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2 plus or minus (sqrt of 3) 107. Find the radius of curvature of the curve y = 2x^3 + 3x^2 at (1,5).

b. 2 plus or minus (sqrt of 2)

c. -2 plus or minus (sqrt of 2) a. 97
d. 2 plus or minus (sqrt of 3) b. 90
102. The daily sales in thousands of pesos of a product is given by S = c. 101
(x^2 – x^3 + 6)/6 where x is the thousand of pesos spent on d. 87
advertising. Find the point of diminishing returns for money spent on 108. Compute the radius of curvature of the curve x = 2y^3 – 3y^2 at
advertising. (4,2).

a. 5 a. -97.15
b. 4 b. -99.38
c. 3 c. -95.11
d. 6 d. -84.62
103. y = x^3 – 3x . Find the maximum value of y. 109. Find the radius of curvature of a parabola y^2 – 4x = 0 at point
a. 2
b. 1 a. 22.36
c. 0 b. 25.78
d. 3 c. 20.33
104. Find the curvature of the parabola y^2 = 12x at (3,6). d. 15.42
110. Find the radius of curvature of the curve x = y^3 at point (1,1).
a. -√2/24
b. √2/8 a. -1.76
c. 3√2 b. -1.24
d. 8√2/3 c. 2.19
105. Locate the center of curvature of the parabola x^2 = 4y at point d. 2.89
(2,2). 111. A cylindrical boiler is to have a volume of 1340 cu ft. The cost of
the metal sheets to make the boiler should be minimum. What should
a. (-2,6) be its diameter in feet?
b. (-3,6)
c. (-2,4) a. 7.08
d. (-3,7) b. 11.95
106. Compute the radius of curvature of the parabola x^2 = 4y at the c. 8.08
point (4,4). d. 10.95
112. A rectangular corral is to be built with a required area. If an
a. 22.36 existing fence is to be used as one of the sides, determine the relation
b. 24.94 of the width and the length which would cost the least.
c. 20.38
d. 18.42 a. width=twice the length
b. width=1/2 length
c. width=length a. 16.14 cm
d. width=3 times the length b. 14.12 cm
113. Find the two numbers whose sum is 20, if the product of one by c. 12.13 cm
the cube of the other is to be minimum. d. 10.36 cm
118. A closed cylindrical tank has a capacity of 576.56 cu m. Find the
a. 5 and 15 minimum surface area of the tank.
b. 10 and 10
c. 4 and 16 a. 383.40 cu m
d. 8 and 12 b. 412.60 cu m
114. The sum of two numbers is 12. Find the minimum value of the c. 516.32 cu m
sum of their cubes. d. 218.60 cu m
119. A wall 2.245 m high is x meters away from a building. The
a. 432 shortest ladder that can reach the building with one end resting on the
b. 644 ground outside the wall is 6m. What is the value of x?
c. 346
d. 244 a. 2 m
115. A printed page must contain 60 sq m of printed material. There b. 2.6 m
are to be margins of 5 cm on either side and margins of 3 cm on top c. 3.0 m
and bottom. How long should the printed lines be in order to minimize d. 4.0 m
the amount of paper used? 120. With only 381.7 sq m of materials, a closed cylindrical tank of
maximum volume is to be the height of the tank, in m?
a. 10
b. 18 a. 9 m
c. 12 b. 7 m
d. 15 c. 11 m
116. a school sponsored trip will cost each students 15 pesos if not d. 13 m
more than 150 students make the trip, however the cost per student 121. If the hypotenuse of a right triangle is known, what is the ratio of
will reduced by 5 centavos for each student in excess of 150. How the base and the altitude of the right triangle when its are is maximum?
many students should make the trip in order for the school to receive
the largest group income? a. 1:1
b. 1:2
a. 225 c. 1:3
b. 250 d. 1:4
c. 200 122. The stiffness of a rectangular beam is proportional to the breadth
d. 195 and the cube of the depth. Find the shape of the stiffest beam that can
117. A rectangular box with square base and open at the top is to have be cut from a log of given size.
a capacity of 16823 cu. cm. Find the height of the box that requires
minimum amount of materials required. a. depth=√3 breadth
b. depth=breadth
c. depth=√2 breadth
d. depth=2√2 breadth
123. What is the maximum length of the perimeter if the hypotenuse of
a right triangle is 5m long?

a. 12.08 m
b. 15.09 m
c. 20.09 m
d. 8.99 m
124. An open top rectangular tank with square s bases is to have a
volume of 10 cu m. The material fir its bottom is to cost 15 cents per
sq m and that for the sides 6 cents per sq m. Find the most economical
dimensions for the tank.

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