EE720 - Quiz3
EE720 - Quiz3
EE720 - Quiz3
Solution: Consider the subset H of Z∗N which consists of elements a ∈ Z∗N sat-
isfying aN −1 = 1 mod N .
H = a ∈ Z∗N | aN −1 = 1 mod N
In other words, H is the set of elements in Z∗N which are not witnesses.
H is a subgroup of Z∗N by the result in the hint. By the hypothesis, H 6= Z∗N . By
Lagrange’s theorem, the order of H is a proper divisor of |Z∗N |. Since the largest
proper divisor of an integer m is possibly m/2, the size of H is at most |Z∗N /2|,
As H c is the set of witnesses in Z∗N , at least half the elements of Z∗N are witnesses
that N is composite.
c1 = me1 mod N,
c2 = me2 mod N.
Show how a PPT adversary can recover m from c1 , c2 using the public information
N, e1 , e2 .
Xe1 + Y e2 = 1.
4. Alice is using the plain RSA signature scheme with public key h143, 7i.
(a) (2 points) What is Alice’s private key?
(b) (3 points) What is the plain RSA signature corresponding to the message m =
2? Reduce your answer to an integer in the set {0, 1, . . . , 142}.
= 8 mod 11
σ = 11 mod 13,
σ = 8 mod 11,
σ = a1 M1 y1 + a2 M2 y2 mod M
=⇒ σ = 11 × 11 × 6 + 8 × 13 × 6 mod 143
= 225 × 6 mod 143 = 82 × 6 mod 143 = 492 mod 143 = 63 mod 143.