Sheet2 Solution
Sheet2 Solution
Sheet2 Solution
Reduction of endomorphisms
Exercise 1.
Solve in Z2 the following equation :
162x + 207y = 27
Solution: First observe that gcd(162, 207) = 9 and that 9|27 so the equation indeed has solu-
tions. Dividing by 9 we obtain the equivalent equation
18x − 23y = 3.
Now a first step is to find one solution. We only need to find a solution to 18x − 23y = 1 (then
just multiply by 3). For this we use Euclid’s algorithm which gives us
23 = 18 + 5
18 = 5 × 3 + 3
5 = 3 + 2,
3 = 2 + 1.
So (27, −21) is a solution of 18x − 23y = 3. Then 18 and 23 being coprime the solutions are the
couples (27 − 23k, −21 − 18k) with k ∈ Z.
1. We have 24 = 16 ≡ 1[5]. Write n = 4k + r with 0 6 r < 4. Then 2n = 24k+r ≡ 2r [5]. We
see that the remainder of 2n modulo 5 depends only on the remainder of n modulo 4. We
directly compute
— If n ≡ 0[4] then 2n ≡ 1[5].
— If n ≡ 1[4] then 2n ≡ 2[5].
— If n ≡ 2[4] then 2n ≡ 4[5].
— If n ≡ 3[4] then 2n ≡ 3[5].
2. Note that 1257 ≡ 2[5] and 2013 ≡ 1[4] thus 12572013 ≡ 2[5].
Exercise 3. 1. Find all integers n such that 5n ≡ −1 (mod 13).
2. Find all integers n such that 52n + 5n ≡ 0 (mod 13).
1. We have 54 ≡ 1[13] thus as before we find that the remainder of 5n modulo 13 depends
only on n modulo 4. We find
— If n ≡ 0[4] then 5n ≡ 1[13].
— If n ≡ 1[4] then 5n ≡ 5[13].
— If n ≡ 2[4] then 5n ≡ −1[13].
— If n ≡ 3[4] then 5n ≡ −5[13].
In conclusion 5n ≡ −1[13] if and only if n ≡ 2[4] i.e. if and only if n is of the form 4k + 2
for some k ∈ Z.
2. Write 52n + 5n = 5n (5n + 1). We are looking for all n such that 13 divides 5n (5n + 1) and
since gcd(5, 13) = 1, by Euclid’d Lemma this is equivalent to saying that 13 divides 5n + 1
i.e 5n ≡ −1[13] which we have solved in the previous question.
Exercise 4.
Let a, b ∈ N>0 be two positive coprime integers et let q > ab be an integer. Show
that the equation ax + by = q has a solution in N2 (i.e. with positive x and y).
Solution: By Bézout we can always find one solution, let’s denote it (x0 , y0 ). We know that
the other solutions are of the form (xk , yk ) = (x0 + kb, y0 − ka) with k ∈ Z. The sequence xk is
increasing (because b > 0) and goes to −∞ when k to ∞ and to +∞ when k goes to +∞. This
implies that there exists a k0 such that xk0 −1 < 0 < xk0 . Let’s show that yk0 > 0 which will
prove the result. We have
which gives
byk0 = q − ab − axk0 −1 .
Since ab < q, xk0 −1 < 0 and a > 0 we find that byk0 > 0 which in turn, because b > 0, implies
that yk > 0 as desired.
Exercise 5.
Find all integers n ∈ Z such that
n ≡ 3 [17],
n ≡ 4 [11],
n ≡ 5 [6].
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Solution: We first find a particular solution n, then the set of solutions will be {n + 17 ×
11 × 6k, k ∈ Z} by the Chineese remainder theorem. By Bezout theorem there are integers
a, b, c, d, e, f such that
Exercise 6.
Let G be a group and let H be a finite subset of G which is stable under multi-
plication. Show that H is a subgroup. Find a counterexample if H is not supposed
to be finite.
Exercise 7.
Determine the generators of (Z/nZ, +), i.e. the elements a of (Z/nZ, +) such that
More generally, find the order of a (i.e. the cardinality of < a >) for any a ∈ Z/nZ.
Solution: An element a = [A] is a generator if and only if its order is equal to n, i.e. kA 6= 0 [n]
for any 0 6 k < n. But this holds if and only if A and n are comprime.
More generally the order of a = [A] ∈ Z/nZ is gcd(A,n) .
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— Clearly sa ◦ sa = Id, therefore these bijections have order two. Then the order of ta is
the order of a in Z/nZ (see exercise above).
— We claim that this subgroup coincides with {sa , ta , a ∈ Z/nZ}, i.e. this last set is stable
by inverse and composition. For the inverse we have s−1 a = sa and t−1
a = t−a . Then
sa ◦ sb = ta−b , ta ◦ tb = ta+b , sa ◦ tb = sa−b and tb ◦ sa = sa+b .
— the order of an element is preserved by isomorphism : if φ : G → H is an isomorphism
of groups, then the order of φ(g) in H is equal to the order of g in H. Then Z/2nZ has
only [n] as an element of order two, whereas sa , a ∈ Z/nZ, are all elements of order two
of our subgroup. Therefore these two groups are not isomorphic. One can also remark
that this subgroup is not abelian contrarily to Z/2nZ.
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