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Dragan D. Mladenović
Serbian Armed Forces, General Staff,
Department of Telecommunications and IT (J-6),
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
e-mail: dragan.mladenovic@vs.rs,
ORCID iD: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4530-633X
FIELD: Computer Sciences, International Humanitarian Law
ARTICLE TYPE: Review Paper

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are the key activities of
information security risk management and cyber defense and intelligence do-
ne by military organizations. These activities are significant not only in the con-
text of performing military operations, but also in the International Humanita-
rian Law (IHL) and law enforcement contexts. The application of information
technologies in the military and civilian environments increases complexity in
the field of risk management. Besides information security, military organizati-
ons have the task to undertake necessary activities in the fields of cyber ope-
rations, both for defense and offense purposes. They depend on
technologically based knowledge and skills and are implemented by specific
organizations within military systems. The goal of vulnerability assessment is
to discover and determine the nature of vulnerabilities, without considering
how they may be used for offense, while penetration testing uses exploits for
breaching into systems and thus estimates the type and degree of risk these
vulnerabilities represent to the system. However, even if they represent two
different activities, with different end goals but the same field of interest, they
are complimentary and inter-dependent. Since their common feature is deve-
lopment of knowledge and skills based on the same technologies, they are
equally important both for risk management, military operations in cyberspace
and their use for defense and intelligence activities as well as for IHL.
Key words: vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, cyber
attack, International Humanitarian Law.


Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
Significance and influence of information technologies in all modern
organizational and technical systems is obvious and ever growing. Military
organizations require application of reliable and efficient technical systems
for performance of their basic function – defense, both in peace time and
during war. In modern armies, such characteristics are mostly enabled by
the application of independent and embedded information technologies.
No matter whether these technologies are used in military equipment and
armament or for establishing and functioning of military organizational
systems and their networks (command, control, and support), the use of
information technologies is significant, obvious and increasing.
Comprehensive applications of information technologies and abilities
of system and processes networking are so extensive that this caused a
creation of a completely new, fifth domain of military activities – cyber spa-
ce, which represents: “A global domain within the information environment
consisting of the interdependent networks of information technology infra-
structures and resident data, including the Internet, telecommunications
networks, computer systems, and embedded processors and controllers.“
(US Army Joint Staff, 2013, p.5). Within the information domain, cyber
space is characterized by the application of different types of information
technologies (analogous and digital electronic, opto-electronic and even
quantum technologies). The information domain consists of physical, in-
formation (including logical), and cognitive dimensions or layers (U.S.
Army Joint Staff, 2014). This means that within the complete cyberspace
there are different factors and elements which perform activities and they
represent the basis of the cyberspace infrastructure: people, hardware,
software, environment, power, networks, payload, and policy (Rauscher,
2004). These elements can be put into three key sets that constitute
cyberspace, including its part used by military organizations: people, pro-
cesses and systems (Godwin, et al, 2014).

Vulnerability assessment and penetration

testing in the military environment
Along with the already mentioned importance of information technolo-
gies for the operation of military organizational systems and their inter-
connectedness within cyberspace, cyber infrastructure is crucially impor-
tant to all vital services, sustainable operations and restorations of
cyberspace and organizations and systems that are using it to achieve the-


ir purpose (Godwin, et al 2014). The key factor for their safe operation is
protection from threats (internal or external) across all the mentioned
layers. This relates not only to military systems, whose basic function is
national defense, but also to all governmental and private organizations as
well as individuals. This is why violation of information security often
simultaneously relates to different legally regulated forms of security (nati-
onal defense, but also all types of crime, including terrorism and espiona-
ge). The circumstance that conflicts in cyberspace are based on discovery
and exploitation of vulnerabilities and deficiencies makes their legal regula-
tion significantly more complex. There are so many threats that entities in
charge of defense of a system cannot even perceive their total number
and scope. The existing threats are changing and evolving in time, along
with the development of the immediate and wider environment. They are
especially extensive in the field of information security, given the numbers
and variety of technologies in modern global environment, as well as mu-
tual connections between factors that influence all phases of the informa-
tion system life cycle (Donohoe, 2012). Threats are directly connected to
vulnerabilities and weaknesses of a system, whether they are known to its
defenders or not. In the field of information security, there is a constant and
endless race between attackers and defenders that consists of competing
who will be the first to discover vulnerabilities or weaknesses of a system,
across every layer of the information domain (physical, information and
logical and cognitive levels). Causes for these vulnerabilities are numerous
and can be found at all levels of creation, use and delayed effects of these
technologies; they can be grouped in several general categories:
a. Due to growing requirements for resource optimization, military
systems use the same or similar information technologies as
civilian structures. These commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
technologies, whether proprietary or open source, are available to
everyone, defenders and attackers alike.
b. A complex supply chain of information technologies and
globalization make certain segments of these technologies so
connected and intertwined that causes of vulnerabilities in them
can be found even in technologies created specifically for military
systems (Mattern, 2015).
c. Number and scope of information technologies that oftentimes are
not harmonized with each other in all elements cause occurrence
of new vulnerabilities that appear during interaction between these
d. General digitalization of everything and fast expansion of
information technologies cause an increasing number of

Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
information infrastructure parts or elements that influence this
infrastructure to become subject to the existing vulnerabilities.
These vulnerabilities cause asymmetry of conflict in cyberspace. Sin-
ce they are subject to (purposeful or accidental) revealing and exploitation
by any attacker, the number of potential conflict participants grows rapidly,
both attackers and defenders. The existence of vulnerabilities makes even
the biggest systems subject to actions of small groups, even individuals.
Today, there is a frequent situation where military forces of foreign go-
vernments can attack private companies in other countries, like in the case
of Sony (Nakashima, 2014), or that the biggest countries can take legal
and political measures against individuals as U.S. President Obama orde-
red in April 2015 (Executive Order: Blocking the Property of Certain Per-
sons Engaging in Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities) (Obama,
2015).The consequence of this is increasing the number of potential con-
flicting actors and extremely complex conflict environments.

What are vulnerabilities?

When causes of susceptibility to threats are considered, it is important
to state what vulnerabilities are and how they occur. According to the Nati-
onal Information Assurance (IA) Glossary (Committee on National Security
Systems, 2010), vulnerability is “weakness in an information system,
system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could
be exploited by a threat source“. According to Herrmann (2007), whether
accidental or intentional, vulnerability is a weakness that can occur in
security requirements, system design, implementation, installation, opera-
tional procedures, configuration, and concurrent physical and personnel
security controls, which makes this system susceptible to threats. In most
general sense, in relation to the status of exposure to threats, vulnerability
is absence of safeguard (Everetts, 2015).
Vulnerabilities lie in the basis of information security. According to the
following conceptual equation, they are the basic risk factor in the field of
information security:
(Threats  Vulnerabilities)
Level of Risk   Impact (Everetts, 2015)
This means that by discovery, removal or utilization of vulnerabilities,
risk management can be universally influenced for the reduction of risks
(prevention and mitigation of attacks), but also for the utilization of the exi-
sting risks of the adversary (for offensive activities, such as attacks or
cyber exploitation). All these activities are achieved by influencing informa-


tion security, regardless of whether they are legally characterized as crime

or armed conflict and regardless of whether they relate to defense or of-
In defense, discovering vulnerabilities is the central part of risk asses-
sment, involving analyses and evaluations which weaknesses and enemy
activities may cause a negative influence on an organization and to what
extent (Committee on National Security Systems, 2010, p.61). This activity
is so significant that it represents a part of every Risk Management Fra-
mework. According to the recommendation of the National Institute for
Standards and Technology (NIST), a vulnerability-oriented risk analysis
should be a part of every risk management program (Cyber Intelligence
Task Force, 2014), (NIST, 2012). Its goal is to maximally reduce the at-
tack-surface model consisting of all possible layers of cyberspace and its
infrastructure (U.S. Department of the Army, 2010). This leads to a conclu-
sion that every discovery of the adversary’s attack-surface enables a grea-
ter success in undertaking offensive cyber operations.
The goal of this analysis is to discover the existing vulnerabilities in
one’s own system, to describe them and give the technical specifications
of the necessary steps for an attacker to exploit these vulnerabilities during
an attack. This process is so important that it cannot be left out in any mo-
del of the information security risk management life cycle, where it is con-
nected with other risk management processes. It must be repeated in re-
gular intervals during a complete life cycle of a system. This is a universal
case, whether a risk management model was defined by a generally ac-
cepted international (International Organization for Standardization, 2009),
national (NIST, 2011) or proprietary enterprise (Committee of Sponsoring
Organizations of the Treadway Commission, 2004), standard or frame-
Every vulnerability can lead to a situation where its exploitation is
possible, accidental or purposeful. If conflicting sides use the same infor-
mation technologies, characterized by the same vulnerabilities, discovery
and technical specifications of necessary steps for exploiting vulnerabilities
can be equally used for the prevention of adversary’s attacks and for at-
tacking the adversary (if the same vulnerability exists in the defended and
the attacking system). This circumstance relates the skill of cyber warfare
with the art of obtaining knowledge of vulnerabilities and weaknesses in
information systems (and their corresponding infrastructure).

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing

Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
In the process of risk management assessment, in dealing with vulne-
rabilities, the process of vulnerability assessment should not be confused
with penetration testing. Although these two concepts are similar and
highly connected, they are different in their nature. The National Institute of
Standards and Technology describes penetration testing as “a test
methodology in which assessors, typically working under specific constra-
ints, attempt to circumvent or defeat the security features of an information
system“ (NIST, 2014, p.B-7). According to the same source, vulnerability
assessment (discovery and analysis) represents a systematic examination
of an information system for the purpose of determining adequacy of
security measures, determining deficiencies, and finding and undertaking
security measures to eliminate influence of threats and reduce risks (Nati-
onal Institute for Standards and Technology, 2013). Therefore, penetration
testing is a specific type of assessment of an information system (usually
technically oriented), implemented for the purpose of determining the exi-
stence of vulnerabilities. Penetration testing is an imitation of an
adversary’s activity on one’s own system for the purpose of pre-emptive
defense. This is why penetration testing is the one procedure that makes
vulnerability assessment common for both attack and defense. The deve-
lopment of the penetration testing methodology is connected to professio-
nal knowledge on technology and system organization and represents the
application of the information technology body of knowledge in the military
Military systems are specifically security oriented, since their purpose
is defense of their own systems (by military means and methods) and di-
sabling and destruction of enemy systems. In this military business, diffe-
rent areas of security are simultaneously planned, applied and analyzed so
that vulnerability assessment and penetration testing, (that are especially
characteristic for information security in contemporary organizations), are
used in all other security-related areas, from physical to information
security. Having in mind the already mentioned fact that in modern times
all human activities depend on information technologies and cyberspace,
as well as that the information area consists of wide infrastructure in a
physical, information, logical and cognitive sense, it is clear that penetra-
tion testing can be undertaken for hardware, software, people and proces-
ses and it can relate to different types of security controls (physical, orga-
nizational, and technical) (NIST, 2013).
Penetration testing relates to finding vulnerabilities in proprietary or
other systems, as well as to estimating a degree of resistance that infor-


mation and organization systems has against enemy activities in relation to

the time necessary for breach of defense, necessary resources and skills
(NIST, 2013). This universal defense/offense method applied by military
and intelligence organizations is at the same time an indispensable ele-
ment and a phase of every risk management process. It consists of vario-
us techniques and methods for finding vulnerabilities, and it is a part of ot-
her, broader activities, such as security monitoring, establishment of
security configuration settings, establishment of policies, strategies and
procedures for secure system use. Penetration testing implemented for the
purpose of defense and offense does not differ much in the technology
and technical approach applied, but exclusively in goals and intentions of
penetration testing practitioners, within and limited to their goals and tasks.
This is why training of individuals and teams for penetration testing does
not have to be implemented separately for defense and offense. It is im-
portant to point out that vulnerability assessment represents the key area
for collaboration of national military and intelligence organizations in
cyberspace (Cyber Intelligence Task Force, 2014). This is why the use of
these activities by state bodies and institutions is significant in respect of
legal regulations, in both national and international laws, especially regar-
ding the specific application of the IHL.

Education, training and legal regulation of

vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
Knowledge necessary for the implementation of vulnerability asses-
sment and penetration testing is primarily technical in its nature and requi-
res high specialization and experience. This is why these activities (in the
civilian environment) are often implemented by external providers (NIST,
2003). In practice, it is done by intelligence agencies and other organizati-
ons that do not perform attacks on military targets, that use results of ex-
ternal collaborators as a service, since such testing activities require hu-
man involvement, even if automatic methods by the application of speciali-
zed software or devices are used (NIST, 2003). However, in the military
environment, these activities are used for the discovery of vulnerabilities in
enemy military systems or for attacks on foreign targets. This sets limitati-
ons of legal nature, due to the provisions of the Law of Armed Conflict.
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 states in
Article 43 that “members of the armed forces of a Party to a conflict (other
than Medical personnel and chaplains“ (1125 UNTS 3, 1977, art. 43) are
combatants who have the right to participate directly in hostilities. Howe-

Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
ver, no international regulations strictly forbid civilians to take direct partici-
pation in hostilities. A group of experts in the field of international humani-
tarian law at the invitation of The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Cen-
tre of Excellence in Tallinn gave their expert opinion on participation of civi-
lians in cyber warfare, where “Civilians are not prohibited from directly par-
ticipating in cyber operations amounting to hostilities but forfeit their protec-
tion from attacks for such time as they so participate“ (Schmitt, 2013, p.90).
However, according to various national laws and military rules of en-
gagement and manuals, participation of civilians in hostilities is unlawful
(for example in Canada, Côte d’Ivoire, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Nigeria,
Peru, Spain, United Kingdom, and other) (International Committee of the
Red Cross, 2015). In some countries with common law tradition, such as
the U.S, there are cases where in different stages of a case court decisi-
ons were made according to which participation of alien civilians in hostili-
ties was treated as unlawful (McCarthy, 2007), because they were civilians
who took part in hostilities, therefore, they were neither lawful combatants
nor lawful civilians.
It is, nevertheless, necessary to point out that there is still no universal
international consensus on this issue, since no treaty law nor customary
law precisely define what represents direct participation in hostilities, as
pointed out in the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court in
the Case of the Prosecutor v. Bahar Idriss Abu Garda (ICC-02/05-02/09,
2010). Also, it is necessary to take into consideration the complexities of a
situation where development of technology and its application in hostilities
is an important factor of additional complexity of international legal regula-
tions of conflicts in which civilians participate in one of possible ways
(Schmitt, 2004). Even without this dominant factor today, the existing pro-
visions and rules of International Humanitarian Law, some of which are
more than a hundred years old, are imprecisely and unclearly defined be-
cause they were adopted through consensus of all international parties
(states), which is an almost impossible task in practice due to their different
interests and traditions.
The already mentioned legal reasons and requirements to achieve
confidential military information secrecy in military organizations require
that vulnerability assessment and penetration testing be done by members
and groups from the military itself. To achieve this, it is necessary to
systematically train members of the military who perform these activities.
In doing this, there should be no compromises, because their training and
qualifications are what key activities in cyber defense and warfare depend
on. Besides requirements for top achievements, their training should be
continuous, since search for vulnerabilities is a constant process that must


be improved and developed all the time. The focus during training should
be put on education in relation to gaining awareness and training, since
this activity is considered to be a key one within the Information
Technology Security Learning Continuum for the creation of appropriate
information technology security specialists and professionals (NIST, 2003;
1998). However, since these are top experts, no form of professional im-
provement and development should be neglected, such as advanced trai-
ning and even research activities.

Need for research and development in

vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
Research in the field of information security vulnerabilities and pene-
tration testing is an especially important field, since there is the require-
ment that new solutions for system breach be constantly developed. Per-
sonnel must constantly be trained in new techniques and methods. This is
why there must be a close collaboration between military organizations
and academic research institutions, industrial research and development
centers and small, private teams and even individuals. This means that
asymmetry in information security for the purpose of conducting military
conflicts does not reflect only in differences between enemies, but also in
enlistment of collaborators. This asymmetry is enabled by high specializa-
tions in specific fields; particularly suitable for such applications are pene-
tration testing of software systems, services and applications.
Every software contains vulnerabilities that are a consequence of er-
rors in coding and lack of coordination in processes and interactions bet-
ween different software technologies. According to McConnell, the industry
average number of coding errors in 2004 was between 1-25 errors per
1000 lines of programming code and 0.1 error per 1000 lines of code in the
highly efficient special development technique (2004, p.25).The same aut-
hor states that in only a few known cases, primarily in the space shuttle
technology, with the application of specific methods which slow down and
significantly increase costs of the coding process, a success of zero errors
in 500,000 lines of code was achieved (McConnell, 2004). However,
history shows that even in such cases software errors go unnoticed by pe-
netration testers, like in the case of explosion of ARIANE 5 rocket explosi-
on in 1996 (Inquiry Board, 1996). Along with the development of new tec-
hnologies, their application in complex combat systems grows. For exam-
ple, the most complex multipurpose military aircraft in development, Loc-
kheed-Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has over 24 million code lines so

Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
far, mostly done in C and C++ languages, and their numbers continue to
grow as new systems and requirements are added (Charette, 2012). In
such a number of code lines, it is to be expected that there is a number of
errors and lack of process coordination that might be used in the future for
a cyber attack. Even before the initial exploitation of the aircraft, industrial
espionage in cyberspace enabled penetration testing experts of a potential
future enemy to find suitable exploits whose application might achieve ki-
netic consequences to combat systems in a potential future conflict (The
Wall Street Journal, 2014).

Need for the formation of vulnerability

assessment and penetration testing teams
within military organizations
Once exploited vulnerability is easier to discover and through (ab)use
it stops being suitable for a new application. It is also important to know
where to look for defects and vulnerabilities, because there are differences
in the number of coding defects in software written in different program
languages (Ray, et al, 2014, pp.155-165). This is why attackers must be
experienced and trained, because they are expected to quickly and clearly
make an evaluation of a choice of vulnerability in specific situations. For
example, in the report of Kaspersky company on breaches into information
systems of many countries by the Equation group, there was discovered a
systematic regularity on the application and hierarchy of choice of targeted
systems vulnerability information in relation to their significance (Kaspersky
Labs, 2015). This is why it is believed by experts that an attacker group
most probably represents a unit of an intelligence agency of a
technologically developed country. It is not likely that adversary
vulnerability information will be used over a longer period of time. Most va-
luable are those vulnerabilities that are not discovered by anyone, except
for attackers, in the moment of the attack. They are called zero-day vulne-
rabilities and are used to initiate zero-day attacks. Software or a method, a
set of data, a sequence or an attack command which uses the zero-day
vulnerability is called the zero-day exploit. The more software is widespre-
ad, the more interesting it is for different penetration testing teams that find
new zero-day vulnerabilities. The world of penetration testing thus comes
down to an eternal race between attackers, defenders and manufacturers
who, for their own reasons, are all trying to discover as many vulnerabiliti-
es as possible and use them for attack or defense. Although all big softwa-


re companies pay independent researchers for information on zero-day

vulnerabilities, the market for information about them is growing. It is joined
by state agencies and specialized penetration testing and vulnerability as-
sessment companies and teams which even have regular clients among
agencies (Perlroth & Sanger, 2013). The most well-known are Vupen (Vupen
Security, 2015), Revuln (Revuln, 2015) and Netragard (Netragard, 2015).
Even though such a collaboration model can successfully help at-
tempts of information infrastructure protection and conducting offensive
operations in cyberspace, it is not sufficient for all the needs at the national
level. Within military forces, it is necessary to form groups and teams for
vulnerability assessment and penetration testing that are made up of expe-
rienced and highly skilled individuals. An example of a successful organi-
zation in these activities which applies the methods and techniques de-
scribed is Tailored Access Operations, a group within the National Security
Agency (Aid, 2013). However, regardless of being formed as a part of a
global military force or a small country army, vulnerability assessment and
penetration testing organizations within armies must have their structural
freedom and organizational independence from the rest of the army. Given
the basic value that unites members of such teams, which is highly specia-
lized knowledge and skills, the traditional vertical hierarchy makes their
functioning and development harder and limits creativity. Тhis is why such
units are always more efficient if they follow an unconventional, problem
solving-oriented organizational structure.

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are a central part of
all defensive and offensive military activities in cyberspace. At the same
time, they are a key part of a comprehensive process of risk management,
without which compliance requirements of any information organization
system cannot be achieved. Information security risk management repre-
sents organizational management of people, processes and systems.
Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are primarily oriented to
information technologies and the way people interact with them. Even tho-
ugh these activities have the same focus, same technologies and proces-
ses, their goals are different but complementary. There are defects, flaws
and weaknesses in every information system. Their nature varies widely
and the number is always increasing. Information on vulnerabilities is the
goal, both for the system’s author and defenders and attackers and there
is always a competition between these sides who will obtain the valuable

Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
information first. Owning the same information on vulnerabilities enables
the prevention of threats (external and internal), but at the same time it
enables exploiting adversary’s weaknesses. Due to this characteristic,
vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are equally important for
the risk management process, offensive and defensive military and intelli-
gence operations in cyberspace. If, by a process of elimination, different
activities in the mentioned fields of information security are removed, it is
clear that its tasks cannot be achieved without vulnerability assessment
and penetration testing. Their activities can be outsourced to organizations
outside the military, but having in mind the confidentiality requirement and
limitations set by International Humanitarian Law, it is necessary for units
working on these activities to be a component of military organizations.
Nevertheless, having in mind the need for specific knowledge and skills,
and requirements for constant research, their organizations must be speci-
fic and set in a way so as not to be disturbed by the traditional military ver-
tical organizational hierarchy.

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Драган Д. Младенович
Вооруженные силы Республики Сербия, Генштаб, Управление
телекоммуникаций и информатики (J-6), г. Белград, Республика Сербия

ОБЛАСТЬ: компьютерные науки, юридические науки

ВИД СТАТЬИ: обзорная статья
ЯЗЫК СТАТЬИ: английский

Оценка уязвимости и тестирование на взломявляются
ключевой деятельностью управления информационной
безопасностью и рисками киберобороны, а также разведки,
проводимой военными организациями. Эти мероприятия имеют
важное значение не только в контексте выполнения военных
операций, но и в международном гуманитарном праве (МГП) и
правоохранительных контекстах. Применение информационных
технологий в военных и гражданских условиях увеличивает
сложность в области управления рисками. Помимо информационной
безопасности, военные организации должны проводить
необходимые мероприятия в области киберопераций, как для
защиты, так для нападения целей.
Они зависят от технологических знаний и навыков и
реализуются конкретными подразделениями в рамках военных
систем. Цель оценки уязвимости заключается воткрытии
характера уязвимости, не анализируя, как они могут быть
использованы приатаках. В то время как тестирование на
проникновение использует эксплойт-вторженияво время атаки на
системуи таким образом производит классификациютипа и
степенириска уязвимости для системы.

Тем не менее, хотя они и представляют собой два различных

Mladenovic, D., Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing in the military and IHL context , pp. 464-480
вида деятельности с разнымицелями, их взаимодействие
неразделимо, так как они взаимосвязаны и дополняют друг друга.
Общей чертой данных мероприятий является развитие знаний и
навыков, основанных на тех же технологиях, и они одинаково важны
как для управления рисками в военных операциях в киберпространстве,
так и в области обороны, разведки и международного гуманитарного
Ключевые слова: oценка уязвимости, тестирование на
проникновение, кибератаки, Международное гуманитарное право.



Драган Д. Младеновић
Војска Србије, Генералштаб, Управа за телекомуникације и информатику
(Ј-6), Београд, Република Србија
ОБЛАСТ: рачунарске науке, међународно хуманитарно право
ВРСТА ЧЛАНКА: прегледни чланак
ЈЕЗИК ЧЛАНКА: енглески
Процена рањивости и тестирање отпорности на упаде у
систем су кључне активности управљања ризиком у информа-
ционој безбедности, сајбер одбрани и обавештајном раду војних
организација. Ове активности су значајне у контексту извође-
ња војних операција, али и у контексту Међународног хумани-
тарног права (IHL) и спровођења закона. Примена информацио-
них технологија у војном и цивилном окружењу повећава ком-
плексност у области управљања ризиком. Поред информационе
безбедности, војне организације имају задатак да предузму нео-
пходне активности у области сајбер операција, за сврхе одбра-
не и напада. Они зависе од знања и вештина заснованих на тех-
нологији и имплементирају их специфичне организације у оквиру
војних система. Процена рањивости за циљ има откривање при-
роде рањивости, без разматрања како се оне могу користити
за напад, док тестирање отпорности на упаде у систем кори-
сти експлоите за упаде у системе и тако процењује врсту и
степен ризика који ове рањивости представљају за систем. Ме-
ђутим, чак и ако представљају две различите активности, са
различитим крајњим циљевима, они су комплементарни и међу-
зависни. Пошто је њихова заједничка одлика развој знања и ве-
штина заснованих на истим технологијама, они су од подједнаке
важности за управљање ризиком, војне операције у сајбер про-


стору и њихову употребу за одбрамбене и обавештајне актив-

ности, као и међународно хуманитарно право.
Кључне речи: тестирање рањивости, процена отпорности на
упаде, сајбер напад, Међународно хуманитарно право.

Paper received on / Дата получения работы / Датум пријема чланка: 24.04.2016.

Manuscript corrections submitted on / Дата получения исправленной версии работы /
Датум достављања исправки рукописа: 06.05.2016.
Paper accepted for publishing on / Дата окончательного согласования работы / Датум
коначног прихватања чланка за објављивање: 08.05.2016.

© 2017 The Author. Published by Vojnotehnički glasnik / Military Technical Courier

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