Chem Soc Rev: Chemical Society Reviews
Chem Soc Rev: Chemical Society Reviews
Chem Soc Rev: Chemical Society Reviews
ISSN 0306-0012
Manoj B. Gawande, Radek Zboril, Rajender S. Varma et al.
Core–shell nanoparticles: synthesis and applications in catalysis and
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Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
Core–shell nanoparticles (CSNs) are a class of nanostructured materials that have recently received
increased attention owing to their interesting properties and broad range of applications in catalysis,
biology, materials chemistry and sensors. By rationally tuning the cores as well as the shells of such
materials, a range of core–shell nanoparticles can be produced with tailorable properties that can play
important roles in various catalytic processes and offer sustainable solutions to current energy problems.
Received 26th April 2015 Various synthetic methods for preparing different classes of CSNs, including the Stöber method, solvothermal
DOI: 10.1039/c5cs00343a method, one-pot synthetic method involving surfactants, etc., are briefly mentioned here. The roles of
various classes of CSNs are exemplified for both catalytic and electrocatalytic applications, including oxidation, reduction, coupling reactions, etc.
7540 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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tailored magnetic devices,59–63 electronic optical devices,42 superior catalytic performance of such a layer/shell, (2) synergism
bioimaging systems,64,65 energy storage materials,66 genetic between the shell and the core enabling to achieve higher efficiency/
engineering and stem cells,67,68 fuel cell,69,70 dye sensitized solar yield/selectivity in catalytic applications and (3) combination
cells71 and many important catalytic processes72–82 (Fig. 1). of the properties of the core and shell towards improved/
One important challenge, often faced by chemists working combined applications (e.g. magnetically separable nanocatalysts
in the area of catalysis, is the development of highly active and with the possibility of the repetitive use without the loss of the
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selectivity of the water-gas-shift reaction was improved by using of CSNs as well as different characterization techniques are
CSNs as catalysts. By incorporating magnetic materials, multi- briefly described in the following sections.
functional CSNs with catalytic as well as magnetic properties
(the latter being useful for the ease of recyclability/magnetic 3.1. Synthesis of core–shell nanocatalysts
separation of the CSNs after the reaction), could be synthesized As far as synthesis is concerned, the techniques that have been
in an analogous manner.99 This synthetic strategy has been
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Fig. 2 General classification of CSNs based on material-type (along with the most prevalent synthetic methods) and properties of their shells.
and (2) conductive polymers (such as PANI, polypyrrole (PPy), etc.) to The broad class of ‘‘metal-based CSNs’’ requires further sub-
develop metal-based CSNs.38 Other carbon-based materials, such as classification as it covers the entire range of metal, metal alloys,
fullerenes, carbon nanotubes (single-walled or multi-walled), etc., metal oxides, metal salts, etc. and can thus be sub-divided into
have also been harnessed for different catalytic transformations. three parts: (i) metallic NPs, (ii) metal oxides, and (iii) metal salts.
Detailed discussion on the syntheses of these materials is In general, metallic NPs are synthesized via reduction of
beyond the scope of this section. However, in brief, most of their corresponding metal-salts, either using external reducing
them are prepared via doping or functionalization of carbon agents (such as NaBH4, hydrazine, etc.) or via trans-metallation
materials with different active species, which can also ultimately utilizing the intrinsic redox properties of the metal precursors.
result in hollow CSNs after removal of organic part either via The reaction medium, temperature and type of reducing agent
extraction or calcination;137–140 recent examples from the litera- influence the reaction kinetics, and any manipulation of these
ture are described in Section parameters may lead to significant differences in particle growth,
size, shape, and thereby different chemical, physical, optical and Inorganics. The ‘‘inorganic’’ materials can be categorized biological properties.
further into two main sub-categories, namely (a) silica-based Among the metal oxide NPs, titania-based materials, often
CSNs and (b) metal-based CSNs. obtained via the ‘‘sol–gel’’ method (similar to silica), possess a
Almost all the silica-based CSNs are synthesized using sol–gel range of chemical, physical and optical properties that render
chemistry, historically known as the Stöber method.141 This wet them useful in photo-, bio- and energy-related applications.
chemical method entails the hydrolysis and subsequent conden- Additional actions such as ‘‘thermal-treatment’’ may allow tuning
sation of silicon alkoxides or silicon halides in alcohol, water or a of the structures, physical robustness or porosity of the materials.
mixture thereof in the presence of a base catalyst, such as In general, the kinetics involving the formation of titania-based
ammonia, to afford uniform colloidal microspheres. Because of materials is faster than that of silica-based materials due to the
its simplicity, reproducibility as well as versatility, this method has relatively higher reactivity of the precursors in the former case.
been applied to synthesize different types of silica-based CSNs Nevertheless, because of the availability of various structurally and
with great success. Although most of the CSNs prepared using electronically different precursors, as well as the interesting
this method involve solid, non-porous SiO2, newer strategies have phase-behavior, the final structure and reactivity of the precursors
now been developed to generate porous materials using either can be modulated to produce different types of nanostructures.
template-based techniques or post-synthetic modifications. This, In the context of CSNs, several examples have recently been
in turn, allows not only increased surface area of the resulting reported where TiO2 in different forms was used as one of the
CSNs but also better accessibility of the cores as well as shells components (mostly as shell).133 Apart from the sol–gel method,
themselves. Moreover, the pores of the materials can further be co-precipitation or thermal decomposition methods are also
modified with different functional groups, providing the materials used to access other metal oxides depending on the chemical
with multi-functionality for various catalytic applications. properties of the metal precursors. Whereas the co-precipitation
7544 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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technique is mainly used for metal oxides/hydroxides that can by using different electrolytes or by varying the synthetic
be precipitated under basic conditions, thermal decomposition strategy. Last, but not least, recent developments in microwave
involves high temperature treatment or thermolysis of organo- technology have enabled the synthesis of either component of
metallic precursors in the presence of oxygen or air to afford CSNs in shorter time with moderate to large control over
the final product. Pertinent examples of the latter case include structural properties.148–150
magnetic core–shell nanocatalysts where the core is synthe- In addition to such classifications, some of the hybrid-
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sized using a combination of hydrolysis and thermal treatment structures (e.g. metal–organic-frameworks,151 zeolite-based
of Fe-precursors.142–144 In addition, chemical vapor deposition structures,152 covalent-organic-frameworks,153 etc.) have also
(CVD) and pulse layer deposition (PLD) have also been employed been introduced recently in the literature, and hopefully a
to prepare metal oxides from gaseous precursors and are often special classification and major discussion may be warranted
applied for the in situ synthesis of metal oxides. in future for these classes of materials.
In the class of ‘‘metal-salt’’-based CSNs, metal chalcogenides/ Classification based on shell properties. Given the current
halides have found a range of applications in semiconductor-
status of core–shell nanocatalysis, we envision that a modern
based devices and (bio)imaging. They are commonly synthesized
classification based on the shell properties of the materials would
by precipitating metal salts from a mixture of metal precursors
be beneficial, particularly for comparison of different synthetic
and desired counter ions in the presence of stabilizer/capping
strategies leading to varied shell properties. Broadly, these materials
agents. In this case, the inherent reactivity of metal salts toward
can be divided into three major categories: (1) hollow-core–shell,
external parameters (e.g., oxygen, temperature, etc.) plays an
(2) core–multishell, and (3) core–porous-shell, each of which is
important role, rendering further modification. A relatively
discussed briefly in the following sections.
new method, named as ‘‘successive ionic layer adsorption and
reaction’’ (SILAR, first developed by Ristov145 but its acronym Hollow-core–shell NPs. Although not essentially
was coined by Nicolau146) has been developed to synthesize CSNs by definition, hollow-core–shell type nanomaterials need
metal-salt-based CSNs, mainly for their semiconductor and to be mentioned here as the first step in their preparation is
photovoltaic properties. This method allows uniform and isotopic analogous to the one used for making normal CSNs described
growth of shell materials covering the core particles and mini- earlier. Once, the CSNs have been synthesized, the core is sacri-
mizes the formation of unwanted nanocrystals of just the shell ficed using a variety of conditions specific to the core materials:
material. Additionally, annealing between successive depositions organic core materials are removed either by calcination or
(which is particularly important for making multishell NPs) allows dissolution in organic solvents, whereas inorganic core(s) are
elimination of the possible biasness that might generate from purged with strong acid or base. The removal of core materials
either the core or shell materials. The progress on different SILAR offers some additional advantages depending on its application.
techniques have also been reviewed by Tolstoy.147 In the case of multiple shells (described later), the inner shells
Beyond such classifications and the aforementioned methods, can also be removed using specific methods.
depending on the applications as well as availability of sophisti- Possibly the most common examples of this category are the
cated techniques, alternate energy inputs, such as ultrasound-, inorganic oxide shell-based hollow core–shell particles, which
and microwave-irradiation, electrodeposition, etc., have been are prepared from their precursors either separately or during
used for the synthesis of various CSNs. In the case of sono- calcination of the organic cores. Silica, titania or ceria (some-
chemical synthesis, varying the sound frequency helps to (i) times in combination) are often used because of their versatility
form local microreactors/cavities in which reaction can occur, in crafting different nanostructures. For example, Zhang et al.
(ii) promote better mixing (therefore less agglomeration), and utilized a combination of sol–gel and hydrothermal action to
(iii) produce short-lived shock waves, which can generate synthesize Pd@hCeO2 (Pd NPs embedded in a hollow shell of
localized heating in order to produce smaller particles. The CeO2) starting from carbon microspheres and using the latter
electrodeposition method generally involves deposition of as a sacrificial core;154 Pd NPs, prepared via reduction (using
the substrate/core material on the surface of an electrode or alcohol) in the presence of poly-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as capping
supported matrix from a bulk electrolyte solution using an agent, were first adsorbed on carbon microspheres (generated via
electric field, followed by further decoration of the shell either thermal treatment of glucose). Hydrothermal treatment was then
Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of the fabrication of Pd@hCeO2 core–shell nanocomposite particles. Reprinted with permission from ref. 154. Copyright
2013 American Chemical Society.
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Fig. 6 Illustration of the possible formation mechanism of core/shell hierarchical nanostructures via Ostwald ripening process in the presence of various
precursors. Reprinted with permission from ref. 172. Copyright 2008 American Chemical Society.
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Fig. 7 Preparation of Sn@carbon NPs encapsulated in hollow carbon nanofibers. Reprinted with permission from ref. 187. Copyright 2009 Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Beyond silicon, combining alcoholysis and subsequent calcina- Hollow nanostructures were also synthesized by employing bio-
tion involving SnCl2 and glycerol as metal and carbon precursors, polymeric systems as precursors. Lipid–polymer–lipid-hybrid
respectively, hollow SnO2@C CSNs, with enhanced lithium-ion hollow nanostructures were synthesized using a combination
battery storage capacity has successfully been synthesized.186 of a double-emulsion and solvent evaporation technique and
A similar synthetic method has been used to make Sn@carbon self-assembly route.190 Another study described the synthesis of
NPs in bamboo-like carbon nanofibers for a similar potential a pH-sensitive hollow polymer microcapsule via sequential steps
application in lithium-ion batteries (Fig. 7).187 Lately, ‘‘dealloying’’ of involving two-stage distillation, precipitation polymerization,
Li from a Li–Sn alloy using an electrochemical method produced followed by removal of the core.191 Nakashima and co-workers
hollow CSNs along with other different bicontinuous micro- reported several synthetic routes involving core–shell-corona
structures depending upon the composition, size of particles type polymeric micelles as a versatile template for the synthesis
and also kinetics of the process.188 of inorganic hollow nanospheres.192
Apart from the conventional ‘‘inorganic’’ precursors based More sophisticated techniques were recently developed for
techniques, an ‘‘all-organic’’ based synthesis of hollow NPs has the assembly of unique nanostructures. For example, He et al.
been reported, which involved synthesis of poly(N-isopropyl- used g-ray assisted polymerization (Fig. 8).193 By applying a combi-
acrylamide) (PNIPAM) cores by controlled heating above the nation of laser-induced deposition and self-assembly synthetic
LCST (lower critical solution temperature) of polymers in the procedures, Lei reported carbon nitride-based materials with
presence of a small amount of sodium dodecyl sulfate, followed different microstructures, including flower-like, hollow core–
by the formation of shells via radical copolymerization using shell and nanorod structures.194
2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and poly(ethylene glycol)- Though, the detailed discussion is out of the scope of this
dimethacrylate (PEG-DMA) as cross-linking agents.189 Subsequent current manuscript, multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)
partial removal of the PNIPAM cores by dialysis resulted in the can be combined with various materials to produce diverse hollow
final material. In another study, the synthesis of two-layered CSNs displaying interesting properties. Since the discovery of
hollow chiral NPs using a combination of polymerization, sol– single and multiwalled carbon nanotubes, interest in this class
gel, and extraction methods has been reported and the materials of materials has increased because of their potential applications,
have been employed in the enantioselective crystallization of alanine. ranging from catalysis to nanoelectronics, and also for the
Fig. 8 Schematic illustration of the synthesis of polymer microspheres with a hollow core/porous shell structure. Reprinted with permission from
ref. 193. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society.
7548 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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option of affixing various classes of functional groups via chemical synthesized by the SILAR approach in which individual layers
or physical methods.195–197 As far as syntheses of such materials are synthesized starting with metal-salts/metal–chalcogenides
are concerned, arc-discharge, laser-ablation, electrolysis, chemical- on the core materials. The first synthesis of multilayered QDs
vapor-deposition and, to some extent, sonochemical and hydro- was reported by Shi and co-workers,201 subsequently followed
thermal procedures have been deployed depending on the by several synthetic strategies for preparing multishell QDs. For
desired application; further modifications are also possible.198 example, Park group has incorporated a PbxCd1xS interlayer
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Another similar hollow CSNs involving fullerenes (another form between a PbS and CdS layer in a PbS/CdS/ZnS quantum-dot-
of carbon nanomaterials) can be made using aforementioned sensitized solar cell using the SILAR method.202 A more complex
technologies. Although typical synthetic procedures mostly rely on CdSe/CdS/CdS/Cd0.75Zn0.25S/Cd0.5Zn0.5S/Cd0.25Zn0.75S/ZnS/ZnSQDs/
arc-discharge, different metals can be incorporated either via vapor PMMA bulk nanocomposite has been synthesized using a combi-
or solution phase doping.199 Encapsulation of various molecules nation of SILAR method (to prepare layered QDs) and photo-
inside the fullerene cage (known as ‘‘endohedral fullerenes’’) polymerization (to synthesize the outer organic shell) using
has recently been exploited and the synthetic approaches mainly 2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyldiphenylphosphine oxide (TPO) as the
entail trimetallic-template, ion-bombardment, high-pressure and initiator (Fig. 9).203 In their synthetic scheme, the authors reported
the relatively new CAPTEAR (chemically adjusting plasma tempera- modification of the QDs with the amphiphilic polymer poly(ethylene
ture, energy, and reactivity) synthetic methods to produce carbon- glycol)-oleate (PEG-oleate) in order to make a homogeneous
based core–shell type nanostructures.200 dispersion. Meyer also reported a similar approach to synthe-
size QDs followed by photopolymerization of the shell materials Core-multishell NPs. In lieu of removing some parts on a glass surface and showed the application of the materials as
of the materials for forming ‘‘hollow NPs’’, coating the core solar-concentrators.204 Peng,205 Li,206–209 Han,210 Masumoto,211,212
materials successively with similar or different types of materials Hollingsworth,213 Dai,214 Cho215 and Mews216 have employed
can result in so-called ‘‘core–multishell NPs’’, which have been similar stepwise successive deposition methods to synthesize
explored recently for a number of applications ranging from QDs for different photovoltaic applications. Gamelin and
catalysis to biology. These types of NPs are generally synthesized co-workers reported an analogous technique for Mn-based
in a stepwise manner and mostly designed to utilize different water-soluble dual-emitting core–multishell QD nanocrystals
functionalities of the multishell rather than just to protect the for optical thermometry applications.217 A combination of
core materials. Furthermore, the inner layers of such NPs can MW-assisted synthesis and the SILAR method was employed
sometime shield the core from outer layers, which may otherwise to generate core–shell and core–multishell materials, and
not be compatible with each other. the final nanocrystals (NCs) were shown to be useful for cell
Until recently, most of the research efforts on core–multi- imaging applications.148 The surface chemistry of core–multi-
shell nanomaterials were concentrated on applications based shell InP (Indium Phosphide) QDs (comprising of an InP core
on the optical and electronic properties of the materials rather coated with a zinc blende bulk structure surrounded by an
than catalysis. As a consequence, most of the materials belong organic coating), prepared via the SILAR method was exten-
to the inorganic type and are mainly synthesized using strate- sively studied by Chaudret to explore the intricate interaction
gies similar to those described in earlier sections. In addition, between the different layers.218
due to the advancement and availability of various sophisti- Another method of utilizing the above-mentioned ‘‘layer-by-
cated instrumentation, many other novel materials with unique layer’’ approach for generating multishell materials involves
properties can also be made. In the following section, recent successive deposition of either a liquid or vapor of the materials
examples of core–multishell nanomaterials along with their onto a surface. For example, vertical heterostructures, composed
respective synthetic strategies are described to provide a holistic of core–multishell Ga(In)P/GaAs/GaP grown on a flat Si(111)
picture of this important area. surface, were synthesized by a layer-by-layer vapor–liquid–solid
Perhaps the most prevalent literature under this category (VLS) synthetic method involving a conventional bottom-up
belongs to quantum dots (QDs). These are the nanoparticles, mostly approach.219 A successive layer-by-layer (SLBL) strategy was also
Fig. 9 In situ polymerization method for the generation of transparent QDs/PMMA nanocomposites. Adapted with permission from ref. 203. Copyright
2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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Fig. 10 (A) SLBL synthetic procedure for core@shell UCNPs (up-conversion nanoparticles). (B–D) Schematic of the synthesis of shell thickness
controllable b-NaGdF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4 CSNs. Reprinted with permission from ref. 220. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.
7550 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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core–multishell microparticles composed of a solid carbonate prepared by depositing Ag on silica supporting cores followed by
core coated with silver NPs and astralen (polyhedral multishell additional coating of titania.248 First, silica microspheres were
fullerene-like structure) have also been synthesized using a treated with a solution containing Sn2+ ions, followed by another
conventional approach. The synthetic procedure involved precipi- solution containing Ag+ ions to obtain silver NPs outside the core
tation (to make the CaCO3 core) followed by layer-by-layer via galvanic replacement. Then electroless-plating using Ag+ and
assembly of astralen with polyallylamine hydrochloride (PAH) formaldehyde solution resulted in the formation of Ag shells
Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
and finally deposition of Ag-NPs by means of the silver mirror outside the silica microspheres. The resulting NPs were then
reaction.240 Xiong and co-workers241 demonstrated that incorpora- coated with titania shells via the traditional sol–gel method along
tion of ‘‘gain’’ material (fluorophore dye) into core–multishell using PVP (poly-vinylpyrrolidone) as stabilizer. A flow synthesis of
Au/silica/silica spherical nanocavities allows resonance energy- core–double–shell Au/Ag/Au NPs with narrow size distribution has
transfer from the gain media to the plasmon, thereby compen- also been reported where tetradecane was used as carrier medium
sating loss due to energy dissipation. In their synthesis, a Au-NP to generate segmented flow.249 Further, multishell hydrogel NPs
core was first synthesized using conventional reduction of a with a Ag-NP core, protective citrate capping, pH indicator dye
Au-salt by sodium citrate. This was followed by coating the shell and polyacrylamide cladding have been prepared.250
surfaces of the Au-NPs with silica shells using a mixture of Mainly comprising ‘‘organic’’ materials, special types of core–
tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-(aminopropyl)trimethoxy- multishell NPs have been introduced recently involving supra-
silane (APTMS). Then, using a controlled etching technique (by molecular dendritic assemblies, which have potential applications
treating the sample with strong base at elevated temperature), in drug/dye/metal ions delivery251–257 as well as catalysis258–260 etc.
allowed formation of a thin shell surrounding the Au-NP core. In a typical synthetic procedure, a polar inner core (mostly PEG
Finally, a modified Stöber method using a mixture of fluor- related materials, PEG = polyethylene glycol) was chemically
ophore dye and TEOS afforded the final product, where the dye attached (typically via simple esterification between mPEG (methoxy-
particles were doped only in the outer layer (Fig. 12). In their poly(ethylene glycol)) and diacid based linkers) to a non-polar
recent report,242,243 Catala et al. demonstrated a surfactant-free intermediate shell. The ensuing material was then conjugated via
one-pot multistep procedure to obtain core–multishell magnetic/ amidation using EDC (1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbo-
photomagnetic co-ordination NPs specifically composed of face- diimide) coupling to a hydrophilic outer core (generally PEI, poly-
centered-cubic Prussian blue analogs (PBAs) of the general ethyleneimine) to produce the final material (Fig. 13). This synthetic
formula AIxMII[M0 III(CN)6](2+x)/3, [where A is an alkali-metal cation strategy is attractive, because depending on the desired application
and MII and M0 III are transition-metal ions].244 The particle-size the synthetic procedure, polarity and sequence of layering can all
(and also shell thickness) was shown to be easily controllable and be easily altered along with the chain-length and molecular
in good agreement with calculated values. Zeng and co-workers weight of each of the precursors. Regarding catalysis, these
reported the sol–gel synthesis of Zn1xCoxO/Co1yZnyO core– dendritic core–multishell composites could be used to incorpo-
multishell NPs that could be used as a catalyst for CO oxidation rate catalytically active metal ions/NPs for assorted organic
at relatively low temperature.245 transformations (including enantioselective reactions) with high
A step-by-step synthetic method has been used to obtain reactivity and excellent recyclability.258–260
hetero-epitaxial growth of core–shell and core–multishell nano-
materials containing Pd and Au NPs.246,247 Ming and co-workers Core–porous-shell NPs. Although it is difficult to
have reported the synthesis of silica/Ag/TiO2 nanocomposites completely separate the category ‘‘core–porous-shell’’ from the
Fig. 12 Core–shell/multishell plasmodia nanocavities. Schematic of (a) Au (yellow)/silica (green) and (b) Au/silica/dye silica core–multishell nano-
structures. Dye molecules (shown as red stars) are dispersed in the outermost silica shell (shown as green shell). (c–g) TEM images of Au/silica core–shell
structures with different shell thickness. (h) TEM images of Au/silica/dye (rhodamine 6G) silica core–multishell nanostructures. Reprinted with permission
from ref. 241. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.
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Fig. 14 Schematic representation of the synthesis of a porous SiO2–AuNP–SiO2 core–shell–shell microsphere catalyst. Reprinted with permission from
ref. 268. Copyright 2012 Springer.
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Zhang’s group made porous silica CSNs via the sol–gel method
and used them as a fluorescent sensor for the detection of very low
concentrations of Zn2+ ions by employing rhodamine 101 adsorbed
on the solid cores and 8-aminoquinoline impregnated onto the
porous silica shells.284 Weitz and co-workers used a microfluidic
and ‘‘porogen-templating’’ techniques to prepare NPs with a
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Fig. 16 (a) Schematic of the mechanism of mixing driven phase separation, precipitation polymerization and subsequent pore formation after removal
of porogen PDMS oil. (b–e) SEM images of the surface and the three different layers within the porous particle. Reprinted with permission from ref. 285.
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unique functionalities can be obtained in a relatively shorter time microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
to find their utility in varied applications, especially in catalysis. images are usually used to determine the size, morphology and
homogeneity of the NPs. However, because signal collection in
3.2. Characterization techniques for core–shell nanoparticles SEM usually involves collecting secondary electrons and there-
The above sections described common synthetic strategies and fore generating only a surface image, it is difficult to distinguish
some recent examples of different types of CSNs. However, the core from the shell with SEM analysis. High resolution
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before discussing the catalytic applications, it is important to TEM (HRTEM) enables the simultaneous observation of lattice
provide an overview of the techniques available for characterizing fringes with different spacings in the core and shell from a single
such systems. In this section, some common techniques related particle. Additionally, energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS),
to CSNs (or nanomaterials in general) are mentioned. which is typically attached as an accessory to TEM instruments,
The properties and performance of nanomaterials, especially as can serve as a powerful method for determining the distribution
nanocatalysts, relies heavily on their size, morphology, structure of elements within specified region. Thus, EDS can be reliably
and composition. In the case of CSNs, the combination of the used to characterize the chemical nature of the core and shell
inner core and outer shell, dispersion of catalytic groups on the within a core–shell nanosystem. Another important technique
surface of the materials and diffusion of the NPs in the reaction used for core–shell nanomaterials, particularly for their compo-
have crucial effects on their properties and catalytic activities. sition, elemental mapping and also sometimes depth-profiling,
Therefore, characterization of CSNs to obtain information regard- is electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) – a technique often
ing their structural features and physical properties are not only considered complimentary to EDS. This technique has been
important for understanding their structure–catalytic activity routinely used for core–shell nanocatalysts to obtain valuable
relationships but also for gaining deeper insights into the catalytic information regarding their structure activity relationships (see
mechanisms involving these nanosystems. Consequently, a range Section 5 on electrocatalysis). In high angle annular dark-field
of parameters that define CSNs needs to be characterized and STEM (HAADF-STEM), regions with larger average atomic number
assessed (Fig. 17). To describe CSNs as completely as possible, it is are indicated by brighter contrast in images, as long as this
necessary to elucidate the chemical and physical properties of the area has the same thickness. Therefore, Z-contrast (Z is the average
materials, i.e., the size and shape of the particles, surface char- atomic number) images can be used to detect the element
acteristics, nature of surface coating and presence of impurities/ distribution visually and directly. More advanced electron micro-
dopants (which are often incorporated by combining a series of scopy methods, such as aberration-corrected STEM operating at
complimentary analytical methods). Below, the major character- a lower voltage (100 kV), has recently been developed to give
ization techniques used to probe the structures, compositions and the images at atomic-resolution.286 In fact, annular dark field
properties of CSNs are briefly described. scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) and
X-ray diffraction (XRD) has long been the method of choice atomic-resolution spectroscopic mapping are nowadays routinely
for studying the crystal phases or microstructures of a range used under various suitable conditions. By taking advantage of the
of materials, including CSNs. Particularly for CSNs, XRD is an unique optical properties, such as plasmonic, absorption and emis-
important tool that can shed light on the presence of core–shell sion properties, of NCs (which are quite sensitive to their surface
structures in the NPs. Even separated phases belonging to the core modification), several spectroscopic techniques have been developed
and shell could be detected simultaneously. Scanning electron to directly or indirectly, characterize CSNs. UV-Vis spectroscopy
is one of the most commonly used spectroscopic techniques for
the analysis of different types of NPs, especially those capable of
absorbing in the UV-Vis region of electromagnetic radiation. For
organic type core@shell nanostructures, infrared spectroscopy
can be used for the identification of the organic molecules/
moieites present in the nanostructures.
Raman spectroscopy is also another important technique for
studying the surface characteristics of core–shell nanomaterials.
Additionally, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) can
be used for studying CSNs containing SERS active metals, such as
Au, Ag, and Cu, and for the detection and monitoring of surface
processes relevant for catalysis by core–shell nanomaterials. Gas
adsorption/desorption machinery equipped with an automated
analyzer, which allows multilayer adsorption/desorption of gas
(mostly nitrogen) over a material’s surface as a function of relative
pressure, is also useful for the characterization of core–shell nano-
materials, especially those containing porous structures. In particu-
lar, the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method is commonly used
Fig. 17 Structural and compositional features of CSNs that can affect for determination of the specific surface area of porous core–shell
CSNs catalytic properties. nanomaterials, whereas the Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) method
7554 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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can be employed to determine the pore volume and pore size of and Henry reactions, aerobic oxidative esterifications and
the materials; the choice being dictated by the pore sizes and synthesis of bulk chemicals (e.g., adipic acid), etc.
structures in the materials.
The above section highlights the key tools used to character- 4.1. Hydrogenation reactions
ize CSNs by providing information about their physicochemical Hydrogenation reactions are important in the industrial syntheses
properties. In the context of current review, these tools are
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Fig. 19 Chemoselective reduction of various organic substrates on silver@cerium dioxide core–shell nanocatalyst.
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T Yieldb (%)
Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
1 2 97 97 : 3 3
2c 8 95 97 : 3 5
3d 6 98 97 : 3 2
Fig. 20 Electron micrographs of AgNPs@CeO2: (a) SEM and (b) HRTEM
images of a AgNPs@CeO2 nanocomposite particle, (c) line-scan STEM-
EDS across the AgNPs@CeO2 nanocomposite (Ag: red squares, Ce: green 4d 6 99 98 : 2 1
squares). The circled areas correspond to the spherical CeO2 NPs. Reprinted
with permission from ref. 312. Copyright 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &
Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
5d 6 98 98 : 2 2
6e 6 98 95 : 5 2
AgNPs@CeO2, has also been shown to catalyze the chemo-
selective reduction of unsaturated aldehydes to the corresponding
unsaturated alcohols with H2;313 the nanogaps among adjacent 7d 8 98 97 : 3 2
CeO2 NPs within the shell allow better access of reactants to the
active Ag sites in the core. Exploiting the interaction between the a
Reaction conditions: alkyne (0.5 mmol), Pd@MPSO/SiO2-1 (0.02 g, Pd:
basic sites of CeO2 and Ag NPs effectively induced the heterolytic 0.2 mol%) and MeOH (5 mL). b Determined by Gas Chromatography
(GC) yield using an internal standard. c Pd@MPSO/SiO2-1 (0.1 g, Pd:
cleavage of H2 to Ag–hydride and proton species, allowing the 0.05 mol%), 1 (10 mmol), MeOH (40 mL), H2 (1 atm.), 30 1C. d Reaction
highly chemoselective reduction of unsaturated aldehydes to was conducted at 40 1C. e THF was used as a solvent.
the corresponding allylic alcohols.
4.1.2. Semihydrogenation of alkynes by Pd@MPSO/SiO2. The
nanocatalysts, namely Pd@MPSO/SiO2-1 (where MPSO : Pd = 7 : 1)
semihydrogenation of alkynes is an important synthetic protocol
and Pd@MPSO/SiO2-2 (where MPSO : Pd = 100 : 1). The material
for preparing (Z)-alkenes, which are important building blocks
Pd@MPSO/SiO2-1 was successfully employed as a catalyst for the
for fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, such as flavors, natural
semihydrogenation of a wide range of internal alkynes (aromatic
products and bioactive molecules.314 A core–shell nanocatalyst
and aliphatic alkynes) to the corresponding alkenes, affording
consisting of Pd NPs shielded within a DMSO-type matrix on the
497% yield (Table 1). Pd@MPSO/SiO2-2 also catalyzed the
surface of SiO2 producing Pd@MPSO/SiO2 CSNs (MPSO = methyl-
selective semihydrogenation of a variety of terminal alkynes,
3-trimethoxysilylpropylsulfoxide) has been designed and shown
such as ethynyl benzenes, bearing electron-withdrawing and
to catalyze the selective semihydrogenation of alkynes.315 The
electron-donating groups to the corresponding terminal alkenes
shell containing an alkyl sulfoxide network acted as a macroligand
with excellent selectivity (Fig. 22).
and permitted the selective entrance of alkynes to the active center
4.1.3. Reduction reactions with magnetically separable core–
of the Pd NPs, encouraging the selective semihydrogenation
shell nanocatalysts. Magnetically separable NPs are increasingly used
of alkynes (Fig. 21).315,316 Varying the molar ratios of MPSO to
as robust catalysts for various organic transformations because
Pd during the synthesis resulted in two different core–shell
they are easily recoverable and reusable as catalyst for multiple
catalytic runs. Such nanomaterials can easily be synthesized via
a stepwise or an in situ synthetic method. For example, a simple
7556 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 23 (A) Ag–Ni CSNs: (a) low-magnification TEM image (at 50 nm), (b) SAED pattern, (c) HRTEM image, and (d) EDS spectra recorded from the center.
(B) Hydrogen transfer reactions of aromatic nitro and carbonyl compounds on Ag@Ni core–shell nanocatalyst. Reprinted with permission from ref. 98.
Copyright 2013 Royal Society of Chemistry.
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The resulting nanocatalyst was successfully employed as a The surfaces of the silica microspheres were then modified using
catalyst for the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of aromatic 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (APTMS) to form aminopropyl-
ketones in aqueous medium in the absence of any phase terminated SiO2 microspheres. Finally, Pd NPs were supported
transfer catalyst (PTC), affording excellent conversion and high on the aminopropyl-terminated silica microspheres by reducing
enantioselectivity. The nanocatalyst demonstrated its versatility an aqueous solution of Pd salt with citric acid. In the second
in accommodating various substrates with electron donating as step, the SiO2/Pd core microspheres were coated with a silica
Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
well as electron withdrawing groups. Moreover, the catalyst was shell, thus producing SiO2/Pd/SiO2 core–shell–shell microspheres,
successfully recycled up to twelve times with no significant loss which were further coated by a surfactant/ZrO2 shell. The ZrO2
of catalytic activity. shell was prepared by mixing SiO2/Pd/SiO2 core–shell–shell micro-
4.1.5. Vapor-phase cyclohexene hydrogenation by Au–Rh spheres in an aqueous solution containing polyethylene glycol
core–shell nanoparticles. Humphrey and co-workers have dodecyl ether (Brijs 30) surfactant and zirconium butoxide
reported a MW-assisted method for the synthesis of Au–Rh CSNs [Zr(OBu)4], and aging the solution for 12 h. The ensuing solid
in which AuNP seeds were coated by Rh shells in a one-pot product was calcined at 1073 K for 2 h to afford the SiO2/Pd/SiO2/
procedure.319 The Au NPs were prepared by NaBH4 reduction of h-ZrO2 core–shell–shell microspheres. Finally, the controlled etching
HAuCl4H2O in the presence of poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) in of the silica shell with an aqueous NaOH solution generated the
ethylene glycol at 150 1C for 30 min under MW irradiation and then hollow SiO2/Pd/h-ZrO2 core–shell–shell microspheres (or core–shell
left for an overgrowth step without further modification. Based on microsphere catalysts). The formation of the hollow shell was closely
the desired thickness of the shell, a specific quantity of RhCl3xH2O monitored by taking TEM images (Fig. 26B, right) of samples
in ethylene glycol was added at a rate of 20.0 mL h1 to the collected from solutions during etching of the inner silica shells of
suspended Au NPs under MW heating. In situ reduction of Rh(III) SiO2/Pd/SiO2/ZrO2, which gradually produced yolk–shell-type SiO2/
by ethylene glycol facilitated the isotropic overgrowth of Rh(0) onto Pd/h-ZrO2 microspheres. The images showed that SiO2 microsphere-
the AuNP seeds under MW irradiation at 150 1C (Fig. 25). supported Pd NPs were encapsulated within a hollow and nano-
The catalytic activity of the resulting CSNs was assessed using porous ZrO2 shell (yolk–shell type catalytic microreactors). The
vapor-phase cyclohexene hydrogenation as a model reaction in a hollow and nanoporous ZrO2 shell was permeable enough to allow
down flow reactor. Before packing the catalyst in the reactor, Au, reactants to reach the Pd-anchored-SiO2 cores, while at the same
Rh and Rh–Au CSNs were supported on amorphous silica using time robust enough to keep the Pd NPs intact and give high
the reported procedure.320 Next, a few milligrams of each catalyst conversion and recyclability for the hydrogenation of olefins.
(material) were studied using a single-pass reactor, in which a The catalytic activity of the generated core–shell micro-
low pressure stream of H2/He and cyclohexene were passed over spheres was then investigated toward the hydrogenation of
the catalyst at 30 1C, while the exhaust mixture was monitored styrene as a model reaction. The reaction proceeded at room
with an automated GC to evaluate the progress of the catalytic temperature and under 2 MPa H2 pressure, giving high yield in
reaction. The results revealed that the catalytic activity of the 30 min. The versatility of the catalysts was exemplified for
materials was highly dependent on the thickness of the shell of various styrenes and recycling experiments (Table 2).
the core–shell nanomaterial. The same group reported the synthesis of CSNs containing
4.1.6. Hydrogenation of alkenes by SiO2/Pd/h-ZrO2 and SiO2/ dendrimers in the structure, where core–shell microspheres
Pd-PAMAM type core–shell–shell microspheres. Asefa and containing SiO2 cores and dendrimer-encapsulated ultra-small
co-workers have reported the synthesis of stable catalytic core– Pd were assembled, producing SiO2@Pd–PAMAM microspheres.266
shell type microreactors, which comprise SiO2 microsphere- In the synthesis, SiO2 microspheres were first prepared by the Stöber
supported metal NPs embedded in multicores of hollow and method and then functionalized with vinyl groups by grafting their
nanoporous ZrO2 shell.321 The catalyst, SiO2/Pd/h-ZrO2, was surfaces with vinyltriethoxysilane (VTS). Afterwards, the vinyl groups
synthesized in three main steps (Fig. 26A). In the first step, were converted into epoxides by using m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid.
silica microspheres were prepared by the Stöber method. Upon treatment with amine terminated G4 poly(amidoamine)
Fig. 25 Schematic of the synthesis of Au–Rh CSNs using a microwave (MW)-assisted synthetic method: yellow/orange = Au; blue/violet = Rh. Reprinted
with permission from ref. 319. Copyright 2013 Royal Society of Chemistry.
7558 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 26 (A) Schematic of the synthesis of SiO2/Pd/h-ZrO2 core–shell–shell microspheres or microsphere catalysts. (B) TEM images showing
the structural evolution of SiO2/Pd/SiO2/ZrO2 core–shell–shell–shell microspheres after etching with dilute NaOH solution for different etching times:
(a) 2 h, (b) 6 h, (c) 9 h, (d) 12 h, (e) 15 h, (f) 20 h, (g and h) 24 h, (i) 27 h, and (j) 48 h. Reprinted with permission from ref. 321. Copyright 2012 Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
(PAMAM) dendrimers, the SiO2-supported epoxides underwent functional groups under 10 bar hydrogen pressure at room
ring-opening and afforded SiO2@PAMAM core–shell micro- temperature (RT) (Fig. 28). The SiO2 microspheres supported
spheres. Pd NPs within the cores of the SiO2-supported PAMAM the permeable core–shell structures and the ultrasmall Pd NPs
dendrimers were generated by reducing Pd(II) ions in the cores embedded in the attached dendrimer contributed to high catalytic
of the dendrimers with NaBH4. TEM images and size distribu- activities. The catalysts showed excellent recyclability without loss of
tion of the resulting SiO2@PAMAM core–shell microspheres are catalytic activity. These CSNs microspheres retained their catalytic
shown in Fig. 27. activity better than in control samples, including SiO2@Pd core–
The SiO2@Pd–PAMAM core–shell microspheres were evalu- shell microspheres that contained no dendrimers or contained
ated for hydrogenation (or reduction) reactions toward various a commercially available Pd/C (1 wt%) catalyst.
4.1.7. Magnetic core–shell Au nanocatalyst for the reduction of
4-nitrophenol. Zhu and co-workers have reported a magnetic core–
Table 2 Hydrogenation of various substrates by SiO2/Pd/h-ZrO2 core– shell Au nanocatalyst for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol under
shell–shell microsphere catalysts benign reaction conditions.292 The as-synthesized Au–Fe3O4@
Time Conversion Selectivity TOF metal–organic framework (MOF) nanocatalyst had a magnetic
No. Substrate Product (h) (%) (%) (h1) Au–Fe3O4 core and a porous MOF shell. The nanocatalyst was
synthesized by a versatile layer-by-layer assembly protocol, and
1 0.3 B100 B100 5145 the shell thickness in the CSNs was controlled by adjusting the
number of cycles employed for the self assembly. The ensuing
Au (3–5 nm) NPs were located between the magnetite core and
2 1.5 93 B100 1187
MOF shell and were evenly dispersed on the surface of the
3 3 94 B100 492 magnetite NPs (Fig. 29).
Furthermore, the Au–Fe3O4@MOF nanocatalyst was shown
Reaction conditions: substrate (1 mL); methanol (20 mL); catalyst (10 mg,
5.42 wt% Pd in the SiO2/Pd/h-ZrO2 core–shell–shell microspheres); reaction to be the best candidate among other reported Au-based
temperature (25 1C); and reactor pressure (2 MPa H2 pressure). catalysts toward the reduction of 4-nitrophenol as it could be
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Fig. 27 (A) Schematic of the synthesis of SiO2@Pd–PAMAM dendrimer type core–shell microspheres or nanocatalysts. (B) (a and b) Low magnification and
(c) high magnification TEM images of etched SiO2 microspheres. (d and e) Enlarged TEM images of SiO2@Pd–PAMAM core–shell microspheres. (f) Size
distribution of Pd NPs in SiO2@Pd–PAMAM core–shell microspheres. Reprinted with permission from ref. 266. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.
Fig. 28 SiO2@Pd–PAMAM core–shell microspheres catalyze hydrogenation reactions of various functional groups.
recycled for several runs due to the magnetic Fe3O4 core.292 Such stabilized on a representative MOF (ZIF-8) (Au–Ag-ZIF-8). The
type of nanocatalyst can be employed in large-scale synthesis of 3D scaffold of ZIF-8 (Zn(MeIM)2, MeIM = 2-methylimidazole)
various compounds in industry, where isolation, separation and provides high thermal and chemical stability with pore size and
reusability are essential to reduce the total synthetic cost. surface area conducive for depositing metal NPs.325 The size
Recently, bimetallic CSNs have been developed where of Au@Ag NPs was successfully controlled at 2–6 nm without
chemical reactions occurring on the shell and core metal can the need for surfactant by a sequential deposition reduction
distinctly modify the performance of the whole core–shell approach (Fig. 30). Changing the Au/Ag ratio altered the com-
nanocatalysts. Smart design of such core–shell materials by varying position whereas reversing the Au/Ag deposition order changed
the reaction conditions can control their physicochemical proper- the structure of the Au–Ag NPs. Applying a post treatment
ties and catalytic activity.322–324 For example, Xu and co-workers procedure converted the core–shell structure to an Au–Ag alloy.
synthesized Au@Ag CSNs decorated on a metal–organic frame- The Au–Ag-ZIF-8 core–shell nanocatalyst was employed for
work (MOF) by a sequential deposition reduction method.295 In a the catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NPh) using NaBH4
typical synthesis of Au–Ag core–shell catalysts, Au–Ag NPs were as reductant in water. The reduction kinetics were followed by
7560 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 29 (a) Synthesis of magnetic core–shell Au–Fe3O4@MOF nanocatalyst, (b) TEM images of Au–Fe3O4, (c) single particle of core–shell Au–Fe3O4
showing mappings for Au, C, Fe and O elements. Reprinted with permission from ref. 292. Copyright 2015 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 30 (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation methods used for Au–Ag core–shell nanocatalysts. (b) Catalytic conversion of 4-NPh over ZIF-8 stabilized
catalysts: 2Au (I20), 2Au–1Ag (I21), 2Au–2Ag (I22), 2Au–3Ag (I23), 2Au–4Ag (I24), 2Ag (II02), 2Ag–1Au (II12), 2Ag–2Au (II22), 2Ag–4Au (II42), and post treated I22.
(b) Arrhenius plot of the rate constant for the reduction of 4-NPh over I22. Reprinted with permission from ref. 295. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.
UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy after the addition of the as confirmed in the latter case by TEM/HAADF-STEM analysis
catalyst;295 the absorption peak of 4-nitrophenolate at B400 nm after catalysis.295
decreased along with a concomitant increase of the B300 nm This section described various important chemoselective
peak corresponding to 4-aminophenol. reductions performed by core–shell nanocomposite, AgNPs@BM,
As shown in Fig. 30b, the reaction did not occur over an Au as it forms both polar and nonpolar hydrogen species on respec-
(I20) catalyst and proceeded only sluggishly with an ‘‘induction tive Ag and BM, in a protocol that precludes the use of traditional
period’’ over a Ag (II02) catalyst.295 However, the catalytic activity bases such as NaOH and KOH. The Pd@MPSO/SiO2 core–shell
was significantly improved by applying the Au–Ag core–shell catalyst, deployed for semihydrogenation of terminal alkynes,
catalysts. Among all these synthesized catalysts,295 I22 displayed uses expensive Pd, which could be replaced by other transition
the highest activity with a rate constant estimated to be 4.97 metal such as Ni, Cu, etc.; core–shell recyclable catalysts Ag@Ni,
103 s1, suggesting that it is the most promising candidate employed for nitro and carbonyl group reduction reactions, is a
among Au- and Ag-based catalysts.326–329 Au–Ag core–shell cata- good example of cost-effective and sustainable process. Catalysts
lysts have also been shown to be highly reusable and stable,330 such as Cp*RhTsDPEN-CSSDMSS and Au–Rh core–shell provide
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ideal examples for asymmetric reduction of ketones and vapor- (H2O2); the concentration of H2O2 in the reaction medium is
phase cyclohexene hydrogenation, respectively. almost independent of the catalysts used (Fig. 31b). The catalytic
activity of the nanomaterials were then evaluated for the one-pot
4.2. Oxidation reactions oxidation of methyl phenyl sulfide into methyl phenyl sulfoxide
(A) (Fig. 31c) using in situ generated H2O2, where Pd/SiO2@
Catalytic oxidations of alcohols, aldehydes and sulfides are among
TiMSS was found to be the best catalyst.
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7562 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 32 (A) Synthesis of core–shell Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au NPs. (B) SEM (a–c), TEM (d and e), and HRTEM (f) images of Fe3O4 (a), Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH
(b and d), and Fe3O4@MgAl–LDH@Au (c, e, and f). (C) Catalytic oxidation of 1-phenylethanol. Reprinted with permission from ref. 341. Copyright 2013
Royal Society of Chemistry.
Fig. 33 Micrograph images of Au–Pd core–shell NCs: (a) bright-field TEM, (b) high-resolution TEM, (c) STEM-EDX map shown as an overlay of gold and
palladium signals, and (d) HAADF-STEM image showing a contrast difference between the gold core (bright) and palladium shell (dark). Dotted blue line
represents the EDX line scan shown in (e) with Pd shown in red, Au in green and Cu in black. Reprinted with permission from ref. 345. Copyright 2013
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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Fig. 34 (a) Schematic of the synthesis of metal cluster@silica core–shell nanospheres. (b) TEM image of Pd cluster@silica core–shell nanospheres.
(c) Size-selective catalysis of Pd cluster@silica core–shell nanospheres. Reprinted with permission from ref. 334. Copyright 2011 American Chemical Society.
Pd NPs were implanted inside the silica hollow shell and most 4.2.5. CO oxidation with core–shell nanoparticles. Chen et al.
of the core clusters were attached to the interior wall of the have reported a simple synthetic strategy for making core–shell
silica shell (Fig. 34b). microspheres consisting of CuO NPs dispersed on the surface of
The Pd-cluster embedded in the hybrid core–shell nano- Al2O3 for CO oxidation.347 The obtained Al2O3@CuO core–shell
catalysts displayed excellent size-selective catalysis for the submicrospheres displayed uniform core–shell structures, with
allylic oxidation of cyclohexene moieties with different mole- shells composed of small CuO NPs (without the formation of
cular size (e.g., 0.5 nm cyclohexene, 1.91 nm cholesteryl acetate CuAl2O4 passivation layer between CuO and Al2O3). Notably, when
(CA)). Whereas a Pd/silica nanocatalyst successively oxidized these Al2O3@CuO submicrospheres were used as a catalyst for CO
cyclohexene and CA to the corresponding 2-cyclohexene-1-one, oxidation, a significantly improved activity was observed compared
2-cyclohexenol, cyclohexene oxide and 7-ketochlolesteryl acetate to conventional supported CuO/Al2O3348 (prepared by impregna-
as main products with conversions of 23.1% (cyclohexene) and tion and calcination processes) catalysts in a continuous-flow
9.8% (CA), a 4 times higher than cyclohexene conversion (93.7%) fixed-bed reactor with feed gas containing 1.0 vol% CO, 1.6 vol%
was achieved with high selectivity for the dehydrogenation product O2, and 97.4% He (balance gas) at a total flow rate of 50 mL min1,
over the same catalyst (97.7%) (Fig. 34c). The selective oxidation which corresponds to a gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) of
of organic compounds such as hydrocarbons or alcohols is an 30 000 mL h1 gcat1. A maximum conversion was obtained at
important reaction in industrial organic synthesis.346 Further- 160 1C for the reaction.
more, Pd/silica (Pd loading 0.9%) CSNs have been employed Bao and co-workers developed a synthetic method for gen-
for the solvent-free oxidation of hydrocarbons and alcohols erating FeO-on-Cu@Pt-oxide-on-NM (noble metal) type nano-
in an O2 atmosphere to give corresponding products with materials349 for catalytic CO oxidation (Fig. 35). The Cu@Pt CSNs
excellent conversions. were synthesized by a sequential polyol process. In the synthesis,
Fig. 35 Various structural configurations of supported NPs catalysts: (A) noble metal NPs, (B) ‘‘TMO-on-NM’’ (transition metal oxide = TMO) NPs
consisting of a noble metal NPs decorated with surface TM oxide, and (C) ‘‘TMO-on-NM Shell’’ NPs with TM oxide decorating the surface of a core–shell
NP. Reprinted with permission from ref. 349. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.
7564 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 36 Schematic of the formation procedures used for mesoporous silica nanospheres with or without Au NPs. Adapted from ref. 344.
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7566 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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7568 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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treatment partially restored the initial dispersion. In contrast, for 4.7. Aerobic oxidative esterification by AuNiOx/SiO2–Al2O3–
Pt@CeO2/Al2O3, there was no loss in CO uptake upon increasing MgO catalysts
the reduction temperature. Rather, the calculated dispersion Esterification is one of the most common transformations in
actually increased slightly from 6 to 8%. Oxidizing the Pt@CeO2/ organic synthesis.377 The oxidative esterification of aldehydes
Al2O3 core–shell nanocatalysts, followed by subsequent reduction with alcohols is a useful route for the synthesis of esters
at 423 K, restored the initial metal dispersion, suggesting that
Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
Fig. 44 Electron-probe microanalysis spectra of a single particle of AuNiOx/SiO2–Al2O3–MgO. (a) Secondary electron image and line analysis. (b) Color
mapping display corresponding to the concentration of the element distribution. Reprinted with permission from ref. 378. Copyright 2013 American
Chemical Society.
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7570 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Table 6 Mass activities (MA) and specific activities (SA) for PtML samples
synthesized by either ethanol-based approach or by Cu underpotential
deposition (UPD), derived from the ORR kinetic currents at 0.9 V vs.
reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)427
Fig. 47 (a) HAADF-STEM image of a PtNiN CSN with corresponding two- Pd@PtML Pd@PtML Pd@Pt2ML
dimensional EELS mapping of Pt M and Ni L signals (dotted lines for Samples Cu UPD ethanol ethanol
visualization purposes only). (b) STEM image of PtNiN CSNs. (c) EELS
linescan profiles of Pt and Ni and schematic of a single PtNiN NP (blue, Pt/(Pt + Pd) (at%) 26.9 27.3 33.3
Pt (wt%) 16.5 17.1 18.1
Pt; gray, Ni; purple, N). Reprinted with permission from ref. 426. Copyright
Pd (wt%) 24.5 24.9 19.7
2012 American Chemical Society. MAPta (A mg1) 0.62 0.64 0.62
MAPGMb (A mg1) 0.25 0.26 0.30
SAc (mA cm2) 0.25 0.58 0.70
ECSAd (m2 g1) 191 110 89
the reaction rate, several bimetallic electrocatalysts composed of Pt a
MAPt, mass activity normalized by the mass of Pt. b MAPGM, mass
and 3d-transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni,) have been examined.401,420–425 activity normalized by the mass of Pt-group metals (PGM). c SA, specific
Adzic and co-workers have investigated PtNiN core–shell catalysts activity normalized by the ECSA. d ECSA, electrochemical surface area.
with a low Pt content shell and inexpensive NiN core and showed
that they displayed excellent electrocatalytic activity and stability
for the ORR.426 The catalysts were synthesized by chemical the temperature, H2O, and pH. Table 6 summarizes the ORR
reduction and subsequent thermal annealing in N2, wherein activities for Pd@PtML and Pd@Pt2ML samples fabricated
NH3 was used as a nitrogen precursor at ambient pressure. via the ethanol-based approach as compared with those for
High angle annular dark-field (HAADF) images of the materials Pd@PtML fabricated via Cu under potential deposition. The smooth
revealed the core–shell structure of the NPs (Fig. 47). By over- Pt surface obtained at 70 1C was responsible for a smaller electro-
lapping the two-dimensional mapping of Pt and Ni in EELS chemical surface area (ECSA) than that obtained at room tempera-
signals from a single NP, as shown in Fig. 47a (dotted lines), ture owing to high coordination sites on smooth terraces (less
the core–shell structure of the materials was confirmed. The reactive to H adsorption/desorption) rather than low coordination
EELS line scan profile defined the distribution of Pt and Ni sites on a roughened surface with edges and defects.
components in a representative single NP, enabling the Pt shell Ge et al. have synthesized composition-controlled bimetallic
thickness to be directly measured (Fig. 47c). The presence of catalysts containing Pt as a shell and Cu as a core by electro-
N atoms in the core allowed facile diffusion of interacted Pt chemically dealloying a bulk Pt15–Cu85 (atom %) binary alloy
from the inner shells to the surface, filling the vacancy sites using a potential-controlled approach.428 Dealloying at 0.4, 0.5,
(geometric effect), resulting in augmented durability of the 0.6 and 0.7 V yielded bimetallic Pt–Cu catalysts with chemical
catalysts (Fig. 48). compositions of Pt48Cu52, Pt55Cu45, Pt67Cu33 and Pt100Cu0, respec-
Electrochemistry and DFT methods revealed that the high ORR tively. The Pt/Cu ratio of the dealloyed nanoporous catalyst could
activity and durability of the PtNiN catalyst can be attributed to the readily be adjusted over a wide composition range by simply
Ni nitride core, which influences the behavior of the Pt shell by controlling the dealloying potential. The thickness of the Pt shell
inducing both geometric and electronic effects, thus controlling was dependent on the potential cycles. The prepared catalyst was
the catalytic activity.426 The same group used a surfactant-free, well characterized by aberration corrected scanning transmission
ethanol-aided, wet chemical synthetic approach to coat Pd NPs electron microscopy (STEM) equipped with electron energy-loss
with uniform Pt atomic layers on a carbon support.427 The spectroscopy (EELS), the results of which are shown in Fig. 49.
monolayer deposition was carried out during the oxidation of The resulting material was used as an electrocatalyst for the
ethanol catalyzed by the core NPs. Subsequent reduction of electrochemical oxidation of formic acid and its catalytic activity
[PtCl6]2 ions to Pt atoms allowed the formation of atomic Pt was compared with a commercial Pt/C catalyst in 0.1 M HClO4
layers; the reducing power of ethanol was tunable by adjusting solution media. The dealloyed Pt–Cu sample containing E67.2% Pt
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 | 7571
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Fig. 49 STEM image and EDS elemental maps of the dealloyed Pt–Cu ligament: (a) HAADF-STEM image of the nanoporous structure; (b) mixed STEM-EDS
elemental mappings of Pt-L & Cu-K; (c) elemental mapping of Pt-L; and (d) elemental mapping of Cu-K. The composition intensity profile of (e) Pt and (f) Cu
were taken from the labeled region in (a). Reprinted with permission from ref. 428. Copyright 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Fig. 50 (a) Scheme showing the synthetic route for Au@Co3O4 core–shell NCs. (b) TEM image of Au NCs (inset: histogram of the size distribution).
(c) TEM image of Au@Co NCs (inset: histogram of the size distribution). (d) TEM image of a two-layer array of the Au@Co NCs (inset: modeled projection
of the two-layer NC assembly). (e) HRTEM image of a single Au@Co NC. (f) TEM image of Au@Co3O4 NCs supported on carbon. (g) HRTEM image of a
single Au@Co3O4 NC. Reprinted with permission from ref. 430. Copyright 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
exhibited voltammetric behavior very similar to that of the Pt/C relatively Ir-rich shell. Partial removal of the surface Cu by
catalyst, i.e., hydrogen adsorption/desorption at 0.03–0.4 V, the dealloying greatly increased the mass activity and specific
electrochemical double layer at 0.4–0.6 V and the formation of activity of the catalyst. It was suggested that these IrCu particles
Pt oxides and their reduction at 0.6–1.2 V vs. RHE. may have a controlled Pt monolayer, leading to a downshift
Bimetallic IrCu NPs have been synthesized and used as of the d-band center with respect to the Fermi level. The
a core for a Pt monolayer electrocatalyst.429 The CSNs were altered electronic and geometric effects due to the IrCu core
prepared by dissolving IrCu alloy, which ultimately resulted in a were compared to pure Ir enhanced ORR activities and an
7572 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 51 (a) iR-corrected polarization curves of Au@Co3O4/C (64 mgAu@Co3O4 cm2, in which the Au loading was 24 mgAu cm2 and Co3O4 loading was
40 mgCo3O4 cm2), (Au + Co3O4)/C (24 mgAu cm2 and 40 mgCo3O4 cm2), Co3O4/C (40 mgCo3O4 cm2), and Au/C (24 mgAu cm2) catalysts recorded in
O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH at a scan rate of 5 mV s1 and continuous electrode rotating speed of 2500 rpm. (b) Activity of the catalysts at an overpotential of
0.35 V. (c) Tafel plots of catalysts. (d) Chronopotentiometry curves of Au@Co3O4/C and Ir/C (40 mgIr cm2) under a current density of 10 A gAu@Co3O41
or 10 A gIr1 in O2-saturated 0.1 M KOH. Reprinted with permission from ref. 430. Copyright 2009 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
augmented stability for the PtMLIrCu core–shell electrocatalyst only 0.31 V was needed for Au@Co3O4 to achieve a current
was obtained. density of 10 A gcatalyst1.430
IrNi@IrOx NPs were also prepared in an analogous manner, Wang et al. have investigated the effect of synthetic para-
using IrNix as precursor alloy by selective surface dealloying of meters on a Pd–Pt core–shell catalyst by STEM analysis and
Ni and controlled surface oxidation of Ir. These metal-oxide their electrocatalytic activity for the ORR;431 effects of the
hybrid (M1M2@M1Ox) core@shell NPs were used as electro- thickness of the Pt shell, lattice mismatch and particle size
catalysts for the OER; a 3-fold higher catalytic activity was on the specific and mass activities originating from changes in the
observed for the electrochemical OER over benchmark catalysts effective surface area were discussed. The prepared core–shell
(IrNi@IrOx metal oxide core–shell). Furthermore, the noble- structure was characterized at an atomic level using Z-contrast
metal content of the catalysts could be lowered without com- scanning transmission electron microscopy coupled with element-
promising the catalytic activity of the materials411 and the sensitive electron energy loss spectroscopy (Fig. 52a–f). The total
general synthetic approach could be adapted to make a range number of atoms in the column, the square of their average
of other noble metal NPs for catalysis. atomic number (Z2), was determined based on brightness
In another recent report, a Au@Co3O4 core–shell nanocata- reflecting into enhanced HAADF intensity. Coupling element-
lyst with uniform overall particle size and shell thickness was sensitive EELS with HAADF images offered an alternate means
synthesized by adjusting the amount of oleylamine (OAm) and for determining the thickness and uniformity of the Pt shells
oleic acid (OA) ligands (Fig. 50). The resulting material showed (Fig. 52g and h). The enhanced catalytic activity was attributed to
a very strong synergistic effect between the core and shell. the effect of nanosize-induced surface contraction on the facet-
Specifically, the Co3O4 shell in Au@Co3O4 displayed strong dependent oxygen binding energy.
binding to oxygen due to its Co atoms, which are known active Sun et al. have reported a facile synthetic method for making
centers for the OER. The nanocatalyst was shown to catalyze the monodisperse, sub-5 nm core/shell Au/PtCu NPs by reducing
OER, giving an overpotential value of 0.35 V. The Au@Co3O4 platinum- and copper–acetylacetonate in the presence of 5 nm
NCs gave a 7 times higher current density in the OER than a Au NP seeds and 1,2-hexadecanediol (HDD), OAm and OA as
Au and Co3O4 NC mixture or Co3O4 NCs alone and 55 times capping agent at 200 1C (Fig. 53a–d).432 The Au core provided
higher than Au NCs alone (Fig. 51). A stable overpotential of suitable nucleation sites for CuPt alloy formation. The interaction
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Fig. 52 (a and b) HAADF-STEM images of the Pd(core)–Pt(shell) NPs obtained for the PdCPt1 and PdCPt4 samples, respectively. NPs overlap on the left
side in (a) and at the top in (b). (c and d) Intensity profiles (O) from the scan lines (the left ends are defined to be zero on the x-axes and the intensity at the
nearby vacuum set the zero for y-axes) in (a) and (b), and the best fits (black lines), based on the structure models shown in (e) and (f) for Pd particles with
1 and 3–4 Pt surface layers, respectively. (f) Projection of the structure model with 4 Pt layers on the STEM image plane (left) and the arrangements of
atoms in the vertical columns along the scan line (right); HAADF and Pd EELS intensity profiles for a PdCPt2 sample. (g) Comparison of HAADF (black) and
Pd EELS (red) intensity profiles in a line scan. (h) Two-dimensional mapping of HAADF intensity (left) and Pd EELS signal (right) obtained with 0.27 nm per
pixel resolution. Reprinted with permission from ref. 431. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.
Fig. 53 TEM images of (a) 5 nm Au NPs and (b) 7.5 nm Au/Cu35Pt65 NPs. (c and d) HRTEM images of a single Au/Cu35Pt65 NP acquired at a different focus
condition. Reprinted with permission from ref. 432. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.
between the core and shell made these Au/CuPt NPs useful for Their specific (mass) reduction and oxidation activities reached
ORR and methanol oxidation reaction in 0.1 M HClO4 solution. 2.72 mA cm2 (1500 mA mg1 Pt) at 0.9 V and 0.755 mA cm2
7574 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 54 (A and B) TEM and (C) HRTEM images of hAg@Pt–RGO. The inset in image (A) shows the corresponding SAED pattern. Reprinted with permission
from ref. 433. Copyright 2014 Royal Society of Chemistry.
(441 mA mg1 Pt) at 0.8 V (vs. RHE), respectively (Fig. 53e and f). 0.9 V, respectively, which were found to be 3.1 and 3.7 times
The existence of the Au NPs at the core suppressing the Pt usage larger than values obtained for a commercial Pt/C catalyst,
as well as the stability of the Au/CuPt catalyst for fuel cell respectively.435 According to theoretical calculations, the elec-
reactions was demonstrated. The core/shell design was found tronic effect of the Cu substrate on the Pt monolayer was
to be effective for optimizing the catalysis. responsible for the higher activity of PtCu NWs compared to
A one-pot solvothermal method has been used for the the commercial Pt/C catalyst. Furthermore, the PtCu NWs
preparation of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) supported hollow showed much better durability and stability compared to the
Ag@Pt core–shell nanospheres (hAg@Pt), using ethylene glycol commercial Pt/C.
(EG) as a reducing agent and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) Recently, Yung and co-workers have synthesized Pt nano-
as a soft template.433 Control experiments showed that the structures from submonolayer to monolayer by ion adsorption-
molar ratios of the Pt–Ag precursors, amount of SDS, presence in situ electrochemical reduction of Au NPs supported on
of RGO and reaction temperature were critical for achieving multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs).436 The coverage of Pt
the best catalytic activity (Fig. 54). The electrocatalytic activity on the Au surface was controlled by varying the concentration
and durability toward ethylene glycol oxidation was enhanced of Pt(II) or by repeating the ion adsorption and electrochemical
using hAg@Pt–RGO, which could offer a promising potential reduction process. The as-prepared Au@Pt/CNTs catalysts dis-
electrocatalyst for direct alcohol fuel cells. Certain defects in played coverage-specific electrocatalysis. Au@Pt/CNTs with low
RGO were suggested to be responsible for better adsorption Pt coverage were shown to be inactive towards methanol
of the OH(ads) species generated from water dissociation oxidation but oxidized formic acid effectively through a direct
during the electrochemical measurements. Compared to metallic pathway with mass specific activity 90 times higher than that of
nanostructures, hAg@Pt–RGO showed a higher catalytic activity a commercial Pt/C catalyst. Owing to the catalyst’s inertness to
for water dissociation as more OH(ads) could be adsorbed on methanol, it showed high performance in the ORR with high
the catalyst. Meanwhile, the well-dispersed hAg@Pt on the RGO methanol tolerance. However, simply increasing the Pt cover-
increased the surface area and improved the electrical conductivity age to above 40% caused the formic acid oxidation process to
of the nanocomposites, providing more active sites available for proceed by both direct and indirect catalytic pathways, resulting
EG molecules.433 in high methanol oxidation activity (Fig. 55). A strong relation-
In another study, monodispersed core/shell Ni/FePt NPs ship between the surface Pt coverage of the as-prepared Au@Pt/
were prepared by seed-mediated growth and subsequently CNTs material and its electrocatalytic activity towards formic
converted to Ni/Pt NPs. The aforementioned NPs were washed acid, methanol and oxygen was reported.
by acetic acid to obtain active Ni/Pt catalysts and employed in the Kim et al. have reported Pd@Pt core–shell NCs437 synthe-
ORR. The specific activity and mass activity of 4.2/0.8 nm core/ sized by an aqueous one-pot synthetic method comprising
shell Ni/FePt after an acetic acid wash reached 1.95 mA cm2 sequential formation of the Pd core followed by the Pt shell
and 490 mA mg1 Pt at 0.9 V (vs. RHE). These results were much as a result of the inherently slower reduction of Pt precursors
better than those obtained with a benchmark commercial Pt used in the synthesis. The Pt shell thickness of the Pd@Pt NCs
catalyst (0.34 mA cm2 and 92 mA mg1 of Pt at 0.9 V). Cu@CuPt could readily be manipulated by controlling the molar ratio of
core@shell NWs with 1D nanostructure were also synthesized Pt and Pd precursors in the growth solutions (Fig. 56). The
using Cu NWs as templates in organic solvent medium and electrocatalytic activity of the prepared Pd@Pt catalyst was
they were shown to have efficient electrocatalytic activity toward tested for MOR activity and shown to be highly dependent on
the ORR.434 the Pt shell thickness due to different interactions between the
Well-defined Pt–Pd@Pd core–shell nanospheres (PtPd@Pd Pt and Pd. The Pd1@Pt1 catalyst was found to exhibit the
NSs) have been synthesized for electrocatalytic oxidation using highest catalytic activity.
a simple one-pot solution approach, where N-methylimidazole Nogami and co-workers synthesized Pt–Pd core–shell nano-
and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) were used as directing and particles using a modified polyol method and have described
capping agents without application of any seed, template or the details of their formation and growth mechanism.70,438–440
organic solvent.435 The ORR mass activity and specific activity In their procedures, in order to control the morphology of the
over the PtCu NWs were 0.216 A mg1 and 0.404 mA cm2 at Pt-NP core, AgNO3 acts as a structure-modifying agent; ensuing
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Fig. 55 (a) Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of Au@Pt/CNTs with 27.9% Pt coverage in 0.1 M H2SO4 + 0.025 M HCOOH (black line) and 0.1 M H2SO4 + 0.1 M
methanol (red line), both recorded at 50 mV s1. (b) CVs of Au@Pt/CNTs with 57.6% Pt coverage in 0.1 M H2SO4 + 0.025 M HCOOH (black line) and 0.1 M
H2SO4 + 0.1 M methanol (red line), both recorded at 50 mV s1. (c) LSVs (linear sweep voltammograms) of Au@Pt/CNTs with 27.9% Pt coverage in 0.5 M
H2SO4 with and without 0.1 M methanol, 10 mV s1, 1600 rpm. (d) Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) results of Pt/C in 0.5 M H2SO4 with and without 0.1 M
methanol, 10 mV s1, 1600 rpm. Reprinted with permission from ref. 436. Copyright 2013 Springer.
Fig. 56 Low (a–c) and high magnification (d–f) HRTEM images of Pd3@Pt1
(a and d), Pd1@Pt1 (b and e), and Pd1@Pt3 (c and f) NCs. Scale bars indicate
5 nm. Reprinted with permission from ref. 437. Copyright 2014 American
Chemical Society.
7576 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 | 7577
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Fig. 60 (a and b) EOR performed on thin and thick shell Au–Pd core–shell octahedra, respectively, in 1 M KOH and 1 M ethanol. (c and d) Plots of EOR
current density vs. cycle number for thin and thick shell octahedra, respectively, for peaks I–IV as labeled in (a). Reprinted with permission from ref. 443.
Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.
7578 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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Fig. 62 Scheme for assembly of a DMFC full stack. (a) Devices of flow field, fluid components, frames and membrane electrolyte assembly (MEA).
(b) Assembled full stack. (c) Details of MEA component. Reprinted with permission from ref. 445. Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society.
Fig. 63 Elemental maps and line profiles of Pt–Cu bimetallic NP precursors and dealloyed active catalysts. High resolution energy dispersive
spectroscopy (HR-EDS) elemental maps of a Pt25Cu75 bimetallic NP alloy precursor (a) and the active electrocatalyst obtained after Cu dealloying from
the precursor (b). Pt is shown in blue, Cu in red and pink domains indicate well-alloyed Pt–Cu domains. (c) HR-EDS line profile across an individual 4 nm
diameter dealloyed Pt–Cu alloy active-catalyst particle. (d) Experimental and predicted relationships between electrocatalytic ORR activity and lattice
strain. Reprinted with permission from ref. 95. Copyright 2010 Nature Publishing Group.
alterations in the mean particle size. Overall, the strain-related that involve amendment of the adsorption energy of reactive
tuning for the ORR may offer a useful route for controlling the intermediates, including the electrooxidation of small organic
activity of other significant electrocatalytic chemical reactions molecules (viz. methanol, ethanol and related moieties).95
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 | 7579
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The deployment of core–shell nanostructures as electro- study, the atomic arrangements of Fe/Cu and Fe/Au core–shell
catalyst in various applications including ORR, HER, EOR, nanomaterials, prepared via gas-phase deposition, have been
DMFC, etc. displayed many unique properties that are not investigated using EXAFS (extended absorption fine struc-
exhibited by several others catalysts. The design and develop- ture)456 which revealed the structural complexity of the core
ment of practical electrochemical processes using core–shell materials as a function of shell materials. The synergism
nanocatalysts is generally meant to overcome the overpotentials between the core and shell is an important factor for several
Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
and low current density. Moreover, core–shell nanostructures catalytic and electrocatalytic applications; electrocatalytic activity
provide an exceptional way to increase the surface energy of active of Pd–Pt alloy and core–shell has been investigated for DMFCs as
sites on shell surface and decrease the reactions overpotential. a function of size, shape, and compositions of the nanocatalyst
The integration of various components into a hybrid nano- and the highest activity was discerned for core–shell nano-
system for the optimum and synergistic utilization offers an particles with monolayer shell when compared to their alloys
effective way to design effective electrocatalysts as exemplified and mixed NPs.457 Such continuing progress in this area will
by various hybrid strategies to enhance the electrocatalytic help attain the optimum conditions to develop core–shell nano-
property of core–shell nanostructures nanoparticles for different catalysts endowed with higher efficiency.
electrocatalytic applications. Another significant challenge for core–shell synthesis is
their bulk-scale preparation, as during the scaling up process,
they often lose their intrinsic chemical and physical properties,
6. Perspectives and future prospects which are fundamentally important for their catalytic behavior.
Additionally, most of these core–shells NPs, especially the ones
Over the last decade, CSNs have been actively employed in employed in electrocatalysts, are rather expensive, although they
various advanced applications, including solar cells, chemical are quite effective for the respective applications.458–463 Hence,
sensing, catalysis and electrocatalysis. Some of the biggest replacing such noble metal containing CSNs by inexpensive
challenges in this field include ensuring the compatibility materials for electrocatalysis and related applications is likely
between the core and shell and utilizing the unique properties to be an active area of future research.464–467
of core and shell individually. In addition, improvement of both Recently, ‘‘surface-protected etching’’ processes have been
core and shell materials for specific applications, particularly successfully employed for the fabrication of several nanostruc-
in the context of sustainable energy, has also been the focus of tured systems, including yolk–shell and core satellite nano-
recent research efforts. catalysts, in which mostly metal nanocatalysts are stabilized by
Various types of cores have been used, including oxides such porous shells.330,468–470 Although, the uniformity of the pores
as silica, ZrO2, iron oxides and also metals especially the noble can often be a concern and needs thorough investigation, the
ones (e.g., Ag, Cu, Pd). Among these options, earth-abundant porosity of the silica and titania shells, which affects the reaction
iron oxide (magnetite and maghemite) or iron supports are rates of catalytic processes, can be well controlled during such an
considered a superior class for decorating (or being decorated etching process. An advanced ‘‘surface-protected calcination’’
with) various catalytic active shells (Cu, Pt, Ni, etc.),293,434,446–451 method may also be ideal for the preparation of anatase titania
mainly because they (i) are inexpensive, (ii) can be prepared shells, in which added silica species can stop overgrowth of
easily, and, most importantly, (iii) can be separated magneti- the titania grains and help maintain its porous structure and
cally, which is undoubtedly a great advantage from sustainable structural reliability.
chemistry viewpoint. Recently, iron (Fe(0))-based CSNs have also A similar approach may also be used for materials with
been synthesized successfully in a variety of applications,452–454 effective photocatalytic activity. Additional important consid-
but maintaining a stable Fe(0) oxidation state has always been a erations for these types of core–shell nanostructures are the
topic of concern which needs to be resolved in a better and more availability of various metal combinations and prospects for
efficient way. studying the synergies between the different components of the
As explained in the review, core–shell nanomaterials are core–shell structures to boost structural stability and catalytic
often known to have better catalytic activity due to the presence activity/selectivity. This has allowed the development of highly
of different effects (ligand, ensemble and geometric). Hence, effective and stable photocatalysts featuring multilayer core–
it’s important to identify the experimental factors that can steer shell structures. The etching-based protocol mentioned above
the core–shell materials to have such desirable effects. The is easy to use, convenient in engineering the pore size and
understanding of the atomic arrangements and the interac- generally applicable to many oxide materials.
tions between core and shell at the interface has always been In terms of the synthesis, recent advances have led to the
considered crucial for designing efficient nanocatalysts. The design and preparation of more complicated structures including
availability of the state-of-the-art instrumental techniques and movable cores within hollow shells and hollow movable cores
powerful computational ability has allowed studying them within hollow shells and surface metal migration of CSNs.443
so closely. For instance, high aberration corrected STEM tech- The unique design and characteristics of these nanocatalysts
nique and theoretical-calculation-directed studies have eluci- offer advantages in different applications, including magnetic
dated the formation mechanism and explained the stability of photocatalysts, self-assembled photonic crystals with controlled
Pd–Pt and Pt–Pd bimetallic core–shell materials.455 In another bandgaps, and magnetic toners and inks. Additionally, since
7580 | Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015
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they are known to have good encapsulation ability, the targeted made from transition or non-transition metals, and their
release of biomolecules may also be possible. properties have been varied or tuned according to the elements
The emerging areas of flow chemistry, MW- and sonication- they are composed of and the synthetic protocols employed to
assisted techniques have also recently made inroads in the make them. Many of the synthetic methods used to make these
nanocatalysis and electrocatalysis arena.471,472 Use of a flow materials mainly involved wet chemical approaches, electrode-
reactor in conjunction with MW-assisted methods appears to position, electrochemical dealloying, solvothermal method,
Published on 19 August 2015. Downloaded by OPEN UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG on 1/29/2019 7:46:55 AM.
be the best approach for preparing CSNs on a relatively large etc. By using one or a few of these synthetic methods, or in
scale. Also, the fact that the synthesis of CSNs by MW irradia- combination, and by varying the synthetic conditions, a wide
tion or sonochemical methods is relatively unexplored owing to variety of core–shell electrocatalysts with different structure
their inadequacy in controlling morphology, suggests the and properties has been prepared. While many of the materials
future paths based on the development of the novel CSNs reported and discussed above contain noble metals, making
involving such technologies.473 Additionally, mechanochemical materials entirely from non-noble metals and earth-abundant
techniques such as grinding, has not yet been explored for the elements is of increasing interest in order to address sustain-
synthesis of CSNs, probably due to inherent limitations of the ability challenges. Many of these materials and the electro-
technique. Recently, a trimetallic core–shell system, also known chemical transformations they catalyze would also be of great
as trimetallic NPs or integrated NPs, has been employed for interest for future renewable energy technologies, such as fuel
ORR, hydrolytic dehydrogenation, methanol electrooxidation, cells, water electrolysers and energy storage devices.
catalytic hydrolysis of amine borane and other applications.474–476 CSNs appear to offer great potential for vapor phase reac-
On this basis, optimal metallic cores or shells could be designed tions (e.g., hydrogenation, oxidation, and alkylation) involving
for specific applications. Considering the current state of core– gas phase reactors as well. Combination of two different metals
shell nanocatalysts, we are hopeful that better systems than (bimetallic) for the core and shell has led to the emergence of a
currently available ones will be found that are capable of perform- new generation of nanocatalyst that can be explored for a
ing more efficiently and selectively. number of important chemical reactions. Further, tuning the
composition of the two metals would allow selective organic
transformations with ease and provide additional tools for
7. Concluding remarks chemists to attain the goal of sustainability. These advance-
ments in core–shell nanocatalysis will be expected to provide a
CSNs have emerged as valuable and versatile nanomaterials for solid and stable platform for the development of heterogeneous
catalysis because of their additive or complementarily enhanced catalysis, green chemistry, and environmentally benign proto-
properties compared to their one-component counterparts. The cols in the near future.
strain and ligand effect between the core and surrounding shell
can be exploited for tailoring the catalytic activity and selectivity
of core–shell nanocatalysts. Recent developments in the prepara-
tion of CSNs and their catalytic and electrocatalytic applications, Disclaimer
including hydrogenation reactions, oxidation reactions, coupling
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through its Office of
reactions, cycloaddition reactions, ammonia decomposition,
Research and Development, partially funded and collaborated in,
ORR, AOR, etc. have been summarized in this review article.
the research described herein. It has been subjected to the
Advanced techniques used for the characterization of core–shell
Agency’s administrative review and has been approved for external
nanostructures have also been briefly illustrated. The key struc-
publication. Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the
tural factors affecting catalytic activities of nanostructured mate-
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency,
rials, namely surface charge, surface area, surface functionality,
therefore, no official endorsement should be inferred. Any
size distributions, structure, etc., have particularly been empha-
mention of trade names or commercial products does not
sized. In addition, ways to unravel their structure–catalytic
constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
activity relationships and use the outcomes of studies as a guide
for further development of new and improved CSNs for catalytic
applications have been discussed.
In spite of their widespread application in catalysis, some Acknowledgements
aspects require further research; the interaction between the
core and shell is possibly the most important among them. As an The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the
example, there have been some disagreements as to whether the project LO1305 and the Operational Program Education for
ligand effect contributes to the d-band width or induces a direct Competitiveness – European Social Fund (project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/
charge transfer that affects d-band filling and how the thickness/ 30.0041) of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the
properties of the shell influences the overall catalytic process. Czech Republic. TA gratefully acknowledges financial support
Moreover, core–shell catalysts have become useful materials from the National Science Foundation in the USA (Grant Nos.
for electrocatalysis and have shown enhanced catalytic activity 1508611 and 1134289) for his group’s work on core–shell
in various electrocatalytic reactions. These catalysts have been nanocatalysis.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015 Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015, 44, 7540--7590 | 7581
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