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MA10209 Algebra 1A

Sheet 7 Problems and Solutions: GCS


The course website is http://people.bath.ac.uk/masgcs/diary.html

Hand in work to your tutor by 15:15, Monday Nov 19.

1. Find all integers x such that x 3 mod 7 and x 4 mod 9.
Solution Notice that (5)7 + (4)9 = 1, so 35 0 mod 7 and 35 1 mod 9.
Also 36 1 mod 7 and 36 0 mod 9. Therefore 3 36 + 4(35) 3 mod 7 and
3 36 + 4(35) 4 mod 9. Thus we have found a simultaneous solution 32 to the
congruences. By the CRT (7 and 9 are coprime), the set of simultaneous solutions is
{32 + 63k | k Z} = {31 + 63k | k Z}.
2. Find all integers y such that 9 divides 2y + 1 and 11 divides 3y + 6.
Solution 9 divides 2y + 1 is equivalent to 2y 1 mod 9. Multiplying by 5 we
obtain y 4 mod 9. The original congruence can be recovered by multiplying by
2, so the congruence y 4 mod 9 has exactly the same solutions as the congruence
2y 1 mod 9.
Next we give the other congruence similar treatment. 11 divides 3y + 6 is equivalent to
3y 6 mod 11. Multiplying by 4 we obtain y 9 mod 11. The original congruence
can be recovered by multiplying by 3, so the congruence y 9 mod 11 has exactly the
same solutions as the congruence 3y 6 mod 11.
We are now required to solve y 4 mod 9 and y 9 mod 11 simultaneously. Using
Euclids algorith unpicked, or a happy observation, we see that 1 = (5)9 + (4)11 so
45 0 mod 9 and 45 1 mod 11. Similarly 44 1 mod 9 and 44 0 mod 11.
We obtain the particular solution 4(44) + 9(45) = 229. By the CRT (9 and 11 are
coprime), the set of simultaneous solutions is {229 + 99k | k Z} = {31 + 99k | k Z}.
3. Find all integers z such that z 10 mod 11, z 12 mod 13, z 17 mod 18. Hint: this
is much easier than it looks. There is a very short method.
Solution Observe that 1 is a simultaneous solution to all three congruences. The
Chinese Remainder Theorem applies, since the moduli are pairwise coprime. Notice
that the product of the moduli is 2574 so the solution set is {1 + 2574k | k Z}.

4. Show that there are 1000 consecutive positive integers, each of which is divisible by at
least 1000 different prime numbers.
Solution Let n1 be the product of the first 1000 prime numbers (in ascending order
of size), n2 be the product of the next 1000 prime numbers, and so on. Consider the
simultaneous congruences x 0 mod n1 , x 1 mod n2 , x 2 mod n3 , and for
each i = 1, . . . , 1000, x 1 i mod ni . Since the moduli are coprime, the Chinese
Remainder Theorem applies. Let n be the product of all ni . Let m be a simultaneous
solution to this set of congruences (which exists by the CRT) then the solution set for
the simultaneous congruences is {m + kn | k Z}. This set contains a positive integer
u. Now ni divides u + i 1 for each i, so this run of consecutive positive integers has
the required property.
5. (a) Suppose that u, v, d are integers, with u and d coprime. Show that if d divides uv,
then d divides v.
Solution You can obtain this result via the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
However, there is a quick way. Since u, d are coprime, then there are integers
, such that 1 = d + u. Multiply by v so v = d + uv. Now d divides the
right-hand side, so d | v.
(b) Suppose that m is an odd natural number. Prove that there is a natural number
n such that m divides 2n 1.
Solution Work in Zm . Consider the powers of [2]: [1], [2], [2]2 , [2]3 , . . .. There
are infinitely many terms of this sequence, but Zm is finite, so two terms must be
equal. There are i, j with 0 i < j such that [2]i = [2]j . Therefore [2j 2i ] = [0]
so m divides 2i (2ji 1). Since m is odd, m is coprime to 2i and part (a) applies,
so m divides 2ji 1. Alternatively, go straight for the jugular using the result of
Sheet 6, Problem 6, and work in the group of units Zm of the ring Zm .
6. Suppose that m, n N. Consider the map m,n : Zmn Zm Zn defined by
[x]mn 7 ([x]m , [x]n ) for each x Z, and [x]k denotes the equivalence class of x under the relation k . Determine |Im m,n |. Recall that Im ,mn is the image of m,n ,
and so is {m,n (x) | x Zmn }.
Solution Suppose that m,n ([x0 ]) Im m,n . The fibre of m,n ([x0 ]) is the set of
equivalence classes [y] Zmn such that m,n ([y]) = ([x0 ]m , [x0 ]n ), and this is the set of
equivalence classes [y] such that [y x0 ] is in the fibre of ([0]m , [0]n ). The integers y in
question are those such that y = x0 + kl where k is an integer and l is the lcm of m and
n. The number of different equivalence classes [y] as k varies is determined by counting
the number of integers of the form x0 + kl in a consecutive run of mn integers. Look at
the consecutive run x0 + 1, x0 + 2, . . . , x0 + mn we see that there are mn/l equivalence
classes in each non-empty fibre. Therefore m,n is a mn/l to 1 function. The domain
of m,n has size mn, so the image has size mn/(mn/l) = l = lcm(m, n).
Notice how this generalizes the case when m and n are coprime. In that case the CRT
tells us that m,n is a bijection, and so an onto map. Our calculation uses l = mn, so
the fibres of m,n have size 1 and the image has size mn as expected.

7. Let G be a group with multiplication and identity element 1.

(a) Suppose that x, y, z G and x y = x z. Prove that y = z.
Solution By the definition of a group, there is x0 G such that x0 x = x x0 = 1.
Now x0 (x y) = x0 (x z) so (x0 x) y = (x0 x) z thanks to the associative
law. Now x0 x = 1 so 1 y = 1 z but 1 is a two-sided identity element so y = z.
Therefore in a group G, you can cancel on the left.
(b) Suppose that x, y, z G and y x = z x. Prove that y = z.
Solution By the definition of a group, there is x0 G such that x0 x = x x0 = 1.
Now (y x) x0 = (z x) x0 so y (x x0 ) = z (x x0 ) thanks to the associative
law. Now x x0 = 1 so y 1 = z 1 but 1 is a two-sided identity element so y = z.
Therefore in a group G, you can cancel on the right.
(c) Suppose that e G and e x = x for some x G. Prove that e = 1, so that
e y = y = y e for every y G.
Solution We have e x = x = 1 x. Now use part (b) to deduce that e = 1, so
e y = 1 y = y for each y G. Informally, if an element e behaves just a little
bit like 1, then it is 1.
8. How many integers in the range 1 i 990 are coprime to 990?
Solution Use Eulers -function, which has been proved to be multiplicative on coprime
arguments. We have also proved that if p is a prime number and k is a positive integer,
then (pk ) = pk pk1 . We have 990 = 9 110 and 9 is coprime to 110. Also 110 =
10 11 and 10 is coprime to 11. Therefore (990) = (9)(110) = (9)(10)(11) =
6 (2)(5) 10 = 6 4 10 = 240.
9. Let d be a positive integer. A d-arithmetic set is defined to be a set of the form
{a + md | m = 0, 1, 2, . . .} for some positive integer a. Suppose that N > 1 is a positive
integer and that we have a p-arithmetic set Sp for each prime number p N . Show
that there are 2N + 1 consecutive positive integers, all except two of which are in the
union S of our sets Sp . Hint: CRT & Eratosthenes
Solution Choose xp Sp for each p. Solve x xp mod p simultaneously using
the Chinese remainder theorem. Since the solution set is an AP with non-zero common
difference, we may choose x arbitrarily large; sufficiently large that xN is greater than
the first term of each AP. Now x is in every one of our AP s. The sieve of Eratosthenes
is being applied, using x as zero. The integers z x which are in S are precisely
those which are such that z x is a multiple of some prime p N . Thus x, x + 2, x +
3, x + 4, . . . , x + N are all in the union. Since x has been chosen sufficiently large,
x 2, x 3, . . . , x N are also in S. We have our required 2N + 1 consecutive positive
In order to finish, observe that x + 1 and x 1 are not in S, since x is in each Sp , and
primes are bigger than 1.
10. (Tutor pacifier) A mathematical tree (i.e. a vertical unit interval) grows at each point of
an infinite plane with integral co-ordinates except for the origin (0, 0) where an observer,

of height 1, stands. Many trees are visible, including those at (1, 0), (7, 8) and (45, 7).
Other trees are invisible, because the view of them from the origin is obstructed by
other trees. For example, the view of the tree at (14, 91) is obstructed by the tree at
(2, 13).
Show that it is possible for a Tunguska event of diameter 1010 to happen, yet be unknown
to the observer. In other words, show that there is a circle in the plane of diameter 1010
which has only invisible trees in its interior.
Solution Not yet! Here is a solution to Problem 10 of Sheet 5. The statements was
this. Let S be a finite set of positive integers which has the following property: if x is
an element of S, then so too are all positive divisors of x. A non-empty subset T of S
is good if whenever x, y T and x < y, the ratio y/x is a power of a prime number.
A non-empty subset T of S is bad if whenever x, y T and x < y, the ratio y/x is
not a power of a prime number. A single element set is considered both good and bad
(by definition, or by vacuous reasoning, as you please). Let k be the largest possible size
of a good subset of S. Prove that k is also the smallest number of pairwise-disjoint bad
subsets whose union is S.
Here is a solution. First notice that a bad subset of S contains at most one element
from a good one, so a partition of S into bad subsets has at least as many members as
a maximal good subset. Notice further that the elements of a good subset of S must
be among the terms of a geometric sequence whose ratio is a prime: if x < y < z are
elements of a good subset of S, then y = xp and z = yq = xp q for some primes p
and q and some positive integers and , so p = q for z/x to be a prime power. Next,
let P = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . .} denote the set of prime numbers, let
m = max{ expp x | x S and p P },
where expp is the exponent of the prime p in the prime-power decomposition of x, and
notice that a maximal good subset of S must be of the form {a, ap, . . . , apm } for some
prime p and some positive integer a which is not divisible by p. Consequently, a maximal
good subset of S has m + 1 elements, so a partition of S into bad subsets has at least
m + 1 members. Finally, notice by maximality of m that the sets
Sk = {x | x S and
expp x k (mod m + 1)}

(for k = 0, 1, . . . m) form a partition of S into m+1 bad subsets. The conclusion follows.
This was Problem 3 of the 28th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad held in Iasi Romania
in 2011. The marking scheme allocated 60% of the points for this question to the
cunning Finally, notice . . . observation. The UK competed as a guest team. Two
British students solved this particular problem, including the outright winner of the
competition, James Aaronson

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