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Materials Thermodynamics B161354

ASSIGNMENT -2 Mohd.Shareef

1. An monatomic ideal gas at 300 K has a volume of 15 liters at a

pressure of 15 atm. Calculate a. The final volume of the system b. The
work done by the system c. The heat entering or leaving the system d.
The change in the internal energy e. The change in the enthalpy when
the gas undergoes i. A reversible isothermal expansion to a pressure of
10 atm ii. A reversible adiabatic expansion to a pressure of 10 atm The
constant-volume molar heat capacity of the gas, c v ,has the value 1.5R

sol) state1; P1V1=nRT1 >> n=15*15\0.08206*300= 9.14 mol

sate 2 ;isothermal expansion ! P1V1 = P2V2

V2=15*15 \10 = 22.5L : T2=300k

state 1to2> adiabatic expansion ( ''''$=GAMA=5\3)

P1V1^$ = P3V3^$ > 15*15^5\3=10V3^5\3

V3 = 19.13L

T3 = P3V3\nR = 10*19.13\9.14*0.08206 = 255K

1.isothermal expansion,

1. V2 = 22.5L

2. W=q=nRT lnV2\V1 =9.14*8.314*300*ln22.5\15 = 9244J

3. q=W= 9244J

4. deltT =0 :: deltV=0

5. deltT=0 :: deltH=0

2.adiabatic expansion,
6. V3 =19,13L

7. W=deltU= -nCv(T3-T1) = -9.14*1.5*8.3144*(255-300)= 5130J

8. q = 0

9. deltU= -W= -5130J

10. deltH=nCp(T3-T1)=9.14*5\2*8.3144*(255-300)= -8549J

2.One mole of a monatomic ideal gas, in the initial state T = 273 K, P= 1

atm, is subjected to the following three processes, each of which is
conducted reversibly: a. A doubling of its volume at constant pressure,
b. Then a doubling of its pressure at constant volume, c. Then a return
to the initial state along the path P = 6.643 × 10– 4 V 2 + 0.6667.
Calculate the heat and work effects which occur during each of the
three processes
sol. V1= nRT1\P1 =0.08206*273\1= 22.4L
11. 1 to 2; V2=2*22.4=44.8L ; T2=1*44.8\0.08206= 546K

12. 2 to 3; V3=44.8L ;P3=2atm &T3=2*44.8\0.08206=1092K

A. 1 to 2; W=P(V2-V1)=1(44.8-22.4)=22.4L.atm= 2270J
deltU=nCv(T2-T1)= 3\2*8.314*(546-273)= 3405J
q=deltU+W =3405+2270 = 5675J
B. 2 to 3; W=0 ; deltU=q = 3\2*8.314(1092-546)= 6809J
C. 3 to 1; W = ∫ PdV= ∫(6.643*10^-4V+0.6667)dv
=-32.35L.atm = -3278J
deltU=3\2R(T1-T3) = 3\2*8.314*(273-1092)= -10214J
q=deltU+W = -10214-3278= -13492J
Wtotal = 2270 - 3278= -1008J
q total = 5675+6809-13492= -1008J
3.The initial state of a quantity of monatomic ideal gas is P = 1 atm, V
= 1 liter, and T = 373 K. The gas is isothermally expanded to a volume
of 2 liters and is then cooled at constant pressure to the volume V . This
volume is such that a reversible adiabatic compression to a pressure of 1
atm returns the system to its initial state. All of the changes of state are
conducted reversibly. Calculate the value of V and the total work done
on or by the gas.
sol. n=P1V1\RT= 1*1\0.08206*373 = 0.0327mole
isothermal expansion: P2=P1V1\V2= 1\2= 0.5 atm
constant pressure compression to state 3 ;
P1V1^5\3=P3V3^5\3 ;, 1=0.5V3^5\3 : V3=1,52L
·1 1 to 2; W=nRTlnV2\V1= 0.0327*8.314*373*ln2 = 70.3J

·2 2 to 3; W=P( V3-V2)=0.5[1.52-2]= -0.24L.atm= -24.5J

·3 3 to 1; -deltU= -nCv(T1-T3)= -0.0327*3\2*8.314(373-282)= -37.1J

Then the total work done by the gas is=70.3-24.5 = 8.7J

4. Two moles of a monatomic ideal gas are contained at a pressure of 1
atm and a temperature of 300 K; 34,166 J of heat are transferred to the
gas, as a result of which the gas expands and does 1216 J of work
against its surroundings. The process is reversible. Calculate the final
temperature of the gas.
T2= 1620K.
5. One mole of N2 gas is contained at 273 K and a pressure of 1 atm.
The addition of 3000 J of heat to the gas at constant pressure causes 832
J of work to be done during the expansion. Calculate a. The final state
of the gas b. The values of Δ U and Δ H for the change of state c.The
values of Cv & Cp for N2 Assume that nitrogen behaves as an ideal
gas, and that the change of state is conducted reversibly.
sol. a) V1=RT1\P1=0.08206*273\1= 22.4L
W= 832=P(V2-V1)*8.314\0.08206 ::V1=22.4L
V2= 30.61L
T2=PV2\R= 1*30.61\0.08206= 373K
b) deltU=q-W = 3000-832=2168J
qat costant p=deltH=3000
c) deltH=Cp(T2-T1)
3000=100Cp= .Cp=30J\mole.K.
2168=100Cv= .Cv=21.7J\mole.K.
6. Ten moles of monatomic ideal gas, in the initial state P 1 = 10 atm, T
1 = 300 K, are taken round the following cycle: a. A reversible change of
state along a straight line path on the P-V diagram to the state P = 1
atm, T = 300 K b. A reversible isobaric compression to V = 24.6 liters c.
A reversible constant-volume process to P = 10 atm How much work is
done on or by the system during the cycle? Is this work done on the
system or by the system?
sol. n=10, P1=10, T1=300, V1=10*0.08206*300\10= 24.62L,
A) 1 to 2; P2=1, T2=300, V2=10V1=246.2L
W=area below the line

= 123.4KJ
B)2 to 3; P3=1, V3=24.62
= -22.5KJ
deltV=0 ; w=0
Total work done by gas is 123.4-22.5=100.9KJ
7.One mole of an monatomic ideal gas at 25° C and 1 atm undergoes the
following reversibly conducted cycle: a. An isothermal expansion to 0.5
atm, followed by b.An isobaric expansion to 100° C, followed byc.An
isothermal compression to 1 atm, followed by d. An isobaric
compression to 25° C The system then undergoes the followinreversible
cyclic process: a.An isobaric expansion to 100° C, followed by b. A
decrease in pressure at constant volume to the pressure P atm,followed
by c. An isobaric compression at P atm to 24.5 liters, followed by e. An
increase in pressure at constant volume to 1 atm Calculate the value of
P which makes the work done on the gas during the first cycle equal to
the work done by the gas during the second cycle.
sol. T1=298, P1=1, V1=0.08206*298=24.45L
a)1 to 2; T2=298, P=0.5, V2=2*V1=48.90L
W=RTlnV2\V1=8.314*298*ln2= 1717J
b)2 to 3; T3=373, P3=0.5, V3=0.08206*373\0.5= 61.22L
W=P(V3-V 2)=0.5(61.27-48.90)*101.32=624J
c)3 to 4; T4=373, P4=1, V4=0.08206*373\1=30.61L
W=RTlnv4\v3=8.314*373ln0.5= -2150J
d)4 to 1; W=P(V1-V4)=1(24.45-30.61)*101.32= -624J
a)1 to 2; P2=1, T2=373, V2=0.08206*373=30.61L
W= P(V2-V1)= 1(30.61-24.45)*101.32= 624J b)2
to 3; deltV=0 :: W=0,
c)3 to 4; V4=24.5, P4=P,
W=P(24.5-30.61)*101.32= -619J
d)4 to 1; deltV=0;; W=0,
1717+624-2150-624= -624+619P,
8.Two moles of an ideal gas, in an initial state P=10 atm, V=5 liters, are
takenreversibly in a clockwise direction around a circular path
give by (V–10)2+ (P–10)2=25. Calculate the amount of work done by
the gas as a result of the process and calculate the maximum and
minimum temperatures attained by the gas during th cycle.
sol. This is closed integral so change in internal energy is zero deltU=0
To solve this we have
·4 Analytically integral ∫ PdV

·5 Area under the curve graphically

Given that (P-10)^2+(V-10)^2=25 in the P-V plane

center at (10,10) & radius 5 ; initial state the volume (V0,P0)

p=10+sqrootof(25-(V-10)^2); plus sign for upper half circle (P+(V)) &

Minus sign for lower half circle (p-(v))
Let V'=V-10
W= ∫ PdV ; limits vo=5 to v1=15
W=∫ P+(V)dV+∫ P-(V)dV ,;now change in limits v1'=5& v0= -5
W=∫ 10+sqroot(25-V^2dV')+∫ 10-sqroot(25-V^2dV')
W=25\2(3.14+8)+25\2(3.14-8) = 25*3.14L.atm
By this method work done by the system is 25*101.32J= 7956J.
The second method area under the cure &radius=5.so the area is
25*3.14L.atm. this work done by the system equal to 7956J
The max&min temperatures can be found from ideal gas law for 1mole,
PV=RT. Tmax attains when (PV) is max &Tmin attains when(PV) is
Let P'=P-10 & V'=V-10
P'V'=f(P'(V'),V')= +\-sqroot(25-V'^2V')
The extrema for V'=+\-sqrt(25\2)
d^2\dV^2 > 0 & d^2\dV^2 <0
[h] V' P' V P
max sqr(12.5) sqrt(12.5) 10+sqrt(12.5) 10+sqrt(12.5)
min -sqrt(12.5) -sqrt(12.5) 10-sqrt(12.5) 10-sqrt(12.5)
This lead to Tmax=(PV)max\R= 2203K &Tmin=(PV)max\R=502K.
if the no.of moles are double the work done by the system is still
W= 7956J, but the max & min temperatures are decreased by a factor
of two from T = PV\nR & Tmax=1102K & Tmin = 251K.

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