3D Worshop
3D Worshop
3D Worshop
Introduction to 3D Workshop
Laser Cutter
Things to Consider
Lasercut Checklist
3D Printing
File checking
Ultimaker 2: Printing
Ultimaker 3: Printing
How to Pay
Useful Resources
3D Scanning
Manipulating Scans
CNC Router
CNC Router
Printer setup
Available Equipment
Sanding Machines
Digital Fabrication
Material Suppliers
Introduction to 3D Workshop
In the 3D Workshop students can work with wood, cardboard and a whole range of plastics. The
area is fully equipped with laser cutters, a CNC router, 3D printers and scanners, wood turning lathes,
drills, saws, sanding machines, routers and many hand tools so you have everything you need to
We have an area set aside for plastics where you can vacuum form plastics, cut polystyrene and bend
rigid plastics. The space also includes a spray room where you can apply spray paints and glues.
You’ll need to plan your work ahead and have a drawing ready for most projects.
You are not allowed to be in the 3D Workshop without having first attended an
You'll need to have attended an induction to use the 3D workshop– sign up via
Workshop there is are weekly sessions that you can attend when 3D technicians are available to
our estore. These materials are for 3D workshop students only, as we sell them on without profit.
Bookings can be made at the 3D workshop or via email, see workshop website for contact detail. If
you can’t attend your appointment or would like to change it, please give at least 1 day notice.
Student Prices : 15 min for £7.50 , 30 min for £15 and 1hour for £30
Staff / Alumni Prices: 15 min for £9, 30 min for £18 and 1hour for £36
External Clients: 15 min for £12.50 , 30 min for £25 and 1hour for £45
A guide to which materials can and which cannot be used with the laser cutter in the 3D Workshop
Plywood: yes if it is "laser ply". Normal plywood has non-laser compatible glue
Acrylic / Perspex
Papery things
Grey card
Corrugated card – single wall only. Double wall and up are fire hazard
LaserMDF: It produces perhaps 50% the gunk of MDF but still too much
Laser Cutter
1. Open illustrator and select new document. This will bring up a dialog box.
2. Set the size of the art board to the size of the material would will be cutting/engraving. For
example A4 for cutting from an A4 sheet of paper. The maximum size the file can be in
726x432 mm.
3. Set art board to landscape orientation, as laser cutter bed is in landscape orientation.
4. Set units to Millimetres. This creates less confusion when dealing with many files and
mode. CMYK will confuse the machine. This is under the advanced tab at the bottom of the
6. For cutting and scoring, the line thickness need to be set to 0.01 mm or 0.028pt or the laser
will not read these as cutting/score lines and will not run. Image not found or type unknown
7. Once you have drawn up your file, you will need to ensure you assign the right colours to the
lines to have the machine cut, score or engrave. Image not found or type unknown
For cutting
The line/stroke needs to be RGB Red with no fill. RGB Red is R : 255, G : 0, B : 0.
If the piece you are cutting has internal and external cuts (see image below), the internal cut needs to
be RGB Red and the external cut will need to be RGB Blue (R:0, G:0, B:255). These colour settings
ensure that the laser cuts the inside cuts before cutting the outside cuts which ensures accurate
For scoring
The line/stroke need to be RGB Green with no fill. RBG green is R : 0, G : 255, B : 0
For engraving
Anything that is to be engraved needs to be RGB black. This can be stoke only, fill only or both
Things to Consider
Trotec Speedy 300 - 726mmx432mm Best for cutting paper and up to 3 mm plywood and acrylic
Trotec SP 500 - 1200mmx700mm Best for thicker materials. Can cut up to 9 mm Plywood and 10 mm
Check outlines
In illustrator, to view in Outlines (toggle Ctrl+Y.) This mimics how the laser cutter will “view” and
process your drawing. If there are any vectors strokes that you don’t want to have cut or engraved
Clear the all guides and stray vector points in your file to avoid confusion, a bad cut and wasted time.
1. Select Select > Object > Stray Points to delete stray vectors not attached to a path.
2. Select View > Guides > Clear Guides to delete all guides.
The laser reads exactly what is in the file. If there are 10 lines on top of each other the laser will cut
that line ten times which will ruin the quality of a cut and also increase the potential for fire. They also
cost more. Laser cutting is charged for the length of time the laser is running. If the laser is redoing
1. Select all your lines with the selection tool (Black Arrow)
Click on the outline icon in the pathfinder panel Image not found or type unknown
3. This will remove the stroke colour making the lines invisible but simply select them again
and add a stroke colour to see them. Now any double/multiple lines will be reduced to a
single line.
This is not a perfect solution as the creating outline command will also divide and crossing vectors
into their constituent parts so if there are only one or two overlapping lines it is best to simply click
and delete them. The above is good solution if your file is riddled with multiple overlaps, say if you’ve
While you can raster engrave thin vector strokes, it’s advised that you score them. This will be a lot
quicker and will look better for very thin lines. All vectors you would like raster engraved must be
filled in RGB black R 0, G 0, B 0 and it is recommended that you turn the stroke into a filled shape.
• Set strokes to a minimum of 0.50mm (anything thinner won’t engrave) • Expand strokes. Select
Nesting components
If compiling a file with lots of components on one sheet of material, make sure there is a gap of at
least 3mm between the components and that they are laid out to save material and time. Image not found or type u
cutting from 3mm acrylic, it’s best not to allow cut widths less than 3mm.
Try and make sure that all your vector paths are continuous. If strokes/closed shapes are constructed
from more than one path, make sure that you join/close the paths.
To do this, use the Direct Selection Tool and select the open endpoints. Select Object > Path > Join
This is to convert the text to vectors and preserve your font. If you don’t do this and we don’t have
your font installed on our computers, the file will open in default font Myriad or Arial. The middle
islands of some letters will fall out when laser cut which can make the text difficult to read. If you
would like to prevent this you can work on the outlined text as shapes and create a stencil.
Select text box and the Type > Font > Create outlines from the top menu Image not found or type unknown
You can’t use the clipping mask function to draft a drawing for laser cutting. Vectors cannot be
To release clipping masks select all vector strokes and fills, select the mask then
The nature of laser cutting means that a portion of the material is burnt away when the laser cuts
through, leaving a small gap. This ‘gap’ is known as the kerf width and ranges in size depending on
subtracting the kerf width from your component dimensions. Generally for 3 to 6mm acrylic and birch
plywood, a kerf of 0.25mm is adequate for push fit assemblies. This is a starting point, as could
There are a few different ways of creating a laser cut box but using finger joints seems to be the
There are websites that will generate the finger joint vector file for you, once you put in the
The illustrator file can be downloaded via the link in the side bar.
a good one
a smaller one
A selection of options
Laser Cutter
Lasercut Checklist
Laser Cutter
Download file for Ipad case and Ipod case on the top left of this page
3D Printing
3D Printing
In the 3D Workshop we have three Ultimaker 3D Printers which students can make use of.
Ultimaker is a brand of 3D Printer which uses a technique known as FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling)
or FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication). This technique uses a string of thermoplastic material (filament)
which is pushed through a heated nozzle. The printer lays down melted material at a precise location,
The Ultimakers can be booked after attending an Intro to 3D Printing workshop bookable via ORB.
To book a printer visit ORB and select LONDON COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION (Workspaces,
3D Printing
In order to print with either the Ultimaker or Form 1+ you will need an .stl file.
If you are new to 3D modelling Tinkercad is intuitive and free. It runs in your browser and exporting
for 3D printing is simple (just click 'Export' and select the .stl option).
If you have more experience with 3D modelling then you can use a number of applications including
This video shows you how to export from Sketchup (note: you will need to export as .stl and .obj):
Rhino 5 tutorial: Exporting to the STL format for 3D printing from Lynda.com on Youtube.
File checking
Often 3D modelling software will produce files which may need checking prior to printing. To check
and repair files you may want to consider using Netfabb (which is free for students).
The software currently only runs on Windows. There is an older, unsupported, version of Netfabb
Basic for Mac which you may be able to find online (alternatively you can use on one of the
3D printing guides - Fixing stl files with netfabb from Thomas Sanladerer on Youtube.
The video below shows how to split files (this can be useful if you want to print large files):
How to cut/split an STL mesh into multiple parts by a plane from Bohumír Zámečník on Youtube.
3D Printing
Ultimaker 2: Printing
3D Printing
Ultimaker 3: Printing
3D Printing
How to Pay
We charge a small fee to cover the cost of materials. You can see how much material your print will
use in Cura:
Please make sure to discuss your project with a technician prior to printing and we will advise you of
the cost.
Useful Resources
3D Hubs
The Sense is the 3D Scanner available in the 3D Workshop. It can only be used in the 3D Workshop.
3D Scanning Inductions are available weekly during term time and bookable through the orb. This is
How it Works
• The sense projects a patterned infrared (IR) beam onto the object from the bottom opening. This is
detected by the middle webcam, the top webcam picks up colours. This information generates a point
cloud, you object made up of point coordinates. The Sense Software translates the point cloud into
the shape and surface of the object and allows exportation of Meshes and Polygon models
Works best on
• Small Objects
• Shiny Objects
• Transparent Objects
• Matte Black or Gloss White objects. These surface doesn’t reflect IR pattern well. Different colours
Size Limitations
• Min: 20 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm
• Max: 3 m x 3 m x 3 m
How to Scan
3. In the Settings change the size of your scan volume if necessary. If scan volume is too small
model.Keep your elbow close to your body. Choose your scanning circle based on object size
Your feet will ideally travel of the outside of the circle you are using but this is only a guide.
The most important thing is to keep yourself and the scanner at the same distance from the
object as much as possible. Best practice is for you to move around the object not have the
Any more then this and the object will start blurring
7. To start scanning press the space bar
9. While scanning missed spots will show in white. Try to fill in as many white gaps as possible.
create model.
12. Move your model around and make sure you have the detail you want. Then click the arrow
1. In the edit tool screen always solidify your model to make it whole and patch any holes.
3. In the final screen you can save. In the pop up window name your file and finish with .stl
Manipulating Scans
If you want to manipulate your model after you scan there are multiple ways that you can
If you have some 3D modelling skills the best option is to use your scan as a base for modelling in a
traditional modelling software. Both 4D Cinema and Blender are taught in the Digital Space if you
Blender is an open source, free software which allows for traditional solid modelling as well as
sculpting. On top of the training available in the Digitial Space there are plenty of good tutorials
Sometimes this type of scan manipulation will produce files which may have holes or degenerate
geometry which will not 3D Print correctly. To check and repair files you may want to consider using
The software currently only runs on Windows. There is an older, unsupported, version of Netfabb
Basic for Mac which you may be able to find online (alternatively you can use on one of the
If you need to scan outside of the 3D Workshop there is Photogrammetry software and Apps available
for this.
Photogrammetry is different then 3D scanning but the end results are the same, a digital model of a
physcial object. Photogrammetry involves taking photos of an object that a piece of software then
Lynda.com has a thorough how to guide which explains photogrammetry and how to get the best
results. This is an excellent starting point to learn more about photogrammetry and scanning objects
Apps are also available for you phone, though the models genetared are often not as good quality as
• Android – Scann3D
• Both - Qlone
• Many newer phones will have a 3D scan option in the camera settings
CNC Router
CNC Router
CNC Router
A CNC Router is a computer controlled machine that has a router or spindle mounted on it that holds
a cutting tool (router bit). It is typically set up with 3 directions of movement referred to as the X, Y
and Z axis.
CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control. This means a computer converts the design produced by
Computer Aided Design software (CAD), into numbers/coordinates which the machine follows in the x,
y and z axes. This allows materials to be cut in 3 directions. Once finalized, the CAD design is then
CNC machining is a subtractive process using milling cutting tools to remove material. The ISEL Flat
Com 40 in the 3D workshop is a 3 axis cnc router, perfect for cutting 2D vector files from flat panels
and for carving 3D models and molds for casting and vacuum forming.
Z – The vertical axis and most important axis on the machine. Without the z axis, the machine cannot
create depth. The Z axis what allows this machine to sculpt parts and separates it from the laser
2D machining files
Type of file
CNC routing is a quick and easy way to create a Slot Box. On the left you can download the files for
A4 and A5 sized slot boxes like the one above. These files are for reference only. They have been
prepared and programmed so that they can be run on the CNC Router.
The boxes are made with a 760 x 506 sheet of 6mm Birch Plywood, which costs £4.00
After cutting there is some cleaning up and sanding necessary before the box is glued together and
clamped. Finished examples can be found in the display window in the 3D workshop.
If you want a different slot box that is possible but it will take longer because it has to be
programmed before machining. Use the files that are available to download on the left of this page as
a starting point and alter until you have the desired box.
Silhouette Vinyl Cutter
The Silhouette vinyl cutter is located in the 3D Workshop clean room. It can be used to cut out self-
adhesive vinyl that can be transferred to a range of surfaces. Files are generated in Illustrator and
programmed in Silhouette Cameo. There is a cover charge of £2. This permits you to use up to one
Printer setup
Silhouette Vinyl Cutter
object you will transfer the vinyl on to (e.g. an A4 book - A4 artboard.) The maximum size is
700(W) x 300 (H). Set units to millimeters and colour mode RGB.
2. Select all type in your document, right click and “create outlines” this will expand the type
into an object. Type should be no smaller than 18pt (this is a general standard and may
3. Draw a registration box that is the same size as the object you will be applying the vinyl too
(in the example this is an A4 document). This will aid in registration during vinyl transfer
into an appropriate location, this should not be too close to the edge.
2. If needed, navigate to the transform panel (1) and then to the scale options (2), this can be
used to adjust the size of your print incase it has been changed during import.
3. Navigate to the Send section (1) and check that all the settings are the same as those
highlighted in green.
Silhouette Vinyl Cutter
Sanding Machines
Available Equipment
Digital Fabrication
Material Suppliers
Richard Russell
Acre Lane
Fulham Tumber
Jennor Timber
Technology Supplies
4D Modelling Shop
Laser Cutter
Things to Consider
Lasercut Checklist
3D Printing
File checking
Ultimaker 2: Printing
Ultimaker 3: Printing
How to Pay
Useful Resources
3D Scanning
Manipulating Scans
CNC Router
CNC Router
Printer setup
Available Equipment
Sanding Machines
Digital Fabrication
Material Suppliers