Concept+Strengthening+Sheet+ (CSS 02) +Based+on+AIATS 02+TYM+PCBZ
Concept+Strengthening+Sheet+ (CSS 02) +Based+on+AIATS 02+TYM+PCBZ
Concept+Strengthening+Sheet+ (CSS 02) +Based+on+AIATS 02+TYM+PCBZ
(3) h (4) 2 h
Practice Questions:
1. The co-ordinates of a particle moving in x-y
plane vary with time as per the following
Practice Questions:
CSS-02 Physics
1. There are two particles in motion A and B, A is 2. A particle is moving in such a way that relation
on x-axis and B is on y-axis, as shown in the between its x and y co-ordinates is given as x2
diagram given below + y2 = 5, then particle is in
(1) Parabolic path (2) Elliptical path
(3) Circular path (4) Hyperbolic path
3. A particle having position vector on x-y plane
given by r 4sin tiˆ 4cos tjˆ , then the
maximum displacement of the particle during its
motion will be
(1) 4 (2) 2
(3) 8 (4) 6
then the minimum distance between the two will AIATS-02 (TYM)-Q. 01
be Topic: Constraint Relation
(1) 0 (2) 2 A ladder rests against a smooth vertical wall as
(3) 1 (4) 3 shown in figure. The floor is also smooth. Mass
of ladder is 50 kg. If lower end A is moving with
2. There are two particles A and B, A is on x-axis velocity v horizontally, then the vertical velocity
and B is on y-axis as shown in the diagram of upper end B at this instant is
given below
Practice Questions:
1. A particle having position vector on x-y plane
give as r cos tiˆ + sintjˆ , where is
constant, then particle is in (1) v0 (2) v0 sin
(1) Circular path (2) Straight line path (3) v0 tan (4) v0 cot
(3) Hyperbolic path (4) Elliptical path 2. A rigid rod is placed on a horizontal floor and at
any instant, velocities of its two end points are
shown in figure. Relation between angles and
should be
CSS-02 Physics
(1) Zero (2) 2v 0 sin
(1) cos = 2cos (2) cos = cos
(3) 2v 0 (4) 2v 0 sin
(3) 2cos = cos (4) sin = 2sin
3. One end of a rod is attached to a horizontal wire 2. A point object is moving on a circular path with
where it can move freely along the wire. At any constant speed v0. The magnitude of change in
instant one end of rod has velocity 5 m/s as velocity when particle covers angle as shown
shown in the figure, then speed v0 of other end is
of rod will be
(1) Zero (2) 2v 0 sin
(1) 5 m/s (2) 10 m/s (3) 2v 0 (4) 2v 0 sin
(3) 2.5 m/s (4) 6 m/s 3. A particle is moving on a circular path of radius
AIATS-02 (TYM)-Q. 13 20 cm with constant speed 3 m/s. The
Topic: Circular Motion respective values of | v | and | v | when it
A particle of mass 5 kg is moving in circular path moves from A to B will be
with constant speed of 30 m/s. The change in
magnitude of velocity when particle travels from
A to B will be
CSS-02 Physics
CSS-02 Physics
CSS-02 Physics
Based on
TYM Based on
CSS-02 Botany
Practice Questions:
1. Which of the following fungi causes white spots
on mustard leaves?
(1) Pythium
(2) Saprolegnia
Practice Questions:
(3) Phytophthora
1. Which of the following is a complete parasitic
plant? (4) Albugo
(1) Venus fly trap (2) Pitcher plant 2. Albugo candida belongs to class
(3) Cuscuta (4) Bladderwort (1) Phycomycetes
2. Insectivorous plants are (2) Ascomycetes
(1) Completely autotrophic (3) Basidiomycetes
(2) Completely parasitic (4) Deuteromycetes
(3) Partially heterotrophic 3. All of the following fungal groups shows septate
hyphae, except
(4) Partially parasitic
(1) Phycomycetes (2) Ascomycetes
3. Alternation of generations is a characteristic
feature of (3) Basidiomycetes (4) Deuteromycetes
(1) All animals 4. In which of the following pairs of fungal groups,
an intervening dikaryotic stage can be
(2) Kingdom Plantae observed?
(3) Fungi only (1) Phycomycetes and Basidiomycetes
(4) Algae only (2) Phycomycetes and Deuteromycetes
4. Cellulosic cell wall is found in (3) Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes
(1) Protozoans (4) Deuteromycetes and Ascomycetes
(2) All plants 5. Which of the following is parasitic fungi on
(3) Most of the fungi mustard?
(4) Unicellular organisms only (1) Rhizopus
(2) Albugo
AIATS-02 (TYM)-Q.117 (3) Mucor
Topic: Biological Classification: Kingdom - Fungi (4) Agaricus
The fungus responsible for forming white spots
on mustard leaves AIATS-02 (TYM)– Q.133
a. Belongs to class Phycomycetes
Topic: Biological Classification : Viruses, Viroids
b. Is a parasite and Lichens
c. Has septate hyphae Which of the given features of prions is similar
d. Has short dikaryophase to viruses?
Choose the incorrect one(s). (1) Genetic material type
(2) Size
(1) c only (2) b and c
(3) Type of infectious material
(3) c and d only (4) a, c and d
(4) Type of capsomeres
CSS-02 Botany
Practice Questions:
1. Which infectious agents consist of abnormally
folded proteins and cause neurological Practice Questions:
1. Which among the following is photoautotroph in
(1) Viroids
the presence of sunlight?
(2) Viruses
(1) Paramoecium
(3) Prions
(2) Rhizobium
(4) Bacteriophage
(3) Euglena
2. The genetic material of virus is
(4) Slime moulds
(1) Only DNA
2. Chlorophyll ‘a’ and chlorophyll ‘b’ pigments are
(2) Either RNA or DNA present in all, except
(3) Only RNA (1) Euglenoids
(4) Protein (2) Pteridophytes
3. Which among the following pairs of structures (3) Angiosperms
lack protein coat, i.e., capsid?
(4) Members of Phycomycetes
(1) Bacteriophage and TMV
3. Cyanobacteria shows similarity with Euglena in
(2) Virus and Virusoids having
(3) Virus and Prions (1) Chlorophyll a
(4) Prions and Viroids (2) Chlorophyll b
4. Which among the following diseases is not (3) Cellulosic cell wall
caused by virus?
(4) Nucleus
(1) AIDS in human
4. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
(2) Mosaic formation in plants
(1) Chlorobium has bacteriochlorophyll
(3) Mad cow disease in cattle
(2) The characteristic photosynthetic pigments
(4) Influenza in humans
in Anabaena are chlorophyll a and
AIATS-02 (TYM)– Q.109 (3) Cyanobacteria and Euglena both are
Topic: Biological Classification : Kingdom - photoautotrophic
Protista (4) Nitrococcus utilises light as energy source
Organisms that have pigments identical to
those present in higher plants is
CSS-02 Botany
Based on
TYM Based on
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
Among the above compounds, how many show
intramolecular hydrogen bonding?
(1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 5 (4) 3
AIATS-02 (TYM), Q.76
Topic: Hybridisation
Maximum number of atoms that lie in a plane in
PCl5 is
(1) 6 (2) 3
Practice Questions:
(3) 4 (4) 5
1. The correct order of strength of H-bond in the
following compounds is
(1) HF > H2O > NH3
(2) H2O > HF > NH3
(3) NH3 > H2O > HF
(4) HF > NH3 > H2O
2. Which among the following involves
intramolecular hydrogen bonding?
Practice Questions:
1. Maximum number of atoms that lie in plane in
0XeF4 is
(1) (2) (1) 2 (2) 5
(3) 4 (4) 3
2. Maximum number of atoms that lie in a plane in
XeO3 is
(1) 4 (2) 1
(3) (4) (3) 2 (4) 3
3. Maximum coplanar atoms in toluene is
(1) 12 (2) 13
(3) 14 (4) 11
CSS-02 Chemistry
Practice Questions:
1. The compound which is non-planar in shape is
(1) NH3 (2) XeF4
(3) BF3 (4) SO3
2. The compound which is non-planar in shape is
(1) ClF3 (2) [XeF5]–
(3) SF4 (4) [XeF3]+
3. The hybridization of nitrogen atom in aniline is Practice Questions:
(1) sp3 (2) sp2
1. Consider the given statements and choose the
(3) sp (4) dsp2
correct option.
AIATS-02 (TYM), Q.60
Topic: Bond Parameters Statement I: First ionisation enthalpy of boron
Correct order of bond length for the given bonds is higher than that of beryllium.
is Statement II: More energy is needed to remove
(1) C–C > C–N > N–O an electron from the valence shell of beryllium
(2) N–O > C–N > C–C atom in its isolated gaseous state.
(3) C–C > N–O > C–N
(1) Both the statements are correct
(4) N–O > C–C > C–N
(2) Both the statements are incorrect
(3) Statement I is correct and statement II is
(4) Statement I is incorrect and statement II is
2. Match the following columns and choose the
correct option.
Practice Questions:
Column-I Column-II
1. What will be the correct bond length order of (Elements) (First Ionisation
Cl – O bond among the following? Enthalpy)
(1) ClO– > ClO2– ClO3– ClO4– a. – Neon (i) 520 kJmol-1
(2) ClO4– > ClO3– ClO2– ClO– b. – Nitrogen (ii) 1314 kJmol-1
CSS-02 Chemistry
CSS-02 Chemistry
Based on
CSS-02 Zoology
TYM Based on
CSS-02 Zoology
CSS-02 Zoology
Practice Questions:
AIATS-02 (TYM)-Q.184
Topic: Pulmonary/Respiratory Volumes and
Capacities 1. Certain _______ coming in contact with the
184. The total volume of air a person can expire after mucosa of mouth and lower side of the tongue
are absorbed into the blood capillaries lining
a normal inspiration is
(1) TV + IRV + ERV (2) TV only Select the option that correctly fills the blank.
(3) TV + IRV (4) 15TV + ERV (1) Fatty acids
(2) Drugs
(3) Amino acids
(4) Sugars
2. Principal organ for absorption of nutrients is
(1) Mouth (2) Stomach
(3) Small intestine (4) Large intestine
Practice Questions: 3. How many of the given products of digestion are
absorbed through the intestinal mucosa into the
1. Total volume of air a person can expire after a blood stream?
normal inspiration is
CSS-02 Zoology
CSS-02 Zoology
TYM Based on