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Existing Tools For Measuring or Evaluating Internationalisation in HE

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Existing tools for measuring or evaluating internationalisation in HE

Purpose of Year of
Tool Organisation Country tool Level Type of information Type of data collection Aimed at Link Authors publication Based on
Internal use
and possibly http://www.che.de/downloa
Wie Misst man Internationalitat und Internationalisierung ranking in ds/How_to_measure_inter Uwe Brandenburg and
1 von Hochschulen? CHE Germany future HEI quantitative Self evaluation Internationalisation nationality_AP_92.pdf Gero Federkeil 2009
The HEI and quantitative and Adinda van Gaalen & Nico
2 Mapping Internationalisation (MINT) Nuffic Netherlands Internal use programme level qualitative Self evaluation Internationalisation www.nuffic.nl/mint Evers 2009 Several tools

Swedish National Evaluation,

Agency for Higher best practices http://www.inter.uadm.uu.s
3 The internationalisation of Higer Education in Sweden Education Sweden and ranking HEI qualitative Self evaluation & Visitation e/pdf/0527R_en.pdf Gunnar Enequist 2005 and 2008

information quantitative with some http://www.dest.gov.au/arc
Internationalisation and Higher Education: Goals and and additional closed hive/highered/eippubs/eip9 Ken Back, Dorothy Davis
4 Strategies IDP Education Australia benchmarking HEI questions Self evaluation Internationalisation 615/front.htm#intro and Alan Olsen 1996
Self evaluation, analysis of s.govt.nz/__data/assets/pd
New Zealand Information to Ministry database, f_file/0009/41967/Internati Craig McInnis, Roger
Internationalisation in New Zealand Tertiary Education Ministry of government quantitative and consultation with onalisation-in-NZ- Peacock and Vince
5 Organisations Education New Zealand and HEI's. HEI qualitative stakeholders etc. Internationalisation TEOs.pdf Catherwood 2006
Association of
Universities and http://www.aucc.ca/publica
Colleges of Public tions/auccpubs/research/pr
6 Progress and promise Canada (AUCC) Canada information HEI quantified Self evaluation ogress_e.html Jane Knight 2007
Internal use
and http://www.gcn-
Study to Develop Evaluation Criteria to Assess the information to Self evaluation, peer review osaka.jp/project/project-
7 Internationalization of Universities Osaka University Japan third parties HEI quantified and benchmarking Internationalisation finalreport.htm Professor Norio Furushiro 2006 ACE and IQRP
quantitative and Self evaluation and peer secretariat.be/02projects/Q
8 IQR (Internationalisation Quality Review) ACA/EUA/IMHE International Benchmark HEI qualitative review uality_Review.htm 1996

Internal use corner/press-releases/euas-
and quantitative and Strategic Management of institutional-evaluation-
9 IEP (Institutional Evaluation Programme) EUA International benchmark HEI qualitative Self evaluation & Visitation Change. programme-iep/
Accreditation http://nibsnet.org/about.as
# NIBS International Accreditation NIBS International by NIBS Business School quantified Self evaluation & Visitation Internationalisation px?section=7 Ian Charles 2007
quantitative with some internationalisation of the
Publication by additional closed Mangement of Higher
# Internationalisation Survey EFMD International EFMD HEI questions Self evaluation Education www.efmd.org 2007
International http://www.unesco.org/iau/i
Association of quantitative and nternationalization/index.ht 2003, 2005
# Global Survey/ Internationalization survey Universities International External HEI qualitative Self evaluation Internationalisation policy ml Jane Knight and 2009
University internationalisation of the
# Curriculum internationalisation Business School UK Internal use programme level Closed questions Self evaluation curriculum John Leopold
Nottingham Trent Programme and internationalisation of the
# DOMI amd AOPI frameworks University UK Ranking Module quantified Self evaluation curriculum Simon Mercado
European Benchmarking Programme on University
# Management ESMU Europe Benchmark HEI qualitative Self evaluation Hans de Wit ACU
The Internationalising of Universities: a comparative case University of UK and Hong Desk research and in depth rnationalising%20of%20Un
# study Leicester Kong Benchmark HEI qualitative interviews iversities.pdf Wendy Woon-Yin Chan 2006

National Agency
Leonardo da Vinci The Self Vocational
# Quality of Mobility Projects, Quality and Impact Scan The Netherlands Netherlands evaluation Education Institutes
Publication by
Internationalisation of Norwegian higher education. national qualitative and
# Suggestion for indicators. (in Norwegian only) SIU Norway agency HEI quantitative www.siu.no Margrete Sovik 2009 CHE
Self evaluation, and desk
research of data from
External statistical office, DAAD and
# Profil data project DAAD Germany evaluation HEI quantitative other institutions www.daad.de

http://www.epos- Hélène Vanbrabant,

Flemish Bologna Self qualitative and Quality assurance of vlaanderen.be/?CategoryI Rosette S'Jeegers Michaël
# Indicatoren Kwaliteitszorg Internationalisering experts Belgium evaluation HEI quantitative Self evaluation internationalisation D=374 Joris and Jan Geens 2008
American Council qualitative and
# Mapping Internationalization on U.S. Campuses on Education USA Survey HEI quantitative Survey www.acenet.edu/bookstore Madeleine F. Green 2003

American Council Research qualitative and

# Measuring Internationalization at Research Universities on Education USA Survey universities quantitative Survey www.acenet.edu/bookstore Madeleine F. Green
Hochschul Self-
Rektoren evaluation & qualitative and Self-evaluation, analysis by
# Internationalising German Higher Education Institutions Konferenz Germany audit HEI quantitative HRK, audit-workshop Strategic management www.hrk.de Gabriele Hufschmidt
Association of
Commonwealth Effectiveness of university-
# ACU Benchmarking Programme Universities International Benchmark HEI wide processes www.acu.ac.uk Jay Kubler 1998 and 2008
# Assessing best practices in internationalisation (ABPI) NAFSA International www.nafsa.org 2007

Forum Euro- Key aspects of universities Fernando Locano Botero,

Latino Americano including Universidad del Rosario,
# U-Benchmarking Club di Torino International Benchmark HEI internationalisation www.forumtorino.org Colombia 2007
cooperation with International
# EFMD) Spain Benchmark Relations Offices Self evaluation International relations http://www.aneca.es 2005-2006
InHolland organizations/services/qual
University of The ity-assurance-and- AOPI, EPAS
# Checklists Programme Internationalisation applied Sciences Netherlands Internal programme level Qualitative Self evaluation Internationalisation internationalization Sandra Reeb-Gruber 2009 and EQUIS

Benchmarking the provision of services for international Publication on quantitative and Services for international
# students in higher education institutions UKCOSA UK nationa level HEI qualitative Self evaluation students www.ukcosa.org.uk 2007
Association of
Universities and
Colleges of Publication on
# Internationalizing Canadian campuses Canada (AUCC) Canada nationa level HEI Self evaluation Internationalisation www.aucc.ca 2007
USA External
developed, research, http://www.aacsb.edu/publi
Internationally model quantitative and Internationalisation/globali cations/archives/mayjun06 Alon, Ilan; McAllaster,
# Measuring the global footprint of an MBA Rollins College applied building School/faculty qualitative Self evaluation sation /p32-35.pdf Craig M. 2009
Quality Improvement Program (QUIP) for Education Forum of of education Self evaluation, Peer review http://www.forumea.org/qui
# Abroad Education Abroad USA abroad institution Qualitative and panel review Education abroad p-index.cfm 2007

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