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First version March 1988

Current version April 2000

This report was stimulated by the need of many students who either are required, or
who wish to write, reports, projects, papers or theses in Mathematics, Statistics and related
subjects. My experience ranges from assisting my own children to do projects for school
competitions, supervising university students with honours year projects and higher
degrees, and writing my own research reports, papers and books. I hope this report will be
especially useful to students doing a project as part of their honours degree. Please let me
know of any errors, omissions, advice with which you disagree, and any other difficulties.
As well as what the body of this report says, the reader should look at what it
demonstrates. So far you have encountered a title page, deliberately brief and to the point,
with the title and author clearly shown. Now you are reading an informal and in some
circumstances, unnecessary, preface. It should contain a brief statement of the motivation,
aims and outline. Include any acknowledgements to people who have assisted with
technical advice (such as how to do something, or where to look for information) and
encouragement. In published material other acknowledgements will have to be made for
copyright and other reasons.
Even in relatively short reports, a list of contents is a good idea. It helps the reader to
see the structure of the whole work, to relate each part to every other part. Then the main
body of the report follows. This is made up of chapters, each with clearly titled sections
and possibly sub-sections. This may sound too grand for what you have in mind, but even
in something shorter, there is a strong parallel. The chapters may really only be sections
and the sections only paragraphs, but each should have an obvious purpose. At the end,
list together in the References any books or articles you have referred to in the text. The
interested reader may wish to read further, or check some of your assertions.
This then is the structure of a typical report. How a report relates to a project will be
clarified in section 1.1. The structure described can be modified to apply to other
presentations. How to write reports is not a trivial matter. Substantial books have been
written on the subject and you may wish to read some of them. Check the university and
town libraries, the bookshop, and staff from the School of Mathematics and Applied
Statistics. The Annotated Bibliography that concludes this report is a good place to start.
At this point, the aim is to give some helpful advice that can be read in at most a couple of
hours and referred to as the need arises.
I would like to record my thanks to Allyson Seyb for assistance in researching and
writing an initial version of this report. Also a grant made by the Otago University
Research Committee is gratefully acknowledged. Carol Rayner researched and wrote the
Annotated Bibliography, and read and constructively advised on various drafts of this
John Rayner

1 Coverage
1.1 Projects, reports, theses and papers 1
1.2 Common threads 1
1.3 How are Mathematics and Statistics reports different? 2

2 Planning
2.1 Broad planning 4
2.2 Supervision 4
2.3 Topic selection 5
2.4 A specific plan 6

3 Other Requirements
3.1 Statement of aims and objectives, interim report 8
3.2 Oral presentations 8

4 Assessment
4.1 Know the assessment criteria 10
4.2 Possible criteria 10

5 Writing and Presentation

5.1 Begin at the end 12
5.2 Broad writing objectives 13
5.3 Specific writing objectives 13

6 Conclusion
6.1 Finale 15

References Books 16
Annotated Bibliography 17

1.1 Projects, reports, theses and papers

No matter who you are or what you do, communication affects how well you get on
with other people, how successful you are in the variety of things you try to do, and how
you feel about yourself. When word of mouth is not possible or not precise enough,
written reports are the way professionals communicate with each other. The information
should be presented accurately but also so that it can be absorbed relatively easily.
By papers I mean reports that are published, sometimes in international journals,
with the aim of keeping experts up to date with the latest developments in an area.
Because space is relatively expensive in publications, papers tend to be more concise than
reports. Fewer diagrams and figures are presented because words are used if at all
possible, since they take less space, and hence cost less.
Theses lie between reports and papers. They are not published and can therefore give
more detail. Theses are usually presented for the award of higher degrees at universities;
they make original contributions at a high technical level.
A project may include a report. The information may be presented using a variety of
devices, such as posters, videos and models, possibly augmented by a written report. The
informal projects of the early school years become more formal throughout school, and
these are the preparation that some of us undergo before writing reports for higher rewards
in business and education.
Most readers will be reading this with a specific objective in mind, and will know the
sort of document they want to achieve. For those others, be aware that different forms are
appropriate for different objectives. Know what you're trying to do, and be inventive in
how you do it. For example, if a computer program is a necessary part of what you must
do, why not demonstrate it interactively to your assessors? The impact may be much
greater. In all cases visualize the finished product. Is it what you want?

1.2 Common threads

What do projects, reports, theses and papers have in common that can sensibly be
discussed together? Looking at the Contents headings will give a brief indication. All
involve related problems of supervision, access to information, keeping objectives in mind,
knowing how to present the information and achieving the best possible results.
No matter why you are reading this, what you discover here and in seeing your work
through to completion will assist you with future presentations.
1.3 How are Mathematics and Statistics reports different?

In several respects Mathematics and Statistics reports are not different from reports
in other areas. In all areas good supervision is invaluable. Adequate planning, clear
writing and sensible presentation are very important.
However, some things are different.
(i) Often there is very little appropriate reference material. It may not be at your library, it
may be in a foreign language or it may be at the wrong level: either too simple to be
worthwhile, or too difficult to understand.
(ii) In the sciences in particular, much of the information is best presented in equations or
symbols that must be motivated and defined. There are also problems with both their
expression and presentation. For example, which is the better presentation for the sine

a/sin A = b/sin B = c/sin C, (1)


a b c
= = ? (2)
sin A sin B sin C

Most readers find the latter easier to read, but the former is easier to type, because all
symbols are on the same level. If you are using a sophisticated typesetting program such
as LaTex, then uniformity of layout and a good product are guaranteed. However most of
us start out presenting handwritten material, then graduate to simple wordprocessors, and
then to more sophisticated products such as Word with expressions and equations being
produced by Equation Editor. Equation (1) can be written using the simplest
wordprocessors; Equation Editor produced (2).
However it is expressed, the symbols used in the equations representing the sine rule
must have been defined. In a long document, a summary of the notation may be useful.
(iii) Writing with symbols has many pitfalls. Try to avoid multiple levels of superscripts
[ ]
and subscripts, such as Eθ i f Xτ1* ( X ) . Systematic use of upper and lower case, Greek and
Roman is helpful to the reader. Don't introduce definitions and symbols that are used only
two or three times. On the other hand, complex expressions can be simplified and their
interpretation clarified by judicious substitutions, such as "z = f(y) where y = g(x), in
which g = ... ." Avoid using the same notation for different purposes in the same
document, and similarly avoid using different notations for the same purpose. Briefly
returning to the point made in (ii), instead of incorporating mathematical material into the
text, it is much easier for the reader if it is highlighted. So readers would usually prefer
z = f(y) where y = g(x), in which g = ... .

But would you highlight

[ ]
Eθ i f Xτ1* ( X ) ?

(iv) Many scientists, and mathematicians especially, are not particularly adept verbally.
We tend to be predominantly non-verbal, so the verbal skills need constant practice. How
much science has to be rediscovered because the original discoveries were poorly
presented and therefore misunderstood?
(v) Research in some disciplines is merely collating available information. Science, and
mathematics in particular, gives scope for investigating original material. Typically this is
applying existing techniques to new areas.

2.1 Broad planning

Start early. This may appear to be difficult. A few months delay may mean extra
knowledge and skills, or extra maturity without which a successful project is not possible.
If that is true, then maybe the wrong topic is being contemplated. Starting early is
important because there is preliminary organisation and reading that can be done, as well
as valuable skills that can be acquired.
Approach likely supervisors and ask if they are willing to assist you, if so to what
extent, and what topics they can suggest. Ask for preliminary reading so that you can
narrow the choice of topics.
If you do not already have the necessary computer skills, then starting to develop
them in the early part of a project that takes sufficient time is a worthwhile investment.
Some topics will involve computation (number crunching), and of course word processing
will be necessary if the final product is to look professional. Also reading material on
report writing is appropriate! These skills will be valuable long after the project is

2.2 Supervision

Many projects, reports and theses assess the supervisor more than the author. Why?
Because a committed and conscientious supervisor will be able to see, in outline, a
reasonable project before the student starts. If there are unsolved problems the supervisor
should know approaches that are likely to be successful. If these fail, there should still be
enough in the topic for a reasonable grade to be obtained. The supervisor will know most
of what should be read and where to find it.
Knowing all this, a good supervisor will not accept a particular student with a
particular programme if there is any doubt that this student has the ability to complete this
programme. Of course the programme may not be completed adequately if the student
isn't sufficiently organised or doesn't work hard enough. Conversely a poor supervisor can
be a liability.
There are many sorts of project: some possibilities are given in section 4.1. The
supervision skills required for these different possibilities are, not surprisingly, different.
No supervisor can reasonably be expected to have all the skills for all possible projects.
Required skills may include the following:
(i) assisting the student to develop the library skills to either initiate or complete a literature
(ii) advice about mathematical or statistical techniques and appropriate computer software;
(iii) firm advice about the direction an investigation should take and the techniques that
may be used;
(iv) motivation to encourage, and moral support when the student is depressed;
(v) practical advice about organisation and presentation.
Personality clashes are always a problem. It is very unrewarding for both student and
supervisor if they are obliged to work together when one doesn't get on well with the other.
Neither student nor supervisor should expect too much of the other.

2.3 Topic selection

Wishing to start early, suppose you are about to approach a prospective supervisor.
What do you hope to achieve from the first interview? First do not ask for supervision on
a topic you have selected. Even if the prospective supervisor agrees, it is likely to be a
mistake. This person may be an excellent supervisor on a topic of his or her choice, about
which he or she is motivated. On your topic this person may not know enough of the
background, and not be enthusiastic enough to help you as much as you need.
It is sufficient usually to specify your broad interests, and ask the supervisor to
nominate topics with which they are prepared to assist you. Possibly you want a
computationally heavy topic, because you are have good skills in this area and you hope
these skills will be an important part of your intended career. Or possibly the reverse is
true. Maybe you'd like to review some particular area that has captured your imagination,
and you hope this review will provide the background for further work you would like to
do later on. Or perhaps you enjoy reading around more than problem solving.
As a prospective supervisor, my response at this stage is to say whether or not I will
be able to work at all with this student. It may be that I'm overcommitted and don't have
the time to work with anyone (or anyone extra!), or with anyone with the broad restrictions
they have just indicated. Maybe I have to be honest and say I don't believe the student has
the technical ability to handle the topics in which I'm interested. Otherwise I produce two
or three topics that appear to meet the student's needs, and with which I am prepared to
become involved. By producing a topic I mean writing about a description of about one
page on the problems to be addressed and finding some background reading so the student
can make an informed choice between the topics. On the basis of the topics produced and
the expectations of the supervisor, the student goes away, reads, thinks and decides who to
work with and on what topic.
If you are desperately keen to work on a particular topic, finding an appropriate
supervisor may be difficult. Nevertheless discuss the topic with possible supervisors.
Hopefully they will examine your motives and try to construct a programme that is
compatible with their and your interests and abilities. This problem becomes more and
more difficult as the stage of the student, and the time to complete the project increase.
This is now the time to say what the supervisor expects of the student. Will there be
weekly or monthly meetings to review progress and answer questions? The deadlines
involved and likely time commitments should also be discussed.

2.4 A specific plan

By now it should be possible to write down specifically what is to be done and by

when it is to be done. The student should write a description of the project, and this should
be modified until the supervisor/teacher and student agree. Such a statement of aims and
objectives will eliminate differences of opinion at a later date. In some circumstances an
interim report may be required, possibly presented verbally. Likewise at the conclusion of
the project another presentation could be given, to discuss the results obtained and how
well the aims and objectives have been achieved. The value of a verbal as well as a written
presentation is that the presenter has to have a different appreciation of the material. This
can often clarify perspectives for the presenter as well as informing the audience. More
will be said of this later. Thought should be given to whether other evidence of work done
and other presentations are appropriate.
Meetings with the supervisor should be agreed to: they will be nil, weekly,
fortnightly or as required. It is prudent for both student and supervisor to keep a record of
all meetings.
In many cases it will be possible to modularise the work. These modules may be
tasks or particular phases of the project. The student reports back to the supervisor as each
module is completed. If satisfactory, this aspect can be written up. This approach has
several advantages. It prevents the student from wasting time and effort working on false
assumptions, possibly trying to prove impossible hypotheses. It also makes the final write-
up far less daunting, since it is merely a rewrite, with the aim of improving organisation
and clarity.
A maximum size should be specified from the beginning. It may require some skill
and effort to keep within the prescribed limits. Failure to observe this requirement is
normally reflected in the assessment. Of course assessment isn't everything: but you
should be aware of the cost of doing and not doing various activities.
Allocate your time moderately and fairly between your commitments. There are
good reasons for this. When more than one paper or project is being done for an award,
the marks given are usually scaled, so that the raw marks don't mean much in themselves.
What is meaningful is the ordering of the marks relative to the rest of the class. Two
projects may both be awarded full marks by their assessors, but one may require many
times the effort of the other. One may contain deep and beautiful mathematics that most
professional mathematicians would having difficulty understanding, despite the clear and
accurate presentation. No doubt such an effort is extremely beneficial in terms of the
mathematical development of the student. In terms of marks awarded, much of the time
taken would have been more profitably spent on the candidate's weaker subjects. Most
assessments are concave in that the first marks are more easily obtained than the later
marks. Beyond a certain point, more time may not mean more reward. Conversely too
little effort is just as bad.

3.1 Statement of aims and objectives, interim report

If written statements or reports are required, they should be assessed and the marks
given should contribute to the overall grade. It is not unreasonable that the initial
statement of aims and objectives should be given 5% or 10% of the overall mark: it is
important to be clear about what is to be done.
Similarly an interim report after about one third of the time allotted is valuable. It
could be either written or orally presented. The final assessment is likely to be more
reliable, that is, to accurately reflect the abilities of the student, if the assessment is spread
over time and over as wide a range of skills as is possible. An interim presentation permits
other people to make helpful suggestions before the student is irretrievably committed to a
poor methodology, or other mistakes.
In the same vein, a final summation helps the assessors give a more accurate grade to
the project. Some students may do a lot of valuable work that doesn't appear in the final
report. For example, finding relevant literature may take a lot of effort, and this should be
rewarded. In doing independent research, many approaches may not yield useful results,
but the trying is important. For example, in trying to solve an integral, many algebraic and
trigonometric substitutions may be attempted and tables of standard integrals consulted
before finally successfully using a numerical approximation. The unsuccessful attempts
tell the assessors about the range of techniques the student has available, and the difficulty
of the problem. A brief statement of the difficulties encountered should be included in the
written report. However an oral summation sometimes tells "all". It may indicate what
proportion of the final effort was the student's, and what was contributed by the supervisor
and other interested parties.

3.2 Oral presentations

So much of our communication is oral, that it is worthwhile to practice and improve

that aspect of our skills. On the other hand there are very few naturally gifted speakers.
What can we do to make any sort of public speech less of an ordeal? Here are a few tips.
(i) Prepare thoroughly. Have something interesting and informative to say and the
audience will want to hear it. Spontaneity makes for a more vital presentation, but most of
the material should have been well considered.
(ii) Speak to your audience. Talk in language they can understand on subject matter they
should be able to grasp.
(iii) Use your time. The well-prepared speaker should not have to accelerate to fit it all in,
nor have time to fill with irrelevancies.
(iv) Vary the content and presentation. There should be parts that are easier to understand
(such as cartoons and personal philosophy) between the difficult concepts. It also helps to
use a variety of means to get the message across. For example some written content may
be handed out, some shown on prepared slides using an overhead projector, and some
written on a blackboard. Overheads should be brief, without too much mathematical
detail. Remember that some of your audience may be colourblind, hard of hearing, or have
poor eyesight. They will appreciate your efforts to make sure they have the same access to
your material as the rest of the audience. The rest of your audience will appreciate the
additional clarity of your presentation. Start with something pithy, relevant and attention
grabbing, such as a quotation. Finish in a memorable manner, so that the audience will
remember what you've said.
(v) Talk to the people, not a spot on the wall. After all, you do so in everyday
conversation, so why not at more formal presentations?
(vi) Don't distract the audience. Stand or sit still, don't pace around drawing attention to
you rather than your subject matter. Some movement is inevitable, and being animated
about your topic is good! But be moderate in your movements.
(vii) Expect something of your audience, and make them know it! A good listener should
be trying to follow the detail and outline of what is being said. They will be prepared, if
circumstances allow, to interrupt the speaker to ensure this is the case. Likewise the
speaker should be prepared to check the audience to see if they are following the
presentation. You should be able to tell by their eyes!
(viii) Allow time for the inevitable interruptions and for questions from the audience
afterwards. If you are inexperienced, have a timed trial before the big event, preferably in
front of a friendly audience.
If you really are awful, write down every word you intend to say, and read it. This
really is a last resort. It is much better to have prepared transparencies, handouts or
material on a blackboard, and to talk to this material.
Having thought of a topic, started inquiries about obtaining the necessary information
and materials, and considered the requirements of the entire project, there is at least one
other matter to consider before actually doing anything.

4.1 Know the assessment criteria

Before beginning the task, you should know how it is to be assessed. How can you
hope to do a good job if you do not know what a good job is? Of course different people
will have different expectations, and if you are to be assessed by more than one individual,
you will have to bear in mind these differences.
Different topics require different criteria. However some things are universal: it will
always be appropriate to have correct spelling, legible writing, clear expression,
informative figures and sensible organisation. The level of difficulty of the material,
independence and the range of skills demonstrated will be different for different topics.
Consider the following styles of projects:
(A) an investigation is conceived, data collected, analysed and conclusions drawn;
(B) a substantial body of work is reviewed, organised and reported upon;
(C) some material is reviewed, and then demonstrated, perhaps through computer
(D) familiar techniques are applied to a non-familiar situations to produce original results.
Given the style of the project, the supervisor or assessor should be able to specify the
criteria to be used and the weights to be given to each. The writer then knows fully what is
required, and by implication, what is to be avoided.
Some assessors will not be pinned down. They seem to be guided by 'gut' reactions,
and aren't able to specify their criteria. Even if they could, the assessment seems to be
made independently of the criteria, and then marks given to conform with the decision.
The best advice in these circumstances would be to look at previous projects marked by
this person, and then try to find factors common to the 'good' projects, and factors common
to the 'bad' projects. There is room for some independence, but avoid the 'bad' factors.

4.2 Possible criteria

Many criteria have been suggested, and it is not the intention here to give a complete
listing of these. Indeed the criteria selected are often a matter of personal taste for the
assessor. Some possibilities are:
(i) Aims; (Have the aims been clearly stated and have they been achieved?)
(ii) Difficulty; (Have understanding or mastery been demonstrated? Less should be
expected with more difficult material.)
(iii) Originality (of the background reading, analysis and conclusions);
(iv) Presentation (legibility, spelling, grammar, expression, organisation, referencing,
tables and figures);
(v) Skills demonstrated (breadth, appropriateness, difficulty);
(vi) Other tasks (statement of aims and objectives, interim report, oral presentation of final
The four styles of projects (A) to (D) would require that the components be weighted
differently and perhaps interpreted differently. For example a project on games may
require some initiative in finding suitable background reading of relevance. Simulation
may be used to play a particular game many times and so evaluate different strategies.
Probability theory could be used to the same end. Simple games such as Ludo or noughts
and crosses, or complex games such as poker could be considered. The options taken will
affect the weights assigned to the different components.

5.1 Begin at the end

How do you want your report to look when it is finished? It could be bound
relatively inexpensively, with transparent plastic covers. You may prefer to use a standard
ring binder. Whatever your choice, it will affect the setting of the margins on each page.
The main criterion should be the convenience of the readers. Most reports are not read
many times, so that durability is not as important as it is for, say, popular library books.
What medium will you use to write the report? Word processors are marvelous in
that corrections are easy to make, and reorganizing sections by cutting and pasting is very
easy. But writing using a word processor is different from direct writing with pen or
typewriter. One tends to repeatedly "improve" the text.
If you do not have access to word processing facilities, I suggest writing the first
drafts in pencil. The lead should be medium-soft so that erasing with a rubber is easy.
Also mathematical equations are often very difficult to set out on a typewriter or word
processor, but look "right", at least to the author, when written by hand. If the lead is soft
enough, the final version can be photocopied and will be dark enough to read easily.
Employing a typist to convert your text to professional quality output may sound
attractive, but be careful. Not many typists have experience with mathematical symbols,
and confusion may easily occur. It is also difficult to make repeated corrections to
typescript. So the version that goes to the typist, in ample time, must be the final one.
Whatever medium is used, the final presentation should be generously spaced,
without messy alterations, on one side only of the paper and with clear diagrams.
At the beginning of writing start a "conventions" list. On it write every decision you
make that you'll have to refer to again. In particular the style and spacing of all headings
should be recorded. In this report the chapter headings are centred, bold large script, and
then ruled off. The section headings are bold, not underlined, left adjusted (flush with the
left-hand margin), with the first word capitalized and subsequent words in lower case.
After the chapter heading ruleoff, or the last word of a section, a line is left and the next
heading begun.
Conventions for tables, figures, the preface, contents, index and references all have to
be made. An example of a table is given in Table 5.1.
Apart from a system of numbering and a clear label, the detail is not as important as
consistency within the text.
Table 5.1 Observed and expected eaths due to the major diseases.
Disease A B C D Other Total
Observed deaths 43 76 85 21 83 308
Expected deaths 46.2 64.7 55.4 43.1 98.6 308

5.2 Broad writing objectives

Plan ahead in every aspect! That means

(i) Know the content of every chapter, section, paragraph and sentence before trying to
compose the words. For example, the chapters may be Introduction, Methods and
Materials, Results and Discussion. If the Introduction attempts to achieve four aims, one
paragraph could be given to each.
(ii) Keep the words simple and the sentences short.
(iii) Be prepared to rewrite and re-rewrite.
(iv) Invite at least one person to read and constructively criticize the manuscript.

5.3 Specific writing objectives

Take and keep a particular point of view with regard to

(a) tense - usually use the present tense; but imagine someone reading your prose next
(b) active or passive voice ("one may show that... " or "I show ... ");
(c) vocabulary - write for your peers, not the supervisor or assessor; and don't try to
impress: it interrupts the flow and is usually counterproductive;
(d) clarity - know what you mean by each sentence and be sure the sentence does the job;
the same applies to paragraphs and higher sectioning;
(e) mechanics - get them right, if necessary by first checking appropriate references. By
mechanics I mean at least grammar, punctuation, abbreviations, symbols (use Greek or
Latin?), footnotes, citations, quotations, headings, numbers (in English up to ten, and
symbols after that?), capitals, italics and bold (when are they to be used?), quotations,
references, how and where to number pages. With regard to capitals, countries are in
upper case, as in Australia. But sometimes it is unclear, and you must simply make a
decision and stick to it. For example, when should university be capitalized? The
University of Wollongong is my University, not just any old university.
Decide on an outline, perhaps after checking the layout of some books or other
projects that you find pleasing. The outline may include title page, preface,
acknowledgements, contents, list of figures, list of tables, chapters incorporating an
introduction, body, discussion, conclusions, recommendations, followed by appendices,
glossary (word and symbol definitions), references, index.
The purpose of the appendices is to enhance the flow of the presentation by
removing some of the detail for consideration elsewhere. Appendices may include
computer programs, proofs of theorems, complete data sets. Also include additional
information about procedures you have used, so that others can duplicate your
investigation. The list of references enables the reader to seek more detail about issues
raised. It is important that all work not your own be acknowledged through the references.
Failure to do so is cheating. Reading widely and synthesizing a point of view is an
important skill, and not secondary to independent research. There should be a balance
between the two, and the assessors should be easily able to see that this is the case. There
are many possible formats for references. Some libraries have handouts describing their
own system. Otherwise look for statements in abstracting services, professional journals
or a convenient book. Normally I would not list references under different headings and
annotate that list as has been done for this document. Check the conventions used in
whatever sources are available to you and adopt those that most suit your needs.
Having written the text, now is the time for revision and criticism. Have you
achieved your objectives? Is the organisation coherent and does the finished product read
easily? Is it balanced, with adequate conclusions and without, say, a massive body and
limp ending. These things are difficult to judge immediately you finish writing. Give
yourself time to distance yourself from the detail before assessing the whole. It is usually
best to let someone else look at it before the final assessment. Give that reader ample time
to correct your semifinal draft.

6.1 Finale

Many of us, when we finish most tasks, rush onto the next one. When you finish
your report, stop and think. What caused the most problems? What did you learn? If you
had the option, would you choose to do another one? Remember the finished product says
something about you at the time you wrote it. If the product is good, you can use it as a
reference, perhaps when you apply for a job. If the product does not reflect well on you,
perhaps it should have.
Reference Books

Every writer needs a good up-to-date English dictionary and a thesaurus. Other
reference books that may be of help are:

Bernstein, T M (1965). The Careful Writer: A Modern Guide to English Usage.
Atheneum Publishers, New York.
Fowler, H W and Gowers, E (1983). A Dictionary of Modern English Usage. Oxford
University Press, Oxford and New York.

"How to" Books

Baker, S (1966). The Complete Stylist. Cros. Y. Crowell Co., New York.
Graves, R and Hodge, A (1966). The Reader over your Shoulder: A Handbook for Writers
of English Prose. Collier Books, New York.
Lambuth, D (1964). The Golden Book on Writing. Viking Press, New York.
Strunk, W Jr. and White, E B (1979). The Elements of Style. 3rd edition, MacMillan Co.,
New York.

Writing Reports
Gaum, C G, Graves, H F and Hoffman, L S S (1953). Report Writing. Prentice-Hall, New
Howard, K and Sharp, J A (1987). The Management of a Student Research Project.
Gower, Aldershot.
Kapp, R O (1948). The Presentation of Technical Information. Constable, London.
Trelease, S F (1969). How to Write Scientific and Technical Papers. M.I.T. Press,
Cambrige, Mass..
Tufte, E R (1983). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press,
Williams, G E (1948). Technical Literature: It's Preparation and Presentation. Allen and
Unwin, London.
Annotated Bibliography

Little has been written by mathematicians about writing and speaking, so when
something is found it is usually of special interest and help. Therefore the following books
and articles by mathematicians are strongly recommended.

Halmos, P R (1983). Selecta: Expository Writing. Springer-Verlag, New York.

Edited by Donald E Sarason and Leonard Gillman. This book includes the essay on
writing mathematics, also published by the American Mathematical Society in 1973, (see
the entry below). The book also includes essays by Halmos on how to talk mathematics
and what to publish, and the teaching of problem solving, as well as many other interviews
and talks and essays of general interest to mathematicians such as the thrills of abstraction,
and applied mathematics is bad mathematics. This book is available in the University of
Wollongong Library, first floor, at 510.208.

Steenrod, N E, Halmos, P R, Schiffer, M M and Dieudonne, J R (1973). How to Write

Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, U.S.A. Reprinted with corrections
This book comprises essays from each of the four authors on how to write books and
papers on mathematics. Notation, punctuation of symbolic sentences, the need for constant
rewriting to shape the parts into a coherent whole, careful use of mathematical terms, and
the two parts of a mathematical presentation: the formal structure and the informal material
are all discussed here. This is a paperback available in the University of Wollongong
Library, first floor, at 808.06651/2.

The following books are available in the University of Wollongong Library, the
bookshop at the University (and could perhaps be browsed there by fast readers), or from
staff in the School of Mathematics and Applied Statistics.

Anderson, J, Durston, B H and Poole, M. (1970). Thesis and Assignment Writing. John
Wiley and Sons, Australia.
The 12 chapters in this book cover the planning of written assignments and theses,
drafting, general format, use of quotations and footnotes, the preparation of tables and
figures, appendices and referencing, and editing and evaluating the final product. The
planning process involved is illustrated with a story about a student's piece of scholarly
writing. This is a paperback available in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor,
at 808.02/43 (2 copies) and the 1991 reprint from the Bookshop.

Barrass, R (1978). Scientists Must Write: A guide to better writing for scientists, engineers
and students. Chapman and Hall, London.
The 14 chapters include discussion on all the ways in which writing is important to
scientists, putting thoughts into words, writing so as to help the reader, use of numbers, the
art and use of illustrations, effective reading, and preparing and delivering a talk. This is a
paperback available in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 808.0665021/1.

Barzun, J and Graff, H F. (1977). The Modern Researcher. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
New York, 3rd edition.
Although it may appear as if this is a book for the history student, there is much of
value for the mathematics and statistics student in the chapters on writing, and the sections
"Speaking What One Knows" and "Afterword: A Discipline for Work". The paperback
and hardcover versions are available in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor,
at 907.2/19 (several copies).

Beasley, V (1986). Eureka! or How to be a Successful Student. Health and Counselling

Service, Flinders University, Australia.
This book is written especially for new tertiary students. It is a how to learn book
and not a how to study book. It explains how to use lectures, study groups, tutorials and
library catalogues, and how to skim read and draft essays. It provides advice on
examinations and obtaining feedback on assignments. The sections on writing laboratory
reports, coping with writer’s block, writing the essay introduction and oral presentations
would be of especial interest to later year undergraduates. This paperback is available in
the University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 371.302812/2 (several copies).

Betts, K and Seitz, A (1986). Writing Essays in the Social Sciences. Thomas Nelson,
Australia. Reprinted 1991.
The chatty style, cartoons and list of references (including references on non-sexist
writing) may attract mathematicians to this book. Conceptual and practical advice is
offered on subjects such as use of tables and writer's block. This is a paperback available
in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 808.042/59 (two copies), or the

Clanchy, J and Ballard, B (1991). Essay Writing for Students - A practical guide.
Longman Cheshire, Australia.
This readable book discusses the first drafts, editing, assessment and follow up and
mentions some of the dangers of word processing. This is a paperback available in the
University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 808.042/16 (three copies) or the

Day, R A (1988). How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Cambridge University
Press, 3rd edition.
This book has 30 short chapters including material on how to write a conference
paper, how to write a thesis, how to present a paper orally, how to write a book review,
where and how to submit a manuscript, and how to prepare a poster. Lists are provided on:
abbreviations, common errors in style and spelling, and expressions to avoid. This is a
paperback available in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 808.066/17,
and can probably also be ordered from the Bookshop.

Howard, K and Sharp, J A (1987). The Management of a Student Research Project.

Gower, Aldershot, Great Britain.
The authors have experience as supervisors and examiners of social science students'
undergraduate projects and doctoral and master's theses. Their personal backgrounds are
in engineering and mathematics. The eight chapters include discussion on types of
research, selecting and justifying a research topic, selecting and working with a supervisor,
planning the research project, literature searching, data analysis and gathering, coping with
problems which may arise, word processing and editing, report structure and preparing for
an oral examination. They also provide a selected bibliography on data analysis and
research methodology, a general bibliography, and an index. The 1983 hardcover edition
is available in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 378.176/1. The 1987
edition can still be ordered from the Bookshop.

Lindsay, D (1984). A Guide to Scientific Writing: A Manual for Students and Research
Workers. Longman Cheshire, Australia.
This book explains how to write economically and enjoyably. The five short
chapters include: drafting and editing for a journal paper, writing a review, preparing a
seminar or conference paper, student practicals and reviews, and the thesis. This is a
paperback available in the University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 808.0665/5, or
from the Bookshop.

Phillips, E and Pugh, D S (1987). How to Get a PhD - Managing the Peaks and Troughs
of Research. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, Great Britain.
The authors have researched PhD education in Great Britain and also have
experience in supervising and designing doctoral programmes. Both postgraduate students
and their supervisors should obtain insights into the PhD research learning process from
this book. The twelve chapters include discussion on becoming a postgraduate student,
how to do research, how to manage your supervisor, how to supervise, formal procedures,
common difficulties in completing the thesis, and the limitations of the present system. An
index and references are included. The 1987 hardcover edition is available in the
University of Wollongong Library, first floor, at 378.24/2. Paperback copies can be
ordered from the publisher via the Bookshop.
Strunk, W Jr. and White, E B (1979). The Elements of Style. 3rd edition, MacMillan Co.,
New York.
This short book tells you how to write good plain English that will be clearly
understood. It provides both instructions on established and acceptable English usage and
advice for writers on developing their own personal style. Clear rules of English usage,
principles of composition, and lists of words and expressions commonly misused, along
with their correct meaning, are concisely presented. Attitudes of mind necessary for the
creation of a good personal style are discussed. This is available in the University of
Wollongong Library, first floor, at 808/51 and from the Reserve.

Watson, G (1987). Writing a Thesis - a guide to long essays and dissertations. Longman,
London and New York.
This paperback is mainly addressed to students of history and literature in Great
Britain. However all students will find it contains interesting and helpful discussion on the
wider motives of scholarship and some of its common hopes and fears. The author
explains how a thesis is very different to an essay and discusses the general approach to a
thesis in part one, and then advises on techniques in part two. The first three chapters
discuss: why scholars write, am I stupid enough?, and the fear of eccentricity, and are
especially useful to students lacking confidence in their abilities and place in the world of
research. Chapter 7, the writing bloc, gives aids to getting started. Of general interest too
are the chapters on editing, teaching and being taught (which discusses the role of the
supervisor), classes and seminars, and publishing. Each of the 21 chapters is often less
than three or four pages long and quotations from a wide variety of sources are used as
illustration. Suggestions for further readings are provided. The Dewey reference is
808.02, and some libraries may have it or it could be ordered from a bookshop.

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