Cummins Westport ISX12 G Brochure - 4971420 - 0313
Cummins Westport ISX12 G Brochure - 4971420 - 0313
Cummins Westport ISX12 G Brochure - 4971420 - 0313
Heavy-Duty Natural Gas Truck Engine
The Natural Choice.
ISX12 G Heavy-Duty
Natural Gas Truck Engine.
The Cummins Westport ISX12 G natural gas engine Advanced Combustion Technology.
delivers the strong pulling power and heavy-duty
The ISX12 G uses SEGR combustion with spark ignition
durability required for regional-haul truck/tractor,
to create a high-performance, heavy-duty natural gas
vocational and refuse applications. It features
engine. The cooled-EGR system takes a measured
Stoichiometric cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation (SEGR)
quantity of exhaust gas and passes it through a cooler
combustion technology, which allows the use of a
to reduce temperatures before mixing it with fuel and
maintenance-free Three-Way Catalyst (TWC). Ratings
the incoming air charge to the cylinder. SEGR results
range from 320 hp to 400 hp (239-298 kW) with 1450 lb-ft
in improved power density and fuel economy versus
(1966 N•m) of peak torque. The inherent efficiency of this
traditional stoichiometric or lean-burn natural gas engines.
engine and an abundant supply of natural gas reduce
This technology also enables the use of a TWC for
operating costs, making the ISX12 G the natural choice
emissions control.
for your fleet.
Maintenance-Free Aftertreatment.
Dedicated Factory-Built Natural Gas Engine.
TWCs are effective, simple, passive devices packaged
The ISX12 G is a dedicated, factory-built natural gas
as part of the muffler. They provide consistent emissions
engine that is based on the Cummins ISX12 diesel
control performance, are maintenance-free and can be
engine. The ISX12 G shares many of the same parts and
mounted vertically or horizontally on the vehicle. The
components as its diesel counterpart, and it operates
ISX12 G requires no active aftertreatment such as a Diesel
on 100 percent clean-burning, low-cost natural gas. The
Particulate Filter (DPF) or Selective Catalytic Reduction
ISX12 G meets current U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and California Air Resource Board (ARB)
emissions standards, and 2014 EPA greenhouse gas
(GHG) and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) fuel-
economy regulations.
Wastegate Turbocharger
EGR Valve
Engine Control Module (ECM) – Constantly monitors and High-Efficiency Lube Cooler – Lowers oil temperatures, for
controls engine sensors, fuel system and ignition system. longer engine life.
Drive-by-wire throttle control. Provides OEM and end-
Crankshaft – The eight-counterweight, fully balanced,
users with the ability to tailor performance of the engine
high-tensile-strength steel forging has induction-hardened
to fit the vehicle’s mission. Full interface capability to
fillets and journals, for outstanding durability.
Cummins INSITE™ and Cummins QuickCheck diagnostic
service tools. Optional Engine Braking – 240 hp (180 kW) at 2100 rpm.
High-Energy Ignition System – Provides better Transmission – Automatic and manual options available.
performance and longer service intervals, improved spark
Front- and Rear Engine Power Take-Off (FEPTO and
plug and coil durability and self-diagnostics. The ignition
REPTO) – Options provide additional torque, for a variety
module and fuel module are controlled by a full-authority
of vocational applications.
CM2180A ECM with programmable features, which is
compatible with Cummins diagnostic tools.
ISX12 G Ratings
ISX12 G Specifications
ISX12 G 350/1450 Extended Coverage.
ISX12 G 400/1450
700 For additional peace of mind, Cummins Westport offers
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
a variety of extended coverage plans to meet every
Engine Speed (RPM)
customer’s need. For details on extended coverage
With torque curves similar to those of the ISX12 diesel options, contact your local Cummins distributor or
within the 1150 lb-ft-to-1450 lb-ft (1559-1966 N•m) range, Cummins Westport representative.
the ISX12 G offers comparable vehicle performance and
Better Customer Care.
Cummins Westport-powered vehicles
Gearing Recommendations.
are supported by Cummins service
For best reliability and durability, the recommended network, the largest and most capable
maximum GVW for the ISX12 G in line-haul applications in North America. Cummins authorized
is 80,000 lb (36,287 kg). Recommended gearing is technicians are fully trained on Cummins
1400 rpm to 1450 rpm at cruise speed, to optimize Westport natural gas engines, with ready access to
fuel economy. Genuine Cummins Parts and warranty support. For
questions regarding your Cummins Westport engine,
or for assistance in finding a repair facility in the United
Optimizing Performance With PowerSpec.
States or Canada, call Cummins Care at 1-800-DIESELS™
Cummins PowerSpec helps you find the ideal gearing (1-800-343-7357).
specs for engine performance or fuel economy, making
it possible to tailor the operation of Cummins Westport
Cummins Westport – The Natural Choice.
engines to fit every customer’s application. PowerSpec
can also read fault codes, and can be programmed to Cummins Westport Inc. designs, engineers and markets
collect trip information for multiple drivers. PowerSpec 6- to 12-liter spark-ignited natural gas engines for
works on both the ISL G and the ISX12 G. commercial transportation applications such as trucks
and buses. Our dedicated 100 percent natural gas
See for more information.
engines are manufactured by Cummins, and are available
as a factory-direct option from leading truck and bus