Assignment: Group Project: Course Lecturer: Manish Singh
Assignment: Group Project: Course Lecturer: Manish Singh
Assignment: Group Project: Course Lecturer: Manish Singh
A student team can choose either of the options (Track 1 or Track 2) for this assignment:
You will carry out a detailed research and find out a business process suitable for blockchain
application. You will then build a blockchain-based application for the selected business process.
Part A
For this assignment you will give a presentation where you will explain,
• The business process you selected. Reasons for your selection. How the business process
will be modeled into a blockchain application.
• What are the benefits? Literature review (are there similar work? if yes how is your work
different from them?)
• Your design (if already done)
• Your implementation progress, Timeline of the project
You are free to make any number of slides. However, the presentation time will be of 15 mins maximum
followed by a QnA session of 5 minutes.
School of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology 2019
After presentation please submit/upload your slides (and other materials used) to the submission folder
on the course page on Moodle. Please be advised that this assignment will be marked by all your peers
in the class using the assessment guidelines attached (Appendix A).
A report template is provided for your reference. You are free to add or remove section/subsection(s)
which you feel is/are more suitable for your project. For survey reports the requirements are slightly
different and stringent (ask the instructor).
Sample template:
Student name(s):
I declare that this work represents my own efforts, and that all text and code have been written by me
(or as cited).
School of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology 2019
2. Overview
Describe the general structure of your project, reserving detailed descriptions of specific areas
for later sections. You should describe the purpose of each major component or aspect of your
project, and how it relates to other components. You may quote other sources.
3. Detailed Descriptions/Design
Here you need to describe each of the major components of block-chain application you are
developing, describe the actual design of each, but also consider relevant issues
(appropriateness, modularity, etc.). Make new sections or subsections as appropriate. This
section or sections will comprise most of the report.
4. Implementation
You should explain your implementation details here- Can be combined with the above chapter
as well.
5. Related Work
Here you should describe how your project is both different from and/or like others. Remember
to describe related work (and indeed everything) using your own words. Do not cut-and-paste
abstracts or mechanically paraphrase. Explain the idea(s) briefly.
7. References
Give references for the work cited above.
School of Information Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology 2019
Appendix A
Assessment guidelines for Assessor:
Problem statement
Cleary defines the problem 2
Time used well during the presentation: good pace, right level of detail given the 1
time limit and audience. Presentation finishes on time.
Presentation appears to be well planned and rehearsed and runs smoothly. The .5
presenter does not simply read from the slides. Good eye contact with the audience
Appropriate fonts and colors used on slides. Slides are readable and not .5
overcrowded. No excessive use of color and animation.
Total 20