) and
Bedding beneath the
Duct A single enclosed raceway (conduit) used for the routing of cables.
Duct bank An arrangement of multiple ducts, usually in tiers.
The interface between the premises (in-building) communications distribution system and
the outside plant
distribution system and services (such as the public telephone network or inter-building
Entrance Facility (campus) backbone
(EF) cabling.)
The EF consists of protection hardware, connecting hardware and cable and equipment
necessary to connect
premises distribution to outside plant distribution.
An underground cable vault (part of an underground duct system) used to facilitate placing,
Underground connector zing, and
maintaining telecommunications cables and associated equipment. UCV collectively refers
Cable Vault (UCV) to manholes;
hand holes, and pull through chambers.
Manholes / Hand- A large underground cable vault in which it is expected that a person can completely enter
to perform work
ROW Right of Way
BG Bank Guarantee
SOW Scope of work
CCC Construction Control Center
QA Quality Assurance
PTC / HH / SC Pull through Chamber/ Hand-holes/ Splice Chambers
DIT Duct Integration Test
RCC Reinforcement Cement Concrete
WT Warning Tape
DWC / GI Pipe Double Wall Corrugated / Galvanized Iron
PCC Plain Cement Concrete
OFC Optical Fiber cable
Splicing Point Jointing of two fibers
JC Joint Closure
FMS Fiber Management System
Racks Used for installation of FMS and Equipments
FO Field Operations
LMSD Last Mile Service Delivery
PMO Project Management Office
After completion of rectification re-inspect and ensure that all identified defects are rectified