Test Series Test 1 - (Code B) (23!03!2019)
Test Series Test 1 - (Code B) (23!03!2019)
Test Series Test 1 - (Code B) (23!03!2019)
Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005; Ph.: 011-47623456
Test – 1
Topics Covered :
Physics : Physical World, Units & Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane
Chemistry : Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom
Botany : The Living World, Biological Classification, Plant Kingdom
Zoology : Animal Kingdom
Instructions :
(i) Use Blue/Black ballpoint pen only to darken the appropriate circle.
(ii) Mark should be dark and should completely fill the circle.
(iii) Dark only one circle for each entry.
(iv) Dark the circle in the space provided only.
(v) Rough work must not be done on the Answer sheet and do not use white-fluid or any other rubbing material on
Answer sheet.
(vi) Each question carries 4 marks. For every wrong response 1 mark shall be deducted from total score.
Choose the correct answer : (1) (50.0 ± 0.3%) m (2) (2.00 ± 0.3%) m
1. If A, B and C are physical quantities, having (3) (20.0 ± 0.3%) m (4) (50.0 ± 2%) m
different dimensions, which of the following
combination can never be a meaningful quantity? 4. Side of a square is 1.05 m. The area of square upto
correct significant figures will be
(1) (A – B)/C
(1) 1.1025 m2 (2) 1.10 m2
AB – C
(3) 1.1 m2 (4) 1.102 m2
AB – C2
(4) 5. A person measures the length of a rod as 10
cm, 11 cm, 10 cm, 10 cm, 9 cm. The true value of
2. The scientific principle involved in LASER is length of rod is
(1) Kepler’s law (1) 10 cm (2) 11 cm
(2) Faraday’s law of electrolysis (3) 9 cm (4) 10.8 cm
(3) Lenz law 6. The numbers 2.735 and 2.785 on rounding off to
(4) Amplification by population inversion three significant figurs will be respectively
3. A body is moving with speed (10.00 ± 0.01) m/s. (1) 2.73 and 2.78 (2) 2.74 and 2.79
The distance covered in time (5.00 ± 0.01) s is (3) 2.74 and 2.78 (4) 2.73 and 2.79
Test-1 (Code-B) Test Series for NEET - 2019
7. If P = xm yn z–, then the maximum relative error in 15. If the initial velocity of a particle is u and its
P is given as acceleration is given as a = At 3 , where A is
∆x ∆y ∆z constant and t is time, then its instantaneous
∆x ∆y ∆z
(1) + + (2) + − velocity v as a function of time is given as
x y z x y z
∆x ∆y ∆z ∆ x ∆ y ∆z
(3) m +n − (4) m +n + At 4
x y z x y z (1) v = u + At4 (2) v = u+
8. Which of the following has dimensional formula 3
same as time (R = Resistance, L = Inductance, At
(3) v = u + At3 (4) v = u+
C = Capacitance)? 3
16. A particle is thrown with speed ‘u’ at an angle of
(1) RC (2) projection ‘θ’ with horizontal as shown in figure.
Choose the correct statement.
(3) LC (4) All of these
9. The order of magnitude of diameter of earth
(1.28 × 107 m) is
(1) 7 (2) 8
(3) 106 (4) 108
10. A particle moves for the first one third of the total (1) Average velocity during O to D is ucosθ
time of journey with speed 30 km/h and with speed
15 km/h for the remaining time. Average speed (2) Average velocity between A and C is ucosθ
during total journey is (3) Vertical components of velocities at A and C
45 are a pair of negative vectors
(1) 17 km/h (2) km/h
2 (4) All of these
(3) 20 km/h (4) 25 km/h
17. Tw o c a r s A a n d B a r e a p p r o a c h i n g e a c h
11. The number of significant figure in 0.02300 is other head-on with speeds 20 m/s and 10 m/s
respectively. When their separation is X then A and
(1) 2 (2) 3
B start braking at 4 m/s2 and 2 m/s2 respectively.
(3) 4 (4) 5 Minimum value of X to avoid collision is
12. A particle is moving in a straight line under constant (1) 60 m (2) 75 m
acceleration. If the particle starts from rest then the (3) 80 m (4) 90 m
ratio of displacement in 5 seconds to that in the
18. A projectile is projected with a speed 30 m/s at
5th second is
an angle 30º with the vertical. The speed of the
25 25 projectile when its direction of motion makes an
(1) (2)
16 9 angle 30º with the horizontal is
9 16 (1) 10 m/s (2) 20 m/s
(3) (4)
25 25
10 3 m/s (4)
20 3 m/s
13. A vernier calliper has each main scale division
equal to 1 mm. 20 vernier scale divisions are equal 19. The position-time (x-t) graph for a particle moving
to 16 main scale divisions. The least count of this along x-axis is as shown in the graph. Average
vernier calliper is speed of the particle between time t = 0 and t = 8 s
(1) 0.1 mm (2) 0.2 mm
(3) 0.02 mm (4) 0.04 mm
14. If a particle moves in a straight line such that
its position varies with time as x = 5 (t – 2) + 6
(t – 2)2, then initial acceleration is (Assume all
quantities in SI units)
(1) 6 m/s2 (2) 5 m/s2 (1) Zero (2) 8 m/s
(3) 12 m/s2 (4) 3 m/s2 (3) 3.75 m/s (4) 4.25 m/s
Test Series for NEET - 2019 Test-1 (Code-B)
20. Which of the following pair have same dimensional 27. A particle is projected at an angle 30º with
formula? the horizontal with speed 20 m/s. How high will it
strike a wall 8 3 m away from point of projection?
(1) Angular momentum and Planck’s constant (g = 10 m/s2)
(2) Impulse and Torque (1) 5 m (2) 4.8 m
(3) Energy density and Surface Tension (3) 2.4 m (4) 9.6 m
(4) Specific gravity and density 28. The speed at the maximum height of a projectile
αt is half of its initial speed of projection (u). The
x + β horizontal range of the projectile is
21. I f P = P0e , where t is time and x is
α2 3 u2 3 u2
displacement. Then dimension of is same as (1) 2 g (2)
β g
(1) Velocity
u2 2u 2
(2) Acceleration (3) (4)
3g 3g
(3) (Displacement)2 29. A man can swim in still water with speed 5 m/s.
(4) Time He wants to cross a 100 m wide river flowing with
speed 3 m/s. To reach the point directly opposite to
22. 10 N of force is to be converted in a new system of
his starting point, in which direction should he try to
units in which unit of mass is 10 kg, unit of length is
10 m and unit of time is 10 s. The numerical value
of given force in new system of units is (1) 37º with the river flow
(1) 10 (2) 100 (2) 153º with the river flow
(3) 1000 (4) 1 (3) 90º with the river flow
23. A balloon carrying a stone is moving upward with a (4) 127º with the river flow
constant speed 10 m/s. When balloon is at height
75 m, the stone is dropped. The time taken by 30. If density D, frequency F and velocity V are taken
the stone to reach the ground after release is as fundamental quantities, then the dimensional
(g = 10 m/s2) formula for kinetic energy should be
(1) 4 s (2) 15 s (1) [DF –3V 5] (2) [D –2F 2V –3]
(3) 5 s (4) 6 s (3) [D–3F5V ] (4) [DFV –3]
24. If random error in an experiment for 10 observations
is e, then random error in experiment for 60 31. A ball A is thrown up vertically with a speed u and
observations will be at the same instant another ball B is released from
e 2h
a height h. At time t t < , speed of A relative
(1) e (2)
6 g
to B is
(3) 6 e (4)
36 (1)
u (2) 2u
25. A policeman is moving with constant speed on
a straight road. When he is at distance 250 m (3) u − gt
u – gt (4)
behind a car, the car starts accelerating from rest
32. A bird is flying to and fro between two cars A and
and move with a constant acceleration 2 m/s2. The
minimum speed of the policeman such that he can B moving towards each other on a straight road
catch the car is with speed 18 km/h and 36 km/h respectively.
The bird starts moving from car A towards car B,
(1) 10 m/s (2) 10 5 m/s when the two cars were separated by 54 km. The
(3) 10 10 m/s (4)
10 2 m/s displacement of bird till two cars meet is (Neglect
26. Acceleration of a particle moving in a straight dimensions of car)
line is varying with time as a = (6t2 + 4t + 2) (1) 54 km
m/s2. Initial velocity of particle is 5 m/s the velocity
at time t = 1 s is (2) 18 km
(1) 6 m/s (2) 11 m/s (3) 36 km
(3) 5 m/s (4) Zero (4) Data insufficient
Test-1 (Code-B) Test Series for NEET - 2019
33. A particle is moving along a circular path of radius 36. A particle is thrown vertically up such that distance
5 travelled by it in 2 nd second and 9 th second is
5 m with a constant speed of m/s . The average same. Maximum height upto which the particle rises
acceleration over a quarter circle is is (g = 10 m/s2)
10 2 5 2 (1) 80 m
(1) m/s (2) m/s2
π π (2) 125 m
5 2 5 (3) 180 m
(3) m/s (4) m/s2
π 2π (4) 45 m
34. A ball is thrown vertically down from a certain height
37. A fighter plane is flying horizontally at an altitude of
with some speed. After rebound with ground it is
caught at the same point with same speed at which 2000 m with speed 720 km/h. At a particular angle
it was thrown. Its velocity-time (v-t) graph (Taking of sight (with respect to horizontal) when target is
vertically downward direction as positive) is best seen, the pilot drops a bomb in order to attack the
represented by target. This angle is
(1) tan–1(1/2) (2) tan–1(1)
(3) tan–1(1/4) (4) tan–1(2)
38. A man moves on a horizontal road towards east
at a speed of 1 km/h and the rain appears to him
falling vertically at a speed of 2 km/h. The actual
speed of the rain is
46. The molar concentration of H+ ion when 300 ml of (1) 25600 g mol–1 (2) 12800 g mol–1
water is added in 0.1 M 200 ml of H2SO4 solution is
(3) 2560 g mol–1 (4) 1280 g mol–1
(1) 0.08 M (2) 0.1 M
52. Maximum number of O atom are present in
(3) 0.01 M (4) 0.8 M
(1) 2 g molecule of glucose
47. The number of electrons in 0.2 mol of Al3+ ion is
(2) 2 g molecule of acetone
(1) 0.2 × NA (2) 0.1 × NA
(3) 2 g molecule of ethanol
(3) NA (4) 2 × NA
(4) 2 g molecule of sucrose
48. The maximum amount of magnesium oxide formed
when 16 g of Mg is burnt with 16 g of O2 in a closed 53. How many significant figures are present in
vessel is ‘Avogadro’s number’ i.e.,NA = 6.022 × 1023?
(1) 26.67 g (2) 40 g (1) 3 (2) 1023
(3) 32 g (4) 24.67 g (3) 4 (4) 2
49. The maximum number of electrons that can be 54. Which of the following is/are true statement(s)?
identified with the quantum number = 2 for Fe3+
ion will be ψ2(r) represent probability density of electron
(1) 3 (2) 4 b. RPF (radial probability function) represent
(3) 5 (4) 6 probability of electron in spherical region.
50. The correct set of four quantum numbers for the c. There is no radial node in 1s orbital.
19th electron of gallium (At.no = 31) is (1) Only a (2) Only a, b
1 1
(1) 4, 0, 0, + (2) 4,1, 0,+ (3) Only b, c (4) a, b & c
2 2
1 1 55. 280 mL of sulphur vapours weigh 3.2 g at NTP.
(3) 5, 0, 0,+ (4) 5,1, 0,+ Calculate the number of atoms present per
2 2
51. A polymer consist of 8 atoms of sulphur per
molecule which is 2% by mass, The molar mass of (1) 2 (2) 4
the polymer is (3) 6 (4) 8
Test-1 (Code-B) Test Series for NEET - 2019
56. Maximum possible electron(s) in Mn, for which 64. Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect?
n + l + m = 5 is/are (a) Emission spectra is always continuous spectra
(1) 1 (2) 2 (b) Atomic spectra is also called line spectra
(3) 3 (4) 10 (c) Absorption spectra gives dark lines on the
57. One avogram is equal to (NA = Avogadro’s Number) bright background
(d) Electromagnetic radiations propagate even in
1 the absence of medium
(1) NA (2)
NA (1) (b) & (c) only (2) (c) & (d) only
(3) (4) 2 × NA (3) (a) only (4) (c) only
58. Degeneracy of H-atom in 3rd excited state is 65. The number of significant figures in 200 copies is
(1) 16 (2) 10 (1) 3 (2) 1
(3) 12 (4) 9 (3) Infinite (4) Zero
59. Zinc and hydrochloric acid react according to 66. What is weight average atomic mass of silicon,
equation if it occurs naturally in 3 isotopes Si28, Si29, Si30
Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) → ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g) with the abundance of 92.2%, 4.7% and 3.1%
If 0.3 mole ‘Zn’ are added to hydrochloric acid
containing 0.5 mole HCl, then how many maximum (1) 28.9 amu (2) 28.1 amu
moles of ‘H2’ are produced? (3) 29.9 amu (4) 29.1 amu
(1) 0.12 (2) 0.50 67. A compound consist of 43.4% of Na, 11.32%
of C and rest is O. The empirical formula of the
(3) 0.30 (4) 0.25
compound would be
60. Incorrect statement for discharge tube experiment
(1) Na2C2O4 (2) Na4C2O8
(3) Na2CO3 (4) Na2C2O5
(1) Colour of the light depends upon the nature of
gas filled inside the tube 68. How much water should be added to 300 ml of
decinormal HCl solution to make it 0.01 N?
(2) Nature of cathode rays depends upon the gas
filled in discharge tube (1) 3000 ml (2) 2700 ml
(3) Cathode rays when strike with heavy metal (3) 300 ml (4) 270 ml
produce X-rays which cannot be deflected by 69. The number of mole(s) of Pb(NO3)2 that should
electric and magnetic field be thermally decomposed completely, to oxidise
(4) Gas will be conducting at low pressure only 2 moles of Na to its oxide is
61. If the mass percentage of glucose in the aqueous 2Pb(NO3)2(s) → 2PbO + NO2(g) + O2(g)
solution is 36% then the molality of glucose in the (1) 1 (2) 2
solution will be (3) 3 (4) 4
(1) 2.1 m (2) 3.1 m 70. 0.1 N solution among the following is
(3) 4.5 m (4) 6.2 m (1) 0.1 M H3PO4 (2) 0.1 M H3PO3
62. Which of the following cannot be explained by
(3) 0.1 M H3PO2 (4) 0.1 M H2SO4
electromagnetic wave theory?
71. The equivalent mass of K2SO4. Al2(SO4)3.12 H2O is
(1) Black body radiation (M = Molar mass of salt)
(2) Photoelectric effect M M
(1) (2)
(3) H-spectrum 12 10
(4) All of these M M
(3) (4)
63. Volume of one molecule of oxygen gas at S.T.P. is 8 6
72. The potential energy of an electron in the H-atom
(1) 3.7 × 10–20 mL is –6.8 eV. In which excited state, the electron is
(2) 2.5 × 10–21 mL present?
(3) 3.1 × 10–22 mL (1) First (2) Second
(4) 6.1 × 10–23 mL (3) Third (4) Fourth
Test Series for NEET - 2019 Test-1 (Code-B)
73. If the mole fraction of urea in water is 0.15 then 81. Which of the following statements is/are correct?
molality of urea in the solution will be
(1) H3PO4 is tribasic acid
(1) 3.4 m (2) 2.5 m
(2) NaOH + H 3PO 4 → NaH 2PO 4 + H 2O, in
(3) 7.5 m (4) 9.8 m
given reaction equivalent weight of H3PO4 is
74. Total number of lines emitted in infrared region M
when electron is de-excited from 5th excited state (where M = Molecular weight)
to ground state in hydrogen atom is (3) Basicity is the number of replaceable hydrogen
(1) 3 (2) 4 atoms in one molecule of the acid
(3) 5 (4) 6 (4) Both (1) & (3)
75. When a metal is burnt with excess of O2, its weight 82. Quantum number which defines the orientation of
is increased by 25%. The equivalent weight of the orbital present in a subshell is
metal is
(1) Principal quantum number (n)
(1) 40 (2) 32
(2) Azimuthal quantum number (l)
(3) 8 (4) 48
76. Electron de-excited from 4th level to 2nd level in (3) Magnetic quantum number (m)
He⊕ ion and emitted radiations have wavelength ‘λ’. (4) Spin quantum number (s)
Same wavelength will be obtained when electron is
83. The ratio of specific charge of a proton and
de-excited from
α-particle is
(1) 4th level to 1st level in H
(1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : 2
(2) 6th level to 3rd level in Li2+
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 8
(3) 8th level to 4th level in Be3+
84. 25 g of calcium carbonate contains
(4) Both (2) & (3)
(1) 5 g of Ca
77. 44 g of an organic compound on complete
combustion gives 88 g of CO2 and 36 g of H2O. (2) 10 g of Ca
The molecular formula of the compound may be
(3) 15 g of Ca
(1) C3H6O (2) C2H4O
(4) 20 g of Ca
(3) C4H8 (4) C2H6O
85. 0.44 g of gas occupies 224 ml at STP, its vapour
78. Ratio of energy of electron of 1st orbit of hydrogen,
2nd orbit of He⊕ ion and 3rd orbit of Li2+ ion will be density is
(1) de-Broglie concept of dual nature of electron (3) AB2C2 (4) A2BC
(2) Heisenberg uncertainty principle 88. Total number of node(s) in 4px orbital is
96. Select the correct statement from the following.
91. Growth is a (i) of all living organisms and it is
(1) Zygotic meiosis does not occur in Volvox
regarded as (ii) property in them.
Fucus does not show the same life-cycle
Select the correct option to fill in the blanks
pattern as most of the algae show
(i) and (ii).
(3) In both bryophytes and pteridophytes, the
(1) (i)-Fundamental characteristic
dominant phase is diploid sporophyte
(4) All vascular plants are seed bearing plants
(2) (i)-Fundamental characteristic
97. Non-motile male gametes are found in
Chara (2)
(3) (i)-Defining property
Porphyra (4)
98. Among kingdom, phylum, class, order and family
(4) (i)-Defining property how many taxonomic categories are common for
(ii)-Intrinsic Felis and Canis?
92. In binomial nomenclature system, binomial epithet (1) Two (2) Three
includes (3) Four (4) Five
(1) Generic name, species epithet and author 99. Which of the following is correct for red tide
citation causing organisms?
(2) Generic name and species epithet only (a) Stiff hemicellulosic plates on the inner surface
of cell wall
(3) Common name, generic name and species
epithet (b) Presence of non-contractile vacuole
(4) Common name and generic name only (c) Rapid multiplication by spores
93. Which of the following statements is correct for the (d) Release toxins
organisms which are also called the ‘Jokers of plant (e) Photosynthetic pigments as chlorophyll a & c
(1) (b), (d) & (e)
(1) They infect animals only
(2) (a), (b) & (c)
(2) They have cellulosic cell wall (3) (d) & (e) only
(3) They have both RNA and DNA (4) (a), (c) & (e)
(4) They are sensitive to penicillin 100. Sapindales and Poales belong to
94. Late blight of potato is caused by (1) Same class and division
Alternaria solani (2) Different classes and divisions
Ustilago avenae (3) Same class but different divisions
Cystopus candidus (4) Different classes but same division
Phytophthora infestans 101. How many of the following diseases are caused by
95. The genetic material in pox virus is viruses?
Column I Column II 127.The pteridophytes that show the event precursor to
a. Cell wall impregnated (i) Dinoflagellates seed habit are
with silica (1)
Lycopodium and Dryopteris
b. Whirling whips (ii) Chrysophytes (2)
Selaginella and Dryopteris
c. Mixotrophic nutrition (iii) Sporozoan
Lycopodium and Salvinia
d. Endoparasite (iv) Euglenoids (4)
Selaginella and Salvinia
(1) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i) (2) a(ii), b(i), c(iv), d(iii) 128. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. brinjal.
(3) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv) (4) a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i) (1) Family – Solanaceae
120. The kingdom system that did not distinguish (2) Class – Dicotyledonae
between the prokaryotes and eukaryotes as well as (3) Genus – Solanum
unicellular and multicellular organisms was given by
(4) Order – Sapindales
(1) Copeland (2) Linnaeus
129. A new prokaryotic organism was discovered and
(3) Carl Woese (4) Whittaker it is a chemosynthetic autotroph. For giving it a
121. Most common type of life cycle in algae is scientific name, one should follow the set of rules
(1) Haplontic (2) Diplontic given in
(3) Also found in Fucus (4) Diplo-haplontic (1) ICBN (2) ICVCN
122. Both diatoms and dinoflagellates are protists but (3) ICZN (4) ICNB
differ in 130. The process of categorising different organisms, on
(1) Mode of nutrition (2) Cell wall composition the basis of some easily observable characters is
known as
(3) Body organisation (4) Aquatic habitat
(1) Biosystematics (2) Taxonomy
123. Non-vascular terrestrial plants of moist habitat
(1) Form motile asexual spores (3) Ontogeny (4) Classification
(2) Form filamentous juvenile sporophyte 131. Select the odd one from the following.
(3) Are heterosporous (1)
familiaris (2)
(4) May be thalloid or leafy (3)
aureus (4)
Test Series for NEET - 2019 Test-1 (Code-B)
132. Regarding green sulphur bacteria, which of the 134. Kuru disease in humans is caused by
following statements is not correct? (1) A proteinaceous infectious particle
(1) They contain pigment bacterioviridin (2) A virus, containing ssRNA
(2) Chemical energy is used by them to split H2O (3) An infectious RNA particle
(3) Electron and proton donor for these bacteria is (4) A virus, containing dsRNA
H 2S 135. The multicellular asexual bud in a liverwort
(4) The type of photosynthesis occurs in them is responsible for reproduction is
(1) Oosphere
133. Under favourable conditions, the most common
method of reproduction in bacteria is (2) Frond
(1) Binary fission (2) Endospore formation (3) Gemma
(3) Transformation (4) Conjugation (4) Protonema
136. Read the following characters : 141. Find the odd one w.r.t. sexuality of the organism.
(A) Shed their scales periodically (1)
Spongilla (2)
(B) Sexes are separate (3)
Ascaris (4)
(C) Tympanum represents ear 142. Select the option which does not indicate the
function of water vascular system of echinoderms.
(D) Three chambered heart
(1) Response to stimulus
Given characters are correct for
(2) Locomotion
Salamandra (2)
(3) Respiration
Bungarus (4)
(4) Capturing of food
137. Match column I with column II and choose the
correct option. 143. Which of the following statements is correct about
the diagram shown below?
Column I Column II
a. Hemichordates (i) Chaetopleura
b. Echinoderms (ii) Saccoglossus
c. Mollusca (iii)
d. Aschelminthes (iv)
(1) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(2) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
(3) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
(4) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) (1) The body of animal can be divided into equal
138. Paired fins, operculum and scales are not found in halves by any longitudinal plane passing
through the centre.
Hippocampus (2)
(2) The body can be divided into two equal halves
Petromyzon (4)
Rohu by only a single longitudinal plane passing
139. Osphradium is a chemoreceptor found in the through the centre
members of phylum (3) There are no left and right sides observed in
the given animal.
(1) Echinodermata (2) Porifera
(4) Sea anemone represents this type of symmetry.
(3) Mollusca (4) Arthropoda
144. Which of the following does not belong to group
140. Which of the following cell is not present in Obelia? protostomes?
(1) Choanocytes (1) Mollusca
(2) Interstitial cells (2) Hemichordata
(3) Cnidoblasts (3) Arthropoda
(4) Sensory cells (4) Annelida
Test-1 (Code-B) Test Series for NEET - 2019
145. What is common between Sycon and Euspongia? 153. Select the correct match.
(1) Calcareous spicules Column-I Column-II
(2) Intracellular digestion
a. Earth worm (i) Wuchereria
(3) Simplest type of canal system i.e., asconoid
type. b. Hook worm (ii) Bombyx
(4) Radial symmetry c. Silkworm (iii)
146. Select the order to which Delphinus belongs. d. Filarial worm (iv) Pheretima
(1) Proboscidea (2) Artiodactyla (1) a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii) (2) a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
(3) Cetacea (4) Chiroptera (3) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (4) a(iii), b(iv), c(i), d(ii)
147. Parasite among the following is not 154. Aplysia is commonly known as
(1) Planaria (2) Ascaris
(1) Sea lily (2) Sea fan
(3) Fasciola (4) Ancylostoma
(3) Sea pen (4) Sea hare
148. Select the option representing a wrong match in
the given table. 155. Select the odd one w.r.t. sensory organs of phylum
Animal Characteristics Taxon
(1) Antennae (2) Compound eye
(1) Macropus Mammary glands Mammalia
(3) Statocyst (4) Amphids
(2) Adamsia Polyp and medusa Coelenterata
stage in lifecycle 156. Which of the following is not a vertebrate?
(3) Anopheles Malpighian tubules Arthropoda (1)
Doliolum (2)
(4) Prawn Gills Crustacea (3)
Pterophyllum (4)
157. Closed circulatory system is present in all except
149. Feature not associated with Hydra is
Petromyzon (2)
(1) Indirect development
Pavo (4)
(2) Extracellular and intracellular digestion
158. In which of the following animal is the notochord
(3) Absence of alternation of generation replaced by bony vertebral column?
(4) Presence of stinging cells
150. Read the two statements regarding Aschelminthes.
(1) (2)
a. Members have a true body cavity.
b. Sexual dimorphism can be established based
on presence of excretory pore.
Select the correct option.
(1) ‘a’ is correct but ‘b’ is incorrect.
(2) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are correct.
(3) (4)
(3) ‘a’ is incorrect but ‘b’ is correct.
(4) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ are incorrect.
151. Presence of all is seen in echinoderm except.
(1) Calcareous endoskeleton 159. Some animals are given in a box.
(2) Excretory system Pavo, Hyla, Clarias, Platypus, Chelone, Felis,
(3) External fertilisation Macaca, Macropus, Testudo, Elephas, Columba,
Pteropus, Rattus, Equus
(4) Complete digestive system
Choose the class from the given option whose
152. Type of metamorphosis seen in Periplaneta is examples are maximum in number in the given box.
(1) Paurometabolous (1) Chondrichthyes
(2) Hemimetabolus (2) Reptilia
(3) Holometabolous (3) Aves
(4) Hypermetabolous (4) Mammalia
Test Series for NEET - 2019 Test-1 (Code-B)
160. Among the following set of animals, select the one 169. The illustration below shows four animals. Use the
where both members lack amnion. illustration to answer the question that follows ;
Rana and Apteryx (2)
Hyla and Corvus
Bufo and Catla (4)
Torpedo and Canis
a. b.
161. “Alimentary canal is complete with a well developed
muscular pharynx”. This is true for
Gorgonia (2)
Wuchereria (4)
Planaria c. d.
162. File-like rasping organ for feeding in Pila is called
(1) Mantle Which animal has a chitinous exoskeleton?
(2) Statocyst
(1) a (2) b
(3) Parapodia
(3) c (4) d
(4) Radula
170. Choose odd one w.r.t. viviparity.
163. Following is a craniate. Select the character which
is not applicable to it. (1)
Trichinella (2)
Phrynosoma (4)
171. Select the mismatch.
Doliolum – Retrogressive metamorphosis
Amphioxus – Excretion by protonephridia
(1) Cranium is made up of cartilage with solenocytes
(2) Migrate for spawning to sea water (3)
Salpa – Body is enclosed in leathery
(3) Gills facilitate gas exchange in them calcareous shell
(4) Mouth is circular and lacks jaws (4)
Petromyzon – Ammocoete larva.
164. Which of the following is a connecting link between 172. Chimaera is a connecting link between cartilaginous
non-chordates and chordates? and bony fishes. Its bony fish character is
Ascidia (1) Presence of air bladder
Amphioxus (2) Presence of cloaca
(3) Absence of operculum
(4) Presence of distinct anus and urinogenital
165. Which one of these is not a true fish?
173. Notochord is present in all, except
(1) Flying fish (2) Saw fish
(1) Larva of Ascidia
(3) Sting ray (4) Cuttlefish
(2) Adult of Salpa
166. Which of the following is an incorrect match of the
(3) Larva of Branchiostoma
animal and its locomotory structure?
(4) Adult of Amphioxus
Asterias – Tube feet
174. Which of the following character is shared by
Nereis – Parapodia with setae all members of Animalia kingdom without any
Pila – Ctenidia exception?
Pleurobrachia – Comb plates (1) Similar level of organisation
167. Both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood drain into (2) Multicellularity
the same ventricle in heart of a (3) Presence of neural system
(1) Fish (2) Tree frog (4) Locomotion
(3) Bat (4) Parrot 175. Select the mismatch.
168. Thecodont dentition and four chambered heart is (1)
Hirudinaria – Haemocoel
found in
Loligo – Schizocoelomate
Calotes (2)
Psittacula (3) Enterocoelomate
Saccoglossus –
Crocodilus (4)
Bufo (4) Acoelomate
Ancylostoma –
Test-1 (Code-B) Test Series for NEET - 2019
176. Which of the following is a flightless bird? (1) Intracellular digestion is seen
Struthio (2)
Corvus (2) Found in marine water
Psittacula (4)
Columba (3) Hermaphrodite animal
177. Giraffe is an even toed mammal. Select the (4) Has water canal system
incorrect option w.r.t. giraffe.
179. Select the odd one w.r.t. level of organisation.
(1) Exhibits pulmonary respiration
(1) Annelida
(2) Homeothermic animal
(2) Molluscs
(3) Devoid of ear pinna
(3) Cnidaria
(4) Seven cervical vertebrae are present
(4) Aschelminthes
178. Select the false statement w.r.t. the animal shown
below. 180. A true bee product is ______ and obtained from
______. Select the option which fill the blanks
(1) Honey, Apis respectively
Bee wax, Laccifer respectively
(3) Bee wax, Apis, respectively
(4) Honey, Bombyx