@NEETpassionate AIATS 4 (2021)
@NEETpassionate AIATS 4 (2021)
@NEETpassionate AIATS 4 (2021)
TEST No. 4
(XII Studying Students)
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Choose the correct answer :
1. Two photons of same frequency moving in same 6. The ratio of de-Broglie wavelength of -particle to
medium must have that of a proton being subjected perpendicular to the
(1) Same linear momentum and same wave lengths same magnetic field B so that the radii of their paths
(2) Same linear momentum and same speeds are equal to each other is
(3) (4)
2 4
3. A proton when accelerated through a potential (1) (2)
difference of V volt has a de-Broglie wave
lengthassociated with it. An –particle in order to
have the same de-Broglie wave length, must be
accelerated through a potential difference of
V (3) (4)
(1) (2) 4V
(3) 2V (4)
4 8. A 10 W line source emits monochromatic light of
wavelength 4000 Å, when placed 1.0 m away from
4. Monochromatic light incident on a metal surface
a photosensitive surface, it librates photoelectrons
emits electrons with kinetic energies from 0 to
from surface. When the same source is moved
2.6 eV. What is the least energy of the incident
photon if the tightly bound electron needs 4.2 eV to 2.0 m away from same surface, number of
remove? photoelectrons librated reduce by a factor of
All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
10. The work function of a photosensitive material is 17. The ratio of centripetal accelerations of the electron
4.2 eV. The wavelength of incident radiation on the in singly ionized helium ion and hydrogen atom
cathode of this material, for which the stopping (both in ground state) is
potential is 2.0 V lie in the (1) 1 (2) 8
(1) X-ray region (2) Ultraviolet region (3) 4 (4) 16
(3) Visible region (4) Infrared region 18. A p-n junction photodiode is fabricated from
11. In hydrogen spectrum, the shortest wavelength in semiconductor with a band gap of 2.5 eV. It can
Balmer series is . The shortest wavelength in detect a signal of wavelength
Brackett series will be (1) 4000 nm (2) 6000 nm
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 4000 Å (4) 5000 Å
(3) 9 (4) 16 19. The Boolean expression for the circuit shown in
12. As the quantum number increases, the difference of figure is
energy between consecutive energy levels:
(1) Decreases
(2) Increases (1) Y A B (2) Y AB
(3) Remains same
(3) Y AB (4) Y A B
(4) First decreases then increases
20. The input signal given to common emitter amplifier
13. The ionization potential of hydrogen atom is having a voltage gain of 150
13.6 V. An electron in the ground state of hydrogen
Vi = 2sin(15t + 10°)
atom absorbs a photon of energy 12.75 eV. How
many different spectral lines can be expected in The corresponding output signal is
emission spectrum? (1) V = 300cos(15t + 10°)
(1) 1 (2) 4 (2) V = 300cos(15t + 190°)
(3) 2 (4) 6 (3) V = 300sin(15t + 190°)
14. The Lyman series transitions involve the (4) V = 300sin(15t + 10°)
(1) Largest changes of energy 21. The diagram of a logic circuit is given below.
(2) Smallest changes of energy The output F of the circuit is represented by
(3) Largest changes of potential energy
(4) Both (1) and (3)
15. For an electron in the second orbit of Bohr hydrogen
atom, the moment of linear momentum is (h is
plank’s constant)
(1) W (X + Y) (2) W (X Y)
(1) 2 ph (2) ph
(3) W + (X + Y) (4) W + (X Y)
2h h
(3) (4) 22. A sample of radioactive material contains 1018
atoms at a instant. The half life of material is 2.0
16. For an ion having single electron following days, then the activity of the sample at that instant
wavelength are observed in emission spectrum. The is
missing wavelength x is
(1) 3.5 × 1012 Bq (2) 4.0 × 1012 Bq
(3) 3.5 × 1014 Bq (4) 4.0 × 1014 Bq
23. In the reaction given below
84B210 + Energy
The number of and particles emitted are
(1) 120 nm (2) 30 nm (1) 6, 3 (2) 3, 4
(3) 80 nm (4) 20 nm (3) 4, 3 (4) 3, 6
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24. The energy spectrum of -particles intensity (I) 29. In the given circuit silicon diode and germanium
versus energy (E), emitted from a radioactive diode conduct at 0.7 V and 0.3 V respectively. The
sample is value of V0 and i are
(1) (2)
(3) 6.8 ×105 m/s (4) 7.8 ×105 m/s (4) Drift in forward bias and diffusion in reverse bias
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
34. Pure silicon at 300 K has equal electrons (ne) and 40. The output Y of combination of gates shown in
holes (nh) concentration of 1.5 × 1016 per m3. Doping figure, when all the three inputs are first high and
by indium hole concentration increases to 4.5 × 1022 then low will be
per m3. The number of free electrons per m3 in
doped silicon is
(1) 9 × 105
(1) 1,0 (2) 1,1
(2) 5 × 109
(3) 0,0 (4) 0,1
(3) 2.25 × 1011
41. The circuit shown in figure is equivalent to
(4) 3 × 1019
35. The radius of germanium (Ge) nuclide is measure
to be twice the radius of 4Be9. The number of (1) AND gate (2) NAND gate
nucleons in germanium are
(3) NOR gate (4) OR gate
(1) 72 (2) 81
42. The peak voltage in the output of half-wave rectifier
(3) 64 (4) 75 fed with a sinusoidal signal without filter is 10 V. The
36. A nucleus with mass number 220 initially at rest D.C. component of output voltage is
emits an -particle. If the Q-value of reaction is 10 10
(1) V (2) V
5.5 M eV. The kinetic energy of -particle is 2
(1) 4.4 MeV 20
(3) 10 V (4) V
(2) 5.4 MeV
(3) 5.0 MeV 43. In the given circuit the current through Zener diode
(4) 4.8 MeV
37. An electron of mass m and charge e initially at rest
gets accelerated by a constant electric field E. The
rate of change of de-Broglie wavelength of this
electron at time t is (Ignore relativistic effect)
h eht (1) 4 mA (2) 5 mA
(1) (2)
eEt 2 E (3) 6 mA (4) 7 mA
44. A silicon transistor amplifier circuit is as shown in
mh h
(3) (4) figure. If the current amplification factor = 100 and
eEt 2 eEt
voltage drop between base and emitter is
38. A radioactive sample S1 having an activity of 5 ci 0.7 V. Then collector emitter voltage VCE is
has double the number of nuclei as of another
sample S2 which has an activity of 10 ci. The half
life of S1 and S2 can be
(1) 20 Years and 5 years respectively
(2) 10 years each
(3) 20 years and 10 years respectively
(4) 5 Years each
(1) 5 V (2) 4.3 V
39. A Zener diode may be used as
(3) 6.3 V (4) 2.7 V
(1) A voltage regulator in forward bias mode
45. On increasing the impurity level, width of depletion
(2) A voltage regulator in reverse bias mode layer
(3) A full wave rectifier (1) Increases (2) Remain same
(4) An oscillator in forward bias mode (3) Decreases (4) Will vanish
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46. The compound which is most reactive towards 49. The pair of compounds which cannot be
nucleophilic addition reaction is distinguished by I2/NaOH is
(1) Acetone and methanol
(2) Ethanol and benzaldehyde
(1) (2) (3) Acetophenone and benzophenone
(4) Acetaldehyde and isopropyl alcohol
50. In the given reaction sequence product C is
(3) (4)
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
57. Which among the following is a thermosetting 66. Fat soluble vitamin among the following is
polymer? (1) Thiamine (2) Riboflavin
(1) PVC (3) Vitamin-D (4) Vitamin-C
(2) Polystyrene 67. Number of chiral carbons present in
(3) Polythene -D-(-)-fructofuranose is
(4) Urea formaldehyde resins (1) 5 (2) 6
58. Consider the following compounds (3) 4 (4) 3
68. The compound which will not give carbylamine
reaction is
(1) Aniline (2) Benzylamine
(3) n-propylamine (4) Triethylamine
69. The product (P) obtained in the following reaction is
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71. Benzylamine and aniline can be chemically 77. Consider the following reaction sequence
distinguished by
(1) Hinsberg’s reagent (2) Br2/water
(3) Dilute H2SO4 (4) CHCl3|KOH|
72. The major product of the given reaction is Major product B is
Major product
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
73. Acetaldehyde when treated with excess methanol in
presence of dry HCl gas then the major product 78. Incorrect statement among the following is
obtained is (1) Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction
(2) Benzenediazonium chloride is a colourless
(1) (2) crystalline solid
(3) Nitration of aniline gives p-nitroaniline as major
(3) (4) product
(4) Benzenediazonium chloride is water insoluble
74. Consider the following compounds
and is stable at room temperature
79. Major product (B) of the given reaction is
(i) (ii) (iii)
The correct order of the ester hydrolysis in alkaline
medium is
(1) (i) > (ii) > (iii) (2) (iii) > (ii) > (i)
(3) (ii) > (i) > (iii) (4) (ii) > (iii) > (i)
75. Consider the following reaction
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
82. Maximum number of enolisable hydrogen present in 86. Consider the following reaction sequence
2-methylcyclohexanone is
(1) 4 (2) 6
(3) 5 (4) 3 Major product B is
83. In the given reaction sequence the major product (1) PhCH2COO–Na+
(C) obtained is
(1) (2)
91. The largest anthropogenic ecosystem are (3) It has very little bio-diversity
(1) Forests (2) Crop fields (4) It shows very little or no primary productivity
(3) Lakes (4) Estuaries 93. Edaphic factor of an ecosystem includes
92. About the ecosystem, like an aquarium, we cannot (1) Humidity of air
say that (2) Physical and chemical properties of soil
(1) It possesses self-regulatory mechanism (3) Slope of earth surface
(2) It show simple food chain (4) Wind and air current at that place
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94. Some organisms show variant food habits at 100. A sugar cube has 10 calories of energy. If this cube
different stages of their life-cycle and thus their is consumed by 10 ants and all these ants is eaten
various stages are placed at different trophic levels. up by an anteater, then what amount of energy is
This feature can be seen in gained by the anteater from these ants?
(1) Butterfly (2) Hydra (1) 1 calory (2) 0.01 calory
(3) Frog (4) Lizard (3) 10 calories (4) 0.1 calory
95. In a forest, stratification is seen. It involves vertical 101. Standing crop is the amount of
subdivisions of vegetations. Which of the following
statements regarding such vegetation is incorrect? (1) All organic and inorganic substances in an
ecosystem per unit area
(1) Top layer is formed by big tress
(2) Organic matter present in crop plants only
(2) Bottom layer includes grasses and herbs
(3) Living material present in different trophic levels
(3) Shrubs form the second layer of the
subdivisions at a given time
(4) Upper most layer is composed of autotrophs (4) Inorganic substances present in soil per unit
only area at a given time
96. How many of the following can be considered as 102. Which of the following ecological pyramids is not
least productive ecosystem? possible for a tree ecosystem?
Tropical rain forest, Desert, Sugarcane field, Coral (1) Inverted pyramid of number
reef, Grassland, Deep sea (2) Upright pyramid of energy
(1) Four (2) Three
(3) Spindle-shaped pyramid of number
(3) One (4) Two
(4) Inverted pyramid of biomass
97. Some of the water-soluble substances present in
103. Regarding the limitations of ecological pyramids,
decomposing detritus go down into the soil horizon
and get precipitated there. This process is called which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
(1) Anabolism (2) Leaching a. It can assume food chain as well as food web.
(3) Fragmentation (4) Humification b. Saprophytes are given a place in the pyramids
but microbes do not
98. All of the following factors increase the rate of
decomposition of detritus, except c. It does not take into account the insectivorous
(1) Temperature more than 45°
(1) a only (2) All a, b , and c
(2) Presence of proteins and nucleic acid in the
detritus (3) a, and b, only (4) b, and c only
(3) Presence of water-soluble carbohydrates in the 104. Pioneer community of hydrarch succession are
(1) Phytoplanktons and zooplanktons
(4) Aerobic conditions
(2) Phytoplanktons and lichens
99. A herbivorous animal in a food chain cannot get the
complete energy that is trapped by the plant on (3) Floating and submerged plants
which the animal feeds. This is because (4) Floating plants and zooplanktons
(1) Energy flow follows the second law of 105. In which of the following areas, when succession
thermodynamics starts, it is said to be primary succession?
(2) Animal does not consume all the parts of a plant (1) Farm lands
(3) Mode of nutrition in animals are different from (2) Burned forests
that of plants
(3) Sand dunes
(4) Energy flow follows the first law of
thermodynamics (4) Lands that have been flooded
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106. According to researchers, out of the total cost of 111. One of the reasons of the richness of biodiversity in
various ecosystem services, the soil formation tropics is
accounts for (1) Frequent glaciations in the past
(1) About 50% (2) About 10% (2) Being more seasonal and less constant
(3) Less than 5% (4) About 6% (3) Being more productive for supporting wide
107. In India, occurrence of different strains of rice is an range of species
example of (4) High temperature and humidity but receiving
(1) Species diversity less solar radiations
(2) Genetic diversity 112. Which of the following graph is showing species
area relationship on logarithmic scale for very large
(3) Ecological diversity
(4) Community diversity
108. More conservative and scientifically sound estimate
for global species diversity is made by Robert May.
According to him the global species diversity is
about (1) (2)
(3) (4)
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115. Since the origin and diversification of life, how many 121. Aerosols are
episodes of mass extinction of species was there on (1) Visible suspension of carbon in air
(2) The vapour chemicals in the form of
(1) Four (2) Five fluorocarbons
(3) Two (4) Three (3) Suspended particles with size more than
116. Select the incorrect match w.r.t. the invasion of 1 m
alien species and the affected organisms.
(4) The allergy causing biological products
(1) Eichhornia –Several terrestrial plants
122. Select the statement which in not true w.r.t.
(2) Nile perch – Cichlid fish electrostatic precipitator.
(3) Lantana – Several plant species in forests (1) Electrodes in the precipitator give positive
(4) African catfish – Catfishes in our rivers charge to the dust particles
117. How many of the following are considered to be (2) It removes over 99% particulate matter present
in exhaust
narrowly utilitarian ecosystem services?
(3) The collecting plates attract the charged dust
Oxygen, Pollination, Food, Firewood, Drugs, Flood
control, Aesthetic pleasure, Industrial products,
Erosion control. (4) It has electrode wires that are maintained at
several thousand volts
(1) Two (2) Five
123. In the scrubbing mechanism, the chemical that is
(3) Four (4) Three
responsible to remove SO2 from the exhaust is
118. Find the odd combination w.r.t. national park and
(1) CaSO4 (2) KOH
concerned animal.
(3) Na2CO3 (4) CaCO3
(1) Tiger – Kanha National Park
124. Green muffler scheme is for reducing a particular
(2) Elephant – Bandipur National Park
type of pollution. The unit used to measure the level
(3) Rhino – Khangchendzonga National Park of this pollution is
(4) Lion – Gir National Park (1) Dobson (2) Pascal
119. In order to control environment pollution, the (3) Decibel (4) ppm
Government of India passed (i) in (ii) to
125. All of the following are the measures taken by the
improve the quality of our environment. Government to reduce pollution caused due to
Select the correct option to fill in the blanks (i) and vehicles, except
(ii). (1) Use of leaded petrol
(i) (ii) (2) Use of low-sulphur petrol and diesel
(1) Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (3) Use of catalytic converters in vehicles
(2) Air (Prevention and control of 1981 (4) Application of stringent pollution level norms for
Pollution) Act vehicles
(3) Indian Forest Act 1927 126. Compound of which of the following elements in the
(4) Euro I norms 2000 atmosphere are the major cause of acid rain?
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
127. Factor(s) that determine the amount of dissolved 132. Which of the following acts reduces the need of
oxygen in water is/are chemical fertilisers?
a. Microorganisms in water (1) Working of EcoSan toilets
b. Temperature of water (2) Working of thermal power plants
c. Non-biodegradable organic matter in water (3) Management of e-wastes
d. Animal wastes in water (4) Incineration
(1) All a, b, c and d (2) a, b and d 133. All of the following are the effects of deforestation,
(3) a and d only (4) d only except
128. Match the following columns and select the correct (1) Increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration
option (2) Loss of biodiversity
(3) Soil erosion
Column-I Column-II
(4) Increase in ground water level
a. Terror of Bengal (i) Excessive
134. CFCs have permanent and continuing affects on
growth of
phytoplankton ozone levels because
(1) CFCs are formed by the natural processes
b. Algal bloom (ii) Detergent
(2) Cl atom of CFC acts as catalyst and is not
c. Thinning of egg shell (iii) DDT consumed in the reaction
(3) CFCs are non-degradable organic compounds
d. Source of phosphate (iv) An aquatic
pollution plant (4) Ozone itself is responsible for the formation of
(1) a(i), b(iv), c(iii), d(ii)
135. The international treaty, known as Montreal
(2) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii) Protocol, was signed to control
(3) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii) (1) The over exploitation of wild-life
(4) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii) (2) The emission of ozone-depleting substances
129. Itai-itai is painful skeletal deformity caused due to (3) The global temperature by limiting the emission
consumption of water and food contaminated with of green house gases
(1) Lead (2) Mercury (4) The climate by reduction in cutting of forest
(3) Arsenic (4) Cadmium trees
130. Select the statement which is not true for 136. A native plasmid is
eutrophication. (1) Autonomously replicating closed circular extra-
(1) It is a natural aging of water body chromosomal DNA
(2) It is due to nutrient enrichment of water (2) Single stranded chromosomal DNA
(3) It results the lowering of the temperature of the (3) Autonomously replicating vital gene coding
water body DNA
(4) It can be due to human activities (4) Antibiotic resistance gene containing
131. Friends of the Arcata Marsh (FOAM) is associated chromosomal DNA
137. Select a palindromic sequence.
(1) Control of thermal water pollution
(1) 5 GAATTC 3 (2) 5 GGATTACC 3
(2) Treatment of water contaminated with disease
causing microbes 3 CTTAAG 5 5 CCTAATGG 3
(3) Integrated waste water treatment (3) 5 GGCCCTA 3 (4) 5 CCTAATGG 3
(4) Integrated pest management 3 CCGGGAT 5 3 CTACTAGG 5
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138. In Eco RI, the letter ‘R’ is derived from the (1) a-(ii), b-(v), c-(ii), d-(i)
(1) Name of the genus (2) a-(i), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(v)
(2) Name of the viral strain (3) a-(v), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(i)
(3) Name of the bacterial strain (4) a-(i), b-(v), c-(iv), d-(iii)
(4) Order of isolation of bacterial strain 142. Bacteriophages have very high copy numbers of
their genome within the bacterial cells because
139. The stickiness of the ends of overhanging
(1) Their replication is linked to replication of
nucleotide stretches facilitates the action of the
chromosomal DNA
enzymes categorised as
(2) Their number per cell is high
(1) Lyases
(3) Of absence of their own ‘ori’ sequence
(2) DNA ligases
(4) Of lack of vital genes
(3) Restriction endonucleases
143. pUC8 offers an advantage over pBR322 which is
(4) DNA polymerases
(1) Presence of ampicillin resistance gene
140. A circular plasmid was taken and subjected to (2) Identification of recombinants requires
restriction digestion with multiple restriction simultaneous plating on two plates having
enzymes. different antibiotics
The resultant mixture was subjected to agarose gel (3) Ability to distinguish between non recombinants
electrophoresis. Observe the figure given below and and recombinants based on production of colour
choose the incorrect statement in presence of chromogenic substrate
(4) Larger size of this plasmid
144. If an alien piece of DNA is inserted at the recognition
sequence of Pvu II in the E. coli cloning vector
pBR322, the recombinants
(1) Will appear blue in color
(2) Become ampicillin sensitive but resistant to
(1) Possibly, completely digested sample is in
(3) Will be ampicillin resistant but tetracycline
lane 4
(2) Largest DNA fragment is closest to the wells (4) Will not replicate within the E.coli host
(3) Undigested DNA sample is in lane 2 145. Which of the following has been disarmed and
(4) Smallest DNA fragment is closest to anode modified into a cloning vector to deliver desirable
genes in animal cells?
141. Match column-I and column-II and choose the
correct option (1) pBR322 (2) Bacteriophage
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
148. Complete the analogy 153. Which of the following is not a component of
Lysozyme : Bacteria :: Chitinase :______ reaction mixture of polymerase chain reaction?
(1) Plant cell (2) Fungus (1) Two sets of small chemically synthesized
oligonucleotides not complementary to regions
(3) Animal cell (4) Protozoan
of DNA called probes
149. In the given fragment of DNA, what will be the best
(2) A thermostable DNA polymerase
choice of enzymes if only gene C is to be isolated
without any flanking sequence? (3) Deoxynucleotides to extend the new DNA
(4) Small amount of DNA to serve as initial template
154. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. Eco RI
(1) Its an endonuclease that breaks sugar-
(1) Double digestion with Pst I and Sal I phosphate backbone of ds DNA
(2) Single digestion with Hind III (2) Its an endonuclease that breaks phosphodiester
(3) Single digestion with Pst I bonds of a DNA molecule
(4) Double digestion with Hind III and Sal I (3) Its an exonuclease that cleaves
150. Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens is monophosphoester bonds
disarmed by (4) Its a nuclease that recognizes specific
(1) Insertional inactivation of -galactosidase gene palindromic sequence
(2) Insertional inactivation of antibiotic resistance 155. Alkaline phosphatase is employed in genetic
gene engineering as it helps to
(3) Replacing MCS from the Ti plasmid with new (1) Remove terminal 3 OH groups of a linear vector
(2) Remove single phosphate groups from 5 end of
(4) Replacement of ‘T-DNA’ with our gene of a linear DNA molecules
(3) Add nucleotides at the 3 OH group of
circularised DNA
(4) Add single phosphate group at 5 end of
linearised DNA
151. 156. The number of segments of amplified DNA obtained
after 8 cycles of PCR is
(1) 128 (2) 64
(3) 512 (4) 256
In the cloning vector pBR322 given above, the
157. Continuous culture system differs from batch
restriction site marked 'X' is possibly
fermentation because
(1) Pvu I (2) Pst I
(1) In latter, set up conditions can be changed from
(3) Pvu II (4) Sal I outside once fermentation starts
152. While isolating genomic DNA, purified DNA can be
(2) In former, no more nutrients are added to the
ultimately precipitated out by the addition of
bioreactor after fermentation has started
(1) Proteases
(3) In former, the cells are maintained in their
(2) Ribonucleases physiologically most active exponential phase
(3) Chilled ethanol (4) In latter, the cells are maintained in their most
(4) Calcium chloride active lag phase of growth
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158. The term given to the stages after fermentation in a 164. All of the following are true for genetically modified
bioreactor when the desired product is separated, plants except
and purified is (1) Helped to reduce post harvest losses
(1) Biosynthetic stage (2) Reduced efficiency of mineral usage
(2) Downstream processing (3) Reduced reliance on chemical pesticides
(3) Protein amplification (4) Enhanced nutritional value of food
(4) Elution 165. ‘Bt’ in ‘Bt’ cotton refers to
159. Simple stirred tank bioreactor can be distinguished (1) Biopesticide transgene
from sparged stirred tank bioreactor based on the (2) -carotene transgene
(1) Absence of pH control system (3) Bacillus thuringiensis
(2) Presence of sampling ports (4) Bacterial toxin
(3) Absence of sparged sterile air bubbles 166. Select the correct statement w.r.t. Bt toxin.
(4) Presence of stirrer that facilitates even oxygen (1) The toxin gets activated in the cytoplasm of the
availability bacteria
160. Method of introducing gene of interest/ foreign DNA (2) The target insect ingests the activated toxin
directly into the nucleus of preferably an animal cell from the plant
is (3) The protoxin is inactive and gets activated in the
(1) Heat shock method (2) Biolistics alkaline pH of insect gut
(3) Microinjection (4) Gene gun (4) The protoxin is active and attacks the insect gut
161. One can see bright A coloured bands of DNA when pH is acidic
167. The protein encoded by gene cry/Ac controls
in B stained agarose gel exposed to UV light.
(1) Corn borer (2) Cotton bollworm
Choose the option that fill the blanks correctly
(3) Nematodes (4) Limulus
168. Deficiency of vitamin A and iron can be cured by
(1) Pink Methylene blue consuming which biofortified crop?
(2) Orange Ethidium bromide (1) Canola (2) Flavr Savr tomato
(3) Blue X-gal (3) Golden rice (4) Native Basmati rice
(4) Yellow Gram 169. The strategy adopted to prevent the infestation of
162. Agarose is a natural polymer extracted from nematode that infects tobacco plants is
(1) Fungus (2) Bacteria (1) RAPD
(3) Sea weeds (4) Protozoan (2) RNA interference
163. Read the following statements carefully (3) SDS-PAGE
Statement-A : The native (wild type) E.coli cells do (4) RFLP
not carry resistance against any antibiotics 170. Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t. RNA
Statement-B : Lac Z gene in pBR322 is considered interference
as useful selectable marker for E.coli (1) Its a naturally occuring mechanism that leads to
Choose the correct option post transcriptional silencing of genes
(2) It takes places in all eukaryotic organisms
(1) Both statements are incorrect
(3) It involves silencing of specific tRNA using
(2) Both statements are correct
complementary ss RNA
(3) Only statement A is correct
(4) The source of complementary RNA could be
(4) Only statement B is correct viruses having RNA genome or transposons
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-4 (Code-A)
Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
Test Booklet Code A
Test No. 3
National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET)
Test-3 (Code-A)_(Answers) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
TEST - 3 (Code-A)
Test Date : 08/11/2020
1. (3) 37. (1) 73. (2) 109. (1) 145. (2)
2. (4) 38. (2) 74. (4) 110. (2) 146. (3)
3. (1) 39. (4) 75. (1) 111. (3) 147. (2)
4. (4) 40. (3) 76. (2) 112. (2) 148. (1)
5. (2) 41. (2) 77. (3) 113. (2) 149. (3)
6. (1) 42. (1) 78. (4) 114. (2) 150. (2)
7. (3) 43. (4) 79. (3) 115. (1) 151. (2)
8. (1) 44. (1) 80. (1) 116. (3) 152. (1)
9. (3) 45. (3) 81. (3) 117. (4) 153. (4)
10. (2) 46. (1) 82. (3) 118. (2) 154. (3)
11. (4) 47. (3) 83. (1) 119. (2) 155. (2)
12. (3) 48. (3) 84. (3) 120. (4) 156. (1)
13. (2) 49. (3) 85. (3) 121. (1) 157. (4)
14. (2) 50. (4) 86. (3) 122. (1) 158. (3)
15. (1) 51. (4) 87. (2) 123. (4) 159. (2)
16. (4) 52. (2) 88. (4) 124. (1) 160. (2)
17. (4) 53. (4) 89. (3) 125. (2) 161. (3)
18. (3) 54. (1) 90. (2) 126. (3) 162. (1)
19. (4) 55. (3) 91. (1) 127. (1) 163. (2)
20. (2) 56. (1) 92. (3) 128. (1) 164. (2)
21. (2) 57. (3) 93. (2) 129. (1) 165. (3)
22. (4) 58. (1) 94. (1) 130. (1) 166. (1)
23. (4) 59. (1) 95. (1) 131. (1) 167. (4)
24. (1) 60. (4) 96. (2) 132. (2) 168. (2)
25. (2) 61. (3) 97. (4) 133. (1) 169. (4)
26. (3) 62. (2) 98. (2) 134. (3) 170. (1)
27. (1) 63. (2) 99. (4) 135. (1) 171. (4)
28. (4) 64. (3) 100. (1) 136. (4) 172. (3)
29. (2) 65. (3) 101. (4) 137. (1) 173. (1)
30. (1) 66. (2) 102. (1) 138. (2) 174. (3)
31. (3) 67. (1) 103. (2) 139. (3) Delete 175. (1)
32. (1) 68. (4) 104. (1) 140. (3) 176. (1)
33. (1) 69. (3) 105. (2) 141. (4) 177. (2)
34. (2) 70. (3) 106. (3) 142. (2) 178. (2)
35. (4) 71. (3) 107. (4) 143. (1) 179. (2)
36. (3) 72. (4) 108. (4) 144. (1) 180. (1)
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
= 25.5
Sol. : Vp 20V
dt Z 502 (25.5)2 56.12
Ns 4000 2
Vs .Vp 20 800V Vrms 144 50
Np 100 Pavg 2
.R 2.286 W
Z (3150.25)
4. Answer (4) Energy dissipated per second
Resonant frequency = Pavg × 1 2.3 J
Hint : Q =
Band width
9. Answer (3)
rL 2
Sol. : Q r r 1
R R Hint : Z R 2
1 1 Sol. : For 1st term i1 =
Also rL = Q Z1
r C r RC
1 1 L For 2nd term i2 =
And r = Q Z2
5. Answer (2) 1
where Z1 R 2
Hint : Pavg = Vrms irms cos 100C
100 100 1
Sol. : Pavg = cos Z2 R 2
2 2 6
2500 3 W As Z1 > Z2 i1 < i2
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
6 cm + happ = 15 cm
happ = 9 cm
12 cm
= 9 cm
If SP1 = SP2 = f 12 4
Then P1P2 = 2f 9 3
d = 2f = 1.33
26. Answer (3)
1 1 1 1
Hint :
f f1 f2 f3
1 1 1 1
Sol. : …(1)
15 f1 f2 f3
tan c =
r 3
2 7
1 1 1
22 36 1.8 1
A .r 2
16.16 m 2 f2 30 30
7 7
28. Answer (4) 1.6
1 v
Hint : sin c = 1 1 1
c (1.5 1)
f3 30
12 1
Sol. : sin c = 30ns
0.6 18 60
2ns 1 1 1 1 1 1.6 1
2 f f1 f2 f3 60 30 60
sin c =
1 3.2 1 1.2
2 1 60 60
c = sin
f = 50 cm
29. Answer (2) 31. Answer (3)
1 1 1 Hint : For normal adjustment
Hint :
f v u v D
Sol. : m 0 and L v 0 fe
u0 fe
1 1 1
Sol. :
v 0 u0 f0
1 1 1
v 0 2.4 2
1 1 1 65
From the symmetry v 0 2 2.4 12
For 1st position of lens v0 = 12 cm
u = –45 cm, v = 90 cm
v0 D 12 25
1 1 1 3 m 25
u0 fe 2.4 5
f 90 45 90
f = 30 cm L = v0 + fe = 12 + 5 = 17 cm
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
46. Answer (1) Sol. :
Hint : Species which involve d-d transition 8MnO 4 H2O 3S2O32 8MnO2 6SO24 2OH
generally show colour.
Sol. : Sc3+ : [Ar] 3d0, no d-d transition 51. Answer (4)
Mn3+ : Violet, Cr2+ : Blue, Fe2+ : green Hint : Magnetic moment = n(n 2) BM
47. Answer (3) (Where n : number of unpaired electrons)
Hint : Due to presence of stable half filled
d-subshell configuration Mn has weak metallic Sol. : Mn2+ : 3d5
bonding hence melting point is low.
48. Answer (3) Magnetic moment = 57 35 BM
Hint : On moving left to right in 3d series density 52. Answer (2)
of element generally increase. Hint : K2Cr2O7 oxidize H2S into S, in acidic
Sol. : Sc < Ti < V < Ni medium and converts itself into Cr3+
49. Answer (3) Sol. : K2Cr2O7 + H2S Cr3+ + S
Hint : Tb : [Xe]4f 9 6s2
Equivalent(s) of K2 Cr2O7 = Equivalent(s) of H2S
50. Answer (4)
Mole of K2Cr2O7× 6 = 0.2 × 2
Hint : MnO4 can act as oxidizing agent and
0.2 2 1
converted into MnO2 in neutral or faintly alkaline Mole of K 2Cr2O7 0.067 mol
3 30 15
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
55. Answer (3) Sol. : Ni2+ ion contains two unpaired electrons
Hint : Mischmetal contains around 95% lanthanoid Magnetic moment = 2(2 2) 8 BM
metal and around 5% iron and traces of S, C, Ca 63. Answer (2)
and Al
Hint : Higher is the negative charge on metal,
56. Answer (1) more is the back donation, larger is the bond
Hint : Zn2+ = [Ar]3d10 4s0 and Br– is a weak field length and lesser will be the bond order of C – O
ligand. bond
Sol. : Bond order of C–O will be maximum in
64. Answer (3)
Hint : [Ni(en)2Cl2] shows G. I. In which cis is
57. Answer (3) optically active while trans is optically inactive
Hint : bpy is a bidented neutral ligand and ox is a Sol. : [Pt (NH3)2Cl2] shows G. I.
bidented anionic ligand.
[Pd(NH3)3Cl]Br does not show G. I. or O. I.
Sol. : x + 2(0) + 0 + 1(–2) + (–2) = 0
[Co(NH3)2(H2O)2ClBr] I shows both G. I. and O. I.
x = +4
65. Answer (3)
58. Answer (1)
Hint : Ionization isomers can be formed by
exchange of anions from one sphere to another.
Sol. :
Hint :
Sol. :
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
Sol. : (major)
81. Answer (3)
Hint : Phenol and its derivatives are generally
87. Answer (2)
more acidic than aliphatic alcohol
Sol. : CH3CH2OH (pka = 15.9), Phenol (pka = 10),
o – cresol (pka = 10.2)
Hint :
m-nitrophenol (pka = 8.3)
82. Answer (3)
Electrophile is CO2
Hint : In Tertiary alcohol turbidity is produced
immediately on reaction with Lucas reagent. 88. Answer (4)
Sol. :
Sol. :
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
91. Answer (1) hybridisation among selected parents. In this step,
a cross is made between two genetically diverse
Hint : Recovery of healthy plants from the
parents to obtain a progeny with desired superior
diseased plants is possible by meristem culture.
Sol. : Virus free clones of plants can be obtained
96. Answer (2)
through meristem culture because meristem
(apical and axillary) is free of viruses due to high Hint : By application of tissue culture it is possible
concentration of auxin and rapid rate of cell to achieve propagation of large number of plants
division. in very short duration.
Sol. : SCP is not only obtained from unicellular Sol. : Wheat variety Atlas-66 with high protein
micro-organisms but also from multicellular content has been used as a donor for improving
organisms. cultivated wheat.
Hint : Somatic hybridisation is the fusion of Hint : Mutation breeding induces mutations in
protoplast of two plants belonging to different plants to develop improved varieties.
varieties, species and even genera. Sol. : High-yielding Mexican wheat were originally
Sol. : During somatic hybridisation, the cells are red-grained
first treated with pectinase and cellulase for Mexican wheat Improved variety
protoplast preparation then the naked protoplasts
1. Sonora-64 Sharbati Sonora
are fused by electrofusion or chemofusion
(through sodium nitrate or PEG). It results in 2. Lerma Rojo-64 Pusa Lerma
somatic hybrid. IAA and kinetin are 99. Answer (4)
Hint : In conventional breeding, crop-varieties are
94. Answer (1) breed by hybridisation and selection for resistance
Hint : Micro-organism are explored for obtaining to several fungi, bacteria and viral agents.
SCP and, SCP is alternate source of proteins for Sol. : Pusa Swarnim (Karan Rai) is a variety of
animals and human nutrition. Brassica and is resistant to white rust.
Sol. : Blue green algae (Cyanobacteria) Spirulina 100. Answer (1)
are grown in large quantities and these serve as
Sol. : Pusa Sawani bred by hybridisation and
food rich in protein, minerals, fats, carbohydrate
selection for shoot and fruit borer is a variety of
and vitamins.
Okra (Bhindi). While, Pusa sem 2 and Pusa sem 3
95. Answer (1) bred by hybridisation and selection for Jassids,
Hint : Cross-hybridisation among selected parents aphids and fruit borer are varieties of flat bean.
is one of the main steps required in plant breeding 101. Answer (4)
Hint : Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),
Sol. : Plant breeding programme is employed to New Delhi, has developed many vegetable crops
develop new varieties of crop which includes cross that are rich in mineral and vitamins.
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
iii. Selection and evaluation of hybrids. Hint : Dosa and idli are the fermented preparations
of rice and black gram, prepared by using bacteria.
iv. Testing and release of new varieties.
Sol. : Microbes used in such preparations are –
103. Answer (2)
Leuconostoc and Streptococcus species of
Sol. : Saccharum officinarum (noble sugarcane) bacteria.
had higher sugar content. Rest of other options are
correct. 110. Answer (2)
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
124. Answer (1) Sol. : The age pyramid appears like a triangle in
which the population has a very high proportion of
Hint : Birth rate can be calculated by following
pre-reproductive individuals, the population size
will expand with time. Such population shows a
N positive growth.
Birth rate =
N t
10 10
Birth rate 0.2 offspring per fish 129. Answer (1)
50 1 50
per year. Hint : The salt concentration (measured as salinity
in parts per thousand) for water bodies.
125. Answer (2)
Sol. :
Hint : Altitude sickness is the physiological
attribute of an organism that enables the organism
Water Salinity (Parts per thousand)
to survive in its habitat.
Sol. : During altitude sickness, body increases
RBCs production. Inland water <5
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
Sol. : Competition can be represented by (–, –). Hint : Mind influences on our health and immune
Hence, it is a type of interaction in which both of system.
the species are negatively affected. Sol. : Mind influences through neural and
134. Answer (3) endocrine system on our immune system and thus
mental status influences our health.
Hint : Lichens show mutualism.
140. Answer (3)
Sol. : Lichens is a mutualistic relationship between
a fungus and photosynthesizing green algae or Hint : Cyanosis is present in pneumonia due to
cyanobacteria. Algae (Phycobiont) produces food accumulation of CO2 in blood.
through photosynthesis and fungi (mycobiont) Sol. : In severe cases of pneumonia, the lips and
absorbs nutrient from soil. finger nails may turn gray to bluish in colour.
135. Answer (1) 141. Answer (4)
Hint : Some organisms avoid the stress by over- Hint : Aedes mosquito is a vector.
Sol. : Both chikungunya and dengue are viral
Sol. : Bear escapes in time during winter by a diseases transmitted by female Aedes agypti
process called hibernation (over-wintering) mosquito. Elephantiasis is caused by a
whereas, snails, and fishes escape in time by roundworm and malaria is caused by a protozoan.
another mechanism called aestivation (over Yellow fever is also a viral disease transmitted by
summer). Aedes mosquito.
136. Answer (4) 142. Answer (2)
Hint : BCG vaccine is used for this disease. Hint : Occurrence of disease is called
Sol. : Tuberculosis is a bacterial disease caused pathogenesis
by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Measles, chicken Sol. : Allergy causing agents are termed as
pox and rabies are viral diseases. allergens. Any foreign substance which can
137. Answer (1) activate immune response of the body is called
antigen. Interferons are antiviral proteins which
Hint : Discoverer of blood circulation. prevent multiplication of viruses.
Sol. : William Harvey discovered blood circulation 143. Answer (1)
and demonstrated normal body temperature in
person with black bile using thermometer Hint : Disease characterised by loss of memory
disproved the ‘Good humor’ hypothesis of health. Sol. : Parkinson’s disease is caused due to
Karl Landsteiner discovered blood groups and degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in basal
Louis Pasteur disproved theory of abiogenesis. ganglia and is characterised by muscular tremors.
Mary Mallon is related with typhoid. Huntington chorea is due to degeneration of
GABA secreting neurons in corpus striatum and
138. Answer (2)
cholinergic neurons of other parts. Myasthenia
Hint : AIDS is an example to it. gravis is autoimmune disease caused due to
Sol. : Diseases which are not easily transmitted damaging of acetylcholine receptors at
from one person to another are called non- neuromuscular junction.
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
Sol. : Antigen binding site is formed by both light 159. Answer (2)
and heavy chains and present towards Hint: Connecting link between endocrine and
N-terminal. immune system
154. Answer (3) Sol.: Thymus is a bilobed endocrine gland as well
Hint : Smallest antibody as lymphoid organ of the body situated dorsal to
breast bone/sternum. Lymph nodes trap any
Sol. : IgG are smallest antibodies present in our
foreign harmful substances e.g Antigens.
body in maximum amount and are responsible for
secondary immune response of the body. Ig M is 160. Answer (2)
largest antibody. Being smallest in size, Ig G Hint : Immunosuppressive drugs are used to
antibodies easily cross placenta to reach foetus prevent graft rejection.
during pregnancy.
Sol. : Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressive drug
155. Answer (2) which is used to prevent graft rejection. Grafted
Hint : Absorption of water is facilitated with tissues contain antigens which activates immune
absorption of Na+. system of the body, specially T-lymphocytes
which are responsible for damaging of grafted
Sol. : Cholera disease is characterised by loss of
water and minerals due to frequent diarrhoea. Na+
absorption increases osmotic pressure and 161. Answer (3)
creates osmotic gradient for absorption of water Hint : These cells are also known as platelets
as well as glucose and amino acids to maintain
blood volume and blood pressure. Sol. : Platelets synthesize certain factor for blood
clotting but they are not involved in immune
156. Answer (1)
system of the body.
Hint : Autoantigens are RBCs.
162. Answer (1)
Sol. : Pernicious anaemia is an autoimmune
Hint : It is prepared by recombinant DNA
disease. Genital warts is an STI. Swine flu and
rabies are viral diseases.
Sol. : Hepatitis B vaccine is a second generation
157. Answer (4)
vaccine prepared by recombinant DNA
Hint : Histamine is a potent vasodilator. technology using yeast. It induces active immunity
Sol. : The exaggerated response of immune and is given to persons above age of 14 years.
system to certain antigens present in atmosphere 163. Answer (2)
is called allergy. Eosinophils and IgE antibodies
Hint : Tissue present in defence organs of the
are increased during allergy. Histamine is not
used as a drug to prevent allergy.
Sol. : MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue)
158. Answer (3)
is associated with mucosa of digestive, respiratory
Hint : The primary lymphoid organs. and excretory tracts and constitute about 50% of
Sol. : The organs where immature lymphocytes total lymphoid tissue. Blood is fluid connective
differentiate into antigen sensitive lymphocytes tissue. MALT is not associated with neural tissue.
are known as primary lymphoid organs eg. Connective tissue is specialized to form lymphoid
Thymus and bone marrow. After maturation the tissue.
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All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)
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Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) All India Aakash Test Series for NEET-2021
Hint : Cannabis sativa is not a fungus. Hint : Period which starts after puberty.
Sol. : Amanita muscaria is a poisonous fungus Sol. : Adolescence period is bridge linking
having hallucinogens. Morchella is edible sac between childhood and adulthood and comes
between 12-18 years of age.
fungi. Datura, Atropa are hallucinogenic
angiosperms. 178. Answer (2)
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