Objectives Activities Time Frame Expected Outcome: I. Instructional Competence
Objectives Activities Time Frame Expected Outcome: I. Instructional Competence
Objectives Activities Time Frame Expected Outcome: I. Instructional Competence
Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Region IV-A
Nasugbu East District
Lesson Planning
To reach out and make the Use language within the level All Year Round Learners’ achievements
lesson easy to understand by of the pupils. grow and nourished.
the learners. Use varied
Convey ideas clearly All Year Round Learners will have better
Use clear and simple chance of promotion and
questions to develop higher can explain themselves
level of thinking. well.
Utilize the art of questioning to Have an interactive All Year Round Learners are able to
develop higher level of involvement of pupils. answer questions
thinking. Mobilize group confidently.
Ensure learner’s participation. All Year Round Learners will participate,
Provide activities/exercises share their thoughts and
suited to learner’s ability. develop social awareness.
Address individual differences Use varied examples/activities. All Year Round Active participation will
among learners. Supplements knowledge from increase.
Determine the desired All Year Round At least 75% of the
outcomes within the allotted pupils have passed.
time Close monitoring of cleanliness
and orderliness of the
Management of Time and
Learning Environment Arranges chairs and tables
according to activity.
Maintain a clean and orderly Display appropriate learning All Year Round Clean and orderly
classroom materials. classroom have been
Keep classroom facilities maintained.
Make the classroom conducive All Year Round Learners will feel at
to learning ease and experience
peace of mind while inside
the classroom.
Constructs questions following
the criteria:
60% easy
30% average
Learner’s Achievement 10% difficult
Inform the school clientele of Supports community project as All Year Round 90% of the school
the school in Cleanliness Drive/ Sagip Ilog clientele have been
policies/plans/accomplishments Project by monitoring and informed of the school
evaluating the project’s policies, plans.
Participate effectively in Involves parents in school All Year Round Participated and
community project as programs and activities. supported community
chairman/co-chairman, projects.
member in community projects
and in civic organization
Acts immediately on
needs/requests in accordance
II. PROFESSIONAL AND with proper behavior.
CHARACTERISTICS Demonstrates uprightness
Show leadership Makes decisions fairly All Year Round Accepts and performs
leadership roles
competently in the school
Dresses in accordance with and in the community.
proper decorum and neat in
Show stress tolerance appearance. All Year Round Demonstrates stress
and frustration tolerance.
Lessen the number of tardy, All Year Round Comes to school earlier
under time than expected.
To develop phonemic
awareness - Blending Sounds
e.g. b-a-t
-Matching Sounds
-Segmenting Sounds
To develop skills in decoding Decode words by word 2nd Quarter Pupils can sound, blend
families and read words in CVC,
- short vowel sounds CVCe , CVCC pattern
short e, a, i, o, u in CVC
- long vowel words with
silent e ending in CVCe Pupils can read
pattern phrases, sentences, a 3-5
- words with vowel sentence story and
diphthongs ay, ai, oa answer questions about
- consonant digraphs ch, the story
- consonant blends (initial June – Aug
and final)
- consonant clusters
Decode words June - July Pupils can sort and
- Word sorting and hunt words
- Reading/writing rhymes Pupils can read and
- Manipulation of write rhymes
- Building words and Pupils can manipulate
manipulating their phonemes to build words
beginning, middle and
ending phonemes using
finger and blocks
To read with correct stress, Read short stories June - March Pupils can read with
intonation and phasing - Shared Reading proper stress, intonation
- Read Aloud and phasing
- Storytelling
- Peer Reading
- Choral Reading
- Audio Assisted Reading
- Read to Me
To increase pupils’ vocabulary Develop listening, June - March Words learned become
speaking, reading, part of the pupils’
writing and watching vocabulary
vocabularies using
- Vocabulary Map
- Word Study Map
- Contrasting Vocabulary
- Semantic Web/Bubble
- Context Clues
- Synonyms/Antonyms
To develop the skills in reading Content-Based June – March Pupils can ask and
in asking and answering low Integration answer on the
level/high level questions Skills-Based Integration surface/under the surface
- Reciprocal Teaching questions about the text
- DRTA read
Ask and answer
on the
surface/under the
surface question
- Question Tree
- Visual
- Story Board
- Question Spines
- Etc.