Close Analysis Grasps
Close Analysis Grasps
Close Analysis Grasps
The necessary contents Some of the contents for Less than three 3X
for the three parts are the introduction, body and ideas/main points are
CONTENT complete and well- conclusion are missing. explained, and/or they are
developed. The paper Three or more main points poorly developed. There
presents supporting relate to the discussion, are lacking contents for
examples and evidences but some may lack details. every part of the close
are concrete and The analysis shows in- analysis.
(Personal detailed. depth understanding of
Development) the character’s
SPELLING, Punctuation, spelling, There are only a few (20 Distracting errors in 1X
PUNCTUATION, and capitalization are all and below) errors in punctuation, spelling, and
AND correct. No errors. punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. ______
CAPITALIZATION capitalization.
FIGURE OF The student is able to The student is able to The student is not able to 1X
SPEECH extract (3) three or more extract at least one or two extract figures of speech
figures of speech from figures of speech from the from the text. ______
(LITERATURE) the text. text.
Senior High School Department
Goal: The student should comprehend and scrutinize a literary piece, entitled “Intoy the Merman of Mariners’
Street by Eros Atalia. The deadline will be on August 23, 2019, Friday.
Audience: The “book worms” which are the teacher and other students that should be able to apprehend and
appreciate the work of a regional artist.
Situation: In a convention for the different works of literary artists, there are group of literary experts who want
to share their insights on one of the works of Eros Atalia—Intoy the Merman of Mariners’ Street. They will
share their analysis on the said work to those “book worms” who are present in the convention center.
Product/Performance and Purpose: The student will read and do some analysis on one of the works of Eros
Standards and Criteria for Success: The presentation and output will be assessed by the teacher using the
attached rubric.
2. After that, create the body of your analysis with the following contents:
a. What are the developmental challenges that the adolescent characters (Intoy, Doray,
Yeyeng Tikol, Boyet Bagol) face? Were they able to resolve it? Why or why not?
b. What is the role that nature and nurture played in the development of the teenagers in the
FORMAT- Long band paper, 1.5 Spacing, Arial 11, 1 inch for the margins, and with a minimum of
1000 words.