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DGMS Seminar Brochure

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(19TH OF JULY, 2019)
A One Day Seminar on the theme of “DIGITAL managing such systems effectively and accurately are
INITIATIVES FOR MINING SECTOR”, has been interwoven into current day mining methodology, turn
organized by the Western Zone of DGMS in association around for the sector specially on account of safety of
with allied departments under the Ministry of Labour and persons employed in mines, will be a routine herculean
Employment, Government of India on the 19th July at task.
Nagpur, to focus on the potential of digital penetration to
ensuring overall systemic improvements in the mines Fortunately, India being a global IT leader, it may be a
leading to higher levels of safety, productivity and other fairly easy task for our mining sector to incorporate digital
vital operating parameters. It has also been planned to management for accurate, effective and instantaneous
launch a new digital initiative in the form of a mobile realization of results. Coupled with policies of the
application named „Khanan Mitra‟ on this day, which Government, the environment is aptly ripe and in tune
has been developed by „Khanan Mitra‟ under the aegis of with this direly required initiative by the sector in
DGMS – Western Zone and Raigarh Region of DGMS – introducing digitization in a large way. Such digital
South Eastern Zone with an intention to spreading outreach can hugely facilitate in ensuring that the growth
awareness on mines safety amongst about 1,00,000 path as envisaged for the mining sector in the country is
digitally connected workers, supervisors and officials sustainable with matching performance in the field of
employed in various coal and non-coal mines in the safety, even with growing stringency in respect of various
jurisdiction, along with a host of various other features socio-technical and socio-economic factors attendant to
customized to improving safety in mines. the sector.

Mining industry in the country contributes significantly to Though digital outreach has made some inroads into the
the GDP and, therefore, plays a vital role in Nation governing and harmonizing policies of a few public sectors
Building. Despite global slowdowns, growth in mining and private sector mining companies in a very limited
sector, specially in energy and infrastructure related way, it is too low to making any impactable changes on
sectors of iron ore and limestone, have only got further overall performance and therefore, the journey is long.
consolidated. With intensified focus and massive Even this limited penetration so far made is also largely
investments initiated by Central and State Governments in confined to financial aspects and not larger technical
infrastructural projects throughout the country, mining aspects.
sector is all set for quantum leap from the current levels.
Thus, the potential for digitization in mining sector in
But a big paradox is that this growth story has been
respect of effective and efficient management of various
predominantly concentrated in the existing setup while
operating systems and parameters - mine safety being
very marginal lateral growth has been registered in terms
the most important of them, remains largely unexplored
of incrementing the number of mines. This has resulted in
even till date. In the current day management of the
over-stressing of the existing sector. No doubt, the safety
mining sector, there are many aspects which require
scenario of the sector continues to be the single largest
scrutiny both within and outside the mine at the level of
concern as a consequence.
corporate governance, regulators, other stake holders,
Further complicating the situation is the serious limitations etc. With augmented focus on transparency in
in current day conventional administrative capabilities/ governance, conventional methods need to be replaced
facilitations prevailing in the industry. The day-to-day with a matching digitized regime. Thus, the need of the
dynamics of mining specially on safety, are already hour is that mining sector must be digitally enabled
spinning out of control for the operators. With the size of appropriately to allowing multi-level and multi-party
mining being practiced today in terms of volume and intervention at different levels on a digital platform, for
intensity, every decision is distinct by huge cost angles achieving the common goal for all stake holders.
and therefore, any slippage will equally reflect
With the foregoing in view, it is expected that the seminar
accordingly. Also, many a times, decisions taken by
would serve as the much-required catalyst amongst all
conventional means, become practically irrelevant,
stake holders in planning and designing for appropriate
infructuous and cost prohibitive at the end of day, thereby
customized strategies to be operational in mines. It may
trivializing the entire gamut of time & energy invested in
be appreciated that the principal and the largest amongst
the process. In effect, the mining industry is driven to
various important stake holders in the mining is the group
brinks with various challenges surrounding from all
of workers, supervisors and officials employed in mines
corners and staring glaringly at the operators and other
who are the backbone of the industry. Therefore, the
stake holders.
concept of the proposed seminar is equally vital for other
No doubt, that such arrangements cannot be relied upon departments in the Ministry of Labour and Employment of
anymore for the ambitious growth path as set out for the the Government of India as it is for DGMS.
sector by the Govt. Unless and until new initiatives into

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